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Software Compliments Structured Learning For Kinematics of Mechanisms

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Software Compliments Structured Learning for Kinematics of Mechanisms

C. J. Egelhoff, D. M. Blackketter and S. W. Beyerlein

University of Idaho
Moscow, Idaho 83844

Abstract Kinematics and Dynamics of Mechanisms

This paper describes how several commercial At the University of Idaho, Kinematics of
software products can be integrated into teaching the Mechanisms is a required junior level mechanical
Kinematics of Mechanisms and how technology can be engineering class which meets two hours per week for
transformed into an advantage for the student. The lecture and requires a two-hour lab. Before computers
authors advocate increasing the educational use of were widely available, students wrote their own
existing software while balancing the student experience computer programs, usually in FORTRAN or BASIC, to
with a healthy skepticism of all computer products and a analyze one type of mechanism. Much other “learning”
wealth of hands-on activities. took place in the form of graphical tricks and techniques,
and learning how to solve for critical or
Introduction maximum/minimum positions which yielded “ballpark”
numbers. All of this effort was expended to avoid
For teaching Kinematics and Dynamics of
lengthy algebraic manipulations.
Mechanisms, a structured learning approach and state-of-
the-art computer software create the learning experience Our students have grown up in a world which is
of the future available today. This paper describes how fast-paced, enormously visual, giving immediate
we effectively combine these elements of technology gratification and they are at ease with the ubiquitous
and why students are responding very positively. personal computer. These students are not generally
interested in writing their own computer programs or
Our Solutions to Software Disadvantages doing mechanism design using coupler curves from
Many high quality software programs are available among the 7000 coupler curves available for four-bar
which we can use to our advantage. This is also a linkages [1].
disadvantage! The software world is still changing very The way to best serve the needs of today’s student
fast and, although we want our students to learn the can be the model for other classes as well. Some
newest technology, we wonder if today’s new educators want to teach theory thoroughly and then give
technology will still be used in four years at the students a “design” project on which to apply the theory
completion of the undergraduate program. We also they have learned. Other educators advocate assignment
wonder how many different software tools should of design tasks before students know any theory, arguing
students be learning? Surely students shouldn’t need to that theory learning is more valuable when its
master new software for each course. But there’s not application and need are imminent.
one or two packages which can do it all! We are
overcoming these chronic complaints to commercial We suggest that there must be a middle road to
software by incorporating the following tools and travel. We teach theory, yes, but then apply that theory
techniques: to analysis and design immediately. After all, it does
little good to describe to students how there is
(1) Using a Structured Learning Process which helps commercial software available to do all sorts of two- and
student work independent of specific software. three-dimensional kinematics modeling unless you also
(2) Allowing numerous software products helps resist show them how to use it. Today’s engineers need more
the temptation to force students into learning a new than theory. They need to know, without a doubt, how
software package just for a single class. to sit down and tackle any kinematic analysis or
synthesis they meet. To this end, they need exposure to
We are saying that educators in any location need computer tools commercially available.
to embrace the new technology and make it work for
them. Industry is coping with the accelerating competition
in the marketplace by working smarter with computer
tools they can own today. Our structured learning Example Using Structured Learning
process takes advantage of new technologies. Structured
learning is easy and efficient for students. It also Consider a bicyclist pedaling. Using Working
prepares students for future work because they develop Model animation, we see how the seat-leg-pedal-and-
better problem solving skills. frame can be modeled as a classic four-bar mechanism
depicted below.
Integrating Computer Software into the
Structured Learning Process for Kinematics
Classical structured problem solving for kinematic
analysis includes the following:
(1) writing the governing vector loop and constraint
(2) deciding on the known and unknown parameters in
an organized way (i.e. a parameter table), and
(3) sketching a graphical solution for position and (b)
possibly constructing a cardboard or stick model. (a)
Only when the student has mastered the
construction of the governing equations, the parameter
table, and graphical solutions, do we turn to the software R2
for numerical solutions. However, we do not encourage
students to write their own computer code. We do
encourage them to use equation solving software with
which they are already familiar and we suggest use of a
supplementary visualization software package such as
Working Model. R3

We contend that Kinematics of Mechanisms 5

courses should be taught with this structured learning R4 4

process. We should teach analysis using vectors (c) (d)

methodically and repeatedly, solving the geometry (for
position), then differentiating to obtain velocity and Figure 1. (a) sketch of the seat-leg-pedal-frame (b)
acceleration, and finally using Newton’s Law to solve overlay rigid links (c) the stick-figure (d) the
for forces. As soon as students understand the theory, vector loop.
connecting the mathematical relationships to the
behavior of the mechanism, and can sketch a graphical 1. Vector Loops
solution quickly by hand for one position, the teaching The vector loop equations are then,
plan should switch directly and almost exclusively to
computer solutions using commercial software. The R1 + R2 = R3 + R4 position.
software does not become a black box because students
R1 + R2 = R3 + R4 velocity.
comprehend the theory and know what the software is
doing. The students “check” the computer results with
R1 + R2 = R3 + R4 acceleration.
graphical techniques done quickly by hand. This
structured learning process speeds the students progress where the velocity and acceleration are the first and
dramatically so that there is ample time in a semester for second time derivatives of position, respectively. Scalar
other worthwhile activities such as hands-on dissection equations can be developed if preferred.
of mechanisms, synthesis, and design-and-build projects.
2. Parameter Table
Because we use a structured approach, classes are
more consistent, easier to direct, and easier to facilitate. The student fills in the parameter table by looking
The following section gives a brief example using the at each vector in the loop and asking these questions: (1)
classical four-bar mechanism to illustrate the structured Do I know its length?, (2) Do I know its direction? (3)
learning process. Do I know its length velocity?, (4) Do I know its angular
velocity?, (5) Do I know its length acceleration? and (6) communicate effectively [3]. Teaching students to use
Do I know its angular acceleration? For each question, visualization tools and convey engineering knowledge
if the answer was “yes” then the value was entered and if clearly will benefit everyone.
the answer was “no” a question mark was entered.
We also have developed a visualization program
ri θi ri ωI ri αi called VECTOR that animates the vector loops for
Vector Nodes meters degrees m/s rad/s m/s2 rad/s2 geometry, velocity and acceleration. A series of three
1 5 to 1 0.5 120 0 -4 0 0 “snapshots” of the animation for a four-bar mechanism
2 1 to 2 0.8 ? 0 ? 0 ? might look like this:
3 4 to 3 0.8 ? 0 ? 0 ?
4 5 to 4 0.7 -20 0 0 0 0
Node 2 and node 3 are at the same location
4,5 2,3
There are 2 geometry scalar equations and 2 unknowns. 2,3
There are 2 velocity scalar equations and 2 unknowns. 1
1 1
There are 2 acceleration scalar equations and 2 unknowns.
θ1=20° θ1=60° θ1=80°
Table 1. The parameter table for the crank-rocker.
The student is taught that there are two scalar Figure 2. A series of velocity polygons for the crank-
equations associated with each vector equation so there rocker.
are exactly two unknown parameters for each vector
loop equation. In this example there are three vector The vector visualization uses the mathematical
loop equations so there are six scalar equations and six results from the student’s parametric study to draw the
unknowns. The parameter table efficiently collects and vector loops and show the changes during animation.
organizes the essential scalar quantities. From the This helps students to quickly visualize positions to
parameter table, the student can immediately count the which the mechanism can move and where the velocities
number of scalar equations and unknowns, then if and accelerations are highest.
agreement is not met, the student considers what other
5. Forces Solution
relationships can be written to aid in the solution of this
mechanism analysis. We need not concern ourselves Finally, to evaluate the forces, free body diagrams
with secondary quantities such as Coriolis Acceleration of each link and body are drawn in the traditional
at this point in the problem analysis because we can use manner, the governing equations of sum-of-forces and
software to show velocities and accelerations after we sum-of-moments are written for each link and each body.
verify the computer solution is correct. The known and unknown scalar values are collected and
organized in a suitable parameter table in a similar
3. Computer Solution fashion to that for position, velocity and acceleration.
This is where our structured learning process
diverges dramatically from conventional learning. There Tools for a Structured Learning Process
are many existing software tools[2] in which the scalar 1. Textbook and Solutions Manual.
equations that the student wrote are entered and solved.
We could use any of the available equation solvers such We found that the textbooks currently available for
as Chico Solver, TK Solver, MathCAD, Working Kinematics and Dynamics of Mechanisms seem to
Model, Maple, PC Solve, or we could have written our ignore most of today’s software and teach only the
own computer program. We chose to work with the theory and the same methods used for decades. While
more simple vector form of the governing equations so there is nothing wrong with these tried and true
Chico Solver is the easiest program to use. The techniques, we recognize that students, like most
student can also perform a parametric study by varying engineers in the working world, will exploit existing
one of the known parameters. In this way he can study software whenever possible. We are developing new
the full range of motion, velocities, accelerations, and curricula [4,5] to integrate the old and new software such
forces. that the teaching of theory is more effective.

4. Visualization The curricula material is the “glue” that couples the

learning objectives to the computer tools. The textbook
Visualization isn’t just for teaching students. teaches the fundamental skills of graphical solutions
Visualization is everywhere that industry needs to using a structured approach and it contains many
graphical solution examples. The same graphical oral report and a story board, or a written technical
examples are later solved using computer techniques. report. This may sound like a lot of additional work
What we give students is a problem solving structure after homework, exams, and laboratory activities, but we
which always works and which they can use on every have found that students become so efficient in their
problem. abilities to analyze and synthesize mechanisms that this
“project” needs little more work than another homework
Over the course of several semesters, we found
students readily embraced the structured approach but
that other faculty winced at the idea of learning yet Conclusions and Results
another software. We have expanded the structured
approach to accommodate several commercial software Students want technology to make their learning
packages, including TK Solver and MathCAD along easier. Industry wants well-trained efficient engineers
with Working Model for visualization. who can contribute to the company “bottom line”. And
educators, of course, want better, faster, cheaper, and
2. Organization using the Parameter Table smarter everything so they can get on with additional
Structured learning is developed using the research which they are pressured to produce. We
parameter table as a tool of organization. The student believe that the appropriate degree of technology is a
soon gets into the habit of filling in the parameter table function of the course and the instructional environment.
immediately after writing a correct and complete set of For Kinematics of Mechanisms, we advocate using the
vector equations. This structure is particularly helpful computer to keep track of numerical calculations
for students. because this liberates students to focus on fundamentals
and proceed to synthesis and design objectives. Students
3. Computer Software should select the software they use. We also believe that
visualization tools are vital. We advocate balancing the
The student is free to select a software package. If student experience with hands-on mechanical activities
the student has no preference, Chico Solver is provided in the laboratory as well as a semester-long design-and-
as a component of the curricula. Chico Solver is build group project.
different from most software in that it checks input for
compatibility, an extremely valuable aid for student References
understanding. Furthermore, unlike any other software,
Chico Solver allows programming with vector 1. Hrones, J.A. and G.L. Nelson, Analysis of the Four-Bar
variables so that the simple vector equations (and not the Linkage, M.I.T.-Wiley, New York, 1951.
scalar equations) are input. As part of the structured 2. Pattee, Heidi A., “Selecting computer mathematics”,
learning process the student is forced (by Chico Mechanical Engineering , Vol. 117, No. 9, pp. 82-84,
Solver) to select a correct number of known and September, 1995.
unknown parameters. The solution is obtained 3. Puttre′, Michael, “Dynamic simulations with animation
numerically. software”, Mechanical Engineering , Vol. 116, No. 3,
pp. 108-111, March 1994.
4. Interactive Laboratory Experiences 4. Blackketter, D.O., D.M. Blackketter and C.J. Egelhoff,
While we believe that computer tools ought to be Kinematics and Dynamics of Machines , 1994.
routinely integrated into education, they provide only 5. Blackketter, D.O., D.M. Blackketter and C.J. Egelhoff,
part of the experience desired. We advocate use of the Solutions to Kinematics and Dynamics of Machines ,
two-hour laboratory class to study mechanisms found in 1994.
workshops or other uses. We also analyze models of
these mechanisms and we disassemble some mechanisms
or models. Students are usually quite enthusiastic about
these activities as they are gaining valuable “hands-on”

5. Semester Project
To enhance the student experience in this course,
we use a group project which entails design-and-build or
analyze-and-build-a-working-model of a mechanism
which the student group selects. This project includes an

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