Sk.ABDULLA Phone No +91-8123805 58 CAREER -B.ECTIVE To work efficiently & effectively with an esteemed organization in the field of Networking for the purpose of self-growth as well as for achievement of organizational goals. E!"#$% "&'($.)k011*+!"#$.,o!
P/o0e))#on"$ S(!!"/1% Having 1+ year of e perience in !esktop "upport #ngineer$ primary %o& functions have in a production environment running on windows platforms. "trong technical &ackground$ very good knowledge of windows sever '(()*'((+ and$ system hardware.
E23e/#en,e% ,orking as a !esktop "upport #ngineer in Te,h1)o04 from -ug '((. to till date.
S5STEM ADMINISTRATI-N% /ser accounts maintenance$ managing resources with "ecurity strategies using -ctive !irectory 0roups$ 1anaging 0roup 2olicies using 3/4s. 5ross 6orest Trusts$ 7ackup and restore etc. 8nstalling and 5onfiguring of !H52 and !N" for the local su&nets. 5omputer assem&ly$ repair$ 3"- trou&leshooting$ installing various operating systems 9windows family:. 8nstallation and configuration of device drivers & hardware components.
EDUCATI-NAL 6UALI7ICATI-N ACADAMIC% 0raduate 7.sc8 from sri venkateswara university during the period '((;-'((. with ;+< aggregate TEC9NICAL% -+$ N+$ 55N-$ 158T2 9windows server '((+:
CERTI7ICATI-NS% MCITP- Microsoft Certified IT Professional (ID: 7591336) 8nstalling$ 5onfiguring and -dministering 1icrosoft ,indows = 5onfiguring ,indows "erver '((+ -ctive !irectory 5onfiguring ,indows "erver '((+ Network 8nfrastructure 5onfiguring ,indows "erver '((+ -pplications 8nfrastructure 9=(-;+(: 9=(-;>(: 9=(-;>': 9=(-;>):
PERS-NAL PR-7ILE% !ate of 7irth 0ender 1arital "tatus N"4#on"$#41 Ho&&ies L"n+("+e) :no;n 2ermanent -ddress 2resent -ddress
? !*no. '-++$ 0a%ula "treet$ /dayagiri$ Nellore. -2 ? A1B=$ c*o Hafeez Chan$ >th 6loor$ Cr.puram$ 7angalore land mark? ne t to police station.
DECLARATI-N% 8 here &y declare that the a&ove information is true to the &est of my knowledge.