Performance Improvement Plans: A Supervisor's Guide To Raising Employee Performance Levels
Performance Improvement Plans: A Supervisor's Guide To Raising Employee Performance Levels
Performance Improvement Plans: A Supervisor's Guide To Raising Employee Performance Levels
January 2013
Performance Improvement Plans: An Overview 1
Stage 1: Counseling............................................................................................................................................2
Stage 3: Feedback............................................................................................................................................... 5
Templates 8
Feedback Template..........................................................................................................................................13
As a supervisor, you must ensure your employees get the “big picture” of their
contributions to your unit/section, division, department, and the county. Make sure
your employees know what’s expected of them in their duties, performance, and
behavior. They must also understand:
A Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) is a ‘last resort’ approach and should be used
when the employee has not successfully resolved through previous interventions for
one of the following non-disciplinary performance issues:
The PIP should not be used for issues such as employee misconduct, poor or
inappropriate behavior or incompetence. Misconduct or behavior issues are something
that should be strictly handled through the progressive discipline processes. For
example, an employee who fails to meet deadlines and has been issued a directive to
Performance Improvement Plans – Guidelines for Supervisors FINAL DRAFT Page 1
complete a task may be referred to discipline for failure to follow the directive and
insubordination. Refer to your work unit’s collective bargaining agreement, if
applicable, about specific contract language related to discipline.
As a Best Practice, it is recommended you consult with your Human Resources (HR)
Service Delivery Manager (SDM) before you place an employee on a Performance
Improvement Plan. Involving your HR SDM is a critical element in successfully
implementing and completing a Performance Improvement Plan. Your HR professional
will provide ongoing guidance and support during the performance improvement
Up to this point the supervisor/manager should be having meetings with the employee
discussing/coaching/counseling the employee on the deficiencies, and what needs to
change. The Performance Improvement Plan should not be the first step in attempting
to correct the employee’s performance. Use this process during the rating period to
discuss unsatisfactory performance and to make sure the employee understands that a
problem exists.
Step 3 If the employee’s performance does not improve during the evaluation
timeframe, place the employee on a Performance Improvement Plan. Before
doing so, discuss with your HR SDM and division director the basis for
recommending a Performance Improvement Plan.
Important: The supervisor should have coached and/or counseled the employee and
the employee’s performance assessment should reflect comments related to the
employees poor and reduced performance. This stage may place the employee in
employment jeopardy if the performance is not corrected during the performance
improvement process.
Step 5 Please check with your Service Delivery Manager on final filing of the
documents, but at a minimum, place the memorandum, plan and a copy of
the employee’s last Performance Assessment in the supervisor’s working
file for future reference.
Step 2 Provide the employee with formal documented status or reviews of the
employee’s progress through the phases of the plan. The review should
reflect cumulative information of the employee’s status since the plan
began. The frequency of a formal review may vary depending on the length
of the Performance Improvement Plan.
A template of a formal or Mid-Term Review document is available on page
16. And an example can be found on page 17.
Step 3 Provide the employee with a signed copy of the formal review. The
employee should sign the document to acknowledge receipt. Place a copy
of the signed document in the employee’s personnel file.
Use this process when the employee’s performance improves to the expected level.
Subject: Performance Improvement Plan
period of time] , it has become increasingly evident that you have not been performing your assigned
work in accordance with what is expected of a (n) [job title].
On [dates of counseling sessions] , you were counseled about this unacceptable level of performance.
To date, this/here has not been any significant improvement. [Department, division, or work unit]
values you as an employee. === OR === During the last annual performance review, your
performance rating was [state the overall score or the score of the performance objective that
was unsatisfactory] .
This memo's intent is to make you fully aware of this situation and to assist you in improving your work
performance. However, it is important that you realize the responsibility to improve is yours alone.
Consequently, you are being placed on a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP).
You must demonstrate immediate improvement in the following areas, which are described in furthis/her
detail in the attached Performance Improvement Plan:
PIP PROCESS AND FOLLOW-UP – For the next [time period and dates] , you will be on a PIP. I will
review your progress on meeting deadlines and using appropriate interpersonal skills, requiring
improvement every [frequency of review or specific dates] . During these meetings I will share with
you whethis/her or not you have demonstrated the kind of significant and sustained improvement the PIP
requires. You will receive a mid-period progress review and a closing memo at the end of the previously
designated PIP time period. During the PIP time period, I will guide you in becoming a more effective
contributing employee of our [department, division, work unit] . Your objectives are:
To assist you in reaching the performance objectives described in the PIP, [list resources available –
training, coaching, mentoring, etc] .
Improvement must occur [describe the timeframe] and must be maintained. If any portion of the
improvement plan is not achieved during [the specified time frame] , appropriate action up to and
including termination may occur. A decrease in performance after successfully completing the improvement
plan may result in placing you back on a PIP or taking appropriate action including termination.
I realize this process may be stressful and encourage you to contact the Employee Assistance Program
(EAP) and utilize their services and assistance to aid you in relieving some of that stress. As always, I am
available for you to discuss the PIP and any concerns you may have. A copy of this document will be
placed in your personnel file. (Whether to place in personnel file is optional. Discuss this with your Service
Delivery Manager.)
Your signature acknowledges that you have been given the information and understand the content listed
in this document.
Employee Signature ___________________ Date _________
Performance Improvement Plans – Guidelines for Supervisors FINAL DRAFT Page 8
Supervisor Signature __________________ Date _________
(Templates are only recommended. Please feel free to use those that fit or modify to your needs)
As discussed in our meeting, you will be required to attend the following training. We will continue to support you in
attending these and other related training offerings you might identify:
Effective Time Management Skills – September 13, 2011
Effective Communication Skills – September 15, 2011
Collaboration in the Workplace – October 30, 2011
Improvement must occur within six months and be sustained. If any portion of the improvement plan is not achieved
during this time period, appropriate action may occur such as discipline up to an including termination. In addition, a
decrease in performance after successfully completing the improvement plan may result in placing you back on a PIP or
taking disciplinary appropriate action.
As always, I am available for you to discuss the PIP any concerns you may have. A copy of this document will be
placed in your personnel file.
Your signature acknowledges that you have been given the information and understand the content listed in this
Performance Timelines
Objective & to Meet Tools Comments/
Area of Measurement Mentor(s)
Desired Desired (Training) Current Status
Outcome Outcome
(Templates are only recommended. Please feel free to use those that fit or modify to your needs)
Performance Timelines
Performance Comments &
Objective & to Meet Tools (Training)
Area of Measurement Mentor(s) Current
Desired Desired
Improvement Status
Outcome Outcome
Collaboration in
Zero displays
the Workplace
of disruptive
behavior in
Participate in six
(6) coaching
sessions by
Performance Performance
Area of Objective &
Date Measurement Feedback
Improvement Desired
* Measurement means what the employee must do (or level of performance) to meet the performance
Objective outlined in the previous column)
Your signature is required to indicate you have been given the information and understand the content
listed in the document.
(Templates are only recommended. Please feel free to use those that fit or modify to your needs)
Sept 5, 2011 Time Meet all deadlines Timely submittals of Since the PIP, you have met each
management determined for completed of the scheduled deadlines to
investigative investigative reports submit investigative reports.
reports and/or for the duration of You are scheduled to attend
discuss extensions the PIP Effective Time Management
as agreed by your training on September 13, 2011 to
supervisor provide you tools to better manage
the timely delivery of your work
Sept 5, 2011 Interpersonal Demonstrated Observed ability to Since the PIP, your behavior with
skills with co- ability to maintain maintain your co-workers has been
workers professional professional relations professional and appropriate.
relations with co- with co-workers. This/here have been no reports of
workers Zero displays of disruptive behavior.
disruptive behavior You are scheduled to attend
in the workplace. Effective Communication Skills on
September 15, 2011 and
Collaboration in the Workplace on
October 30, 2011 to provide you
with tools to continue to improve
your interactions in the workplace.
Sept 19, 2011 Time Meet all deadlines Timely submittals of Since the PIP, you continue to meet
management determined for completed the deadlines set for your
investigative investigative reports submittals of investigative reports.
reports and/or for the duration of Keep up the good work!
discuss extensions the PIP
as agreed by your
Sept 19, 2011 Interpersonal Demonstrated Observed ability to Since the PIP, your behavior with
skills with co- ability to maintain maintain your co-workers has been
workers professional professional relations professional and appropriate. You
relations with co- with co-workers. have applied some of the skills
workers Zero displays of from the Interpersonal Conflict
disruptive behavior Resolution class to successful
in the workplace. resolve a conflict with another co-
Performance Improvement Plans – Guidelines for Supervisors FINAL DRAFT Page 14
worker. I am very pleased with
your progress to date.
SUMMARIZE PROGRESS – You have made progress in some of the performance objectives identified in
the PIP, but you have not demonstrated satisfactory improvement in all areas. In the next three months, it
is critical that you make a concentrated effort to demonstrate significant and sustained improvement in all
of the performance objectives detailed in the PIP.
Attached is a chart which provides a cumulative listing of the performance objectives, outcomes and
measurements, timelines to meet desired outcomes, the tools to support you in each outcome, and the
progress of your performance to date.
• Examples…
• Examples…
SUMMARIZE NEXT STEPS – Thank you for your efforts towards improvement. I am concerned during
the past [quantify timeframe] this/here has not been significant improvements towards meeting all the
goals of the Performance Improvement Plan. While I am hopeful that you will be able to satisfactorily
perform the requirements defined in the Performance Improvement Plan, your failure to meet the
expectations of the position may lead to disciplinary action up to and including termination.
You will receive your final written progress report on [insert date] . By that time it is important for you to
have accomplished and sustained the improvements indicated on the enclosed chart. Please be assured I
will continue to support you in the development of your skills. Please let me know if you have any ideas for
me to consider that you believe will aid you in achieving success.
Your signature is required to indicate you have been given the information and understand the content
listed in the document.
Performance Improvement Plans – Guidelines for Supervisors FINAL DRAFT Page 15
Employee Signature _______________ Date ________
(Templates are only recommended. Please feel free to use those that fit or modify to your needs)
The purpose of this letter is to inform you of the status of your progress on your current Performance
Improvement Plan (PIP). Your ability to perform the Administrative Specialist III duties is critical to the
success of our section.
Although you have made progress by improving in some of the performance objectives identified in the
PIP, but you have not demonstrated satisfactory improvement in all areas. In the next three months, it is
critical that you make a concentrated effort to demonstrate significant and sustained improvement in all
of the performance objectives detailed in the PIP.
Attached is a chart which provides a cumulative listing of the performance objectives, outcomes and
measurements, timelines to meet desired outcomes, the tools to support you in each outcome, and the
progress of your performance to date. His/here are some examples of your progress thus far in the
identified areas for improvement:
Time Management: You have completed the work plan detailing your workload associated with the
investigative reports. You were late in meeting the October 3rd and October 11th deadline for your
investigative reports. You did not complete and submit these reports to your supervisor until five days
after the deadline. You did complete the time management training course provided.
Inappropriate interpersonal skills: You have demonstrated improved judgment in your interactions
with co-workers. This improvement was observed on September 16th and September 28th during a
conflict with your peers during which you choose a collaborative approach to resolve the disagreement.
You have also completed all three of the required training courses as well as two coaching sessions.
Thank you for your efforts towards improvement. I am concerned during the past two months this/here
has not been significant improvements towards meeting all the goals of the Performance Improvement
Plan. While I am hopeful that you will be able to satisfactorily perform the requirements defined in the
Performance Improvement Plan, you have not met all of the expectations of the position. If improvement
in these identified areas does not occur it may lead to disciplinary action up to and including termination.
You will receive your final written progress report on February 28. By that time it is important for you to
have accomplished and sustained the improvements indicated on the enclosed chart. Please be assured I
will continue to support you in the development of your skills. Please let me know if you have any ideas
for me to consider that you believe will aid you in achieving success.
Your signature is required to indicate you have been given the information and understand the content
listed in the document.
Performance Timeline to Meet
Objective & Tools: Training & Progress
Area of Measurement Desired
Desired Mentors Noted
Improvement Outcome
(Templates are only recommended. Please feel free to use those that fit or modify to your needs)
Performance Timeline to
Objective & Meet Tools: Training
Area of Measurement Progress Noted
Desired Desired & Mentors
Outcome Outcome
A copy of this document will be placed in your personnel file. I am confident that you
will be able to sustain these levels of performance and this/herefore meet or exceed
the performance expectations for your position.
Your signature acknowledges that you have been given the information and understand the
content listed in this document.
(Templates are only recommended. Please feel free to use those that fit or modify to your needs)