January 11, 2014
January 11, 2014
January 11, 2014
The Lord is in His Holy Temple #692 Pastor Ringstaff Fairest Lord Jesus MAP ~ Michigan Advance Partners Praise Team #240 Vic Hilbert
Zamantha Hampton Augustine & Ruth Gonzalez Vic Hilbert Vic Hilbert Grace Titus
Immediately Following the Worship Service Fellowship Potluck 2pm Adventurer Meeting 2pm Pathfinder Meeting 4pm 10 Days of Prayer Kingdom Work First 5pm Raising the Remnant with Scott Ritsema
Sunday 9am 9am 9:30am 10am 7pm 7pm Monday, 5:30pm 6:15pm 7pm Tuesday, 7pm Wednesday, 9am 3pm 7pm Thursday 7pm Friday, 7pm Sabbath 8:45am Fruit Orders due to Bev McDonald @ 517-627-8545 Pathfinder Meeting Int/Adv Kettlebell Fitness Class @ CSC Beginner Kettlebell Fitness Class @ CSC Adventurer Meeting 10 Days of Prayer Walking in Step with Jesus Womens Book Club Church Library Finance Committee Church Board 10 Days of Prayer Filled to Overflowing 10 Days of Prayer Clean Hands, Pure Heart CSC Open 10 Days of Prayer Victory in Jesus GLAS Ski Trip 10 Days of Prayer Unlimited Power 10 Days of Prayer Pleading for the Spirit Jordan Peck Prayer Time in the Sanctuary
Pastor Ringstaff John the Baptist, Part Three: He Must Increase #441 I Saw One Weary Pastor Ringstaff
Prayer requests for Prayer Warriors: Call Jean Engel at 517-321-1172 or Nola Collins at 517-669-5173. You may also email Jean at lengel381@gmail.com or Nola at gturtelle1@yahoo.com. Everyone Bring One Please remember this program. Suggested items needed are: Hamburger Helper, Rice-A-Roni, Pancake Mix, Toilet Paper and Mens underwear (Small & Medium). Thank you your continued support is appreciated. CHARLOTTE ADVENTIST CHRISTIAN SCHOOL CARNIVAL! On January 18th, the Charlotte Adventist Christian School will be having a fundraiser carnival to support the school operating budget. This will be an affordable evening of fun and fellowship for children of all ages (adults too!). There will be a vespers concert at 5:00 by Enrique Sandoval and the Carnival will start at 6:00 PM. There will be food, games and prizes for all to enjoy. Hope to see you there. ARE YOUR FEET WARM? IMPACT Volunteers will distribute warm socks to the homeless at the Volunteers of America (VOA) shelter Saturday night, January 25, & Sunday morning, January 26. Volunteers are needed for the sock distribution & meal service on these dates. If you can help, please contact Linda Cabose, IMPACT Coordinator. THANKS to those who donated socks. IMPACT'S WINTER WARMTH PROJECT will continue with the distribution of gloves & hats in February. Donations of gloves & hats for men and women will be collected in the sock donations box located on the shelf above the coat rack by the front door. Special Thanks to the brave singers who came to VOA the night of the ice storm. In the bitter cold of winter, acts of kindness provide both physical and emotional warmth. If you would like to serve, please sign up on the sheet posted on the bulletin board near the restrooms. RELIGIOUS LIBERTY OFFERING-SABBATH, JANUARY 25, 2014 The annual Religious Liberty offering is used to support the North American Division litigation fund, sponsor Liberty magazine subscriptions and help local unions with religious liberty promotion and education. Please remember to support this offering. CHILDRENS PLAY GROUP - Play group this month will be held on Tuesday, January 14th, at 10am. All children, ages 0-4, are welcome to join in the Primary room. Each child must be accompanied by an adult. We look forward to seeing you there. If you have any questions please contact Megan Allen.
LIBERTY MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTION: Stay up-to-date with unfolding Bible prophecy, national & international current events, constitutional challenges and much more with a bi-monthly subscription to Liberty magazine. The subscription cost is $6.00. After you subscribe, you will receive 6 issues. If you are interested in a new or renewed subscription, please contact Sylvia Coleman in person or you may email your request to lansingreligiousliberty@gmail.com. The Liberty magazine subscription deadline is Sabbath, March 1, 2014. ATTENTION WOMEN: Book club will be starting Sunday, January 12th @ 7pm in the church library. For those who would like to participate, please read chapter 1 in the book Boundaries by Dr. Henry Cloud & Dr. John Townsend and do chapter 1 in the workbook. We will discuss what has been assigned at our first meeting. The second meeting will take place on the 26th of January @ 7pm. If you have questions please contact Nancy Hansen, 269-876-7218. WANT A HEALTHY START TO 2014? Come join Kim Bane for an informational meeting on exercise. If you are interested in training for a marathon or just want to incorporate exercise for a healthy lifestyle, you will want to come to the Fellowship Hall on Sunday, January 19th, at 3pm. See you there!
CHURCH OFFICE Office Telephone Number...(517) 321-1963 Email ..lansingchurch@misda.org Website...www.lansingadventist.org **online giving is available on the church website Bulletin deadline ..Monday @ 3pm