1. D.O. stands for
None (a) Demand Order
(c) Diluted Oxygen (d)
(a) Contaminated Oxygen Demand (b) Chemical Oxygen Demand (c) Combined Oxygen Demand (d) None of These Detergent is one of the sources of (a)Air Pollution (b)Water Pollution (c) Ground Water Pollution Mercury is present in (a) Coal (b) Iron (c) Bauxite (d) None Polychlorinated dibenzo dioxins is called (a) PCDD (b) PDD (c) CDD (d) None Natural Rubber Processing unit produces (a) Hydrocarbon Waste (b) Biological Waste (c) Radioactive Waste (c) 4 categories (c) Recycling (d) None (b) Acid Producing (d) None
7. Radioactive Waste belongs to (a) 2 categories (b) 3 categories 8. Latest waste management is (a) Neutralisation (b) Bioremediation 9. Oxides of Sulphur is emitted primarily by (a)Power plants
(c) Zinc and Copper Ores
(b) Selective Nuclear Catalytic (c) Selective Non-Catalytic Reduction (d) None of Above
11. In automobile emission the amount of nitrogen oxides can be reduced by (a) SNCR Process (b) NRSC Process (c) SCNR Process (d) None 12. POP stands for (a) Present Organic Pollutants (b) Persistent Organic Pollutants (c) Permanent Organic Pollutants (d) None 13. Lipophilic means (a) Carbohydrate Loving (b) Fat Loving (c) Protein Loving
14. Thyorophilic means (a) Hydrogen Loving (b) Hydroxide Loving (c) Soluble in Water (d) None 15. One of the methods of Solid Waste Management is (a) Land Filling (b) Filtration (c) Recycling (d) Both (a) & (c) 16. Suspended Solids are (a) Organic (b) Inorganic (c) Both (a) & (b) (d) None 17. Public Health is dependent on (a) Safe drinking water (b) Unpolluted Soil (c) Pure air (d)All 18. Sources of water pollution is (a) Effluents from factories (b) Drain Water (c) Water Containing Chemical (d) All 19. Sources of soil pollution is (a) Excreta of human beings & animals (b) Harmful insecticides & pesticides (c) Non-degradable substances (d) All 20. A disease is (a) Departure from a state of health (b) Due to improved sanitation
(c) Sudden drop of health sanitation (d) All
21. Vector borne disease means (a) Which are spread by air (b) Which are spread by food, water (c) Which are spread by fluid & insects (d) All 22. Disease which are spread by droplet nuclei are called (a) Vector borne Disease (b) Airborne Diseases (c) Vehicle borne Diseases (d) None 23. Media borne disease means those diseases which are spread by (a) potable air (b) Milk (c) Food (d) All 24. Pneumonia and diarrhoea are caused by (a) Bacteria (b) Virus (c) Both (a) & (b) (d)
None SANDIP CHANDRA----(8017738040 / 8013249800) SUBARNO DEY------(8013347787) SHOULD NOT BE COPIED BY ANY MEANS
25. Hepatitis B, AIDS & Measles are caused by (a) Bacteria b) Virus
(b) (d) None (c) Both (a) &
(b) AIDS
27. Which one is the air borne disease? (a) Cancer (b) Diabetes
28. Viral diseases are (a) Cancer & Diabetes (b) Asthma & Bronchitis
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------29. Diseases which are spread by air is (a) Diphtheria (b) Malaria (c) Both (a) & (b) (d) None 30. Human malaria is transmitted by(a) Male anopheles (b) Female anopheles (c) Female Culex (d) None 31. World environment day is observed on (a) 5th June (b) 5th July (c) 6th June (d) 6th July 32. The chief culprit of greenhouse gas is (a) CO2 (b) H2C (c) N2 (d) none 33. PAN stands for (a) Peroxy acetyl nitrate (b) Pre acetyle nitrate (c)Proxytyle acid nitrate (d)
none 34. Smog is a combination of (a) Smoke and fog (b) Fog and air (c) Smoke and air (d) None 35. Bhopal environment tragedy took place on (a) 1984 (b) 1985 (c) 1983 (d)1982 36. The coldest region of biosphere is (a) Mesopause (b) Stratosphere (c) Lethopause (d) None 37. Desirable pH value in drinking water should between (a) 6.5-8.5 (b) 5.5-7.5 (c) 9.5-10.5 (d) None 38. The unit of measurement of sound is (a)dB (b) MB (c) CB (d) none
39. Water pollution Prevention act was passed in (a) 1974 (b) 1984 (c) 1990 (d) None 40. The lowest layer of atmosphere is called (a) Troposphere (b) Stratosphere (c) Ionosphere (d)
None 41. Aluminium manufacturing process may emit (a) HF (b) H2 (c) O2 (d) None 42. Ray absorbed by the atmosphere from outer space (a) Cosmic Rays (b) X-rays (c) -rays (d) rays
43. Pyrolysis is a method of treatment of (a) Solid waste (b) Liquid waste (c) Gaseous waste (d) None 44. The most common disinfectant used in water supply scheme is (a) Chlorine (b) Bromine
(c) Iodine (d) Mercury 45. The presence of which gas in air checks ultra violet rays from sunlight? (a) O2 (b) H2 (c) CO2 (d)
46. The most stable compound against radiation is (a) CO2 (b) Water (c) H2S (d) Hydrocarbon 47. Chemicals like DDT, Aldrin, Dialrin etc. which cause ecological damage are (a) Pesticides (b) Detergent (c) Morphicid (d) Biocid 48. The gas which attacks most of the metals producing black discolouration (a) CO (b) CO2 (c) NH3 (d) H2S 49. Harmful chemical present in tobacco is (a) Atropine (b) Nicotine (c) Tannic acid
Morphine SANDIP CHANDRA----(8017738040 / 8013249800) SUBARNO DEY------(8013347787) SHOULD NOT BE COPIED BY ANY MEANS
50. Chlorofuro carbon (CFC) is used in (a) Paints 51.
(d) None Popular brand name of CFC is
(b) Refrigeration
(b) Halogen
(a) Halon
(c) Freon
52. Which part of the body usually damaged from lead poisoning?(a) Heart (b) Brain (c) Kidney (d)
Lungs 53. Which is responsible for damaging blood?
(a) Pb
(d) Mg
54. The maximum use of water in India in 55. Cholera, Typhoid are (a) Viral disease
None 56. In agriculture the use of water amount is
(d) Electricity production (b) Protozoal Disease (c) Bacterial disease (d) (a) 60% (b) 40%
(c) Agriculture
(c) 80% (d) 20% 57. Mina Mata disease in Japan is due to positioning by (a) Pb (b) As (c) Hg (d) Cd 58. The Principal Constituent of bio gas is (a) Ethane (b) CO2 (c) SO2 (d) Methane 59. The urban solid waste is known as (a) Refuge (b) Garbage (c) Silt (d) None 60. Natural source of noise is (a) Scooter (b) Car (c) Thunder (d) Bus 61. The standard test for determining the hardness of water is (a) DAT (b) CVD (c) EDTA (d) DETA 62. Aerobic Bacteria live in the presence of (a) H2 (b) O2 (c) N2 (d) He 63. Temporary hardness of water due to presence of (a) CO3 (b) Ca (c) Mn (d) Chloride 64. Substances used to kill pets (a) Biocides (b) Pesticides (c) Bacteria (d) None 65. The chief output of greenhouse effect is (a) SO2 (b) CO2 (c) O2 (d) NO2
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------66. In which layer of atmosphere radio wave communication is possible? (a) Ionosphere (b) Troposphere (c) Stratosphere (d) Ozonosphere 67. An average man breaths in a day (a) 350 times (b) 3500 times (c) 35000 times (d) 3500000 times 68. At equator there is (a) High temperature (b) High humidity (c) Frequent rain (d) All of these 69. Colourless, odourless and non-corrosive air pollution is (a) O3 (b) SO2 (c) CO (d) CO2 70. The presence of which of the following can cause depletion of ozone layer? (a) Aerosols (b) CO (c) Smoke (d) NO 71. Every person inhales air daily about (a) 2 kg (b) 15-22 kg (c) 100 lit. (d) 1 lit. 72. Most poisonous pollutant in water is (a) Arsenic (b) Zn (c) CO2 (d) Phosphate 73. The process which does not evolve CO2 in air is (a) Burning (b) Breathing (c) Organic decay (d) Photosynthesis 74. The main source of lead pollution is form (a) State sewage (b) Septic sewage (c) Both (a) & (b) (d) None 75. The brunch of science concerned with the study of soil (a) Synecology (b) Edaphology (c) Mudology (d) Autocology 76. Up to which noise can be tolerated by human ear? (a) 20 dB (b) 180 dB (c) 120 dB (d) 80 dB 77. Which of the following is harmed when people inhale Hg present in air? (a) Nervous system (b) Skin (c) Hair (d) Nail 78. Loss of chlorophyll in plant is known as (a) Chlorination (b) Chlorosis (c) Abscission (d) Chloroplast 79. Which of the following is a heavy metal? (a) Pb (b) Na (c) Ca (d) Mg 80. Carcinogenic agent cause (a) Cholera (b) Chorionic dysentery (c) Cancer (d) Malaria 81. Which of the following metal come from auto exhaust? (a) Hg (b) As (c) Pb (d) Pd
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82. White pigment basic lead carbonate becomes black due to its reaction with (a) CO2 (b) H2S (c) SO2 (d) NO2 83. A man can hardly survive without air for (a) 5 sec. (b) 1 min. (c) 15 sec. (d) 5 min. 84. Oxide of sulphur (SOX) cause (a) Asthma (b) Typhoid (c) Fluorosis (d) Cholera 85. By use of excessive chemical fertilizer productivity of soil (a) Increase (b) Decrease (c) Remain unaltered (d) Frist increase then decrease 86. The brownish colour of leaves is an indication of (a) SO2 poisoning (b) CO poisoning (c) SMOG poisoning (d) None 87. Endrin is an insecticide containing (a) Sulphur (b) Nitrogen (c) Chlorine (d) Phosphorus 88. The largest contributor to water pollutant is (a) Domestic waste (b) Agricultural waste (c) Industrial waste (d) None 89. Mercury cause (a) Neurological disorder (b) Kidney damage (c) Bone damage (d) Tissue damage 90. Ecology is a ________ term. (a) Greek (b) German (c) Latin (d) Urdu -3 -6 -9 91. 1 micro curie is (a) 10 curie (b) 10 curie (c) 10 curie (d) 1 curie 92. Which of the following is most injurious to plants? (a) SO2 (b) CO (c) CO2 (d)
N2O 93. U.V. ray has wave length (a) 200-300 (b) 3000-4000 (c) 100-200 (d) 1000-2000 94. Which is not a bacterial diseases? (a) Typhoid (b) Cholera (c) Infectious Hepatitis (d) Diarrhea 95. When KNO3 is used as fertilizer in the soil, the pH of it (a) Increase (b) Decrease (c) Remain unaltered (d) None 96. Coagulation of colloidal particles is effected by (a) FeCl3 (b) NaCl (c) Charcoal (d) None 97. The aeration period of activated sludge process is (a) 2-3 hr. (b) 3-6 hr. (c) 2-3 min. (d) 10-15 min. 98. Permissible limit of hardness in water as per BIS (a) 100 (b) 150 (c) 250 (d) 400
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------99. High concentration of algae in water indicate that water is (a) Acidic (b) Alkaline (c) Hard (d) 100. The total water content in soil is called (a) Echard (b) Hollard (c) Chresard (d) None 101. The type of water absorbed by the plant from the soil (a) Capillary water (b) Hydroscopic water (c) Gravitational water (d) Both (a) & (c) 102. The largest amount of fresh water on our planet is available in (a) Polar ice & Glacier (b) Rivers (c) Lakes & Streams (d) Underground 103. Soil erosion can be prevented by (a) Removal of Vegetation (b) Afforestation (c) Overgrazing (d) All of These 104. The water of soil which is available for plants are called (a) Echard (b) Hollard (c) Chresard (d) All of These 105. The greatest problem for water conservation is to reduce the amount of (a) Ground Water (b) Evaporation (c) Precipitation (d) Run-off Water 106. The water logged soils are (a) Physiologically wet (b) with great amount of water
(c) Physiologically dry (d) with less amount of water 107. The land area covered by forests wood land on earth is about (a) 6 billion hectares (b) 3.89 billion hectares (c) 10 billion hectares (d) 8.1 billion hectares 108. The tropical evergreen forests are found in (a) Northern plains (b) Himalayan range (c) Western Ghats (d) None 109. The conifers are found in (a) Eastern Ghats (b) Eastern Ghats (c) Eastern Himalayas (d) All SANDIP CHANDRA----(8017738040 / 8013249800) SUBARNO DEY------(8013347787)
110. How much land area is nearly covered by forests? 111. The epiphytes are not found in Delhi, because
(a) Lack of evergreen trees (b) Moist air (c) Lack of water in subsoil (d) Semi-arid culture 112. Which type of forests is found near equator? (a) Coniferous (b) Tropical (c) Deciduous (d) All 113. The type of forest that occur in the Himalayan range are (a) Tropical (b) Alpine (c) Evergreen (d) Temperate 114. Tropical forests are found in (a) Himalayan Ranges (b) Central India (c) Northern Plain (d) Eastern Ghats 115. Temperate evergreen forests are found in (a) Western Ghats (b) Himalayan Range (c) Aravalli Range (d) All of These 116. Which type of forest is found in western Himalayan?(a)Conifers(b)Alpine(c)Tropical (d) Evergreen 117. The group of animals belonging to the same species is known as (a) Ecosystem (b) Community (c) Population (d) All 118. Synecology is the study of (a) Environment (b) Plant Community (c) Flowers (d) Animals 119. The study of particular animal is called (a) Synecology (b) Forest Ecology (c) Community Ecology (d) None 120. The study of animal in relation with their environment is called (a) Auto ecology (b) Synecology (c) Population Ecology (d) Resource Ecology 121. A food chain begins with (a) Respiration (b) Nitrogen Fixation (c) Stagnation (d) None 122. The organisms at the base of the food chain are (a) Producers (b) Decomposers (c) Herbivores (d) Carnivores 123. In a food chain the total amount of living material is depicted by (a) Pyramid of Biomass (b) Pyramid of Energy (c) Pyramid of Numbers (d) All 124. The food chains are made only with (a) Cities (b) Seas (c) Forests (d) All 125. All living organisms on earth comprise (a) Biosphere (b) Community (c) Biome (d) Population
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------126. The plant being eaten by herbivore which in turn eaten by carnivore, it makes (a) Food web (b) Food chain (c) Producer (d) Carbohydrate 127. The area which include all living & non-living parts of that area comprises (a) Biomass (b) Biome (c) Ecosystem (d) Biosphere 128. The ecosystem must possess (a) Energy (b) Water (c) Temperature (d)
Oxygen 129. The flow energy in an ecosystem is (a) Unidirectional (b) Bidirectional (c) Tri-directional (d) None 130. The diseases which is caused by polluted water (a) Typhoid (b) Dysentery (c) Jaundice (d) All 131. The diseases which is not caused by polluted water (a) Jaundice (b) Tuberculosis (c) Typhoid (d) Dysentery 132. Name of the pollutant which is received by the water sources (a) Radioactive wastes (b) Organic Materials (c) Pathogenic Organisms (d) All 133. B.O.D. stands for (a) Biological Ozone Depletion (b) Biotic Origin & Development (c) Biome Oxygen Deficiency (d) Biochemical Oxygen Demand
134. If B.O.D. of a river is high it refers that the river is (a) Very Polluted (b) does not have green plants (c) Not polluted (d) Get least amount
of light 135. Radioactive strontium 90 cause (a) Lung cancer (b) brain cancer (c) bone cancer (d) skin cancer 136. The gas which is essential in food synthesis by plants is (a) carbon di oxide (b) oxygen (c) nitrogen (d)all of these 137. The carbon di oxide, oxygen, nitrates and phosphate are (a) producer (b) decomposer (c) reduction in biotic substances (d) abiotic substances 138. The most harmful effect of O3 is (a) chlorosis (b) headache (c) reduction in crop production (d)skin cancer 139. The recent air pollution due to radiation that causes hazards to the world and disturbed the ecological balance (a) violence in Sweden (b) MIC gas tragedy in Bhopal (c) challenger explosion in U.S.A (d) Chernobyl explosion 140. Which of the following causes Bhopal disaster (a) methane gas (b) CO2 (c) MIC gas (d)CO 141. Which of the following is the pollution causing agent (a) man (b) animals (c) hydrocarbons (d) both b and c 142. Which of following is the major source of air pollution (a) industries (b) automobiles (c) burning coke (d) all of these 143. An indicator of air pollution is (a) cycas sp (b) bryophytes (c) algae (d)
lichens 144. The pollution is an undesirable change in physical, chemical, biological properties of (a) air (b) soil (c)water (d)all of these 145. DDT is a (a) biodegradable pollutant (b) non-biodegradable pollutant (c) antibiotic (d) both a and c 146. The environmental pollution is mainly due to (a) human activity (b) animal activity (c) fungal activity (d) bacterial activity 147. The atmosphere pollution is mainly accelerated by (a) industries (b) automobiles (c) burning cokes (d) all of these 148. Which of the following is a source of air pollution (a)CO (b) CO2 (c)N2
(d)SO2 149. The chief source of thermal pollution is the rise of temperature of air and water to a harmful level. It is due to heat of (a) industries (b) automobiles (c) power plants (d) all of these
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------150. The lichens are important in the studies of atmosphere pollutions because they
(a)can readily multiply in polluted atmosphere (b) can effectively purify the atmosphere (c) are very sensitive to pollutants (d) can also grow in gently polluted atmosphere 151. The most power full eye irritant, present in the smog is (a) nitric oxide (b) ozone (c) peroxyacyl nitrate (d) SO2 152. In air pollution the industries are (a) area source (b) line source (c) point source (d)none of these 153. The major pollutant that can even cause death (a) CO2 (b)CO (c) O (d) sulphur 154. The fertilizer produced with the help of earthworm is known as (a) bio fertilizer (b) organic manure (c) vermicompost (d) none 155. BFC refers to (a) Bio Conservation Factor (b) Bio Chemical Factor (c) Bio Concentration Factor (d) none SHOULD NOT BE COPIED BY ANY MEANS
156. Mosquito repellent coil contains (a) DDT (b) Derivatives of Allethrin (c) benzene hexa chloride (d) none 157. Of the following which category of species group face highest possibilities of extinction (a)endangered (b) threatened (c) rare
(d)none 158. All corals are (a) vertebrates (b) invertebrates (c) plants (d) none 159. The place ARABARI is related to one of the following (a) vanamahotsava (b) joint forest management (c) autumn harvesting (d)none 160. The term RSPM is connected to (a) air pollution due to gases (b) particle size in air pollutant (c) smoke volume (d) none 161. The term RAMSAR is related to (a) forest ecosystem (b) wetland ecosystem (c) grassland ecosystem (d) none 162. Estuary is (a) inland wetland (b) deforested area (c) coastal wetland (d) none 163. The other name of CFC-12 is (a) Freon (b) furon (c) halons (d) none 164. Persons living adjacent to Antarctica is very much prone to (a) malaria (b) diarrhea (c)skin cancer (d) none 165. Life period of the compound of CFCs is about (a) 50 years (b) 100 years (c) 150 years (d) none 166. Acid rain is a (a) type of rain fall (b) result of air pollution (c) process of acid manufacturing (d) none. 167. Effect of air pollution on human health is worst during (a) summer season (b) rainy season (c) spring season (d) winter season 168. The chief constituent of smog is (a) ozone gas (b) oxides of nitrogen (c) hydrocarbon (d) none 169. Persons working in radio therapy units may suffer from (a) air pollution (b) sound pollution (c) radio active pollution (d) none 170. Person working is asbestos factories may be attacked by (a) asbestosis (b) bronchitis (c) asbestotysis (d) none 171. Due to silicosis man sufferd from (a) diarrhoea (b) fever (c) headache breathing trouble (d) none 172. Silicosis is (a) pollution (b) disease (c) gas (d) none 173. NEERI stands for (a) Non Engineering Environmental Research Institute (b)National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (c) National Electrical Engineering Research Institute (d) none 174. What is aerosol (a) dust particulates (b) smoke (c) gas (d) both a and b 175. Radioactive radiation effects (a) Liver (b) Eyes (c) Skin (d) Both a & b
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------176. Rise of temperature of the earth is known as (a) Green House Effect (b) Ozone Depletion (c) Global Warming (d) Both a & c 177. The major source of pollution in metropolitan cities are (a) Industries (b) Automobiles (c) Pesticides (d) solid wastes 178. Mangrove forests are seen in (a)Mountain areas (b) Polar areas (c) Costal areas (d) Plateau areas 179. Carbohydrates are (a) Organic Compound (b) Inorganic Compound (c) None 180. In Tundra Region we find (a) Wolf (b) Red Fox (c) Polar Bear (d) Fox 181. Veld grassland is in (a) Australia (b) S. Africa (c) Argentina (d) Russia
SANDIP CHANDRA----(8017738040 / 8013249800) SUBARNO DEY------(8013347787) SHOULD NOT BE COPIED BY ANY MEANS
(d)none 183. Fileria is caused by (a) bacteria (b)parasites (c)protozoa (d)none 184. Disease which is causes by pet animals (a)plague (b)Weils disease (c)rabies (d)none 185. Fileria is caused by (a)wuchereria banerofti (b)plasmodium vivax (c)salmonella paratyphi (d)none 186. Epidemic typhus is a disease caused by (a)mosquito (b)louse (c)sand fly (d)none 187. Cholera is caused by a bacteria called (a)salmonella paratyphi (b)vivro cholerac (c)shigella dysenteriae (d)none 188. Kalazar is fever by sand fly and it is caused by protozoa whose name is (a)leishmania donovani (b)varicella zoster (c)vibro cholerac (d)none 189. Chicken pox is caused by (a)bacteria (b)virus (c)protozoa (d)none 190. Disease which is transmitted from animals to man is (a)diptheria (b)asthma (c)plague (d)all above 191. Worker in sugar factories may suffer from one disease which is called (a)bagassosis (b)asbestosis (c)byssinosis (d)none 192. What is IMP (a)international parasite mission (b)integrated pest management (c)intensive pest management (d)none 193. Meaning of malaria is (a)polluted air (b)pollute water (c)polluted soil
(a) bacteria
(d)none 194. Two disease caused by fly are 195. Two disease caused by food are
(d)none (a)giardiasis and askariasis (b)cold and small pox (c)dysentery and kala azar (d)none 196. Rat is observed the reservoir of which disease (a)filaria (b)diptheria (c)plague (d)cholera 197. Malaria is of two types (a)2types (b)3types (c)4types (d)5types 198. Pesticides are generally (a)4types (b)2types (c)3types (d)5types 199. Binian tersian malaria is caused by (a)p1. vivax (b)p1. malaria (c)p1. orale (d)none 200. Mumps is caused by (a)mumps virus (b)bacteria (c)mumps protozoa (d)none 201. Influenza is caused (a)virus (b)bacteria (c)protozoa (d)none 202. Which is the chief parasite of malaria (a)male anopheles (b)female anopheles (c)male culex (d)none 203. Stomach poisoning of insects is done by which chemical (a)gamaxin (b)DDT (c)Paris green (d)2-4d 204. Heavy metals include (a)lead (b)arsenic (c)mercury (d)all of above 205. Lead causes (a)colic pain in the abdomen (b)severe constipation (c)loss of appetite (d)all of the above 206. Leads enters human body through (a)inhalation (b)ingestion (c)absorption (d)none 207. Industrial sources of arsenic (a)alcohol and copper industries (b)steel industries (c)both a and b (d)none
(c)both a and b
(d)none 210. Effect of antimony is
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------208. Permission upper limit of arsenic in water is (a)0.05 (b)0.50 (c)0.75 (d)0.07 209. Minamata disease is caused due to intake of (a) mercury (b)lead (c)cadmium
(a)similar to arsenic poisoning (b)similar to lead poisoning (c)similar to barrium poisoning (d)none 211. Source of cadmimum are (a)during oil burning (b)from iron melting (c)from several factories (d)all of above
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212. Which of the following is not an environmental effect of deforestation (a)reduction of wild life habitat (b)loss of top soil (c)soil erosion (d)re-establishment of trees
(d)traffic congestion
213. Which of the following has not resulted from urban sprawl (a)suburbs (b)loss of farmland (c)overgrazing 214. Which of the following is an example of how people use land
(a)to harvest wood (b)to grow cops (c)to preserve native species (d)all of the above 215. The U.S census bureau defines an urban area as an area that contains more than (a)250 people (b)2500 people (c)25000 people (d)250000 people 216. Heat island affect local (a)weather patterns (b)traffic patterns (c)water levels (d)harvest patterns 217. In 1870 the first national park established to protect and preserved land for future generation was (a)grand canyon (b)yellow stone (c)Yosemite (d)death valley 218. An area prone to landslides is an example of (a)range land (b)rural land (c)open space (d)marginal land 219. What is reforestation (a)remove all tree from an area (b)replanting trees in an area (c)removing selected trees from an area (d)none 220. Regardless of where people live they are dependent on resource produced in (a)rural area (b)national park (c)urban area (d)wilderness area 221. What is the term used to describe that can be broken down and be eaten up by the microorganisms like bacteria (a)compound (b)environment friendly (c)biodegradable (d)recycled 222. How many tree does it take to make ton of paper (a)9 (b)12 (c)17 (d)24 223. How much oil does it take to process one ton of wood into paper (a)10 gallons (b)45 gallons (c)1.5 barrels (d)3.5 barrels 224. Which of the following cannot be recycled (a)milk cartons (b)plastic water bottles (c)glass container (d)paper bags (e)none 225. If you recycle one ton of paper how many trees can you save (a)1 (b)9 (c)17 (d)35 (e)100 226. How many times can glass be recycled (a)no glass cannot be recycled (b)once (c)four times (d)20 times (e)forever 227. The average aluminium can is made up of how much recycled aluminium? (a) 10% (b) 30% (c) 50% (d) 70% (e) 100% 228. What ways can you help save our earth? (a) Re-use your plastic bottles and bags (b) Reduce the amount of waste you produce (c) Plant a tree (d) Recycle (e) All 229. Among the following a secondary pollutant is (a) PAN (b) SO2 (c) CO (d) Aerosol 230. Maximum threat to the world is form (a) Global Warming (b) Ozone Hole (c) Water pollution (d) Soil Erosion 231. The lake, in which fishes will die in bulk is (a) Oligotropic Lake (b) Eutrophic Lake (c) Organotrophic Lake (d) None 232. A disease affecting industrial worker is (a) Silicosis (b) Flurosis (c) Asthma (d) None
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------233. Which of the following is not a pollutant? (a) SO2 (b) CO2 (c) CO (d) NO2 234. As it travels along the food chain, the concentration of DDT (a) Increases (b) Stays Constant (c) Decreases (d) Fluctuates randomly
235. BOD of a pond is related to ............ in per unit volume of water (a) All the plants (b) All the nektons (c) All the microbes
(d) All
the animals 236. Greenhouse effect is caused by (a)Green plants (b) Infrared rays (c) UV rays (d) X-rays 237. Which of the following will not be found in polluted water? (a) Blue-green algae (b) Larvae of stonefly (c) water hyacinth (d) Sewage Fungi 238. One of these contributes maximum to air pollution? (a) India (b) USA (c) Russia (d) Britain 239. If the fertilizers are added to fresh water (a) Plants will die (b) Eutrophication will occur (c) Fish population will decrease (d) Overall animal population will increase 240. Which of the following does not occur when the sewage is discharged into the river? (a) Eutrophication (b) Depletion of O2 (c) Increasing O2 (d) Cyanophycean bloom occurs 241. Fluoride pollution mainly affects (a) Brain (b) Teeth (c) Heart (d) Kidney 242. Escherichia coli is used as an indicator organism to determine pollution of water with (a) Industrial effluents (b) Heavy metals (c) Pollen of aquatic plants (d) Faecal matter 243. Photochemical smog formed in congested metropolitan cities mainly consist of (a) Smoke, Peroxyacetyl Nitrate & SO2 (b) Ozone, Peroxyacetyl Nitrate & NOX (c) Hydrocarbons, CO2 & SO2 (d) Hydrocarbons, Ozone &SOX 244. In almost all Indian metropolitan cities, the major atmospheric pollutant is/are (a) NOX (b) Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM) (c) CO2 & CO (d) SOX 245. Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) is a measure of (a) Amount of oxygen needed by green plants during night (b) Amount of CO inseparably combined with haemoglobin (c) Industrial wastes poured in the water bodies
(d) Extent to which water is polluted with organic compounds 246. In 1984 the Bhopal gas tragedy took place because methyl isocyanate (a) reacted with ammonia (b) reacted with CO2 (c) reacted with water (d)reacted with DDT 247. Lead conc. In blood is considered alarming if it is (a)30fig/100ml (b) 4-6fig/100ml (c) 10fig/100ml (d)20fig/100ml 248. Blood analysis of a patient revels a usually high quantity of carboxyhemoglobin content which of
the following conclusion is most likely to be correct? The patient has been inhaling polluted air containing unusually high content of (a) chloroform (b) cardondioxide (c) carbon monoxide (d)carbon disulphide 249. Common indirect organism of water pollution is (a) eichhornia crassipes (b) escherchia coli (c) entamoeaba histolyca (d) lemnapancicostata 250. The noise produced in office is normally at the level of (a) 20 db (b) 30db (c) 40db (d)60db 251. Nitrogen oxide produced from the emission of automobile and power plants, are the source of fine air born particles which lead to (a) photochemical ring (b) dry acid deposition (c) industrial smog (d)wet acid deposition 252. A lake with an inflow of domestic sewage rich in organic waste may result (a) drying of lake very soon due to algal bloom (b) an increase production of fish due to lot of nutrient (c) death of fish due to lack of O2 (d)increased population of aquatic food web organism
SANDIP CHANDRA----(8017738040 / 8013249800) SUBARNO DEY------(8013347787)
253. Minamata disease was caused due to the consumption of (a) sea food containing lot of cadmium (b) fish contaminated with mercury
(c) oyster with lot of pesticide (d)sea food contaminated with selenium 254. The world environment day is celebrated on (a) 6th of June (b) 5th of June (c) 6th of august (d)5th of may 255. Bhopal gas tragedy was caused by the leakage of gas (a) hydrogen cyanide (b) ammonia (c) 2,4 dichlorophenoxy acetic acid (d)methyl isocyanate 256. The term bio-magnification refers to the (a) growth of organisms due to food consumption (b) increase in population size (c) blowing up of environmental issues by man
(d)increase in conc. of non-degradable pollutants as they pass through food chain 257. This act as bio indicator of air pollution (a) aiga (b) lichen (c) pinus (d)mustard 258. Which one of the following is not used for disinfection of drinking water (a) chlorine (b) ozone (c) chloramine (d)phenyl 259. Prolonged libral irrigation of agricultural field is likely to create the problem of (a) acidity (b) aridity (c) salinity (d) metal toxicity 260. Eutrophication cause decrease in (a) dissolved hydrogen (b) dissolved salt (c) dissolved O2 (d)all of above 261. MIC and Chernobyl tragedies took place where and when (a) Bhopal 1984,ukrain 1990 (b) Bhopal 1984,ukrain 1988 (c) Bhopal 1984,ukrain 1986 (d)Bhopal
1986 262. Country contribution most to the formation of hole in the ozone layer is (a) USA (b) Germany (c) Russia (d)Japan 263. Contamination of water with sewage is indicated by cysts of (a) escherichia (b) enamoeba (c) pseudomonas (d)leishmania 264. Increasing skin cancer and high mutation rate are the result of (a) O3 depletion (b) acid rain (c) CO pollution (d)CO2 pollution 265. Major source of methane in India is (a) sugarcane fields (b) rice fields (c) wheat fields (d)fruit orchards 266. Ozone holes is largest over (a) Antarctica (b) Europe (c) Africa (d)India 267. Phosphate pollution is brought about by (a) phosphate rocks (b) fertilizer (c) phosphate rocks and sewage (d)fertilizers and sewage 268. Common indicator organism of water pollution is (a) salmonella typhi (b) estamoeba (c) cholera vibrio (d)entamoeba histolytica 269. The pigment that protect the plants from damage by UV radiation is (a) chlorophyll (b) xanthophyll (c) phhycocyanin (d)carotenoids 270. Most harmful environmental pollutant are (a) natural nutrients in excess (b) human organic waste (c) non-biodegradable chemical (d)waste animal feed 271. Supersonic jets cause pollution by thinning the layer of (a) SO2 (b) O (c) CO (d)O 272. Carbon monoxide is a pollutant because it (a) react with O2(b) react with haemoglobin(c) inhibits glycolysis(d)inactivates nervous system 273. If there was no CO in the earth the temperature would be (a) less than present (b) same as present (c) higher than present (d)depend on O2 content of air
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------274. CO emitted by automobile prevents O-transport to body tissues by (a) changing O2 to CO2 (b) destroying haemoglobin (c) forming a stable compound with haemoglobin (d) obstruction the reaction of O2 with haemoglobin 275. Pollution having most lasting effect are (a) pesticides (b) smokes from chimneys (c) SO2 (d)CO 276. Thermal pollution is more common near (a) hot water spring (b) coal based power plants (c) tropical region (d)temperate 277. Pollution indicator plants (a) purify atmosphere (b) resist pollution (c) are sensitive (d)can indicate onset of rain 278. Positive pollution of soil is due to (a) reduction in soil productivity (b) addition of wastes on (c) excess use of fertilizers (d)all of these 279. Acid rain is caused by (a) SO2 (b) NO2 (c) Both (d) None 280. Ozone depletion is caused by (a) CFC (b) CO (c) PAN (d) None 281. The pollutants discharged by jet planes are (a) Smoke (b) Fog (c) SMOG (d) Aerosols 282. Sound becomes a hazardous noise pollution if its level is above (a) 30 dB (b) 80 dB (c) 120 dB (d) 150 dB 283. Pollution of water is caused by (a) Industrial effluents (b) Sewage (c) Farm run-off (d) All 284. The effect of SO2 & its transformation products on plants is (a) Destruction of Golgi apparatus (b) Disintegration of proteins (c) Chlorosis (d) None 285. Increase in the concentration of pollutants in higher trophic levels is known as (a) Bio magnification (b) Biodegradation (c) Eutrophication (d) Recycling 286. Which are air pollutants? (a) Aerosols (b) Sewage (c) DDT (d) Fertilizer 287. Which of the following does not cause soil erosion? (a) Wind (b) Overgrazing (c) Sun (d) Water 288. Acid rain is due to (a) Combustion of fossil fuels (b) Oil slick (c) Oxides of Sulphur (d) Nuclear wars 289. The most harmful non-biodegradable waste is (a) Cow-dung (b) Plastics (c) Garbage (d) Radioactive waste 290. An example of a renewable source is (a) Clay (b) Sand (c) Water (d) Fossil fuel 291. Which one of the following is non-biodegradable waste? (a) Manure (b) Cow-dung (c) Plastics (d) Garbage 292. The main source of water is (a) Rivers (b) Rain (c) Ponds (d) Canals 293. Pollution is not caused by the use of (a) Solar energy (b) Wood (c) Petrol (d) Unsaturated hydrocarbons 294. Which of these is a non-renewable source? (a) Coal (b) Water (c) Forest (d) Turtle 295. Which of these is bio-degradable? (a) Cow-dung (b) Coke cans (c) Polythene (c) DDT 296. Logo of WWF-N is (a) Red Panda (b) Giant Panda (c) Polar Bear (d) Tiger 297. Organization responsible for maintaining Red Data Book/ Red Data List is (a) IUCN (b) CITES (c) WWF (d) IBWL 298. In your opinion which is the most effective way to conserve the plant diversity of an area? (a) By creating biosphere reserve (b) By creating botanical gardens
(c) By developing seed bank (d) By tissue culture method
299. Which one of the following is a pair of endangered species? (a) Garden lizard & Mexican poppy (b) Rhesus monkey & Sal tree (c) Indian peacock & Carrot grass (d) Hornbill & Indian Aconite
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------300. If the Bengal tiger becomes extinct (a) Hyenas and Wolves will become scarce (b)The wild areas will be safe for man & domestic animals (c) Its gene pool will be lost forever
(d) The population of beautiful animals like deer will get stabilized 301. Which of the following animals is protected in Kaziranga Sanctuary of Assam? (a) Indian bison (b) Indian lion (c) Indian rhinoceros (d) Indian elephant 302. First national park developed in India is (a) Gir (b) Kaziranga (c) Jim Corbett (d) None of these 303. Which one of the following pairs of geographical areas show maximum biodiversity in our country?(a) Sunder bans & Rann of Kutch (b) Eastern Ghats & West Bengal (c) Eastern Himalaya & Western Ghats (d) Kerala & Punjab 304. Genetic diversity in agricultural crops is threatened by (a) Introduction of high yielding varieties (b) intensive use of fertilizers (c) Extensive intercropping (d) Intensive use of bio-pesticides 305. Which of the following is considered a hotspot of biodiversity in India? (a) Aravalli Hills (b) Western Ghats (c) Indo-gangetic plains (d) Eastern Ghats 306. Which of the following pairs of an animal & a plant represents endangered organisms in India? (a) Banyan & Black Duck (b) Bentinckianscobarica & Red panda (c) Tamarind & Rhesus monkey (d) Cinchona & leopard 307. Which one of the following is not include under in-situ conservation? (a) National park (b) sanctuary (c) Botanical garden (d) Biosphere Reserve 308. Which of the following is correctly matched pair of an endangered animal & a national park? (a) Great Indian Bustard: Keoladeo National Park (b) Lion: Corbett National Park (c) Rhinoceros: Kaziranga National Park (d) Wildass: Dudhwa National Park 309. What is the main cause for the extinction of some species in tropical forest? (a) Deforestation (b) Afforestation (c) Pollution (d) Soil Erosion 310. Biosphere reserves differ from national parks & wildlife sanctuaries because in the former (a) human beings are not allowed to enter (b) People are an integral part of the system (c) Plant are paid greater attention than the animals (d) Living organisms are brought from all over the world & preserved for prosperity 311. The world biodiversity day is celebrated annually on (a) 5th June (b) 29th December (c) 22nd April (d) 16th September 312. Identify the correct matched pair: (a) Basal Convention: Biodiversity Conservation (b) Kyoto Protocol: Climatic Change (c) Montreal Protocol: Global Warming (d) Ramsar Convention: Ground Water Pollution 313. More than 70% of worlds fresh water is contained in (a) Polar ice (b) Glaciers & Mountains (c) Antarctica (d) Greenland 314. Which one of the following pair is mismatched? (a) Fossil fuel burning: Release of CO2 (b) Nuclear Plants: Radioactive wastes (c) Solar energy: Greenhouse effect (d) Burning: Release of CO2
315. Formation of non-functional methaemoglobin causes blue-baby syndrome. This is due to (a) Excess of arsenic concentration in drinking water (b) Excess of nitrates in drinking water (c) Deficiency of iron in food (d) Increased methane content in the
316. Which one of the following statements is correct? (a) DDT is a non-biodegradable pollutants
(b) Excess fluoride in drinking water causes osteoporosis (c) excess cadmium in drinking water causes black foot disease (d) Methyl mercury in water may cause Itai Itai disease 317. Which of the following is Bio gas? (a) CO2 (b) N2O (c) CH4 (d) N2 318. Which of the following is secondary pollutant? (a) NO (b) NO2 (c) SO2 (d) PAN
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------319. Limit of BOD prescribed by pollution control board for the discharge of industries any municipal waste water into natural source water is (a) <30ppm (b)>30ppm (c) <10ppm (d)<100ppm 320. Montreal protocol which calls for appropriate action to protect the ozone layer from human activities was passed in the year (a) 1985 (b) 1986 (c) 1987 (d)1988 321. The blue baby syndrom result from (a) excess of TDS(total dissolved solids) (b) excess of chloride (c) methaemoglobim (d) excess of dissolved oxygen 322. Photochemical smog pollution does not contain (a) PAN (b) ozone (c) nitrogen dioxide (d)carbon dioxide 323. Effect of pollution is observed first on (a) microorganisms (b) food crop (c) green
vegetable (d)herbivores 324. Which is always present in photochemical smog (a) ozone (b) CO2 (c) SO2 (d) CH4 325. Pollution from animal excreta and organic waste from kitchen can be most profitably minimized by (a) storing them in under ground storage tanks (b) using them for production (c) vermiculture (d)using them direct as biofertilizer 326. Which one of the following is an environment related disorder with correct main cause (a) block lung disease found mainly in worker in stone quarries and crushers
(c) non hodgkins lymphoma found mainly in workers involved in manufacture of neem based pesticides (d)skin cancer mainly in people exposed to benzene and methane 327. The montreal protocol refers to (a) persistent organic pollutant (b) global warming and climatic (c) substances that deplete the ozone layer (d) biosafety of genetically modified organisms 328. Tit which am of the following the BOB (biochemical oxygen ) of sewage (S),distillery effluent (I>E),paper mill effluent(PE) and sugar mill affluent (SE) have arranged in ascending order (a) SE<PE<S<DE (b) PE<S<SE<DE (c) S<DE<PE<SE (d)SE<S<PE<DE 329. In a coal fired power plants electrostatic precipitators are installed to control emission of (a) NOx (b) SM (c) CO (d) SO 330. Which of the following is being utilized as a source of hiodiesel H* the indian countryside (a) beetroot (b) sugarcane (c) pongamia (d)Eupkerbia SANDIP CHANDRA----(8017738040 / 8013249800) SUBARNO DEY------(8013347787) SHOULD NOT BE COPIED BY ANY MEANS
(b) blue baby disease due to heavy use of nitrogenous fertilizer in the area
331. A genetically engineered microorganisms used successfully in btoretwediafloa of oil spill is a species of (a)trichodarma (b) xanthomonas (c) bacillus (d)pseudorrtaftas 332. Increased asthmatic attacks in certain seasons are related to (a) eating fruits preserved in tin containers (b) inhalation of seasonal pollen (c) low temperature (d) hot and humid environment 333. Which one of the following is of water pollution (a) blood worms (b) stone files (c) sewage fungus (d)sludge files 334. Aerosols reduce primary productivity by (a) decreasing O2(b) reducing photosynthesis (c) competing with COz (d)being toxic to chloroplast 335. Greenhouse effect is due to (a) CO (b) CO (c) NO (d)PO4 336. Effect of pollution is first marked on (a) microorganisms (b)green vegetables of an area (c)food crop (d)none 337. Ozone holes results in (a) LTV radiation reaching the earth (b) cataract (c) increase in skin cancer (d)all above 338checking of reradiation heat by atmospheric dust O2,CO2, and water vapours is (a) green house effect (b) solar efect (c) ozone layer effect (d) radioactive effect 339.which of the following are the indicator of pollution (a) lichen (b) fungi (c) algae (d) none 340. Ultra violate radiation from sunlight causes a reaction that produces (a) fluorides (b) carbon monoxide (c) sulphur dioxide (d)ozone 341. Which of the following metals causes a harmful reaction (a) lead (b) cobalt (c) uranium (d)all
of above
342.Ozone is spread in the swimming pool because (a) it acts as disinfectant radiation (c) ozone is easily available from O2 (d)all of above
(b) it absorbs UV