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Edition No. 2: March 2014: Sea Star Group Report

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Newsletter MARCH 2014

Edition No. 2: March 2014

Sea Star Group Report
March 2014
It has been a happy month as we have begun
to get to know each other much better. We
have established a routine for each session ,
but the times each section occur can vary
from day to day according to the needs of the
children each session. Sometimes our inside
play time can go on until after 10am before
we are ready to pack up!
Many children are enjoying our Fruit Snack
Time from 9 9:30 am when children can
freely choose to have a piece of fruit from
their bag to eat. We are also enjoying a free
morning snack time from 11 am, where
children can eat their snack inside or outside,
and choose to play inside or outside. We then
all eat lunch together at about 12:45pm. This
is all in reverse offcourse on Thursday, when
we all eat lunch together at about 12:45pm ,
then have free snack and fruit times towards
the end of the session at 2:30pm , and then at
about 4pm.
So we are all getting used to the routines
which suit us best!
Enrolments: 25
Staff: Jenny, Michelle and Desiree are
enjoying working together.
Health: We have had a few children away
with runny noses and coughs, and one case of
tonsillitis - thank you to those families who
are letting their children fully recover before
they return to kindergarten to be able to cope
with the rigors of a busy day of socialising,
Hello and Welcome to the March edition,
Another month has passed and another
quality Committee meeting with plenty of
fruitful discussion.
The first part of the meeting was attended
by representatives from the office of
Murray Thompson (MLA for Sandringham),
the Acting Manager Family, Youth and
Childrens Services), and the Manager
Community Buildings from Kingston City
Council. They have expressed interest in
assisting us to start planning for the future
of the kinder. Plenty of further discussions
to take place.
From here we discussed the day to day
administration related to accounting, staff,
quality, (staff training, policies,
management, websites, etc) as well as the
other great work were doing around
fundraising, communications, working
bees, maintenance.
Should you have any queries or questions
please feel free to contact any member of
the 2014 Committee which is displayed in
the Kindergarten foyer.
Happy reading!

Newsletter MARCH 2014

thinking, planning, negotiating, sharing,
running, balancing, drawing, etc.!
The childrens interest in garden bugs
continues to influence the program in various
We have been enjoying stories about spiders
and their webs.
This led us to creating a web together by
tossing a soft ball of wool across the mat time
circle to a friend on the opposite side until the
floor was criss-crossed with a web of wool.
We then each placed a spider or some spider
food in the form of a grasshopper, a fly or a
beetle on the web! For quite a few sessions
after that the children were busy using the
web along with the soft rubbery bugs for
their play in the block area- with rooms and
homes being created for the spiders to dwell
It has been a great juxtaposition for learning
about our wonderful garden creatures in a
real as well as creative context.
We have also been having fun with the
numerals 1 5 with the children helping me
to un-muddle these numerals and set them in
their correct order. The children enjoy
sending each other off from the mat by
turning over a numeral and choosing THAT
number of children .A fun way to learn our
numerals (the shape) and numbers (how
many). We will continue throughout the year
to add to our numeral recognition and
number counting.
There are countless opportunities for
counting in less formal ways as we play
score keeping at games, collecting enough
plates for each of our friends, estimating the
number of train tracks we might need to
complete our track to name just three!
We made pancakes last week as many
families had experience with Shrove Tuesday.
These were so enjoyed that we have had
MANY children ask to make them again, and
so we are! We will prepare some kind of food
at least once a fortnight- banana muffins have
been mentioned a few times, and we will also
have yummy dips and vegetables to enjoy in
the coming sessions.
Last week we planted some lettuce- and the
children needed to use their strong muscles to
move the compost from the undercover area
to the vegetable patch in wheel barrows, then
dig the patch with big spades while wearing
gumboots, and then use our gentle hands to
plant the seedlings. We have watered them
and will continue to care for the seedlings
until we can have a salad together.
We looked at tiny, brown Cress seeds last
week and then placed them in a clear planter
box- and when we looked at them today we
saw leaves, stems and roots! We will plant
another batch, and enjoying eating them next
As well as these experiences we have had soft
slimy finger paint and fluffy squashy shaving
cream for sensory, relaxing fun.
We have also been creating our own obstacle
courses with balance, hanging and stepping
included, setting up bowling games and
counting and recording the skittles we knock
over; soccer and basketball continue to be
popular, with footy soon to be Im sure! We
have also played a number of group table top
games which have been popular- Snail Trail,
Incy Weensy Spider, Memory, Dominoes and
the Lunch Box Game- which involve the
Newsletter MARCH 2014

children in waiting for their turn, participating
with others, sharing the items, concentrating
and keeping the game ticking over by having
our turn appropriately.
So we have been having fun AND learning as
we go!
Jenny, Michelle and Desiree

Penguin Group Report
March 2014

Hello again and welcome to our next
month at kindergarten. Over the last few
weeks we have been very fortunate with
the weather during our sessions and have
spent many sessions outside. This has
assisted the children in settling into the
kinder routine as they arrive happy and
ready to take on what's in stall for the

During our program recently we have
continued to make sure the children feel
safe secure and supported. We are
implementing effective routines so that
the children can predict transitions within
the session so they run smoothly. The
children are getting to know us and
starting to build secure attachments
where they can openly express their
feeling and ideas and confidently initiate
interactions and conversations with their
friends and careers - us! This is happening
and being encouraged while the children
are participating in the learning spaces
provided for them.

The children have especially enjoyed
building and constructing with both
wooden blocks and cardboard boxes at
the collage table. Many of the boys seek
out the new train set every session and
put together the tracks (and trains) and
role plays productively with the children
around them. We are continuing to learn
and practice how to share, wait our turn
and use kind words with our friends.
Throughout our sessions Glenda, Josie and
I endeavour to explain and show the
children how to interact in relation to
their peers with care empathy and

In continuing to get to know the Penguin
group children we asked the children
what they like to do at home and at
kindergarten, we got some great answers
that have been recorded and are
displayed in the kinder room. Also, as a
part of the children getting to know
themselves (and each other), they were
encouraged to draw a picture of what
they saw, after looking in a mirror at their
face. Some beautiful creations emerged;
again these are displayed above the bag
hooks in the corridor.

To strengthen the connection between
home and kindergarten we have also
introduced the ' Bring a book to kinder',
where the children choose one of their
favourite books from home and we share
it at kinder at our story at the end of the
day. All the children have been allocated a
session for their turn.

Last Tuesday the children took part in
their first cooking experience at
kindergarten. We made pancakes! The
children took turns to pour the various
ingredients required into the bowl, after
Newsletter MARCH 2014

looking at the recipe and checking the
recipe to make sure we included all
ingredients. They then had a turn of
stirring the mixture. Mrs Paterson bought
in her electric fry pan for us to cook the
pancakes in; the pan was very hot, but so
exciting to watch the pancakes cooking!
We made 33 pancakes in the end, enough
for two each plus some for all the
teachers and parents at kinder too! We all
sat on the mat and had a 'pancake picnic'
that seemed to be enjoyed by all!

As mentioned earlier, we have really been
enjoying outdoor play with the weather
being lovely. We often take some indoor
activities outside such as drawing, books,
matching games and puzzles which are
enjoyed in the fresh air. But sand play,
jumping and climbing, swings and running
are still prominent outside. Many cakes,
soups and hot chocolates are made in the
sandpit just to name a few. One day
enough cakes were baked to open up a
shop! Also for a few sessions we operated
an ice cream shop! At the back part of the
kinder yard the children have been using
the stepping stones to get to the
trampoline. We have been counting our
jumps together to twenty.

Apart from reading our stories from home
at group/mat times we have also been
singing some new and old songs. We
adapted 'The Bakers Shop' song to sell ice
creams, when we were making them
during our outdoor play, to sell pancakes
because we cooked real ones and have
recently started singing about hot cross
buns! We learnt a new song, ' Will you be
a Friend of Mine' sung to the tune of 'The
Muffin Man'. We also revisit familiar and
popular songs sometimes at the children's

Lastly, on Monday we have an incursion
when Katherine and her seeing eye dog
Austin, will be visiting the kindergarten to
meet the children and speak with them
about how special Austin is and how he is
a part of our community. In the next
program we will continue to explore and
develop the children's skills and interests,
beginning to focus on numeracy,
recognising and counting numbers. As
part of the program towards the end of
the term, we are thinking of arranging an
excursion to the local bakery to see how
hot cross buns are made! Wow! Yum!

Please remember Glenda, Josie or myself
are always available if you have any
queries, concerns or requests regarding
your child.

Hoping your child is enjoying their
kindergarten experience so far, our next
newsletter report will be in Term 2, so we
hope you enjoy a safe and happy break.

See you all soon,
Ronnie, Glenda and Josie

Newsletter MARCH 2014

Dolphins Report
This month the Dolphins have been well
and are still happy and enthusiastic about
attending kinder. They are such a happy
and settled group and are becoming more
and more independent each session. They
are putting their own drinks and lunch
boxes away, their own smocks on and off,
and putting their belongings in their bags.
These routines are a reflection of our
early years learning outcomes as we are
encouraging a sense of identity, autonomy
and resilience. It is lovely to see the
children come together as a group so
quickly and is wonderful to see the
relationships that are already developing.
We have been enjoying simple songs and
games at mat time. During mat time we
have been emphasising the expectation of
sitting and listening. To help the children
engage we have enjoyed lots of visual aids
such as our Peter Rabbit puppet, Hairy
Fred (who is a definite favourite) and our
cheeky monkeys. Learning to take turns
teach us how to be a member of a group.
Our list of names makes sure that
everyone will get a go at mat time but
sometimes we have to wait for another
day. I have attached some of the songs
we have been enjoying kindergarten so
there are no excuses for not all enjoying
our songs at home! Remember that
singing songs and playing with language
helps children develop their language and
pre reading skills in a fun and engaging
way, so whenever you get chance, sing a
song or read a book and have fun!
The activities provided have been a
reflection of what we think the children
are enjoying at kinder. Now that we have
all settled in we would like to introduce
the interest book that will be left in the
foyer area near the program book. In the
interest book you can write about things
that are happening in your child's life.
Things they are enjoying or are interested
in at home or exciting things that have
happened. You may also like to write
about what your child is enjoying at
Looking ahead we will be looking forward
to a teddy bears picnic on the Thursday
3rd April to celebrate the last day of term
1. The children will be able to bring their
teddy bears from home and we will be
enjoying a teddy bears picnic followed by
an Easter egg hunt. We would also love to
hear about your Easter traditions in the
interest book and what it means to your
We will return to kinder on Tuesday April
22nd and look forward to enjoying a visit
from Paul Jamison the music man early in
the term (dates will be provided closer to
the time).
Josie and Linda

Newsletter MARCH 2014

Social and Fundraising

Kinder Play dates
Please see the notice board in the foyer for each groups
catch ups outside of Kinder.

Cadbury Fundraiser
Over the next week our Cadbury chocolate fundraiser
boxes are being delivered. We would like if all of our
families could help out by taking a box to sell.
If you don't eat them all yourselves!! You could sell
them to other family members, friends, neighbours or
take them to work to sell to your colleagues.
With the sales of the chocolates we are hoping to
purchase another item from the teachers wish list
which benefits the children. Please see the list in the
foyer and add your name to the box of your choice.

Entertainment Books
Entertainment Books are NOW available to pre-
purchase through our online order page.If you pre-
purchase your Entertainment book or E-book you will
be rewarded with an
EARLY SALES OFFER which entitles you to select an
additional 6 Bonus offers which can be used straight
away. Please see your child's pigeon hole for your
information brochure and details on how to order. If
you do not have computer access or would prefer to
pay using cash please contact Jo (details on brochure)
and she will organise the purchase for you through our
online order page once payment has been received.
This is another great fundraiser not only for the Kinder
but it also benefits our families with the opportunity to
save $$$$ along the way.

Apologies on the delay of the uniform order process.
The forms will be distributed again for any families
wishing to purchase uniforms for your children. We will
be doing a bulk order so please read the form for the
due date to have your order in. Uniform purchases
are cash only. Thank you to the families who have
already placed an order.
Any queries please mail:

The Mentone Preschool Committee
would like to acknowledge the
following people and supporters:
A hard task completed and a great
job done by Rachel Turley for
attending to the front garden and
making it look very presentable and
safe. Thanks Rachel!


Bakers Delight in
Mentone for their
donation of bread for
the Welcome BBQ.
5Ways Foodservice
Dandenong, for their
donation of condiments
for the Welcome BBQ &
upcoming Bunnings BBQ
4 year old Enrolment Information
Should you have any friends; colleagues that
are enquiring about the Mentone
Kindergarten for 2015 let them know: They
can apply for 4 year old kindergarten from
May 1
in the year prior to your child
attending. All 4 year old placements are
assigned by the Central Enrolment Scheme at
the City of Kingston. To apply, contact the
City of Kingston on 1300 653 356 or see their
website: kingston.vic.gov.au for more details.
All 4 year old placements are handled by the
Department of Family Services at the City of
Kingston. Enrolment forms are available from
the Kindergarten foyer. These will need to be
delivered to the City of Kingston.
Newsletter MARCH 2014

Message sent from the Victorian Health
Department to Victorian Kindergartens
Despite a recent drop in
temperatures, parents are still
urged to be aware of the dangers
of leaving children alone in
motor vehicles, so it you need to
get out of the car, even for a
moment, always take your child
with you.
NO Exceptions.
NO Excuses

A recent survey conducted by the Victorian
Coalition Government found that despite
sweltering through one of the hottest
summers on record, one in three parents
admit to leaving their children alone in a
parked car. The research also demonstrated
most parents underestimate how quickly the
temperature inside a parked car can rise and
the devastating impact this has on a child.

Even if the outside temperature is 30 degrees
the temperature inside can reach up to 50
degrees in a matter of minutes. The Victorian
Government is reminding all parents travelling
with a child that if you need to get out of the
car, even for just one minute, make sure you
take your child with you. No exceptions. No

A reminder to parents and carers:
A cars temperature starts to rise
from the moment the door is
closed and can be double the
outside temperature in minutes.
Even when its 30 degrees
outside, your child could be
sweltering in up to 60 degree

It is not worth the risk if you are
travelling with a child and you
need to get out of the car, even
for just one minute, make sure
you take your child with you. No
exceptions. No excuses.
Young children are more sensitive
to heat than adults and their body
temperature can reach dangerous
levels quicker than expected.
A young childs body temperature
rises three to five times faster
than an adult, placing them in
extreme danger of life
threatening heatstroke,
dehydration and other health
risks if left alone in a parked car.
Never leave a child alone in a car.
No Exceptions. No Excuses.

For more information, see the : Kidsafe
Victoria website.


Friday 4 April Term 2 fees due.

Friday 4 April Last day of Term 1

Tuesday 22 April Term 2 starts

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