The document provides details about a proposed business called "KZZAM" that would develop a carpooling app for University of Auckland students. The app would help students organize carpools to reduce traffic congestion and transportation costs. Key points include:
1) The app would allow students to connect based on their schedules and locations to arrange shared rides to campus. Additional features like meeting hotspots are also proposed.
2) A business analysis finds the industry attractive due to rising costs of transportation in Auckland and lack of competitors targeting students specifically.
3) The target customers are University of Auckland students who need affordable transportation options. The app aims to make carpooling easy, cost-effective, reliable, and secure for users
The document provides details about a proposed business called "KZZAM" that would develop a carpooling app for University of Auckland students. The app would help students organize carpools to reduce traffic congestion and transportation costs. Key points include:
1) The app would allow students to connect based on their schedules and locations to arrange shared rides to campus. Additional features like meeting hotspots are also proposed.
2) A business analysis finds the industry attractive due to rising costs of transportation in Auckland and lack of competitors targeting students specifically.
3) The target customers are University of Auckland students who need affordable transportation options. The app aims to make carpooling easy, cost-effective, reliable, and secure for users
The document provides details about a proposed business called "KZZAM" that would develop a carpooling app for University of Auckland students. The app would help students organize carpools to reduce traffic congestion and transportation costs. Key points include:
1) The app would allow students to connect based on their schedules and locations to arrange shared rides to campus. Additional features like meeting hotspots are also proposed.
2) A business analysis finds the industry attractive due to rising costs of transportation in Auckland and lack of competitors targeting students specifically.
3) The target customers are University of Auckland students who need affordable transportation options. The app aims to make carpooling easy, cost-effective, reliable, and secure for users
The document provides details about a proposed business called "KZZAM" that would develop a carpooling app for University of Auckland students. The app would help students organize carpools to reduce traffic congestion and transportation costs. Key points include:
1) The app would allow students to connect based on their schedules and locations to arrange shared rides to campus. Additional features like meeting hotspots are also proposed.
2) A business analysis finds the industry attractive due to rising costs of transportation in Auckland and lack of competitors targeting students specifically.
3) The target customers are University of Auckland students who need affordable transportation options. The app aims to make carpooling easy, cost-effective, reliable, and secure for users
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Name Khanindra Kaushish NetID kkau912 Group Number: 133 Website Link: Tutorial Details Tutor: Day: Time: Helen Chen Tuesdays 2pm Time Spent on Assignment: 17 hours Word Count: 1807
Traffic congestion is a problem faced by all major cities of the world. Auckland being one of those is ranked the 15 th most congested city and is now being called the city of snails. The issue of congestion affects university students the most. Demotivation, missing out on lectures and ultimately failure can be the devastating results for a student because of this problem. To overcome this problem we have created an app which can help Auckland university students collaborate and organise a carpool to overcome congestion - KZZAM.
3.1 Vision
To provide the students at Auckland University a way to overcome traffic congestion by collaborating and organising carpools in a simple, intuitive and affordable platform with a clean interface that makes carpooling fun and easy. 3.2 Industry Analysis: Transport industry
Force: High/Low: Justification: Buyer power: Low There are not a lot of carpooling applications designed for New Zealand and Auckland specifically has no carpooling apps designed to help students organise transportation. There is one app recommended by New Zealand Transport agency called lets carpool (New Zealand Transport Agency, 2012) but that too doesnt exclusively cover student needs. Apart from there are apps like Carpool King , Jayride and catchalift but none of these general apps can benefit auckland university students the way our app will and so the buyer power is low. Supplier power: Low With over 100 app developers (Yellow,2014) to choose from, the New Zealand creative industry is very competitive. Hence, supplier power will be low. The design and development of the app can be outsourced to either a single design firm or contracted to individuals with different skill set. The website will be managed by the hosting company at a very minimal cost per annum and any updates to the content will be managed by the firm or individuals hired initially. If there are any complications, the project can be transferred to other companies or designers Threat of new entrants: High Threat for new entrants would be high as the app development industry is booming these days and is only going to get bigger (New Relic, 2013). Carpooling is on the rise in New Zealand (3news, 2012) and due to the technologically advanced generation we are in, it is more than likely that apps for carpooling will emerge eventually keeping in mind how easy the development process is. Threat of substitutes: High Other means of transport such as trains, buses and cycling can be opted by students to get to uni however, public transport is getting more and more expensive everyday(The New Zealand Herald, 2012). Ultimately, carpooling will turn out to be an extremely cost effective way to travel for most students, it wont be useable for all making the use of other means of transport a problem for our business. This means that threat of subsitutes will be high. Rivalry among existing competitors: Low As there arent any apps based for university students till this point, plus the exisiting apps dont offer exclusive content for students, the rivalry among exisitng competitors will be low. The few apps avaliable for New Zealand would have a very broad target of users making it harder for the users to communicate and organise carpooling with ease.
Overall attractiveness of the industry: With the transport costs on the rise and no exclusive solutions for students, the overall attractiveness of this industry seems to high and positive. Being an exclusive idea for student commuting, having close to none competition in terms of online apps and the potential to expand leaves the scope for this business to be successful very high.
3.3 Customers and Thei r Needs
Our target group will be University of Auckland students who have difficulty coming to university due to distance of the university to their residence and/or transport costs. Due to the rise in public transport costs (New Zealand Herald, 2013) students would definitely want a cheaper solution like our app. Alternately, students who would like to socialise, meet new people or make the whole process of going to university fun could also be interested by our product.
The needs of our customers will be to have an easy to use, cost effective and reliable app that provides accurate mapping, time estimations and an ability to communicate with their fellow students to organise the carpool. Security is a big concern in transportation nowadays (SCMP, 2007) so it will be another factor that we will need to keep in mind as the customers would want to know if the people they travel with are sensible and that they are in safe hands.
3.4 The Product and Service
Our product will be a carpooling application with an easy to use interface aimed at University of Auckland students. There will be a very low cost registration fee as revenue for the services we provide. Services like accurate mapping and time estimations will be coded in the app making it as effective as possible for students to manage and organise the carpool. The app will give students suggestions as to which students they should carpool with based on their matching timetables and the area they live in. Messaging system will be integrated within the app to allow easy communication between the students. A security check will take place for each new member by cross checking with the university if that specific student has had any history of violence, alcohol or drug abuse. This will take place by getting the new members to give us their Auckland university ID as a registration process. As transport, fuel and parking costs are very high in Auckland (New Zealand Transport Agency, 2012) (Wilson Parking, n.d.) setting up carpools will allow students to split the cost of these expenses and get to university in a fun and engaging way.
Additional features like Kzzam hot spots will be added to give the customers optional places to meet which will be at an equal distance from all students if possible and has an easy access for their chosen driver to pick up the students.
3.5 Suppliers and Partners
Our supplier would be app developing companies who will help us develop and maintain the app or alternatively individual designers and coders. Web and data managers would also be required in order to manage customers and their payments.
Our main partners would be the University of Auckland and the apple/android/windows app store. The Auckland university is the core part of our application as they will be the ones providing us students timetables, place of residence and past record of violent or dangerous behaviour for security purposes. The app stores from the different providers such as Apple, Google play store and Windows store will be required in order to sell the product and make it easy for customers to access as these providers have the most control over the digital market.
3.6 Strategy: Focused Low Cost
The strategy for our business will be focused low cost. It is targeted to a specific audience and will require a registration fee as revenue in order to perform the security checks, optional hot spots and several other services. As our rivalry with existing competitors isnt high due to our exclusive content for students, our pricing will not be challenged as much. A narrow market with a relatively low cost start-up fee will make our business effective and successful.
3.7 Value Chain Activity: Service after Sales
Service after sales will be the most important value chain activity for our application. Attracting the customers will be the easy part but giving them exceptional service and facilities will by far be the most challenging task for our business. As we have a narrow market, bad experiences for a few customers could completely shut down our business. A friendly customer service representative and a good management team will be required for the app to survive because of the threat caused by substitute services such as public transport.
3.8 Business Processes
3.8.1. Carpool organisation process This is one of the most important processes for our business. The whole process of setting up a carpool is the core of our whole application and any complications in this could put an end to our business.
3.9 Functionalities
3.9.1. Peer recommendation process Recommendation using timetable Recommendation using area of residence
3.9.2. Optional hotspot location process Hot spot location using area close to the group of car poolers Location from where driver can easily pick car poolers
3.10 Systems
3.10.1. Mapping system A system to show maps will be required to help in the organisation of the students who live near-by.
3.10.2. Feedback system A system to give us feedback and ways to improve will be provided within our app. Using this we can constantly improve the app and make the experience for consumers even more pleasant.
3.10.3. Location security system This system will provide a location as a hot spot which is secured and easy to use.
Value Chain Activity Processes Functionalities Specific Information Systems Broad Information systems Service After Sales Peer recommendation process Recommendation using timetable
Recommendation using area of residence
Mapping system
Feedback system Decision Support Systems
Customer Relationship Management System Optional hotspot location process Hot spot location using area close to the group of car poolers
Location from where driver can easily pick car poolers Location security systems
Feedback system Decision Support System
Customer Relationship Management System
To conclude I would say that the current transport systems are not fulfilling the needs for students and congestion on top of this is making students demotivated to go to University. This affect them in ways such as downfall of university grades. By using the Carpool app Kzzam and information systems combined together, this issue can be overcome by using the easy, intuitive and affordable platform provided making transport to university fun and engaging.
The New Zealand Herald . (2013, November 7). Auckland traffic jams create city of snails. Retrieved from
Auckland Transport . (2012, June 29). National carpool website launches. Retrieved from
Finda (n.d.). Computer Software Developer. Retrieved from Yellow (n.d.). App Developers . Retrieved from zealand/app-developer-?what=app+developer+&where=new-zealand
Relic, N. (n.d.). Mobile App Industry to Reach Record Revenue in 2013. Retrieved from revenue-in-2013/
3News (2012, August 20). Carpooling on the rise in NZ. Retrieved from NZ/tabid/423/articleID/266009/Default.aspx
The New Zealand Herald (2012, April 16). Auckland public transport fares to rise. Retrieved from
The New Zealand Herald (2013, May 25 ). Students bear the brunt of Auckland public transport fare rises. Retrieved from
SCMP (2007, February 23). Safety concerns spur big rise in transport complaints. Retrieved from rise-transport-complaints
Parking, W. (n.d.). Prices . Retrieved from