Public Administration Unit-88 Concept of Democratic Decentralisation
Public Administration Unit-88 Concept of Democratic Decentralisation
Public Administration Unit-88 Concept of Democratic Decentralisation
19.0 Objectives 19.1 Introduction 19.2 Concept of Decentralisation 19.3 Need for Decentralisation 19.4 Aspects of Decentralisation 19.5 Democratic Decentralisation 19.6 Hindrances to Democratic Decentralisation 19.7 Lht Us Sum Up 19.8 Key Words 19.9 Some Useful Books 19.10 Answers to Check Your Progress Exercises
After reading this unit, you will be able to : explain the meaning of decentralisation; discuss why it is needed; explain the meaning of democratic decentralisation; and discuss its hindrances.
We are aware that almost all the developing societies of Asia, Africa and Latin America achieved independence from the colonial rulers during the present century. These societies have undergone the trauma of exploitation and neglect by the colonial rulers. At the time of their independence, they have had the experience of inheriting poverty in all aspects of the society. More than two-third of the people live and die under a state of m i s e r y . Centralised planning systems have failed to provide for fair distribution of the benefits of economic growth among regions and groups within developing countries. Decentralisation has often been put forward as a remedy against the concentration of power and as a means of ensuring that the needs and expectations of the common citizen are respected.
It is necessary to remember that all the developing d e t i e s are mostly agrarian in nature and they depend heavily on agriculture for any marked increase in national income. There is a great potential in agriculture which can be utilised to assist tbe overall development. Moreover, increased industrial production is possiile by the promotion of nvrl and village industries. And this is possible in an atmosphere of decentralised planning proass. Several of the developing countries are rich with natural mources like fertile soil, plenty of water, minerals. In many of these countries, the government is the only agency to meet the challenges. It w a s r e a w that an active involvement of the communities in the developmental process would certainly have positive results. A sense of participation would make people aware of their rights. And voluntary organisations, which are beiag formed with a particular purpose, would be able to achieve their goals. India is a country w i t h great diversity in culture, language, caste groups and economicstratification. There is a great need for many programmes which would lead to eradication of poverty, diseases, ignorance, prejudices. All these require massive effort. Therefore the tasks demand greater participation of people at different levels.
and ~ e v r l o p w n t
i) Deconcentration Deconcentration implies the transfer of authority in geographical term, from headquarter administration to field administration. For instance, the district collector in Andhra Pradesh has been made head of every development department at the district level. Deconcentration involves the redistribution of administrative responsibilities. And in deconcentration, accountability is upward. That is, the district collector is accountable to the headquarter administration. ii) Delegation Another form of decentralisation is the delegation of decision-making and management f authority for specific functions to organisations that are not under the direct control a Central Government ministries. Often the organisations, to which development functions are delegated, have semi-independent authority to perform their responsibilities and may not even be located within the regular government structure. Public corporation and regional development authorities have been used extensively in developing countries to execute development schemes. iii) Devolution Devolution has political and legal connotation. It implies transfer of authority from CentralIState government to local governments (for instance the Panchayati Raj institutions). In devolution, the accountability is both upward and downward-upward to the CentraVState governments and downward to the local people who elect them. If deconcentration and delegation have administrative connotations, devolution has political and legal, then decentralisation covers all aspects-political, legal/administrative. It is the decentralised mode of policy and programme implementation which can involve people in the development process. It is this process whereby centralisation is reversed, so that power of decision-making is shifted from central. political and administrative bodies to a multitude of quasi-autonomous bodies, concerned with the formulation and application of policy in particular regions and in answer to local requirements.
Decentralisation would lead to creation of alternative means of decision-making. Thereby, o national development policies and insensitive to the local elites, who are unsympathetic t the needs of the poorer groups in rural communities, would not be able to have control over development adivities.
Check Your P r o m 1 Note : i) Use the space below for your answers.
ii) Check your answers with those given at tbe end of the unit. 1) What is meant by Decentralisation?
2) Why is decentralisation necessary?
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Democratic deceotralisation is a centrifugal movement. Power moves from the central to r e a t e d in local areas with the regional and local areas. It aims to entrust local organs c powers, local in chankcter. Thus there is devolution of authority lrom the higher levels of the government to tbe lower levels. The proccss of democratic decxntnlisation is vertical nther than horizontal.
This devolution of authority assumes the form of autonomy to the pcople at lower levels to take political decisions, to formulate ways to execute it, to mcmage~a~~control the finances q u i d for it and ultimately to g ~ i d aotl e control its administration.
Tbe authority thus decentralised should be managed by the people directly or indirectly
through their representatives.
The iasiitutional machinery of democratic decentralisation is necessarily elective. Democratic d e c e o ~ o is n thus a political ideal. And local self-government is its institutional form. I p India, it is the panchayati raj institutions which are the institutional fonn of democratic decxntralisation. In subsequent units, we will know panchayati raj institutions.
CbecLYoprRogrem2 Note : i) Use the splce below tor yohr answers. ii) Check pur rnswerswitb thosc given at the end of the unit.
I) Whrt is d
t by(politica1decenttalisation?
2) What is meant by administrative decentralisation?
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3) "People's participation is the hallmark of democratic decentralisation." Explain.
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There are many problems which are being faced in the developing countries, problems which pose obstiuctioas in the way of democratic decentralisation. i) Problem of Coordination The purpose of democratic decentralisation is to provide more discretion at the local level to meet unique local needs, and to generate innovative solutions to development problems. For this, proper coordination between and amdng different units is essential. This way, the effort and material resources invested would not go waste, lead~ng to an integrated development without any friction, overlapping and duplication. ii) Problem o f Perception If democratic decentralisation is to be effective, the central administrator's perception of their roles has to undergo a change. They should understand that their task is to provide support and facilitate the work process. But'tnany a times, they feel that their task is to control. And thus, friction arises. iii) Unit of Administration The basic problem of democratic decmtralisation is with regard to the unit of administration. A number of factors suchas -phial area, population,~esources, level of development etc. have to be taken into atqount wbilc deciding about the unit of planning and development. It should not be too big leading to unwiefdy~ituation,nor too small which would result in defeating the very purpose for which it was set up. iv) Communication An analyslj of the patterns of communication shows that in most of countries, the communication system happens to be top down. One way communication network appears to be the most dominating practice. Absence of the htolvement of grass'root organisation in the upward communication is weak in most of the developing societies. And this leads to unrealistic policies and unattainable targets. The problem of red-tape, overlapping. duplication are generally there in most of the developing countries. v) Leadership Leadership is another important variable which can make significant difference to the developmental process. An examination of the type of leadenhip in most of the developing countries indicates that this has been one of the major limitations on their effort for development and decentralisation. Further it reveals the following characteristics : 1) The bureaucratic leadenhip is strengthened and perpetuated. 2) Wherever political leadership is involved, they strengthened either the traditional leadership or the traditional leaders stepped into the new roles emerging from the developmental effort. 3) The leadership at the higher levels of organisation is strengthened while the leadership at the lower levels did not receive much attention. An assumption that those who occupy key positions at higher levhls are more coqpetent than those working at lower levels appear to be dominating the elite thinking. 4) 4dequate opportunities have not ban provided for the emegence of new leadenhip. Since the local organisations are not strong, there do not appear to be many opportunities for the emergence of new and committed political leadership.
Clndr Your Prognss 3 Note : i) Use the space below for your answers.
ii) Check your answers with those given at the end of the unit. 1) How does the problem of coordination hamper democratic decentmiisation?
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........................................................................................... 19.7
Adiiussionoo different organisational patterns under democratic decentralisation leads us to a few broad conclusions. These conclusions can be used ds guidelines in devising or improvising the organisational structures for development. The following parameters are suggested to judge the effectiveness and suitability of an administrative structure for rural development. One of the most important parameters in institutional arrangement in the modern times is to build the system on the foundations of decentralkd power. A report by one of U.N. agencies stated that "It is generally recognised that too great a concentration of problems upon the central guidance cluster causes delay, increases costs, reduces efficiency, limits initiative, discourages innovation and c a w s the cluster itself to become a bottle-neck in the process of development." Further, overqntralisation leaves the various government units, without the authority that is nece+aryf y efficiency and innovation. Eventually, a antralised form of administration,must move more and more towards decenttalisation and delegation of authority. The discussion on various aspects to decentralisation suggests that the decentralisation of power should be more political than administrative. The transfer of authority to the lower levels of administrative units cannot be considered as real decentralisation of power. Such a decentralisation might facilitate flexibility and quick decision-making but cannot qualitatively alter the nature of a system nor can ensure public participation. This should inevitably ensure iupremacy of political institutions over administrative institutions. This leads us to another vital question namely what attitude the national elite in power adopts towards decentralisation. The political elite who are committed to decentralisation alone would part with their power and create a participative system in which the energies and talents of the people can be harnessed for the dkvelopmental purposes. However, the experience of the developing countries indicates'that decentralisation of power is possible in 8 system which i s stable and led by an ideologically committed leadership. la addition, tbc decision-making centres should be very close to the people. This can be achieved only throqh well-organisedlocal institutions l w t e d close to the people. It can be propcsedbere that tbc nearer the organisation is to the people, the more is the effectiveness of the organisation to tackle the problems. All the developmental efforts should be coacentrated on a unit which is accessible to all the people. This type of arrangement would not only avoid multiple contact points but help them in understanding the development pro-. This would also add to their political awareness which is an important variable for development.
Tbe local organisations should enjoy sufficient autonomy io order to be ableto respond to
the varied local needs and demands. Further, they should be endowed with adequate powers, authority, f i n e s and competent staff.Such a local organisation should be considered as an indicator of a sound structure for development.
The unification of administrative institutions at various levels has to be achieved, for developmental effort has to be economised. This can be achieved by establishing harmonious and effective linkages both horizontally and vertically. Further, the purpose d this should be to reduce conflict in the organisation to the minimum. Thus, unification of administrative institutions with minimum conflict is another indicator of a sound organisation.
The administrative and political structures devised for the new tasks should be innovative. The traditional and obsolete structures, instead of delivering the goods, tend to be
dysfunctional. The structures should be dynamic enough to adopt themselves to the constantly changing demands. Therefore, innevativeness of the structure is another indicator of development.
Tbe entire development aims at enlisting people's cooperation and stimulating their
participation in decision-making. It is being increasingly realised that no development is possible without massive involvement of the people. It is observed that maximum progress depends on maximum participation, a situation in which all members of the society have a stake in that progress and contribute to it. This participation has to be achieved by devising suitable structures, encouraging new leadership and politicisation of the mask.
Atthreya, N.H. 1978. "A Note on Decentralisntion in Administration : A *citizen's point of view", Indian Journal o f Atblic Administmhorr. Pages 859-61 : Volume 24. ~atta ~bhijit, , 985, "kntralisation and Local Government Reforms", Indian l o u d o f A t b l i c ' ~ d m i n i s t ~ Pages w 56 1-577 : Volume XXXI. Dutta, Vijay Ranjm, 1982, "kntralisation and Political Development in India-A Gandhian Perspective", lndion Journal o f AtBlic Administmiow Pues 1-9, Vdume XXVIII. Joshi, B . M . ,1989, "Evolution and Practice of Decentralised Pla_n_ningin India", Indiun Journal o f Atblic Administration; Volume XXXV.
Cbeck Yoar Proems32 I) See Section 19.4 2) See Section 19.4 3) See Section 19.5