Vessel Drawing Instructions
Vessel Drawing Instructions
Vessel Drawing Instructions
2. References....................................2
2.1 Process Industry Practices (PIP).........2 2.2 Industry Codes and Standards............2
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1.1 Purpose The purpose of this Practice is to provide instruction and/or direction to designers for preparation of the Vessel Drawing/Data Sheet. The Vessel Drawing/Data Sheet, prepared in conjunction with PIP VECV1001, PIP VESV1002 and PIP VEFV1100 completes a specification suitable for obtaining comprehensive bids and subsequent purchase of pressure vessels. 1.2 Scope This Practice identifies information to be placed on the PIP Vessel Drawing/Data Sheet.
2.1 Process Industry Practices (PIP) 2.2 PIP VECV1001 - Vessel Design Criteria, ASME Code Vessels, Section VIII, Division 1 PIP VEFV1100 - Vessel Standard Details PIP VESV1002 - Vessel Fabrication Specification
Industry Codes and Standards American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII, Division 1
Use of This PIP 3.1 Vessel Drawing/Data Sheet The Vessel Drawing/Data Sheet is an element of a complete pressure vessel specification. This form provides preprinted line items to be completed and includes space for drafting and dimensioning of appropriate views. 3.2 Design Data The preparer should have pressure vessel design experience and ensure the work is both accurate and complete. The preparer should avoid supplying information that is not needed. 3.2.1 Entering Text All text placed on the Vessel Drawing/Data Sheet shall be of size and quality to be readable and reproducible in reduced size including the use of microfilm.
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Entering Data Each numbered line of the Vessel Drawing/Data Sheet should be (1) properly filled in or (2) marked NA (Not Applicable). It is suggested that lines be left blank if the information is not known at the time. Lines not completed indicate the form is not complete. See Section 4.1 for descriptions and references.
Additional Data Additional information that may be required, that does not have a preprinted line, can be added in the General Notes area of the Vessel Drawing/Data Sheet, or equipment supplier information may be forwarded to the vessel manufacturer such as nozzle loading of agitators.
Vessel Drawing/Data Sheet It is intended that drawings be placed on the Vessel Drawing/Data Sheet by CAD through electronic media. If CAD cannot be used, then a preprinted Vessel Drawing/Data Sheet should be used. If the quantity of detail views is such that the form becomes cluttered or difficult to use, separate additional sheets, (not preprinted), may be used. These separate sheets should have an appropriate border and title block. All sheets must have suitable identification to be unmistakably kept together. Redundancy of dimensions, notes, and references should be avoided. 3.3.1 Drawing Views Drawing views in general should be orthographic and include Plan and Elevation for vertical vessels; Elevation and End or Elevation and Plan for horizontal vessels. Other views may be added. 3.3.2 Drafting Practices Drafting practices shall be consistent with the following items: a. It is recommended that drawings be made to scale. If not to scale the approximate proportion should be maintained. b. Bottom views are allowed only to describe complex geometry and must be identified. c. North arrow is to be pointing upward on the drawing. d. 0 degrees orientation shall be plant or unit north, whichever applies. e. Showing of component thickness, head/shell etc., is optional. f. Establish a reference line for tail dimensions. Use a head tangent line or face of flange if vessel has a flanged end.
g. Show supports. h. Show location of legs, lugs, clips, etc. i. Identify and locate needed internal details. Provide only enough detail to describe the item or provide reference to a PIP Standard Detail. See PIP VEFV1100.
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Itemize external attachments such as: name plate bracket, platform and ladder brackets/lugs, pipe supports and guides, davits, supports, anchor chairs, and lifting attachments. Provide reference numbers to applicable PIP VEFV1100, details.
k. Locate support saddles including; dimension from head tangents to center line of the saddles, elevation from the vessel centerline to the bottom of the base plate, and elevation from grade if available. Identify which saddle is to have slotted mounting holes and if a slide plate is required. l. Provide the skirt height dimension from the bottom of the base plate to the head tangent. Provide the type and quantity of anchor chairs. Include the bolt circle and location of anchor bolt holes (or chairs). Anchor bolt and chair locations should straddle normal centerlines.
m. Show location and orientation of hinges and davits. 3.3.3 Connection Schedule The Connection Schedule is located on the Vessel Drawing/Data Sheet. a. Mark: Enter the identification of the opening in this column. Use N for nozzle, C for coupling, M for manway, and SO for skirt opening. The format is: N-1, etc. Multiple openings that have identical descriptions, such as level gauges, may have the same identification with the addition of a letter suffix and the format is: N-1 with the quantity given in the No. Req'd column, and shown on the drawing as N-1A, N-1B, and so on. b. No. Req'd: Enter the quantity of openings that will have a common Mark as described in (a). c. Size: Enter the NPS (Nominal Pipe Size) of the opening. d. Rating: Enter the ASME/ANSI flange class. For ASME B16.47 specify A or B. e. Facing: Enter the flange facing e.g. RF, FF, RJ etc. f. Center Line Projection: Enter the dimension from the centerline of the vessel to the face of the flange, or the dimension from reference line to face of flange for head openings.
g. Description: Enter identification of service for the opening. Include blind flanges and covers to be furnished with the vessel. 3.3.4 References and Revisions The Reference Specifications/Drawings and Drawing Revisions blocks are along the bottom margin of the Vessel Drawing/Data Sheet. The information required is commonly understood and not identified further in this description.
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Title Block The Title Block requires certain information needed to identify the equipment for accountability and records management. Refer to the sample Vessel Drawing/Data Sheet for required information and its placement.
1. PIP VECV1001, Section 5.1. 2. PIP VECV1001, Section 5.4. 3. PIP VECV1001, Section 5.3. Check appropriate box. 4. PIP VECV1001, Section 5.2.1. A specific gravity of 1 is commonly used. Consideration must be given to vessels that will not be subjected to liquid loading, or liquid heavier than water, or are very tall, large, low pressure, and so on. 5. Enter the highest pressure and temperature at which the vessel would operate and remain within the process specification. 6. PIP VECV1001, Section 5.4. Enter the greatest external pressure and temperature at which the vessel would operate and remain within the process specification. 7. PIP VECV1001, Section 4.1. Typically will be ASME Section VIII, Division 1. Complete with information for Code edition and addenda used. Check the appropriate box for each (a), (b), and (c). If a Code Case is used, identify it. 8. This entry clarifies the stamping requirement. 9. PIP VECV1001, Section 4.3. Check the appropriate box. 10. Provides a reminder to add or refer to PIP documents listed in the Reference Specifications/Drawings block of the Vessel Drawing/Data Sheet. 11. Check appropriate box. 12. PIP VECV1001, Section 6.3 all paragraphs. Enter corrosion allowance for each item. 13. PIP VECV1001, Section 5.6 and Appendix. B. Provide reference to a completed Appendix B Form or furnish the required information in another format.
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14. Check the appropriate box. A yes answer indicates the corrosion allowance specified is for the external side. This allows construction without inspection openings for vessels used in known clean & non-corrosive service. 15. Check the appropriate box. 16. Check the appropriate box, PIP VECV1001, Section 5.5 (all paragraphs). 17. See ASME Code Section VIII, Division 1, Sections UG-116(c) and UG120(d). 18. PIP VECV1001, Section 5.7. Check appropriate boxes. 19. PIP VECV1001, Section 6.1. Enter the allowed material specification for each applicable item. For example: Shell SA-516-70. 20. Check appropriate box. If yes is checked, continue checking boxes for type per PIP VEFV1100. 21. Check appropriate box and describe if yes is checked. 22. Check appropriate boxes and provide primer/paint specification or reference. 23. Check appropriate box and enter thickness and type. 24. Check appropriate boxes and enter thickness and type. 25. PIP VECV1001, Section 5.8. Check appropriate box and fill in blanks. If the Other box is checked, provide appropriate information as a general note. 26. PIP VECV1001, Section 5.9. Check appropriate box and fill in blanks. If the Other box is checked, provide appropriate information as a general note. Following line 26, the Supplementary Data by Fabricator (See Section 4.2 below) should be filled in as it becomes available. 4.2 Supplementary Data by Fabricator All items in Supplementary Data are to be completed. Supplementary data is typically furnished by the fabricator based on the actual construction. The following numbered items (1 through 7) correspond to the numbered lines on the Vessel Drawing/Data Sheet.
1. Check box. 2. PIP VECV1001, Section 5.2 and fill in blanks. 3. PIP VECV1001, Sections 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, and fill in blank. 4. PIP VECV1001, Section 5.2 and fill in blanks. 5. PIP VECV1001, Section 5.3 and fill in blanks. 6. Fill in blanks. 7. Fill in blank.
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General Notes General notes should be added as necessary to support, clarify, add information, or to give direction not otherwise provided.
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The Design Data items on the Vessel Drawing/Data Sheet are a reproduction of this sheet.
Design Data
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Design Internal Pressure: _______ PSIG at: _______ F Design External Pressure: _______ PSIG at: _______ F Minimum Design Metal Temperature: _______ F at _______ PSIG Low Ambient Excursion Process Design S. G. of Liq.: _______ Liq. Level: _______ Internal Operating Pressure: _______ PSIG at _______ F External Operating Pressure: _______ PSIG at _______ F Construction Code: ASME Sec. VIII, Division 1, Ed. _______, Addenda ___________ (A) Code Stamp Required: Yes No (B) Code Special Service Ug-116(C): No Yes (C) Code Case: No Yes Name Plate MAWP Stamping: Calculated Same as Design National Board Registration: Yes No PIP Specifications: See Ref. Spec/Dwg Block This Sheet. Other Specs: See Ref. Spec./Dwg Block This Sheet None Corrosion Allowance: Shell: _______ Heads: _______ Nozzles: _______ Supports: _______ Internals: _______ Welded Pressure Joint Requirement: _______ For Noncorrosive Service: Yes No Seal Weld Internal Parts to Pressure Boundary: Yes No Cyclic Service: See Ref. Specification this Sheet No Other Special Service Requirements: _______________________ P.W.H.T.: Yes No Per Code Per Service Material Specifications: Shell: ______________________ Formed Heads: _______ Cladding Or Lining: ___________ Reinf Pads: _________________ Stiffening Rings: _________ Nozzle/Manway Necks: ________ Pipe: ___________ Plate: _________ Forgings: ___________________ Weld Fittings: _________ Pressure Retaining Bolts: ______ Nuts: ________________ Internal Bolts: ________________ Nuts: _______________ Gaskets: ____________________ Parts Welded to Pressure Boundary: __________________ Internal: ___________________ External: ______________ Supports: __________________ Trays: ________________ Other: _____________________ Vortex Breaker: Yes No Type: Flush Inside Projection 3 Blade 4 Blade Hardness Control: No Yes Shop Prime: No Yes Shop Paint: No Yes Insulation By Others: No Yes _______ Thick; Type
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The Design Data items on the Vessel Drawing/Data Sheet are a reproduction of this Sheet. 24. 25. Fireproof By Others: No Yes _______ Thick; Type Inside Skirt Outside Skirt Wind Design: ASCE7 Other: ______________ Classification Category: ____________ Basic Wind Speed: _____________ MPH Exposure Category: _______________ Topographic Factor: _________________ 26. Seismic Design: ASCE7 Other: _____________
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