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Education System in India

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Education System in India

The education system which was evolved first in ancient India is known as the Vedic system of education. In other words, the ancient system of education was based on the Vedas and therefore it was given the name of Vedic Educational System. Some scholars have sub divided Vedic Educational period into Rig Veda period, !rahmani period, "panishada period, Sutra #$ymn% period, Smriti period etc but all these period, due to predominance of the Vedas, there was no change in the aims and ideals of educations. That is why, the education of these periods, is studied under Vedic period. &Swadesh 'u(yate Ra(a, Vidwan Sarvatra 'u(yate

Education plays an important role in the development of a nation. Education is a very important part of economy. It is said to an investment in human being. 'erhaps this is the reason that every nation tries his best to develop the strategy of education. If we have to teach real peace in this world )nd if we have to carry on a real war against war, we Shall have to begin with the children. (Mahatma Gandhi)

Education in India:'rovided by the public sector as *ell as the private sector, with control and funding +oming from three levels, central, state and local. Education is a co current state level sub(ects and under the Indian +onstitution education is made a -undamental Right and .irective 'rinciples of State 'olicy further needed free education and other facilities to children. There is no discrimination among the people on the basis of religion, caste or creed/faith etc. $owever, the minorities are given right to run their own educational institutions with financial aid from 0overnment and they are free to introduce their religion, language in their institution. Education is compulsory and free upto primary standard. Indian education system has a wide structure and the educational institutions can introduce the education or learning pattern as below V) years in pre nursery schools, in the primary schools upto V class or so. Education is further upgraded 1

upto 1234 system where the e5aminations are conducted by the !oard at 12 and 14. Thereafter, students are free to choose the courses of their own at any stage, i.e. primary, secondary, senior secondary level. Schools are of different levels. 6ocal !oards run the schools upto 'rimary, V standard, both in mother tongue and English medium. Thereafter the schools may upgrade themselves upto 7 known as Secondary schools. They can also be upgraded upto 14, called Senior Secondary schools. The education is a co current #state level% sub(ect and the +entral 0overnment cannot interfere in their functioning. )s such schools are pre primary, pre nursery, then primary, secondary and senior secondary run both by the private bodies as well as by 0overnment. Indian schools are not as well organised as they are e5pected. 'rivate/'ublic school charge high fee and have control on their institution. They only need the registration by the +entre/State 0overnment or their !odies and 8anagement. *hile the Education .epartment has a loose control over these 'rivate/ 'ublic Schools government has its own schools where the normal fee is charged and the students belong with poor section of society. 9verall the condition of government schools is pathetic. )t state level School Education has its own organisational set up. "nder this democratic set up Education .eptt is supported by the 8inister of Education who has a Secretary of Education to supervise the .epartment with the help of .irector Education who belongs to I.).S. cadre of service. The .epartment is further divided into districts .eputy, :oint .irectors to look after the working of schools.

Education - Primary Right:

Education is the primary right of every child in a democratic society. *e have made a law to provide free and compulsory education up to the age of fourteen i.e. up to middle standard level. )n uneducated man can neither be a good citi;en nor good parents. $e is ignorant and superstitious. .eprived of knowledge, he falls in the darkness of ignorance and becomes a victim of evil social practices. The problem of drop outs at primary level is <uite serious poor parents force their children to stay at home and look after younger kids. Some are compelled to work as child laborers in homes, shops restaurants and factories. 8ore community centers and adult education centers have to be opened to educate man and woman who were deprived of the fruits of education during their formative years. 9ur aim should bet to provide education to all the people of India. The Indian government lays great emphasis on primary education up to the age of fourteen years #referred to as Elementary Education in India.% The Indian government has also banned child labour in order to ensure that any children do get an opportunity to nurture. It is a very important <uestion in the field of education what type of education should be given = This is a reality that ours means of education are limited but our needs are unlimited. So it should be decide that which type of education should be given. So national policy of education 1>?@ has announced the system of education. There have been many proposals for the introduction of education in school. Some of them have been tried success and are going on well. To strengthen the Indian Education System, an educational policy was adopted by the Indian 'arliament in 1>@?. Education was made an important and integral part of the national development efforts. )fter independence there has been an effort to spread education to all levels of Indian society. Statistics point to the fact that >> per cent of children in age group @ 11 years have been enrolled in school. $owever, to bring the remaining into the ambit of universal primary education is proving 3

difficult because some reside in inaccessible areas, there is a deep rooted pre(udice against educating girls there are practical difficulties of distance and inaccessibility of schools. 8oreover, the dropout rate is so high that universal elementary education #"EE% is <uite an elusive goal. Since, education is important for the growth of developing nation like India, various steps have been devised to reduce the percentage of dropouts. Aon formal education to provide educational facilities for the drop outs and to fulfill the desire for additional education in the grown up drop outs is being given a new orientation to make it purposeful and to attract a broad spectrum of the drop out population. In Indian Education system, adult education programmes covers the age group 1 BC and has been vigorously implemented by the government with the cooperation of many voluntary agencies. Even then much has to be done to reali;e the target which is 122D coverage adults. *ith regard to the pattern of secondary education e5periments have been going on since Independence. The 12343B system of education which was recommended by Eothari +ommission of 1>@C is now being implemented in almost all the States and "nion Territories of India. This system #pattern% provides for two streams hi the higher secondary schoolsF the academic streams paving the way for higher education and the vocational stream of terminal nature. $owever, very few schools live been able to provide this terminal education. )s result, schools with academic streams still abound, thereby defeating the very purpose of reducing the acute competition for college education. In many States education is free up to the lower secondary level, and in a few states education is free up to the higher secondary stage.

Education System in India

)s far as India is concerned, it is a democratic country. Education is primary of every child in a democratic society. Education is the future of our country. It is distressing to find that during all these years of our independence we have been merely dabbling in schemes and pro(ects, in new fangled ideas mostly borrowed from the west, merely setting up commission after commission at the cost of lakhs or rupees and let matters rest at that. The drive, the initiative, the dynamic vision necessary for radical reforms in the sphere of education are lamentably conspicuous by their absence. *e have allowed matters to drift aimlessly, instead of setting down to grapple with momentous issues. The result has been disastrous. ) life less, mechanical system of teaching in overcrowded schools and colleges imposed by far from competent teachers on students whose only interest is to get through e5amination, has been the bane of our education. *e have completely forgotten the simple yet vital truth that the aim of education is first to build up character in the widest sense and then to impart knowledge. $ere, an educated man is called upon to master more than one language. )n educated Indian re<uires the mastery of an international language. The educated Indian should be able to read and write in many languages. )cross India, particularly in rural societies, girls are not always educated and many have minimal understanding of their own rights. The national average shows that there are twice as many uneducated women as there are men across India. India has some of the worst gender disparity issues in the world. It is estimated that girls average less than four years of education in a lifetime and G2D leave school before they reach the fifth grade. *ith around seven million girls out of school in India, the situation for girlsH education is dismal. This state of education stems from an array of interrelated factors that reduce access to, and retention in, schools. Rural communities are often completely unaware of the benefit or even concept of educating girls. -or every 122 rural girls, only one reaches the 14th grade. *ith only CCD of schools in India having girlsH toilets and only G4D of teachers being female, enrolling marginali;ed girls poses an immense challenge This situation stems from low <uality education, shortage of teachers, poverty, limiting attitudes towards gender roles and a lack of support from parents and the community. Educate 0irls has systematically challenged and addressed these structural, cultural 5

and socio economic barriers through strong program interventions and strategies that work in partnership with parents, communities, teachers and the government. programs have empowered girls by providing them access to <uality education and development opportunities.

Educate Girls uses the ollo!ing strategies in order to achie"e its mission
I Emphasi;ing strong parental and community participation as the key to getting girls back into school. I Improving the <uality of education by reforming schools to focus on creative life and work skills, away from rote memori;ation. I Involving parents in the education process, and creating a political constituency to support and sustain the reform of primary and secondary schools. The Educate 0irlsH mission has emerged from the organi;ationHs strong conviction that when women are educated, a transformation begins. Education and active participation in schools enables women to become central agents of social change, changing the future for their children.

Im#ortance o Education
Educating girls has a multitude of positive effects for the wider community, as well as the individual woman. E5tensive research by the "A and the *orld !ank shows that when girls are educated, I !irth rates fall and each four years of schooling reduces family si;e by one. I -amily health improves and child mortality fallsF educated mothers are G2D more likely to immuni;e their children. I 6iteracy accelerates in future generations as educated mothers are five times more likely to educate their children. I Regions stabili;e as violence and e5tremism declines. I !oth -amily and national income grow by 12D for each additional year of schooling There are girl children in many communities who are not easily reachable and thus remain e5cluded from the benefits of education. This is especially true in tribal regions. Educate 0irls has implemented a program strategy in three blocks of the 'ali .istrict in collaboration with the government and local communities to Ensure that all girls have access to <uality education and self development 9pportunities. 6

Educate 0irls programs have provided opportunities for girls in the region to see and discuss more than their own village or culture, thus enabling them to imagine, dream and utili;e the available resources. It is well researched that educating a girl has a ripple effect, impacting health, population control, ne5t generation school enrollment and the potential to earn. Education enables girls to reason, make informed decisions and most importantly, live healthy, productive lives. The state harnessed innovation and community participation to usher in educational changes. The now internationally acknowledged 6ok :umbish and Shiksha Earmi

$ steady rise in the literacy rate %ut #ersistent gender ga#

The rise in male literacy levels in Ra(asthan to above the national average and the .oubling of female literacy in the last decade speaks to the concerted efforts made in recent times for educational development in the state. Though the +onstitution of India grants e<uality to both the se5es and does not .iscriminate on the basis of se5, the reality is different. The progress in the two se5es $as been at a varying pace in the field of education with the females lagging behind Their male counterparts. Education for girls is a crucial matter in Ra(asthan. Ra(asthan is known to have adverse figures of girl student enrollment and retention in schools.


The ancient education system has been a source of inspiration to all educational systems of the world. The ingredients, which our present system, lacks, and which were the predominant facets of our ancient system relate to admission policies #upnayan%, monitorial system, low teacher pupil ratio, healthy teaching surroundings, free schooling and college education, sympathetic treatment, role of punishment in discipline, regulation governing student life.

)* De"elo#ing the !holesome #ersonality:

The primary aim of any system of education should be development of a whole some personality. The !rahmanic system of education stood on former grounds of lofty ideals because its primary aim was development of personality and character. 8oral strength and moral e5cellence were developed to the fullest e5tent, which we lack so utterly. The moral stature of our educated people is deplorably low. 8oral values are at stake &The old values, which held society together are disappearing and as there in no effective programme to replace them by a new sense of responsibility. Innumerable signs of social disorganisation are evident everywhere and are continually on the increase. These include strikes increasing lawlessness, and a disregard for public property corruption in public life &The social moral and spiritual values which our ancient system developed in the educand have been totally lost sight of.

+* 'a,ing ormal and In ormal Educations Res#onsi%le

Imparting and receiving of education was as sacred as anything can be, for e5ample, education started and ended with certain prescribed religious rituals like upnayan and samvartan. The disciple was to devote himself whole heartedly to the cause of learning while he remained with his teacher. Aot every boy was re<uired to enter studentship it was still a custom to receive education at the hands of his father. $ow many of the parents look after their children now in this respect. The ancient system gave an e<ual important to informal education as it did to the formal one.

-* Starting $cademic sessions solemnly

In most cases the boy went to a teacher for studentship. The maximum age of entrance into school was different for different castes. The period of schooling was long, at least 12 years for one Veda. The academic sessions started with a special ceremony upkarman on the !uru "urnima #$ull month of %hra&ana' and as solemnly closed on (ohini #$ullmoon month of pausha' with )utsar*an . The whole session was punctuated with holidays especially on new moon full moon days of the month.

.* $d/usting School 0ours

The school in the )ncient Education System, lasted for J to ? hours a day. In fair weather classes were held in the open under shady groves. In the rainy season schools ran in a set of apartment. Temple colleges of the past had been of great renown for having spacious buildings for classroom, hostels and residential <uarters for teachers. 0urukuls and )shrams were generally situated on the river banks or on the lake. The whole atmosphere was <uiet, calm and peaceful. It must be noted that schools and colleges were not kept for away from human habitation.

1* Close Contact
Aever in the history of education will you find such a close contact between the teacher and the taught. The teacher was the spiritual father, he was is to nurse, when the pupil fell sick, he was to feed, clothe and teach his student as he fed, clothed and taught his son. The student also regarded the teachers as he regarded his parents, king K god. !oth were united by communion of life. In fact they communed together.

2* Em#hasi3ing Disci#line
The student had to observe strict regulations. Instruction was important, but was even more significant than teaching was discipline L discipline inculcated through strict obedience to laws and regulations of student life, discipline that was rooted in morality and religion ) student was re<uired to give up lust, anger, greed, vanity, conceit and over (oy. It was ordered to him not to gamble, gossip, lie, backbite, hurt feelings of others, dance, sing, look or talk or touch the other se5 and kill animals. It was demanded of every student whether rich of poor that he should lead a simple life in the 0urukul or in the )shram.

4* (o! 5 Teacher #u#il Ratio

In all schools and colleges the pupil L teacher ratio was too low. Individual attention was ma5imum. The number of students in a school was kept very small. !ut when, under certain conditions the enrolment increased, the teacher sought the co operation of more advanced and senior boys who were appointed as monitors #'ittiacharya%. In the absence of teacher entire work was entrusted to them.

6* Res#ecting Childs Personality

'unishment had practically no place in the school system. 'uplis received very sympathetic, treatment from their teachers. Their personality was respected Teachers were re<uired to use sweet and gentle speech in dealing with pupil.

7* Pro"iding &ree Education

Education was free. It was free because no student was re<uired to pay any fees. It was free also because no outside agency could interfere in the matters of education. There was perfect autonomy. Ao e5ternal authority no e5ternal beneficiary, no politics was permitted to enter the school or college system. ) student had to pay nothing in return for education he recieved in a 0urukul or )shram. )ccess to good education depended not on wealth but on talent. The student was e5pected, if desired but never compelled to offer a field, cow, horse or even vegetables to his teacher according to his financial position in the society. Education could not be bought one could go up the 6adder as his abilities permitted .


)ncient Indian education was primarily the education of the Vedas. The source springs of education were !rahmans, "panishads and .harma Sutras. )mar Eosha, the writings of )ryabhatta, 'anini, Eatyayana, Eautilya, 'atan(ali, the medical treatises of +haraka and Susruta were other elements of !rahmanic literature. The !rahmanic education has been a source of inspiration for determining educational aims and ob(ectives to future generations. .r. ). S. )ltekar says that the !rahmanic education aimed at MInfusion of a spirit of piety and religiousness, formation of character, development of personality, and inculcation of civil and social sense, promotion of social efficacy, K preservation and spread of national culture.

)* In usion o S#iritual 8 Religious 9alues

The primary aim of ancient education was instilling into the minds, of pupils a spirit of being pious and religious for glory of 0od and good of man. The pursuit of knowledge was a pursuit of religious values. The life of the pupil was full of ritual acts. 'rayers were common every pupil was re<uired to perform religious ceremonies duly. $e had to participate in all religious festivals. Education without religions instructions was not education at all. It was believed that a keener appreciation of spiritual values could be fostered only through a strict observance if religious rites.

+* Character De"elo#ment
In no period of the $istory of India, was so much stress laid on character building as in the Vedic period Vyas Samhita states, &The result of education is good character and good behaviour. ) con<uest does not make a hero nor studies a wise L woman. $e who has con<uered his senses is the real hero. $e who practices virtue in really wise. *isdom consisted in the practice of moral values. +ontrol of senses and practice of virtues made one a man of character. 8oral e5cellence could come only through praticising moral values. E5ample was better than precept. 10

The teacher and the taught were ideals of morality, for both practiced it all through their lives.

-* De"elo#ment o Ci"ic Res#onsi%ilities and Social 9alues

The inculcation of civic virtues and social values was an e<ually important ob(ective of education in India. The !rahmachari after his education in the 0urukulas went back to the society to serve the rich and the poor, to relieve the diseased and the distressed. $e was re<uired to be hospitable to the guests and charitable to the needy. )fter a certain period of studies he was re<uired to become a householder and to perpetuate his race and transmit his culture to his own off springs.

.* Personality De"elo#ment
The 0uru in the ancient times reali;ed that the development of personality is the sole aim of education. $uman personality was regarded as the supreme work of 0od. The <ualities of self esteem, self confidence, self restraint and self respect were the personality traits that the educator tried to incukate in his pupils through e5ample.

1* Preser"ing and Di using National Culture

Vedic culture was kept intact and transmitted through word of mouth to succeeding generations. Every individual was re<uired to commit to memory at least a portion of the sacred scriptures. Everyone was re<uired to serve as a medium of transmission. The members of the priestly class learnt the whole of Vedic 6iterature by heart K passed it on. The ancient Indian education system was also successful in 'reserring and spreading its culture and literature even without the help of art of writing it was only because of the destruction of temples and monastries by invaders that literature was lost. The cultural unity that e5ists even today in the vast sub continent in due to the successful preservation and spread of culture and the credit goes to )ncient Education System.


Education During the Pre-Inde#endence Period in India

!efore getting freedom, India was a very poor country and education was the weakest point of our India. 'oor parents were forced their children to stay at home and look after their younger kids. Some were also compelled to work as child labourers in shops, restaurants and factories. *omen were also compelled to work as child labourers in shops, restaurants and factories. *omen were totally deprived of the fruits of education. -irst of all, education was started by +ord 8acaulay in 1?BC. Then after 6ord 8acaulay *ood .ispatch, $unter +ommission, 6ord Eerson etc. came in India. They tried their best to develop the system of education. !ut people were ignorant at that time. So growth rate of education at that time was very low. In ancient India, education was a matter of individual concern. The aim of education was the development of pupilHs overall personality. *ith this view of education as a process of oneHs inner growth and self fulfNlment, techni<ues, rules ,and methods were evolved. It was believed that the development of a person meant, primarily, the training of his/her mind as the instrument of ac<uiring knowledge. This knowledge would enhance his/her creative capacity. The thinking principle O manana shakti was reckoned higher than the sub(ect of thinking. Thus, the primary sub(ect of education was the mind itself.

Im#act o English Education

The !ritish encouraged the teaching of English language in schools and colleges as they needed people to work in the administrative offices either as clerks or babus. This helped in creating a new class of people who later helped them in governance as well as in controlling many aspects of administration in India. )s a result, +hristian missionaries who came to India started opening schools where English was taught. Pou will find many schools in India even today who were opened during those times. 9ne such school is 'resentation +onvent in .elhi, which is still running and providing good education. 8any Indians sent their children to these schools as they thought it would help them in getting (obs in government offices. .o you know that the teaching of English was encouraged by the !ritish rulers to suit their own interest but it proved to be useful for the Indians in a different way. 'eople living in different parts of India spoke different languages and there was no language that could be understood by all. "se of English by Indians provided one langauge that cut across the entire country and became a common link for them. English books and newspapers brought to them new ideas from across the sea, i.e. other countries. -resh ideas from the west like freedom, democracy, e<uality and brotherhood began to have its impact on the thinking of the English knowing Indians which gave rise to national consciousness. The educated Indians now thought of getting freedom from !ritish rule.


0istory o education in India

The year 1>BJ was a year of significance in the history of education in India. In that year, a decision of introducing !asic education based upon the educational ideas of 8ahatma 0andhi was taken immediately after the publication of the *ood )bbott report. 8ahatma 0andhi, through his articles in $ari(an published during 8arch to 9ct. 1>BJ insisted that manual and productive work should not only be an appendage to the on going productive programme of education but the latter should be woven around the former. !y education 8ahatma 0andhi meant an all round drawing out of the best in the child. $e distinguished between literacy and education. The scope of literacy is limited to reading, writing and computation of numbers, whereas education is aimed at development of the all round personality. )ccording to his philosophy of education, it is not a process of filling an empty pot with information. This would solve the problem of financing education as well, because the income from the craft would support the running cost of the schools.

'odern Education System

The Qakir $ussain committee pointed out that modern educational thought was practically unanimous on the idea of educating the children through some creative work. This approach was regarded as the most effective method of providing an integrated all sided education. The (ustification given was that the active nature of the child never agreed with the purely academic and theoretical instruction provided in the primary schools. 8oreover, the integrated all sided education balances the intellectual and practical elements of e5perience and serves as an instrument of educating the body and the mind in coordination. -rom the educational point of view, when the curriculum is related to life and its various aspects, including productive work, it provides scope for correlating knowledge belonging to different sub(ect areas and give concreteness to it.

DE9E(OP'ENT O& EDUC$TION $&TER INDEPENDENCE The new policy would be egalitarian. An attempt would have to be made to give access to the best type of education to the most intelligent children, no matter from which section of society they came from. #Ra(iv 0andhi% *ith the dawn of independence on )ugust 1C.1>GJ, emerged a new thinking to reform and recast a system of education which may meet the new challenges, new 13

aspirations and new needs of -ree India. The e5ercise of change started with the constitution of "niversity Education +ommission in 1>G? with .r. S. Radhakrishnan as its chairman. The +ommission gave very useful recommendations, regarding reform and change in university and college education. 9n their suggestion, another commission named as Secondary Education +ommission under the chairmanship of another distinguished educationist, .r. ). 6. 8udaliar was set up in 1>C4 to probe into the deficiencies of Secondary Education and to being desirable changes in it. The matter did not end here. ) feeling emerged in the country that instead of having different commissions on different facets of education, we should have a global view of education. 9bviously, therefore, another commission under the name of Education +ommission with .r. .. S. Eothari as chairman, was set up in 1>@G with a view to consider changes re<uired in the total system of education. )ll these three commission gave very pertinent, meaningful and relevant recommendations to provide new directions to the prevailing system of education in order to meet changing needs and aspirations of the society. )part from bringing minor patches of change here and there, the structure and system of education remained where it was. The target of compulsory universal education remained a dream. Vocationalisation of secondary education was only on papers. Revitalising the standards of education continued to be a slogan. Aorthing was done to make education (ob oriented. The aims of higher education were never defined or concretised. The students of universities and colleges after completion of their education, continued to be unsuccessful (ob hunters. "nder this melee and dismal scenario of education, emerged a new thinking from our youthful 'rime 8inister Shri Ra(iv 0andhi. Immediately, after taking over the reigns of the 0overnment, he pledged to do something practically after evolving a new pattern of education through Aational 'olicy on Education. in )ugust 1>?C, he came out with a document &+hallenge of Education L a 'olicy perspective. The emergence of this document was an important stage in the process of reviewing and reshaping the education system to enable it to meet the challenges of the future and also to improve its efficiency and <uality. This document categorically stated that a policy takes concrete shape only in the process of implementation. If those involved with programme planning, resource allocation and the actual operation of the teaching learning process, do not understand their tasks or take these casually, no worthwhile results can accrue. This document successfully provided the basis for a nation wide debate to formulate the new education policy. )s per plan, hundreds and thousands of seminars, symposia and discussions were held all over the country to suggest the direction in which our new policy should emerge. 9n the basis of the view points available from various social organisations, e5pert bodies like that of "niversity 0rant commission #"0+%, Aational +ouncil of Educational Research and Training #A+ERT%, Aational Institute of Educational 'lanning and )dministration #AIE')% and numerous regional and state level bodies, a new 14

document titled as &Aational 'olicy on Education was thrashed and deliberated upon by the parliament in 8ay 1>?@. The members of the parliament were not satisfied with its various recommendations since they wanted a commitment for the implementation of its beautiful recommendations, fearing it may not meet the deadly fate of earlier three +ommissions on Education. The then $uman Resource .evelopment 8inister, Shri '. V. Aarsimharao was successful in consoling the members of the parliament that he would come out with a plan of action shortly and took a vow to implement all the elements of this policy.

C0$((ENGE O& EDUC$TION :)761;

The first document of 8inistry of Education, 0overnment of India, as the initial step to evolve national policy on education, was released in )ugust 1>?C. It was titled as &+hallenge of Education L a policy 'erspective. It comprised 11> pages and presented thoughtful observation, analysis and developments regarding various facets of education since 1>GJ, on following four areas, I. Education, Society and .evelopment II. )n 9verview of Educational .evelopment III. ) +ritical )ppraisal IV. )n )pproach to Educational Reorientation

These %road areas ha"e %een discussed under ollo!ing main #oints:
I. Education, Society and .evelopment 1. Social .evelopment 4. Role of Education B. 'riorities in Educational .evelopment G. 6imitations of the Education System C. Values and 8odernity @. Towards a Aew Education 'olicy

II* $n O"er"ie! o Educational De"elo#ment


1. 0rowth of Institutions. 4. Enrolment. B. Retention and .rop outs. G. Aon formal Education and 6iteracy C. Teachers @. E5penditure J. .ifferential 9utreach and )menities ?. Employment Interface

III* $ Critical $##raisal

1. Elementary Education 4. )dult Education and -unctional 6iteracy B. Secondary Education G. Vocationalisation C. $igher Education @. Teacher Education J. 8anagement Education ?. Teachers and Teacher Education >. Some 0eneral Issues.

I9* $n $##roach to Educational Reorientation

1. 0oal 9rientation for Educational 'lanning. 4. 6inkages between Education and Society. B. -actors facilitating Educational Restructuring. G. +onstraints on 'olicy 8aking.
C. Internal +onstraints. 16

@. Technological +onstraints. J. Economic +onstraints. ?. 6egal +onstraints. >. -inancial +onstraints. 12. +onstraints of the Total System. 11. 'erspective of 'olicy formulation. 14. )pproaches to Resource 8obilisation for Education. 1B. Elements of a Strategy for Educational planning. 1G. "niversalisation of Elementary Education. 1C. )n )lternative 8odel for Elementary Education. 1@. )dult Education. 1J. Voluntary )gencies. 1?. Innovation in Aorth Eastern $ill "niversity #AE$"%. 1>. Emergence of +apitation +olleges. 42. Teacher Training. 41. Inbreeding and 'arochialism 44. Social Relevance, .iversification and Ruality. 4B. Vocationalisation of $igher secondary Education. 4G. Social Relevance and Technical K 8anagement Education. 4C. $igher Education, Social Relevance and the Aeed for .iversification. 4@. Ruality and Education. 4J. E5amination System. 4?. 8anagement System for Education. 4>. .epoliticisation of Education. 17

B2. International +o operation. B1. .esign for an Integrated Strategy of Education.


)s a follow up measure to a nation wide debate on various issues confronting education, based on the document &+hallenge of Education a 'olicy 'erspective , 0overnment of India released the Aational policy on Education in 8ay 1>?@. *hile preparing this document, it was borne in mind that India is standing on the threshold of the twenty first century. Those being born no will finish their elementary education at the turn of the century. They will be face to face with unprecedented opportunities and challenges. To prepare for these and also to create a national environment for peaceful and harmonious development, it was found necessary to re shape the education system. The new Education 'olicy, based on the conclusion of nation wide debate and numerous other considerations, comprises 4> full scape pages. Its contents, well digested and properly organised, have been presented in following 14 parts, I. Introductory II. The Essence and Role of Education III. Aational System of Education IV. Education for E<uality V. Reorganisation of Education at .ifferent Stages VI. Technical and 8anagement Education VII. 8aking the System *ork VIII. Reorienting the +ontent and 'rocess of Education I7. The Teacher 7. The 8anagement of Education 7I. Resources and Review 7II. The -uture )dmitting that Education is a uni<ue investment in the present and the future, some significant and new features, spelled out in the 'olicy, are as under,


Salient &eatures o the Policy I* The Essence and Role o Education

)* $ll Round De"elo#ment
In our national perception education is essentially for all. This is fundamental to our all round development material and spiritual.

+* $cculturating Role
Education has an acculturating role. It refines sensitivities and perceptions that contribute to national cohesion, a scientific temper and independence of mind and spirit L thus furthering the goal of socialism, secularism and democracy enshrined in our +onstitution.

-* De"elo#ment o 'an#o!er
Education develops manpower for different levels of the economy. It is also a substrate on which research and development flourish, being the ultimate gurantee of national self reliance.

.* Uni=ue In"estment
Education is a uni<ue investment in the present and the future. This cardinal principle is the key to the Aational 'olicy of Education.

II* National System o Education

)* Conce#t o National System
The concept of Aational System of Education implies that, up to a given level, all students, irrespective of caste, creed, location or se5, have access to education of a comparable <uality. To achieve this, the 0overnment will initiate appropriately funded programmes. Effective measures will be taken in the direction of the +ommon School System recommended in the 1>@? 'olicy.

+* Ne! Structure o Education

The Aational System of Education envisages a common educational structure. The 12343B structure has now been accepted in all parts of the country. Regarding the further break up, the first 12 years efforts will be made to move towards an elementary system comprising C years of primary education and B years of upper primary, followed by 4 years of $igh School.


-* Common Core System

The Aational System of Education will be based on a national curricular frame work which contains a common core along with other components that are fle5ible.

.* Res#onsi%ility o Nation
The Aation as a whole will assume the responsibility of providing resource support for implementing programmes of educational transformation, reducing disparities, universalisation of elementary education, adult literacy, scientific and technological research etc.

1* (i e (ong Education
6ife 6ong education is a cherished goal of the educational process. This presupposes universal literacy. 9pportunities will be provided to the youth, housewives, agricultural and industrial workers and professional to continue the education of their choice, at the pace suited to them. The future thrust will be in the direction of open and distance learning.

III* Education o E=uality

)* Dis#arities
The new 'olicy will lay special emphasis on the removal of disparities and to e<ualise educational opportunity by attending to the specific needs of those who have been denied e<uality so far.

+* Education or !omen>s E=uality :i; Status o ?omen,

Education will be used as an agent of basic change in the status of women. In order to neutralise the accumulated distortion of the past, there will be a will conceived edge in favour of women.


Em#o!erment o ?omen:- The Aational Education System will play

a positive, interventionist role in the empowerment of women. It will foster the development of new values through redesigned curricula, te5t books, the training and orientation of teachers, decision makers and administrators, and the active involvement of educational institutions. This will be an act of faith and social engineering.



?omen>s Studies:- *omenOs studies will be promoted as a part of various courses and educational institutions encouraged to take up active programmes to further womenOs development.
obstacles inhibiting their access to, and retention in, elementary education will receive overriding priority, through provision of special support services, setting of time targets and effective monitoring.

:i"; Remo"al o Illiteracy:- The removal of womenOs illiteracy and


9ocational and Pro essional Courses:- 8a(or emphasis will be laid

on womenOs participation in vocational, technical and professional education at different levels. The policy of non discrimination will be pursued vigorously to eliminate se5 stereo typing in vocational and professional courses and to promote womenOs participation in non traditional occupations, as well as in e5isting emergent technologies.

-* Education o Scheduled Castes

The central focus in the S+Os educational development is their e<ualisation with the non S+ population at all stages and levels of education, in all areas and in all the four dimensions rural male, rural female, urban male and urban female.

.* Education o Scheduled Tri%es

'riority will be accorded to opening primary schools in tribal areas. The construction of school buildings will be undertaken in these areas on a priority basis under the normal funds for education, as well as under the A.R.E.'., R.6.E.0.'., Tribal welfare Schemes, etc.

1* Other Educationally %ac,!ard Sections and $reas

Suitable incentive will be provided to all educationally backward sections of society, particularly in the rural areas. $ill and desert districts, remote and inaccessible areas and islands will be provided ade<uate institutional infra structure.

2* 'inorities
Some minority groups are educationally deprived or backward. 0reater attention will be paid to the education of these groups in the interests of e<uality and social (ustice. This will naturally include the constitutional guarantees given to them to establish and administer their own educational institutions, and protection to their languages and culture. Simultaneously, ob(ectivity will be reflected in the preparation of te5tbooks and in all school activities and all possible measures will be taken to promote an integration based on appreciation of common national goals and ideals, in conformity with the core curriculum.


4* The 0andica##ed
The ob(ective should be to integrate the physically and mentaly handicapped with the general community as e<ual partners, to prepare them for normal growth and to enable them to face life with courage and confidence.

6* $dult Education
:i; Instruments or (i%eration* 9ur ancient scriptures define education as that which liberates L i.e. provides the instruments for liberation from ignorance and oppression. In the modern world, it would naturally include the ability to read and write, since that is the main instrument of learning. $ence the crucial importance of adult education, including adult literacy. U# gradation o S,ills* The critical development issue today is the
continuous up gradation of skills so as to produce manpower resources of the king and the number re<uired by the society.


:iii; Strengthening the E@isting #rogrammes* Since participation by

beneficiaries in the developmental programmes is of crucial importance, systematic programmes of adult education linked with national goals such as alleviation of poverty, national integration, and environmental conservation. Energisation of the cultural creativity of the people, observance of small family norm, promotion of womenOs e<uality, etc. will be organised and the e5isting programmes reviewed and strengthened.

:i"; 'ass literacy Programme. The whole Aation must pledge itself to the
education of illiteracy, particularly in the 1C BC age group. The +entral and State 0overnments, political parties and their mass organisation, the mass media and educational institutions must commit themselves to mass literacy programmes of diverse nature. It will also have to involve on a large scale teachers, students youth, voluntary agencies, employers, etc. +oncerted efforts will be made to harness various research agencies to improve the pedagogical aspects of adult literacy. The mass literacy programme would include, in addition to literacy, functional knowledge and skills, and also awareness among learners about the socio economic reality and the possibility to change it.


Programme o the $dult and Continuing Education * ) vast

programme of adult and continuing education will be implemented through various ways and channels, including a% establishment of centres in rural areas for continuing educationF b% workersO education through the employers, trade unions and concerned agencies of government. 22

c% post secondary education institutionsF d% wider promotion of books, libraries and reading roomsF e% "se of radio, TV and films, as mass and group learning mediaF f% +reation of learnersO groups and organi;ationsF g% 'rogrammes of distance learning, h% 9rgani;ing assistance in self learningF and i% 9rgani;ing need and interest based vocational training programmes .

I9* Reorganisation o Education at Di erent Stages

)* Early Childhood Care and Education
Early +hildhood +are and Education #E++E% will receive high priority and be suitably integrated with the Integrated +hild .evelopment Services programme, wherever possible. .ay care centres will be provided as a support service for universalisation of primary education.

+* Elementary Education
$igher priority will be given to solve the problem of children dropping out of school. It shall be ensured that all children who attain the age of about 11 years by 1>>2 will have had five years of schooling, or its e<uivalent through the non formal stream 6ike wise, by 1>>C, all children will be provided free and compulsory education upto 1G years of age.

-* O#eration Alac,-%oard
"nder this scheme, immediate steps will be taken to improve the primary schools all over the country. 'rovision will be made of essential facilities in primary schools, including at least two reasonable large rooms that are usable in all weather, and the necessary toys, black boards, maps, charts and other learning material. )t least two teachers, one of whom a woman, should work in every school, the number increasing as early as possible to one teacher per class.

.* Non-&ormal Education
) large and systematic programme of non formal education will be launched for school drop outs, for children from habitations without schools, working children and girls who cannot attend whole day schools.


'ain o%/ecti"es o Educational System in India

To develop the economic growth of India. To develop the spirit of citi;enship. To encourage the feeling of national integration. To establish the resources of human power. To develop the scientific attitude.

Development of education during planning period :

The number of schools and number of students are ncreased. The number of colle!es and un "ers t es are also ncreased. The colle!es #h ch ! "e techn cal and "ocat onal educat on and med cal colle!e are ncreased. $ome ne# a!r culture un "ers t es are also establ shed. %omen educat on s s&ec all' encoura!ed. (ll terac' rate s decreased. )*ce&t of all these+ n our strate!' of educat on adult educat on s also encoura!ed. ,ac l t' for free educat on u& to the a!e of fourteen.

To#ards the end of the f rst f "e 'ear &lan+ the -o"ernment of (nd a a&&o nted an .ssessment /omm ttee to stud' ho# bas c educat on #as be n! m&lemented n the countr'. 0n the bas s of the re&ort subm tted b' th s comm ttee+ a boo1let ent tled the conce&t of bas c educat on #as &ubl shed b' the m n str' of educat on and sc ent f c research+ -o"t. of (nd a+ #h ch thre# further l !ht on bas c craft. .bout the &lace of craft n the curr culum t #as clar f ed that bas c educat on as conce "ed b' Mahatma -andh #as essent all' educat on for l fe and throu!h l fe. The &ur&ose #as to create a classless soc et' free from e*&lo tat on and " olence. Therefore+ t #as necessar' that all the bo's and ! rls should &art c &ate n the &ro!ramme of &roduct "e and creat "e soc all' useful 24

#or1 rres&ect "e of caste+ creed or class. $chools to#ards the bas c &attern 2 not sat sf ed # th the &ro!ress made to#ards ntroduc n! the total &ro!ramme of bas c educat on throu!hout the countr' and a&&rec at n! the ma!n tude of h s &roblem+ the stand n! comm ttee on bas c educat on a&&o nted b' the central ad" sor' board of educat on+ -o"t. of (nd a+ su!!ested n the be! nn n! of the second f "e 'ear &lan that some s m&le act " t es nclud n! craft should be ntroduced n the non3bas c schools mmed atel' for or ent n! them to#ards bas c educat on &attern. The follo# n! act " t es #ere cons dered for th s &ur&ose. 1. Activities related to citizenship : &ra'er+ $elf3-o"t.+ f eld tr &s+ hold n! of e*h b t ons. 2. Other activities : ma1 n! of albums+ sett n! u& of museums+ hand #r tten ma!a4 ne. 3. Activities related to crafts : &a&er+ cardboard+ &a&er machee+ bas1etr'+ creat "e act " t es # th the hel& of sand+ cla'+ &laster of &ar s+ etc. 4. Social service activities : health cam&a !ns+ census o&erat on+ e& dem cs+ flood rel ef+ ma ntenance #or1+ etc. Classification of Indian Education System :

1. Primary Education : (n the &ol c' 1986+ a la# s made to &ro" de free+ com&ulsor' educat on u& to the a!e of fourteen .e. u&to m ddle standard for e*am&le 2 read n!+ #r t n!+ s m&le mathemat cs and some 1no#led!e about our countr' and soc et'+ these are some bas c conce&t of educat on. .lso all these are some bas c needs to become a !ood c t 4en and to !et h !her educat on. Th s s a fact that the n"estment n the &r mar' educat on &ro"es "er' benef c al n future. $o our !o"ernment ! "es "er' m&ortance to &r mar' educat on.

Elementary education is the most crucial stage of education, spanning the first eight years of schooling (class I to VIII) and laying the foundation for the development of personality, attitudes, social confidence, habits, life skills and communication skills of the pupils. The Constitution under rticle !" provided for the #tate to introduce compulsory and free education for children upto the age of fourteen. The period of elementary school is no$ also recognised as a period of free and compulsory schooling vide the constitutional amendment making education a fundamental right. %e $ill read about this ct in detail under #ection &'.( of this lesson. The )ational *olicy on Education &('+ emphasi,ed that thrust areas in elementary education $ill be i) universal access and enrolment. ii) universal retention of children upto fourteen years of age in the school. iii) substantial improvement in the -uality of education to enable all children to achieve essential levels of learning. #arva #hiksha bhiyan $as a flagship programme of the Central .overnment for universali,ation of elementary education started in /00& .
2. Secondary Education :


$econdar' educat on be! ns to e*&ose students to the d fferent ated roles of sc ence+ the human t es and soc al sc ences. ( ) Th s s an a&&ro&r ate sta!e to &ro" de ch ldren # th a sense of h stor' and nat onal &ers&ect "e ! "e them o&&ortun t es to understand the r const tut onal dut es and r !hts as c t 4ens. ( ) /onsc ous nternal sat on of a health' #or1 ethos and of the "alues of a humane and com&os te culture # ll be brou!ht about throu!h a&&ro&r atel' formulated curr cula. ( ") 5ocat onal sat on throu!h s&ec al sed nst tut ons or throu!h the refash on n! of secondar' educat on can+ at th s sta!e+ &ro" de "aluable man3&o#er for econom c !ro#th. The Policy +ccess to %econdary ,ducation will be widened to co&er areas unser&ed by it at present. In other areas, the main emphasis will be on consolidation. 6. Pace Setting Schools (Navodaya Vidayalayas) Provision of Good Education. (t s un "ersall' acce&ted that ch ldren # th s&ec al talent or a&t tude should be &ro" ded o&&ortun t es to &roceed at a faster &ace+ b' ma1 n! !ood 6ual t' educat on a"a lable to them+ rres&ect "e of the r ca&ac t' to &a' for t . ( ) Role of Navodaya Vidyalayas. 7ace3sett n! $chools or 8a"oda'a 5 d'ala'as ntended to ser"e the abo"e sa d &ur&ose # ll be establ shed n "ar ous &arts of the countr' on a ! "en &attern but # ll full sco&e for nno"at on and e*&er mentat on. ( ) Aims of Navodaya Vidyalayas. The r broad a m # ll be2 (a) To ser"e the ob9ect "e of e*cellence+ cou&led # th e6u t' and soc al 9ust ce (# th reser"at on for $/s and $Ts). (b) To &romote nat onal nte!rat on b' &ro" d n! o&&ortun t es to talented ch ldren+ lar!el' rural+ from d fferent &arts of the countr' to l "e and learn to!ether. (c) To de"elo& the r full &otent al. (d) To become catal'sts of a nat on3# de &ro!ramme of school m&ro"ement. The schools will be residential and free of charge. The Policy +ccess to %econdary ,ducation will be widened to co&er areas unser&ed by it at present. In other areas, the main emphasis will be on consolidation. 6. Pace Setting Schools (Navodaya Vidayalayas) () Provision of Good Education. (t s un "ersall' acce&ted that ch ldren # th s&ec al talent or a&t tude should be &ro" ded o&&ortun t es to &roceed at a faster &ace+ b' ma1 n! !ood 6ual t' educat on a"a lable to them+ rres&ect "e of the r ca&ac t' to &a' for t . Role of Navodaya Vidyalayas. 7ace3sett n! $chools or 8a"oda'a 5 d'ala'as ntended to ser"e the abo"e sa d &ur&ose # ll be establ shed n "ar ous &arts of the countr' on a ! "en &attern but # ll full sco&e for nno"at on and e*&er mentat on. Aims of Navodaya Vidyalayas. The r broad a m # ll be2 (a) To ser"e the ob9ect "e of e*cellence+ cou&led # th e6u t' and soc al 9ust ce (# th reser"at on for $/s and $Ts). (b) To &romote nat onal nte!rat on b' &ro" d n! o&&ortun t es to talented ch ldren+ lar!el' rural+ from d fferent &arts of the countr' to l "e and learn to!ether. (c) To de"elo& the r full



( )

( )

&otent al. (d) To become catal'sts of a nat on3# de &ro!ramme of school m&ro"ement. ( ") The schools ill !e residential and free of char"e. .fter ! " n! the 1no#led!e about the bas c conce&t of educat on+ secondar' educat on should also be ! "en. There s no need that th s t'&e of educat on should be ! "en to all. Th s t'&e of educat on ncludes "ocat onal educat on. 0ur !o"ernment has establ shed some tra n n! centers to ! "e th s t'&e of educat on. 1#econdary school is a period of intense physical change and formation of identity. It is also the period of intense vibrancy and energy.2 There has been a phenomenal e3pansion of secondary education since independence. It covers children of age group &!4&' (classes (th to &/th). ccording to /00& census ''." million children are enrolled in secondary education. 5o$ever enrolment figures sho$ that only 6& million of these children $ere attending schools in /00&4/00/. %hile a great increase has taken place in number of schools and in enrolment, there has been a lesserincrease in the number of teachers. It is obvious that, on the $hole it has adversely affected the teacher4pupil ratio. The pressure for e3pansion $ill most certainly continue and may indeed increase as the country progresses to$ards the universalisation of education. lthough anyone in India $ho $ishes to pursue secondary education (upto class 7) is allo$ed to do so, not more than half of those $ho pass the upper primary stage 8oin the secondary classes. fter the success of ## at elementary stage, the central government is all set to achieve the goal of universali,ation of secondary education under the 9ashtriya :adhyamik #hiksha bhiyan, about $hich $e $ill read in some detail under #ection &'.(. Vocational education is a distinct stream at #enior #econdary #tage. It aims at preparing students for various occupations involving various kinds of activities. Vocationalisation of higher secondary education $as a ma8or ob8ective of the reforms envisaged in the ;irst Education *olicy adopted in &(+'. 5o$ever, the attempts made till no$ have not borne fruits and enrolment in the scheme, $hich $as e3pected to include around "0< of students at the =/ level, has remained marginal and confined to a fe$ states. ccording to the planning commission report for the &&th five year plan, there are about "&&! Industrial Training Institutes (ITI>s) imparting training in "? engineering and "0 non4engineering trades. positive step in this direction in recent times has been the setting up of a )ational #kill @evelopment :ission and Training.
3. Higher Education :

Higher Ed cation a) +utonomous colleges will be helped to de&elop in large numbers until the affiliating system is replaced by a freer and more creati&e association of uni&ersities with colleges. b) -ourses and programmes will be redesigned to meet the demands of specialisation better.


c) + ma*or effort will be directed towards the transformation of teaching methods. +udio. &isual aids and electronic e/uipment will be introduced, de&elopment of science and technology, curricula and material, research and teacher orientation will recei&e attention. This will re/uire preparation of teachers at the beginning of the ser&ice as well as continuing education thereafter. Teachers performance will be systematically assessed.

: !her educat on s a "er' m&ortant &art of a de"elo&ment nat on. Th s t'&e of educat on s ! "en n colle!es+ un "ers t es and n tra n n! centers. (t also ncludes techn cal educat on. ;ut t should be ! "en to a fe# &eo&le. Thus #e #ant to ! "e the &r mar' educat on to all+ secondar' educat on to some &eo&le. Means of educat on should be d " ded accord n! to &r mar'+ secondar' and h !her educat on. Thus secondar' and &r mar' educat on should be 6uantat "e and h !her educat on should be 6uant tat "e.

The first *rime :inister of India, late *t. Aa$aharlal )ehru, $ho laid the foundation of the process of India>s modernisation, declared that if all is $ell $ith the Bniversities, all $ould be $ell $ith the nation. 5igher education begins after a student completes senior secondary (class 7II) stage. 5e then enters a college $hich is part of a university. @espite the key role assigned to higher education, the development in this field has been e3tremely uneven. %hile fe$ colleges and universities are playing a crucial role in academic e3cellence, the general condition of universities and colleges is a matter of great concern to the nation. The number of students in the age group of &'4/0 years enrolled for higher education is lo$. The proportion is even more adverse in some regions, particularly in case of $omen, scheduled castes and tribes. 9ural areas have been touched only marginally by higher education of -uality. The facilities in colleges vary $idely. It is important that courses in higher education offer programmes of study and courses closely related to life, aimed at the development of personality, reasoning and learning capabilities of students. The #tate has subsidised higher education very greatly. college student pays by $ay of fees a very small amount of money. The rest of the e3penses on his education is paid by the #tate or the Central .overnment. This is public money $hich must be carefully spent for those $ho deserve higher education. 1Education is the manifestation of perfection in :an2 C #$ami Vivekananda Quality of higher Education D D D D Remarkable achievements of western universities Student migration to American, West European, Russian and Chinese niversities! "ndian students are larger in number in any university abroad in search of #uality education $ew sub%ects & new methodology' inter disciplinary



Towards Privati!ation of Higher Ed cation in "ndia The 1001s saw ma*or de&elopments and turn of e&ents in higher education in India. +ccording to 2andhyala 3.!. Tilak of the then 4ational Institute of ,ducational "lanning and +dministration #"ri&atisation of 5igher ,ducation in India, 2112', public funding for higher education should be drastically reduced. In 1006, the !o&ernment of India in its proposals for subsidies accorded higher education the status of a )non.merit good for the first time while elementary education remained )merit.good which need not be subsidi7ed by the %tate at the same le&el as merit good. 5owe&er, the road ahead for India is directly linked to creation of /uality higher education institutions in a big way to meet the challenge of being the knowledge hub, which India is fast losing. The !o&ernment resources for higher education are simply not enough. !o&ernment super&ision of higher education is dismal. (ecourse to /uality pri&ate higher education, both uni&ersity and non.uni&ersity, India needs to ha&e a proacti&e demand based policy towards pri&ate higher education including foreign institutions8uni&ersities desirous of setting up campus in India or entering into *oint.&entures. !radually there has been a general trend towards liberali7ation and opening of education sector to pri&ate initiati&e. %teps such as offering tax concessions8fiscal incenti&es for setting up campuses are under consideration. Thus the era of serious thought on pri&ati7ation of higher education in India has began. Ed cation and Privati!ation +pplied to the education sector, pri&ati7ation can be seen as part of the wider reform of the public sector. ,ducation is both a pri&ate and social in&estment. It is therefore the responsibility of both the indi&idual including the student, his family and e&en his employers and the society which includes the community and the state. The areas of shift in the education sector are mainly decision and responsibility of money, administration and a rele&ant curriculum of high /uality. "ri&ati7ation is management by pri&ate sector with total absence of go&ernment inter&ention. %uch institutions generate their own funds through higher fees, user charges and full use of resources. They sur&i&e on the philosophy that they do not ha&e to pay for those who can pay. "ri&ati7ation of higher education has emerged in several for#s and ty$es in the recent decade in India. 1. "ri&ati7ation within go&ernment higher education institutions takes place in the form of introducing self.financing courses within go&ernment institutions. 2. -on&erting go&ernment aided pri&ate institution in to pri&ate self financing institution. 9. +llowing expanding self financing pri&ate institution with recognition and also without recognition, which may be termed as commercial pri&ate higher education institutions. %actors &es$onsible for Privati!ation of Higher Ed cation (Need for Privati!ation)
1. Need for competitive efficiency: ;ain *ustification for pri&ati7ation rests hea&ily on the grounds of efficiency to promote a more competiti&e economic en&ironment. <peration of public sector enterprises is considered inefficient. It is belie&ed that pri&ate ownership and control are more efficient in terms of resource allocation and work.


2. Growth in population: India has a population of nearly one hundred and se&en cores. In order to pro&ide to a large number of people, more pri&ate institutions are needed. To fulfill the demand for higher education of young people in the country pri&ati7ation of higher education is needed. 9. Financial burden on government: 5igher education in India is in financial stress. The go&ernment can no longer bear the financial burden of public enterprises. -urrent spending on education in India is not more than 9.=> of !?". The center itself concedes that the minimum should be @>. Very little is being spent on higher education. This compares unfa&orably with the international le&els. Therefore there is a need to e&ol&e policy through which pri&ate resources are mobili7ed. A. Education is an economic good: ,ducation is no more being as a social ser&ice but as a necessary economic input. In&estment in education is treated as a factor contributing to the de&elopment of human resources. In this effort pri&ate initiati&e can help since the pri&ate sector is the beneficiary of the knowledge industry. =. Quest for quality: "ri&ate institutions do not re/uire long procedures for procurement of human as well as material resources. In order to purchase and maintain good /ualitati&e infrastructure and e/uipment like furniture, buildings, different types of laboratories and /ualified and competent academic staff, who can be paid as per the demand, there is a need for pri&ati7ation. @. Rapid growth of school education: !rowing number of schools naturally push the demand higher education which the go&ernment is not able to pro&ide. 6. Fulfilling the need for skilled manpower: There is &ery little initiati&e from the public sector due to limited freedom. "ri&ate institutions are free to initiate modern and ad&anced courses in order to fulfill the demand for sub*ects which facilitate economic de&elopment of the market and the nation. B. urtailment of corruption: In order to control the corruption in the go&ernment sector, pri&ate sector is much needed. "ri&ati7ation stops the corruption to some extent and brings about some discipline. +s a result there will be capacity utili7ation. 0. !esire for more autonomy: "ri&ati7ation of higher education will pro&ide autonomy to institutions and there will be less dependency on the go&ernment. This will remo&e political interference in areas of administration, management and finance. 11. "ynergy for information based economy: In the present times there is a need for interaction between C!-, academic institutions of higher learning, industry, (D? institutions and funding agencies. This could be achie&ed by a synergy process wherein they will be partners in &arious acti&ities, complementing each other in reaching their &isions, ob*ecti&es and goals. 30

11. #echnological developments: Information re&olution has been brought about and strengthened due to technological de&elopments such as microchips, genetics, communications, robots, lasers, growth of satellite TV and computer technologies. ?ue to limited resources public sector cannot meet the demands of the industry and other sectors of economy. Thus pri&ate sector can undertake to train manpower in technology and respond to market demands. 12. Greater responsibility with the recipients of education: <&er the years education has been considered as a free public good thereby de&aluing education. "ri&ati7ation of education where the recipient will bear the full cost will help bring greater responsibility in them. +s a conse/uence, students are likely to demand greater efficiency and /uality in teaching.

'dvantages of Privati!ation
1' ?ecentrali7ation and debureaucrati7ation of educational institutions 2' Initiati&es in educational reforms 9' Inno&ati&eness in teaching and e&aluation A' Tailor made ser&ices and pro&ision of wide choice of courses and sub*ects to students =' -ompetition @' Euality education and training 6' %haping of the curriculum according to global, national and local needs B' +&ailability and better maintenance of resources 0' Transparency in all procedures 11' $ulfill the need of the country in liberali7ation, pri&ati7ation, and globali7ation. 11' Ctility of human and physical resources in proper way

%ears in Privati!ation 1' Fill ad&ersely affect the poor

2' Cndermine e/uity, di&ersity and openness 9' ?oes not address issues of e/uality, fairness and responsibility A' ,xorbitant fees will depri&e many of a&ailing education =' +ccountability problem will arise @' -ourses in humanities and social sciences will be sidelined due to no economic gain 31

6' -i&ic and democratic &alues may not get passed down B' +pprehensions about *ob security and retrenchment of staff 0' -ost sa&ing will lead cost cutting 11' -ollected funds may be misused by the owners 11' $a&oritism towards family members and friends 12' 3enefits remain un pro&en

Adult Education 9emoval of adult illiteracy has also been accepted as an imperative goal, dult education particularly in the age group of &"46" years has been included as part of the minimum needs programme in the si3th plan. In this regard )ational Eiteracy :ission ()E:) ob8ective is to impart functional literacy to '0 million illiterate persons. The literacy rate after independence in &("& of ?= population $as &'.6< $hich increased in /0&& to ?!.0 percent. The male literacy rate is '/.&!< and female is +".!+<. (echnical and )ocational Education (raining *()E(+ It is impossible to overestimate the importance of technical education. India already has one of the largest reserviors of trained manpo$er. Technical and management curriculum $as targeted on current as $ell as the pro8ected needs of industry. Technically trained persons have already been a source of strength for scientific and industrial development. It is often suggested that talented engineering students are not provided the kind of 8obs and $ork environment $hich $ould give them a sense of achievement and 8ob satisfaction. This has resulted in a significant incidence of brain drain either to the developed countries or to the management stream. %hen brilliant young men and $omen, $ho are highly educated and talented, leave the country and go to a foreign country in search of better income, it is called brain drain. There are several centres of e3cellence in technical and professional educaiton in India like the Indian Institutes of Technology (IIT) and Indian Institutes of :anagement (II:) $ational Education ,olicy #ince independence, the )ation has invested a large part of its resources in education. It, therefore, has a right to e3pect the efficient functioning of educational institutions. The first )ational Education *olicy of &(+' marked a significant step in the history of education in post4independence India. It aimed to promote national progress, a sense of common citi,enship and culture, and to strengthen national integration. It laid stress on the need for a radical reconstruction of the education system, technology, the cultivation of moral values and a closer relation bet$een education and the life of the people. The ne$ )ational *olicy of Education (&('+), $as formulated on the strength of considerable achievements in the last fe$ years. India already has e3tensive net$ork of schools. ppro3imately ("< of the population is $ithin one kilometre of a primary school

and '0< is $ithin three kilometres of a middle school. In accordance $ith the )ational *olicy on Education (&('+) a comprehensive programme F)ational Eiteracy :ission> ()E:) has been started for imparting literacy amongst the &"46" age group. -pen niversity and .istance /earning "! (he open niversity system has been initiated in order to augment opportunities for higher education and as an instrument of democrating education! ""! (he "ndira 0andhi $ational open niversity established in 1234 in fulfilment of these ob%ectives, will be strengthened! """! (his powerful instrument will have to be developed with care and e5tended with caution! There are many learners $ho are compelled to discontinue their studies in the formal system. This may be because of financial, geographical, academic or medical reasons. Gpen and @istance Eearning (G@E) system is meant for such learners. In this system the learner can learn through lessons sent by the institutions of distance learning $ithout attending classes. These students can keep themselves engaged in service or business $hile studying. The learner is not in direct touch $ith the teacher. 5e is at a distance. Gpen #chool at present offers both secondary (Class 7) and senior secondary (Class 7II) education. Hou have 8oined Gpen #chool. Hou kno$ that $hile retaining your regular employment, you are also studying through the lessons sent to you. These lessons have been prepared $ith a lot of care. The system is open because there is fle3ibility in terms of pace, place and time. Hou are free to select any combination of sub8ects and pass them at your convenience over a period of five years. #imilar facility is being provided at higher level by the Indira .andhi )ational Gpen Bniversity. These institutions $ill go a long $ay in taking education to every Indian citi,en $ho may not have been able to continue $ith the regular stream of education. Thus, education has developed at a rapid pace in India since independence. The national goals of development, integration, e3cellence and e-uality in the sphere of education can be fulfilled only $hen every child in the country crosses a minimum threshold of educational attainment. holistic atmosphere of development, hard $ork and e3cellence has to be built up through a programme $hich involves everybody as a promoter as $ell as a recipient of ne$ attitudes and ideas.
Technical and )ana"ement Education .lthou!h+ the t#o streams of techn cal and mana!ement educat on are funct on n! se&aratel'+ t s essent al to loo1 at them to!ether+ n " e# of the r close relat onsh & and com&lementar' concerns. The re3or!an sat on of Techn cal and Mana!ement )ducat on should ta1e nto account the ant c &ated scenar o b' the turn of the centur'+ # th s&ec f c reference to the l 1el' chan!es n the econom'+ soc al en" ronment+ &roduct on and mana!ement &rocesses+ the ra& d e*&ans on of 1no#led!e and the !reat audances n sc ence and technolo!'.


Val e Ed cation ". (oral Val es. The growing concern o&er the erosion of essential &alues and an increasing cynicism in society has brought to focus the need for read*ustments in the curriculum in order to make education of social and moral &alues. "". Eternal Val es. In our culturally plural society, education should foster uni&ersal and eternal &alues, oriented towards the unity and integration of our people. %uch &alue education should help eliminate obscurantism, religious fanaticism, &iolence, superstition and fatalism. """. Positive )ontent. +part from this combati&e role &alue education has a profound positi&e content, based on our heritage, national goals uni&ersal perceptions. it should lay primary emphasis on this aspect. *oo+s and ,ibraries ". 'vailability of *oo+s. The a&ailability of books at low prices its indispensible for people s education. ,ffort will be made to secure easy accessibility to books for all segments of the population. "". "#$rove#ent of - ality. ;easures will be taken to impro&e the /uality of books, promote the reading habit and encourage creati&e writing. """. ' thor.s interest. +uthor s interest will be protected. "V. Translation of %oreign *oo+s. !ood translation of foreign books into Indian languages will be supported.. V. )hildren *oo+s. %pecial attention will be paid to the production of /uality books for children, including text books and work books. V". "#$rove#ent of ,ibraries. + nation.wide mo&ement for the impro&ement of existing libraries and the establishment of few ones will be taken up. "ro&ision will be made in all educational institutions for library facilities and the status of librarians impro&ed. /. 0or+ E1$erience Fork experience would comprise acti&ities in accord with the interests, abilities and needs of students, the le&el of skills and knowledge to be upgraded with the stages of education. This experience to be helpful on his entry into the workforce. "re.&ocational programmes pro&ided at the lower secondary stage will also facilities the choice of the &ocational courses at the higher secondary stage.

2. Ed cation and Environ#ent There is a paramount need to create a consciousness of the en&ironment. It must permeate all ages all sections of society beginning with the child. ,n&ironmental consciousness should inform teaching in schools and colleges. This aspect will be integrated in the educational process. 6. (athe#atics Teaching ". ;athematics should be &isualised as the &ehicle to train a child to think, reason, analyse and to articulate logically. +part from being a specific sub*ect, it should be treated as concomitant to any sub*ect in&ol&ing analysis and reasoning. "". Fith the recent introduction of computer in schools, educational computing and the emergence of learning through the understanding of cause.effect relationships and the interplay of &ariables, the teaching of mathematics will be suitably redesigned to bring it in line with modern technological de&ices. 3. Science Ed cation ". %cience education will be strengthened so as to de&elop in the child well defined abilities and &alues such as the spirit of in/uiry, creati&ity, ob*ecti&ity, the courage to /uestion and an aesthetic sensibility. "". %cience education programmes will be designed to enable the learner to a/uire problem sol&ing and decision making skills and to disco&er the relationship of science with health, agriculture, industry and other aspects of daily life. ,&ery effort will be made to extend science education to the &ast numbers who ha&e remained outside the pale of formal education. S$orts and Physical Ed cation %ports and physical education are an integral part of the learning process and will be included in the e&aluation of performance. + nation.wide infrastructure for physical education, sports and games will be built into the educational edifice. The &ole of 4o th <pportunities will be pro&ided for the youth to in&ol&e them sel&es in national and social de&elopment through educational institutions and outside them. %tudents will be re/uired to participate in one or the other of existing schemes, namely, the 4ational ser&ice %cheme, 4ational -adet -orps, etc. outside the institutions, the youth will be encouraged to take up programmes of de&elopment reform and extension. The 4ational %er&ice Volunteer %cheme will be strengthened. Eval ation Process and E1a#ination &efor# The ob*ecti&e will be to re.cast the examination system so as to ensure a method of assessment that is a &alid and reliable measure of student de&elopment. $ollowing measures will be taken: a' The elimination of excessi&e element of chance and sub*ecti&ity. b' The de.emphasis of memorisation.


c' ,ffecti&e use of the e&aluation process by teachers, students and parents. d' Impro&ement in the conduct of examinations. e' Introduction of concointal changes instructional materials and methodology. f' Introduction of the semester system from the secondary stage in a phased manner. g' The use of grades in place of marks. Need for E1a#ination &efor#s The Indian education system is critici7ed for a number of gaps in its examination system. It is critici7ed for not keeping pace with the demand of the outside world, for not being scientific and comprehensi&e for not considering the practical skills re/uired for good ad*ustment and for its traditional methods of measurements. Time and again &arious committees and commissions ha&e tried to address the inherent malice in the examination system. +fter independence, Cni&ersity ,ducation -ommission #10AB.A0', %econdary ,ducation -ommission #10=2.=9', the Gothari -ommission #10@A.@@' and the Hashpal -ommittee #2110' ha&e suggested examination reforms. ?r. %. (adhakrishna, who chaired the Cni&ersity ,ducation -ommission #10AB.A0', said that we are con&inced that if we are to suggest one single reform in the uni&ersity education, it should be that of the examinationIand if examinations are necessary, a thorough reform of these is still more necessary. %ome recommendation of The (adhakrishna -ommission with regard to impro&ement of examination system are:. ,ssay type test /uestion to be supplemented by the introduction of ob*ecti&e type test. The work done by the students all through the year should also be taken into consideration and 189rd mark should be reser&ed for it. There should be one public examination at the end of each of the 9 years of the degree course and not only one examination at the end of the three years. 4obody should be appointed as an examiner unless he has = years teaching experience in the sub*ect. Vi&a Voce examination should be held to test the competence of the candidate in general knowledge. The system of grace mark should be abolished. Proble#s with the Present E1a#ination Syste# The entire education system is centered around examinations. ,&aluation means to conduct the examination and to gi&e marks and ranks to students. %tudent s knowledge is often limited to rote memori7ing and reproducing the same in the examinations. Their innate talents are not recogni7edJ instead their capability in writing examination is being tested. It is restricted to only by. hearting 8rote memory.

There is no uniformity in e&aluation. ?ifferent types of e&aluation systems are pre&ailing in different 3oards i.e. !o&ernment, I-%,, -3%, etc. There is no flexibility in the conducting of tests. It is the rigid 3oard examinations that are only helping in classifying students as meritorious and slow. learners i.e. in turn pass8fail This leads to unhealthy discrimination. The tests and examinations conducted at present are only testing the memory power of the studentsJ they are not measuring the higher order skills of learning like analysis, synthesis and problem sol&ing. The examinations are mechanical -orrecting and posting of marks is done routinely. There is no scope for remedial teaching and testing to know how far a student is lagging behind. ,xaminations are not helping in assessing the all.round de&elopment of the student that is in co.curricular acti&ities, social.personal /ualities, health status and le&el of competencies. &efor#s Pro$osed in the E1a#ination Syste# To follow what is espoused in (ight to ,ducation #(T,' 2110. ,&aluation should ha&e a broader framework and it should not be limited to examinations alone. ,xams should include students displays, pro*ects, seminars, collection of information and reports. The examinations should not create fear or stress for the student. ,&aluation should be continuous and comprehensi&e and it should be the part and parcel of daily teaching learning process. It should not restrict to rote K memory. Fhen construction of knowledge becomes primary in curriculum the e&aluation should be continuous and comprehensi&e i.e. along with the teaching K learning process. The assessment should be based on day to day acti&ities. The examinations should not be restricted8limited to writing but extended to assessment tools like obser&ation, discussion, note. taking8recording, collection of opinions etc. the assessment should not only be teacher K based but also on peer groups, parents and other. "n 5677 the #inistry of H&8 has $ro$osed the following: %crap the compulsory class 11 board exam, for it is merely a source of unneeded pressure for both students and parents. $or a student studying within the same institution, an internal assessment is sufficient to determine the sub*ects he must pursue further. 5owe&er, a pro&ision will be made for an optional all.India exam for students entering pre.uni&ersity 8 *unior college after class 11. In&ite $oreign ?irect In&estment #$?I' in the education sector as India becomes an attracti&e economy. 5owe&er, e&en big names like 5ar&ard and Fharton must adhere to Indian norms, both in terms of fee, and reser&ations. These are strategically termed as affirmati&e action.


Impro&e the /uality and standard of primary education in go&ernment schools, which by the (ight to ,ducation bill is meant to be free for all. Teacher Ed cation a' Teacher education is a continuous process and its pre.ser&ice and in.ser&ice components are inseparable. b' ?istrict Institutes of ,ducation and Training #?I,T' will be established with the capability to orgainse pre.ser&ice and in.ser&ice courses for elementary school teachers and for the personnel working in non.formal and adult education. c' %elected %econdary Teacher Training -olleges will be up.graded to complement the work of %tate -ouncils of ,ducational (esearch and Training. Pre$aring Teacher Ed cators for ,eadershi$ &ole The committee notes the following situation with concern: #a' ,ducational ob*ecti&es and strategies are planned in isolation of those who ha&e to implement them, i.e., teachers and teacher educators. -onse/uently, they interpret the ob*ecti&es and strategies according to their own perception and this can e&en result in action that may be diametrically opposite of what was intended. #b' Teachers and teacher educators do not ha&e any concern role in policy implementation or its monitoring. Their role is confined to doing only what they are told. #c' The teacher training institutions, irrespecti&e of their le&el or status, are essentially ser&ice institutions, meeting the expectations of policy framers. #d' The teachers, teacher educators and the training institutions must be assigned a leadership, strategy formulation, implementation and monitoring role. Cnless this is done, the system is unlikely to respond to exhortations to change and ser&e the society. They lack today the necessary moti&ation, aptitude and competence to assume the leadership role but this cannot be excuse for not taking the first step forward in the right direction. Fith appropriate inputs and mechanism for their growth, a process needs to be generated right away to ultimately place the responsibility where it legitimately belongs. In this, the teacher educator would ha&e a pi&otal role. 1. %hould preferably belong to the cadre of school teachers and must ha&e experienced the system at least for a few years. 2. %hould also ha&e exposure to the outside world at large in order to ac/uire a broader perspecti&e.


9. %hould be of high academic competence. A. %hould possess as integrated &iew of knowledge and con&iction in the inter&entionist role of education. =. %hould ha&e a historical and socio.economic understanding of the problem and issues faced by Indian society, as also the world. @. %hould ha&e empathy and burning concern for the under pri&ileged. 6. %hould ha&e competence for research and an aptitude for using research as a powerful tool for educational and social de&elopment. B. %hould be distinguished by ha&ing personal attributes such as: a' +bility to think and work with a sense of independence. b' +bility to act against the pre&alent or populist opinion. c' +bility to con&ince and cataly7e people. d' +bility to lead both by precept and practice. e' +bility for creati&e and sustained action. f' +bility to mobili7e resources, both human and financial, from within and outside the community. g' +bility to work with different segments of society, including the !o&ernment. h' + high moti&ation for need achie&ement which will include: a. + desire to achie&e b. +bility to work e&en when demoti&ating factors are present. c. + willingness to accept responsibility and feel accountable. d. 5igh inter.personal skills. In order to de&elop such a teacher educator, a special programme of education, ha&ing the necessary status and resources would ha&e to be de&eloped. The programme would gi&e ade/uate weightage to cogniti&e, affecti&e and operational components of the role expected of a teacher educator. Institutions running these programmes must play an acti&e role in

educational policy making, planning, implementation and monitoring from the &ery beginning, thereby also pro&iding a field situation in which the trainees of a teacher educator programme would recei&e training. The (anage#ent of Ed cation 7. 't National ,evel The -entral +d&isory 3oard of ,ducation will play of pi&otal role in re&iewing educational de&elopment, determining the changes re/uired to impro&e the system and monitoring implementation 5. "ndian Ed cation Service + proper management structure in education will entail the establishment of the Indian ,ducation %er&ice as an +ll India %er&ice. 9. 't State ,evel %tate !o&ernment may establish %tate +d&isory 3oards of ,ducation on the lines of -+3,. /. 't 8istrict and ,ocal ,evel a' ?istrict 3oard of ,ducation will be created to manage education up to the higher secondary le&el. b' Local communities, through appropriate bodies, will be assigned a ma*or role in programmes of school impro&ement. 2. Vol ntary 'gencies and 'ided "nstit tions 4on.go&ernment and Voluntary effort including social acti&ist groups will be encouraged, sub*ect to proper management, and financial assistance pro&ided.


)eanin" of ,asta"e %asta!e means &remature # thdra#al of ch ldren from schools at an' sta!e before com&let on of the courses. %asta!e can occur at the &r mar'+ secondar' or at the h !her educat on le"els. .n' student+ #ho rece "es educat on at an' sta!e+ s e*&ected to com&lete h s educat on # th n the &rescr bed &er od. (f one # thdra#s from the

course before com&let on+ then that nd " dual or nd " duals are deemed to be #asta!e to the course. (n 7r mar' )ducat on+ the ma n ob9ect "e s the atta nment of stable l terar' throu!h f "e 'ear school n!. (f a ch ld enter n! school lea"es t or s # thdra#n from school before com&let n! class 5+ t leads to #asta!e n educat on. $uch students #ho do not com&lete the stud' of the r curr culum and conse6uentl' the t me+ mone' and ener!' e*&ended on such students &ro"e to be sheer #asta!e. :ence the most &o&ular use of the #ord <%asta!e< n educat on means the #asta!e of t me+ effort and mone'. . rou!h and read' method to measure #asta!e s to com&are d m nut on n enrolment from class to class n ser es of 'ears. )eanin" of Sta"nation The students at e"er' sta!e of educat on are e*&ected to &ass the e*am nat on after f n sh n! the #hole course. ;ut t has been found that n !eneral &ract ce man' students are not able to &ass the e*am nat ons n one class or n more than one class # th n the &rescr bed &er od. Thus+ the' fa l and rema n n the same class. These fa led students re&eat the same class and course #hereas the r other collea!ues &ass that class and stud' n the ne*t u&&er class. Th s &rocess has been called the &rocess of sta!nat on. Thus sta!nat on means the sta' of students n a &art cular class for more than one 'ear. =$ta!nat on= n educat on means the detent on of a student n a class for more than one 'ear on account of h s unsat sfactor' &ro!ress. Thus sta!nat on also n a #a' means #asta!e. Causes of ,asta"e and Sta"nation The causes of #asta!e and sta!nat on can be cate!or sed as econom c+ educat onal and soc al. 1) Economic Causes: 7arents n"ol"e the r ch ldren n domest c #or1 or n #or1 outs de the home to su&&lement fam l' earn n!s+ due to &o"ert'. , nanc al hand ca& and no t me to stud' s res&ons ble for #asta!e and sta!nat on. )"en thou!h there s the &ro" s on of free educat on of the r ch ldren+ mmense &o"ert' ma1es the &eo&le unable to meet other e*&enses connected # th the educat on. .!a n+ out of &o"ert' ch ldren lac1 m n mum d et and are unable to sta' for lon! n schools. 2) Social Causes: /lass and caste d st nct ons &re"a l n (nd a+ the former n urban areas and the latter n rural areas. (n the case of ! rls+ an earl' marr a!e &re"ents the r educat on. There s an o&&os t on to send !ro#n u& ! rls to schools es&ec all' to the m *ed schools # thout #omen teachers. Musl m &arents are 6u te orthodo* about the r ! rls. )"en n the case of bo's some &arents due to caste restr ct ons do not #ant the r ch ldren to m * # th u&&er caste bo's and ! rls. $omet mes ch ldren n schools suffer from d seases and the' are # thdra#n for a lon! &er od from school caus n! #asta!e. >eath of one of the &arents or both causes much hardsh & to ch ldren. 0r&han ch ldren dro&3out from school # thout com&let n! educat on+ and so the #asta!e. 3) Educational Causes: )ducat onal causes are res&ons ble for another 30? of #asta!e. .ccord n! to the -o"ernment of (nd a <The educat onal nst tut ons be n! ll3e6u &&ed+ &oorl' housed and # th dull and de&ress n! en" ronment unfortunatel'

could not e*erc se effect "e nfluence<. /h ldren are not attracted to schools. @ac1 of ade6uate hostel fac l t es+ too much of o"er3cro#ded schools # th h !h &u& l3teacher rat o become the ma n causes of #asta!e and sta!nat on. .!a n+ ncreased number of s n!le3teacher schools+ neff c ent teach n!+ lac1 of teacher3&u& l contact+ and fre6uent transfer of teachers d sturbed the 6ual t' of nstruct on #h ch ult matel' cause much #asta!e and sta!nat on. ,urther+ neff c ent and &oor 6ual t' of teachers+ defect "e e*am nat ons+ un nterest n! curr cula+ lac1 of &ro&er &arental att tude+ absence of school health ser" ces and school m d3da' meals are res&ons ble for much of #asta!e and sta!nat on n schools.

RECE$( .E)E/-,6E$(S "$ E. CA("-$ D $ew Colleges and universities under Self 7inancing Scheme *,rivate+ D Autonomous status to colleges D .egree Conferring status to colleges D Accreditation by ,rofessional bodies like $AAC D Supervision and Control by ,rofessional 8odies like 6C",A"C(E D 9ob -riented courses for employability D Add on courses & Certificate,.iploma
Right to Education Act The '+th Constitutional amendment, making education a fundamental right $as passed by *arliament in /00/. The 9ight of Children to ;ree and Compulsory Education ct, a la$ to enable the implementation of the fundamental right, $as passed by the *arliament in pril /0&0. The la$ makes it obligatory on part of the state governments and local bodies to ensure that every child in the age group +4&! gets free elementary education in a school in the neighbourhood. t present, there are nearly // crore children in the relevant age group. 5o$ever, !.+ per cent of these children (nearly (/ lakh) are out of school. s per the ct, the school mangement committee or the local authority $ill identify the drop4outs or out of school children above si3 years of age and admit them in classes appropriate to their age after giving special training. Rastriya 6adhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan *R6SA+ 9:# is a centrally sponsored scheme for Bniversalisation of access to and improvement of -uality education at #econdary stage $as implemented during &&th five year plan period. The goal of 9:# is to make secondary education of good -uality available, accessible and affordable to all young students in the age group &"4&+ years (classes I7 and 7). The ma8or target of the scheme is (i) Bniversal access of #econdary level education to all students in the age group &"4&+ years by /0&" by providing a secondary school $ithin " kilometers of any habitation and a higher secondary school $ithin ? kilometers of any habitation and (ii) Bniversal retention by /0&0. Strategies for implementation of R6SA (i) To provide access of secondary school to students, follo$ing strategies have envisaged in the 9:# frame$ork.

(a) up gradation of upper primary schools through construction of classrooms laboratories, computer rooms, headmaster room, library rooms, separate toilets for girls and boys, appointment of additional teachers and (b) #trengthening of e3isting secondary schools through construction of classrooms, computer rooms, separate toilets for girls and boys, appointment of additional teachers, strengthening of lab facilities and repair and renovation of e3isting school buildings. (ii) To remove disparity among the different social groups of people, the scheme envisages the special incentive for students belonging to #CI#TIminoritiesIother $eaker sections of the society. (iii) To improve the -uality of 9:# scheme it has been proposed that follo$ing $ork should be carried out. a. Construction of science lab, libraries b. In service training of teachers c. Eeadership training of school head d. Curricular reforms e. #cience and :aths education f. Computer aided educaiton g. Co4curricular activities h. Teaching learning aids
$ri"in of 'ichotomy Education and ,or- :

(n the &r m t "e soc et'+ there #as no d chotom' bet#een educat on and #or1. The "er' l " n! &rocess #as educat on for e"er' nd " dual. : s &h's cal en" ronment+ soc al en" ronment and the #orld of #or1 around h m &ro" ded all the e*&er ences necessar' for h s sur" "al and de"elo&ment of h s &ersonal t'. Thus+ the bul1 of h s educat on #as throu!h do n! and n"ol"ement n &roduct "e #or1 and ser" ces. /onse6uentl'+ there #as no a&ath' for manual #or1 n those da's and there #as no d st nct on bet#een the ntellectual #or1ers and the manual #or1ers. :o#e"er the commun cat on s1 lls #ere de"elo&ed b' m tat n! h s fam l' members and h s ne !hbours. -a n n! of 1no#led!e for ts o#n sa1e had l ttle s !n f cance for h m. The "ar ous utterances meant for &ro& t at n! the !ods and 1no#led!e about does and do notAs for better l " n! #ere transm tted to h m orall' b' h s elders+ and he memor 4ed there b' re&eat n! #hat he l stened to. ;ut !raduall'+ as the nd " dual fam l es concentrated on s&ec al s n! n &art cular occu&at onal s1 lls+ the &anorama of soc al structure also chan!ed. There #as d " s on of labour #h ch resulted n the de"elo&ment of the class and caste s'stem based on occu&at ons. Those #ho #ere concerned # th ntellectual and academ c &ursu ts #ere re!arded as belon! n! to the h !her order and those #ho #ere concerned # th manual #or1 suffered a lo#er status. .c6u r n! and d s&ens n! of l terac' and numerac' rema ned the &rero!at "e of the brahm ns onl'. .s a result of th s+ the d st nct on bet#een the ntellectual #or1er and the manual #or1er became d st nct. Th s led to the de"elo&ment of d chotom' bet#een !eneral educat on and 43

#or1. :o#e"er+ ts effect #as not so far reach n!+ because e"en n the anc ent and med e"al soc et es+ d " s on of labour #as less mar1ed and e"en those #ho &ursued ntellectuall'3b ased non3formal as #ell as formal educat on+ had to do all sorts of ndoor as #ell as out3door manual #or1. (n other #ords+ the clea"a!e bet#een the #orld of educat on and the #orld of #or1 #as not so # de as t became later. There #as no &ro" s on of an' #or1 educat on n these nst tut ons+ #h ch cont nued to ser"e the cause of the &r " le!ed el tes #ho solated themsel"es from those #ho #ere not educated n th s s'stem. The &roducts of such educat onal s'stem+ also des& sed #or1 n! # th the r hands and the' had to de&ends u&on the r less fortunate brethren for e"er' 1 nd of manual #or1. Thus the se&arat on bet#een the ntellectual #or1ers and the manual #or1ers ncreased further+ and nclus on of &roduct "e manual #or1 n !eneral educat on #as res sted b' the former. *enefits of 'evelo.ment of Education :
In recent times new educational opportunities ha&e been in&ented, one such being correspondence education system. Today &irtually e&ery uni&ersity in India is offering correspondence courses for different degrees and diplomas. In fact correspondence education has opened new &istas for the educational system which could not successfully meet the challenging problem of pro&iding infrastructure for multitudes of new entrants into the portals of higher education. The public demand for higher education was initially met through e&ening collegesJ now correspondence education has come to the rescue of the worried education administrators. The latest inno&ation of open uni&ersityM has also been introduced in India in the form of 4agar*una Cni&ersity at 5yderabad. +n open uni&ersity imparts education only through correspondenceJ and, in this respect, is to be differentiated from the regular uni&ersities which take up correspondence education in addition to the college education. -orrespondence education pro&ides an important means for drop.outs to impro&e their /ualification and, for the employed the means to impro&e education and ser&ice prospects. In course of time the glamour for college education may decline if correspondence education is made &ery effecti&e. The Indira !andhi 4ational <pen Cni&ersity has been created at a national le&el. ,ducation is fundamental to human progress. It plays a prominent role in all.around de&elopment of indi&idual as well as society. + large number of books ha&e been written on the importance of education. ,ducation plays a key role in creating patriotic, disciplined and producti&e manpower. ,ducated manpower constitutes precious assets as well as agents for ad&ancing the nation. ,ducation means the fostering of personality through the unhampered de&elopment of innate /ualities of a human being. It aims at integrated de&elopment of personality. In principle, education to the citi7en is the responsibility of the %tate since India is a welfare %tate. It is an integral part of the social sector of the economy. It adds to the efficiency and producti&ity of human resources leading to sustainable economic growth. Its direct and indirect effects can be obser&ed on the performance of economic sector and social sector of the country. The role of %tate is important in education sector for its &ertical and hori7ontal growth. ,ducation system in India is similar to that of &arious other %outh +sian countries. It consists of three ma*or components. general education, &ocational and technical, which till liberalisation of economy were public domain, i.e. they were %tateMs responsibility class grading di&ided education system from "rimary le&el to ;aster le&el into 16 years. Institutional set.up such as uni&ersity is called the basic infrastructure which is determinant of educational de&elopment.


%ince the liberalisation of economy, the education sector has been opened up for the pri&ate sector and for the *oint &enture in&estment. 3efore 1001 when education sector was %tate.led which was thought good but the limited resourcesM allocation to education had limited its growth pro*ects. This contributed to the emergence of the free educational market keeping the consumers at the centre with choices of /uality, /uantity and other parameters. 5owe&er, pattern of annual examination is said to be critically contro&ersial for effecti&e measurement of performance, /uality and standard. -omparati&ely, semester examination is better in this regard and it is gradually becoming popular. It is next to impossible to *udge the efficiency of a student in a sub*ect within the stipulated time of three hours. It is a highly debatable issue and much has been said on this system. 3esides, the sincerity or otherwise of our teachers cannot be guaged by any yardstick. This is clear from the growth of coaching institutions and the increasing number of students *oining them or rising trend of pri&ate tuitions. +gain, the greatest irony is that the best teachers are supposed to be employed in go&ernment schools, while people send their wards to the pri&ate schools. + sense of accountability is completely lacking on the part of the teachers. The worst &ictims of the whole system are the unfortunate students who are caught in a situation of complete chaos and confusion. <ne of the ma*or drawbacks of our present system of education in India is that it gi&es our students the impression that their aim in life is to pass the uni&ersity examinations, instead of becoming a man of good character and sound temperament. This mentality has many socio.economic e&ils rooted in it. 4aturally, the products of such education system do not contribute to the de&elopment of the country, but add to its woes. The greatest drawback of present education system lies in the fact that there is a wide gap between education and its marketability. <ur education system does not groom young men and women in a way that they can meet the re/uirement of *ob market. ,&ery educated person wants to be a /uill.dri&en, and only a few lucky ones are able to secure *obs in go&ernment or "ri&ate offices. + ma*ority of these young educated persons ha&e to struggle hard to fulfil their basic re/uirement which, ob&iously, brings in them a deep sense of frustration and confusion. %ometimes these frustrated youth come into the contact of anti.social elements leading them to in&ol&e in anti. national, disrupti&e and destructi&e acti&ities. <ur secondary educational system is e/ually plagued with problems which ha&e negati&e bearing on the education system. It merely acts as preparation ground for uni&ersity education. 3esides, lack of uniformity in examination e&aluation system, &ariation in syllabus and pattern of education, the syllabus itself is unwieldy and often redundant, not in accordance with the changing socio.economic scenario. <f course, our education system is not indigenous. It was in fact drawn by the 3ritish who actually wanted to exploit the intellectual resources of the intelligent people for their own benefits. In other words, they were merely interested in producing a class of officers who may efficiently carry on their plans and programmes and implement them with sincerity. The 3ritishers, howe&er, succeeded in their mission. This class later becomes an integral part of their administrati&e set.up and &ery loyal to the foreign forces. This pri&ileged class had nothing in common with &ast ma*ority of illiterate people who were looked down upon by them. In course of time, they lost charm and utility, when the country was faced with unemployment problem. 3ut it is really an irony that the country after gaining independence did not realise the need to bring about changes in the education


system in conformity with the needs of a new society which got independence after centuries of sla&ery. Cnfortunately, it has not been changed e&en today. The remedial measures which are re/uired to be taken should be started from primary le&el. It should be more creati&e and interesting, gi&ing more emphasis to oral and practical learning. %yllabus should be fashioned in this way that it looks en*oyable and not gruesome burden. -hildrenMs national curiosity should be aroused and it should be satisfied logically and rationally so that it may encourage their sense of learning. +t the secondary le&el a pattern of common entrance test should be introduced in which merit should constitute main consideration and e&eryone should be gi&en e/ual opportunity. Though this system has been started in some %tates, the need is to make it uniform throughout the country. This could reduce the anxiety about the une&enness of marks offered by different high.le&el schools. 3esides, uniformity should also be followed in the examination e&aluation system and in syllabus as well. +n independent autonomous body should be formed to guide, monitor and super&ise all these things. $urthermore, there should be a proper performance appraisal system for the faculty members. +ccountability should be laid down on the teachers in case of poor performance. The system of pri&ate tuition should be banned completely, because the teachers ha&ing secured increased pay packets from an obliging go&ernment do not take interest in performing their duties with full sincerity and de&otion. In addition, commercialisation of education should be stopped. The e&il practice of charging capitation fee is an open manifestation of this in which the highest payer is assured a place in educational institution of high repute, paying little attention to merit. (esource constraints constitute a ma*or problem of an education system. In&estment in education is a core factor of educational de&elopment. <f course, the growth of education in&estment leads to good performance of education. 5ence, education in&estment should be gi&en top priority. 4o doubt, a good, sound, realistic education system with a scientific base can eliminate want, hunger, diseases and other ills of society. ,ducation can be sensed as an instrument of enlightened social ser&ice and solid cultural attainments.


The National :nowledge )o##ission #4G-' was constituted on 19 2une 211= by the "rime ;inister of India, ?r. ;anmohan %ingh. The -ommission was to be a think.tank which would consider the possible policies that might sharpen IndiaNs comparati&e ad&antage in the knowledge.intensi&e ser&ice sectors. The 4G- website was launched in $ebruary 211@. The /omm ss on+ n &art cular+ #as to ad" se the 7r me M n ster=s 0ff ce on &ol c es related to educat on+ research nst tutes and reforms needed to ma1e (nd a com&et t "e n the 1no#led!e econom'. The /omm ss on #as to recommend reform of the educat on sector+ research laborator es+ and ntellectual &ro&ert' le! slat on. (t #as also to cons der #hether the -o"ernment could tself u&!rade ts use of the latest techn 6ues to ma1e ts #or1 n!s more trans&arent. 0or+ing of the N:) The 4G- consults a wide range of stake.holders and experts on each area before submitting the recommendations to the "rime ;inister. ,ach area has a working group

which is headed by a prominent person in that field. The Forking !roup members meet se&eral times to submit a report to the 4G-. The 4G- members then hold discussions on the report before submitting it to the "rime ;inister. +fter submitting the recommendations, an extensi&e coordination also takes place with the "lanning -ommission of India and rele&ant ministries of the !o&ernment. +s many of the components of the education sector remains state sub*ects in India, 4G- representati&es also &isit &arious state go&ernments and conduct deliberations with secretaries of education departments for reforming of the education sector at the state le&el. (a;or Thr sts (n >ecember 2006+ the /omm ss on brou!ht out a =Be&ort to the 8at on 2006=. (t ncludes the follo# n! recommendat ons subm tted to the 7r me M n ster on l brar es+ 1no#led!e+ )3 !o"ernance+ translat on+ lan!ua!es+ and nat onal &ortals. Man' of the recommendat ons of the 8C/ are alread' n the m&lementat on sta!e b' d fferent m n str es of the -o"ernment. Th s ncludes areas such as l brar es+ e3!o"ernance and translat on. $ome of the ma9or areas under #or1 are h !her educat on+ "ocat onal educat on+ entre&reneursh & and school educat on. %ive /ey Areas of the /no led"e Paradi"m The 8at onal Cno#led!e /omm ss on del berat ons ha"e focused on f "e 1e' areas of the 1no#led!e &arad !m. N:) &eco##endations for Higher Ed cation The ob*ecti&es of reform and change in the higher education system must be expansion, excellence and inclusion. $or E1$ansion $% Create many more universities i.e. nearly1=11 uni&ersities nationwide or some clusters of affiliated colleges could also become uni&ersities to attain a gross enrolment ratio of at least 1= per cent by 211=J &. Change the system of regulation for higher education by establishing an Independent (egulatory +uthority for 5igher ,ducation #I(+5,', independent of !o&ernment, its ministries and all other stakeholdersJ 9. Increase public spending and diversify sources of financing which can necessarily come from both public and pri&ate sourcesJ 0. Establish 50 National Universities of the h !hest standard. The' can be an e*am&le for the rest of the nat on+ and tra n students n a "ar et' of d sc &l nes+ nclud n! human t es+ soc al sc ences+ bas c
The benef ts of de"elo&ment of educat on s not reachable to the common &eo&les. (t s reachable onl' to some s&ec al &ersons or r ch &eo&le. .ll th s s because onl' of commerc al l e!as on of educat on. . class of some self sh cate!or cal teachers has been ntroduc n! n the f eld of educat on. ;ut t s "er' necessar' the teacher and educated &erson should be more res&ons ble and l able to s&read the r educat onal 1no#led!e to the &oor students and masses. The' should not &a' the r s&ec al attent on to some s&ec al class students and r ch &ersons. The' should tr' the r best to educate the &oor students+ ch ldren and adults. The benef ts of educat on should be reachable to the each and e"er' educat on # ll n! &erson.



=-lobal 4at on= s commonl' used as a #a' of descr b n! the s&read and connectedness of &roduct on+ commun cat on and technolo! es across the #orld. D-lobal 4at on= s also referred to the efforts of the (nternat onal Monetar' ,und ((M,)+ the %orld ;an1 and others to create a !lobal free mar1et for !oods and ser" ces. -lobal 4at on n the sense of connect " t' n econom c and cultural l fe across the #orld has been !ro# n! for centur es. :o#e"er the s&eed of commun cat on and e*chan!e+ the com&le* t' and s 4e of the net#or1s n"ol"ed+ and the sheer "olume of trade+ nteract on and r s1 can be labeled as =!lobal 4at on=. -lobal 4at on n"ol"es the d ffus on of deas+ &ract ces and technolo! es. (t s someth n! more than nternat onal 4at on and un "ersal 4at on. (t sn=t s m&l' modern 4at on or #estern 4at on. (t certa nl' sn=t 9ust the l beral 4at on of mar1ets. .nthon' - ddens (19902 64) has descr bed !lobal 4at on as =the ntens f cat on of #orld# de soc al relat ons #h ch l n1 d stant local t es n such a #a' that local ha&&en n!s are sha&ed b' e"ents occurr n! man' m les a#a' and " ce "ersa=. Th s n"ol"es a chan!e n the #a' !eo!ra&h' s understood and localness s e*&er enced. .lthou!h t offers o&&ortun t'+ t br n!s cons derable r s1s+ for e*am&le those l n1ed to technolo! cal chan!e. )haracteristics of <lobali!ation In economic terms, a rise in internationali7ed ad&ertising and consumption patterns, a reduction in barriers to the free flow of goods, workers, and in&estments across national borders, and correspondingly, new pressures on the roles of worker and consumer in society. In political terms, a certain loss of nation.state so&ereignty, or at least the erosion of national autonomy, and, correspondingly, a weakening of the notion of the Ociti7enO. In cultural terms, a tension between the ways in which globali7ation brings forth more standardi7ation and cultural homogeneity, while also bringing more fragmentation through the rise of locally oriented mo&ements due to the desire of preser&ing one s identity. %ometimes this merger, between the global and the local is termed Othe glocal.O

Glo!ali1ation and Education -lobal 4at on has affected man' areas of

human l fe+ nclud n! educat on. -lobal 4at on has created an nformat on based soc et'. )ducat onal scenar o s ra& dl' chan! n! because of !lobal 4at on. The de"elo&ments n technolo!' and commun cat on s'stems ha"e brou!ht about chan!es n the teach n! and learn n! s'stems across the #orld. 8e# deas+ chan!e n "alues and 1no#led!e+ ha"e chan!ed the roles of students and teachers too. )ducat on s no# e*&ected to sha&e ch ldren+ the future c t 4ens of the #orld nto D!lobal c t 4ensE+ # th a broad ran!e of s1 lls and 1no#led!e. .s such t s the need of the hour to nclude sub9ects #h ch reflect th s !lobal outloo1 and &ro" de nd " duals # th a better chance of em&lo'ment+ #h ch n turn leads to a better l fest'le+ &o#er and status. Technolo! cal ad"ancements ha"e ntroduced technolo!' n the classrooms #h ch ha"e chan!ed the #a' educat on s be n! del "ered to the students. There s rel ance on electron c sources such as the emer!ence of " deo conferenc n! and commun cat on and nformat on based technolo!'+ the (nternet+ # th mass "e net#or1 of com&uters located throu!hout the #orld+ to del "er the mater al. The

ra& d !ro#th of tele" s on ser" ces+ and nfluence of th s med a of mass commun cat on+ has also contr buted to &re&ar n! a 1no#led!eable &eo&le. .s a result+ the barr ers of d stance are be n! bro1en do#n at a ra& d rate+ due to th s 1e' as&ect of !lobal 4at on. There s no need to be &h's call' &resent n an educat onal nst tut on n order to learn. "#$act of <lobali!ation
The spread of education internationally, as a result of globali7ation, has affected cultures worldwide.

The capitalist society is gradually becoming global with a strong emphasis on free trade. ,ducational institutions are becoming more market oriented, focusing their energy more on creating funds rather than pro&iding sufficient education for students. ?ue to this free trade there is inclination to end protection to education so that there is more competition and pri&ati7ation in the education sector. Cni&ersities and colleges around the world are forced to compete in the global capitalist market and engage in entrepreneurial acti&ity to sustain themsel&es. This has changed institutional approaches to the de&elopment of o&erseas education. Cni&ersity courses must now be cross.cultural in content, and cater to students entering higher education outside of their own country. ?ue to globali7ation there ha&e been changes in the labour market, which ha&e resulted in need for more knowledge and skilled workers, and workers with deeper understandings of languages, cultures and business methods from all o&er the world.

Proble#s and =$$ort nities d e to <lobali!ation

!lobali7ation of higher education creates both challenges and opportunities. ,ducation will be the answer to many problems raised by globali7ation. ,ducational goals are seen to be an area of great concern in the era of globali7ation. It is here that uni&ersities play a crucially important role, for creating better society. It is impossible to ignore the local uni&ersities need to reflect on the impact of globali7ation. Cni&ersities pro&iding a high /uality education for the globalised world must focus on internationalism and cross.cultural communication. ,ducation should not become a means of westerni7ing the world but it should treat each uni/ue culture and society with respect, reali7ing that global education is not only learning about the Fest, but also studying different cultures of the world, using different approaches, ways of teaching and different media. ?ue to globali7ation, there has been commodification and the corporati7ation of institutions of higher learning. The state is gradually withdrawing from higher education and many state run institutions ha&e been pri&ati7ed and are being run as businesses. The pri&ate sector

model of education deli&ery pre&ents the de&elopment of a meaningful approach to achie&e the distincti&e purposes, and ob*ecti&es of education. -orporations operate on the principles of cost reduction and profit maximi7ation. These re/uire introducing standardi7ation and the packaging of product in compact, and measurable terms. +pplied to education, these approaches would possibly negate its basic fabric and purpose. ,ducation has always encouraged and represents openness, in/uiry, di&ersity, research and limitless learning. -orporati7ation of education would make it elitist . the one pro&ided by corporations for the masses and the poor who cannot afford going to the traditional institutions of learning, and the other for the rich and the affluent.
It is desirable that the state offer public ser&ices such as education than the pri&ate sector management. If the state gi&es up its control o&er education and education policy, then there is the risk of diminishing it to the status of a packaged product by profits can be made. <penness, di&ersity, scholarship, research and disinterested learning will be its biggest &ictims.

"#$ortance of <lobal Ed cation + global education should teach

about issues that cross national boundaries, and interconnected systems on ecological, cultural, economical, political and technological. %uch a program can draw upon expertise in many areas such as humanities, social science and en&ironmental science. In the present borderless information society, education needs to respond to the demands of a rapidly globali7ing world. This can be done by raising awareness of en&ironment, peace, cultural and social di&ersity, increased competiti&eness, and the concept of a global &illage. %uch education is the re/uirement of the knowledge or information society. ,ducation prepares the indi&idual to connect . and li&e in harmony . with the en&ironment around him. !lobali7ation has changed the si7e, nature and /uality of that en&ironment. The challenge for higher education, therefore, is to reform, create and de&elop systems that prepare the indi&idual to work in a borderless economy and li&e in a global society. In other words, our educational institutions need to produce global citi7ens.

)erits: (nd an educat on s'stem offers #orld3class educat on and &ro" des students # th 1no#led!e of e"er' sub9ect. (nd an )ducat on s'stem has reduced the number of ll terates n (nd a (t &ro" des hol st c educat on (nd an )ducat on s'stem has hel&ed to chan!e the (nd an soc et' to a !reat e*tent. 'emerits: (nd a educat on s'stem does not &ro" de &ract cal 1no#led!e. (t does not &ro" de em&lo'ment o&&ortun t es The 6ual t' of educat on s not "er' !ood as (nd a s a "ast countr'.


Morals of the Pro ect !eport on Education :

)ducat on s an m&ortant act " t' n soc et'+ t ! "es an o&&ortun t' to man to understand the #orld around h m and h s &lace n t (n anc ent t mes man #as com&letel' at the merc' of nature #h ch #as a com&lete m'ster' to h m. The dar1 forces of nature #ere be'ond the com&rehens on of man and to console h mself he had to de&end u&on the e* stence of su&ernatural &o#ers and th s led to the !ro#th of rel ! on and su&erst t on. The n"ent on of tools+ domest cat on of an mals and !ro#th of a!r culture led to or!an 4at on of soc et' and alon! # th th s+ de"elo&ed soc al sc ences. Thus+ n educat on #e comb ne the stud' of natural la#s # th the la#s !o"ern n! the de"elo&ment of soc et'3 Cno#led!e and understand n! come to us throu!h the stud' of natural sc ences (chem str'+ &h's cs+ b olo!'+ etc.) and the soc al sc ences (h stor'+ &ol t cal sc ence+ etc.). The ac6u s t on+ nterl n1 n! and the transm ss on of th s 1no#led!e and understand n! s the &r mar' funct on of educat on. (deall' s&ea1 n!+ t s throu!h educat on that members of soc et'+ &art cularl' the 'outh+ come to understand the #or1 n! of soc et'. )ducat on should enable the 'outh to m&ro"e the #or1 n! of the soc et'. $een n th s l !ht+ the &ur&ose of educat on s not 9ust to hel& students ac6u re de!ree and obta n 9obs. (f the soc et' s not or!an 4ed &ro&erl'+ 9obs become d ff cult to ac6u re+ de!rees lose the r mean n! and educat on becomes a nat onal #aste as t s ha&&en n! n man' countr es n the #orld toda'. )ducat on+ &ro&erl' s&ea1 n!+ should de"elo& a s& r t of n6u r' and rat onal th n1 n! n the 'outh so as to enable them to understand the soc et' and chan!e t #here"er t s found lac1 n!. )"er s nce (nd a atta ned (nde&endence n 1947+ #e ha"e been follo# n!+ for ne*&l cable reasons+ @ord Macaula'As s'stem of educat on. Th s s'stem has s nce lost ts rele"ance to the chan!ed soc o3econom c scenar o n the countr'. .s s #ell 1no#n+ @ord Macaula' #as an ardent cham& on of the ;r t sh Ba9. Therefore+ t #as natural for h m to de" se an educat onal s'stem for (nd a #h ch #ould not foster real a#areness and educat on. (t a med at &roduc n! lo'al+ comm tted EbabesA to eater to the cler cal needs of the ;r t sh colon al -o"ernment of (nd a.


;ut t #as essent al for the (nd an adm n strators to chan!e th s educat onal s'stem. . d fferent s'stem more su ted to the re6u rements of an nde&endent &ro!ress "e (nd a has to be e"ol"ed. ,rom t me to t me+ sem nars or s'm&os a #ere held to d scuss the 6uest on of educat onal reforms and su!!est an deal educat onal s'stem. :o#e"er+ noth n! much could be ach e"ed n th s behalf. $'llab cont nued to be theoret cal n nature+ and rrele"ant to the soc o3cultural and econom c conte*ts. Teach n! methods and s'stem of e*am nat on cont nued to be obsolete. The result #as that our educat onal nst tut ons and un "ers t es+ (nstead of be n! c tadels of learn n! and enl !htenment+ became dens of unrest and frustrat on. 0ur students became rres&ons ble and d rect onless mob+ out to destro' the "er' fabr c of soc et'. (nstead of contr but n! to the &ro!ress of the nat on+ the' became+ to a lar!e e*tent+ a burden on the nat onAs econom' and soc et'. The f rst &ol c' document on educat on #as ado&ted n 1968+ b' the -o"ernment after (nde&endence. The 8at onal )ducat on 7ol c'+ 1968 a med to &romote nat onal &ro!ress+ a sense of common c t 4ensh & and culture+ and to stren!then nat onal nte!rat on. (t called for rad cal reconstruct on of the educat onal s'stem and for !reater attent on to sc ence and technolo!'+ the cult "at on of moral "alues and closer relat on bet#een educat on and the l fe of the &eo&le. :o#e"er+ e"en the -o"ernment adm ts that the !eneral formulat ons ncor&orated n the 1968 &ol c' d d not !et translated nto a deta led strate!' of m&lementat on. $ome ach e"ements s nce 1968 l sted b' the -o"ernment are2 (a) acce&tance of a common structure of educat on throu!hout the countr' and the ntroduct on of the 10 &lus 2 &lus 3 s'stem b' most $tatesF (b) la' n! do#n of common s'stem of stud es for bo's and ! rlsF (c) ncor&orat on of sc ence and mathemat cs as com&ulsor' sub9ects2 (d) restructur n! of the courses at under3!raduate le"elF (e) sett n! u& of centres of ad"anced stud es for &ost3!raduate educat on and research. . ne# draft 8at onal 7ol c' on )ducat on #as a&&ro"ed b' 7arl ament (n Ma' 1986. The E7ro!ramme of .ct onA to m&lement the ne# &ol c' #as ado&ted b' the -o"ernment n .u!ust 1986. The ne# educat on &ol c' s broadl' based on a document called G. challen!e of educat on a &ers&ect "eH la d b' the then )ducat on M n ster n 7arl ament on 20 .u!ust 1985.


)ducat on n (nd a+ sa's the ne# educat on &ol c' document+ stands at cross3roads toda'. 8e ther normal e*&ans on nor the e* st n! &ace and nature of m&ro"ement can meet the needs of the s tuat on. The catal't c act on of educat on n the com&le* and d'nam c &rocess of our countr' needs to be &lanned met culousl'and e*ecuted # th !reat sens t " t' l fe n the com n! decades+ t &o nts out+ s l 1el' to br n! ne# tens ons to!ether # th un&recedented o&&ortun t es. GTo enable the &eo&le to benef t n the ne# en" ronment # ll re6u re ne# des !ns of human resource de"elo&ment. The com n! !enerat ons should ha"e the ab l t' to nternal 4e ne# deas constantl' and creat "el'. The' ha"e to be mbued # th a stron! comm tment to human "alues and soc al 9ust ce. .ll these call for better educat on+ stresses the document. The ne# )ducat on 7ol c'+ 1936 calls for a 8at onal $'stem of )ducat on n #h ch all students+ rres&ect "e of caste+ creed+ locat on or se*+ should ha"e access to educat on of a com&arable 6ual t'. The s'stem # ll be based on a nat onal curr cular frame#or1 #h ch conta ns a common core alon! # th other com&onents that are fle* ble. (n h !her educat on+ techn cal educat on n &art cular+ ste&s # ll be ta1en to fac l tate nter re! onal mob l t' b' &ro" d n! e6ual access to e"er' (nd an of re6u s te mer t+ re!ardless of h s or ! ns. The &ol c' ! "es m&ortance to remo"al of #omenAs ll terac' and obstacles nh b t n! the r access to+ and retent on n+ elementar' educat on. Ma9or em&has s # ll be la d on #omenAs &art c &at on n "ocat onal+ techn cal and &rofess onal educat on at d fferent le"els. The central focus of the &ol c' n the educat onal de"elo&ment of $cheduled /astes and Tr bes n the r e6ual 4at on # th the non3$/ and $T &o&ulat on at all sta!es and le"els of educat on+ n all areas and n all the four d mens ons rural male+ rural female+ urban male and urban female. The &ol c' also a ms to nte!rate the &h's call' and mentall' hand ca&&ed # th the !eneral commun t' as e6ual &artners+ to &re&are them for normal !ro#th and to enable them to face l fe # th coura!e and conf dence. The &ol c' outl nes a "ast &ro!ramme of adult and cont nu n! educat on throu!h establ sh n! centers of cont nu n! educat on n rural and urban areasF &ost3secondar' educat on nst tut onF # der &romot on of boo1s+ etc.+ rad o+ tele" s on and f lmsF d stance learn n! &ro!rammesF need and nterest based "ocat onal tra n n! &ro!rammes+ etc.


The ne# thrust n elementar' educat on em&has 4es t#o as&ectsF (1) un "ersal enrolment and un "ersal retent on of ch ldren u& to 14 'ears of a!eF and (2) a substant al m&ro"ement n the 6ual t' of educat on. The &ol c' &led!es to &ro" de essent al fac l t es n &r mar' schools+ nclud n! at least t#o reasonable lar!e rooms usable n all #eathers+ and necessar' to's+ blac1boards+ ma&s+ charts and other learn n! mater al. .t least t#o teachers+ one of them a #oman+ should be there n e"er' school+ the number ncreas n! to one teacher &er class as earl' as &oss ble. To th s end+ the E0&erat on ;lac1boardA has been launched all o"er the countr' to m&ro"e &r mar' schools. The &ol c' also ntroduces a non3formal form of educat on for school dro&outs+ for ch ldren from hab tat ons # thout schools+ #or1 n! ch ldren and ! rls #ho cannot attend #hole da' school. (n order to &ro" de !ood 6ual t' modern educat on to the talented ch ldren &redom nantl' from the rural areas+ the !o"ernment launched n 1985386 a scheme to establ sh 8a"oda'a 5 d'a a'a on an a"era!e one n each d str ct. These " d'ala'as are full' res dent al and coeducat onal and &ro" de educat on n the streams of :uman t es+ /ommerce+ $c ence and 5ocat onal u& to I2 le"els and are aff l ated to /;$). There are at &resent 359 sanct oned 5 d'ala'as n the countr' o&erat n! n 30 $tateJ KTs. The 8at onal &ol c' on )ducat on (87))+ 1986 accorded h !h &r or t' to "ocat onal sa on of educat on at the secondar' sta!e. The 87) as re" sed n 1992 set the tar!et of ach e" n! d "ers on of 10 &ercent of the students at the I2 le"el to the "ocat onal stream b' 1995 and 25 &ercent b' 2000 .>. . Lo nt /ounc l for 5ocat onal )ducat on (L/5)) #as set u& n .&r l 1990 for &ol c' formulat on and coord nat on at the nat onal le"el. (n the f eld of h !her educat on+ &ro" s on # ll be made for m n mum fac l t es and adm ss on nto colle!es and un "ers t es and # ll be re!ulated accord n! to ca&ac t'. /ourses and &ro!rammes # ll be redes !ned and the &resent aff l at on s'stem # ll be re&laced b' a freer and more creat "e assoc at on of un "ers t es and colle!es. Besearch # ll !et more su&&ort. The 0&en Kn "ers t' s'stem has been n t ated to au!ment o&&ortun t es for h !her educat on. The (nd ra -andh 8at onal 0&en Kn "ers t' establ shed n 1985 # ll be stren!thened. The &ol c' &ro" des for decl n n! de!rees from 9ots for #h ch un "ers t' de!ree need not be a necessar' 6ual f cat on. 54

(ts m&lementat on # ll lead to a refash on n! of 9ob3s&ec f c courses and afford !reater 9ust ce to those cand dates #ho+ des& te be n! e6u &&ed for a ! "en 9ob+ are unable to !et t because of an unnecessar' &reference for !raduates+ the document e*&la ns. (n the area of Techn cal and Mana!ement )ducat on the &ol c' ma nta ns that reor!an 4at on should ta1e nto account the ant c &ated scenar o b' the turn of the centur'+ # th s&ec f c reference to the l 1e chan!es n the econom'+ soc al en" ronment+ &roduct on and mana!ement &rocesses+ the ra& d e*&ans on of 1no#led!e and the !reat ad"ances n sc ence and technolo!'. $te& # ll be ta1en to ma1e techn cal and mana!ement educat on cost3effect "e. The /om&uter @ terac' and $tud esA n $chools has been made a centrall'3s&onsored scheme from 1993394. The curr cula and &rocesses of educat on # ll be enr ched b' cultural content n as man' #a's as &oss ble. /h ldren # ll be enabled to de"elo& sens t " t' to beaut'+ harmon' and ref nement. @ n1a!es # ll be establ shed bet#een the un "ers t' s'stem and nst tut ons of h !her learn n! n art+ archaeolo!'+ or ental stud es+ etc. .s re!ards lan!ua!es+ the lan!ua!e &ol c' of the )ducat on &ol c' of 1968 # ll be m&lemented more Eener!et call' and &ur&osefull'A the document sa's. The ne# &ol c' also &rom ses to ma1e efforts to secure eas' access b l t' to boo1s for all se!ment of the &o&ulat on. The &ol c' en" sa!es reor!an 4at on of the methods of recru t n! teachers to ensure mer t+ ob9ect " t' and conform t' # th s&at al and funct onal re6u rement. The ne# &ro!rammes of teacher3educat on # ll em&has 4e cont nu n! educat on. > str ct (nst tutes of )ducat on and Tra n n! (>()T) # ll be set t to or!an 4e &re3 ser" ce and n ser" ce courses for elementar' school teachers and for the &ersonnel #or1 n! n non3formal and adult educat on. $elected $econdar' Teacher Tra n n! /olle!es # ll be u&!raded to com&lement the #or1 of the $tate /ounc l of )ducat on Besearch and Tra n n!. To ! "e the &ol c' a &ract cal sha&e+ lot of funds #ould be re6u red. The &ol c' sa's that resources # ll be ra sed b' mob l 4 n! donat ons+ as1 n! the benef c ar' commun t es to ma nta n school bu ld n!s and su&&l es of some consumables+ ra s n! fees at h !her le"els+ and b' effect n! sa" n! b' eff c ent use of fac l t es. (nst tut ons n"ol"ed n research and de"elo&ment of techn cal and sc ent f c man&o#er should also mob l 4e funds b' lea" n! cuss or char!e on the user a!enc es+ nclud n! -o"ernment de&artments and entre&reneurs.


The -o"ernment and the commun t' n !eneral # ll f nd funds for &ro!rammes2 un "ersal sat on of elementar' educat on l 6u dat n! ll terac'+ etc. The -o"ernmentA sta!' to ma1e the ne# s'stem #or1 cons sts of (a) better le!al to+ and the !3eater accountab l t' of+ teacherF (b) &ro" s on of m&ro"ed studentsA ser" ces+ and ns stence on obser"ance of acce&table norms of beha" ourF (c) &ro" s on of threshold fac l t es to nst tut onsF and (d) creat on of a s'stem of &erformance a&&ra sals of nst tut ons accord n! to standards and norms set at the 8at onal or state le"els. The ne# &ol c' has been cr t c 4ed on the !rounds that ( ) The ne# thrust n the f eld of un "ersal sat on of educat on s non3formal educat on. 8on formal educat on+ educat on st &o nt out+ can ne"er be e6u "alent to re!ular school n!. Th s # ll create a dual educat on s'stem. ( ) 8a"oda'a $chools # ll create further d s&ar t es. ( ) The ne# &ol c' suffers from an el t st b as as t also &romotes &r "at 4at on of educat on. .s a result+ one #ho s able to &a' more # ll !et better educat on as com&ared to a common &erson. ( ") )ducat on s sou!ht to be commerc al 4ed Beeducat on of subs d es # ll mean that students # ll ha"e to f nance the r o#n educat on.

1. )ducat on s the future of (nd a. 2. )ducat on s "er' m&ortant of (nd a. 3. % thout educat on the r are no #orld. 4. % thout educat on the man # ll beha"e l 1e as an mal. 5. )ducat on s "er' necessar' for all the ch ldren of #hole #orld because these ch ldren are the future of our #orld. 6. )ducat on remo"es ll terac' of our (nd a. 7. % thout educat on #e cannot &ro!ress n the f eld of sc ence M technolo!'. 8. )ducat on hel&s the &erson to become a !ood c t 4en. 9. % thout educat on the r are no l fe n earth. 10. ,rom these abo"e &o nts ( can sa' that educat on s the b ! &o#er of the man. 56

(n the last+ #e can sa' that an uneducated &erson can ne ther be a !ood c t 4en nor a !ood &arent. :e s !norant and su&erst t ons. >e&r "ed of 1no#led!e he falls n the dar1ness of !norance. Thus educat on s a "er' necessar' &art of our l fe. )ducat on s r !ht for e"er' ch ld so educat on should be &ro" ded to all.


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