April 12, 2014
April 12, 2014
April 12, 2014
SABBATH SCHOOL CLASSES Main Sanctuary (left/back) Betty Abrams Main Sanctuary (right/front) ..............................Brett Hahn Choir Room (behind baptistery) ...Ron Osterman Adult classes held in the school: 1st Room on the right ..Jock McPhee 1st Room on the left .......Mitch Bane Young Adult class held in the school: 4th Room on the right ...Cassandra McNulty Childrens Division (lower level of Church): Cradle Roll......Karen Cheeseman Kindergarten ......Diane Dowell Primary......Molly Dean Junior/Earliteen....Brian Hutchins Youth.....Doug Brunner
By Gods Grace The Lansing Chorale Jonas Allen & Sophia Hevener
Rod Dunneback Deuteronomy 5:29 Deep In My Heart Rachel Cabose The Lansing Chorale Rod Dunneback The Joy of Fearing God The Lansing Chorale God Is Waiting in the Silence Peace Be Unto You Rod Dunneback The Lansing Chorale
TODAY Immediately Following the Worship Service Fellowship Potluck 1pm (following potluck) Nature Walk 2pm Adventurer Meeting 7pm Prophecys Superpowers THIS WEEK Sunday, 9am Int/Adv Kettlebell Fitness Class @ CSC 9:30am Beginner Kettlebell Fitness Class @ CSC 7pm Womens Ministries Book Club Monday, 6:45pm Church Board Meeting Tuesday, 10am Childrens Playgroup Wednesday, 9am - 3pm CSC Open 6pm Discipleship Class 7pm A Bold Attack on God Thursday, 5pm Baked Potato Bar & Open House @ GLAS 6:30pm GLAS Music Program 7pm GLAS Constituency Meeting Sabbath Pastor Ringstaff 8:45am Prayer Time in the Sanctuary 6:30pm Vespers Joann Davidson, PhD Women of Easter
Prayer requests for Prayer Warriors: Call Jean Engel at 517-3211172 or Nola Collins at 517-669-5173. You may also email Jean at lengel381@gmail.com or Nola at gturtelle1@yahoo.com. SABBATH SCHOOL CLASSES ARE SERVING THE HOMELESS AT VOLUNTEERS OF AMERICA: HAS YOUR CLASS SIGNED UP? Service dates on the calendar for 2014 involve one Saturday night and one Sunday morning each month. PARENTS: share the experience of serving meals and distributing books with your pre-teen and teenage children. Note: service hours can be documented to meet school community service requirements. Call Impact Coordinator, Linda Cabose, at 517-321-2019. Everyone Bring One Please remember this program. Suggested items needed are: Hamburger Helper, Rice-A-Roni, Pancake Mix, Toilet Paper and Mens underwear (Small & Medium). Thank you your continued support is appreciated. INTERNET USERS: Lansing Church Sermon videos (and other church related videos) are now available for viewing on www.youtube.com. The website address is www.youtube.com/lansingadventist. Subscribe to our youtube channel and receive updates when new videos are posted. It is recommended to access the videos with a Cable, or DSL equivalent speed, internet connection. PASTORS FAVORITE VESPERS - MEMORIZE HIS WORD, MAY 3 AT 5PM - We will be reciting Revelation 1 - 5. Please sign up on the bulletin board in the foyer by the personal ministries room. If you have never done this before, please try it it is a fun way to hide God's word in your heart! The Wildwood Lifestyle Programs are designed to help you reverse lifestyle diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, arthritis, stress and depression. It will also help you shed pounds, increase your energy, boost your immune system and fight cancer. To invest in your health, call 1-800-634-9355.
The following weekends are scheduled for those who would like to camp. Sabbath visitors are always welcome. Sabbath School generally starts at 10am and there is a potluck around 1pm. New campers are welcome! For more information please contact Kerry Leach, Camping Coordinator, at 517-614-9619. May 16-18, Wabasis (Kent County Park), 616-336-7275. Lots in the 40s for full hook-up. July 18-20, Camp Turkeyville, 800-228-4315. Ask for lots near the Leachs or Spencers. August 15-17, Waffle Farms (near Coldwater), 517-278-4315. Lots 115-118 and 147-150. These lots are back to back. September 19-21, Wabasis. See the May dates for information.
GREATER LANSING ADVENTIST SCHOOL will have their Annual Constituency Meeting at 7pm on Thursday, April 17, at the Lansing Adventist Church. All are invited to attend. Before the meeting, there will be an Open House and Potato Bar Supper that begins at 5pm in the school. At 6:30pm there will be a special music program by GLAS students in the sanctuary. If you have any questions, please contact the school office at 517-321-5565. Little Lambs Offering Sign-up: Next to the womens bathroom in the back of the foyer is a bulletin board where families can sign their children up to help walk the little lamb down the aisle at church. Each child who signs up will have their names written in the bulletin and will be a special help to our church. We thank you in advance for signing up and helping out! If you have any questions please call Megan Allen at 269-569-3889.
CHURCH OFFICE Office Telephone Number...(517) 321-1963 Email ..lansingchurch@misda.org Website...www.lansingadventist.org **online giving is available on the church website Bulletin deadline .Wednesday @ 12pm