This document summarizes key characteristics of reptiles and birds. It describes reptiles as having scaly skin, lungs, amniotic eggs, and being ectothermic. Their anatomy includes claws, scales, and a heart with a partial ventricle septum. Birds are distinguished by their feathers, hollow lightweight bones, and endothermic metabolism. Both reptiles and birds reproduce through internal fertilization within amniotic eggs, though some reptiles are ovoviviparous. Today's reptiles include lizards, snakes, turtles, crocodilians, and tuataras. Birds have modified forelimbs as wings and molt and replace their feathers.
This document summarizes key characteristics of reptiles and birds. It describes reptiles as having scaly skin, lungs, amniotic eggs, and being ectothermic. Their anatomy includes claws, scales, and a heart with a partial ventricle septum. Birds are distinguished by their feathers, hollow lightweight bones, and endothermic metabolism. Both reptiles and birds reproduce through internal fertilization within amniotic eggs, though some reptiles are ovoviviparous. Today's reptiles include lizards, snakes, turtles, crocodilians, and tuataras. Birds have modified forelimbs as wings and molt and replace their feathers.
This document summarizes key characteristics of reptiles and birds. It describes reptiles as having scaly skin, lungs, amniotic eggs, and being ectothermic. Their anatomy includes claws, scales, and a heart with a partial ventricle septum. Birds are distinguished by their feathers, hollow lightweight bones, and endothermic metabolism. Both reptiles and birds reproduce through internal fertilization within amniotic eggs, though some reptiles are ovoviviparous. Today's reptiles include lizards, snakes, turtles, crocodilians, and tuataras. Birds have modified forelimbs as wings and molt and replace their feathers.
This document summarizes key characteristics of reptiles and birds. It describes reptiles as having scaly skin, lungs, amniotic eggs, and being ectothermic. Their anatomy includes claws, scales, and a heart with a partial ventricle septum. Birds are distinguished by their feathers, hollow lightweight bones, and endothermic metabolism. Both reptiles and birds reproduce through internal fertilization within amniotic eggs, though some reptiles are ovoviviparous. Today's reptiles include lizards, snakes, turtles, crocodilians, and tuataras. Birds have modified forelimbs as wings and molt and replace their feathers.
Biology II Key Characteristics of Reptiles: Anatomy Strong, bony skeleton Toes with claws Claws used for climbing and digging, but also allow for good traction Most have 2 pairs of limbs, but snakes and some lizards are legless Legs positioned more directly under body than those of amphibians Dry, scaly, almost watertight skin Almost watertight amniotic eggs
Key Characteristics of Reptiles: Physiology Brain small in relation to body Still capable of complex behaviors Respiration through well-developed lungs Ventricle of heart partly divided by septum Internal fertilization Key Characteristics of Reptiles: Ectothermic Metabolism Reptile metabolism is too slow to generate enough heat to keep the body warm Body temperature is largely determined by temperature of environment Body temperature can also be regulated behaviorally, to an extent Too cold bask in sun Too hot seek shade Though reptiles live in a variety of habitats, they cannot survive at very low temperatures Become sluggish and unable to function
Reptilian Characteristics: Watertight Skin Unlike amphibians, who must stay moist to avoid dehydration, reptiles have virtually watertight skin Light, flexible scales overlap and form protective, almost watertight skin Reptilian Characteristics: Watertight Eggs 2 potential problems for terrestrial reproduction Egg and sperm will dry out without watery environment Internal fertilization Fertilized eggs need moist environment to develop Amniotic egg contains both water and food supply Essentially watertight Most reptiles, all birds, and 3 species of mammals all reproduce by means of amniotic eggs (suggests common ancestor) The Amniotic Egg Shell is porous to allow gas exchange O 2 in and CO 2 out Shell and albumen (egg white) protect developing embryo The amnion encloses embryo in watery environment Yolk sac contains food supply Absorb yolk through blood vessels connecting to gut Allantois stores waste and contains blood vessels that work in gas exchange Chorion is membrane that allows O 2 to enter and CO 2
to leave Reptilian Characteristics: Lungs Most reptiles have greater O 2 requirement than amphibians Reptile skin cannot breathe like that of amphibians Lungs of reptiles have many internal folds to compensate Increases surface area of lungs Strong muscles also attached to rib cage, allowing more efficient gas exchange through the lungs Reptilian Characteristics: Heart Incomplete septum partly divides ventricles of reptile heart Enables some separation between O 2 -rich and O 2 -poor blood O 2 delivered more efficiently in reptiles than in amphibians, who have no septum Crocodilians have complete division of ventricles, making O 2 delivery even more efficient Reptilian Characteristics: Reproduction Many reptiles are oviparous, meaning their young hatch from eggs Includes most snakes/lizards, all turtles/tortoises, all crocodilians and birds, and 3 species of mammals Fertilization occurs internally, unlike in amphibians Parental care of eggs is rare Reptilian Characteristics: Reproduction Some species of snakes and lizards are ovoviviparous Female retains eggs within her body until either shortly before hatching or after hatching Embryos receive water and O 2 from mother, but still receive nourishment from yolk sac Eggs are less vulnerable to predators Todays Reptiles: Lizards Lizards and snakes belong to order Squamata Characterized by lower jaw that is very loosely connected to skull, allowing mouth to open wide enough to accommodate larger prey Include iguanas, chameleons, geckos, and anoles Most are carnivorous Most are small, measuring <1 ft. in length, but the Komodo dragon can reach 10 ft. and 275 lbs. Some species have evolved defense mechanism in which tail will break off when seized by a predator, regenerating later
Todays Reptiles: Snakes Snakes likely evolved from lizards during Cretaceous Lack movable eyelids and external ears, as do many lizards Like lizards, snakes periodically molt Most lack pectoral girdle, the supporting bones for bones of forelimbs Found in even legless lizards Jaw has 5 points of movement, making it very flexible Some snakes use various methods to subdue prey before swallowing, including constriction and venom Timber Rattlesnake: External Structure Rattle consists of 5-7 interlocking rings made of the protein keratin Each time it molts, a new ring is added to base Use pit organ located between each eye and nostril to detect infrared radiation Can locate prey in total darkness
Timber Rattlesnake: Internal Structure Modified salivary glands in upper jaw produce venom containing hemotoxins, proteins that attack the circulatory system Venom injected through hollow, upper fangs Jacobsens organs, 2 depressions located in the roof of mouth, detect odor of chemicals taken using forked tongue Used to follow scent trail of prey Spine made up of 100s of vertebrae, each with own pair of attached ribs
Todays Reptiles: Turtles and Tortoises Differ from other reptiles because of hard, protective shell Many can pull head and legs inside Provides support for all muscle attachments in torso Made of fused plates of bone covered with horny shields or tough leathery skin and consists of 2 basic parts Carapace dorsal portion of shell In most species, vertebrae and ribs fused to inside Plastron ventral portion of shell Turtles and Tortoises (cond) Most tortoises have dome-shaped shell, while many turtles have stream-lined, disc-shaped shell that permits rapid maneuvering in water Tortoises are turtles particularly well-adapted to life on land Lack teeth but jaws covered by sharp plates, forming powerful beaks Many are herbivores, but some are carnivores Todays Reptiles: Crocodiles and Alligators Members of order Crocodilia also include aggressive carnivores such as caimans, and gavials Can be quite large, reaching 6 m and 1650 lbs Bodies are adapted to stealth form of hunting Eyes high on sides of head and nostrils on top of snout Strong neck and enormous mouth Valve in back of mouth prevents water from entering lungs Characterized by parental care after hatching Todays Reptiles: Tuataras 2 living species of tuataras exist today Members of genus Sphenodon Native to New Zealand Lizard-like reptiles up to 2 ft. in length Most active at low temperatures Bask in sun or burrow during day and feed on insects, worms, and small animals at night Sometimes called living fossils because they are almost unchanged after 150 million years Key Characteristics of Birds Forelimbs modified into wings Body covered with feathers Lightweight, hollow bones Endothermic metabolism Super-efficient respiratory system Heart with completely divided ventricle Birds: General Information Birds belong to the class Aves Retain some reptilian characteristics: Amniotic eggs Feet/legs covered with scales Show non-reptilian characteristics Usually lack teeth Tail greatly reduced in length Presence of feathers and forelimbs modified into wings Remember all birds cannot fly!!! Feathers Feathers are modified reptilian scales that develop from tiny pits called follicles Birds molt and replace feathers 2 main types of feathers Contour Feather Down Feathers Feathers can be important as camouflage or play a part in mate selection
Contour Feathers Contour feathers cover birds body and give adult birds their shape Has many branches called barbs Several projections called barbules have microscopic hooks linking barbs together, providing continuous surface and sturdy but flexible shape for feather Flight feathers specialized contour feathers found on birds wings and tail that help provide lift for flight Preening Preening process in which bird pulls its feather through its beak With use, connections between barbs become undone, but preening re-links these connections Oil is also spread over feathers to clean and waterproof them Preen Gland specialized gland that secretes oil
Down Feathers Down feathers cover the body of young birds and are found beneath contour feathers of adults Provides insulation, conserving body heat Bird Skeletons Birds are relatively lightweight for their size Bones are thin and hollow Many bones are fused, making skeleton more rigid than that of reptile Fused sections form sturdy frame that anchors muscles during flight
Power of Flight Power for flight (or swimming underwater) comes from breast muscles Can make up ~30% of bird body weight Muscles stretch from wing to breastbone Breastbone greatly enlarged and has prominent keel for muscle attachment Muscles also attach to wishbone (fused collarbone) No other vertebrates have wishbone or keeled breastbone Endothermic Metabolism Birds are endotherms, meaning they generate enough heat through metabolism to maintain a high body temperature Body temps range from 4042 C (Humans: 37 C) High temps results from high rate of metabolism, since flying requires more energy Heart and lung structure also help meet this demand Avian Heart Like crocodilians, the ventricles of birds are completely divided by septum O 2 delivered through body more efficiently, since there is no mixing of O 2 -rich and O 2 -poor blood Unlike the fish heart, the sinus venosus is not a separate chamber in avian heart Small amount of tissue remains in wall of right atrium; this is known as hearts pacemaker and is point of origin of heartbeat Avian Heart Structure Highly Efficient Lungs Because birds use considerable amount of energy, they need more efficient lungs, which they get through one-way air flow Limits to increased surface area Possible because air sacs that act as holding tanks are connected to lungs Lungs exposed only to fully oxygenated air Flow of blood in lungs runs in different direction than flow of air, increasing oxygen absorption Avian Lung Structure Internal Structure Birds rank 2 nd among vertebrates in ratio of brain to body size (mammals 1 st ) Makes possible the precise control of movement and balance necessary for flight Excretory system is efficient and lightweight No storage of liquid waste in bladder; rather nitrogenous wastes are converted to uric acid (white paste) and eliminated through cloaca Eggs are also passed through cloaca Digestive system consists of crop, an expandable lower portion of esophagus, and 2-chambered stomach, the second of which is the gizzard (grinds/crushes food) Internal Structures Birds Adaptations The 28 orders of birds that exist today are adapted for different ways of life Beaks, legs, and feet are adapted for specific habitats Stream-lined bodies adapted for gliding over water (gulls) Low-light vision allows for nocturnal hunting (owl) Bird Adaptations Bird Adaptations