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MAKTAB RENDAH SAINS MARA SPM TRIAL EXAMINATION 2009 PHYSICS PAPER 1 1 c 26 D 2 A 27 Cc 3 B 28 D 4 Cc 29 A 5 D 30 A 6 B 31 c 7 D 32 D g D 33 D 9 c 34 A i0 A 35 B i B 36 c 12 A 37 D 13 B 38 B 14 c 39 B 15. B 40 A 16 c 41 D 7 a 42 A 18 D 4B c 19 A a4 B 20 D 45 c 21 c 46 D 22 c 47 B 23 B 48 D 24 A 49. Cc [251 A [50] B Peperiksaan Percubaan SPM Fizik MRSM 2009 PAPER 2 ANSWER SCHEME ‘Question No,] Mark | Suggested answer 1) @ | 1 | Names the correct instrument Ammmeter THT Names he correct quantity measured by T | Potential diference wo 1 | States the correct potential difference value with unit av TH) | 1 | Gndertnes the correct phrase tbe same as” Total | 4 zy @ 1) States the meaiing of frequency correctly “The number of comple osillations in } second aT | 7 Sine he ale af te wana rey 2S em Wid _| i Shows the calculation for water wave spell correctly y= 20Hz X 25em (v= 20He x 0.025 m 2" | States the correct answer and unit [Poems osme" 1 Bieter the correct answer | Ft increases Tow |S 3) GM) | 1 | Names the correct physics principle ‘Archimedes Princile TG) | 1 | Draws and labels direction of forces correctly Buoyancy! Upward force acts on ‘the Bottom of the beaker. ‘Weigh Downward foree acts from approximate CG of the nvdrometer, Thi) 1) Saas the correct change to dept mimersed ‘The beight of the hydrometer tats immersed inthe water dooraanes terse Tay | 1 | States the correc reason Jor the change tn (1D ‘Because ojl is less dense than water (WT [States the correct answer and unit for the buoyant force F=O3N 0.03 4 (WD _| | Shows the correct caleulation for volume ofthe object Fe~oe¥ Vat rs = 003 (10003(10) 2M | Shows the correct answer with unit =3210%m! Peperiksaan Percubaan SPM Fizik MRSM 2009 PAPER 2 ANSWER SCHEME ‘Question No. [ Marke | Suggered answer Te Ty GKD | 1 | States the correct answer rien ange TVA 11 Shows the calculation ofthe refrectve index correctly | 1 i maa sine i i 2 | States the answer correctly 149 GEN | 1 | Drews tray daeram carecy i oat inernal reelection) Wo) | Shas the answer correct ay eH |__| tietanal ofineidnce is more shan the erin ange i Ti 1 Draws ee ray diagram corrects | TES aE | — dseck [aight ray enters glass block and s refracted ©) | 1 Sate the ansver correcty Sioa Light ray travels fom a less dense to denser medium / Light ‘Tay travels into a denser medium Fe taney Total |—7 Sta a amas hei aie conven = NOT gue ww ‘Siates the correat current tate for pus A and B re | Input -0f, Fm Input A - On BAD | _E| Siates the correct carent sate for npat © z On | 1 ames te correct loge gate ‘AND gate [2] Consruces a tath able for the gate combination correcly | Alls b= comect RTs xis Marks 1 2or0 ot oto oat [7 Peperiksaan Percubaan SPM Fizik MRSM 2009 PAPER 2 ANSWER SCHEME [Question No- [Mark [Soggesedanswer Ra] Gy GK) | 1 | States the corvec nucleon mambor A TNT || se cree proton mbar | THD | 1 Shows he equation corey 216 212 4 | s¢P0 + go Pb + 3 He ba | 7 | a aerereD Raddoasive Don I TBE] Sines the retin core Mother nucleus tnsable /Unssablemcleus To achieve Sable males TH [1 | Nemes the oree dior Tats Geiger Maer tbe Gore Mul i T | Sits the compari Bewcan reading pts Rand —] [| | comecay | i | The reading ofthe detector at point ¥ more/bigher | | eG 1 | Names the correct type of radiation used Gena Fear 7] GRD | 1 | Namaste motor ip comeniy De Mor THUD] 1] States the reason corecy Reet To Torevene the caret inthe amar every otum M8 | evesetie Sorat THD) | Beans te correc pation ote etapa : - Atleast3 toes ee oe = 2 | The direction of the magnetic lines is correct Bay | 1) Te dreton a Fores produced sen corey (See diagram shove) BEI) | 1 | One factor which acs speed of rotation of amare ated Names corey one fee Curent magnindelsuength ofthe magnevinunber of ums in sal Peperiksaan Pereubaan SPM Fizik MRSM 2009 PAPER 2 ANSWER SCHEME ‘ark | Suggevied anoner [Note [Question Nor TT eK) “Names and explains mathod correc ‘Change the spit rng!‘comautator to slip rings 1% | Use a soft ron corel/Add more magnets Concentrates the magnetic lines of force Direction of sternating current changes regularly I i oy [Names and explains method correctly 1 Toiai oT By) eM 1 Siates the energy change correcdly | Kinetic ensray to sravitations! potential energy w TH) Shows the ealulzion fr P's potential energy correc [Bengt = Stix 10x8 2° | States the answer and wi correcty 2000 ew 1 | Shows the caleulation corvectiyfor Athlete P correctly P- 30s 1x8? TI58 2 | Seats the anower and suis correctly | stew au CIO) T | States correct she answer and unit for power af Athlete @ Lemay 35.9, OD T | States correct the ansier and unit for power of Athdete @ teow aw oo) T | States the most suitable athlete R OR 1 | Sales the reason corrccily “Athlete Ras the biggest highest power OO T | Draws a triangle with label T 2% | Shows the triangle correctly with angle between Ts equal 0 so" 3 | Siares the answer correctly 160N = (0N “Asso any T=4emx 40Niem= 160%) Toad a Peperiksaan Percubaan SPM Fizik MRSM 2009 PAPER 2 ANSWER SCHEME, ietion No. | Mark | Suggested answer 9) (Xi) | 1 | States the correct meaningof heal capacity ‘The amount of heat absorbediigiven off by an object to bring | shout a temperature changelidran/ise of I" C. ‘Compares the emperature deop in beaker V to that th beaker Xcorrectly | Tae temperate drop in besker Yi bigermore. 2" | Compares the heat released by bolling water in beakers X and Yeorrectty More heat is released by the boiling water in beaker ¥ i Less hes is released by the boiling water in beaker X i Compares the heer absorbed by 1p water in beaker X and ice cubes in beaker ¥ correctly |” Hoa absorberod by the ioe cubes ia beaker Y = The heat released bythe boiling water in beaker Y 4° | Therefore more heat is absorbed bythe ice cubes fa |e em sbsrtees ay che ap water in betkor X = The het | released by the boiling water in beaker X ~ Therefore less heat is absorbed by the tp water Deduced the correct relationship between heat capacity of| water and its state of matter Water in the solid state has a higher heat capacity 1! Heat capacity is higher when there isa change of sae, * w Eaplans why gel a good cooling agent fre cooling pad {"Gelhas abies specie heat capaci. ~ When stored inthe refigeator, it experiences a big temperature drop! releases a lrge tmnt of hel Hence it can absorb large amount of heat from the patients odyriend, = before reaching theral equilibrium with the patient's headbody Peperiksaan Percubaan SPM Fizik MRSM 2009 PAPER 2 ANSWER SCHEME ‘Quertion No. | Mark | Sugecsted answer Note oT ©) ‘States and explains the suitable modifications in the Structure and design of the thermometer to suita school's | 1 matk for || asics taborators each eee modification, ‘Seructure and Material 15 | Usea lguid that i shiny ke mereury and | 2 | Por good visibility light easily reflected 1 mark for he 8 Use utiguid dachas expands unifernly with ermperasture | comesponding a8 | To get uniform tmperanure sele explanation ‘sing an S® | Thin was forthe bulb ache lower end ofthe thermometer. | spprapriste i @ | Increases accuracy of temperature readings. and const physics | Design concen: | 2 | Use the Celeius temperature calibration 8 | Schools use the metric unit for temperstre measurements | Accept other ! | spproprite 9% | Use a narrow rate or capillary sed coreet | ti? | To increase senstviny smal temperature change results in | modieetone ' : | sbigchange ine ipo te ei coluran, ‘and reasons. Other possibities: Maximum: ‘A large ball 0 house more thermometer lguid 10-marks Greater expansiolcontracton /! increased visibility “Temperature range from below O°C = 10°C w 2110" C “Melting point of ce is 0"C and boing point of water is 100% Total 30 TO | (a) | 1 | States the correct meaning of consiructve interference ‘Consrictveintedarence takes place when: ~ the erestof one wave passes through/is superpositioned upon the crest of another wave oR the trough of ane wave passes throughs superpoitoned ‘upon the rough of anther wave. | | States che comparison correcly In igure 10-1, distance between two coberent sources is bingee! greater 2 | States the comparison correctly The vera dstane between point P and the coherent sources is constanvfanchangedithe same 3 | States the comparison correctly The wavelength of propagating of water waves in diagram 10. is larger/erewenfoiger Peperiksaan Percubaan SPM Fizik MRSM 2009 PAPER 2 ANSWER SCHEME ‘Guastion Na [Mark | Soguested ser Noe 10] @) | # [States the comparison coreciy ‘The distance between two consecutive antnades io dgran |e) nea | | State the relationship correctly | When the saree between wo coherent sources is inressed, | the dlstance between Ro consreitvewitinoes detreases Th apt cares wy Te son doen ar Wis mathe ! caling i 1 | During dy tne, the higher ar emperatie at he Hower | © | atdude above the ground sults lower ar density 208 | sound waves ee rected and tend ay fom the norma | 3 | mhepat of ound moves is moved upward | | No sound waves reaches the son at ground level CH atest aaa Tartare and a usfctions | Bevapio | cone appropnate selcorest 16 | Shape -Hydrodynamic/Aerodynaic rodifcatons 2 | Tosedices waterresiance td reesons. | pfeil sed mus be song eaten must 2 | Soot will not ea on impact of water betasd oo physies sh | ates used - tard comrpe So boat doesnot change the shape alanced Maximum: 2 | Use sonar for ft detector syste sonar remarks & | As sonar canbe redeced and rected back sah ine/do fot dict ey 9% | taal coting eomparmentnytem 1o® | Tolower fish empertue to ensure they zeman exh Toat_|30 7 Peperiksaan Percubaan SPM Fizik MRSM 2009 PAPER 2 ANSWER SCHEME ‘Question No. Mark | Suggested answer Note | ex [) eer 1 | States the meening of pressure correcly Ratio of foree and area//P=FIA 1 | Sketches and tabels water paths from 0. R, S correct way ‘Explains the paths of the waier spurting oni at Q, R and S using physics concepts). 1" | Pressure increases as depth increases // Pressure is Proportional to depth! P = hp g i 2 | Seaperienns te highest presse, followed by R and Q | 3% | Horizontal force on water at § is highest results inthe furthest ‘wate spurt 4% | Resultant foree duc to water pressure and gravity results in a parabolie path towards the ground. Symbols used explained OO T° | Shows the calculation correctly FylAr FAs SO/2-Fa/I5 2° | States the answer and unit correctly 375N we 1 | Shows the caleulation correctiy Dixd=xx 15 2 | States the answer and unit correctly 28m ‘Peperiksaan Percubaan SPM Fizik MRSM 2009 PAPER 2 ANSWER SCHEME (Question Ne, Mark | Suggested answer Nowe 1] © ‘States the suitable characteris and the justifications correctly | Characteristics Tastiations * aves for deieior = Moves in straight He aad) 2° |) ultrasonic reflected 38 | [Optical nsiament Far away OBO ae soon 4 || periscope writ St | So Shape of sabnarine= $- Breit a bigge fore 56 6 |) secodynamics descent faster descent ve || Sourse ofenergenuclesr | Tong lasting Vgenerate 8 |) energy radioactive material | high power o® | States the suitable submarine correrly R jo® | States the reasons correctty Ti.uses ulrasonic waves for detecting purposes, perisoope a ts ‘optical instrament, an aerodynamics shape and users nuclear En mar Te Rams acme or a cae oo rare : p—llit-— 2} Cireuit consists of 3 cells,balb and switch. 3% | Workable (| I” | Shows calculation for total energy used in one day correctly + | scene nf et at a Ta | i a TT TS eee : ae Peperiksaan Percubaan SPM Fizik MRSM 2009 PAPER 2 ANSWER SCHEME [Guctiion No] Mark [Suggested answer Note (Xi) | 1" | Shows calculation or the Yoal cost in T month correciy 1100 unis 0.30 ‘=RM 20.00 2° 100 nit x 0.23 =RM 23.00 fo |p Se uitxcas = RM220.0 2 | States the answer and unit correctly “oval cost RM 265.00 TET TY | 1 | Slates the meaning of the fuse label SA” correctly | ifs cument of grester than § amperes goes through the fuselpower | | phigiiappiance, te fate will melt blow Slates the sleabll of power socket exienstons and Weir justifications correetty ( Chearaceriios Tasfiations 1 [YContol of appliances —|2- Three other sockets can sulrbe || | 2" || One ise for each socker | used ine fuse melistlows i st | [Say (use) ~Head | 4 ip ease of tharsceai, Igo 4° | plug earthing availble | carent will not pass dough Tendanger use. se || 5 satay Glesronie | “Protects electron pars/doviess 6° || deviees)—Power surge | fiom power sungelspike (which protection availble | could inflict damage tothe device) ‘78 | [5c Energy efficiengy No] 4 Power loss due w cable 8 || extension coed resistance minimized/reduced Power loss = PR 9% | State the sutable power socket extension correctly 8 to | States the reasons correctly So Thas ‘0_head plug earthing for safety ofthe user ‘© poster surge protection to protct overloading of clectronicparsidevices © individual fuses for each socket hace the other sockets can stil be used if one fuse melis ~ Power loss due to cable resistance is minimized 2 there is no extension cord. Fotal_| 30 ‘MRSM TRIAL EXAMINATIONS 2009 PHYSICS PAPER 3 SECTION A: QUESTION 1 Ne | Mani [RUBRIC AND SUGGESTED ANSWERS Nove Site he manila varie correct (op | 1 | Object aitanse Sats he responding vara creep Xi) 1 Tnmage distance // v ‘Sie he fe vara creel ea? oxy} 1 | Foe Tenth power of es icknes of le ‘prof ene Cin eeoonal eee “iat al alas of roca Vales corre ark (bya) 2 v= 133m 8.6 om 6 2 é7an % oT wen Elem mo Tabata he daa corre ead 5 ‘Object distance, | Tnmage distance, | Wu (cm) | We em") Coa) tem) so 3 ous | 30 a0 a6 0083 | 0116 160 7 0063 —| 0141 200 67 O050—| 014 340 ea 0a | “0156 380 si 036 —| 0.68 Ge one based on these: neue ee 1 All quantities are labeled coretly (u,v, Mu and 1/) ins pee hang ; 2 extl 36 4 2) ite or quant (om, cm, me") ar comet wo 3) All values of u are correct (in ! dec, place) 2 2 4) All values of v ae correct (in 1 dee place) 1 1 5) Al values of Lt are corest 6) All values of 1 are corest 7) Values of It and Lv are consistent to 3-4 dec place (eject :2 dee place) ‘Drow the graph correc © 5. | Gireone based on these: Noof Marks 1) Label correct quunives on wees (y axis = Uv, xeaxis-Iaiy | 7 5 2) Label cortst watson axes and y axes —e) SB 3} Uniform, even and neessing scale Reject: oddscale) | 3-403 1) }Plot 6 poims eoreatly (give?) 2 2 5) _}Oive one + ifonty 4or§ points are comest 1 1 6) Best ited and balanced sagt ine (11,23) 1) Draw lage graph (minimum size : Bom x Bem) “Slate the relatonslipcomeeiy ‘eed (@ | 1 | Virdecreass inerly wit 1 ines aad WW decreases! snvgeely ropatonal promt: womans ‘question? No | maRK [RUBRIC AND SUGGESTED ANSWERS xoTE Ww [1 | Sate te coreet elatonship Rejec Ip erases, Ip I direty proportional io Te Te ereases THD | TT Show Draw de extrapolating on graph 2 | Drow dowed horizontal ine on graph a Ix = 35 10%A, : 3 | Correct answer and unit Tera 2c loa, Reject: witout unit (xii) | 1 | Draw trangte on te graph (minimum sive: Bem 8em) | Reject small 2 | Stow the substation egrrecty According 0.4 draw by student m= Gx10") -(0.5810" 3 Gano y ase) Correct answer with no unit 122 (accept: 116~ 128) Reject: answer with any unit ow ‘Show the substation correctly Te=(m+1)Ip 2022+ 105x109 Correct answer and unit 3,075 x 10° A//3.075 mA 113.08 mA Reject if without unit Accept 2 or3 decimal points 106) “Show the substluton correc, a= (la/Te) = (22) @5x 109 #7 in Spake Roe Correct answer with mo unit HSMEBELOTS 72/0971 © ‘State one precaution sep correctly ‘The eyes are perpendicular tothe scale (Reject: parallel, inline, same level, evoid parallax eror) (Open the circuit when not taking reading to prevent over heating “Make sure all the connections are tight (eject: correct) “Hocept other logical” ‘suitable answers TOTAL : 12 MARKS SECTION B: QUESTION 3 No | MARK [RUBRIC AND SUGGESTED ANSWERS Nove | State the suitable ‘Inference correctly. Accept @ |r Acceleration depends on the mass of the lory // Mass of forty | Ay suitable } affects influences toe acceleration/ The acceleration i inference based on | | affectedvintiuenced by mass of lorry / The velocity of the ory | the diagram | depends onthe mass ‘State the hypothesis correctiy (b) | 1 | When mass of cbject increases, the acceleration decreases The reste the mass ofthe abject, the lower the acceleration of the object // vice versa (©)_| plan the suitable frame of experiment correctly: ‘State the aim of experiment @ | 1 [Toinvestigate the relationship between the mass and the te acceleration of the objet. Gi | 2 | State the manipulated and responding variables correctly Reject fegueney MV: Mass of the abject RY: Acecleration ofthe object, a ‘Siete costar varable corral 3. OV Force, F/ Ange of he inclined plane List of apparatas and materials Tinta leas ems (ii) | 4 | Ticker timer, ticker tape, olleys, 12 V ac power supply and mark ffiction-compensated rurway,elasticlrubber band, cellotape, tiple | £3 item —O mark beam balance | Show the arrangement ofanvaratas iF ww | os Reject diagram | Trolley Flas Band without labeUnot ‘unetioning ri | Label at east 4 items compensated rumway |) 1 mark. Power supply ‘$3 tem ~Omark ‘State the method of controlling the manipulated variable () | 6 | Setup the apparatus as shown inthe diagram. | Place a trolley of mass 0.5 kg (determined by a triple beem ‘balance) on the runway. | ‘Switch on the tcker-imer and pull the trolley by using one elastic | band. Acoept: ‘Sate the method of controlling the responding variable Masses of 1.0 kg, 2.0 From the ticker tape, dccrmine te iniiaal velocity, final velosiy, time and finally the acceleration of she trolley by using this formula: as(vupit Repeat the experiment at least 4 times: Repeat the experiment by using trolleys with masses ,m 1S kg, 2.0 kg and 25 kg ig Joke Aegand 5Okg ow Tabulating the data: Naz, ‘acceleration, a/em S 05) 10 us 20 25 o 10 ‘Wate how the data willbe analysed Acceleration (em s*) as, meg) TOTAL: 12 MARKS ‘The loudest ofthe bell depends on the electric current QUESTION 4 No | MARK [RUBRIC AND SUGGESTED ANSWERS NOTE ‘State the suitable inference correctly. (@) | 1 | The electric curentatfectsintuences the strength of tke magnetic | Any suitable {eld of an electromagned// The electric curent affects the loudness | inference bused on of the bell! the diagram » ‘State the hypothesis correctly ‘When te electric eurent increess, the strength ofthe magnetic field increases !/ When the electric current increases, the number of paper clips atsucted increases. o Explain the suitable frame of experiment correct: @ ‘Sate the aim of experiment ‘To investigate the relationship between the electric curent andthe sizenghh of te magnesc eld of an electromagnet./ ‘To investigate the relationship between the curent and the number cof paper clips attracted «i ‘Siate the manipulated and responding variables correc Menipulated variable : electric curent ‘Responding variable : The number of paper clips attracted: ‘Stare the constant variable ‘The number of tums ofthe col / The diameter ofthe wire i! Resistivity of wirl!distance of paper clips to the soft iron rodifweight of paper clips Reject: ype of wire i) ist of appara and materials e. power supply, ammeter, rheostat, per dish end retort stand ‘wit clamp, paper clips, soft iron rod, insulated copper ire/solenoid, switch and connecting wires. Ti 36 mala ems — mark w) ‘Shiow the arrangement of apparatus. Daycell |) switch Soften rod) solenoid Retort stand! Paper clips *eoste Petr ish Reject: diagram ‘without label Label 26 main items mack cc) ‘Sate the method of controlling the manipulated variable Close the switch and adjust the rheostat co obtain electric current, I 4A. ‘State the method of controlling the responding variable Count and record the number of paper clips attracted, N tothe soft ison rod. Repeat the experiment at least 4 times Repeat the experiment for Curent, 1= 0.84, 1.2 A, 1.6 and2.0 A. iy Tabutating the dataz Current, TA | Namber of paper clips ata oa on Ta 16 20. “0 10 ‘State how the data willbe analysed: ‘Number of paper clips atacted, NV Curent, KA) TOTAL: 12 MARKS End of Answer Scheme

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