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Recruiting Hiring Guide

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Recruiting & Hiring Guide

This Guide Will Help You:

1. Plan your staffing needs
2. Open and post a position
3. Screen for best qualified applicants
4. Prepare to interview
5. Interview Candidates
6. Select, Notify, and Document

The Department of Human Resources
Phone: (401) 254-3028 Fax: (401) 254-3370
Web Address: http://www.rwu.edu/about/university-offices/human-resources

Step 1 Plan Your Staffing Needs

Before hiring a new employee, plan to do the following:
! Analyze your departments staffing needs.
" Is the work effectively distributed?
" Does the organizational structure produce optimal results?
! Review your budget.
! Verify the accuracy of the current Job Description. Does it accurately reflect the
functions of the job?
" For a new position, create a job description.
" For a replacement position, review current job description; revise and
update, if needed.
" If a job description is new or has been revised, please send to the
Manager of Compensation and Benefits a Position Justification Form with
authorized signatures along with the job description so the job description
can undergo a thorough position classification review before the posting

Step 2 Open & Post a Position

Applicant Tracking System (ATS) - Interview Exchange

Please complete the following within the ATS:

! A Request for Position Authorization (RPA) form with required approvals
" Attach a Job Description in RWU format
" Attach Position Justification obtain signatures!

Before sending for approval:
! Ensure all information is accurately provided on the above
referenced forms.
! Confirm that all requested details are provided in Parts A & B of
the RPA:
" Name of Position/Department
" Type of Change
" Budget/Salary Information
" Type of Employment
" Recruitment Plan
" Approvals

Before the position is posted:
! Review the ad draft sent from Employment and Respond in a timely manner.
! Determine any COREquisite questions that might assist in the pre-screening process.


- Call HR if you are anticipating
an opening.

- Check with HR to see if a job
description already exists.


- New positions require approval from the
Hiring Manager, Division SVP/VP/Dean of Law
School, VP of Accounting & Treasury
Management, & AVP of HR.

- Existing positions require signatures from the
Hiring Manager, the Division SVP/VP/Dean of
Law School, VP of Accounting & Treasury
Management, & AVP of HR.

Note: President approval is required for Tenure,
Tenure Track, and Director level and above
positions requiring additional budget.

Note: VP of Accounting & Treasury
Management, & AVP of HR approval signatures
are hard coded on the RPA.

Step 3 Screen for Best Qualified Candidates

The Employment Team will:
! Notify you of the position approval.
! Post the position on the RWU website for at least 5 working days and as specified in the
Recruitment Plan section of the RPA.
! Provide assistance in the process.

The Hiring Manager will:
! Ensure all candidates apply directly for the position online.
! Review applications within the ATS Manage Jobs section to determine the
candidates to bring on campus for interviews. Do these candidates meet the
qualifications required to do the job? Move candidates into the appropriate folders
within ATS.
! Schedule interviews with qualified candidates in a timely manner.
! Correspond and provide a status update to all applicants directly through the ATS either
during the process or when a decision has been made.

Step 4 Prepare to Interview

Plan in advance:
! Prepare a set of questions prior to the interviews that focus on job related
" Do not include any questions related to race, age, religion,
national or ethnic origin, sexual orientation, disability , marital status,
child care, or health issues.
! Plan to open the interview with rapport-building questions that will put the
candidate at ease. Ask the candidate to take 2-3 minutes to share an overview of
his/her background, education, skills, and reason for applying.
! Identify open-ended questions that ask about past behavior (e.g. describe a specific
situation including end results).

! Analyze the qualities that are important for someone to possess in the position and
design questions that will help determine whether a candidate has those qualities (e.g.
working within short deadlines, multi-tasking, constant change of direction, etc.).
! Ask behavior-based questions.
" Instead of giving hypothetical situations, ask how the candidate actually
handled a similar situation in the past.
! Avoid asking close-ended questions that only require a yes, no, or one word
! Plan to close the interview when you feel youve received a complete picture of the


- The same questions should be
asked of all candidates.

- The Employment Team is available
to assist you in preparing for the

- Contact the Employment Team
for specific position posting

- Pursuant to University hiring
practice, policy, and procedure,
Search Committees are
required for all Director Level &
Above and Full-time Tenure-
Track Faculty positions.

Step 5 Interview Candidates

Conduct a professional interview:
! Select a quiet and private area to conduct the interview.
! Schedule interviews setting aside an appropriate amount of time.

! Introduce yourself at the start of the interview to put the candidate at ease. Ask
candidates to complete the RWU First Interview Supplemental Application during this
time. At the conclusion of the interview attach this form to the candidates application
in ATS.
! Explain how the interview will be conducted and share the fact that you will be taking
notes. Be a knowledgeable interviewer; give a brief history of the university and
synopsis of the job.

! Allow the candidate time to ask questions. Close the interview by letting the
candidate know the next steps in the process and the expected timeframe for the
hiring decision.

Step 6 Select, Notify, & Document

Finalize the hiring process -
The Hiring Manager will:
! Rank top candidates based on qualifications, related work experience, skills, and
education and conduct pre-employment reference checks for final candidates.
! Consult and establish a meeting with the President prior to final selection of a
candidate, for all full-time tenure-track faculty positions, key University hires and
all full-time, senior administrative/professional positions (Director level and
! Complete the Recommendation for Approval of Candidate Selection (RACS)
! Attach 3 Reference Checks to the online RACS form.
! Extend verbal offer to candidate with a recommended start date.
! Move the final selected candidates to the Hire folder in ATS.
! Confirm official start date with HR (HR will contact you once a favorable
background check has been received).
! Send regret emails to all candidates through the ATS.
! Send completed Equipment Inventory Checklist to HR within first two weeks of
start date. The Checklist can be found on RWU website - Employment/Forms.
! Direct the new hire to visit Human Resources with appropriate forms of
identification in order to complete any required pre-employment paperwork.
HR will:
! Send to the candidate upon receipt of online RACS form offer letter of
employment contingent upon a favorable background check.

- For best results, use the 80/20 rule - applicant
talks 80% of the time and interviewer talks

- You may use the Interview Evaluation Form to
help you determine the best qualified

- Please remember:
To contact the Employment Team before
making a verbal offer.

- The RACS is an official document of the
University and is reviewed carefully for
recruiting and hiring compliance purposes.

- References are provided as part of the
application process. Three (3) professional
references must be checked and attached
for your final candidate.

Make sure all appropriate approvals from the
Hiring Manager, the Division SVP/VP/Dean of
Law School and AVP of HR have been
obtained. The AVP of HR approval signature
is hard coded.

! Send to the candidate background authorization and disclosure form and other
pre-employment paperwork.
! Process the RACS to activate the new employee in HRs database upon formal
acceptance of the offer.
Congratulations! The process is complete.

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