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Syllabus - Thomas Scanlon - Equality and Liberty

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Philosophy 178q: Equality and Liberty Fall Term 2013 Lecturer: T. M.

Scanlon Office Hours: Mondays 2-4 in Emerson 321 or by a ointment: 4!"-3!#4$ scanlon%fas Section Leaders: &eremy 'i( Email: )eremy.da*id.fi(%+mail.com Office ,ours: T-. /ic,ard Sanc,e0 Email: ric,ardasanc,e0%+mail.com Office Hours: 1ednesdays 4-":32 in Emerson 31# O er ie!: Many eo le belie*e t,at economic ine3uality is morally ob)ectionable$ but it is not al4ays clear 4,y t,is is t,ou+,t to be so. T,e course 4ill consider a *ariety of ans4ers to t,is 3uestion$ includin+ &o,n /a4ls5 t,eory of )ustice. Many ot,er eo le$ suc, as '. .. Haye6$ Milton 'riedman$ and /obert 7o0ic6$ belie*e t,at measures intended to reduce ine3uality in*ol*e unacce table interference 4it, indi*idual liberty. 1e 4ill e(amine t,eir ar+uments$ 4it, t,e articular aim of understandin+ t,e ideas of liberty t,at t,ey in*ol*e. Ot,er to ics to be considered include t,e ideas of desert and res onsibility$ t,e need for incenti*es as a )ustification for ine3uality$ e3uality of o ortunity$ ta(ation and redistribution$ and t,e a licability of )ustice to t,e family. 8ou can +et a +ood idea of some of t,e t,emes of t,e course by loo6in+ at my a er$ 91,en :oes E3uality Matter;< 4,ic, is a*ailable on t,e course 4ebsite. "equirements: T4o =-12 a+e a ers and a final e(amination. Study 3uestions for t,e final e(amination 4ill be ,anded out at t,e last lecture. T,e first a er is due October 11. T,e second a er is due 7o*ember 14. Late a ers 4ill be enali0ed at t,e rate of 1>3 of a +rade er day$ includin+ t,e first 4ee6end. ?n determinin+ final +rades$ t,e first a er 4ill count 2"@$ t,e second a er 32@$ t,e final e(amination 3"@ and section artici ation 12@. T,e a ers you submit must be your o4n 4or6$ and any sources used must be clearly cited. 8ou are free to discuss t,e re*ie4 3uestions for t,e final e(am 4it, ot,er students$ but no notes or boo6s 4ill be allo4ed in t,e e(amination. .s far as ossible$ readin+s 4ill be made a*ailable on t,e course 4ebsite. T,e follo4in+ boo6s are a*ailable at t,e Aoo . ?t 4ould be ad*isable to ,old off buyin+ boo6s until you see 4,at you need. B. .. Ao,en$ Why Not Socialism? :a*id &o,nston$ ed.$ Equality &o,n /a4ls$ A Theory of Justice /obert 7o0ic6$ Anarchy, State, and Utopia T,omas 7a+el$ Equality and Partiality Susan Moller O6in$ Justice, Gender, and the amily Liam Mur ,y and T,omas 7a+el$ The !yth of "#nership '. 1. Haye6$ The $onstitution of %i&erty Milton 'riedman$ $apitalism and reedom

2 1ill Cymlic6a$ $ontemporary Political Philosophy Mic,ael 1al0er$ Spheres of Justice "eadin# $ssi#nments: Note' (Wee)s* of the course #ill run Thursday to Wednesday+ 1. DSe tember 3E %ntrodu&tion /eadin+: B. .. Ao,en$ Why Not Socialism? .lso recommended: Scanlon$ F1,en :oes E3uality Matter;F 2. DSe tember "$ 12E 'ohen(s E#alitarianism /eadin+: B. .. Ao,en$ Why Not Socialism? 3. DSe tember 12$ 1GE Libertarianism % /eadin+: '. .. Haye6$ The $onstitution of %i&erty$ . 11-21$ 2!-3=$ #G-#!$ ="-122$ 13314G. Haye6$ 9T,e Hrinci les of a Liberal Social Order< Milton 'riedman$ $apitalism and reedom$ A,s 1$ 2. I.lso recommended: /a4ls$ A Theory of Justice JJ42$ 43.K 4. DSe tember 1!$ 24E Libertarianism %% /eadin+: /obert 7o0ic6$ Anarchy, State and Utopia$ . 14!-1=2L 'riedman$ $apitalism and reedom$ . 2"-2#. ". DSe tember 2#$ October 1E "a!ls on )usti&e and Equality % /eadin+: /a4ls$ A Theory of Justice$ JJ 1-4$ !$ 12-1G #. DOctober 3$ =E Equality* +esert* and "esponsibility /eadin+: 7o0ic6$ Anarchy, State and Utopia$ . 213-231L /a4ls$ A Theory of Justice JJ4G$ 4= D . 2#G-2G#EL Samuel Sc,effler$ 9/es onsibility$ /eacti*e .ttitudes$ and Liberalism in H,iloso ,y and Holitics$< Philosophy , Pu&lic Affairs 21 D1!!2E . 2!!-323. 7. Bre+ory Man6i4$ 9:efendin+ t,e One Hercent$< Journal of Economic Perspecti-es D2213E$ . 32-33$ I.lso recommended: Sc,effler$ 9&ustice and :esert in Liberal T,eory$< $alifornia %a# .e-ie# == D2222E$ . !#"-!!2.K First Paper +ue O&tober 11 G. DOctober 12$ 1"E "a!ls on )usti&e and Equality %%

/eadin+: /a4ls$ A Theory of Justice$ JJ 24-2#$ 1=$ 1!. =. DOctober 1G$ 22E Equality and %n&enti es /eadin+: B. .. Ao,en$ F1,ere t,e .ction ?s: On t,e Site of :istributi*e &ustice$< Philosophy , Pu&lic Affairs 2# D1!!GE . 3-32L T,omas 7a+el$ Equality and Partiality$ A,s. 12$ 11. I.lso recommended: .. &. &ulius$ 9-asic Structure and t,e Malue of E3uality$< Philosophy , Pu&lic Affairs 31 D2223E$ . 321-3"".K !. DOctober 24$ 2!E Ta,ation and "edistribution /eadin+: /a4ls$ A Theory of Justice$ . 242-2"1 7a+el and Mur ,y$ The !yth of "#nership$ . 13-3G$ #3-##$ 132-141. 7. Bre+ory Man6i4$ 9:efendin+ t,e One Hercent$< . 2!-32. .lso recommended: Mur ,y and 7a+el$ . ##-G2. 142-1#1. 'or critical discussion$ see essays by -rennan$ Ste4art and 8oun+$ and re ly by Mur ,y$ Australian Journal of %e/al Philosophy D222"E$ . 12!-1"4. Mur ,y$ 9Ta(es$ Hro erty$ &ustice$< N0U Journal of %a# , %i&erty$ 222". H . !=3!=#. 12. DOctober 31$ 7o*ember "E Equality o- "espe&t and +istin&tions in .tatus /eadin+: /ousseau$ selections from 1iscourse on 2nequalityL in &o,nston$ /a4ls$ J#GL Mic,ael 1al0er$ Spheres of Justice, A,s. #$ 11L 7o0ic6$ . 23!-2"2L 7a+el$ Equality and Partiality$ A,.12. 11. D7o*ember G$ 12E +is&rimination and Formal Equality o- Opportunity /eadin+: Tommie S,elby$ 9/ace$< section 3$ . 341-34#$ in :a*id Estlund$ ed.$ The "3ford 4and&oo) of Political Philosophy. :ebora, Hellman$ When 2s 1iscrimination Wron/?$ A,a ter 1 D . 13-33.E /a4ls$ A Theory of Justice$ . "G-"=$ #2-#3. 'riedman$ $apitalism and reedom$ A,. M??$ Haye6$ The $onstitution of %i&erty$ . 1"3-1"4. I.lso recommended: Hellman$ When 2s 1iscrimination Wron/?, A,a ter 25 Seana S,iffrin$ /ace$ Labor$ and t,e 'air E3uality of O ortunity Hrinci le$< ordham %a# .e-ie# LNN?? D2224E.K .e&ond Paper +ue /o ember 10 . 32-41$ "2-"#L

4 12. D7o*ember 14$ 1!E Fair Equality o- Opportunity /eadin+: /a4ls$ . G3-G=$ 2#3-2#G$ !1-!2L &ames -uc,anan$ 9/ules for a 'air Bame: Aontractarian 7otes on :istributi*e &ustice.< 'riedman$ $apitalism and reedom$ A,. M?$ . 1!"L Haye6$ The $onstitution of %i&erty$ . !1-!3L -rian -arry$ Why Social Justice !atters$ . 3G-4". Miles Aora6$ 9?ncome ?ne3uality$ E3uality of O ortunity$ and ?nter+enerational Mobility$< Journal of Economic Perspecti-es D2213E . G!-122. 13. D7o*ember 21$ 2#E Equality and the Family /eadin+: Susan O6in$ Justice, Gender and the amily, A,s 1$ "L /a4ls$ Justice as airness' A .estatement$ . 1#2-1#= 1ill Cymlic6a$ $ontemporary Political Philosophy$ . 3=#-3!=. Than1s#i in# 2rea1 14. D:ecember 3E "e ie! o- the 'ourse

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