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Reinforcing Learning in Engineering Education by Alternating Between Theory, Simulation and Experiments

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Reinforcing learning in engineering education

by alternating between theory, simulation and experiments

Paul M. Kurowski, Ralph O. Buchal
Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering
Faculty of Engineering, the University of Western Ontario
pkurowski@eng.uwo.ca, rbuchal@eng.uwo.ca


Traditional engineering education has relied on
teaching theoretical fundamentals, reinforced in some
courses by laboratory experiments. However, for
practical reasons experiments are limited in the scope,
and many students fail to make the necessary
connections between the theory and its applications.

To bridge the gap between theory and applications we
use the tools of Computer Aided Engineering (CAE).
The hands-on use of simulation tools such as CAD,
FEA or Motion Analysis helps students visualize and
understand the application of theory to real
engineering problems and allows students to model
and simulate much more complex problems than are
amenable to hand calculations.

At the same time, the use of commercial simulation
software provides students with skills that are in high
demand in the market place.

1 Introduction

The last decade has brought tremendous progress in
Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) tools in
disciplines such as Computer Aided Design (CAD),
Finite Element Analysis (FEA), Motion Analysis, and
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). These CAE
tools have matured enough to become productivity
tools for practicing engineers. By using CAE
applications, engineers are able to shorten the design
process by replacing physical prototyping and testing
with simulation.

Employers expect our graduates to have working
knowledge of CAE applications. Therefore, our
responsibility as educators at Western Engineering is
to equip our students with understanding of
engineering principles along with working skills in the
CAE tools.

How can this be done considering an already very
busy engineering curriculum? How can we possibly
teach the use of CAE software without running the
risk of turning courses into software training where
understanding of the method takes only a secondary

2 Climbing two ropes method

To accomplish the task of teaching students theoretical
background and providing them with skills in
commercial CAE programs such as FEA while
working under severe time constraints (one semester),
we alternate between theory and numerical
simulations of the corresponding problems. Once
students acquire the working knowledge of software
we use the numerical simulation to solve problems
way beyond the reach of hand calculations. This, in
turn, enhances the grasp of theory. This approach may
be descriptively called the Climbing Two Ropes
method or C2R (figure 1).

Figure 1. The essence of the C2R method is a well
timed switching between theory and CAE


2.1 Description of the method

We explain the method using the third year course
Finite Element Methods for Mechanical Engineering
as an example. The course starts on the
implementation rope. Students use the commercial
software COSMOSWorks to study the modeling
process, necessary simplifying assumptions,
discretization error, convergence and basic modeling
techniques. When we switch to the theory rope to
analyze 1D spring elements, students are already
sufficiently advanced on the implementation rope to
model 1D spring elements with COSMOSWorks.
While confirming hand calculations with software
results students come to appreciate restrictive
assumptions of 1D spring elements and develop skills
in modeling techniques required to simulate them in a
3D model. This deepens the understanding of theory
behind 1D spring elements and further develops
software modeling skills (figure 2).

Figure 2. 1D spring elements on the theory rope are
simulated on the implementation rope with a
COSMOSWorks model

One week later we return to the theory rope to tackle
2D truss elements. They are still simple enough to
allow for manual calculation, yet they are illustrative
because all concepts that apply to 2D truss elements
are fully expandable to real life elements used in
commercial software. We introduce the theory of 2D
trusses and again we simulate them with commercial
software using models of different levels of
idealization (figure 3).

Figure 3. 2D truss elements on the theory rope are
simulated on the implementation rope with
commercial software using models of different levels
of idealization: solid elements (top), shell elements
(middle) and beam elements (bottom).

Climbing on both ropes continues until the end of the
semester, to allow students develop FEA skills ready
for practical implementation as well as good
understanding of the underlying theory.
The course taught with the C2R method is not just a
common mixture of theory and applications. Carefully
measured time intervals spent on each rope produce a
synergic effect benefiting both ropes. Learning is
further enhanced by textbooks used on each rope
(figure 4) [1], [2].

Figure 3 The textbook on the theory rope is a popular
introductory FEA text book [3]. The textbook on the
implementation rope focuses on the applied FEA [4].

A first course in the
Finite Element Method
Engineering Analysis with
SolidWorks Simulation 2009

2.2 Course prerequisites
Successful implementation of the C2R method to the
third year course Finite Element Methods for
Mechanical Engineering requires that students be
familiar with CAD. This is because modern FEA
software is so tightly integrated with CAD that FEA
users must be familiar with CAD to be able to use the

Western Engineering students are first introduced to
CAD in the first year course Introductory Design and
Innovation Studio. Second year Mechanical and
Materials Engineering students further develop CAD
skills in the course Product Design and
Development. This course introduces students to a
structured design process from inception to
prototyping. CAD is one of many tools used in the
design process and we cant spend too much time on
it. Therefore, students acquire CAD skills not in class
but by working on design projects that require the use
of certain modeling techniques. We run the course in
close collaboration with University Machine Services
(UMS). Members of UMS participate in lectures and
labs to assure that product documentation (including
CAD models) meet industrial standards. To promote
development of CAD skills, a bonus is offered for
passing the SolidWorks certification exam. The
SolidWorks Corporation offers the exam to our
students for free. In the Fall 2008, over 50% of the
MME2259a class (45 students) passed the certification

Product Design and Development is a prerequisite to
Finite Element Methods for Mechanical
2.3 Evaluation of the effectiveness
To this date we have used the C2R method to teach
Kinematics and Dynamics of Machines, Finite
Element Methods for Mechanical Engineering,
Finite Element Analysis for Design Engineers and
Mechanical Vibration. All together there were ten
courses run with this method. All scored over 6 (out of
7) for effectiveness on students evaluations.

Another way to evaluate the effectiveness is to
monitor students performance in the fourth year,
mainly in the 4
year design project. In fact, this year
we have been approached by many students working
on the 4
year design project. They were all
successfully implementing the Simulation in the
design process.

Yet another way to evaluate the effectiveness is to
assess the performance of students in the Industrial
Internship Program (IIP) in which some of our
students enroll after completing 3
year. Given a
limited sample size it is difficult to generalize but we
did notice several individuals successfully
implementing both the theory and CAE tools to
solving real life design problems with the skills level
normally expected for an engineer with a few years of

2.4 Applicability of the C2R method
The C2R is applicable to any course where theory
intertwines with implementation problems suitable for
the CAE tools. One could visualize common
assignments or the same problems passed form one
course to another for different treatments according to
course discipline and objectives. This initiative is now
in progress at Western Engineering.
2.5 Software used
The design curriculum in the MME department has
been standardized on SolidWorks CAD. SolidWorks is
a solid, parametric, feature based program, one of the
most common CAD programs in industry. The C2R
method has been developed around SolidWorks and its
add-ins such as COSMOSWorks and COMOSMotion
Are the acquired skills software-specific? To some
extent they are, but since SolidWorks and its add-ins
feature state-of-the art technology, these skills are
easily transferable to other CAE applications.
3 Next steps
The next phase is to extend the approach to include
physical experiments. Simulations are very useful, but
they are only an approximation of reality. Simulation
results must be verified experimentally, and students
must understand the limitations and implications of
modeling assumptions and simplifications. We
propose to achieve this by introducing simple
experiments to supplement theory and simulations.
This would correspond to adding the third rope:
experiments, and converting where applicable, the
M2R method into a M3R method. For example, a
spring-mass-damper system could be analyzed
theoretically, modeled and simulated using CAE, and
finally experimentally tested. This has already been
implemented in the fourth year elective course

Mechanical Vibration and our efforts are underway
to include other courses.

[1] D.L. Logan, A First course in the Finite Element
Method, Brooks/Cole
[2] P.M. Kurowski, Engineering Analysis with
SolidWorks Simulation 2009, Schroff Development

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