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Sudbury Children's Learning Center

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Sudbury Children’s Learning Center

May 2008
Center News Kathy Cauley

Dear Parents,

We are celebrating our third year in this location this month! We want to
wish a Happy Mother’s Day to all the parents and teachers. I hope you all have a
great day!

The “Week of the Young Child” was a great success. During this
week, the teachers had planned some exciting activities to do with the
children. Every day was a different event. The classrooms participated in
pajama day, a book swap, dress up, wacky Wednesday, yellow lunch day, and
they made their own sundaes. Thank you to all the parents for following the
calendar all week. Dress up day seemed to be a favorite for many children.
To go along, we made a center wide “Giving Tree” displayed in the hallway. .
We sent home a note and a leaf for you to write on and your child to decorate.
The leaves came out great! Our Parent Breakfast was on Tuesday April 15th
from 7-9. Thank you for joining us for breakfast on this day.

Parents please remember I need a thirty day written notice for schedule
change requests. If you are looking to add more days in the fall, please let me
know as soon as possible, classes are filling up and I have waitlists.

SCLC has our very own green team. The Preschool and Pre-K classes
have been learning about recycling. Every Friday a group of children and
Judy go around and collect paper and plastic from the classrooms to be

Life Touch is coming in to do spring pictures for the children. They

will be here for two days. Thursday, May 29th and Friday, May 30th. On
Thursday, the Infants and Toddlers will have a turn and on Friday, it will be
Preschool and Pre-K. They will also be doing graduation pictures in their
caps and gowns for the children that are going to Kindergarten.

It’s sun block time again! Please apply sun block to your child
or children in the morning and the teachers will re-apply it in the afternoon. If
your child attends school after 2:30 please bring in a labeled bottle of sun
block and the permission slip given out by the teachers. In addition, a sun hat
is recommended.

On Monday, May26th we are closed for Memorial Day.

I have a new e-mail address kcauley@funandfascination.com. I will

no longer be using sudburyclc2005@yahoo.com.

Page 2 of 7 Classroom News

Activity Skills
Tummy Time Gross Motor
Face to Face Laughing
Crawling Practice
Mirror Time

Pull up Gross Motor

Playtime with teachers
Lap time with teachers

Spoon Feeding Self Help

Last bit of breakfast/lunch
With bowl of food
Arts and Crafts Fine and Gross Motor
Shaving Cream in bags Sensory
Finger Paining

Stories/Songs Social Interaction, Gross

Fuzzy Friends Motor, Language Development
Clifford’s Ten Puppies
Cruising Gross Motor
Dancing to Music, Throwing
Balls, Dancing to Music

This month has been a month of growing and moving up. Jesse and Anna have said goodbye to the infant room and are now in
Toddler One with some of their old friends. Christopher and Lily will be visiting the Toddler One room in preparation to their
move in June. Travis is walking around the room and Patrick is trying with a few steps of his own. Milo and Campbell are
starting to crawl and roll all over the room now. Kelly Lynn is officially crawling and pulling up on everything. Adrian likes
to watch the action. Everyone loves to watch the construction, and the playground has become a favorite for our older babies,
especially the sandbox. We all like listening to music and dancing around. Making music with the drum, eggs and maracas
are a favorite. Our number one smile making song is still “Wheels on the Bus” because we can always change the song to
include everyone.
Have a Safe and Healthy May.
Sherri, Donna, Denise and Michele
This month we are welcoming Anna and Jesse to the Toddler One Classroom from the Infant Room. We will be learning
about the color purple, farm animals, planting and flowers. There will be a purple snack day as well as a Potluck dinner; there
will be a sign going up shortly. We would like to thank Dmitry Grace and his family for purchasing some board books for our
classroom, and to the parents who contributed to yellow snack day. We always have a fun time trying new food items. Last
month our new playground was ready and the children are having a wonderful time exploring the area and being able to ride
the bikes outside. With the warmer weather upon us, please remember to apply sunscreen on your child in the morning and the
teachers will reapply it in the afternoon. Also, it is a good time to check your child’s extra clothing for weather and size
appropriate items. You may want to bring in a hat for sun protection as well.
Happy Mother’s Day!
Julie and Denise

Page 3 of 7

Toddler One, Two & Three

Activity Skills
Story /Songs Language Arts
Books Included: Memory recall
Baby Farm Animals, Puppies, Hug, This Little Cat, Little Quack,
Something is Coming, The Happy Bee, Waiting for Wings, Hush
Little Ones, Grow Flower Grow, Mommy Mine, All my Little
Ducklings, Little Mouse, the Red Ripe Strawberry, and the Big
Hungry Bear, The Selfish Crocodile, Moon bears Friend
Songs included:
Five Little Ducklings, Ram Sam Sam, Oh Mr. Sun Rock N’ Roll
ABC’s, One little Two little Three Little Apples, Old MacDonald, If
All the Raindrops, The Ants Go Marching, 5 Little Monkeys, Itsy
Bitsy Spider, and the Farmer In The Dell

Arts and Crafts Fine Motor

Watercolor butterflies, stained glass flowers, lemon stamping, finger scissors
painting, gluing pasta to paper, using big brushes, making a collage,
lemon prints, fruit and veggie collage, easel painting, farm animal
tracks, fruit and veggie paintings

Exploration Fine Motor

Pasta, fabric, stacking cups, shape sorting, yellow water, corn meal, Manipulative
magnifying glass, yellow shaving cream, stuffed animals, legos, Science
colored pasta, and made pudding and Jello. We also have been Sensory
exploring our new playground
Independence Self Help
Using paper cups, practicing the flip trick, putting on shoes and
sneakers, pouring their own water, toilet training, and getting dressed
and undress by ourselves, cleaning up after themselves, hanging up
their own coats.
Movement Following Directions
Climbing, bike riding, tunnel crawling, parachute, marching, Recall
dancing, Music with Mrs. C, circle of songs Hugh Hanley, pretending Taking Turns
to be all different types of farm animals
Toddler Two
We would like to welcome James Ly to the toddler two classroom, along with thanking Sydney’s family for bringing items in for the
teachers and Sydney for her birthday. We truly enjoyed listening to Mike the Music man, everything was greatly appreciated. Jada,
James, Nell, Sydney, and Alyssa are having a great time with Ronald, Nathan, Michael, Dmitry and Megan.
Cindy and Jenn

The nice weather is finally here, and we get to enjoy it on our new playground. The children and teachers are truly enjoying it
out there. The children have been exploring with the bikes out on the playground, along with being able to play on the big climber and
in the house. There are just so many options out there. I would like to thank Michelle Grace and Danielle Littlefield for the books that
we received; it is greatly appreciated. Yellow lunch day went over well, and I would like to thank all the parents who participated in that
as well. This month we will be having a Potluck dinner, and purple snack day; the signs will be going up shortly. We hope everyone
enjoys the month of May and Happy Mother’s Day!
~Nicole and Dina~

Page 4 of 7 yellow
The units for the month of April: Nutrition, body, Week of the Young Child, construction, and the
color yellow

Pre School and Pre K

Activity Skills
Story /Songs Language Arts
I Like Me, DW the Picky Eater,Little Blue and Comprehension
Little Yellow Listening
“The Tiny Seed”,“Mega Trucks”
Arts and Crafts Fine and Gross Motor
Mirror drawings Imagination
Healthy food plates
Yellow collage
Decorated flower pots
Painted with construction trucks
* Science Fine and Gross Motor
Plant observations Sensory
Observe and talk about the needs of living things Physical Science
Earth & Space Science

*Math Measurement
Finger plays and action rhymes Number Sense
Patterning Patterns & Relationships
*Language Arts Composition
Recite songs and poems Language
Identify letter sounds Reading & Literature

*This fulfills the standards required by the Early Childhood Advisory Council to the Massachusetts Board of Education set out
in “Guidelines for Preschool Learning Experiences.”

Pre-School & Pre-K

Last month the children enjoyed learning about their bodies and nutrition; it was fun to learn about the parts of the body.
The children also learned about the food groups and played with our felt board food pyramid. We read I Like Me and DW the Picky
Eater. The children also enjoyed the different activities that we had planned during the Week of the Young Child. Their favorite
days were when they were able to wear the costumes and pajamas to school. The week was a lot of fun! During yellow week, we
made hats and yellow collages. We also read Caps for Sale and Froggy’s Sleepover. The children learned about the parts of a plant;
and what a plant needs to grow. They planted seeds and read Seeds Get Around. We also talked about the importance of recycling.
The children have been enjoying being able to go around the school and collect a lot of items that can be recycled.

Kim, Judy, Traci ,Lorraine, Caron and Rachel

Page 5 of 7

Summer is right around the corner and we will be spending a lot of time outdoors with our
children. We all look forward to the warm sunny days of summer when we can take vacations, plan
barbeques and other outdoor activities. As much fun as it can be we need to take the proper
precautions to protect our family from the outdoor elements. We will be exposed to the sun, hot
temperatures, mosquitoes and ticks. The following is ways to help keep your family safe and still have
fun during the summer.
The sun is a wonderful thing! It warms us up and makes us feel good, but we need to protect
ourselves from its harmful rays. The sun can damage skin cells, cause freckles, wrinkles and even skin
cancer. Young children are at a greater risk of developing Melanoma if exposed to the sun without the
proper protection. There are several things that we can do to protect your children and yourself from
sun and still enjoy it.
- Use a sunscreen with a minimum of SPF 15. Use a waterproof sunscreen when participating in
outdoor water activities and apply every 3 to 4 hrs.
- Wear protective clothing, such as hats and light colors.
- Limit exposure to the sun between the hours of 11:00 and 3:00 when the sun is the strongest.
- Protect eyes by wearing sunglasses that block 100% UVA and UVB light.
- Use protective lip balm daily and apply often.

When outdoors pesky mosquitoes and ticks can bother us. Mosquitoes attract to us by our body
chemistry and our exhaling of carbon monoxide. Mosquitoes are also very attracted to moisture and
thrive in areas near water. Ticks are found commonly in wooded areas. Ticks can carry Lyme
disease. When trying to prevent both mosquitoes and ticks from attacking, the best repellent is an
insect repellent with DEET. It has been said that OFF! Deep Woods, works the best and contains 24%
DEET. The American Academy of Pediatrics has claimed that DEET is safe to use on children ages 2
months old and up. You must be very careful not to spray near the eyes. If you are hiking in the
woods or even doing yard work you should wear long pants, shirt and a hat to help prevent ticks from
attacking to your skin.
When the temperatures become extremely warm we must always be aware that dehydration and
heat illness can occur. The factors that put your family at risk of dehydration are prolonged exposure
to hot temperatures, direct sun, and high humidity. Some of the key signs of dehydration are fatigue,
dry lip and tongue, thirst and lack of energy. The best way to prevent dehydration is to always drink
plenty of water, wear a hat and find some shade when enjoying outdoor activities.
These are just a few precautions to take during your summer time fun! For more information go to
the following website:


Page 6 of 7 Director’s Corner

Connor Hayes turns 5 years old on 5/4

Nell Chmielewski turns 2 years old on 5/5
Grace Grandprey turns 4 years old on 5/8
Sean Oliphant turns 4 years old on 5/10
Brianna Byrne turns 5 years old on 5/14
Kyle Doyle turns 3 years old on 5/16
Zoe Littlefield turns 3 years old 5/21 Please label everything!
Maya Buchanan turns 4 yrears old on 5/24 We will be having.
We are closed May 26th for Memorial
Happy Teacher Appreciation Week Day.
Parents Night Out May 10th from 5:00-
One Hundred Years from now 11:00. Sign-up sheet on the office door.
(excerpt from "Within My Power" by Forest Purple snack day is May 14th.
Witcraft) We are having our second Put Luck of
the year on May 14th from 5-7. Look for
One Hundred Years from now the sign up sheet. All siblings are
It will not matter welcome.
what kind of car I drove, “Teacher Appreciation Week”
What kind of house I lived in, is May 5th – May 9th.
how much money was in my bank Pictue Day May 29th & 30th.
nor what my clothes looked like.
But the world may be a better place
I was important in the life of a child

Transitioning Into the Next Room:

Moving into Toddler One :

Jesse and Anna

Moving into Pre School:

Vehaan, Kyle, Zoe and Andrew

Moving into Pre K

Maya, Grace, Christopher, Nathan

Page 7 of 7 Activities

Start your day off right with a melody of summer berries, fresh fruit
and crunchy granola, served up with a dollop of vanilla yogurt and
drizzled with honey.

1-cup fresh fruit or berries
½ cup plain or vanilla yogurt
½ cup of granola or other whole –grain cereal
1tbsp honey or your favorite fruit jam

1. Spoon half of the fresh fruit or berries into the bottom of a
parfait glass or other ice cream sundae type dish. Top with half
of the yogurt, and sprinkle with half of the cereal
2. Repeat with remaining fruit and remaining yogurt
3. Add a decoratative drizzle of honey or a dollop of jam and
sprinkle the top with the rest of the cereal
4. For a finishing touch decorate with a single berry(y or slice of
5. Coosa one or more of the following fruits and berries to create
your breakfast sundae(strawberries,raspberries,blueberries,
peaches,pears,cherries,pineapple,mango or banana).
6. Set out all the ingredients and the kids can help create their
7. Enjoy!


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