TransFurans Chemicals produces chemicals and resins from biomass such as sugarcane bagasse. They are the largest producer of furfuryl alcohol (FA), which can be used as a platform chemical for solvents, polyols, and resins. FA and other furan derivatives can be used to produce durable wood, composites, and engineering materials. Composites made from natural fibers and furan resins have applications in automotive, construction, and other industries. TransFurans offers customized product development and the ability to produce resins at commercial scale.
TransFurans Chemicals produces chemicals and resins from biomass such as sugarcane bagasse. They are the largest producer of furfuryl alcohol (FA), which can be used as a platform chemical for solvents, polyols, and resins. FA and other furan derivatives can be used to produce durable wood, composites, and engineering materials. Composites made from natural fibers and furan resins have applications in automotive, construction, and other industries. TransFurans offers customized product development and the ability to produce resins at commercial scale.
TransFurans Chemicals produces chemicals and resins from biomass such as sugarcane bagasse. They are the largest producer of furfuryl alcohol (FA), which can be used as a platform chemical for solvents, polyols, and resins. FA and other furan derivatives can be used to produce durable wood, composites, and engineering materials. Composites made from natural fibers and furan resins have applications in automotive, construction, and other industries. TransFurans offers customized product development and the ability to produce resins at commercial scale.
TransFurans Chemicals produces chemicals and resins from biomass such as sugarcane bagasse. They are the largest producer of furfuryl alcohol (FA), which can be used as a platform chemical for solvents, polyols, and resins. FA and other furan derivatives can be used to produce durable wood, composites, and engineering materials. Composites made from natural fibers and furan resins have applications in automotive, construction, and other industries. TransFurans offers customized product development and the ability to produce resins at commercial scale.
$SSOLFDWLRQV 7UDQV)XUDQV &KHPLFDOV +DQV+R\GRQFN[#7UDQV)XUDQVEH TransFurans Chemicals bvba TFC Focus TFC Focus + H 2 O CHO Furfural (FF) O CH 2 OH Furfuryl alcohol (FA) Cu- catalyst - - Chemicals and resins from biomass Chemicals and resins from biomass - - Largest FA supplier (> 3S.000 Tfa) Largest FA supplier (> 3S.000 Tfa) - - Fully integrated : our raw material is sugarcane Fully integrated : our raw material is sugarcane - - FA as a platform chemical for a variety of user friendly solven FA as a platform chemical for a variety of user friendly solvents, polyols and resins ts, polyols and resins - - Customized product development Customized product development TransFurans Chemicals bvba )XUIXUDO &KHPLVW\ SUGARCANE SUGAR BAGASSE O H O H H H H OH O H H H O O H H H H OH H O H O O H H H H H OH H H O O H H H H OH H O H O H * * n
FURFURAL O CHO H 2 O CH 2 OH FURFURYL ALCOHOL 2S0 000 Tfa 2S0 000 Tfa 1S0 000 Tfa 1S0 000 Tfa TransFurans Chemicals bvba )XUIXUDO &KHPLVW\ Hemicellulose Hemicellulose Lignin Cellulose BIOMASS OH H H OH H H O H OH H O H OH H H OH H H O H OH O H H OH H H OH H H OH O H H H H O OH H H OH H H OH O H OH H H O H H O O H H H H OH H O CHO H O H O CHO H H H + H + H 2 O + +H + H + H 2 O+H + H + + H 2 O+H + O CHO Furfural (FF) TransFurans Chemicals bvba 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Corncobs Bagasse Oat Hulls Almond Husks Cottonseed Hulls Birch Wood Beech Wood Flax Shivers Hazelnut Shells Residue of Olive Extraction Quebracho Wood after Tannin Extraction Rice Hulls Pentosan content (wt%) )XUIXUDO SURGXFWLRQ TransFurans Chemicals bvba Traditional FURAN RESINS Foundry sand dolomite magnesite carbon Refractory O CH 2 OH FURFURYL ALCOHOL + + TransFurans Chemicals bvba Novel NATURAL RESINS / FORMULATIONS GrowingSubstrates Durable Wood + flax, sisal, woodfibers + wood + glass fiber rockwool fiber carbon fiber Fire resistant material Interior trim O CH 2 OH FURFURYL ALCOHOL Furo Furolite lite TransFurans Chemicals bvba :RRG 0RGLILFDWLRQ TransFurans Chemicals bvba 'XUDEOH :RRG :RRG 0RGLILFDWLRQ 7HFKQRORJ\ Curing Curing Impregnation Impregnation Step 1 Step 1 Step 2 Step 2 Durable wood Durable wood TransFurans Chemicals bvba 'XUDEOH :RRG .( .( %2 %2 1< 1< - - !ncreased hardness !ncreased hardness - - !ncreased stiffnessfstrength !ncreased stiffnessfstrength - - !ncreased dimensional stability !ncreased dimensional stability - - Resistance to fungal attack Resistance to fungal attack - - Aesthetic appeal Aesthetic appeal - - Substitute for tropical hardwoods Substitute for tropical hardwoods TransFurans Chemicals bvba &RPSRVLWH $SSOLFDWLRQV 1DWXUDO )LEHU 5HLQIRUFHG &RPSRVLWHV )LUH &KHPLFDO UHVLVWDQW 0DWHULDO Furo Furolite lite Furo Furolite lite TransFurans Chemicals bvba 1DWXUDO )LEHU 5HLQIRUFHG &RPSRVLWHV Daimler Daimler BNW BNW TransFurans Chemicals bvba 1DWXUDO )LEHU 5HLQIRUFHG &RPSRVLWHV Hemicellulose Hemicellulose Agricultural waste (C5-sugars) Furfuryl alcohol + additives + additives co co- -reactants reactants O CH 2 OH O CH 2 OH oRez B 70 oRez B 70 Thermoset Resin TransFurans Chemicals bvba 1DWXUDO )LEHU 5HLQIRUFHG &RPSRVLWHV 6SUD\LQJ +RW FRPSUHVVLRQ PROGLQJ &XWWLQJ GHYLFH 1)PDW 6SUD\LQJ +RW FRPSUHVVLRQ PROGLQJ &XWWLQJ GHYLFH 1)PDW One One- -component component- -system system Reduced reliance on crude oil Reduced reliance on crude oil Solvent Solvent- -free / no voc free / no voc Automatic / high volume production Automatic / high volume production Cycle times below 60 seconds Cycle times below 60 seconds Use of existing installations for impregnation and compression Use of existing installations for impregnation and compression moulding moulding Manufacture with known Manufacture with known fibres fibres and mats and mats TransFurans Chemicals bvba 1DWXUDO )LEHU 5HLQIRUFHG &RPSRVLWHV 'RRUSDQHO ,QWHULRU 7ULP 'RRUSDQHO ,QWHULRU 7ULP NFRC made from renewable resources NFRC made from renewable resources Optimal carrier for two Optimal carrier for two- -step lamination step lamination Physical/mechanical properties identical to NF Physical/mechanical properties identical to NF- -EP Components EP Components TransFurans Chemicals bvba 1DWXUDO )LEHU 5HLQIRUFHG &RPSRVLWHV 'RRUSDQHO ,QWHULRU 7ULP 'RRUSDQHO ,QWHULRU 7ULP NFRC made from renewable resources NFRC made from renewable resources Optimal carrier for two Optimal carrier for two- -step lamination step lamination Physical/mechanical properties comparable to NF Physical/mechanical properties comparable to NF- -EP Components EP Components TransFurans Chemicals bvba )XUDQ 5HVLQ %0& TransFurans Chemicals bvba (QJLQHHULQJ 0DWHULDOV Thermoset Resin + + Reinforcement Carbon fiber Glass fiber Furo Furolite lite Mineral fillers &RPELQDWLRQ RI ILUH DQG FKHPLFDO UHVLVWDQFH &RPELQDWLRQ RI ILUH DQG FKHPLFDO UHVLVWDQFH Natural fibers, fillers TransFurans Chemicals bvba (QJLQHHULQJ 0DWHULDO 3URGXFWLRQ WHFKQLTXHV Hand lay up Spray up Prepreg vacuum !nfusion Pulltrusion Filament winding Furo Furolite lite Prepreg consolidation Prepreg consolidation vacuum !nfusion vacuum !nfusion TransFurans Chemicals bvba +DQV+R\GRQFN[#7UDQV)XUDQVEH TransFurans Chemicals bvba Industriepark Leukaard 2 2440 GEEL Belgium Tel: +32 14 57 87 47 Fax: +32 14 57 87 67 E-mail: Web: