Lamb Product Guide Global
Lamb Product Guide Global
Lamb Product Guide Global
Lamb Product
practical on-farm options for
reducing livestock methane
The Australian lamb industry has a long history of producing whether animals can be bred
to produce less methane.
safe, quality lamb for customers around the world. We take
pride in the meticulous standards that have resulted in one of
the world’s highest animal health statuses, not to mention our
extensive traceability program. The following are just a few of the
reasons Australian lamb stands out in the global marketplace.
Advanced farm Management In Australia, lambs are mostly raised on open pasture
and Sustainability in the South of the country. Our natural production
systems and commitment to continuous improvement
The Australian meat processing sector is a world have led to Australian producers being internationally
leader in lamb dressing and fabrication. Australian recognised for producing some of the best lamb, while
packing plants employ the latest technologies to also leading the way in environmental farm practices.
ensure continued improvement in production efficiency,
without sacrificing superior levels of meat safety. Australian producers understand that protecting and
improving our natural resources is vital to the long-term
Australian sheep and lamb producers are recognised sustainability of their business and the environment.
around the world for their animal husbandry and Across the country many livestock producers manage
farm management techniques. The Australian weeds, pests and feral animals: help to maintain
livestock industry takes pride in its genetics and biodiversity: and reduce the risk of destructive
is at the forefront of technological advancements bushfires. They implement a variety of efficient water
in livestock production efficiency. Australian management measures in their grazing systems,
producers are progressive in the areas of farm and including maintaining healthy soils with adequate
pasture improvement and water management. nutrients, minimising run-off through vegetation
The Australian meat and livestock industry makes an management, monitoring the frequency and intensity of
important contribution to sustainability—environmental, grazing and allowing pastures to rest. Taken together,
economic and social. The focus on the environmental these measures ensure the health of the soils and
sustainability of the industry covers key areas of pasture. Australia’s producers are balancing the needs
emissions reduction, water use and land management of the grazing animal, the pasture and the environment.
that are important not only for the environment but
also for producing nutritious, high quality lamb.
The meat industry, through Meat & Livestock Australia
and in collaboration with the Australian government,
invests around $12 million annually in research and
development to better understand the environmental
impact of meat production and further improve
the environmental performance of the industry.
A Meat Processing Leader
The Australian meat processing sector is a world
leader in lamb dressing and fabrication. Australian
processing plants employ the latest technologies to
1. In the Paddock — Producers work around the clock to In addition, the ‘Is It Fit To Load?’ publication was
ensure their animals have feed, water and shelter and developed by the red meat industry to help producers
are protected from predators and disease. As part of decide if an animal is fit and healthy for transport.
a continuous improvement program in animal welfare,
4. Processing — The Australian lamb processing industry
the sheep industry continues to invest in research
is committed to the humane treatment of livestock
projects and provide practical tools, knowledge and
and ensuring acceptable animal welfare standards are
best practices to farmers. The industry’s on-farm
implemented and effectively verified.
animal welfare strategy, managed by Meat & Livestock
Australia (MLA) and funded by sheep and cattle The industry does this through:
producers, is a comprehensive plan to improve animal
• Working with governments and customers to
welfare standards while maintaining productivity.
design and implement global best practices
2. How Animal Welfare is Governed in Australia — that also meet Australian regulations.
Livestock processing is conducted in accordance • Developing training and ensuring
with national laws and international requirements, employees are competent.
and enforced accordingly by state, territory and • Investing in animal welfare research,
commonwealth inspectors to ensure high standards development and extension activities and FAST FACT
of animal welfare are maintained at all times. promoting continual improvement of animal
Australia has the world’s second
welfare at processing establishments.
Codes of practice defining acceptable welfare largest sheep flock (after China),
practices for livestock husbandry and transport have The Australian lamb processing industry operates produces around 7% of the global
been developed for producers to follow. The codes of under state and federal animal welfare regulations, lamb and mutton supply, and is
practice for sheep are currently being updated and and processors are required to meet regulations, the second largest sheepmeat
are under public consultation. More information can standards and notices that enforce the appropriate exporter (after New Zealand).
be found at management and handling of livestock.
3. Transport — The road transport of livestock in In 2005, the Australian red meat industry proactively
Australia is regulated under state and territory road developed and implemented the Australian Meat
transport and animal welfare legislation. The new Industry Council (AMIC) ‘National Animal Welfare
Australian Standards and Guidelines for the Welfare Standards for Livestock Processing Establishments’.
of Animals – Land Transport of Livestock are now The standards integrate Australia’s Model Codes
in force. To further ensure the welfare of livestock of Practice, relevant state and commonwealth
during transport, a national guide and quality legislation, commercial requirements and community
assurance system, TruckCare, has been developed expectations into a single best practice animal
by the Australian Livestock and Rural Transporters’ welfare standard for livestock processors.
Australian processors demonstrate their superior
The independently audited program provides assurance commitment to these standards and best practice
that animal welfare is a priority in the preparation and animals welfare by complying with the ‘Australian
transportation of livestock by road, by ensuring: Livestock Processing Industry Animal Welfare
Certification System’ or ‘AAWCS’. The AAWCS is an
• Correct preparation of livestock prior to pick up
independently audited certification program which
• Drivers are trained in stock handling
covers all animal welfare activities at the processing
• Livestock are kept on the truck for the minimum
establishment–from receival of livestock at the
period of time
establishment to the point of humane processing.
• Livestock are checked during transit
For more information see: http://www.amic.
the point of slaughter to occur swiftly and efficiently in the NLIS database.When the saleyards sell tagged
– this is one attribute that distinguishes the NLIS sheep for breeding or processing, they must also
from other traceability systems around the world. upload those transactions and movements to the
NLIS database. The National Saleyards Quality
Record movements
NVD/WAYBILL Saleyard through saleyard
Australian chilled lamb primal cuts are vacuum- • Gas Atmosphere in the Vacuum Packaging —
packaged to maintain freshness and quality and to The basis of effective vacuum packaging to prevent
ensure extended shelf life. Strict temperature control is spoilage and prolong the shelf life of meat is the
maintained throughout the delivery process, inhibiting oxygen-free environment, which inhibits the growth
bacterial growth, supporting the natural ageing process of spoilage bacteria while still allowing the natural
and giving Australian lamb a naturally aged shelf life tenderising process of ageing to continue.
of up to 12 weeks under optimal storage conditions. • The Meat’s pH — High pH meat (pH6.0 and higher)
will spoil more quickly than meat below pH6, as
regulATed by AuSTrAliA’S some bacteria are able to survive in this high pH
dePArTmenT oF AgriCulTure environment. By excluding meat from the carcases
where the meat pH is greater than 6, processors
All Australian export meat packing plants are can eliminate these spoilage problems.
regulated by the Australian federal government
through the Australian Department of Agriculture. SHiPPing oPTionS And ProToColS
The days at sea are perhaps the most important to the
oPTimiSing lAmb’S FreSHneSS quality of Australian chilled lamb primal cuts. During this
And SHelF liFe time, chilled, vacuum-packaged cuts are allowed to age —
a process that improves and enhances meat quality
Australian processors consider the following four
and tenderness. While sea freight is the most popular
factors, which play a key role in controlling the growth
form of transport, air shipment is also available.
of microorganisms on meat in vacuum packs:
All shipping containers destined for export are inspected,
• Australian Processing Conditions — A study
and sea-freight containers are sealed under the Australian
conducted at the South Australian Research and
Department of Agriculture supervision. Once inspected,
Development Institute (SARDI), along with multiple
the container cannot be opened until it reaches its final
national surveys of the microbiological status,
destination. For traceability purposes, the container
found the microbiological count at the time of
and seal numbers for all lamb exports are stored in
vacuum packaging on primal cuts was very low.
the Australian Department of Agriculture database.
• Temperature — Microbial growth rates at 0°C to
1°C are only about half those at 5°C. A storage
temperature as low as -1°C without freezing the meat
is the best policy to maximise shelf life. Australian
meat is typically transported at -1.5°C to -0.5°C.
Ensuring meat safety through
the national livestock
identification system
First Cross Second Cross
Australian lamb has the ‘all-natural advantage’. Border Leicester Ram Dorset Ram
It is pasture-raised, grassfed, and free of artificial
additives and hormone growth promotants—a pure
First Cross Lamb Second Cross Lamb
product of its pure environment. Australian lamb is
available in a wide array of product lines and cuts.
+ = + =
Merino Ewe First Cross Ewes
.79” C4
GrainFed Lamb
Over 90% of Australian lambs are grassfed. While most
of the remaining are grain assisted with access to grain
GR Fat Depth
.59” C3
in the paddock, a smaller number have been finished on Heavy Export
Fat Score
a nutritionally balanced, high-energy ration for US, EU, Japan
a specified minimum number of days. Food
.39” Service C2
Light Export
.19” Middle East
Carcase Weight
Carcase Fat Class
Up to 5mm Over 5mm Over 10mm Over 15mm Over 20mm
up to 10mm up to 15mm up to 20mm
Carcase derived from female or castrate male
Define the Product Specification ovine that: Young Lamb ‘YL’
A product specification defines attributes of each • Has no permanent incisor teeth (in addition): *Up to 5 months only
• Has no eruption of permanent upper molar teeth.
product. When defining the specification to your
How to ORDER
supplier, you might include the following:
Carcase derived from female or castrate male
• The cut name you wish to purchase ovine that: Hogget ‘H’ or
Australian LAMB • The product or cut’s Handbook of
Australian Meat (HAM) number
1–2 • Has 1 but no more than 2 permanent incisor teeth.
• In male has no evidence of Secondary Sexual
Yearling Mutton
*10 to 18 months
• Fat depth, degree of trimming, whether various Characteristics (SSC).
There are three easy steps to muscles and bones remain intact or are removed
about the age of the animal or the variability of meat • Delivery date
quality, you can define lamb by basic categories.
If you are looking for meat that has been derived
from animals of a certain age and, therefore, exhibits
less variance in quality, you can define meat by
alternative categories. You will notice that the
criteria used to define alternate categories are more
narrowly specified than those for basic categories.
CUTS 1. Leg 2. Rump
Leg Cuts, Denuded Leg, Bone In Lamb Strips Tenderloin
Lamb Loin Fore Shank Rib Chop
7. Breast 8. Shoulder
• Pasture raised
• No added hormones
• No additional
Breast and Flap
Square-Cut Square-Cut Diced
Shoulder, Bone In Shoulder, Boneless (forequarter)
• Long shelf life
9. Neck
• Sustainable farming
• Traceable
Shoulder Rack
Lamb Mince (4 Rib) Shoulder Chop
Neck Filet Neck Chop
All cartons of Australian red meat are identified with product
information labels. Carton labels consist of mandatory
information that is required under Australian government
regulation. In addition to mandatory information, Australian
processors may include optional information on the label,
allowing for further description for trade purposes.
Australian farmers are custodians of
around half of Australia’s land mass,
and around one third of all Australian
farms are involved in sheep production.
Australian Lamb is all-natural, pasture-raised,
and free of artificial additives and hormone
growth promotants—a pure product of its pure
environment. Value-added Australian lamb
cuts are a great addition to any menu or display
case, and their versatility and flavour lend
themselves well to many different cuisines.
for more information.