Umesh is seeking a challenging role as a PL/SQL programmer offering growth. He has 1.1 years of experience as a PL/SQL Developer using Oracle SQL, PL/SQL. He is proficient in PL/SQL and managing database objects. His most recent role was as a Software Developer from May 2010 to present at Singapore Leads Consulting working with technologies like SQL, PL/SQL, and Oracle. He has experience designing databases, creating stored procedures, triggers, functions and packages.
Umesh is seeking a challenging role as a PL/SQL programmer offering growth. He has 1.1 years of experience as a PL/SQL Developer using Oracle SQL, PL/SQL. He is proficient in PL/SQL and managing database objects. His most recent role was as a Software Developer from May 2010 to present at Singapore Leads Consulting working with technologies like SQL, PL/SQL, and Oracle. He has experience designing databases, creating stored procedures, triggers, functions and packages.
Umesh is seeking a challenging role as a PL/SQL programmer offering growth. He has 1.1 years of experience as a PL/SQL Developer using Oracle SQL, PL/SQL. He is proficient in PL/SQL and managing database objects. His most recent role was as a Software Developer from May 2010 to present at Singapore Leads Consulting working with technologies like SQL, PL/SQL, and Oracle. He has experience designing databases, creating stored procedures, triggers, functions and packages.
Umesh is seeking a challenging role as a PL/SQL programmer offering growth. He has 1.1 years of experience as a PL/SQL Developer using Oracle SQL, PL/SQL. He is proficient in PL/SQL and managing database objects. His most recent role was as a Software Developer from May 2010 to present at Singapore Leads Consulting working with technologies like SQL, PL/SQL, and Oracle. He has experience designing databases, creating stored procedures, triggers, functions and packages.
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To Seeking a challenging role as a PL SQL programmer in an organization offering personal growth and career development. Having 1.1 years of professional experience in the field of !"#L$ as a PL%SQL &eveloper $xperience in Software &evelopment in racle SQL' PL%SQL. Strong skills incl(de racle 1)g SQL' PL%SQL. Proficient in PL%SQL and writing%modification of data*ase o*+ects like $a%les& '(ocedu(es& )unc*ions& $(igge(s& +ie,s. ,nvolved in resolving prod(ction pro*lems for the applications and ens(re all s(pport Service Level "greements. -orking for Singa-o(e .eads /S3 Consul*ing g(ou-0 & 1angalo(e as Software &eveloper from .ay /)10 to tilldate. Mas*e( o2 Com-u*e( 3--lica*ions from &r ",T' 4$U' 1angalore. 5-e(a*ing S6s*ems -indows 2all versions' -.3 '(og(amming .anguages78e+elo-men* $ools SQL' PL%SQL' 4ava 8a*a%ases racle !&1.S 25i' 1)g' 11g3 8a*a%ase 3dminis*(a*ion $ools SQL &$6LP$!' SQL PL7S C39EE9 51:EC$;4E E<'E9;ENCE SUMM39= :51 '95);.E E8UC3$;5N >U3.;);C3$;5N $ECHN;C3. SK;..S Project E-1US;NESS 8;9EC$59= Time Span ct /)10 8 Till date Technologies 1)g' PL%SQL' SQL &$6$LP$!' SQL PL7S !ole Software &eveloper '(o?ec* 8esc(i-*ion: ,t is a free nline 1(siness &irectory where the records are (pdated on &aily *asis. .ore than 0))'))) live Singapore companies % *(sinesses information are availa*le anytime 9 anywhere. 9oles @ 9es-onsi%ili*ies &ata*ase designing and preparation of design doc(ments #reated Proced(res' Triggers' :(nctions and Packages. 7nderstanding the re;(irements and carrying o(t impact analysis. &evelopment 9 System testing. ,mplementation of the application on Prod(ction Server. $nth(siastic' reso(rcef(l' committed' relia*le and dependa*le. "*ility to work independently and as a co<operative team mem*er. "im to achieve near perfection in my entire task and desire to learn d(ring the same process. "*ility to take (p a pro*lem' iss(e and resolve the same' even if it does not fall within the scope of my d(ties