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5054 w08 Ms 2

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GCE Ordinary Level

MARK SCHEME for the October/November 2008 question paper

5054/02 Paper 2 (Theory), maximum raw mark 75

This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and candidates, to indicate the requirements of
the examination. It shows the basis on which Examiners were instructed to award marks. It does not
indicate the details of the discussions that took place at an Examiners meeting before marking began.

All Examiners are instructed that alternative correct answers and unexpected approaches in
candidates scripts must be given marks that fairly reflect the relevant knowledge and skills

Mark schemes must be read in conjunction with the question papers and the report on the

CIE will not enter into discussions or correspondence in connection with these mark schemes.

CIE is publishing the mark schemes for the October/November 2008 question papers for most IGCSE,
GCE Advanced Level and Advanced Subsidiary Level syllabuses and some Ordinary Level

Page 2 Mark Scheme Syllabus Paper
GCE O LEVEL October/November 2008 5054 2

UCLES 2008
Do not accept fractions. No penalty for [ 2 s. f. unless stated or for 1 s. f. where exactly correct.
Only one unit and only one fraction penalty per question.

Section A

1 (a) diagram of two forces and resultant B1
W / 6(N) and T / 8(N) marked on perp. forces or scale given B1
10(.0 0.2) N B1
3539 from T/Y/horizontal or 5155 from W/vertical and correct resultant B1

(b) 10(.0) N or e.c.f. B1 [5]

2 (a) 0.5(0) m B1

(b) rotates/tilts/unbalanced/one side down/one side up C1
rotates anticlockwise/down on left or head down or foot up A1
(net) anticlockwise moment or moment on left > moment on right or weight/CM
on left of pivot B1 [4]

3 (a) mgh or F d or 10 700 C1
()7000 J A1

(b) Q/E/H = mcT or (T =) 7000/(1) 4200 C1
1.7 or 1.67 or 5.5 C1
8.9 C e.c.f. (a) A1 [5]

4 (a) (i) (a = )v/t or 84/35 C1
2.4 m/s A1

(ii) speed and time axes correct and labelled B1
straight line of positive gradient through origin B1
84 (m/s) and 35 (s) marked B1

(b) (i) two arrows with forward force > backward force B1

(ii) air/wind resistance or friction or drag B1 [7]

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GCE O LEVEL October/November 2008 5054 2

UCLES 2008
5 (a) Any two pairs may be expressed in terms of the gas:
liquid M1 molecules A1
dense(r) close(r)/touching
incompressible/volume fixed close(r) or strong(er) forces
fills bottom container forces strong(er)
expands less when heated forces strong(er)
more viscous/flows slower forces strong(er)
sound fast(er) close(r) or strong(er) forces
better conductors of heat close(r) M2
slower diffusion close(r) A2

(b) molecules gain speed/energy/heat and escape/leave cloth/break bonds or latent
heat needed B1
fast(er)/high(er) (kinetic) energy molecules escape/evaporate B1
(average) speed / (kinetic) energy (of remainder) decreases
or temperature related to (average) energy/speed of molecules B1 [7]

6 (a) red B1

(b) (i) equal to B1

(ii) less than B1

(c) two correct refractions on Fig. 6.2 M1
no dispersion and ray ends close to P A1 [5]

7 (a) 12(.0) V B1

(b) top row: 4.6 and 0 B1
bottom row: square 1 = square 2 + square 3 or 9.2 B1
bottom row: 4.6 in squares 2 and 3 cao B1

(c) (E=) QV or VIt or 200 12 C1
2400 J accept 23702410 J e.c.f. A1 [6]

8 (a) fusion B1

(b) (i) mass decreases or product/nuclei/atoms less massive B1
mass becomes/converted to energy B1

(ii) E = mc
6.6 10
(3.0 10
5.9 10
or 5.94 10
J A1 [6]

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GCE O LEVEL October/November 2008 5054 2

UCLES 2008
Section B

9 (a) (i) Any three lines:
vibration of cone/loudspeaker B1
vibration of air/particles (molecules) B1
particles/molecules pass on vibrations/energy (to neighbours) B1
compressions and rarefactions
or longitudinal wave/movement of particle B1
(max 3)

(ii) loud large amplitude/max displacement B1
low-pitched frequency/no. of waves per sec M1
low frequency, small frequency, etc. (long wavelength 1/2) A1

(iii) (t =) d/s or 0.57/330 C1
0.0017 s A1

(iv) speed of sound greater in water/liquid or v.v. B1
less time taken in water/liquid or heard sooner/faster B1 [10]

(b) (i) v = f or 200 seen C1
( =) v/f or 330/200 or 330/0.2 or 1650 (m) C1
1.6/1.65/1.7 m A1

(ii) attempt at compressions and rarefactions/longitudinal wave M1
correct wavelength marked A1 [5]

[Total: 15]

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UCLES 2008
10 (a) (i) at least 2 concentric, complete circles B1
increasing gap B1
at least 1 anticlockwise arrow and none incorrect B1

(ii) stronger or more lines or lines closer together or extends further B1 [4]

(b) (i) (R =) V/I or 6.0/8.0 C1
0.75 A1

(ii) (Q =) It or 8.0 120 or 8.0 2 C1
960 C (16 C scores 1/2) A1 [4]

(c) (i) LR or NS B1

(ii) force (on wire) or wire bends/moves M1
into page/perpendicular to field/away (from us)/LH rule quoted A1

(iii) force reverses or out of page or bends the other way e.c.f. B1 [4]

(iv) accept first two marks on unlabelled diagram
(wire becomes) coil / armature /solenoid B1
force/movement opposite on sides of coil or moment B1
current reverses during rotation/due to commutator or split ring B1 [3]

[Total: 15]

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UCLES 2008
11 (a) (P =) VI or 6.0 1.6 C1
9.6 W A1 [2]

(b) (i) filament/J releases electrons
or thermionic emission B1
attracted by +ve terminal/metal plate/K B1
electrons move/accelerate B1

(ii) otherwise electrons hit (air) molecules/particles/lose energy
or electrons deflected/dont hit screen/cause ionisation of air B1

(iii) electrons/charges/beam/ray deflected (by magnetic field) B1
few(er) electrons reach plate/K/+ve terminal/pass round circuit B1

(iv) current = 0 or no reading B1
electrons repelled by or not attracted to K
or K does not emit electrons B1 [8]

(c) (i) (dot/speck of light) moves so fast (that the eye sees it as a single line) or
timebase pulls it horizontally or voltage is constant/zero B1

(ii) (line/trace) displaced vertically M1
at uniform rate/speed or slowly A1
moves 3.0 divisions/3cm B1

(iii) screen not high enough or trace moves beyond edge of screen
or line moves 6cm / more than 4cm (vertically) or line can only move 4cm or
screen is only 4cm from middle to top B1 [5]

[Total: 15]

B1 Independent mark
C1 Compensation mark; given also if the answer is correct
M1 Method mark:
if not given, subsequent A marks are not awarded
A1 Answer mark.

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