This document provides a financial report for Kuoni Group, including:
1) Statements of financial position, income, comprehensive income, changes in equity, and cash flows for 2012 and 2011, showing assets, liabilities, revenues, expenses, equity changes, and cash flows.
2) Key financial data for 2012-2008, including turnover, EBITA, net result, investments, cash flow, debt, assets, equity, capital structure, and employee numbers.
3) An overview of the Kuoni Group structure and its divisions, including descriptions of activities and financial results.
This document provides a financial report for Kuoni Group, including:
1) Statements of financial position, income, comprehensive income, changes in equity, and cash flows for 2012 and 2011, showing assets, liabilities, revenues, expenses, equity changes, and cash flows.
2) Key financial data for 2012-2008, including turnover, EBITA, net result, investments, cash flow, debt, assets, equity, capital structure, and employee numbers.
3) An overview of the Kuoni Group structure and its divisions, including descriptions of activities and financial results.
This document provides a financial report for Kuoni Group, including:
1) Statements of financial position, income, comprehensive income, changes in equity, and cash flows for 2012 and 2011, showing assets, liabilities, revenues, expenses, equity changes, and cash flows.
2) Key financial data for 2012-2008, including turnover, EBITA, net result, investments, cash flow, debt, assets, equity, capital structure, and employee numbers.
3) An overview of the Kuoni Group structure and its divisions, including descriptions of activities and financial results.
This document provides a financial report for Kuoni Group, including:
1) Statements of financial position, income, comprehensive income, changes in equity, and cash flows for 2012 and 2011, showing assets, liabilities, revenues, expenses, equity changes, and cash flows.
2) Key financial data for 2012-2008, including turnover, EBITA, net result, investments, cash flow, debt, assets, equity, capital structure, and employee numbers.
3) An overview of the Kuoni Group structure and its divisions, including descriptions of activities and financial results.
registerkarten schwarz_simulation.indd 2 15.03.13 13:56 149 CONTENT CORPORATE GOVERNANCE 241 Introduction 243 Group Structure and Shareholders 244 Capital Structure 245 Board of Directors 252 The Group Executive Board 264 Compensation, Shares and Loans 265 Shareholders' Participation Rights 266 Changes of Control and Defence Measures 269 Auditors 270 Information Policy 272 Compensation Report 275 AGENDA 295 Agenda 2013 295
Colophon 296
FINANCIAL REPORT 147 FIVE-YEAR-SUMMARY OF KEY DATA 150 KUONI GROUP 153 Statement of Financial Position 155 Income Statement 156 Statement of Comprehensive Income 157 Statement of Changes in Equity 158 Statement of Cash Flows 159 Accounting Principles 160 Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements 168 Principal Subsidiaries and Associates 214 Report of Statutory Auditor 218 KUONI TRAVEL HOLDING LTD 221 Statement of Financial Position 223 Income Statement 224 Notes 225 Board of Directors' Proposal for the Appropriation of Retained Earnings 237 Report of the Statutory Auditor 238 02_04 02_04_00 02_04_01 02_04_02 02_04_03 02_04_04 02_04_05 02_04_06 02_04_07 02_04_08 02_04_09 02_04_10 02_05 02_05_01
02 02_01 02_02 02_02_01 02_02_02 02_02_03 02_02_04 02_02_05 02_02_06 02_02_07 02_02_08 02_02_09 02_03 02_03_01 02_03_02 02_03_03 02_03_04 02_03_05 kuoni012_Marketreport_NEU8.indd 149 14.03.13 20:01 150 FIVE-YEAR SUMMARY OF KEY DATA 02_01 02_FINANCIAL REPORT KUONI GROUP 02_FINANCIAL REPORT KUONI GROUP 02_01 CHF million 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 Turnover Outbound Europe 2143 2098 2285 2321 2930 Outbound Nordic 993 929 979 957 1092 Outbound Kuoni Europe 1151 1170 1307 1364 1839 Global Travel Services 2554 1844 490 415 601 Group Travel 964 789 n.a. n.a. n.a. FIT (Fully Independent Traveller) 1590 1070 n.a. n.a. n.a. Emerging Markets & Specialists 1326 1286 1324 1264 1464 Specialists 922 900 955 950 1067 Outbound Emerging Markets 207 222 226 193 281 VFS Global 205 176 156 129 123 Less turnover elimination between Divisions 178 117 115 106 140 Total 5845 5111 3984 3894 4855 EBITA Outbound Europe 3.8 24.3 55.8 25.2 115.1 Outbound Nordic 40.5 35.1 55.8 21.7 45.8 Outbound Kuoni Europe 36.7 10.8 0.0 3.5 69.3 Global Travel Services 78.4 62.1 6.5 5.1 18.2 Group Travel 22.1 19.0 n.a. n.a. n.a. FIT (Fully Independent Traveller) 61.6 63.3 n.a. n.a. n.a. Acquisition and integration cost 5.3 20.2 n.a. n.a. n.a. Emerging Markets & Specialists 60.2 79.1 70.9 48.4 59.6 Specialists 30.9 35.4 38.8 37.1 52.0 Outbound Emerging Markets 6.2 1.8 4.3 9.7 10.6 VFS Global 35.5 41.9 36.4 21.0 18.2 Corporate 23.1 52.6 61.0 48.4 30.1 Total 119.3 112.9 72.2 30.3 162.8 EBIT Outbound Europe 15.3 20.3 53.0 22.4 112.6 Outbound Nordic 39.4 33.9 54.7 20.5 44.6 Outbound Kuoni Europe 54.7 13.6 1.7 1.9 68.0 Global Travel Services 52.6 36.7 6.1 4.9 17.8 Group Travel 17.4 13.4 n.a. n.a. n.a. FIT (Fully Independent Traveller) 40.5 43.5 n.a. n.a. n.a. Acquisition and integration cost 5.3 20.2 n.a. n.a. n.a. Emerging Markets & Specialists 39.1 69.8 60.3 36.2 50.1 Specialists 14.3 26.6 28.9 25.5 43.3 Outbound Emerging Markets 10.7 1.3 5.0 10.3 11.4 VFS Global 35.5 41.9 36.4 21.0 18.2 Corporate 23.1 52.6 61.0 48.4 30.1 Total 53.3 74.2 58.4 15.1 150.4 CHF million 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 Net result 13.2 33.3 23.2 1.6 151.0 Investments in tangible xed assets and intangible assets 58.4 57.2 43.3 44.2 59.5 Depreciation 51.5 54.1 41.1 37.2 36.7 Amortisation 38.8 38.7 13.8 15.2 12.5 Cash ow(net cash from operating activities) 1 106.4 110.5 117.0 46.7 108.7 Net debt 291.2 306.4 66.6 59.3 88.0 Non-current assets 1483 1576 773 827 809 Current assets 927 923 1048 1025 919 Equity 741 775 562 592 606 Equity ratio 30.8% 31.0% 30.9% 32.0% 35.1% Non-current liabilities 130 415 302 319 98 Current liabilities 1539 1309 957 941 1024 Total assets 2410 2499 1821 1852 1728 Invested capital 2 1025 1233 748 760 701 Return on Invested Capital (ROIC) 3 2.8% 3.3% 5.4% 0.1% 18.8% Kuoni Economic Prot (KEP) 4 58.3 47.4 23.3 64.3 71.9 Average number of personnel (FTE) 12279 11048 8772 9070 9797 Outbound Europe 2734 2743 2697 2730 3211 Outbound Nordic 836 817 803 800 854 Outbound Kuoni Europe 1898 1926 1894 1930 2357 Global Travel Services 3105 2247 697 685 745 Group Travel 1767 1364 697 685 745 FIT (Fully Independent Traveller) 1338 883 0 0 0 Emerging Markets & Specialists 6325 5909 5269 5530 5735 Specialists 2198 2117 2053 2132 2054 Outbound Emerging Markets 1554 1637 1422 1638 1958 VFS Global 2573 2155 1794 1760 1723 Corporate 115 149 109 125 106 The data presented are based on the consoli- dated nancial statements. Any changes made to Kuoni Group accounting policies as a result of changes to International Financial Reporting Standards are not retroactively applied. 1 The presentation of the cash ow was adjusted in 2012. 2011 is restated but the past years are not. 2 Invested capital is the average annual total of all net current assets, tangible xed assets, goodwill, other intangible assets and other net assets (excluding interest-bearing assets and liabilities). 3 Return on Invested Capital (ROIC) is dened as net operating prot after tax (NOPAT) as a proportion of average invested capital. NOPAT is dened as earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) less income dependent taxes 4 Kuoni Economic Prot or KEP is dened as net operating prot after tax (NOPAT) less the cost of capital invested in operations. The cost of capital invested in operations is determined by multiplying the average invested capital by the weighted average cost of capital (WACC) of 8.50% of the Kuoni Group. The cost of capital invested for GTA was calculated in 2011 for the eight-month period following its acquisition on 1 May 2011. 151 02_FINANCIAL REPORT KUONI GROUP 02_01 CHF 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 Cash ow(net cash fromoperating activities) 5
Per registered share A 5.57 6.41 8.15 3.26 7.60 Per registered share B 27.86 32.05 40.76 16.31 38.01 Net result Per registered share A 0.77 1.84 1.49 0.02 10.54 Per registered share B 3.87 9.22 7.43 0.08 52.68 Equity Per registered share A 38.39 44.43 38.57 40.67 41.74 Per registered share B 191.93 222.14 192.84 203.37 208.70 Dividend Per registered share A 0.60 6 7 0.60 7 0.50 7 1.60 2.00 Per registered share B 3.00 6 7 3.00 7 2.50 7 8.00 10.00 Total dividend payout 11995200 8 11472696 7235672 22956088 28631310 Payout ratio n.a. 34.4% 31.2% >100% 19.0% Yield (at year end rate) 1.09% 1.33% 0.55% 2.29% 2.78% Registered share A (Nominal value CHF 0.20) Number outstanding 1249500 1249500 952000 952000 952000 Number entitled to dividend 1249500 1249500 952000 952000 952000 Stock market prices not listed not listed not listed not listed not listed Registered share B (Nominal value CHF 1.00) Number outstanding 3748500 3748500 2856000 2856000 2856000 Number entitled to dividend 3576947 9 3574332 2703869 2679111 2672731 Stock market prices high 341 439 459 387 616 low 217 213 294 253 290 at year-end 274 225 454 349 360 Annual trading volume in CHF million 758 839 787 697 1447 Stock market capitalisation as at 31 December in CHF million 1096 900 1383 1063 1097 5 The presentation of the cash ow was adjusted in 2012. 2011 is restated but the past years are not. 6 Proposal of the Board of Directors to the General Meeting of Shareholders on 17 April 2013. Subject to denitive approval by the General Meeting of Shareholders. 7 Distribution to shareholders of a with- holding tax-free appropriation from the capital contribution reserve. 8 The company will waive its entitlement to such payments from the capital contribution reserve for the treasury shares held on the distribution date which are reserved for use in its employee share plan. 9 As at 31 December 2012. 152 Information about the key data is also available on (Quick Search: 12201) 153 02_FINANCIAL REPORT KUONI GROUP 02_02 KUONI GROUP K u o n i
G r o u p 154 155 02_FINANCIAL REPORT KUONI GROUP Assets CHF 1 000 Notes 31 Dec 2012 % 31 Dec 2011 % Non-current assets Tangible xed assets [13] 184 576 7.7 200 799 8.0 Goodwill [14] 920 922 38.2 939 778 37.6 Other intangible assets [15] 302 453 12.5 347 336 13.9 Investments in associates [16] 2 221 0.1 11 562 0.5 Investments in joint ventures [17] 44 0.0 0 0.0 Other nancial assets [18] 40 270 1.7 42 273 1.7 Deferred taxes [24] 33 093 1.4 34 146 1.4 Total non-current assets 1 483 579 61.6 1 575 894 63.1 Current assets Cash and cash equivalents [19] 321 307 13.3 288 861 11.6 Time deposits [20] 13 241 0.5 86 874 3.5 Accounts receivable / other receivables [21] 403 837 16.8 366 934 14.7 Prepaid expenses 188 371 7.8 180 349 7.1 Total current assets 926 756 38.4 923 018 36.9 Total assets 2 410 335 100.0 2 498 912 100.0 Equity and liabilities CHF 1 000 Notes 31 Dec 2012 % 31 Dec 2011 % Equity Share capital [22] 3 998 0.2 3 998 0.2 Treasury shares [22] 15 710 0.7 17 163 0.7 Reserves 745 022 30.9 779 047 31.1 Equity attributable to shareholders of Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd. 733 310 30.4 765 882 30.6 Non-controlling interests [22] 8 075 0.4 8 728 0.4 Total equity 741 385 30.8 774 610 31.0 Liabilities Provisions [23] 15 062 0.6 19 819 0.8 Deferred taxes [24] 83 500 3.5 97 118 3.9 Financial debts [25] 31 176 1.3 298 068 11.9 Total non-current liabilities 129 738 5.4 415 005 16.6 Financial debts [25] 202 364 8.4 11 391 0.4 Accounts payable / other payables [26] 283 558 11.8 306 881 12.3 Advance payments by customers 392 252 16.3 372 718 14.9 Accrued expenses [26] 661 038 27.3 618 307 24.8 Total current liabilities 1 539 212 63.8 1 309 297 52.4 Total liabilities 1 668 950 69.2 1 724 302 69.0 Total equity and liabilities 2 410 335 100.0 2 498 912 100.0 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION 02_02_01 156 CHF 1 000 Notes 2012 % 2011 % Turnover [3/4] 5 845 493 100.0 5 111 325 100.0 Direct costs 4 743 026 81.1 4 085 654 79.9 Gross prot [3/5] 1 102 467 18.9 1 025 671 20.1 Personnel expense [6] 603 707 10.3 524 675 10.3 Marketing and advertising expense 73 997 1.4 82 560 1.6 Other operating expense [7] 253 571 4.3 251 443 4.9 Share in result from joint ventures [17] 382 0.0 0 0.0 Depreciation [8] 51 518 0.9 54 084 1.1 Earnings before interest, taxes and amortisation (EBITA) 119 292 2.0 112 909 2.2 Amortisation [15] 38 781 0.7 38 723 0.7 Impairment [14/15] 27 233 0.4 0 0.0 Earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) [3/9] 53 278 0.9 74 186 1.5 Financial income [10] 5 699 0.1 6 673 0.1 Financial expense [10] 51 321 0.9 16 068 0.3 Result before taxes 7 656 0.1 64 791 1.3 Income taxes [11] 20 833 0.4 31 446 0.6 Net result 13 177 0.3 33 345 0.7 Of which: Attributable to non-controlling interests 1 606 0.0 1 550 0.0 Attributable to shareholders of Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd. 14 783 0.3 31 795 0.7 Basic earnings per registered share A in CHF [12] 0.77 1.84 Diluted earnings per registered share A in CHF [12] 0.77 1.84 Basic earnings per registered share B in CHF [12] 3.87 9.22 Diluted earnings per registered share B in CHF [12] 3.87 9.22 INCOME STATEMENT 02_02_02 Information about the statement of nancial position as well as the income statement is also available on (Quick Search: 12202/12203) 157 02_FINANCIAL REPORT KUONI GROUP CHF 1 000 2012 2011 Net result 13 177 33 345 Other comprehensive income Realised gains or losses from cash ow hedges transferred to income statement 14 933 10 599 Recognised gains or losses from cash ow hedges 9 556 14 396 Translation differences 5 293 64 162 Income taxes on other comprehensive income 6 367 6 499 Total other comprehensive income 12 829 45 666 Total comprehensive income 26 006 12 321 Of which: Attributable to non-controlling interests 1 454 1 574 Attributable to shareholders of Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd. 27 460 13 895 STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME 02_02_03 158 STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY 02_02_04 Reserves CHF 1 000 Share capital Treasury shares Capital reserves Retained earnings Other reserves 1 Total equity of Kuoni share- holders Non- controlling interests Total equity Equity as at 1 January 2011 3 046 3 943 197 123 570 349 213 055 553 520 8 874 562 394 Net result 31 795 31 795 1 550 33 345 Other comprehensive income: * Realised gains or losses from cash ow hedges transferred to income statement 10 599 10 599 10 599 * Recognised gains or losses from cash ow hedges 14 396 14 396 14 396 * Translation differences 64 186 64 186 24 64 162 * Income taxes on other comprehensive income 6 499 6 499 6 499 Total comprehensive income 31 795 45 690 13 895 1 574 12 321 Dividends 7 236 7 236 1 720 8 956 Use of treasury shares 550 470 1 020 1 020 Capital increase 952 12 670 256 088 9 857 234 513 234 513 Changes in ownership interests 0 0 Equity as at 31 December 2011 3 998 17 163 453 211 584 581 258 745 765 882 8 728 774 610 Net result 14 783 14 783 1 606 13 177 Other comprehensive income: * Realised gains or losses from cash ow hedges transferred to income statement 14 933 14 933 14 933 * Recognised gains or losses from cash ow hedges 9 556 9 556 9 556 * Translation differences 5 445 5 445 152 5 293 * Income taxes on other comprehensive income 6 367 6 367 6 367 Total comprehensive income 14 783 12 677 27 460 1 454 26 006 Dividends 11 473 11 473 2 107 13 580 Use of treasury shares 1 453 4 908 6 361 6 361 Capital increase 0 0 Changes in ownership interests 0 0 Equity as at 31 December 2012 3 998 15 710 453 211 563 233 271 422 733 310 8 075 741 385 1 For further details see note 22. 159 02_FINANCIAL REPORT KUONI GROUP STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS 02_02_05 CHF 1 000 Notes 2012 2011 restated Cash ow from operating activities Net result 13 177 33 345 Income taxes [11] 20 833 31 446 Net nancial result [10] 45 622 9 395 Earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) [3/9] 53 278 74 186 Depreciation and amortisation 90 299 92 807 Impairment 27 233 0 Other non-cash expenses and income (net) 747 4 105 Changes in net working capital * Accounts receivable / other receivables 60 835 28 039 * Prepaid expenses 23 107 2 920 * Accounts payable / accrued expenses 22 346 7 781 * Advance payments by customers 27 923 46 487 Income taxes paid 31 437 29 082 Net cash from operating activities (cash ow) 106 447 110 497 Cash ow from investing activities Purchase of tangible xed assets [13] 27 377 36 035 Purchase of intangible assets [15] 31 042 21 157 Acquisition of subsidiaries, net of cash and cash equivalents acquired [2] 821 607 591 Disposal of assets 15 519 1 889 Sales of Subsidiaries, net of cash and cash equivalents transferred [2] 9 100 0 Decrease in time deposits (net) 75 176 792 Purchase of shares of associates [16] 0 402 Investments in joint ventures [17] 426 0 Decrease in other nancial assets (net) 699 629 Interest received 4 026 2 249 Other nancial expenses paid (net) 12 227 260 Net cash used in investing activities 13 029 660 950 Cash ow from nancing activities Repayment of nancial debts (net) 74 105 51 032 Interest paid 10 609 11 881 Share capital increase 0 234 513 Distributions to non-controlling interests 2 107 1 720 Distributions to shareholders of Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd. 11 473 7 236 Net cash used in nancing activities 98 294 264 708 Effects of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents 11 264 13 292 Net increase in cash and cash equivalents 32 446 299 037 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year 288 861 587 898 Cash and cash equivalents at end of year 321 307 288 861 For further details see note 29. 160 ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES 02_02_06 Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd. (the Company) is domiciled in Zurich. The consolidated nancial statements for the year ended 31 December 2012 cover the Company and all its subsidiaries (Kuoni Group) and associ- ates and joint ventures. The Company is one of Europes leading tourism companies, active in the leisure travel, destination management eld and visa services. The consolidated nancial statements are pre- pared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and comply with Swiss law. BASIS OF PREPARATION The consolidated nancial statements are pre- sented in Swiss francs (CHF), rounded to the nearest thousand. The consolidated nancial statements are prepared on the historical cost basis except for derivative nancial instruments, nancial assets and nancial in- struments available for sale, which are stated at their fair value. Non-current assets and disposal groups held for sale are stated at the lower of the carrying amount and fair value less costs to sell. The preparation of the consolidated nancial state ments in conformity with IFRS requires management to make judgements, estimates and assumptions that affect the application of policies and reported amounts of assets, liabilities, income and expenses. Actual re- sults may differ from these estimates. Critical judgements made by management in the application of IFRS that have a signicant effect on the nancial statements and key sources of estimation uncertainties are dis- cussed separately. The accounting policies have been applied consistently to all periods presented in these consolidated nancial statements, with the exceptions described below. An additional subtotal was added to the presentation of the income statement, the operating result before amortisations and impairment (EBITA), as this gure better expresses the operating performance. The way cash ows are shown has been amen- ded in 2012. Now interest received is shown as part of the cash ow from investing ac- tivities, while interest paid is shown as part of the cash ow from nancing activities, because this better reects the nature of the cash ows. Hitherto, these elements were included in the cash ow from operating activities and published in the notes. The nancial effects on the presented cash ows may be summarised as follows: CHF million 2012 2011 Cash ow from: operating activities + 18.8 + 9.4 investing activities 8.2 + 2.5 nancing activities 10.6 11.9 Following the acquisition of Gullivers Travel Associates (GTA) in May 2011 and the intro- duction of the new corporate structure in October 2011, the Kuoni Group is reporting on the basis of its new organisational structure for the nancial year 2012. The segment reporting (incl. previous years gures) has been adapted to match the new organisa- tional structure. Outbound Nordic includes the Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland markets with its brand Apollo and Falk Lauritsen (only in Denmark), as well as the Scandinavian airline Novair and the Playitas sports and family holiday resort on Fuerteventura, Spain. Most of the products sold in Scandinavia and Finland are easy-to-book package holidays to short, medium and long-haul beach destinations. Outbound Kuoni Europe includes all the markets in Europe that are operated under the Kuoni brand and its sub-brands, i.e. the markets of Switzerland, United Kingdom, France, Italy, Spain and Benelux (Nether- lands and Belgium). Most of the business done in these markets falls into the category of premium-sector tour operating, and is focused on individual and tailor-made holiday travel. Package holidays are only offered as an additional line in the Swiss market. Group Travel includes B2B group travel busi- ness and B2B MICE activities. Group travel business focuses on creating individual, tailor-made group travel for tour operators and travel agents. The tour operators buy in these group arrangements and then offer them to their own customers in local source markets. The MICE business, through its different brands, offers itself as a comprehen- sive service agency for the organisation and execution of conferences, congresses, trade fairs, events and incentives. This in- cludes organising infrastructure, logistics, arrivals and de partures (without ights), overnight stays and leisure programmes. FIT (Fully Independent Traveller) populates Kuonis own worldwide databases with a wide range of different travel services. The majority of these services are overnight hotel stays, but they also include individual and regular transfer services, city tours and excursions, tickets, tour guide services and restaurants, all of which can be booked online. The business models in FIT are based on B2B relationships with various business partners. Emerging Markets includes the tour opera- ting activities in India, China/Hong Kong and Russia. The specialists focus on their core destina- tions and core styles of travel, and they pride themselves on being able to meet the most exacting customer requirements. Kuoni has outbound specialists in Switzerland, the UK and the Netherlands/Belgium. Destination Management specialists are local experts with ofces in the holiday destinations them- selves. Kuoni runs a worldwide network of 6 destination management companies (USA, Africa, Middle East, India and Asia-Pacic). VFS Global helps governments and embas- sies process travellers visa applications securely and efciently. The authorities out- source the administrative tasks involved to VFS Global. 02_02_06 ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES 161 02_FINANCIAL REPORT KUONI GROUP ADOPTION OF CHANGED STANDARDS IFRS The Kuoni Group adopted the following revised or new standards with effect from 1 January 2012: * IFRS 7: Disclosure Transfer of nancial Instruments * IAS 12: Deferred Taxes: realisation of underlying assets The adoption and application of the above standards and interpretations had no effect on these consolidated nancial statements. FUTURE IFRS CHANGES With the exception of IAS 19, the Kuoni Group does not expect these new and revised standards and interpretations to have any signicant effect on its results and nancial situation to date. They will, however, have an impact on transactions effected on or after 1 January 2013. This applies in particular to: The amendments to IAS 19 Employee Bene- ts must be adopted from 1 January 2013. From its corresponding analyses to date, the Kuoni Group expects such adoption to have the following impact on its consolidated results: In future, actuarial gains and losses will be recognised immediately in Other compre- hensive income. The previous option of de- ferring such recognition using the corridor approach will no longer be permitted. Under that approach, such gains and losses were shown in results for the period if they ex- ceeded 10% of the higher of the prior years fund assets or pension obligations amount. As of 31 December 2012, unrecognised actu- arial losses amounted to CHF 54 million (2011: CHF 47 million). The adoption of the amend- ments to IAS 19 is thus likely to result in greater volatility in pension fund assets/ liabilities and consolidated equity. As a further consequence of the adoption of the amendments to IAS 19, interest on plan assets will no longer be estimated based on expected asset returns under current asset allocations. In future, such interest will be based on the discount rate. Before account- ing for deferred taxes, the effect of actuarial losses, which have not yet been recognised on the equity as at 1 January 2012, was es- timated to be about CHF 47 million. The net periodic pension cost would probably have been CHF 1.6 million higher (previous year CHF 2.7 million) if the new provisions had been adopted for the 2012 business year. The im- pact on the other result in the 2012 business year is estimated to be about CHF 6 million. SUBSIDIARIES Subsidiaries are entities controlled by Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd. Control is the power to directly or indirectly govern the nancial and operating policies of an entity so as to obtain benets from its activities. This is the case where the Group holds more than 50% of the voting rights of an entity or where the Group has been granted management of an entity contractually or is exercising control by other means. Subsidiaries acquired in the course of the accounting year are consolidated from the date the control effectively commences. Subsidiaries sold in the course of the ac- counting year are deconsolidated as of the date on which control ceases. The full consolidation method is used, under which all assets, liabilities, income and ex- penses of the subsidiaries are included in the consolidated nan cial statements. The share Effective date Planned application New Standards IFRS 10 Consolidated Financial Statements 1 January 2013 Reporting year 2013 IFRS 11 Joint Arrangements 1 January 2013 Reporting year 2013 IFRS 12 Disclosure of Interests in Other Entities 1 January 2013 Reporting year 2013 IFRS 13 Fair Value Measurement 1 January 2013 Reporting year 2013 IFRS 9 Financial Instruments and related amendments to IRFS 7 regarding transition 1 January 2015 Reporting year 2015 Revisions and amendments of Standards and Interpretations Presentation of Items of Other Comprehensive Income (Amendments to IAS 1) 1 July 2012 Reporting year 2013 IAS 19 Employee Benets 1 January 2013 Reporting year 2013 IAS 28 Investments in Associates and Joint Ventures 1 January 2013 Reporting year 2013 Disclosures Offsetting Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities (Amendments to IFRS 7) 1 January 2013 Reporting year 2013 Improvements to IFRSs (May 2012) 1 January 2013 Reporting year 2013 Offsetting Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities (Amendments to IAS 32) 1 January 2014 Reporting year 2014 02_02_06 ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES 162 of net assets and net prot or loss attribut- able to minority shareholders is presented separately as non-controlling interest on the consolidated statement of nancial position, and separately as non-controlling interest in the consolidated income statement. ASSOCIATES Associates are entities in which the Kuoni- Group is able to exercise signicant inu- ence, but not control, over the nancial and operating policies. The consolidated nancial statements include in the nancial result the Groups share of the total recognised gains and losses of associates on an equity accounting basis, from the date signicant inuence commences until the date it ceases. When the Groups share of losses exceeds the carrying amount of the associate, the carrying amount is reduced to nil and the recognition of further losses is discontinued except to the extent that the Group has incurred further obligations in respect of the associate. JOINT VENTURES Joint Ventures are entities which the Kuoni Group cooperatively manages with a joint venture partner, and whereby the Kuoni Group is heavily involved in the manage- ment. The consolidated nancial statements include in the operating result the Groups share of the total recognised gains and losses of joint ventures on an equity account- ing basis, from the date joint management commences until the date it ceases. When the Groups share of losses exceeds the car- rying amount of the joint venture, the carrying amount is reduced to nil and the recognition of further losses is discontinued except to the extent that the Group has incurred further obligations in respect of the joint venture. INTRAGROUP TRANSACTIONS AND BALANCES All intragroup transactions and balances and any unrealised gains and losses or income and expenses arising from intragroup trans- actions are eliminated in the consolidation process. FOREIGN CURRENCY TRANSACTIONS Transactions in foreign currencies are trans- lated at the exchange rate on the date of the transaction. Monetary assets and liabilities in foreign currencies are translated at year-end rates. Non-monetary assets and liabilities in foreign currencies that are stated at histori- cal cost are translated at the exchange rate on the date of the transaction. Non-monetary assets and liabilities in foreign currencies that are stated at fair value are translated at the exchange rate at the date the values were determined. Foreign exchange gains or losses arising from translation are recognised in the income statement. CONSOLIDATION OF FOREIGN SUBSIDIARIES The consolidated nancial statements are presented in Swiss francs (CHF). The nan- cial statements of foreign subsidiaries are prepared in their functional currency. Assets and liabilities (including goodwill and fair- value adjustments) of foreign subsidiaries are translated to CHF at year-end exchange rates. Revenue, expenses and cash ow amounts are translated at weighted average ex change rates. Foreign exchange differences arising from the translation of foreign subsidiaries are recognised directly in equity as a transla- tion difference. TURNOVER The Group renders a wide range of travel services. The revenue from rendering these services is recognised in the income state- ment at the time when the signicant risks and rewards are transferred to the cus- tomer. This is generally the case on the date of departure or, in the case of destination management activities, on the date of arrival. Turnover comprises net sales revenues from the tour operating business (after deduction of sales taxes, value added tax, discounts and commissions) as well as commissions received from leisure travel retailing. DIRECT COSTS Direct costs includes all directly allocable airline, ship, rail, hotel, car rental and similar costs. Direct costs also includes the currency gains or losses from exchange rate differ- ences realised or incurred by individual sub- sidiaries in the course of their operations. EMPLOYEE BENEFITS Wages, salaries, social security contributions, paid vacation and sickness-related absences, bonuses and non-monetary benets are al- located to and shown in the year in which the employee provided the service concerned for the Kuoni Group. Where Kuoni provides long-term employee benets, the costs are accrued to match the service to be provided by the employee, and the liabilities of the Kuoni Group are discounted to take account of the time value of money where the effects are signicant. SHARE-BASED COMPENSATION Certain employees participate in share- based employee participation plans, i.e. programmes based on equity instruments of Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd. For all share-based employee compensation, the current market value of the shares concerned is determined on the date the entitlement is granted, and is debited to personnel expense on the corre- sponding income statements throughout the period until the entitlement is awarded. With all employee participation plans under which equity instruments are awarded, the compensation paid and any further amounts resulting from the exercising of such benets are shown as increases in equity. In the case of cash-based employee participation plans, the compensation awarded is shown as a lia- bility at its fair value on the balance sheet date. 02_02_06 ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES 163 02_FINANCIAL REPORT KUONI GROUP RETIREMENT BENEFITS State retirement benets are provided in the majority of countries in which the Kuoni Group operates. The Group has additionally set up a number of legally independent retire- ment bene t plans or insurance schemes in the following countries, which are generally funded by the employee and the employer: Dened benet plans: Switzerland, the United Kingdom and Norway. Dened contribution plans: Switzerland, the United Kingdom, Italy, France, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands, Austria, the USA, India and Japan. The plans are funded by the Groups subsi- diaries (employer) and the employees. Employers contributions to dened contribu- tion plans are recognised as an expense in the income statement when incurred. The Groups net obligation in respect of dened benet pension plans is calculated separately for each plan by qualied actuaries using the projected unit credit method. To the extent that any cumulative unrecognised actuarial gain or loss of a plan exceeds 10% of the greater of the present value of the dened benet obligation and the fair value of plan assets, that portion is recognised in the in- come statement over the expected average remaining working lives of the employees participating in the plan. Where actuarial cal- culations result in a sur plus, this is only re c- ognised to the extent that the Group derives a future economic benet in the form of a reduction in plan contributions or a refund. Due to local regulations, the Group maintains certain unfunded retirement benet plans. The present value of the dened benet obli- gation of unfunded plans is recognised as a provision for employee benets. OPERATING LEASE PAYMENTS Leases where all the major risks and rewards of ownership are effectively retained by the lessor are classied as operating leases. Payments made under operating leases (net of any incentives received from the lessor) are charged to the income statement on a straight-line basis over the period of the lease. Details of the treatment of nance leases are provided under the accounting policy for tangible xed assets. DEPRECIATION Depreciation includes the periodic consump- tion of tangible xed assets and the other intangible assets. It includes depreciation on buildings and other tangible xed assets as well as on the other intangible assets, which were bought by Kuoni directly. Intangible as- sets capitalised in the course of acquisitions are presented separately (amortisation). AMORTISATION Amortisation includes the periodic con- sumption of intangible assets capitalised in the course of acquisitions. INCOME TAXES Income tax on the prot or loss for the year comprises current and deferred taxes, based on the local tax rates expected to apply for each Group company. Income tax is recog- nised in the income statement except to the extent that it relates to items recognised directly in equity, in which case it is recog- nised in equity. Current income tax is the expected tax pay- able on the taxable income for the year, calculated using tax rates enacted or substan- tially enacted at the balance sheet date, and any adjustment to tax payable in respect of previous years. Deferred tax is provided using the statement of nancial position liability method, providing for temporary differences between the carry- ing amounts of assets and liabilities for nan- cial reporting purposes and the amounts used for taxation purposes. Temporary differences relating to investments in subsidiaries are not provided for to the extent that they will prob- ably not reverse in the foreseeable future. De- ferred tax liabilities on undistributed prots of subsidiaries are recognised, unless dividend payments to the ultimate Group holding com- pany are not planned for the foreseeable fu- ture. The amount of deferred tax recognised is based on the expected manner of realisation or settlement of the carrying amount of assets and liabilities, using tax rates enacted or sub- stantially enacted at the balance sheet date. A deferred tax asset is recognised only to the extent that it is probable that future tax- able prots will be available against which the asset can be utilised. TANGIBLE FIXED ASSETS Tangible xed assets are stated at cost less accumulated depreciation and impairment losses. Where an item of tangible xed as- sets comprises major components having different useful lives, they are accounted for as separate tangible xed asset items. The capitalisation of subsequent costs is evalu- ated under the general recognition principle for such assets at the time they are incurred. Long-term leases of tangible xed assets where the Group has substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership are classied as nance leases. Tangible xed assets acquired by way of nance lease are stated at an amount equal to the lower of their fair value and the present value of the mini- mum lease payments at the inception of the lease, less accumulated depreciation and any impairment losses. The related liabilities are recognised as non-current or current liabilities. The interest expense component of nance lease payments is recognised in the income statement using the effective interest rate method. Depreciation is charged to the income state- ment on a straight-line basis over the esti- mated useful lives of the items of tangible xed assets (owned assets and assets under 02_02_06 ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES 164 nance leases and/or components thereof) concerned. Land is not depreciated. The estimated useful lives are as follows: Years Buildings 20 50 Other tangible xed assets: Fixtures and equipment 10 Fixtures and equipment at point of sale 8 IT hardware, ofce equipment and vehicles 5 Personal computers and ofce machines 3 INTANGIBLE ASSETS Intangible assets comprise software, licen- ces, trademark rights and similar rights acquired from third parties or in a business combination. Intangible assets acquired in a business combination are recognised separately from goodwill if they are subject to contractual or legal rights or are separately transferable and their fair value can be reli- ably estimated. Intangible assets are stated at cost less accumulated depreciation and impairment losses. They are depreciated on a straight-line basis over their expected useful lives of three to ten years. The Group does not have any intangible assets with indenite useful lives, except for goodwill. GOODWILL All business combinations are accounted for by applying the acquisition method. Good- will arising from the acquisition of a subsidi- ary represents the excess of the cost of the acquisition over the fair value of the net identiable assets acquired, and is allocated to cash-generating units. In respect of as- sociates, the carrying amount of goodwill is included in the carrying amount of the investment in the associate. Purchase price adjustments prior to 1 January 2010 are still effected via goodwill. Goodwill is stated at cost less accumulated impairment losses. Goodwill is tested at least annually for impairment. FINANCIAL INVESTMENTS The Group has investments classied as available for-sale which include minority in- vestments in listed and non-listed companies. Available-for-sale investments are stated at fair value, with any resultant gain or loss recognised directly in equity, except for impairment losses and, in the case of debt securities, foreign ex change gains and losses. When these investments are derecognised, the cumulative gain or loss previously recognised directly in equity is recognised in the income statement. The fair value of listed available-for-sale in- vestments is their quoted bid price at the balance sheet date. The fair value of unlisted investments is estimated using valuation techniques. Time deposits (with a maturity exceeding 12 months from the date of acquisition), long- term loans and other long-term receivables are stated at their amortised cost less impair- ment losses. Interest is recognised using the effective interest rate method. The Group does not have any instruments classied as at fair value through prot and loss (trading), with the exception of derivative nancial instruments (see the accounting policy on Derivative Financial Instruments). TIME DEPOSITS, LOANS AND ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Time deposits (with a maturity bet ween 3 and 12months from the date of acquisition), short-term loans and accounts receivable are stated at their cost less impairment loss- es. Impairment losses are recognised on an individual basis, or on a portfolio basis (for ac- counts receivable), where there is objective evidence that impairment losses have been incurred. The allowance on bad debt and the receivable is written off if there are clear indicators (such as a certicate of unpaid debts) that the receivable is not collectable. CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS Cash and cash equivalents contain cash balances, postal giro accounts and bank current accounts as well as time deposits and money market investments with a maturity not exceeding 3 months from the date of acquisition. IMPAIRMENT The carrying amounts of the Groups assets (other than deferred tax assets and pension assets, for which separate accounting poli- cies apply) are reviewed at each balance sheet date to determine whether there is any indication of impairment. If any such indica- tion exists, the assets recoverable amount is estimated. Goodwill is tested at least annually for impairment. An impairment loss is recognised in the in- come statement whenever the carrying amount of an asset exceeds its recoverable amount. The recoverable amount of loans and other receivables carried at amortised cost is calculated as the present value of estimated future cash ows, dis counted at the original effective interest rate inherent in the asset. Receivables with a short duration carried at cost are not discounted. The recoverable amount of available-for-sale securities is their fair value. The recoverable amount of other assets is the greater of their fair value less costs to sell and their value in use. An impairment loss in respect of goodwill is not reversed. An impairment loss in respect of nancial investments classied as available- for-sale is reversed if there is a subsequent increase in the recoverable amount that can be related objectively to an event occurring after the impairment loss was recognised. In respect of other assets, an impair ment loss is reversed if there has been a change in the 02_02_06 ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES 165 02_FINANCIAL REPORT KUONI GROUP estimates used to determine the recoverable amount. Reversals of impairment losses are recognised in the income statement, with the exception of reversals of impairment losses on equity investments classied as available- for-sale. TREASURY SHARES When the Company or its subsidiaries purchase the Companys own shares, the consider ation paid, including any directly attributable costs, is presented as treasury shares and deducted from equity. Where such shares are subsequently sold or reissued, any consideration received is included in equity. FINANCIAL DEBT Financial debt is initially recognised at fair value, less attributable transaction costs. Thereafter, nancial debt is stated at amor- tised cost using the effective interest rate method, with any difference between cost and redemption value being recognised in the income statement un der nancial expense over the borrowing period. The contingent purchase price payments from acquisitions, which are made after 01.01.2010, are recog- nised in the income statement. No changes were made to the fair value of the contingent purchase price payments in the reporting year. PROVISIONS A provision is recognised in the statement of nancial position when the Group has a present legal or constructive obligation as a result of a past event, when it is probable that an outow of economic benets will be required to settle the obligation and when a reliable estimate can be made of the amount of the obligation. If the effect is material, provisions are determined by discounting the expected future cash ows at a pre-tax rate that reects current market assessments of the time value of money and, where appro- priate, the risks specic to the liability. A provision for onerous contracts is recog- nised when the expected benets to be derived by the Group from a contract are lower than the unavoidable cost of meeting its obligations under the contract. CONTINGENT LIABILITIES Contingent liabilities are possible obligations arising from past events whose existence will be conrmed only by the occurrence or non-occurrence of one or more uncertain future events not wholly within the Groups control. They may also be present obligations that are unrecognised because the future outow of resources is not probable or the amount concerned cannot be reliably determined. Contingent liabilities are not recognised in the statement of nancial position, but are disclosed. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Accounts payable are stated at cost. DERIVATIVE FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS The Group uses derivative nancial instru- ments primarily to hedge its exposure to foreign exchange risks arising from opera- tional, nancing and investment activities. The Group largely uses forward-exchange contracts, currency options and aviation fuel options for this purpose. In accordance with internal Group accounting principles, deriva- tive nancial instruments are not used for trading purposes. However, derivatives used for hedging purposes that do not qualify as hedge accounting are accounted for as trading instruments. All derivative nancial instruments were recognised at market value for the rst time. After the rst-time recognition, the deriva- tive nancial instruments are recognised at their market value and, if they are consumed within the year, reported under receivables from services / other services or debts from services / other services. Any gains or losses on the remeasurement of the fair value of derivative nancial instruments that do not qualify for hedge accounting are recognised immediately in the income statement. The fair value of the instruments used is the calcu- lated amount that the Group would receive or pay to terminate the contracts at the balance sheet date, based on quotes from indepen- dent counterparties. HEDGING Cash Flow Hedges Where a derivative nancial instrument is de- signated as a foreign currency hedge of the variability in cash ows of a rm commitment or a highly probable forecasted transaction, the effective part of any gain or loss on the derivative nancial instrument is recognised directly in equity. Contracts of this kind are classied as cash ow hedges. When the rm commitment or forecast trans- action results in the recognition of a non- nancial asset or liability, the cumulative gain or loss is removed from equity and included in the initial cost of the non-nancial asset or liability. Otherwise, the cumulative gain or loss is removed from equity and recognised in the income statement at the same time as the hedged transaction. The ineffective part of any gain or loss is recognised immediately in the income statement. When a hedging instrument expires or is sold, terminated or exercised, or the entity revokes the designation of the hedge relation- ship but the hedged forecast transaction is still expected to occur, the cumulative gain or loss at that point remains in equity and is recognised in accordance with the above policy when the transaction occurs. If the hedged transaction is no longer expect- ed to take place, the cumulative unrealised gain or loss recognised in equity is recog- nised immediately in the income statement. 02_02_06 ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES 166 Hedging of Monetary Assets and Liabilities Where a derivative nancial instrument is used to economically hedge the foreign exchange exposure of a recognised monetary asset or liability, no hedge accounting is applied, and any gain or loss on the hedging instrument is recognised in the income statement. Related foreign exchange gains and losses are also recognised in the in- come statement as incurred. NON-CURRENT ASSETS HELD FOR SALE AND DISPOSAL GROUPS Non-current assets (or disposal groups) are classied as held for sale if their carrying amount will be recovered principally through a sale transaction rather than from continu- ing use. The asset (or disposal group) must be available for immediate sale in its present condition and the sale must be highly prob- able. Immediately before reclassication as held for sale, the measurement of the assets (and all assets and liabilities in a disposal group) is brought up to date in accordance with the applicable accounting standards. On initial reclassication as held for sale, non- current assets and disposal groups are rec- ognised at the lower of their carrying amount or fair value less costs to sell. Any impairment losses on initial classication as held for sale are recognised in the income statement. SEGMENT REPORTING A segment is a distinguishable component of the Group which provides products and / or services in a particular geographical area or a particular tourism activity and for which separate nancial information is available. The results of the Groups operating seg- ments are regularly reviewed by the Board of Directors (as the Groups chief operating decision-maker) to determine how resources should be distributed and performance po- tential assessed. Segments are managed at the EBIT level. The segment reporting reects the manage- ment structure implemented within the Kuoni Group. This divides up leisure travel activities based on the geographical location of the revenue generating Group company, which in turn largely corresponds to the origin of the customers concerned. The same geographical breakdown based on the location of the Group company would be less meaningful for the activities of Destination Management, which largely provides services at holiday destinations. The Groups seven reportable segments are Outbound Nordic, Outbound Kuoni Europe, Group Travel, FIT (Fully Independent Traveller), Specialists, Outbound Emerging Markets and VFS Global. Interdivisional revenues are accounted for at market rates. The reportable segments apply the same accounting principles as the Group. All operational assets and liabilities which can be directly or reasonably assigned to a reportable segment are shown within the divisions concerned. EARNINGS PER SHARE (EPS) Earnings per share are calculated by divid - ing the net result attributable to Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd. shareholders by the weighted average number of registered shares entitled to dividends during the year under review. Diluted earnings per share further take into account any dilution effect which might have resulted from the exercise of options. MANAGEMENT ESTIMATES AND ASSUMPTIONS Estimates and underlying assumptions are reviewed on an ongoing basis. Changes in accounting estimates may be necessary if there are changes in the circumstances on which the estimate was based, or as a result of new information or additional experience. Such changes are recognised in the period in which the estimate is revised. The key assumptions about the future and key sources of estimation uncertainty that have a signicant risk of causing a material adjust- ment to the carrying values of assets and liabilities within the next twelve months are described below. Employee pension plans Some employees of the Kuoni Group are insured with pension plans with dened benets. The calculation of the recognised balances (CHF 16.5 million) and liabilities (CHF 0.2 million) in respect of these facilities is based on statistical and insurance-mathematical cal culations of the actuaries. In doing so, the cash value of the performance-oriented liabilities depends on many assumptions, in particular. In addition, the actuaries depending on the Kuoni Group use statistical data, such as the likelihood of withdrawals and life expectancy of the policyholders. Deviations from the assumptions can have an inuence on the future reporting periods of recognised balances and liabilities with the employee pension plans. Tangible xed Assets, Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets The Kuoni Group has tangible xed assets with a carrying value of CHF 185 million (see note 13), other intangible assets with a carrying value of CHF 302 million (see note 15) and goodwill with a carrying value of CHF 921 million (see note 14). Goodwill is reviewed annually for impairment. The net book values of tangible xed assets and other intangible assets are reviewed if there is any indication of impairment. To as- sess if any impairment exists, estimates are made of the future cash ows expected to result from the use of the asset and its even- tual disposal. Actual outcomes could vary sig- nicantly from such estimates of discounted 02_02_06 ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES 167 02_FINANCIAL REPORT KUONI GROUP future cash ows. Factors such as changes in the planned use of buildings, the presence or absence of competition, technical obso- lescence or lower than anticipated turnover from cash-generating units with capitalised goodwill could result in shortened useful lives or impairment. Provisions for Warranties and Onerous Contracts Group companies may become involved in warranty proceedings or onerous contracts in the course of their ordinary operating ac- tivities. Provisions for warranties and onerous contracts are measured on the basis of the information available and a realistic estimate of the expected outow of resources. The outcome of these proceedings may result in claims against the Kuoni Group that cannot be met at all or in full through provisions or insurance cover. Litigation Provisions The Kuoni Group is party to various legal pro- ceedings. Further claims could also arise which might not be covered by existing liabili- ties or by insurance. Moreover, no assurance can be given that the extent of such matters will not increase, or that possible future lawsuits, claims or proceedings will not be material. Any such changes that arise could impact the litigation provisions recognised in the statement of nancial position in future periods. Income Taxes As at 31 December 2012, the net receivable for current income taxes amounts to CHF 7.1 million, the net payable for current income taxes amounts to CHF 24.1 million and the net payable for deferred income taxes amounts to CHF 50.4 million (see note 24). Signicant estimates are required in determi- ning the current and deferred tax assets and liabilities. Some of these estimates are based on interpretations of existing tax laws and regulations. Management believes that these estimates are reasonable and that the recognised liabilities for income-tax- related uncertainties are adequate. Various internal and external factors may have fa- vourable or unfavourable effects on income tax assets and liabilities. These factors include, but are not limited to, changes in tax laws and regulations or their interpretation, and changes in tax rates. Any such changes that arise could impact the current and deferred income tax assets and liabilities recognised in the statement of nancial posi- tion in future periods. Furthermore, in order to determine whether tax loss carry-forwards may be carried as assets, it is rst necessary to critically assess the probability of future taxable prots against which to offset them. Such prots depend themselves on a variety of inuencing factors and developments. 168 1. EXCHANGE RATES The following exchange rates were used for the Groups most impor- tant currencies: 2. ACQUISITIONS AND DISPOSALS 2012 ACQUISITIONS 2012 * Royal Tours Namibia (Pty) Ltd., Namibia (100% acquired 1 June 2012), Tour Operating Business DISPOSALS 2012 * Ski Verbier Ltd., London (100% sold 31 October 2012), Tour Operating Business * Kuoni Travel Netherland B.V., Amsterdam (100% sold 30 November 2012), Tour Operating Business * Viajes Kuoni S.A., Madrid (100% sold 30 November 2012), Tour Operating Business * UTE Megapolus Group Co. Ltd., Moscow (92% sold 30 November 2012), Tour Operating Business Year-end rates in CHF Average rates in CHF Currency Unit 2012 2011 2012 2011 AED 1 0.249 0.256 0.255 0.242 AUD 1 0.951 0.954 0.971 0.914 DKK 1 0.162 0.164 0.162 0.166 EUR 1 1.207 1.217 1.205 1.233 GBP 1 1.478 1.451 1.486 1.421 HKD 1 0.118 0.121 0.121 0.114 INR 1 0.017 0.018 0.018 0.019 NOK 1 0.164 0.157 0.161 0.158 SEK 1 0.140 0.136 0.139 0.137 THB 1 0.030 0.030 0.030 0.029 USD 1 0.916 0.940 0.938 0.887 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 02_02_07 02_02_07 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 169 02_FINANCIAL REPORT KUONI GROUP ACQUISITIONS 2011 * Lime Travel AB, Stockholm (100% acquired 1 March 2011), Tour Operating Business * Gullivers Travel Associates, London (100% acquired 1 May 2011), Destination Management Services
In addition, our shareholdings in the following company were increased in the course of 2011: * UTE Megapolus Group Co. Ltd., Moscow (from 80% to 92%), Tour Operating Business CHANGES IN THE SCOPE OF CONSOLIDATION COMPANIES CHF Million Total acquired 2012 Total sold 2012 Gullivers Travel Associates 2011 Others 2011 Total acquired 2011 Tangible xed assets 0.0 2.3 18.8 0.0 18.8 Goodwill 0.7 0.0 599.8 1.5 601.3 Other intangible assets 0.1 0.5 293.2 1.4 294.6 Other tangible assets 0.0 0.6 5.8 0.1 5.9 Cash and cash equivalents 0.1 9.1 6.5 1.1 7.6 Time deposits 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.3 Accounts receivable / other receivables 0.0 1.9 188.8 0.4 189.2 Prepaid expenses 0.0 10.9 21.7 0.2 21.9 Non-current liabilities 0.0 0.0 73.0 0.4 73.4 Current liabilities 0.0 20.2 446.1 1.6 447.7 Non-controlling interest 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Loss from sale of subsidiaries 0.0 5.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 Purchase price / sales price in cash 0.9 0.0 615.5 3.0 618.5 Cash and cash equivalents acquired / transferred 0.1 9.1 6.5 1.1 7.6 Purchase price not yet paid / sales price not yet received 0.0 0.0 1.7 0.4 2.1 Sales price adjustments on prior year acquisitions 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.2 1.2 Cash ow from acquisitions and disposals 0.8 9.1 607.3 0.3 607.6 02_02_07 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 170 ACQUISITIONS 2012 The company acquired in the reporting year bases its annual nancial statements on the local accounting principles that dier from the IFRS. Predominantly, the fair value adjustments relate to intangible assets and the corresponding deferred taxes. The goodwill arising as part of the acquisition predominantly reects the value of the expec- ted purchase-specic synergies, business processes and employees taken over. The assets of the company acquired in the previous year were not adjusted in the reporting year. Due to its size, the acquisition made in 2012 is classied as being of minor importance. The purchase price for Royal Tours amounted to NAD 7.5 million (CHF 0.9 million) in chash. The company gene- rated net sales of CHF 0.9 million (seven months) and a balanced operating result in 2012. If the acquisition had been carried out as of 1 January 2012, Kuoni Group would have posted nets sales that would have been higher by CHF 0.3 million and the same operating result for the 2012 scal year. ACQUISITIONS 2011
GULLIVERS TRAVEL ASSOCIATES (GTA), LONDON The Kuoni Group acquired Gullivers Travel Associates (GTA) in full, together with its subsidiaries in Europe, Asia and the Americas, at the beginning of May 2011. GTA is one of the worlds leaders in the rapidly-growing online travel services market, with operations in 26 cities. GTAs online reservation facilities were used to book some 12 million hotel bednights in 2010. GTAs core business is centred on hotel reservations, coach services, transfers, city sightseeing tours and destination services for group and individual travellers. In strategic terms, GTA excellently enhances Kuonis traditional tour operating business. The acquisition also ts well into the current business activities of Kuoni Group Travel and FIT. While GTAs strengths lie in the swifly-growing online business- to-business services market, Kuoni activities specialised in group 02_02_07 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 171 02_FINANCIAL REPORT KUONI GROUP leisure travel arrangements. GTA is also strongly anchored in the rapidly-expanding Asian market. GTAs results are incorporated into the reporting segment Group Travel and FIT. The GTA purchase price amounted to USD 664 million in cash. The assets and liabilities in the table were taken over as shown. The acquisition-related intangible assets identied were valued at CHF 273 million while non-tax-deductible goodwill amounted to CHF 600 million. The resulting goodwill largely reects the value of the synergies and future earnings which Kuoni expects to generate from the acquisition. GTA reported turnover of CHF 1346 million for the eight-month period of its Kuoni Group ownership in 2011 and an EBIT afer amorti- sation of intangible assets of CHF 16.4 million. The Kuoni Group incurred acquisition and integration costs of CHF 20.2 million as a result of the acquisition. These are included in Other operating expense 2011. If the acquisition had been eected as of 1 January 2011, GTA would have contributed a CHF 472 million higher turnover and a CHF 8 million lower EBIT result. OTHER ACQUISITIONS 2011 The second acquisition in 2011, of Lime Travel, is of minor importance in view of its size. The purchase price amounted to SEK 21 million in cash. The company generated turnover of CHF 9 million in the ten- month reporting period and achieved a breakeven EBIT result. Had the two acquisitions been eected on 1 January 2011, the Kuoni Group would have reported an additional CHF 474 million of turnover and a CHF 8 million lower EBIT result for the year. 02_02_07 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 172 3. SEGMENT REPORTING Information by reportable segments Outbound Nordic Outbound Kuoni Europe Group Travel FIT (Fully Independent Traveller) Specialists Outbound Emerging Markets VFS Global Total reportable segments Corporate Investment & cost reduction programme / Acquisition & integration cost Group CHF 1000 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 External turnover 992 637 928 927 1 147 401 1 168 079 952 700 739 035 1 567 132 1 068 590 774 073 808 549 206 321 221 761 205 229 176 384 5 845 493 5 111 325 Turnover with other segments 517 567 3 287 1 715 11 238 49 884 22 576 1 494 147 796 91 878 284 171 0 0 185 698 145 709 Turnover of segments 993 154 929 494 1 150 688 1 169 794 963 938 788 919 1 589 708 1 070 084 921 869 900 427 206 605 221 932 205 229 176 384 6 031 191 5 257 034 Eliminations 185 698 145 709 Turnover 5 845 493 5 111 325 GOP 184 147 169 013 205 033 225 832 170 445 138 812 198 866 148 114 154 306 155 655 35 290 47 386 154 380 140 859 1 102 467 1 025 671 1 102 467 1 025 671 GOP margin 18.5% 18.2% 17.8% 19.3% 17.7% 17.6% 12.5% 13.8% 16.7% 17.3% 17.1% 21.4% 75.3% 80.1% 18.9% 20.1% Share in result from joint ventures 382 0 382 0 382 0 Depreciation 3 170 3 060 13 105 12 546 2 070 2 768 10 681 6 003 3 666 3 791 1 472 1 574 9 277 7 018 43 441 36 760 8 077 17 324 51 518 54 084 Earnings before interst, tax and amortisation (EBITA) 40 522 35 127 36 723 10 824 22 141 18 979 61 555 63 333 30 909 35 455 6 249 1 773 35 526 41 921 147 681 185 764 23 103 16 886 5 286 55 969 119 292 112 909 EBITA margin 4.1% 3.8% 3.2% 0.9% 2.3% 2.4% 3.9% 5.9% 3.4% 3.9% 3.0% 0.8% 17.3% 23.8% 2.0% 2.2% Amortisation 1 090 1 194 2 397 2 760 4 803 5 574 21 041 19 836 9 059 8 837 391 522 0 0 38 781 38 723 38 781 38 723 Impairment 15 568 0 7 620 0 4 045 0 27 233 0 27 233 0 Earnings before in- terest and taxes (EBIT) 39 433 33 933 54 689 13 584 17 337 13 405 40 515 43 497 14 230 26 618 10 685 1 251 35 526 41 921 81 667 147 041 23 103 16 886 5 286 55 969 53 278 74 186 EBIT margin 4.0% 3.6% 4.8% 1.2% 1.8% 1.7% 2.5% 4.1% 1.6% 3.0% 5.2% 0.6% 17.3% 23.8% 0.9% 1.5% Share in result from associates 193 405 1 600 1 600 1 407 2 005 119 88 1 288 1 917 Other nancial result 44 334 1 7 478 1 44 334 7 478 Result before taxes 39 433 33 933 54 496 13 989 17 337 13 405 40 515 43 497 14 230 26 618 12 285 349 35 526 41 921 80 260 145 036 67 318 24 276 5 286 55 969 7 656 64 791 Assets 261 007 237 472 402 684 398 444 433 870 337 855 926 073 912 534 493 602 478 358 92 509 95 656 125 561 100 121 2 735 306 2 560 440 324 971 1 61 528 1 2 410 335 2 498 912 Liabilities 228 356 218 609 487 070 351 458 325 530 251 569 361 488 334 452 223 856 215 023 56 343 56 874 51 075 34 313 1 733 718 1 462 298 64 768 1 262 004 1 1 668 950 1 724 302 Capital expenditure 6 789 6 770 5 072 13 659 3 815 1 173 11 298 8 122 6 289 4 825 1 734 2 126 15 252 11 203 50 249 47 878 8 170 9 314 58 419 57 192 Investments in associates 0 402 0 402 0 402 Investments in joint ventures 426 0 426 0 426 0 Number of staff (full-time equivalents): * annual average 836 817 1 898 1 926 1 767 1 364 1 338 883 2 198 2 117 1 554 1 637 2 573 2 155 12 164 10 899 115 149 0 0 12 279 11 048 * at year-end 893 859 1 741 1 897 1 726 1 741 1 321 1 404 2 255 2 158 1 425 1 576 2 615 2 322 11 976 11 957 114 147 0 0 12 090 12 104 Information about the segment reporting is also available on (Quick Search: 12204) 02_02_07 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 173 02_FINANCIAL REPORT KUONI GROUP 3. SEGMENT REPORTING Information by reportable segments Outbound Nordic Outbound Kuoni Europe Group Travel FIT (Fully Independent Traveller) Specialists Outbound Emerging Markets VFS Global Total reportable segments Corporate Investment & cost reduction programme / Acquisition & integration cost Group CHF 1000 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 External turnover 992 637 928 927 1 147 401 1 168 079 952 700 739 035 1 567 132 1 068 590 774 073 808 549 206 321 221 761 205 229 176 384 5 845 493 5 111 325 Turnover with other segments 517 567 3 287 1 715 11 238 49 884 22 576 1 494 147 796 91 878 284 171 0 0 185 698 145 709 Turnover of segments 993 154 929 494 1 150 688 1 169 794 963 938 788 919 1 589 708 1 070 084 921 869 900 427 206 605 221 932 205 229 176 384 6 031 191 5 257 034 Eliminations 185 698 145 709 Turnover 5 845 493 5 111 325 GOP 184 147 169 013 205 033 225 832 170 445 138 812 198 866 148 114 154 306 155 655 35 290 47 386 154 380 140 859 1 102 467 1 025 671 1 102 467 1 025 671 GOP margin 18.5% 18.2% 17.8% 19.3% 17.7% 17.6% 12.5% 13.8% 16.7% 17.3% 17.1% 21.4% 75.3% 80.1% 18.9% 20.1% Share in result from joint ventures 382 0 382 0 382 0 Depreciation 3 170 3 060 13 105 12 546 2 070 2 768 10 681 6 003 3 666 3 791 1 472 1 574 9 277 7 018 43 441 36 760 8 077 17 324 51 518 54 084 Earnings before interst, tax and amortisation (EBITA) 40 522 35 127 36 723 10 824 22 141 18 979 61 555 63 333 30 909 35 455 6 249 1 773 35 526 41 921 147 681 185 764 23 103 16 886 5 286 55 969 119 292 112 909 EBITA margin 4.1% 3.8% 3.2% 0.9% 2.3% 2.4% 3.9% 5.9% 3.4% 3.9% 3.0% 0.8% 17.3% 23.8% 2.0% 2.2% Amortisation 1 090 1 194 2 397 2 760 4 803 5 574 21 041 19 836 9 059 8 837 391 522 0 0 38 781 38 723 38 781 38 723 Impairment 15 568 0 7 620 0 4 045 0 27 233 0 27 233 0 Earnings before in- terest and taxes (EBIT) 39 433 33 933 54 689 13 584 17 337 13 405 40 515 43 497 14 230 26 618 10 685 1 251 35 526 41 921 81 667 147 041 23 103 16 886 5 286 55 969 53 278 74 186 EBIT margin 4.0% 3.6% 4.8% 1.2% 1.8% 1.7% 2.5% 4.1% 1.6% 3.0% 5.2% 0.6% 17.3% 23.8% 0.9% 1.5% Share in result from associates 193 405 1 600 1 600 1 407 2 005 119 88 1 288 1 917 Other nancial result 44 334 1 7 478 1 44 334 7 478 Result before taxes 39 433 33 933 54 496 13 989 17 337 13 405 40 515 43 497 14 230 26 618 12 285 349 35 526 41 921 80 260 145 036 67 318 24 276 5 286 55 969 7 656 64 791 Assets 261 007 237 472 402 684 398 444 433 870 337 855 926 073 912 534 493 602 478 358 92 509 95 656 125 561 100 121 2 735 306 2 560 440 324 971 1 61 528 1 2 410 335 2 498 912 Liabilities 228 356 218 609 487 070 351 458 325 530 251 569 361 488 334 452 223 856 215 023 56 343 56 874 51 075 34 313 1 733 718 1 462 298 64 768 1 262 004 1 1 668 950 1 724 302 Capital expenditure 6 789 6 770 5 072 13 659 3 815 1 173 11 298 8 122 6 289 4 825 1 734 2 126 15 252 11 203 50 249 47 878 8 170 9 314 58 419 57 192 Investments in associates 0 402 0 402 0 402 Investments in joint ventures 426 0 426 0 426 0 Number of staff (full-time equivalents): * annual average 836 817 1 898 1 926 1 767 1 364 1 338 883 2 198 2 117 1 554 1 637 2 573 2 155 12 164 10 899 115 149 0 0 12 279 11 048 * at year-end 893 859 1 741 1 897 1 726 1 741 1 321 1 404 2 255 2 158 1 425 1 576 2 615 2 322 11 976 11 957 114 147 0 0 12 090 12 104 1 The assets and liabilities shown under Corporate include the Corporate items from the statement of nancial position and the nancial assets / liabilities and tax assets / liabilities of the Kuoni Group and the resulting expenses / income. 02_02_07 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 174 BREAKDOWN OF TURNOVER BY GEOGRAPHICAL AREA 1 Tour Operating Business and Destination Management Services BREAKDOWN OF TURNOVER BY ACTIVITY INFORMATION ON SIGNIFICANT CUSTOMERS No customer accounts for more than 10% of total turnover. BREAKDOWN OF EBIT CHF 1 000 2012 2011 Change in % Switzerland 1 701 530 725 537 3.3 International 5 315 484 4 420 647 + 20.2 Eliminations 171 521 34 859 392.0 Total 5 845 493 5 111 325 + 14.4 CHF 1 000 2012 2011 Change in % Tour Operating Business 2 640 098 2 669 404 1.1 Destination Management Services 3 108 019 2 405 196 + 29.2 Visa Services (VFS Global) 205 229 176 384 + 16.4 Eliminations 107 853 139 659 22.8 Total 5 845 493 5 111 325 + 14.4 CHF 1 000 2012 2011 Change in % Total EBIT of reportable segments 81 667 147 041 44.5 Corporate * Corporate cost 23 103 16 886 36.8 * Acquisition and integration cost 5 286 20 202 + 73.8 * Investment and cost-reduction programme 0 35 767 + 100.0 Total 53 278 74 186 28.2 02_02_07 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 175 02_FINANCIAL REPORT KUONI GROUP BREAKDOWN OF ASSETS BY GEOGRAPHICAL AREA 4. TURNOVER Turnover for 2012 was CHF 734 million or 14.4% higher than in the prior year. Organic growth increased turnover by +3.7%, acquisitions added 10.3% and divestments reduced turnover by 0.2%. Currency movements increased turnover volume by 0.6%. 5. GROSS PROFIT Gross prot comprises turnover less all directly allocable airline, ship, rail, hotel, car rental and similar costs. Gross prot also includes the currency gains or losses from exchange rate dierences realised or incurred by individual subsidiaries in the course of their operations. 6. PERSONNEL EXPENSE Personnel expense increased by 15.1%. Organic growth accounted for +5.4%, acquisitions for +9.1%, divestments for 0.2% and currency movements for +0.8% of the overall change. CHF 1 000 Tangible xed assets 31 Dec 2012 Intangible assets 31 Dec 2012 Total 31 Dec 2012 Tangible xed assets 31 Dec 2011 Intangible assets 31 Dec 2011 Total 31 Dec 2011 Switzerland 64 689 45 564 110 253 74 904 44 451 119 355 International 119 887 1 177 811 1 297 698 125 895 1 242 663 1 368 558 Total 184 576 1 223 375 1 407 951 200 799 1 287 114 1 487 913 CHF 1 000 2012 2011 Change in % Wages and salaries 483 682 418 326 + 15.6 Pension costs 43 911 37 045 + 18.5 Other social security costs 41 282 35 805 + 15.3 Other personnel costs 34 832 33 499 + 4.0 Total 603 707 524 675 + 15.1 02_02_07 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 176 SHARE-BASED COMPENSATION The members of the Board of Directors (exclusively non-executive directors) receive xed compensation. 50% of this total compensation is paid in cash form; the remaining 50% is paid in shares. The issue price of the shares concerned is redened each year and amounts to the average of all closing prices for the last ten trading days of the month before the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders. The shares are awarded on the trading day following the day of dividend distribution afer the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders, and are subject to a blocking period of three years. A Management Performance Plan (MPP) compensation system has been established for Group Executive Board members and senior management groupwide. Under the MPP, the members of the Group Executive Board receive a yearly compensation which is divided roughly equally into a xed and a variable performance-based component. Around one-third of this variable component takes the form of a short-term incentive, while the remaining two-thirds take the form of a long-term incentive. The short-term incentive is based in equal amounts on the achievement of annual nancial targets and personal targets, and is paid in cash. The long-term incentive, which uses a Performance Share Plan to assign entitled persons a certain number of Kuoni shares at the beginning of each plan period (business year), is based by contrast on the value-adding performance of the person concerned over a three-year period. The number of shares assigned at the beginning of the plan period will be multiplied by a factor of between 0.25 and 3, depending on the employees subsequent performance in the period concerned. The basis of this nancial performance assessment is the value-based management performance indicator known as Kuoni Economic Prot or KEP. The shares nally awarded based on the employees performance will be issued in April following the three-year vesting period. These shares will not be subject to any subsequent blocking period. The KEP target for the Kuoni Group underlying this compensation component, which is used to determine the payment of any variable 02_02_07 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 177 02_FINANCIAL REPORT KUONI GROUP compensation amount, is itself based on investors expected returns on the market value of the Kuoni Group and on the corresponding investment risk. The members of group-wide senior management are remunerated under the same MPP, but with dierent proportions of the xed and variable and the short-term and long-term incentive components. Share-based compensation costs for 2012 totalled CHF 8.4 million (2011: CHF 8.4 million). The average price of the 36 173 shares used for such purposes in 2012 amounted to CHF 233 (prior year: 27572 shares used; average price CHF 306). The price of each share so used is determined by its average stock market price on assignment, less a dis- count for the corresponding measurement period. An adjustment of the performance factor for current plans reduced share-based compensation costs by CHF 2.0 million or 7124 shares (prior year: reduction of CHF 9.5 million, or 38571 shares). DEFINED BENEFIT RETIREMENT PLANS The Group incurs costs for retirement benet plans in accordance with prevailing regulations in the countries in which it operates. The benets paid to insured employees are generally calculated as a percentage of their expected salary in the last few years prior to retirement. The following assumptions (weighted averages) used in actuarial calculations were adjusted to take account of the economic situation in the country concerned: The expected return on retirement assets on the investments of funded pension plans is based on the long-term historical per- formance of the individual asset categories for each pension plan. 2012 2011 Discount rate 2.20% 2.50% Expected return on investment 2.90% 3.20% Salary increases 1.60% 1.70% Rate of pension increase 0.20% 0.30% 02_02_07 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 178 Where funded retirement plans exist, the costs of occupational pension coverage are transferred in accordance with the legislation in force in the country concerned. The decit of the major dened benet plans are shown below: The assets of the independent retirement plans were as follows: Employers contributions for 2013 are estimated at CHF 9.0 mil- lion. Actual income from investments for 2012 amounted to CHF 28.5 million (2011: CHF 1.8 million). The assets of the retirement plans were invested in the following asset categories at year-end: CHF 1 000 31 Dec 2012 31 Dec 2011 Assets of independent retirement plans at fair value 364 889 345 708 Dened benet obligations (DBO) of the funded pension plans 402 270 373 883 Decit 37 381 28 175 Cumulative, unrecognised actuarial and investment loss (net) 53 689 46 707 Unrecognised part of dened benet assets 0 0 Dened benet assets recognised in the statement of nancial position (net) 16 308 18 532 Pension assets 16 498 18 775 Pension liabilities 190 243 CHF 1 000 2012 2011 Fair value of assets as at 1 January 345 708 355 875 Expected return on assets 10 753 14 584 Employer contributions 8 906 8 210 Employee contributions 5 606 5 190 Benets paid 20 909 25 311 Actuarial prots on assets 17 787 12 788 Changes in group of consolidated companies 3 379 0 Translation differences 417 52 Fair value of assets as at 31 December 364 889 345 708 31 Dec 2012 31 Dec 2011 Equity securities 31% 26% Debt securities 49% 53% Real estate 11% 9% Other assets 9% 12% Total assets 100% 100% 02_02_07 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 179 02_FINANCIAL REPORT KUONI GROUP The retirement plans hold no shares or other equity instruments of Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd., Zurich.
Retirement plan obligations were as follows: The actuarially determined retirement benet costs stated above are set against the Groups contributions to retirement benet plans. The following table gives a calculation of the pension costs of the Groups major dened benet plans: The following table shows the decit/surplus held by the Groups pension plans, the impact of dierences between the expected and the actual returns on pension fund assets and the components of the actuarial prots/losses on the dened benet obligation for the past ve years.
CHF 1 000 2012 2011 Present value of obligation as at 1 January 373 883 354 277 Current employer service cost 11 710 10 365 Interest cost 8 996 11 072 Employee contributions 5 606 5 190 Benets paid 20 909 25 311 Actuarial losses on obligation 27 107 18 351 Changes in group of consolidated companies 4 669 0 Translation differences 546 61 Present value of obligation as at 31 December 402 270 373 883 CHF 1 000 2012 2011 Current employer service cost 11 710 10 365 Interest costs 8 996 11 072 Expected return on assets 10 753 14 584 Recognition of actuarial losses 838 163 Effect of the asset ceiling 0 514 Pension cost recognised in income statement 10 791 7 530 Other pension cost (dened contribution plans and state retirement benets) 33 120 29 515 Total pension costs 43 911 37 045 02_02_07 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 180
7. OTHER OPERATING EXPENSE 8. DEPRECIATION 9. EARNINGS BEFORE INTEREST AND TAXES (EBIT) EBIT for 2012 was CHF 20.9 million or 28.2% down on the prior- year result. Organic growth decreased EBIT by 15.2%, acquisitions decreased it by 16.2% and divestments and currency movements increased EBIT by 0.7% and 2.5%, respectively. CHF 1 000 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 Assets of independent retirement plans at fair value 364 889 345 708 355 875 340 322 308 713 Dened benet obligations (DBO) of the funded pension plans 402 270 373 883 354 277 338 054 313 984 Decit 37 381 28 175 1 598 2 268 5 271 Experience-based adjustments to plan assets held 17 787 12 788 11 114 17 005 73 333 Experience-based adjustments to DBO 2 235 5 538 1 604 5 161 1 307 Impact of changes in actuarial assumptions on DBO 29 342 23 889 16 438 6 569 13 305 CHF 1 000 2012 2011 Change in % Rent and utilities 80 545 67 921 + 18.6 Aircraft leasing 17 877 19 015 6.0 Administrative and other expenses 155 149 164 507 5.7 Total 253 571 251 443 + 0.8 CHF 1 000 2012 2011 Change in % On buildings 4 292 5 266 18.5 On other tangible xed assets 27 220 23 221 + 17.2 On further intangible assets 20 006 25 597 21.8 Total 51 518 54 084 4.7 02_02_07 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 181 02_FINANCIAL REPORT KUONI GROUP 10. FINANCIAL RESULT
The losses from the disposal of subsidiaries include CHF 0.6 million in exchange dierences of the foreign subsidiaries sold, which were previously recognised in equity. As a result of the legal uncertainty over the ownership of International Holdings Ltd., Guangzhou, of its key Chinese subsidiary and the resulting impossibility of measuring the assets of International Holdings Ltd., Guangzhou, the carrying amount of this aliated company was fully value adjusted. Other nancial expenses include project costs associated with considering a M&A transaction which never materialised, amounting to CHF 11.6 million. 11. INCOME TAXES CHF 1 000 2012 2011 Interest income 5 352 5 171 Dividend income 10 10 Gain on disposal 21 0 Share in prots from associates 313 145 Non-operational exchange gains (net) 0 1 040 Other nancial income 3 307 Financial income 5 699 6 673 Interest expenses 11 666 12 417 Losses from the disposal of subsidiaries 12 730 0 Share in losses from associates 1 600 2 062 Impairment of associates 8 054 0 Non-operational exchange losses (net) 5 175 0 Other nancial expenses 12 096 1 589 Financial expense 51 321 16 068 CHF 1 000 2012 2011 Current taxes 26 666 34 429 Deferred taxes 5 833 2 983 Total 20 833 31 446 02_02_07 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 182 Tax expense can be analysed as follows: The weighted average tax rate of the Group for the year under review was 7.1% (2011: 16%). The various tax rates applicable to the group subsidiaries positive and negative results reduced the tax rate in 2012. Depending on the country involved, prot distributions have varying tax consequences, the extent of which cannot be estimated. The Group has the following unrecognised tax loss carried forward: 12. EARNINGS PER SHARE (EPS) There are no dilutive eects. CHF 1 000 2012 2011 Tax expense at the average weighted Group tax rate (net) 546 10 398 Non-tax-deductible expenses 3 799 4 929 Tax-free income 1 023 2 313 Capitalised deferred tax assets from previously not recognised tax loss carry-forwards 1 457 1 193 Utilisation of tax loss carry-forwards, not recognised in the statement of nancial position 2 669 953 Tax effect from current losses, not eligible for recognition as assets 26 108 20 467 Effect of changes in tax legislation 5 450 267 Tax expense for earlier periods 979 378 Tax expense reported 20 833 31 446 Expiring CHF 1 000 2012 2011 Up to 1 year 58 51 1 to 5 years 132 250 146 122 Over 5 years 117 939 66 957 Unlimited 177 135 141 871 Total 427 382 355 001 Not capitalised maximum positive tax effect 118 581 103 494 2012 2011 Basic earnings per registered share B in CHF 3.87 9.22 Net result attributable to nominal shareholders B of Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd. in CHF 1 000 13 816 29 702 Weighted average number of nominal shares B outstanding 3 570 844 3 220 792 Basic earnings per registered share A in CHF 0.77 1.84 Net result attributable to nominal shareholders A of Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd. in CHF 1 000 967 2 093 Weighted average number of nominal shares A 1 249 500 1 135 075 02_02_07 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 183 02_FINANCIAL REPORT KUONI GROUP 13. TANGIBLE FIXED ASSETS CHF 1 000 Land and buildings Other tangible xed assets Total tangible xed assets Purchase cost as at 1 January 2011 194 271 142 046 336 317 Additions 6 538 29 497 36 035 Disposals 0 16 998 16 998 Acquisitions 5 269 13 582 18 851 Sale of subsidiaries 0 0 0 Translation differences 2 028 5 911 7 939 Purchase cost as at 31 December 2011 204 050 162 216 366 266 Accumulated depreciation as at 1 January 2011 71 255 84 954 156 209 Depreciation 5 266 23 221 28 487 Disposals 0 15 377 15 377 Sale of subsidiaries 0 0 0 Translation differences 241 3 611 3 852 Accumulated depreciation as at 31 December 2011 76 280 89 187 165 467 Net book value as at 31 December 2011 127 770 73 029 200 799 Purchase cost as at 1 January 2012 204 050 162 216 366 266 Additions 1 486 25 891 27 377 Disposals 9 104 14 866 23 970 Acquisitions 0 1 1 Sale of subsidiaries 1 354 6 320 7 674 Translation differences 393 2 184 2 577 Purchase cost as at 31 December 2012 194 685 164 738 359 423 Accumulated depreciation as at 1 January 2012 76 280 89 187 165 467 Depreciation 4 292 27 220 31 512 Disposals 3 370 11 969 15 339 Sale of subsidiaries 1 233 4 153 5 386 Translation differences 28 1 435 1 407 Accumulated depreciation as at 31 December 2012 75 997 98 850 174 847 Net book value as at 31 December 2012 118 688 65 888 184 576 02_02_07 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 184 FIRE INSURANCE VALUES 14. GOODWILL Because of the withdrawal from various loss-making European tour operating activities, impairments of CHF 16.2 million on goodwill were necessary. The cash-generating units of the Kuoni Group are considered to be its reportable segments. These are examined to determine whether currently capitalised goodwill amounts still reect the value thereof, or whether impairments are required. Goodwill is allocated to the cash-generating units of the Kuoni Group as follows: CHF 1 000 31 Dec 2012 31 Dec 2011 Buildings 284 926 294 860 Furniture, xtures and equipment 191 392 183 248 CHF 1 000 2012 2011 Net book value as at 1 January 939 778 383 064 Acquisitions 746 601 265 Purchase price adjustments 0 1 246 Impairment 16 194 0 Changes in group of consolidated companies 0 0 Translation differences 3 408 43 305 Net book value as at 31 December 920 922 939 778 CHF 1 000 Discount rate before taxes 31 Dec 2012 31 Dec 2011 Outbound Europe Outbound Nordic 12.0% 116 897 113 762 Outbound Kuoni Europe 12.3% 23 424 31 864 Global Travel Services Group Travel 12.4% 3 389 14 344 FIT (Fully Independent Traveller) 12.4% 559 877 564 515 Emerging Markets & Specialists Specialists 14.8% 203 417 199 248 Outbound Emerging Markets 21.9% 13 918 16 045 VFS Global 16.2% 0 0 Total 920 922 939 778 02_02_07 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 185 02_FINANCIAL REPORT KUONI GROUP The value of goodwill is tested at least annually for impairment, or if certain factors or general conditions suggest that its carrying amount can no longer be recovered. The Kuoni Group applies a standard method to assess goodwill values. The basic amount which should be recovered by any goodwill reappraised is based on value-in-use, which is determined from cash ow projections that are themselves based on the latest management-approved business plan. This plan pays due and full regard to the organisational changes and includes the latest management estimates on turnover and margin trends and on oper- ating costs. The business plan also pays due regard to historic values based on past experience and includes projections for the next ve years. Subsequent years are considered on a perpetual annuity basis, using as in the previous year growth rates from 0.5% to 2%. The discount rates have been calculated on the basis of the weighted average capital costs of the Kuoni Group, with due and full regard to country- and currency-specic risks relating to cash ows. Management conducted sensitivity analyses of the capitalised good- will for all cash-generating units, which assumed an increase of discount rates of 1% in connection with a reduction of the expected cash ow by 5%. The result of the sensitivity analyses showed that the above changes to the key assumptions will not result in the book value of the cash-generating units exceeding the amount achievable. 02_02_07 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 186 15. OTHER INTANGIBLE ASSETS CHF 1 000 Intangible assets from acquisitions Further intangible assets Total other intangible assets Purchase cost as at 1 January 2011 136 539 60 009 196 548 Additions 0 21 157 21 157 Disposals 0 8 551 8 551 Acquisitions 274 101 20 521 294 622 Sale of subsidiaries 0 0 0 Translation differences 17 281 2 282 19 563 Purchase cost as at 31 December 2011 393 359 90 854 484 213 Accumulated depreciation and amortisation as at 1 January 2011 49 596 32 792 82 388 Amortisation 38 723 0 38 723 Depreciation 0 25 597 25 597 Disposals 0 8 276 8 276 Impairment 0 0 0 Sale of subsidiaries 0 0 0 Translation differences 561 994 1 555 Accumulated depreciation and amortisation as at 31 December 2011 87 758 49 119 136 877 Net book value as at 31 December 2011 305 601 41 735 347 336 Purchase cost as at 1 January 2012 393 359 90 854 484 213 Additions 0 31 042 31 042 Disposals 0 11 917 11 917 Acquisitions 41 0 41 Sale of subsidiaries 8 702 1 743 10 445 Translation differences 1 984 366 2 350 Purchase cost as at 31 December 2012 382 714 107 870 490 584 Accumulated depreciation and amortisation as at 1 January 2012 87 758 49 119 136 877 Amortisation 38 781 0 38 781 Depreciation 0 20 006 20 006 Disposals 0 8 348 8 348 Impairment 11 039 0 11 039 Sale of subsidiaries 8 701 1 197 9 898 Translation differences 93 233 326 Accumulated depreciation and amortisation as at 31 December 2012 128 784 59 347 188 131 Net book value as at 31 December 2012 253 930 48 523 302 453 02_02_07 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 187 02_FINANCIAL REPORT KUONI GROUP Intangible assets deriving from acquisitions consist largely of capitalised trademark rights, while further intangible assets include sofware purchased as well as sofware projects in the course of construction totalling CHF 0.8 million (2011: CHF 7.5 million). Because of the withdrawal from various loss-making European tour operating activities, impairments of CHF 11.0 million on other intangible assets were necessary. 16. INVESTMENTS IN ASSOCIATES 17. INVESTMENTS IN JOINT VENTURES
CHF 1 000 2012 2011 Net book value as at 1 January 11 562 13 077 Share in prots 313 145 Share in losses 1 600 2 062 Impairment 8 054 0 Investment in associates 0 402 Net book value as at 31 December 2 221 11 562 CHF 1 000 2012 2011 Net book value as at 1 January 0 0 Share in prots 0 0 Share in losses 382 0 Investments in joint ventures 426 0 Translation differences 0 0 Net book value as at 31 December 44 0 CHF 1 000 2012 2011 Share of assets 3 032 0 Share of liabilities 2 988 0 Share in turnover 273 0 Share in result 382 0 02_02_07 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 188 18. OTHER FINANCIAL ASSETS Other nancial assets comprise minority holdings and loans amounting to CHF 22.8 million (2011: CHF 23.5 million), pension assets from funded pension plans totalling CHF 16.5 million (2011: CHF 18.8 million) see note 6 and loans to joint ventures amounting to CHF 1.0 million (2011: CHF 0.0 million). As in the previous year, there are no loans to associates. CHF 1 000 2012 2011 Net book value as at 1 January 42 273 42 269 Additions 2 861 5 540 Disposals 4 131 5 387 Acquisitions 0 1 141 Sale of subsidiaries 512 0 Translation differences 221 1 290 Net book value as at 31 December 40 270 42 273 02_02_07 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 189 02_FINANCIAL REPORT KUONI GROUP 19. CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS Cash and cash equivalents are denominated in the following currencies: The average interest rates were: CHF 1 000 31 Dec 2012 31 Dec 2011 Cash holdings and bank current accounts 286 562 252 388 Time deposits and money market investments with original term up to 90 days of the date of the acquisition 34 745 36 473 Total 321 307 288 861 CHF 1 000 31 Dec 2012 31 Dec 2011 CHF 34 654 33 846 GBP 56 401 51 325 EUR 65 043 52 246 USD 47 542 36 521 Other 117 667 114 923 Total 321 307 288 861 2012 2011 CHF 0.1% 0.1% GBP 0.9% 0.5% EUR 0.5% 0.9% USD 0.5% 0.3% 02_02_07 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 190 20. TIME DEPOSITS This position contains time deposits maturing in more than 90 days. Time deposits are denominated in the following currencies:
The average interest rates were: CHF 1 000 31 Dec 2012 31 Dec 2011 GBP 0 2 823 USD 66 106 SEK 0 76 104 CNY 7 213 3 581 Other 5 962 4 260 Total 13 241 86 874 2012 2011 GBP 1.1% 1.0% USD 0.7% 0.6% SEK 2.1% 1.5% CNY 3.3% 3.3% 02_02_07 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 191 02_FINANCIAL REPORT KUONI GROUP 21. ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE AND OTHER RECEIVABLES Other receivables include tax receivables of CHF 7.1 million (2011: CHF 6.7 million). Accounts receivable show the following payment dates:
Flat-rate value adjustments to overdue receivables totalled CHF 4.1 million (2011: CHF 2.4 million) to receivables between 61 and 90 days overdue and CHF 18.7 million (2011: CHF 20.6 mil- lion) to receivables over 90 days overdue. Some of the underlying receivables are expected to be paid. The receivables with payment date not yet due relate largely to long-term customer relations with agents or processing companies. CHF 1 000 31 Dec 2012 31 Dec 2011 Receivables from customers 332 212 295 154 Other receivables 83 274 62 099 Flat-rate value adjustments 22 837 23 042 Positive fair values of derivative nancial instruments held 11 188 32 723 Total 403 837 366 934 CHF 1 000 31 Dec 2012 31 Dec 2011 Payment not yet due 200 379 180 596 Payment overdue 1 to 30 days 143 021 111 025 Payment overdue 31 to 60 days 39 947 31 878 Payment overdue 61 to 90 days 12 552 12 793 Payment overdue by more than 90 days 19 587 20 961 415 486 357 253 Flat-rate value adjustments 22 837 23 042 Positive fair values of derivative nancial instruments held 11 188 32 723 Total 403 837 366 934 02_02_07 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 192 Flat-rate value adjustments showed the following developments: 22. EQUITY The capital administered by the Kuoni Group corresponds to the consolidated equity. Kuonis aims in administering this capital are: * to maintain the sound structure of its statement of nancial position based on going-concern values; * to maintain the nancial scope required for future investments and acquisitions; * to ensure a return for investors that is commensurate with their investment risk. The Kuoni Group administers its equity by means of its statement of nancial position equity ratio, i.e. the proportion of equity to total assets. The equity ratio amounted to 30.8% on 31 December 2012. The Kuoni Group is not subject to any legal covenants relating to mini- mum equity requirements. For covenants relating to nancial indebtedness, see page 200. CHF 1 000 2012 2011 Flat-rate value adjustments 1 January 23 042 15 615 Change (net) 433 7 953 Sale of subsidiaries 388 0 Translation differences 250 526 Flat-rate value adjustments 31 December 22 837 23 042 CHF 1 000 31 Dec 2012 31 Dec 2011 Equity attributable to shareholders of Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd. 733 310 765 882 Non-controlling interests 8 075 8 728 Total equity 741 385 774 610 Total assets 2 410 335 2 498 912 Equity ratio 30.8% 31.0% 02_02_07 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 193 02_FINANCIAL REPORT KUONI GROUP The Board of Directors makes a proposal to the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders on the use of any prot or balance available for distri bution. The Kuoni Group pursues a results-based distribu- tion policy and generally distributes between 30% and 35% of its net prot for the year to its shareholders. The Board of Directors will propose to the Annual General Meeting of 17 April 2013 that share- holders receive a with -holding tax-free appropriation from the newly created capital contribution reserve. This payment should also pay due regard to the Kuoni Groups long-term earnings distri- bution policy. Based on the net result for 2012 excluding one-o costs that had a substantial impact on the overall result in 2012, the Board of Directors proposes to make a distribution to the share- holders of CHF 0.60 per registered share A and CHF 3.00 per registered share B. COMPOSITION OF SHARE CAPITAL All registered shares A and B are fully issued paid up. CONDITIONAL CAPITAL Conditional capital issuable via the exercise of conversion rights and/or warrants linked to bonds or similar debt issued by Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd. or any of its subsidiaries in the domestic or interna- tional capital markets and/or via the exercise of options granted to shareholders amounts to a maximum of CHF 384000, with a further maximum of CHF 96000 reserved for employee stock option plans. Type of share Registered share A Registered share B Total Number 1 249 500 3 748 500 4 998 000 Nominal value in CHF 0.20 1.00 - Share capital CHF 249 900 3 748 500 3 998 400 in % 6.25 93.75 100.00 Voting rights Number 1 249 500 3 748 500 4 998 000 in % 25.00 75.00 100.00 02_02_07 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 194 AUTHORISED CAPITAL There is an authorised capital of maximum CHF 571 200. We refer to the related information on page 227 of the nancial statements of Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd. RESTRICTED TRANSFERABILITY PROVISIONS The Articles of Incorporation stipulate that no more than 3% of total voting rights may be entered in the name of any one shareholder. OPTING OUT/OPTING UP There is no opting-out or opting-up clause in the Articles of Incorporation. PRINCIPAL SHAREHOLDERS As of 31 December 2012 the largest shareholders known to the Kuoni Group were as follows: Shareholder Number/ Category of Shares Voting rights in % Date of last disclosure Kuoni and Hugentobler-Foundation, Zurich 1 249 500/A 1 25.00 03/04/1995 Previous Year 1 249 500/A 1 25.00 03/04/1995 Silchester International Investors Ltd, London 757 704/B 15.16 31/12/2012 Previous Year 755 062/B 15.11 31/12/2011 Federation of Migros Cooperatives, Zurich togehter with Anlagestiftung der Migros Pensionskasse Zurich and Pensionskasse der Globus-Unternehmung, Spreitenbach 284 656/B 39 000 Options 8.50 07/12/2009 Previous Year 284 656/B 39 000 Options 8.50 07/12/2009 Pictet Funds S.A., Geneva 151 149/B 3.02 11/04/2012 Previous Year n.a. under 3.00 18/03/2011 UBS Fund Management (Switzerland) AG, Basel 156 556/B 3.13 15/11/2012 Previous Year n.a. under 3.00 n.a.
1 Status after the capital increase from april 2011 02_02_07 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 195 02_FINANCIAL REPORT KUONI GROUP publications/published_notications/ major_shareholders_de.html
From 1 January 2012 to 31 December 2012, the following changes were disclosed and duly published on the website of SIX Swiss Exchange Regulation. In July 2012, holdings of UBS Fund Management (Switzerland) AG in- creased for the rst time to cross the threshold of 3%. During the nan- cial year 2012, this threshold was crossed several times and reached 3.13% of the voting rights at the time of its last disclosure in November 2012. In March 2012, holdings of Pictet Funds SA, Geneva, crossed the threshold of 3%. Their holdings fell thereafer below the threshold and in April 2012 it crossed the 3% threshold again to reach 3.02% of the voting rights. TREASURY SHARES The exercising of subscription rights is related to the rights oering of May 2011. Kuoni exercised all its subscription rights on its treasury shares. SHARE PLAN The remaining treasury shares held are reserved for the employee share plan of the Board of Directors, the Group Executive Board and management. The changes to treasury shares reect the registered shares B issued to the Board of Directors, the Group Executive Board and management. Share plan Number of registered shares B Book value CHF 1 000 Held on 1 January 2011 78 867 3 943 Exercise of subscription rights 46 925 12 670 Share based payment transaction 10 999 550 Held on 31 December 2011 136 791 17 163 Exercise of subscription rights 0 0 Share based payment transaction 29 049 1 453 Held on 31 December 2012 107 742 15 710 02_02_07 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 196 OPTIONS Options have not been issued from 2005 onwards. The Kuoni Group has had no options outstanding since 31 December 2008. RETAINED EARNINGS Only a limited amount of retained earnings is available for distribution: * the free reserves of Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd. subsequent to the approval of an appropriate resolution by the General Meeting of Shareholders; * the reserves of subsidiaries in accordance with local scal and legal provisions, provided they are distributed rst to the parent company. OTHER RESERVES Other reserves contain translation dierences as well as fair-value reserves and hedging reserves. The later two of these are shown with due consideration for deferred taxation amounts. CHF 1 000 Translation differences Hedging reserves Fair value reserves Total Reserves as at 1 January 2011 204 449 8 606 0 213 055 Realised gains or losses from cash ow hedges transferred to income statement 7 843 0 7 843 Recognised gains or losses from cash ow hedges 10 653 0 10 653 Translation differences 64 186 0 0 64 186 Reserves as at 31 December 2011 268 635 9 890 0 258 745 Realised gains or losses from cash ow hedges transferred to income statement 11 050 0 11 050 Recognised gains or losses from cash ow hedges 7 072 0 7 072 Translation differences 5 445 0 0 5 445 Reserves as at 31 December 2012 263 190 8 232 0 271 422 02_02_07 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 197 02_FINANCIAL REPORT KUONI GROUP TRANSLATION DIFFERENCES The biggest translation dierences derived from the translation of the assets and liabilities of Group companies reporting in GBP, EUR and SEK and of USD-denominated intragroup loans of an equity nature / CHF-dominated intragroup loans to subsidiaries with other currency. HEDGING RESERVES The hedging reserves correspond to the positive or negative fair value of currency and fuel price hedging contracts classied as cash ow hedges. They are expected to be removed from equity within 12 months. FAIR-VALUE RESERVES The fair-value reserves relate to nancial assets available for sale. 23. PROVISIONS The provisions for employee benets relate to dened benet retirement plans, termination benets to be paid out in accordance with the law and other retirement benet obligations. Provisions for direct costs include amounts payable to service providers which are uncertain as to their due dates or size. CHF 1 000 Employee benets 2012 Direct costs 2012 Other 2012 Total 2012 Total 2011 Provisions as at 1 January 13 346 2 737 3 736 19 819 18 208 Additions 2 029 30 0 2 059 2 495 Used 2 989 531 0 3 520 2 379 Released 1 607 833 695 3 135 2 422 Acquisitions 0 0 0 0 4 327 Sale of subsidiaries 0 36 0 36 0 Translation differences 71 11 43 125 410 Provisions as at 31 December 10 708 1 356 2 998 15 062 19 819 02_02_07 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 198 24. DEFERRED TAXES Deferred taxes changed as follows: At year-end the cumulative deferred taxes recognised directly in equity amounted to CHF +2.9 million (2011: CHF 3.5 million). They arise largely from the positive and negative current market values of the currency and fuel price hedging contracts classied as cash ow hedges. Deferred taxes are derived from the following statement of nancial position items: CHF 1 000 2012 2011 Deferred tax assets 34 146 39 861 Deferred tax liabilities 97 118 39 438 Deferred tax liabilities as at 1 January (net) 62 972 423 Changes recognised in the income statement 5 833 2 983 Changes not recognised in the income statement 6 367 6 499 Acquisitions 14 64 185 Sale of subsidiaries 42 0 Translation differences 421 4 306 Deferred tax liabilities as at 31 December (net) 50 407 62 972 Deferred tax assets 33 093 34 146 Deferred tax liabilities 83 500 97 118 CHF 1 000 Deferred tax assets 31 Dec 2012 Deferred tax liabilities 31 Dec 2012 Deferred tax assets 31 Dec 2011 Deferred tax liabilities 31 Dec 2011 Current assets 1 792 3 254 1 405 8 227 Tangible xed assets 3 462 6 788 4 825 4 225 Other non-current assets 1 595 63 636 73 81 523 Accrued expenses and provisions 12 937 4 273 14 501 2 662 Deferred taxes deriving from timing differences 19 786 77 951 20 804 96 637 Netting of deferred taxes within each Group company 7 739 7 739 12 019 12 019 Deferred taxes deriving from timing differences (net) 12 047 70 212 8 785 84 618 Tax effect on undistributed retained earnings of subsidiaries 13 288 12 500 Deferred taxes on recognised tax loss carry-forwards 21 046 25 361 Total 33 093 83 500 34 146 97 118 02_02_07 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 199 02_FINANCIAL REPORT KUONI GROUP 25. FINANCIAL DEBTS Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd. issued a CHF 200 million bond at an annual interest rate of 3% in October 2009. The bond was issued at 100.309%. The bond has a duration of four years and matures on 28 October 2013. The eective interest rate applied is 3.27%. The bond had a market value of 101.08% at year-end (stock exchange price on 31 December). Bank debts consist of mortgages on properties and subsidiaries bank overdrafs. Liabilities towards credit institutions include mortgages on proper- ties and bank accounts of subsidiaries with a negative balance on the balance sheet date, together with the syndicated credit facility concluded in 2011. SYNDICATED CREDIT FACILITY The Kuoni Group has access to a CHF 350 million syndicated credit facility which was established in March 2011 to part-nance the acquisition of Gullivers Travel Associates, London. Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd., Zurich is the liable party. The credit facility is of ve years duration and will be terminated on 30 June 2016. As of 31 December 2012, none of the credit was utilised. The maximum credit amount under the facility will be reduced by CHF 47 million a year from 30 June 2013 onwards. The interest payable is based on the LIBOR rate plus a margin of between 1.00% and 2.25%. CHF 1 000 31 Dec 2012 31 Dec 2011 Bond 199 603 199 124 Bank debts 33 817 110 081 Other 120 254 Total 233 540 309 459 Of which: Current nancial debts 202 364 11 391 Non-current nancial debts 31 176 298 068 02_02_07 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 200 In addition to other terms and conditions, the syndicated credit facility contains covenants relating to the degree of indebtedness (ratio of nancial debt to EBITDA) and to equity (minimum con- solidated equity). Additional customary market terms and conditions also apply. Maximum indebtedness may not exceed three times the EBITDA amount. The outstanding bond issue is subject to the usual cross-default clause, under which the outstanding bond amount(s) may become due for payment if repayment of the syndicated credit amount is demanded owing to non-observance of the credit terms and conditions. These credit terms and conditions were being observed on the balance sheet date. Financial debts are due as follows: Financial debts are denominated in the following currencies: CHF 1 000 31 Dec 2012 31 Dec 2011 Statement of nancial position value 233 540 309 459 Contractual cash ows 242 820 334 923 Up to 6 months 5 138 14 706 7 to 12 months 203 934 5 623 1 to 2 years 10 958 207 976 2 to 5 years 16 502 98 570 Over 5 years 6 288 8 048 CHF 1 000 31 Dec 2012 31 Dec 2011 CHF 224 608 300 456 EUR 7 361 8 637 Other 1 571 366 Total 233 540 309 459 02_02_07 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 201 02_FINANCIAL REPORT KUONI GROUP Average interest rates were: 26. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE / OTHER PAYABLES AND ACCRUED EXPENSES The reported amount contains taxes owed but not yet paid amounting to CHF 24.1 million (2011: CHF 28.2 million). 27. RISK MANAGEMENT The Board of Directors and the management have maintained a risk management process under which a report is compiled every six months on Kuonis present risk exposure and the current status of dened risk-reducing actions and activities. The probabilities of such risks occurring and the anticipated impact of the risk scenarios analysed also form part of this semi-annual risk management reporting. The Kuoni risk management process further extends to quarterly reporting on any newly identied risk scenario or changed risk assessment. Risks are assessed by conducting interviews with management members and further key personnel. The associated risk scenarios are then developed on the basis of these and further considerations, including corporate goals and strategies. Kuonis groupwide risk management covers 19 top Group-level risks. Beyond these, three to ve specic top risks are managed and monitored for each division and for the most important business units. Within the Internal Control System (ICS), the corresponding processes had those specic risks systematically monitored which are relevant to the annual accounting process in terms of their incorrect or fraudulent reporting potential. The key controls derived from these were implemented where they were not already fully in place, and documented. Procedures have also been dened to monitor and assess the existence of internal controls. 2012 2011 CHF 2.9% 2.8% EUR 3.2% 3.3% 02_02_07 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 202 28. FINANCIAL RISK MANAGEMENT AND DERIVATIVE FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS The table below shows the nancial instruments held by the Kuoni Group. In the normal course of its business, the Kuoni Group is exposed to liquidity, credit and market risks (interest rate and currency risks). To man age these risks, various derivative nancial instruments are used. While these are subject to the risk of market rates changing Derivative nancial instruments CHF 1 000 Loans, receivables and payables at amortised cost Available- for-sale At fair value through prot and loss Used as cash ow hedges Other 1 Total carrying amount 2 31 Dec 2012 Other nancial assets 23 541 231 16 498 40 270 Cash and cash equivalents 321 307 321 307 Time deposits 13 241 13 241 Accounts receivable / other receivables 385 549 216 10 972 7 100 403 837 Total nancial instruments assets 743 638 231 216 10 972 23 598 778 655 Financial debts 233 540 233 540 Accounts payable / other payables 254 936 6 526 22 096 283 558 Accrued expenses 636 936 24 102 661 038 Total nancial instruments liabilities 1 125 412 0 6 526 22 096 24 102 1 178 136 31 Dec 2011 Other nancial assets 23 254 244 18 775 42 273 Cash and cash equivalents 288 861 288 861 Time deposits 86 874 86 874 Accounts receivable / other receivables 327 531 1 997 30 726 6 680 366 934 Total nancial instruments assets 726 520 244 1 997 30 726 25 455 784 942 Financial debts 309 459 309 459 Accounts payable / other payables 285 505 4 015 17 361 306 881 Accrued expenses 590 089 28 218 618 307 Total nancial instruments liabilities 1 185 053 0 4 015 17 361 28 218 1 234 647 1 The Other position shows items to which the provision of IAS 39 do not apply. 2 The fair values of the nancial instruments do not deviate substantially from their carrying amounts. 02_02_07 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 203 02_FINANCIAL REPORT KUONI GROUP subsequent to their acquisition, such changes are generally oset by opposite eects on the items being hedged. LIQUIDITY RISK Liquidity risk is the risk that the Kuoni Group may be unable to meet its nancial obligations when these become due for payment. Kuoni permanently monitors its liquidity to keep it at adequate levels, with monthly reports to the Group Executive Board. This is done partly by maintaining liquidity reserves, to even out the usual uctua- tions in liquidity levels and needs. Kuoni also has unutilised credit facilities to cope with any major liquidity uctuations. These unused credit facilities totalled CHF 410 million on 31 December 2012 and are available for loans, overdrafs and hedging activities. The facilities are spread among several banks, to avoid excessive dependence on a single banking institution. The due dates of the nancial debts held are shown in note 25. The Kuoni Group is currently examining the various renancing variants for the bond maturing in October 2013 and will decide on this in due course. The other nancial instruments held (accounts payable and accrued expenses) are all payable within six months. CREDIT RISK Exposure to credit risk is monitored on an ongoing basis and covered by appropriate value adjustments on accounts receivable and pre- payments made (see note 21). Credit risks are limited because the customer base of the Kuoni Group consists of a large number of customers spread over a wide range of geo graphical regions. There are no risk concentrations. The counterparties to derivative nancial instruments and cash are carefully selected nancial institutions. Given their high credit ratings, the Kuoni Group does not expect any counter party to fail to meet its obligations. The maximum exposure to credit risk is re presented by the carrying amount of each nancial asset. 02_02_07 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 204 INTEREST RATE RISK The Kuoni Group is exposed to interest rate risk as a result of movements in inte rest rates in the capital market. Generally, all non-current nancial liabilities have xed interest rates. Conse- quently, changes in interest rates can result in uctuations in the fair value of such nancial liabilities. This would not have any impact on the net result or future cash ows, however. The fair values of nancial liabilities do not dier signicantly from their carrying amounts on the balance sheet date. No corresponding derivatives are outstanding on the balance sheet date. Cash ow sensitivity analysis for nancial instruments with variable interest rates: a one percentage point increase in the interest rate applicable would have reduced the net result by CHF 0.06 million. A one percentage point reduction in the interest rate applicable would have increased the net result by the same amount. This analy- sis is based on the assumption that all other inuencing factors remain unchanged. FOREIGN CURRENCY RISK The Kuoni Group incurs foreign currency risk primarily on purchases and borrowings denominated in a currency other than the functional currency of the subsidiary concerned. A further foreign currency risk of smaller signicance derives from the amount of turnover denominated in a currency other than the measurement currency of the subsidiary concerned. On a consolidated basis, the Group is also exposed to currency uctuations between the Swiss franc and the local measurement cur rencies of its subsidiaries. The major currencies giving rise to currency risk for the Kuoni Group are the euro, the pound sterling, the Swedish krona and the US dollar. Foreign currency risks are monitored within the Kuoni Group in accordance with specied guidelines. These guidelines contain principles on risk limits, the forms of hedging instruments permited and the relevant risk monitoring processes. The guidelines prohibit on principle the use of derivative nancial instruments for specula- tive purposes. The enforcement of these guidelines and general risk 02_02_07 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 205 02_FINANCIAL REPORT KUONI GROUP management are provided by the Kuoni Groups treasury units in the form of a hedging strategy. Monthly reports are submited to the Group Executive Board on the current risk situation. The Kuoni Group uses forward exchange contracts and currency options to hedge its foreign currency risk. Most hedging contracts have maturities of up to 12 months. Where necessary, the forward exchange contracts are rolled over at maturity. The Kuoni Group does not hedge against the foreign currency risks associated with its net investment in foreign entities or the related foreign currency translation of local earnings. The currency hedging contracts outstanding at year-end are summa- rised in the following table. Gains and losses on hedge contracts qualifying as cash ow hedges are expected to be removed from equity within 12 months. Changes in the fair value of forward exchange contracts, currency options and swaps that economically hedge monetary assets and liabilities in foreign currencies and for which no hedge accounting is applied are recognised in the income statement. Both the changes in fair value of the forward contracts and the foreign exchange gains and losses relating to the monetary items are reported under direct costs. DERIVATIVE FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS CHF 1 000 Positive fair values 31 Dec 2012 Negative fair values 31 Dec 2012 Contract values 31 Dec 2012 Positive fair values 31 Dec 2011 Negative fair values 31 Dec 2011 Contract values 31 Dec 2011 Cash ow hedges Currency-related forward contracts, swaps and options 10 076 21 709 983 572 28 914 16 537 855 340 Commodity options (aviation fuel) 896 387 41 478 1 812 824 46 058 Other derivative nancial instruments Currency-related forward contracts, swaps and options 216 6 526 168 712 1 997 4 015 288 224 Total 11 188 28 622 1 193 762 32 723 21 376 1 189 622 02_02_07 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 206 The fair value is the (higher or lower) value at which a derivative contract could be concluded on the balance sheet date. The fair values calculated on the balance sheet date should be looked at not in isolation but together with the calculated value of anticipated future transactions and hence in the context of the aggregate reduction in the Groups exposure to cur rency movements. Positive or negative fair values of derivative nancial instruments are carried on the statement of nancial position under accounts receivable/other receivable or accounts payable/ other payable. Derivative nancial instruments by currency:
Maturities of derivative nancial instruments: CHF 1 000 Positive fair values 31 Dec 2012 Negative fair values 31 Dec 2012 Contract values 31 Dec 2012 Positive fair values 31 Dec 2011 Negative fair values 31 Dec 2011 Contract values 31 Dec 2011 EUR 2 911 10 928 424 398 7 295 11 685 493 550 USD 2 861 8 065 326 509 16 792 5 060 327 643 THB 84 917 29 008 827 324 40 737 Other currencies 4 436 8 325 372 369 5 997 3 483 281 634 Commodity options (aviation fuel) 896 387 41 478 1 812 824 46 058 Total 11 188 28 622 1 193 762 32 723 21 376 1 189 622 CHF 1 000 Positive fair values 31 Dec 2012 Negative fair values 31 Dec 2012 Contract values 31 Dec 2012 Positive fair values 31 Dec 2011 Negative fair values 31 Dec 2011 Contract values 31 Dec 2011 Up to 6 months 4 104 13 237 699 809 15 572 9 329 672 098 7 to 12 months 3 833 10 418 337 580 12 508 8 357 393 114 1 to 2 years 3 251 4 967 156 373 4 643 3 690 124 410 2 to 3 years 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 11 188 28 622 1 193 762 32 723 21 376 1 189 622 02_02_07 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 207 02_FINANCIAL REPORT KUONI GROUP The table below shows the nancial instruments used, valued at their fair market values and using their valuation method. The levels are dened as follows: Level 1: Current market value in an active market of an identical nancial instrument. Level 2: Current market value in an active market of a similar nancial instrument or a valuation method whose prime input factors are not based on observable market data. Level 3: Valuation method whose prime input factors are not based on observable market data. CHF 1 000 31 Dec 2012 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total Derivative nancial assets 0 11 188 0 11 188 Other nancial assets 0 0 0 0 Total nancial assets 0 11 188 0 11 188 Derivative nancial liabilities 0 28 622 0 28 622 Other nancial liabilities 0 0 0 0 Total nancial liabilities 0 28 622 0 28 622 31 Dec 2011 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total Derivative nancial assets 0 32 723 0 32 723 Other nancial assets 0 0 0 0 Total nancial assets 0 32 723 0 32 723 Derivative nancial liabilities 0 21 376 0 21 376 Other nancial liabilities 0 0 0 0 Total nancial liabilities 0 21 376 0 21 376 02_02_07 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 208 The table below shows the currency risk deriving from nancial instruments whose currency diers from the functional currency of the subsidiary holding the instrument concerned: A change in the foreign-currency positions shown at year-end as a result of a 5% or 3% change in currency exchange rates would have increased or decreased consolidated equity and the net Group result by the amounts shown below. This analysis is based on the assump- tion that all other variables (and interest rates in particular) remained unchanged. The consolidated income statement may also be sub- stantially aected by any changes in currency exchange rates relating to nancial instruments bought and sold within the business year to which the provisions of IFRS 7 do not apply. In million foreign currency USD 31 Dec 2012 EUR 31 Dec 2012 THB 31 Dec 2012 USD 31 Dec 2011 EUR 31 Dec 2011 THB 31 Dec 2011 Intercompany loans 0.2 0.4 0.0 0.2 0.1 0.0 Other nancial assets 2.5 0.3 0.0 3.2 0.2 0.0 Cash and cash equivalents 33.4 25.0 54.1 18.3 22.6 31.2 Time deposits 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Accounts receivable 3rd party 46.3 35.0 9.0 43.2 48.3 5.2 Accounts receivable intercompany 42.8 15.0 84.3 8.0 14.5 22.2 Prepaid expenses 8.6 12.4 67.6 8.2 11.8 78.6 Less assets hedged (fair value hedge) 0.0 0.0 0.0 6.3 19.1 0.0 Assets exposure 133.8 88.1 215.0 74.8 78.4 137.2 Intercompany loans 3.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 35.8 0.0 Accounts payable 3rd party 13.1 22.6 33.4 16.9 39.1 73.9 Accounts payable intercompany 77.2 37.7 99.4 23.5 56.9 64.6 Accrued expenses 69.7 63.2 434.4 69.6 41.6 199.8 Advance payments by customers 10.8 2.8 0.0 2.0 1.6 0.0 Less liabilities hedged (fair value hedge) 43.2 50.0 273.3 46.3 49.2 232.9 Liabilities exposure 130.8 76.3 293.9 65.7 125.8 105.4 Net balance sheet exposure 3.0 11.8 78.9 9.1 47.4 31.8 Estimated forecast sales 42.8 38.9 0.0 45.0 33.4 0.0 Estimated forecast purchases 359.8 437.2 1 128.8 384.2 384.6 1 959.4 Gross estimated forecast exposure 317.0 398.3 1 128.8 339.2 351.2 1 959.4 Foreign currency hedges 183.6 219.4 599.1 277.8 278.5 1 005.2 Net exposure 130.4 167.1 608.6 52.3 120.1 922.4 02_02_07 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 209 02_FINANCIAL REPORT KUONI GROUP FOREIGN-CURRENCY SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS 29. FREE CASH FLOW Nominal currency USD +/ 5% Nominal currency EUR +/ 3% Nominal currency THB +/ 5% CHF million Functional currency Equity Income Statement Equity Income Statement Equity Income Statement 31 Dec 2012 CHF 1.5 0.5 1.3 1.1 0.1 0.0 GBP 1.7 0.2 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.0 SEK 4.6 0.2 5.6 0.1 0.4 0.1 EUR 0.9 0.5 n.a. n.a. 0.0 0.1 31 Dec 2011 CHF 1.3 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.1 0.1 GBP 2.6 0.1 0.5 0.1 0.1 0.0 SEK 4.8 0.2 6.4 0.1 0.8 0.1 EUR 1.5 0.1 n.a. n.a. 0.2 0.0 CHF 1 000 2012 2011 Cash ow from operating activities 106 447 110 497 Purchase of tangible xed assets 27 377 36 035 Purchase of other intangible assets 31 042 21 157 Disposal of assets 15 519 1 889 Free cash ow 63 547 55 194 02_02_07 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 210 30. RELATED PARTIES Related parties are directors and Group Executive Board members (together with members of their families), major shareholders and companies controlled by these parties, associates and pension plans. Transactions with related parties are priced on an arms length basis. Apart from the compensation paid to the Board of Directors and the Group Executive Board and the ordinary contributions to occupa- tional pension plans, there were no signicant transactions with related parties in 2012. KUONI AND HUGENTOBLER-FOUNDATION, ZURICH The Kuoni and Hugentobler-Foundation received a (gross) dividend of CHF 0.7 million on the basis of its shareholding. ASSOCIATES All transactions with associates are priced on an arms length basis. The Kuoni Group made sales to associates totalling CHF 0.3 million in 2012 (2011: CHF 1.1 million), while, as last year, no purchases were made from associates. For receivables outstanding, please see notes 16 and 21. As in the previous year, no prots were distributed by associates in 2012. JOINT VENTURES All transactions with joint ventures are priced on an arms length basis. The Kuoni Group made no sales to joint ventures, while no purchases were made from joint ventures. There are loans to joint ventures amounting to CHF 1.0 million (2011: CHF 0.0 million). No prots were distributed by joint ventures in 2012. 02_02_07 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 211 02_FINANCIAL REPORT KUONI GROUP PENSION PLANS The transactions between the Kuoni Group and the various dened benets pension plans for its employees are shown in note 6. As in the previous year, the Kuoni Group currently has no liabilities towards these pension plans. GROUP EXECUTIVE BOARD AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS COMPENSATION The total compensation (including employers contributions to social security and pension funds) paid to members of the Group Executive Board and the Board of Directors, which is included in personnel expense, consisted of: The compensation paid to and shares held by members of the Board of Directors and the Group Executive Board are shown in detail on pages 230 to 233 of the nancial statements of Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd., in compliance with Swiss law. Group Executive Board Board of Directors Total CHF Million 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 Short-term employee benets 6.1 4.5 1.0 0.9 7.1 5.4 Post-employment benets 0.9 0.8 0.1 0.1 1.0 0.9 Termination benets 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Share-based payments 2.0 0.1 0.7 0.7 2.7 0.6 Total 9.0 5.2 1.8 1.7 10.8 6.9 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 212 02_02_07 31. CONTINGENT LIABILITIES, ASSETS PLEDGED The assets pledged were used to secure bank loans with mortgage collateral. The contingent liabilities are related to garanties with former subsidiaries, which were sold to local management in the previous nancial year. 32. LEASING LIABILITIES FINANCE LEASES As in the prior year, there are no nance leasing liabilities. OPERATING LEASES This position mainly relates to leasing liabilities of Novair for certain aircrafs and to lease contracts for buildings. CHF 1 000 31 Dec 2012 31 Dec 2011 Contingent liabilities 13 857 0 Assets pledged 71 229 73 948 CHF 1 000 31 Dec 2012 31 Dec 2011 Liabilities payable up to 1 year 63 117 59 426 Liabilities payable 1 to 5 years 116 096 117 113 Liabilities payable over 5 years 6 176 9 201 Total leasing liabilities not recognised in the statement of nancial position 185 389 185 740 Amount recognised in the income statement in respecitve year 72 914 71 014 02_02_07 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 213 02_FINANCIAL REPORT KUONI GROUP 33. POST-YEAR-END EVENTS On 7 March 2013 the Kuoni Group announced the sale of Kuoni Italia S.p.A., Genua. The execution of this transaction followed on the same day. The results of this subsidiary were recognised in the reportable segment Outbound Kuoni Europe. The consolidated nancial statements of the Kuoni Group were approved and released for publication by the Board of Directors on 15 March 2013. The Board of Directors also resolved on the same date to propose to the General Meeting of Shareholders that share- holders receive a withholding tax-free appropriation from the capital contribution reserve of CHF 0.60 per registered share A and CHF 3.00 per registered share B for the 2012 nancial year. The nal approval of the above is subject to the General Meeting of Share- holders of 17 April 2013. No more events have occurred since 31 December 2012 that would necessitate an adjustment to the carrying amounts of the Groups assets and liabilities. 214 EUROPE 02_02_08_01 Activity Currency Paid-in share capital Investment in % Consolidation Switzerland Kuoni Reisen AG, Zurich T/D CHF 7 000 000 100 C Railtour Suisse SA, Berne T CHF 1 600 000 93 C KIT Solution AG, Zurich C CHF 1 000 000 100 C Austria Kuoni Destination Management Ges.m.b.H., Vienna D EUR 253 000 100 C Belgium Kuoni Travel Belgium B.V. B.A., Gent T EUR 7 335 000 100 C Denmark Kuoni Scandinavia Danmark, Copenhagen T DKK 0 100 C Kuoni Destination Management A/S, Copenhagen D DKK 600 000 100 C Falk Lauritsen Rejser A/S, Herning T DKK 500 000 100 C France Voyages Kuoni S.A., Paris T/D EUR 507 000 100 C Hungary Kuoni Destination Management Kft., Budapest D HUF 3 000 000 100 C Italy Kuoni Italia S.p.A., Genoa T EUR 1 200 000 100 C Kuoni Destination Management S.p.A., Rome D EUR 1 548 000 100 C Octopus Travel Italia SRL, Rome D EUR 20 000 100 C The Netherlands Kuoni Destination Management B.V., Amsterdam D EUR 55 815 100 C Kuoni Specialists B.V., Amsterdam T EUR 20 418 100 C PRINCIPAL SUBSIDIARIES, ASSOCIATES AND JOINT VENTURES 02_02_08 02_02_08 PRINCIPAL SUBSIDIARIES, ASSOCIATES AND JOINT VENTURES 215 02_FINANCIAL REPORT KUONI GROUP Activity Currency Paid-in share capital Investment in % Consolidation Norway Kuoni Scandinavia Norway, Oslo T NOK 0 100 C Spain Kuoni Destination Management S.L., Madrid D EUR 150 000 100 C Sotavento S.A., Fuerteventura T EUR 3 060 000 100 C Gullivers Travel Associates S.A., Madrid D EUR 420 708 100 C Sweden Kuoni Scandinavia AB, Stockholm T SEK 23 000 000 100 C Nova Airlines AB, Stockholm T SEK 15 000 000 100 C United Kingdom Kuoni Travel Ltd., Dorking T/D GBP 1 500 000 100 C CV Travel Holdings Ltd., London T GBP 1 100 C Kirker Holdings Ltd., London T GBP 1 100 C Voyages Jules Verne Ltd., London T GBP 100 100 C Carrier Ltd., Cheshire T GBP 139 000 100 C Donvand Ltd., London D GBP 177 194 100 C GTA Ltd., London D GBP 10 000 100 C Octopus Limited, London D GBP 50 000 100 C Activity: T Tour Operating Business D Destination Management Services V Visa Services C Corporate Consolidation: C Consolidated E Valuation according to equity method PRINCIPAL SUBSIDIARIES, ASSOCIATES AND JOINT VENTURES 216 02_02_08 OVERSEAS 02_02_08_02 Activity Currency Paid-in share capital Investment in % Consolidation Australia Australian Tours Management Pty Ltd., Melbourne D AUD 500 000 100 C GTA Australasia Pty Limited, Sydney D AUD 100 000 100 C Octopus (Australia) Pty Limited, Sydney D AUD 50 000 100 C China Kuoni Travel (China) Ltd., Hong Kong T HKD 4 800 000 100 C S.K.Y. Business Consultancy Co. Ltd., Shanghai D CNY 1 198 115 100 C International Holdings Ltd., Guangzhou R CNY 0 30 E Kuoni Travel (China) Ltd., Beijing D CNY 0 100 C Gullivers Travel Associates (Hong Kong) Limited, Kowloon D HKD 3 064 000 100 C Gullivers (Beijing) Commercial Consulting Services (China), Beijing D USD 250 000 100 C Gullivers Travel Associates (China) Limited, Beijing D CNY 4 000 000 100 C India Kuoni Travel (India) Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai T/D INR 83 600 000 100 C Kuoni Business Travel India Pvt. Ltd., Delhi T INR 8 450 000 100 C VFS Global Services Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai T INR 373 670 000 100 V Japan Kuoni Travel (Japan) Ltd., Tokyo D JPY 50 000 000 100 C Gullivers Travel Agency co Ltd (Japan), Tokyo D JPY 40 000 000 100 C Octopus Japan KK, Tokyo D JPY 10 000 000 100 C Kenya Private Safaris (E.A.) Ltd., Nairobi D KES 62 500 000 100 C Mauritius Kuoni Asian Investments (Mauritius) Ltd., Port Louis C USD 1 000 000 100 C VF Worldwide Holdings Ltd., Port Louis T GBP 4 303 000 100 V Namibia Royal Tours Namibia (Pty) Ltd., Namibia T NAD 1 500 000 100 K Nepal Sita World Travel (Nepal) Pvt. Ltd., Kathmandu D NPR 2 250 000 63 C 02_02_08 PRINCIPAL SUBSIDIARIES, ASSOCIATES AND JOINT VENTURES 217 02_FINANCIAL REPORT KUONI GROUP Activity Currency Paid-in share capital Investment in % Consolidation Singapore Kuoni Travel (S) PTE Ltd., Singapore D SGD 100 000 100 C Gullivers Travel Associates (Singapore) Pte Limited, Singapore D SGD 100 000 100 C South Africa Kuoni Private Safaris (Pty) Ltd., Cape Town D ZAR 500 000 100 C South Korea Kuoni Travel (Korea) Ltd., Seoul D KRW 100 000 000 100 C Gullivers Travel Associates Korea Limited, Seoul D KRW 350 000 000 100 C Sri Lanka Sita World Travel (Lanka) Pvt. Ltd., Colombo D LKR 2 500 000 76 C Taiwan Gullivers Travel Associates (Taiwan) Limited, Taipei D TWD 6 000 000 100 C Thailand Asian Trails Ltd., Bangkok D THB 24 000 000 49 C Kuonissimo (Thailand) Ltd., Bangkok D THB 2 451 000 49 C United Arab Emirates Desert Adventures Tourism LLC, Dubai D AED 300 000 80 C Gulf Dunes LLC, Dubai D AED 300 000 100 C Gullivers Travel Associates Middle East FZ LLC, Dubai D AED 50 000 100 C VFS Tasheel International JLT, Dubai T AED 300 000 50 E Vasco Worldwide JLT, Dubai T AED 300 000 50 E USA AlliedTPro, Inc., New York D USD 170 000 100 C Kuoni Travel (Atlanta) Inc., Atlanta D USD 50 000 100 C Kuoni Holding Delaware, Inc., Wilmington C USD 1 100 C GTA Americas LLC, Delaware D USD 29 700 000 100 C Octopus (USA) Limited, Delaware D USD 1 000 100 C Activity: T Tour Operating Business D Destination Management Services V Visa Services C Corporate Consolidation: C Consolidated E Valuation according to equity method 218 REPORT OF THE STATUTORY AUDITOR 02_02_09 Report of the Statutory Auditor on the Consolidated Financial Statements to the General Meeting of Shareholders of Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd., Zurich. As statutory auditor, we have audited the accompa- nying consolidated nancial statements of Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd., presented on pages 155 to 217, which comprise the statement of nancial posi- tion, income statement, statement of comprehen- sive income, statement of changes in equity, statement of cash ows and notes for the year ended 31 December 2012. BOARD OF DIRECTORS RESPONSIBILITY The board of directors is responsible for the prepa- ration and fair presentation of the consolidated nancial statements in accordance with Interna- tional Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and the requirements of Swiss law. This responsibility includes designing, implementing and main- taining an internal control system relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of consolidated nancial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. The board of directors is further responsible for selec- ting and applying appropriate accounting policies and making accounting estimates that are reason- able in the circumstances. AUDITORS RESPONSIBILITY Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these consolidated nancial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with Swiss law and Swiss Auditing Standards as well as International Standards on Auditing. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the consolidated nancial statements are free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the consolidated nancial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditors judg- ment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the consolidated nan- cial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor con- siders the internal control system relevant to the entitys preparation and fair presentation of the consolidated nancial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appro priate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expres- sing an opinion on the eectiveness of the entitys internal control system. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of the accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the consolidated nancial state- ments. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sucient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion. OPINION In our opinion, the consolidated nancial state- ments for the year ended 31 December 2012 give a true and fair view of the nancial position, the results of operations and the cash ows in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and comply with Swiss law. 219 02_FINANCIAL REPORT KUONI GROUP REPORT OF THE STATUTORY AUDITOR REPORT ON OTHER LEGAL REQUIREMENTS We conrm that we meet the legal requirements on licensing according to the Auditor Oversight Act (AOA) and independence (article 728 CO and article 11 AOA) and that there are no circumstances incompatible with our independence. In accordance with article 728a paragraph 1 item 3 CO and Swiss Auditing Standard 890, we conrm that an internal control system exists, which has been designed for the preparation of consolidated nancial statements according to the instructions of the board of directors. We recommend that the consolidated nancial statements submited to you be approved. KPMG AG Martin Schaad Licensed Audit Expert Auditor in Charge Pascal Schmid Licensed Audit Expert
T r a v e l
H o l d i n g
L t d . 222 Information about the nancial state- ments of the Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd. is also available on (Quick Search: 12205) 223 02_FINANCIAL REPORT KUONI TRAVEL HOLDING LTD. STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION 02_03_01 Assets CHF Notes 31 Dec 2012 % 31 Dec 2011 % Non-current assets Investment in subsidiaries [6] 527 002 016 33.3 489 896 212 32.6 Loans to group companies 1 006 034 298 63.6 960 062 190 63.7 Loans to third parties 0 0.0 1 242 340 0.1 Other nancial assets 226 279 0.0 145 895 0.0 Tangible xed assets * Land and building [2] 4 460 000 0.3 4 460 000 0.3 * Furniture, xtures and equipment [2] 1 0.0 1 0.0 Total non-current assets 1 537 722 594 97.2 1 455 806 638 96.7 Current assets Cash and cash equivalents 1 503 256 0.1 897 250 0.1 Securities [9] 18 902 300 1.2 20 167 750 1.2 Accounts receivable * from third parties 148 901 0.0 60 807 0.0 * from group companies 18 680 889 1.3 6 876 543 0.6 Prepaid expenses 3 688 206 0.2 20 370 454 1.4 Total current assets 42 923 552 2.8 48 372 804 3.3 Total assets 1 580 646 146 100.0 1 504 179 442 100.0 Equity and liabilities CHF Notes 31 Dec 2012 % 31 Dec 2011 % Equity Share capital [7] 3 998 400 0.3 3 998 400 0.3 Legal reserves * General reserve 8 000 000 0.5 8 000 000 0.5 * Share premium reserve 58 631 373 3.7 58 700 077 3.9 * Reserve from capital contribution [8] 375 322 267 23.7 379 855 161 25.2 * Reserve for treasury shares [9] 18 902 300 1.2 20 167 750 1.3 Other reserves [7] 389 097 700 24.6 376 832 250 25.1 Retained earnings * Prot carried forward 1 856 934 0.1 1 177 433 0.1 * Net result 42 796 384 2.7 11 679 501 0.8 Total equity [7] 813 012 590 51.4 860 410 572 57.2 Liabilities Provisions 238 968 000 15.1 239 227 000 15.9 Bond [11] 200 000 000 12.7 200 000 000 13.3 Bank loans 277 191 698 17.5 150 118 521 10.0 Accounts payable * to third parties 8 515 964 0.5 1 422 598 0.1 * to group companies 25 211 107 1.6 35 276 687 2.3 Accrued expenses 17 746 787 1.2 17 724 064 1.2 Total liabilities 767 633 556 48.6 643 768 870 42.8 Total equity and liabilities 1 580 646 146 100.0 1 504 179 442 100.0 224 CHF Notes 2012 2011 Income Financial income [3] 14 230 274 17 225 475 Income from investments in subsidiaries [4] 47 800 994 46 563 904 Other operating income 767 250 721 858 Total income 62 798 518 64 511 237 Expenses Personnel expense 18 680 216 13 427 414 Administrative expense 9 427 544 6 969 962 Expenses related to investments in subsidiaries [5] 66 311 401 8 738 560 Other expenses 247 050 7 380 125 Financial expense 10 738 945 15 800 136 Income taxes 189 746 515 539 Total expenses 105 594 902 52 831 736 Net result 42 796 384 11 679 501 INCOME STATEMENT 02_03_02 225 02_FINANCIAL REPORT KUONI TRAVEL HOLDING LTD. INTRODUCTION In legal terms, Kuoni shareholders are shareholders of Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd., Zurich, which controls the subsidiaries listed at the end of the consolidated accounts. From an economic standpoint, the shareholders of Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd. are invested in the entire Group, so the consolidated accounts are of primary importance. The accounts of Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd. are conform with Swiss company law. 1. CONTINGENT LIABILITIES, ASSETS PLEDGED Contingent liabilities consist of securities and guarantees for subsidiaries. 2. FIRE INSURANCE VALUES 3. FINANCIAL INCOME The nancial income derives largely from interest on investments. 4. INCOME FROM INVESTMENT IN SUBSIDIARIES The income from investment in subsidiaries consists of dividends received as well as income from the sale of subsidiaries. As in the prior year, all wholly-owned subsidiaries were charged management fees to cover Group overheads. CHF 31 Dec 2012 31 Dec 2011 Contingent liabilities 469 776 374 375 929 871 Assets pledged 0 0 CHF 31 Dec 2012 31 Dec 2011 Buildings 10 346 000 10 157 000 Furniture, xtures and equipment 914 000 914 000 NOTES 02_03_03 02_03_03 NOTES 226 5. EXPENSES RELATED TO INVESTMENT IN SUBSIDIARIES This item relates to support given to subsidiaries as well as to currency- related value adjustments and provisions. Where necessary, losses incurred by subsidiaries were oset by direct subsidies or appropriate allocations were made to provisions earmarked for that purpose. 6. INVESTMENT IN SUBSIDIARIES We refer to the information on principal subsidiaries and associates on pages 214 to 217 of the Financial Report. 7. EQUITY CHF Share capital Legal reserves Other reserves Retained earnings Total equity Equity as at 1 January 2010 3 046 400 188 668 582 371 110 150 29 931 137 592 756 269 Net result 21 425 261 21 425 261 Appropriation of retained earnings 5 000 000 5 000 000 0 Dividends 22 956 088 22 956 088 Sale of treasury shares 686 793 139 800 826 593 Use of treasury shares 377 468 75 600 453 068 Equity as at 31 December 2010 3 046 400 189 732 843 376 325 550 23 400 310 592 505 103
Net result 11 679 501 11 679 501 Appropriation of retained earnings 1 10 222 877 12 000 000 22 222 877 0 Dividends 7 235 672 0 7 235 672 Use of treasury shares 7 811 079 1 176 450 8 987 529 Capital increase 952 000 266 191 861 12 669 750 254 474 111 Equity as at 31 December 2011 3 998 400 466 722 988 376 832 250 12 856 934 860 410 572
Net result 42 796 384 42 796 384 Appropriation of retained earnings 11 000 000 11 000 000 0 Dividends 11 472 696 0 11 472 696 Use of treasury shares 5 605 648 1 265 450 6 871 098 Equity as at 31 December 2012 3 998 400 460 855 940 389 097 700 40 939 450 813 012 590 1 Includes the resolution by the Annual General Meeting regarding the reassignment of reserves from Other reserve from capital contribution to Legal reserve from capital contribution. 02_03_03 NOTES 227 02_FINANCIAL REPORT KUONI TRAVEL HOLDING LTD. The share capital is composed as follows: CONDITIONAL CAPITAL Conditional capital issuable via the exercise of conversion rights and/ or warrants linked to bonds or similar debt issued by Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd. or any of its subsidiaries in the domestic or international capital markets and/or via the exercise of options granted to share- holders amounts to a maximum of CHF 384000, with a further maxi- mum of CHF 96000 reserved for employee stock option plans. AUTHORISED CAPITAL The authorised capital of Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd. amounts to CHF 571200 and is valid until 20 April 2013. The use of the authorised capital is limited to the nancing or renancing of GTA Holdco Limited, GTA Americas LLC, Octopus (USA) Limited and Columbus Technology Developments Limited which was eected in 2011. The Board of Directors may not issue any new shares for any other purpose on the basis of the authorised capital. The Board of Directors will delete Article 3 ter of the Articles of Incorporation of Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd. relating to authorised capital upon the expiration of its validity on 20 April 2013. Although the authorised capital of Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd. can virtually no longer be used as a result of the above restriction, the following information is still provided because it is required to be included: CHF 31 Dec 2012 1 249 500 registered shares A CHF 0.20 nominal value 249 900 3 748 500 registered shares B CHF 1.00 nominal value 3 748 500 Total share capital 3 998 400 02_03_03 NOTES 228 In accordance with Article 3 ter of the Articles of Incorporation of Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd., the Board of Directors is authorised to in - crease share capital by up to CHF 571200 through the issue of a maximum of 178500 fully-paid-up registered shares A with a nominal value of CHF 0.20 per share and a maximum of 535500 fully-paid- up registered shares B with a nominal value of CHF 1.00 per share at any time until 20 April 2013. Should it do so, the Board of Directors shall specify the issue amount, the type of contribution, the date of such issue and the commencement of dividend entitlement. In the issue of any such shares, the subscription rights of existing share- holders shall be granted in full. The Board of Directors may also issue such new registered shares through their rm acquisition by a bank or a third party and subsequent oering to existing shareholders. The Board of Directors is empowered to determine the subscription price and the further subscription-right provisions. Should sub- scription rights not be exercised, the Board of Directors may permit these to lapse, place them (and the corresponding shares) on the market at market rates or use them in any other way in the interests of the company. The exercising of contractually acquired subscription rights and the subscription to and acquisition of the new registered shares, and any subsequent trannsfer thereof, are subject to Article 5 of the Articles of Incorporation of Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd. Every new share entitles its holder to one vote. RESTRICTED TRANSFERABILITY PROVISIONS The Articles of Incorporation stipulate that no more than 3% of total voting rights may be entered in the share register in the name of any one shareholder. OPTING OUT / OPTING UP There is no opting-out or opting-up clause in the Articles of Incorporation. 02_03_03 NOTES 229 02_FINANCIAL REPORT KUONI TRAVEL HOLDING LTD. 8. RESERVES FROM CAPITAL CONTRIBUTIONS The overall amount held in reserves from capital contributions is CHF 375 million, which is made up of the various types of contribu- tions and share premiums since 1 January 1997. The Swiss Federal Tax Administration disputes reserves from capital contributions of CHF 11.5 million. 9. TREASURY SHARES CHF Legal reserve from capital contribution Other reserve from capital contribution Total Capital contribution as at 1 January 2012 379 855 161 0 379 855 161 Distribution 11 472 696 0 11 472 696 Increase from treasury shares 6 939 802 0 6 939 802 Capital contribution as at 31 December 2012 375 322 267 0 375 322 267 Share plan: number of registered shares B Book value CHF 1 000 Held on 1 January 2011 173 489 8 674 Purchase 0 0 Use 23 529 1 176 Capital increase 46 925 12 670 Held on 31 December 2011 196 885 20 168 Purchase 0 0 Use 25 309 1 266 Held on 31 December 2012 171 576 18 902 02_03_03 NOTES 230 SHARE PLAN The remaining treasury shares held are reserved for the share pur - chase plan of the Group Executive Board and management. The changes to treasury shares reect the registered shares B purchased by or issued to the Board of Directors, the Group Executive Board and management. 10. PRINCIPAL SHAREHOLDERS We are aware of the following principal shareholders: 11. BOND Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd. issued a CHF 200 million 3% bond in October 2009. The bond has a duration of four years and matures on 28 October 2013. 12. RELATED PARTIES In accordance with its shareholding, the Kuoni and Hugentobler Foundation was awarded a gross dividend payment of CHF 0.7 million. Shareholder Number/ Category of Shares Voting rights in % Date of last disclosure Kuoni and Hugentobler-Foundation, Zurich 1 249 500/A 1 25.00 03/04/1995 Previous Year 1 249 500/A 1 25.00 03/04/1995 Silchester International Investors Ltd, London 757 704/B 15.16 31/12/2012 Previous Year 755 062/B 15.11 31/12/2011 Federation of Migros Cooperatives, Zurich togehter with Anlagestiftung der Migros Pensionskasse Zurich and Pensionskasse der Globus-Unternehmung, Spreitenbach 284 656/B 39 000 Options 8.50 07/12/2009 Previous Year 284 656/B 39 000 Options 8.50 07/12/2009 Pictet Funds S.A., Geneva 151 149/B 3.02 11/04/2012 Previous Year n.a. under 3.00 18/03/2011 UBS Fund Management (Switzerland) AG, Basel 156 556/B 3.13 15/11/2012 Previous Year n.a. under 3.00 n.a. 1 Status after the capital increase from april 2011 02_03_03 NOTES 231 02_FINANCIAL REPORT KUONI TRAVEL HOLDING LTD. 13. COMPENSATION PAID COMPENSATION PAID TO MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS For their service in 2012, the members of the Board of Directors received the compensation shown in the table below. The aggregate compensation paid to the members of the Board of Directors in 2012 amounted to CHF 1.8 million (2011: CHF 1.6 million). No com - pen sation was paid in 2012 to members of the Board of Directors who had lef in the prior period or earlier. Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd. and its Group companies had not granted any collateral, loans, advances or credits to members of the Board of Directors or to persons associated with them as at 31 December 2012. No options were allocated in the year under review. Basic cash compensation (xed) Share-based compensation (xed) 1 Social security contributions Total CHF 1 000 Number of shares CHF 1 000 CHF 1 000 CHF 1 000 2012 Henning Boysen, Chairman 274 755 210 29 513 Heinz Karrer 128 347 97 15 240 Jae Hyun (Jay) Lee 84 227 63 10 157 John Lindquist 84 227 63 10 157 Adrianus (Adriaan) Nhn 84 227 63 10 157 David Schnell 157 378 105 0 262 Annette Schmmel 84 227 63 10 157 Raymond D. Webster 82 227 63 8 153 Total 977 2 615 727 92 1 796 2011 Henning Boysen, Chairman 276 593 210 30 516 Wolfgang Beeser 98 214 76 9 183 Heinz Karrer 112 237 84 13 209 John Lindquist 84 178 63 10 157 David Schnell 157 297 105 0 262 Annette Schmmel 84 178 63 10 157 Raymond D. Webster 84 178 63 10 157 Total 895 1 875 664 82 1 641 1 The shares were valued at a market value of CHF 278 (2011: CHF 354). The market value calculated includes a 16% discount in view of the shares restricted availability at the time of their assignment. 02_03_03 NOTES 232 COMPENSATION PAID TO THE GROUP EXECUTIVE BOARD For their service in 2012, the members of the Group Executive Board received the compensation shown in the table below. The aggregate compensation paid to the members of the Group Executive Board in 2012 amounted to CHF 9.7 million (2011: CHF CHF 7.8 million). The highest individual total compensation paid in 2012 amounted to CHF 2.7 million (2011: CHF 2.1 million). 2012 CHF 1 000 Group Executive Board 1 Of which: Peter Rothwell Basic cash compensation (xed) 3 397 940 Variable compensation: * in cash 2 2 134 670 * in shares 3 2 710 789 Pension scheme contributions 4 655 111 Social security contributions 791 151 Other compensation amounts 39 6 Termination benets 0 0 Total 9 726 2 667 2011 CHF 1 000 Group Executive Board 5 Of which: Peter Rothwell Basic cash compensation (xed) 3 234 900 Variable compensation: * in cash 6 659 232 * in shares 7 2 617 714 Pension scheme contributions 4 662 110 Social security contributions 638 114 Other compensation amounts 39 6 Termination benets 0 0 Total 7 849 2 076 1 Five members. 2 The members of the Group Executive Board were paid STI variable compensation in cash form of CHF 0.7 million in 2012 for the prior-year period. The cash-form variable compensation paid to CEO Peter Rothwell amounted to CHF 0.2 million. 3 The members of the Group Executive Board were assigned 11 822 registered shares B in the 2012 business year. These shares were valued at a market price of CHF 229. The market value calculated includes a 16% discount in view of the shares restricted availability at the time of their assignment. The share-based compen- sation for 2012 will be awarded at the end of the three- year reference period in spring 2015. A total of 6 264 re - gistered shares B (worth CHF 2.1 million) were awarded to members of the present Group Executive Board in 2012 from the share-based compensation assigned in 2009. (Since CEO Peter Meier was not appointed to the Group Executive Board until 2010, he was not awarded any such shares in 2012.) For share-based compensation in 2009 2 221 registered shares B (CHF 0.7 million) were paid to Peter Rothwell in 2012. 4 One member of the Group Executive Board is entitled to take early retirement in accordance with the regulations of the Patronale Frsorgestiftung. The non-contribution- based costs of the corresponding benets are included in the pension fund contributions shown. The corresponding regulations have not been extended to any new Group Executive Board member since 2005. 5 Five members. 6 The members of the Group Executive Board were paid STI variable compensation in cash form of CHF 1.1 million in 2011 for the previous year. The cash-form variable compensation paid to CEO Peter Rothwell amounted to CHF 0.4 million. 7 The members of the Group Executive Board were assigned 8 975 registered shares B in the 2011 business year. These shares were valued at a market price of CHF 292. The market value calculated includes a 16% discount in view of the shares restricted availability at the time of their assignment. The share-based compen - sa tion for 2011 will be awarded at the end of the three- year reference period in spring 2014. No shares were awarded in 2011. 02_03_03 NOTES 233 02_FINANCIAL REPORT KUONI TRAVEL HOLDING LTD. The compensation includes basic salaries for 2012 and variable bonus payments for 2012. Share-based compensation includes the registered shares B allocated for 2012, which will be adjusted and paid out afer a three year performance assessment period. The registered shares B paid on in the 2012 nancial year on the basis of the 2010 share-based compensation are shown in footnote 3. No compensation was paid in 2012 to any members of the Board of Directors who had lef in the prior period or earlier. Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd. and its Group companies had not granted any collateral, loans, advances or credits to members of the Board of Directors or to persons associated with them as at 31 December 2012. No options were allo cated in the year under review. 02_03_03 NOTES 234 14. SHARE OWNERSHIP BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND GROUP EXECUTIVE BOARD Registered share B as at 31 December Other equity instruments Number of shares Voting rights Number of shares Voting rights 2012 Board of Directors Henning Boysen, Chairman 5 038 0.10% 0 Heinz Karrer 1 514 0.03% 0 Jae Hyun (Jay) Lee 227 0.00% 0 John Lindquist 1 373 0.03% 0 Adrianus (Adriaan) Nhn 227 0.00% 0 David Schnell 2 805 0.06% 0 Annette Schmmel 953 0.02% 0 Raymond D. Webster 1 573 0.03% 0 Wolfgang Beeser 1 1 052 0.02% 0 Group Executive Board Peter Rothwell 1 716 0.03% 0 Leif Vase Larsen 1 207 0.02% 0 Stefan Leser 5 178 0.10% 0 Rolf Schafroth 2 573 0.05% 0 Peter Meier 1 0.00% 0 Total 25 437 0.51% 0 0% 2011 Board of Directors 0 Henning Boysen, Chairman 4 283 0.09% 0 Wolfgang Beeser 1 052 0.02% 0 Heinz Karrer 1 167 0.02% 0 John Lindquist 1 146 0.02% 0 David Schnell 2 647 0.05% 0 Annette Schmmel 1 326 0.03% 0 Raymond D. Webster 1 346 0.03% Group Executive Board 0 Leif Vase Larsen 808 0.02% 0 Stefan Leser 3 329 0.07% 0 Rolf Schafroth 1 768 0.04% 0 Peter Meier 1 0.00% 0 Total 18 873 0.38% 0 0% 1 Member of the Board of Directors who left the company during 2012. 02_03_03 NOTES 235 02_FINANCIAL REPORT KUONI TRAVEL HOLDING LTD. BOARD OF DIRECTORS (NON-EXECUTIVE MEMBERS ONLY) GROUP EXECUTIVE BOARD (CURRENT) 15. RISK MANAGEMENT The Board of Directors and the management use a risk management process under which a report is compiled every six months detailing Kuonis present risk exposure and the current status of dened risk-reducing actions and activities. The probabilities of such risks occurring and the anticipated impact of the risk scenarios analysed also form part of this semi-annual risk management reporting. The Kuoni risk management process further extends to quarterly reporting on any newly identied risk scenario or changed risk assessment. Number of shares 31 Dec 2012 31 Dec 2011 no blocking period 8 366 6 279 blocking period 2012 0 2 907 blocking period 2013 1 906 1 906 blocking period 2014 1 875 1 875 blocking period 2015 2 615 0 Number of shares 31 Dec 2012 31 Dec 2011 no blocking period 10 675 5 757 blocking period 2012 0 149 02_03_03 NOTES 236 Risks are assessed by conducting interviews with management members and further key personnel. The associated risk scenarios are then developed on the basis of these and further considerations, including corporate goals and strategies. Kuonis group-wide risk management covers 19 top Group-level risks and three to ve specic top risks for each of the divisions and the most important business units. Within the Internal Control System (ICS), the corresponding pro - cesses had those specic risks systematically monitored which are relevant to the annual accounting process in terms of their incorrect or fraudulent reporting potential. The key controls derived from these were implemented where they were not already fully in place, and documented. Procedures have also been dened to monitor and assess the existence of internal controls. 237 02_FINANCIAL REPORT KUONI TRAVEL HOLDING LTD.
Instead of a dividend, the Board of Directors will propose to the Annual General Meeting that shareholders receive a withholding tax-free appropriation from the capital contribution reserve of CHF 0.60 per registered share A and CHF 3.00 per registered share B. CHF 2012 2011 Prot carried forward 1 856 934 1 177 433 Net result for the year 42 796 384 11 679 501 Retained earnings 40 939 450 12 856 934 Dividends: Per registered share A 0 0 Per registered share B 0 0 Total dividends 0 0 Allocation from other reserves 40 939 450 11 000 000 Appropriation of prot 40 939 450 11 000 000 Prot carried forward to new account 0 1 856 934 Retained earnings 40 939 450 12 856 934 CHF 2012 2011 Legal reserve from capital contribution 375 322 267 379 855 161 Distribution from legal reserve from capital contribution 11 995 200 11 472 696 Distribution 1
Per registered share A CHF 0.60 749 700 749 700 Per registered share B CHF 3.00 * on 3 576 947 shares entitled to dividend at 31 December 2012 10 730 841 10 722 996 * on 171 553 treasury shares set aside for the employee share plan at 31 December 2012 514 659 0 Total distribution 11 995 200 11 472 696 1 The company will waive its entitlement to such payments from the capital contribution reserve for the treasury shares held on the distribution date which are reserved for use in its employee share plan. The amount due on these shares will be taken to the legal reserve from capital contributions. 02_03_04 BOARD OF DIRECTORS PROPOSAL FOR THE APPROPRIATION OF RETAINED EARNINGS 238 REPORT OF THE STATUTORY AUDITOR 02_03_05 Report of the Statutory Auditor on the Financial Statements to the General Meeting of Shareholders of Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd., Zurich As statutory auditor, we have audited the accompa- nying nancial statements of Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd., presented on pages 223 to 236, which comprise the statement of nancial position, income statement and notes for the year ended 31 December 2012. BOARD OF DIRECTORS RESPONSIBILITY The board of directors is responsible for the preparation of the nancial statements in accord- ance with the requirements of Swiss law and the companys articles of incorporation. This responsi- bility includes designing, implementing and maintaining an internal control system relevant to the preparation of nancial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. The board of directors is further responsible for selecting and applying appropriate accounting policies and making accounting estimates that are reasonable in the circumstances. AUDITORS RESPONSIBILITY Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these nancial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with Swiss law and Swiss Auditing Standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the nancial statements are free from material misstatement.
An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the nancial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditors judgment, includ- ing the assessment of the risks of material mis- statement of the nancial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers the internal control system relevant to the entitys preparation of the nancial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the eectiveness of the entitys internal control system. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriate- ness of the accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the nancial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sucient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion. OPINION In our opinion, the nancial statements for the year ended 31 December 2012 comply with Swiss law and the companys articles of incorporation. REPORT ON OTHER LEGAL REQUIREMENTS We conrm that we meet the legal requirements on licensing according to the Auditor Oversight Act (AOA) and independence (article 728 CO and article 11 AOA) and that there are no circum- stances incompatible with our independence.
In accordance with article 728a paragraph 1 item 3 CO and Swiss Auditing Standard 890, we conrm that an internal control system exists, which has been designed for the preparation of nancial statements according to the instructions of the board of directors. 239 02_FINANCIAL REPORT KUONI TRAVEL HOLDING LTD. REPORT OF THE STATUTORY AUDITOR We further conrm that the proposed appropria- tion of available earnings complies with Swiss law and the companys articles of incorporation. We recommend that the nancial statements submited to you be approved. KPMG AG Martin Schaad Licensed Audit Expert Auditor in Charge Pascal Schmid Licensed Audit Expert Zurich, 15 March 2013 240 241 02_FINANCIAL REPORT CORPORATE GOVERNANCE 02_04 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE C o r p o r a t e
G o v e r n a n c e 242 Trust, reliability and security are all basic prerequisites for a healthy and success- ful company. Maintaining these essen- tial parameters of business management and control is the key task of Corporate Governance. Professionally implemented Corporate Governance is essential for any successful and responsible company that seeks to fulll its shareholders, employees and external stakeholders. Information about Corporate Governance is also available on (Quick Search: 12206) 243 02_FINANCIAL REPORT CORPORATE GOVERNANCE This Corporate Governance Report describes the principles of management and control as they apply to the top decision-making bodies of the Kuoni Group. To enhance transparency and thus comparability with prior years and other companies, it has been prepared in conformity with the SIX Corporate Governance Directive of 29 October 2008. Unless otherwise specied, all the information contained in the report is based on data as at 31 December 2012. The principles and rules of corporate governance as practised by the Kuoni Group are set out in the companys Articles of Incorporation, its Organisational Regulations and the regulations of the Board of Directors commitees. The Chairman of the Board of Directors reviews the content and current relevance of the corporate govern- ance provisions regularly, and proposes any additions or amend- ments required to the Board of Directors. The Kuoni Group meets all the relevant corporate governance pro - visions. In particular, the Kuoni Group abides by all existing legis- lation, the directives of the SIX Swiss Exchange (and the remarks thereto) and the Swiss Code of Best Practice for Corporate Governance issued by economiesuisse, Switzerlands umbrella business associa- tion (as updated in 2007). This document contains, under Point 02_04_10, the Compensation Report of the Board of Directors, which also complies with the provisions of Newsleter 2010/1 of FINMA, the Swiss Confederations nancial markets supervisory authority. INTRODUCTION 02_04_00 244 GROUP STRUCTURE Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd. is a joint-stock holding company under Swiss law which has direct or indirect shareholdings in all the compa- nies worldwide which belong to the Kuoni Group. The Kuoni Group maintains lean and ecient management structures at all levels. While the Board of Directors devotes itself to overall management, strategic and super visory duties, the Group Executive Board is entrusted with operational management tasks. For a diagram of the operational structure of the Kuoni Group, see page 29. The registered shares B of Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd., Zurich, which have a nominal value of CHF 1.00, are traded on the Main Standard of the SIX Swiss Exchange (securities number 350 485, ISIN CH 0003504856). The registered shares A of Kuoni Travel Ltd., Zurich, which have a nominal value of CHF 0.20, are not listed. The companys legal domicile is at Neue Hard 7, Zurich. Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd. does not hold any equity interests in any stock-exchange-listed companies. For details of the unlisted companies that belong to the Kuoni Group of consolidated companies, see pages 214 to 217 of the Financial Report. A detailed description of the global activities of the Kuoni Group is available on the company website. PRINCIPAL SHAREHOLDERS The information on principal shareholders of Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd. is provided in the table on page 194 of the Financial Report. This shows those shareholders holding over 3% of the companys voting rights, together with their current holdings (based on informa- tion provided by the same). The company received several notica- tions of signicant shareholders as required under Article 20 of the Swiss Federal Act on Stock Exchanges and Securities Trading in the course of 2012. These notications were published on the SIX Swiss Exchanges notications platform and on the company website. Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd. is not aware of any other shareholders holding more than 3% of the companys voting rights as of 31 Decem- ber 2012. 02_04_01_01 02_04_01_02 02_04_01 GROUP STRUCTURE AND SHAREHOLDERS Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd. is not aware of any shareholders agreements. CROSS-SHAREHOLDINGS Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd. has no cross-shareholdings, whether purely of a capital nature or involving voting rights. CAPITAL For further details and the composition of the amounts of ordinary, authorised and conditional capital of Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd. at yearend, please see note 22 on page 193 of the Financial Report. Further information on the capital structure is available on the company website. AUTHORISED AND CONDITIONAL CAPITAL IN PARTICULAR The authorised capital of Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd. amounts to CHF 571200 and is valid until 20 April 2013. The use of the authorised capital is limited to the nancing or renancing of GTA Holdco Limited, GTA Americas LLC, Octopus (USA) Limited and Columbus Technology Developments Limited which was eected in 2011. The Board of Directors may not issue any new shares for any other purpose on the basis of the authorised capital. The Board of Directors will delete Article 3ter of the Articles of Incorporation of Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd. relating to authorised capital upon the expiration of its validity on 20 April 2013. Although the authorised capital of Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd. can virtually no longer be used as a result of the above restriction, the following information is still provided because it is required to be included in a companys Annual Report by the corres - ponding corporate governance information directive of the SIX Swiss Exchange: 02_04_01_03 02_04_02_01 02_04_02_02 02_04_02 CAPITAL STRUCTURE 02_04_02 CAPITALSTRUCTURE 246 In accordance with Article 3 ter of the Articles of Incorporation of Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd., the Board of Directors is authorised to increase share capital by up to CHF 571200 through the issue of a maximum of 178500 fully-paid-up registered shares A with a nominal value of CHF 0.20 per share and a maximum of 535500 fully-paid- up registered shares B with a nominal value of CHF 1.00 per share at any time until 20 April 2013. Should it do so, the Board of Directors shall specify the issue amount, the type of contribution, the date of such issue and the commencement of dividend entitlement. In the issue of any such shares, the subscription rights of existing sharehold- ers shall be granted in full. The Board of Directors may also issue such new registered shares through their rm acquisition by a bank or a third party and subsequent oering to existing shareholders. The Board of Directors is empowered to determine the subscription price and the further subscription-right provisions. Should sub- scription rights not be exercised, the Board of Directors may permit these to lapse, place them (and the corresponding shares) on the market at market rates or use them in any other way in the interests of the company. The exercising of contractually-acquired subscrip- tion rights and the subscription to and acquisition of the new registered shares, and any subsequent trannsfer thereof, are subject to Article 5 of the Articles of Incorporation of Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd. Every new share entitles its holder to one vote. Conditional capital issuable via the exercising of conversion rights and / or warrants linked to bonds or similar debt issued by Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd. or any of its subsidiaries in the domestic or inter national capital markets amounts to a maximum of CHF 384000. In the case of issues of bonds or similar debt instruments to which conversion and/or warrant rights are atached, the pre-emptive rights of the existing shareholders are excluded. The holders of the said conversion and / or warrant rights are entitled to subscribe for new registered shares B. The acquisition of registered shares through the exercise of conversion and/or warrant rights and any subsequent transfer thereof are subject to the transfer and voting restrictions contained in the Articles of Incor poration. The Board of Directors 02_04_02 CAPITALSTRUCTURE 247 02_FINANCIAL REPORT CORPORATE GOVERNANCE is authorised to restrict or revoke the pre-emptive rights of sharehold- ers when such bonds or similar debt instruments to which con- version and / or warrant rights are atached are issued to nance the acqui sition of other companies or parts of companies. If shareholders pre-emptive rights are revoked by a decision of the Board of Directors, the conversion and/or warrant rights concerned will be issued at the prevailing market price, and the new registered shares will be issued at market rates, with due regard to the current market price of the registered shares concerned and/or of comparable nancial instruments with a market price. The exercise period is limited to ten years for conversion rights and to seven years from the date of the bond issue for warrant rights. Conditional capital of a maximum of CHF 96000 also exists for use in exercising subscription or option rights granted to employees of Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd. or its subsidiaries under one or more employee stock option plans. In such cases, new registered shares B may also be issued to employees at rates below the current stock market price, and existing shareholders shall have no subscription rights. The terms and conditions for the issue of such shares shall be determined by the Board of Directors. The acquisition of regis- tered shares under such employee stock option plans and any subsequent transfer thereof are subject to all the relevant statutory transfer and voting right restrictions. 02_04_02 CAPITALSTRUCTURE 248 CHANGES IN CAPITAL AND SHARE BUYBACK PROGRAMME For 2010, 2011 and 2012 please refer to note 7 on page 226 of the Financial Report. SHARES AND PARTICIPATION CERTIFICATES The composition of the share capital of Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd. is shown on page 193 of the Financial Report. At the General Meeting of Shareholders of Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd. each registered share carries one vote. These voting rights can only be exercised if the share - holder is registered as a shareholder with voting rights in the Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd. share register. Under the Articles of Incorporation, such registration also requires a declaration from the shareholder that they have acquired the shares concerned in their own name and for their own account. The unlisted registered shares A (nominal value CHF 0.20) have a ve times lower nominal value than the listed registered shares B (nominal value CHF 1.00), and thus have ve times greater voting rights in terms of the capital invested. The registered shares of Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd. are uncerticated. The shareholder may demand at any time that Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd. issue a conrmation in respect of the registered shares which the shareholder currently owns. The shareholder is not entitled to the printing and delivery of certicates for registered shares. Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd., by contrast, may print and deliver certicates repre- senting shares (single or global share certicates or certicates comprising multiple shares) at any time instead of uncerticated securities. Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd. may also cancel without replacement any such pre viously issued share certicate or uncerti- cated security. 02_04_02_03 02_04_02_04 02_04_02 CAPITALSTRUCTURE 249 02_FINANCIAL REPORT CORPORATE GOVERNANCE Securities held with an intermediary may only be disposed of or used as collateral in compliance with the terms of the Swiss Inter- mediary-Held Securities Act (Bucheektengesetz). Uncerticated securities which do not qualify as securities held with an inter me- diary may only be transferred by assignment. Such assignment shall only be valid if Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd. is notied thereof. All registered shares are entitled to a dividend. Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd. waives its entitlement to a dividend on any shares held by the company as treasury shares at the time of the dividend payment. The voting rights atached to such shares are suspended by law. Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd. has not issued any participation certicates. DIVIDEND-RIGHT CERTIFICATES Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd. has not issued any dividend-right certicates. RESTRICTIONS ON TRANSFERABILITY AND NOMINEE REGISTRATIONS The following provisions apply to the registered shares A and B of Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd. The Board of Directors of Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd. will deny the registration of an acquirer of registered shares subject to the provisions of the last paragraph in this chapter as the holder or usufructuary of the registered shares with voting rights concerned if, as a result of such registration, the acquirer were to acquire or collectively hold, directly or indirectly, more than 3% of the registered share capital entered in the Commercial Register. For the registered shares exceeding this 3% ceiling, the acquirer shall be registered in the share register as the holder or usufructuary of these registered shares without voting rights. 02_04_02_05 02_04_02_06 02_04_02 CAPITALSTRUCTURE 250 Legal entities or partnerships that are interrelated through capital ownership, voting rights or uniform ma nagement or are otherwise linked with one another, as well as individual persons or legal entities or partnerships who act in concern for the purpose of circumventing the limitation for registration in the share register shall, for the purposes of the preceding paragraph, be treated as one single acquirer. The limitation for registration in the share register set forth in para - graph 1 of this chapter subject to Article 652b, paragraph 3 of the Swiss Code of Obligations, also applies to registered shares which are acquired through the exercising of pre-emptive rights, warrants and conversion rights. The limitation for registration in the share register shall not apply to an acquisition of registered shares by succession or division of estate or under marital property law. Other than set forth above, acquirers of registered shares shall be regis tered in the share register as shareholders with voting rights upon their application, provided they expressly declare that they have acquired the registered shares in their own name and for their own account. The Board of Directors of Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd. may register individual persons who do not expressly declare that they hold the registered shares for their own account (nominees) in the share register with voting rights if the nominee has entered into an agree- ment with the Board of Directors with respect to such status and if the nominee is subject to the supervision of a recognised bank or nancial market. The Board of Directors of Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd. may also, afer having heard the person concerned, cancel a persons registration in the share register as a shareholder or nominee with voting rights with retroactive eect to the date of registration if such registration was based on incorrect information from the acquirer, and shall then in such cases register the shareholder or nominee concerned 02_04_02 CAPITALSTRUCTURE 251 02_FINANCIAL REPORT CORPORATE GOVERNANCE in the share register as a shareholder or nominee without voting rights. In the event of any such action, the shareholder concerned must be immediately informed. The Board of Directors of Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd. shall specify the particulars and give the necessary directions to ensure compliance with the preceding provisions. It may also allow exemptions in parti - cular cases from the regulation regarding nominees and the per- centage limitation specied in paragraph 1. The Board of Directors issues regulations on this. The Board may also delegate its duties. No exemptions from the transferability and nominee registration restrictions were granted in 2012. The vested rights of the shareholders entered in the share register on 25 February 1995 (including those of their legal successors by virtue of the devolution or partition of an estate, a matrimonial property regime or a merger with or incorporation into a directly-controlled, wholly-owned holding company) remain intact. The limitations outlined above shall also not apply to shares which have been or will be acquired by the shareholders entered in the share register on 25 February 1995 or their legal successors as dened above through the exercising of subscription, warrant, option or conversion rights arising from the shares entered in the share register on 25 February 1995 and any shares derived therefrom. CONVERTIBLE BONDS AND OPTIONS Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd. had no convertible bonds or options outstanding at the end of 2012. 02_04_02_07 252 MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS a) The Board of Directors of Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd. consists of the following eight members: The curricula vitae of the individual Board members can be viewed as of page 30 and on the company website. b) All the members of the Board of Directors are non-executive independent directors. c) None of the present Board members sat on the Group Executive Board of Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd. or on the executive board of any group subsidiary of Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd. within the last three years. Similarly, none of the present Board members maintains material business relationships with Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd. or with any group subsidiary of Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd. OTHER ACTIVITIES AND FUNCTIONS Details of other activities and functions of the members of the Board of Directors are available on the company website. ELECTION AND TERM OF OFFICE Each individual member of the Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd. Board of Directors is elected separately by the General Meeting of 02_04_03_01 Name Born Nationality Function Joined Current term expires Henning Boysen 1946 Danish Chairman 2003 2015 Heinz Karrer 1959 Swiss Deputy Chairman 2007 2014 David Schnell 1947 Swiss Member 2002 2015 Anette Schmmel 1965 Swiss Member 2004 2013 Raymond D. Webster 1946 British/New Zealander Member 2006 2013 John Lindquist 1950 British/US-American Member 2007 2014 Jae Hyun Lee 1964 Corean Member 2012 2015 Adrianus Nhn 1953 Dutch Member 2012 2015 02_04_03_02 02_04_03_03 02_04_03 BOARD OF DIRECTORS 253 02_04_03 BOARD OF DIRECTORS 02_FINANCIAL REPORT CORPORATE GOVERNANCE Shareholders. As specied in the Articles of Incorporation, the Board of Directors consists of a mini mum of ve and a maximum of nine members. These members are each elected for a term of oce that shall not exceed three years, with each year extending from one Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders to the next. The Board of Directors is self-constituting. The Board appoints its Chairman, one Deputy Chairmen and a Secretary, the last of whom need not be a Board member. The organisational regulations and company bylaws also stipulate that members of the Board of Directors will automatically retire from the Board on the date of the General Meeting of Shareholders following their 70th birthday. For information on the initial election and remaining period of oce of each member of the present Board of Directors, please see the table under 02_04_03_01 above. INTERNAL ORGANISATION The internal organisation of the Board of Directors is based on the companys Organisational Regulations, which are issued by the Board of Directors and were last revised in December 2012. The Organisa- tional Regulations may be viewed on the company website. DIVISION OF DUTIES WITHIN THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Within the Board of Directors, the Chairman has the following duties and authorities. The Deputy Chairman deputises for the Chairman in his absence, and bears the same duties and authorities when doing so. Apart from these duties and authorities, the Chairman and Deputy Chairman have no particular function within the Board of Directors. 02_04_03_04 corporate-governance 254 02_04_03 BOARD OF DIRECTORS The Chairman is responsible for the formal and organisational leader - ship and management of the Board of Directors. In urgent cases, he shall also take the necessary decisions and precautions until the mater can be decided upon by the Board of Directors. The Chairman further monitors the observance of legal requirements, the Articles of Incorporation, regulations and directives by the companys manage- ment bodies, and submits the requisite motions, requests and proposals to the Board of Directors. The Chairman also ensures, in collaboration with the Group Executive Board, that information is provided in good time on all major aspects of the company which are of relevance to the monitoring of its activities and to the cor- porate decision-making process. Further details of the duties and authorities of the Chairman of the Board are provided in Section 2.5 of the Organisational Regulations. BOARD COMMITTEES The Board of Directors has formed the following two commitees to assist it in its work: the Audit Commitee and the Nomination and Compensation Commitee. Each of these commitees has writen regulations specifying its tasks and responsibilities. The Audit Commitee currently consists of David Schnell (Chairman), Adrianus Nhn and John Lindquist . The Audit Commitee has assured itself that the majority of its members have the requisite expertise in accounting and nancial management. The Audit Commitee reports to the Board of Directors on its con clusions, and the Board of Directors decides upon appro priate action. 255 02_04_03 BOARD OF DIRECTORS 02_FINANCIAL REPORT CORPORATE GOVERNANCE The prime duty of the Audit Commitee is to support the Board of Directors in its monitoring and super vision of the companys account- ing and nancial management. Its main tasks therein comprise: * providing independent and objective monitoring of the integrity * of the companys consolidated reporting process, internal nancial control systems and accounting and their compliance with the relevant legal provisions; * assessing the independence and performance of both the external and the internal auditors; * ensuring open communications between the Group Executive Board, the Board of Directors and the internal and external auditors. The Audit Commitee further reviews: * the guidelines imposed by the Group Executive Board to ensure ecient nancial reporting processes and controls; * periodic discussions of the current state of aairs with the Group Executive Board and the internal auditors and separately with the external auditors. The Audit Commitee also performs the following main tasks which have been assigned to it by the Board of Directors: * reviewing the Annual Report, the annual and interim nancial statements, the nine-month Business Update and the auditing reports and management leters of the Kuoni Group and Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd. and submiting proposals to the Board of Directors; * ensuring compliance with set accounting standards within the Group; * approving the integrated audit plans of the external auditors as well as the internal auditors; * assessing and discussing the external auditors audit reports; * assessing the performance, independence and compensation of the external auditors; 256 02_04_03 BOARD OF DIRECTORS * selecting the auditing company to be proposed to the General Meeting of Shareholders for election as the companys statutory auditor and submiting the corresponding proposal to the Board of Directors; * periodically reviewing internal processes and procedures; * periodically reviewing the suitability and eectiveness of the internal auditors; * submiting proposals to the Board of Directors on entries into the share register for shareholders with voting rights in connection with Article 5 of the Articles of Incorporation; * periodically reviewing the guidelines issued on ad-hoc publicity and the prevention of insider dealing; * submiting proposals to the Board of Directors on notifying the courts in the event of overindebtedness; * periodically reviewing all internal guidelines and directives that are not reviewed by any other commitee. The Audit Commitee has its own authority on the following maters: * ensuring the auditors fullment of the legal requirements on licensing as stipulated in the Auditor Oversight Act (AOA) and independence (Swiss Code of Obligations, Article 728); * maintaining the share register; * periodically reviewing the organisation of the internal auditor; * reviewing strategic tax planning issues; * Remunerating external auditors for subsidiaries; * appointing and dismissing the Head of Internal Audit. The Nomination and Compensation Commitee is composed of Heinz Karrer (Chairman), Annete Schmmel and Raymond D. Webster. The main tasks of the Nomination and Compensation Commitee are to monitor the organisation, qualication, performance and remu- neration of management and the Board of Directors and to review the terms and conditions of any employee share purchase plan. Other tasks performed by the commitee are assessing the performance of the CEO and of the members of the Group Executive Board, arranging succes- sion plans for the members of the Board of Directors and the Group 257 02_04_03 BOARD OF DIRECTORS 02_FINANCIAL REPORT CORPORATE GOVERNANCE Executive Board, seeking and proposing new members for the Board of Directors and furthering the development of management as a whole. The Nomination and Compensation Commitee enlisted the services of two external specialists, Hostetler Kramarsch & Partner, and PricewaterhouseCoopers, both in Zurich, in 2012 to assist it in its decisions and recommendations. The Nomination and Compensa- tion Commitee reports to the Board of Directors on its conclusions, and the Board of Directors decides upon appropriate action on the basis thereof. In this connection, please also see the Compensation Report (note 02_04_10). WORKING METHODS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND ITS COMMITTEES The Board of Directors and its commitees meet as ofen as business requires, but a minimum of six times a year for the Board of Directors, four times a year for the Audit Commitee and three times a year for the Nomination and Compensation Commitee. The Board of Directors met eight times for regular meetings in 2012 (average length: 8 hours). In addition three extraordinary telephone confer- ences (average length: 45 minutes) took place. The Audit Commitee held four regular meetings (average length: 6.5 hours); and the Nomination and Compensation Commitee held four regular meet- ings (average length: 3.0 hours) and three extraordinary telephone conferences (average length: 45 minutes). The Board of Directors meets at the invitation of its Chairman. A Board meeting may also be demanded by any of its members or by the CEO. The agenda of the Board of Directors meetings is set by the Chairman. Any member of the Board of Directors may table an agenda item. The members of the Board of Directors each receive documentation prior to the meetings which enables them to prepare for discussion of the agenda items concerned. 258 02_04_03 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Board meetings are chaired by the Chairman. A Board meeting shall be quorate provided the majority of Board members are present. The Board votes and passes resolutions by a simple majority. In the event of a tie, the meeting chair has the casting vote. In addition to its members, meetings of the Board of Directors are generally atended by the CEO and the Chief Financial Ocer (CFO), and by further members of the Group Executive Board as and when required. These atendees have only an advisory function, along with the right to table motions or agenda items. Persons who are not members of the Group Executive Board may also atend as specialists at the chairs invitation. Minutes are kept of all meeting deliberations. Board resolutions may also be passed by writen approval (leter, fax, email or other writen form), again by a simple majority, provided all Board members have had the opportunity to cast their vote and provided no member demands oral discussion of the mater concerned. Board commitee meetings are held at the invitation of the chair. A Board commitee meeting may also be demanded by any commitee member or the CEO (and an Audit Commitee meeting may addi- tionally be demanded by the Chairman of the Board, the CFO or the internal or external auditors). The agenda of Board commitee meetings is compiled by the chair. Any commitee member may table an agenda item. The commitee members each receive documentation prior to the meetings which enables them to prepare for discussion of the agenda items concerned. Board commitee meetings are chaired by the commitee chair. A com mitee meeting shall be quorate (and empowered to submit pro po- sals to the Board of Directors) provided the majority of commitee members are present. The meeting votes and passes resolutions by a simple majority. In the event of a tie, the meeting chair has the casting vote. In addition to its members, meetings of the Audit Commitee are generally atended by the Chairman of the Board, the CEO, the CFO, 259 02_04_03 BOARD OF DIRECTORS 02_FINANCIAL REPORT CORPORATE GOVERNANCE the Head of Internal Audit and a representative of the external auditors. In addition to its members, meetings of the Nomination and Compensation Commitee are generally atended by the Chairman of the Board, the CEO and the Chief Human Resources Ocer. Minutes are kept of all Board commitee meetings. Commitee resolutions may also be passed by circular writen communication, provided no member demands that a meeting be convened. An annual self-assessment procedure has been established to perma- nently monitor and if possible enhance the performance of the Board of Directors. This evaluates how eciently the Board and its commitees are performing their functions and meeting their responsibilities, whether each Board member participates actively in Board discussions and makes contributions based on independent judgement, and whether an environment of open discussions is maintained at Board meetings. AREAS OF RESPONSIBILITY The Board of Directors is the companys supreme managing body and is responsible for supervising the management of the company and its business. It deals with all maters that are not entrusted to another body of the company under the law, the companys Articles of Incorporation or its Organisational and Business Regulations. With regard to the non-transferability and inalienability of duties of the Board of Directors, reference is made to Article 716a of the Swiss Code of Obligations and Article 20 of the Articles of Incorporation. The Board of Directors may also, subject to the relevant legal provisions, delegate all or part of its duties to manage and represent the company to one or more of its members (as managing directors) or to third parties by issuing the appropriate organisational regulations. In this connection, the Board of Directors has issued a set of Organisational Regulations which specify (under Section 2.3) its further duties and 02_04_03_05 260 02_04_03 BOARD OF DIRECTORS authorities and list (under Section 4.3) those business items which require its approval. The Board of Directors of Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd. manages the subsidiaries under its legal and/or economic control as a corporate group. The responsibility for the resolutions taken by the Board of Directors there fore extends not only to the company in the legal sense but also to all the subsidiaries described above by virtue of the Boards authority to issue instructions to the representatives of the company in their respective governing bodies. Within the overall parameters imposed by the law and the Articles of Incorpora- tion, the Board of Directors delegates the management of the com- pany to the Group Executive Board by means of the relevant Organi- sational Regulations, which can be viewed on the company website. The Group Executive Board has the duty and the authority to manage the Kuoni Groups business operations. It is responsible in particular for: * planning, managing and monitoring the companys protability, risk positions, balance sheet structure and liquidity within the guideline parameters laid down by the Board of Directors; * devising the business strategy, multi-year business plan and budget for the following business year, and submiting these to the Board of Directors; * preparing and submiting proposals to the Board of Directors, particularly in relation to nancing policy, investment policy, asset management policy, risk management and sourcing and trading policy, and in other areas as and where required. The Group Executive Board shall also ensure the subsequent detailed adoption of such policies and the obser vance of the principles laid down in connection therewith, and shall report regularly to the Board of Directors thereon: * compiling the annual and half-year accounts and the Nine-Month Business Update and providing the additional information required in connection therewith, and submiting these to the Board of Directors. 261 02_04_03 BOARD OF DIRECTORS 02_FINANCIAL REPORT CORPORATE GOVERNANCE * ensuring that all legal requirements are observed and that all applicable legal provisions are familiar to and observed by the companys employees (Corporate Compliance; the basic parameters here are laid down in the companys Code of Conduct); * the internal organisation and the internal control system; * hiring and dismissing employees; * monitoring the performance of external service providers; * preparing meetings of the Board of Directors together with its Chairman and presenting the necessary documents; * reporting to the Board of Directors. The Group Executive Board is empowered to pass resolutions on all business assigned to it. The Group Executive Board may submit such business to the Board of Directors for approval. The provisions on which items of business must be submited to the Board of Directors for approval are laid down in the Organisational Regula- tions (Article 4.3 thereof). INFORMATION AND CONTROLLING INSTRUMENTS FOR SUPERVISING THE GROUP EXECUTIVE BOARD The Management Information System (MIS) of the Kuoni Group is structured as follows. The nancial state ments of the individual subsidiaries are prepared on a monthly, quarterly, semi-annual and annual basis. These gures are aggregated per segment/division and consolidated for the Group. The gures are compared with the previous year and the budget. The atainability of the budget is assessed on the basis of quarterly reporting and forecasts. The heads of the divisions submit monthly writen reports on the progress of business to the Group Executive Board and the Board of Directors. These reports are discussed with the Group Executive Board at the Board of Directors meetings, as are the implementation and observance of Board resolutions and the companys liquidity levels. 02_04_03_06 262 02_04_03 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Any member of the Board of Directors may demand to be informed about the companys aairs. The CEO is responsible for informing the Board of Directors about the current course of business and important business transactions occurring in the company and in its subsidiaries. The CEO reports to the Chairman of the Board at regular intervals. The CEO must also inform the Chairman immedia- tely of any unusual events, and the Chairman will in turn pass such information on to the members of the Board. To ensure the direct information of the full Board of Directors, the CEO regularly atends meetings of the Board of Directors and its commitees unless the Board or its commitees need to conduct a closed meeting session. The CFO also atends all meetings of the Audit Commitee and is further present for most agenda items at full Board meetings. The further members of the Group Executive Board atend Board meetings for particular agenda items as and when required. The Chairman of the Board also receives copies of the minutes of all meetings of the Group Executive Board. The companys risk management function provides an established risk model for identifying, managing and moni toring strategic and operational risks throughout the Kuoni Group. The groupwide risk prole consists of the risks identied in the Groups main country organisations (adopting the botom-up approach) and groupwide strategic risks (adopting the top-down approach). The present risk prole and the current status of risk-reducing measures resolved are regularly monitored and are reported twice-yearly to the Board of Directors. 263 02_04_03 BOARD OF DIRECTORS 02_FINANCIAL REPORT CORPORATE GOVERNANCE Internal Audit complements the controlling mechanisms available to the Board of Directors and reports directly to the Boards Audit Commitee. Internal Audit supports the Group Executive Board in special projects as requested by the CEO or other members of the Group Executive Board, and in other maters. Internal Audits main task is to conduct an independent assessment of internal control systems and their eectiveness with regard to potential risks. The reports prepared by Internal Audit regarding the audits carried out are submited to the members of the Audit Commitee, the Chairman of the Board, the CEO, the CFO, the Head of IT, the Head of Corporate Controlling, the Group General Counsel and the external auditor. Each report also contains comments by the Group Executive Board regarding the key ndings of the audits conducted in addition to suggested improvements. 264 THE GROUP EXECUTIVE BOARD 02_04_04 MEMBERS OF THE GROUP EXECUTIVE BOARD For details of the members of the Group Executive Board, please see as of page 35. OTHER ACTIVITIES AND FUNCTIONS Details of other activities and any further functions of Group Execu- tive Board members are provided on the company website. No member of the Group Executive Board holds any ocial function or political oce. MANAGEMENT CONTRACTS Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd. and its Group subsidiaries have not concluded any management contracts with any third parties. 02_04_04_01 02_04_04_02 02_04_04_03 265 02_FINANCIAL REPORT CORPORATE GOVERNANCE Details of the compensation, shares and loans of members of the Board of Directors and the Group Executive Board are provided in the Compensation Report (note 02_04_10). COMPENSATION, SHARES AND LOANS 02_04_05 266 RESTRICTION AND REPRESENTATION OF VOTING RIGHTS Each share entitles its holder to one vote at the Annual General Meeting. When exercising the right to vote, no shareholder shall be able to vote, directly or indirectly, with more than 3% of the registered share capital entered in the Commercial Register; this 3% includes their own shares and shares represented by proxy. This limitation on voting rights does not apply to corporate proxies (Article 689c of the Swiss Code of Obligations), independent proxies (Article 689c of the Swiss Code of Obligations), depositaries (Article 689d of the Swiss Code of Obligations) or shareholders registered in the share register as share- holders with voting rights for more than 3% of the registered share capital entered in the Commercial Register. Legal entities or partnerships that are interrelated through capital ownership, voting rights or uniform ma nage ment or that are otherwise linked with one another, as well as individual persons or legal entities or partnerships acting in concert for the purpose of circumventing the limitation on registration in the share register are regarded as one single shareholder for the purposes of the preceding paragraph. The Board of Directors of Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd. issues procedural rules regarding participation in and representation at the General Meeting of Shareholders. A shareholder may only be represented at the General Meeting of Shareholders by their legal representative, another shareholder with the right to vote, the corporate proxy, the independent proxy or a depositary. All the shares held by a share- holder may be represented by one person only. The members of the Board of Directors of Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd. who are present at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders decide whether powers of atorney are to be recognised. The vested rights of the shareholders entered in the share register on 25 February 1995 (including those of their legal successors by virtue 02_04_06_01 SHAREHOLDERS PARTICIPATION RIGHTS 02_04_06 267 02_FINANCIAL REPORT CORPORATE GOVERNANCE of the devolution or partition of an estate, a matrimonial property regime or merger with or incorporation into a directly-controlled, wholly-owned holding company) remain intact. Neither do the limitations outlined above apply to shares which have been or will be acquired by the shareholders entered in the share register on 25 February 1995 or their legal successors as dened above through the exercise of subscription, warrant, option or conversion rights arising from the shares entered in the share register on 25 February 1995 and any shares derived therefrom. STATUTORY QUORUMS As a general principle, the General Meeting of Shareholders votes and passes resolutions by an absolute majority of the votes in favour and votes against cast (excluding abstentions). The following resolutions of the General Meeting of Shareholders require at least two-thirds of the votes represented and an absolute majority of the nominal value of the shares represented to be passed: * amendments to the Articles of Incorporation, including any changes to the companys purpose; * the creation of shares with privileged voting rights; * limiting or relaxing the transferability of registered shares; * an authorised or conditional capital increase; * a capital increase through the conversion of capital surplus, in return for a non-cash contribution or for the purposes of acquiring property and granting special rights; * limiting or revoking pre-emptive rights; * changes to the location of the companys registered oce; * the dissolution of the company through liquidation or by merger. CONVENING THE GENERAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS The Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders is convened in accordance with the relevant legal requirements. It is generally convened in April, and must be held within six months of the end of the nancial year to which it relates. An Extraordinary General 02_04_06_02 02_04_06_03 SHAREHOLDERS PARTICIPATION RIGHTS 02_04_06 268 meeting meeting Meeting of Shareholders can be convened if the Board of Directors or the external auditors deem this appropriate. The convention of an Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders may also be demanded by shareholders representing at least 10% of share capital, provided this is done jointly and in writing stating the items to be discussed and the corresponding proposals or, in the event of elections, the names of the candidates proposed. Every registered shareholder receives a personal invitation to atend, a detailed meeting agenda and notes on the various agenda items at least 20 days in advance of the meeting concerned. The agenda will also be published in various Swiss newspapers and on the website. AGENDA Shareholders representing shares with a nominal value of CHF 20 000 or more can demand that an item be included on the agenda of a General Meeting of Shareholders up to 45 days before the meeting concerned. This request must be submited in writing, and must also specify the motions to be put to the meeting. The submission deadline is published on the website. ENTRY IN THE SHARE REGISTER All shareholders entered in the share register as shareholders with voting rights up to three working days before a General Meeting of Shareholders may vote at the meeting concerned. Shareholders who sell their shares before the General Meeting of Shareholders takes place are no longer entitled to vote. Shareholders who buy additional shares or sell part of their shareholding afer their meeting admission card has been issued must exchange the card sent to them at the information desk on arriving at the meeting concerned. 02_04_06_04 02_04_06_05 SHAREHOLDERS PARTICIPATION RIGHTS 02_04_06 269 02_FINANCIAL REPORT CORPORATE GOVERNANCE DUTY TO MAKE AN OFFER There are no opting-up or opting-out clauses in the Articles of Incor poration of Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd. In view of this, any person owning more than one-third of the voting rights of Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd. must make an oer for all the companys listed shares. CHANGE-OF-CONTROL CLAUSES The following change-of-control clauses apply: BOARD OF DIRECTORS There are no change-of-control clauses in any agreements or plans to the benet of members of the Board of Directors. MEMBERS OF THE GROUP EXECUTIVE BOARD AND GROUPWIDE SENIOR MANAGEMENT In the event of a change of control, the current three-year vesting period under the Long-Term Incentive shall end immediately and the corre- s ponding shares shall be assigned. Apart from this, there are no change-of- control clauses in any agreements or plans to the benet of members of the Group Executive Board or groupwide Senior Management. BONDHOLDERS In the event of a change of control, bondholders are entitled to demand the premature repayment of their bond amount. SYNDICATED CREDIT FACILITY LENDERS In the event of a change of control, the banks participating in the syndicated credit facility are entitled to demand the premature repayment of any current loan amounts thereunder and/or to terminate the facility. 02_04_07_01 02_04_07_02 CHANGES OF CONTROL AND DEFENCE MEASURES 02_04_07 270 DURATION OF MANDATE AND TERM OF OFFICE OF THE AUDITOR-IN-CHARGE The auditing mandates issued to KPMG Ltd., Zurich have a duration of one year each. KPMG Ltd., Zurich, has been the auditor of Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd. since 1970. The auditor-in-charge, Martin Schaad, has been in oce since April 2009. The auditor-in-charge is changed at least every seven years. AUDIT FEE KPMG charged the Kuoni Group fees amounting to CHF 2.9 million during the 2012 nancial year for services in connection with the auditing of the annual accounts of Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd. and its Group subsidiaries, as well as the consolidated nancial statements of the Kuoni Group. An additional CHF 0.4 million was charged by other audit companies. ADDITIONAL FEES KPMG also charged the Kuoni Group fees totalling CHF 3.0 million for additional services, i.e. accountancy and tax compliance and project costs associated with the consideration of an M&A transaction which never materialised. Other fees amounting to CHF 0.1 million were charged by other audit companies for any 0ther services. 02_04_08_01 02_04_08_02 02_04_08_03 AUDITORS 02_04_08 271 02_FINANCIAL REPORT CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AUDITORS 02_04_08 SUPERVISORY AND CONTROLLING INSTRUMENTS WITH REGARD TO THE EXTERNAL AUDITORS Each year, the Audit Commitee of the Board of Directors evaluates the performance, remuneration and independence of the statutory auditor and proposes an external auditor to the Board of Directors who will be put forward for election at the General Meeting of Share- holders. The Audit Commitee also annually examines the scope of external auditing, the auditing plans and the relevant processes, and discusses the audit results with the external auditors. Representatives of the external auditors also regularly atend Audit Commitee meetings, and atended all such meetings in 2012. 02_04_08_04 272 INFORMATION POLICY 02_04_09 Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd. maintains an open and transparent communication policy towards its shareholders, current and poten- tial investors, nancial analysts, customers, business partners and other stakeholder groups. Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd. provides prompt and comprehensive information on the Groups business activities, while paying due and full regard to all the applicable provisions and directives of the SIX Swiss Exchange. In its endeavours to present details of its business development to its stakeholders, Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd. also makes forward-looking statements. These state- ments are assessments by the management about the present and future situation and performance of the company as they appear at the time the statement is made. The latest key dates are always available on the website. Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd. publishes a comprehensive Annual Report each year informing its shareholders about business developments and the companys annual results. The Annual Report can be ordered by any shareholder via the invitation to the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders. Of particular importance are the Corporate Governance report integrated into the Annual Report and the Financial Report on the past business year. All Kuonis consolidated nancial statements are compiled in compliance with Inter national Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). Key Dates for 2013 Financial year close: 31 December 2012 2012 annual results published: 21 March Annual Report published: 21 March General Meeting of Shareholders: 17 April Dividend paid to banks: 24 April (ex-day: 19 April) First half-year close: 30 June Half-year results announced: 22 August Nine-month business update announced: 07 November 273 02_FINANCIAL REPORT CORPORATE GOVERNANCE The reports on rst-half results and the nine-month business update are published and dis tri buted in the same way as the companys media releases. These reports contain unaudited nancial results which are compiled in compliance with IFRS guidelines. Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd. occasionally publishes information on current developments within its various business units or on other Group activi ties. In compliance with the relevant listing regulations of the SIX Swiss Exchange, these communications are always issued simultaneously to a broad circle of recipients. An archive containing the companys Annual Reports, half-year reports, nine-month business updates and further information and presentations is available on the website. Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd. also maintains an archive of all its published ad-hoc disclosures and other communications on the website. All this information is publicly available. Interested parties may also register on the website to receive ad-hoc disclosures and other published communi cations by e-mail. The information contained in these reports and communications is considered correct at the time of its publication. Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd. does not update media releases issued in the past in the light of subsequent market or business developments. As part of its investor relations programme, Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd. organises: * the presentation of its annual results; * conference calls around the publication of its half-year results, the nine-month business update or other information; * meetings with investors and analysts, either individually or in groups at roadshows in key nancial centres; * analysts and investors events on specic topics or issues; * presentations at brokers/banks' events. INFORMATION POLICY 02_04_09 274 INFORMATION POLICY 02_04_09 These activities are conducted with a focus on recently announced developments or nancial results, and in full compliance with SIX Exchange Regulations Directive on Ad-hoc Publicity. The presentations for nancial analysts and investors are regularly archived on the Kuoni Group website. These presentations are not constantly updated, but document long-term developments within the company. Details of the relevant contacts and the Kuoni Investor Relations mailbox are available on the website. Interested parties may also add their name to the Investor Relations e-mail list on the website. Subject Link Share capital and capital structure Information on Kuonis shares Board of Directors Group Executive Board Organisational Regulations Corporate Governance (including Compensation Report) Key dates 275 02_FINANCIAL REPORT CORPORATE GOVERNANCE COMPENSATION REPORT 02_04_10 C o m p e n s a t i o n
R e p o r t 276 Information about the Compensation Report is also available on (Quick Search: 12207) 277 COMPENSATION REPORT 02_04_10 02_FINANCIAL REPORT CORPORATE GOVERNANCE COMPENSATION REPORT In view of the fact that Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd. is listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange, and in line with the desire of its Board of Directors and Group Executive Board to maintain a transparent com- pensation policy, the present Compensation Report contains all the information required under the Swiss Code of Obligations (Article 663b bis and Article 663c, Paragraph 3) and Section 5.1 of the Direc- tive on Information Relating to Corporate Governance issued by SIX Exchange Regulation. In its corporate governance provisions and its reporting thereon, the Kuoni Group also observes the Swiss Code of Best Practice for Corporate Governance issued by economiesuisse, the umbrella association for Swiss business and industry. The Kuoni Groups nancial statements are compiled in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). The directives issued by each of these bodies and authorities show slight variations in their presentation and inter pretation provisions. The Compensation Report below complies with the provisions of Section 5.1 of the Directive on Information Relating to Corporate Governance issued by the SIX Swiss Exchange, and also pays due regard to Annex 1 of the Swiss Code of Best Practice for Corporate Governance issued by economiesuisse. The Report presents the compensation system used by the Kuoni Group. The compensation paid in accordance with the afore mentioned provisions of the Swiss Code of Obligations is shown and commented on in 02_04_10_06 (as of page 289). The present Compensation Report is intended to inform the public about the compensation paid by the Kuoni Group. This Compen- sation Report will be presented to the 2013 Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders both for approval as an integral part of the 2012 Annual Report and for its separate consultative voting approval. 02_04_10_01 278 02_04_10 COMPENSATION REPORT Since the members of the Board of Directors of Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd. are independent and are not members of the Group Executive Board, the details of the compensation of the Board of Directors and of the Group Executive Board are presented in two separate sections. The Kuoni Group strives constantly to be a rst-choice employer which is able to recruit, retain and motivate the best and most professional employees around the world who are of the calibre that is essential to Kuonis continued success. THE ROLE OF THE NOMINATION AND COMPENSATION COMMITTEE (NCC) The Kuoni Groups NCC is appointed by the Board of Directors and consists solely of independent non-executive members. The present members of the NCC are Heinz Karrer (chairman), Annete Schmmel and Raymond Webster. Board Chairman Henning Boysen also atended all the NCCs meetings in 2012. The main duty of the NCC is to monitor the organisation, qualication, performance and remuneration of executive management and the Board of Directors and to review the terms and conditions of any employee share purchase plan. Other tasks performed by the NCC include assessing the performance of the CEO and the further individual members of the Group Executive Board, arranging succession plans for the members of the Board of Directors and the Group Executive Board, submiting proposals for and recruiting new members of the Board of Directors and furthering the develop- ment of management as a whole. 02_04_10_02 279 COMPENSATION REPORT 02_04_10 02_FINANCIAL REPORT CORPORATE GOVERNANCE The NCC submits to the Board of Directors generally once a year in December its proposal for the structure and the amounts of compensation to be paid to the members of the Board of Directors and the salaries of the members of the Group Executive Board (including the relevant bonus programmes), for the Board of Directors to conrm or modify in accordance with the NCCs recommen- dations. It may also enlist the services of external consultants when doing so. Compensation in this sense includes salaries and all further benets received, including (but not limited to) all shares and similar securities, pension fund payments, discretionary and other bonuses, insurances, company vehicles, leaving setlements and further termination agreement benets. The NCC ensures that all executive personnel are compensated fairly, appropriately, competitively, in line with their performance and in accordance with the strategic goals of the Kuoni Group. To do so, the NCC devises proposals which are submited to the Board of Directors for decision, monitors the implementation of employee- related corporate guidelines and upholds the norms of good business management practice in the long-term interests of the companys shareholders. The Board of Directors took decisions on a number of major issues in 2012 following corresponding proposals from the NCC. These included: * Rolling out of a new compensation system for a long-term compensation as part of the already established total compensa- tion approach in 2013 in order to further improve the alignment of the long-term compensation with the business strategy. PricewaterhouseCoopers, Zurich was tasked with the mandate of accompanying this new design in its capacity as a consultant. The complex benet factors of the current system will be re - placed with new benet factors that are easier to understand and easier to verify by Senior Management. The aim is to further improve simplicity, measurability, clarity and compliance with shareholder interests. 280 02_04_10 COMPENSATION REPORT The changes should compensate a conduct of the Group Execu- tive Board and the Senior Management that takes into account the following four main targets: 1. Performance 2. Cash ow 3. Growth 4. Protability In short, the aim is increasingly to achieve protable growth without increasing the net working capital. In detail, the Performance Share Plan (PSP) already applied is now supplemented by a Restricted Share Plan (RSP) for the Group Executive Board and Senior Vice Presidents. The PSP now has a weighting of 60% of the long-term target compensation and the RSP a weighting of 40%. The PSP, which assigns the persons entitled thereto Kuoni shares at the beginning of April, is guided by the value-adding perfor- mance over a three-year reference period (three business years). The number of shares assigned at the beginning of the reference period will be multiplied by a performance factor within a range, based on actual performance achieved, between a oor of 0 and a cap of 2.5, instead of the previous cap of 3.0. The basis of this nancial performance assessment is the free cash ow (at a rate of 2/3) and the turnover of the Kuoni Group (1/3). The RSP, which assigns the persons entitled thereto Kuoni shares at the beginning of April for a three-year period, is predominantly designed to promote loyalty to the company. 1/3 of the shares are transferred to the person entitled thereto afer one year for the rst time, with further transfers of 1/3 each on completion of further one-year periods, as long as a valid employment relation- ship exists. 281 COMPENSATION REPORT 02_04_10 02_FINANCIAL REPORT CORPORATE GOVERNANCE To determine the targets for the PSP annually, a Target Commitee was established, which consists of the Chairman of the Board of Directors, the Chairman of the NCC and the Chairman of the Audit Commitee. The CEO and CFO of the Kuoni Group are also involved in consultation capacity. The programmes currently in place for long-term compensation will be completed as planned. * When determining the payment of the short-term incentives for the 2012 business year, in addition to the appraisal of the performance targets set, a bonus for the transformation process over the past two years in the form of a one-o payment was also included. * The structure and amount of compensation for the Board of Direc- tors and Group Executive Board will remain unchanged in 2013. * Due to a serious illness of a close family member, Group Executive Board Member Leif Vase Larsen requested a six-month sabbatical until 31 March 2013, which was granted. When determining the compensation levels (including basic salary, incentives and fringe benets) to be set and the service agreements to be concluded, the NCC pays particular regard to: i) external comparisons of comparable roles with international corporations of similar size from all business and industry sectors; ii) internal comparisons with the salaries and further benets awarded to management personnel elsewhere throughout the Kuoni Group. Here the Kuoni Group uses Mercers International Position Evaluation (IPE) system, which grades each function via a position evaluation based on a series of criteria: impact (size of organisation, inuencing scope, nancial contribution), com- munication (need for the position to communicate, organisational 282 02_04_10 COMPENSATION REPORT framework), innovation (requirement to identify, improve or further develop processes, services or products) and knowledge (knowledge required to achieve the positions goals and make a value contribution, team size and team expertise required, and geographical context in which knowledge must be used); iii) the future development of the Kuoni Group in performance and protability terms (based on the corresponding Kuoni Group three-year planning, in which external market developments are also projected). The members of the Group Executive Board have no right of partici- pation or consultation in the determining of their compensation (including any payments due under the relevant bonus programmes). The CEO is, however, present when the compensations proposed for Group Executive Board members are explained (except for his own compensation amounts). The decision on the structure and amount of compensation for the members of the Board of Directors is taken by the Board of Directors and laid down in a set of regulations. In any vote on the compen- sation to be paid to a particular member of the Board of Directors, however, the Board member concerned must observe the relevant general withdrawal/abstention procedures. The NCC establishes and maintains a philosophy of payment for services and performance rendered that is in line with overall company strategy, and submits this to the Board of Directors for approval. 283 COMPENSATION REPORT 02_04_10 02_FINANCIAL REPORT CORPORATE GOVERNANCE COMPENSATION FOR THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS The system applied for the compensation of the Board of Directors is based on the total compensation approach and comprises: * a basic salary * long-term incentives (shares) and * fringe benets. The members of the Board of Directors receive the xed compensation proposed by the NCC (generally in December) and approved by the full Board whose amount per Board role is specied in the Com- pensation Elements of the Board of Directors of Kuoni Travel Holding regulations of 18 April 2007. These regulations were devised at Kuonis own discretion on the basis of the Ethos Survey entitled Executive Remuneration in the 100 Largest Companies listed in Switzerland of November 2006 and a report on compensation practices for chairmen of the board of directors produced by the CC&T company in 2002. In 2012 PricewaterhouseCoopers, Zurich was commissioned with conducting an analysis of the structure and amount of the compensation for the Board of Directors. The xed compen sation awarded to members of the Board of Directors has been conrmed (instead of adjusted) annually since 2007. 50% of the total compensation paid to members of the Board of Directors is paid in cash form; the remaining 50% is paid in shares. The issue price of the shares concerned is redened each year and amounts to the average of all closing prices for the last ten trading days of the month before the Ordinary General Meeting of Share- holders. The shares are awarded on the trading day following the day of dividend distribution afer the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders, and are subject to a blocking period of three years. The members of the Board of Directors are entitled to travel con- cessions which predominantly match those granted to Kuoni Group employees. 02_04_10_03 284 02_04_10 COMPENSATION REPORT COMPENSATION FOR THE GROUP EXECUTIVE BOARD The compensation guidelines of the Kuoni Group are an integral part of Kuonis personnel policy, and are intended to motivate and retain existing employees, to recruit talented new personnel and to help and encourage all employees to deliver a performance that is of a continuously high level. The Kuoni Groups compensation system is based on the total compensation principle and comprises: * a basic salary * short-term incentives (personal performance in relation to quality/quantity goals, and nancial results in relation to budget) * long-term incentives (value-adding performance and further corporate development in relation to the objectives set) and * fringe benets. The short-term and long-term incentives oered are closely linked to the companys nancial development and success. This establishes and maintains a commonality of interests between the companys shareholders and its employees. The Kuoni Group maintains various forms of pension and other retirement benet schemes for employees entitled thereto. These schemes cover a large majority of the Kuoni Groups personnel. For further details, please refer to pages 177 to 180 in the Financial Report. It is the duty of the Group Executive Board and of Human Resources Management to ensure that Kuoni atracts, retains and further develops the best executive talent in the respective business area within the Kuoni Group. A Management Performance Plan (MPP) compensation system has been in place since 2008 for Group Executive Board members and senior management (Senior Vice Presidents and Vice Presidents) groupwide. Under the MPP, the members of the Group Executive 02_04_10_04 285 COMPENSATION REPORT 02_04_10 02_FINANCIAL REPORT CORPORATE GOVERNANCE Board can receive compensation for the 2012 business year which is divided into a xed (roughly 40%) and a variable (roughly 60%) performance-based component. Around one-third of this variable component takes the form of a short-term incentive, while the remaining two-thirds take the form of a long-term incentive. The short-term incentive is based in equal amounts on the achievement of annual nancial targets (the 2012 Kuoni Group EBIT compared to budgeted projections, with a possible target achievement of between 0% and 200%) and personal targets (with a possible target achieve- ment of between 0% and 120%), with payment in April 2013 in cash form. The personal targets here should always serve to help ensure the overall further development of the Group or the business units concerned. The personal targets for Group Executive Board members are proposed by the CEO, discus sed on the NCC and approved by the Board of Directors. The personal targets for the CEO are proposed by the Chairman of the Board of Directors. These personal targets generally fall into four categories strategy, trans formation, people and stakeholders with their relative weightings varying according to the function held. The long-term incentive, which uses a PSP to assign the persons entitled thereto a certain number of Kuoni shares at the beginning of each plan period (business year), is based by contrast on the value- adding performance achieved over a three-year period extending from 2012 to 2014. The number of shares assigned at the beginning of the reference period will be multiplied by a performance factor whose value will depend on the subsequent performance achieved in the period concerned. A long-term incentive will only be paid if no negative cumulative EBIT is incurred in the reference period concerned. The performance factor will range, based on actual performance achieved, between a oor of 0.25 and a cap of 3. The basis of this nancial performance assessment is the value-based management performance indicator known as the Kuoni Economic Prot or KEP. 286 02_04_10 COMPENSATION REPORT For clarication purposes the challenge of achieving a Factor 1 result under the above provisions is shown below. The KEP target is based primarily on two considerations. First, the KEP target reects a risk-adjusted expected return (8.5% WACC) that is based on market value. Secondly, as a prot value, the KEP incorporates not only operating costs but also the costs of capital employed. As such, it represents a far more challenging target than the usual prot criteria. The maximum factor of 3 will only be applied if investor expectations (8.5% WACC) have been clearly exceeded in return terms. Kuonis long-term incentive (LTI) is designed to be self-nancing, i.e. any additional costs incurred through the LTI are already included in the KEP result. Kuoni strives to enable its management to partici- pate in the companys value-adding achievements in accordance with the pay for performance principle. The LTI plan provides such participation in the event of both over- and underperformance. In accordance with this, a factor of zero will be applied if the EBIT result falls below a specied level. Based on the entitlement of international plan participants and the past history of Kuonis long- term incentive systems, the current long-term incentive plan has a maximum factor of 3, to ensure that signicant overperformance over a longer period can continue to be rewarded appropriately. The calibration of the KEP target for the long-term incentive is essentially based on an investors perspective which considers not only Kuoni but also comparable companies with similar business portfolios. This process also pays due regard to the growth expectations, risk proles, investment levels and protability levels that are typical of the industry. All such considerations ow directly into the Kuoni KEP target-seting process. The KEP target-seting process assumes that investors expect a risk-adjusted return on their investment which is based on market 287 COMPENSATION REPORT 02_04_10 02_FINANCIAL REPORT CORPORATE GOVERNANCE value, and translates such expected returns over a three-year period into operational KEP targets. The KEP target for the Kuoni Group for the 20122014 period was devised with the assistance of independent external consultants Hostetler Kramarsch & Partner, Zurich, based on shareholders expectations (external perspective, 8.5% WACC). The shares concerned will be awarded in April 2015, based on actual performance in the corresponding reference period. Once awarded, the shares will not be subject to any further vesting period. The LTI plan is intended to provide the companys top management with a further incentive to contribute to the success and business health of the Kuoni Group, and thereby enhance the Groups market value, to the benet of its shareholders. The plan should also enable the companys top management to participate in the Kuoni Groups long-term success. In the event of a change of control of the company, the present compen sation system excludes on principle the conclusion of any generous golden parachute agreements. Apart from any possible legal obligations, the system also excludes any kind of severance payments in the event of termination of employment. Contractual obligations dating from 2005 exist in respect of one mem- ber of the Group Executive Board. Under these obligations, should the employment be terminated by the employer, the Group Executive Board member concerned will receive six monthly salaries plus one monthly salary for every year of their age afer age 47 until age 56. No share options have been issued since 2005. The Kuoni Groups compensation programmes have been designed to ensure that they are comparable and competitive with those of a benchmark group of other world-class corporations of similar rank and renown which are also constantly on the lookout for manage- ment talent worldwide. 288 02_04_10 COMPENSATION REPORT The total compensation (including basic salary, incentives and fringe benets) paid to members of the Group Executive Board is deter- mined with due regard to a market comparison conducted by Mercer Zurich management consultants. This comparison considers com- parable roles of international corporations of comparable size from all industry sectors. Mercer Zurich was not commissioned with any further services by Kuoni Travel Ltd. in 2012. VALUE-BASED MANAGEMENT The value-based management approach at the Kuoni Group is founded on the economic prot concept. This aims to keep top manage- ment aligned as closely as possible to creating long-term added value on behalf of the Groups owners. The central management perfor- mance indicator here is known as Kuoni Economic Prot or KEP. KEP is calculated from net operating prot afer tax (NOPAT) less the average cost of capital invested in operations. The Group-level weighted average cost of capital (WACC) has been set at a sustainable rate of 8.5%, which was calculated by IFBC AG, Zurich. IFBC AG, Zurich had no further mandate at Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd. in the year under review. Specic WACC rates that accommodate economic and currency considerations have also been set for the Groups individual divisions and markets. NOPAT divided by the average capital invested in operations gives return on invested capital (ROIC), which is compared with the WACC for the Kuoni Group and/or its constituent units to determine value-adding performance. Kuoni has integrated this value-based management approach found- ed on the KEP performance indicator into its entire management process, to ensure that it has a sustainable value-adding eect. To this end, planning and budgeting, performance measurement, internal and external communications and the long-term incentive (LTI) compensation for senior management sta have all been consistently adapted to the sustainable value-adding philosophy. 02_04_10_05 289 COMPENSATION REPORT 02_04_10 02_FINANCIAL REPORT CORPORATE GOVERNANCE A KEP target which reects investors expectations of a return on their invested capital that is appropriate to their investment risk is set as part of the annual strategic planning process. Based on Kuonis enterprise value, a KEP target is set for the Group as a whole whose achievement will provide the companys shareholders with a return on their investment that is at least as high as Kuonis capital costs (8.5% WACC). The KEP and ROIC for the Kuoni Group are calculated every quarter and compared with the corresponding budgeted and prior-year gures as an integral part of the reporting process. The development of KEP over time (known as delta KEP) and changes in the dier- ence between ROIC and WACC reveal the value added by the Group as a whole and its divisions. Linking these results to the operational value drivers of turnover growth, cost eciency and capital eciency also reveals how such value was achieved. The presentation of KEP and ROIC trends for the Kuoni Group is a key part of Kuonis external communications with nancial analysts and investors. This clearly and bindingly illustrates the Kuoni Groups focus on sustainable value creation to the outside world. The provision of a long-term incentive plan based on the absolute achievement of KEP targets provides senior management with an atractive incentive that is rmly aligned to ensuring sustainable value creation within the Kuoni Group. COMPENSATION COMPENSATION TO MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS For their service in 2012, the members of the Board of Directors received the compensation shown in the table below. The aggregate compensation paid to the members of the Board of Directors in 2012 amounted to CHF 1.8 million (2011: CHF 1.6 million). 02_04_10_06 290 02_04_10 COMPENSATION REPORT No compensation was paid in 2012 to any members of the Board of Directors who had lef in the prior period or earlier. Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd. and its Group companies had not granted any collateral, loans, advances or credits to members of the Board of Directors or to persons associated with them as at 31 December 2012. No options were allo cated in the year under review.
Basic cash compensation (xed) Share-based compensation (xed) 1 Social security contributions Total CHF 1 000 Number of shares CHF 1 000 CHF 1 000 CHF 1 000 2012 Henning Boysen, Chairman 274 755 210 29 513 Heinz Karrer 128 347 97 15 240 Jae Hyun (Jay) Lee 84 227 63 10 157 John Lindquist 84 227 63 10 157 Adrianus (Adriaan) Nhn 84 227 63 10 157 David Schnell 157 378 105 0 262 Annette Schmmel 84 227 63 10 157 Raymond D. Webster 82 227 63 8 153 Total 977 2 615 727 92 1 796 2011 Henning Boysen, Chairman 276 593 210 30 516 Wolfgang Beeser 98 214 76 9 183 Heinz Karrer 112 237 84 13 209 John Lindquist 84 178 63 10 157 David Schnell 157 297 105 0 262 Annette Schmmel 84 178 63 10 157 Raymond D. Webster 84 178 63 10 157 Total 895 1 875 664 82 1 641 1 The shares were valued at a market value of CHF 278 (2011: CHF 354). The market value calculated includes a 16% discount in view of the shares restricted availability at the time of their assignment. 291 COMPENSATION REPORT 02_04_10 02_FINANCIAL REPORT CORPORATE GOVERNANCE COMPENSATION TO THE GROUP EXECUTIVE BOARD The NCCs general authorities for determining the compensation to be paid to the members of the Group Executive Board are specied on page 284. The aggregate compensation to the members of the Group Executive Board in 2012 amounted to CHF 9.7 million (2011: CHF 7.8 million). The highest individual total compensation in 2012 amounted to CHF 2.7 million (2011: CHF 2.1 million). The compensation shown includes basic salaries for 2012 and the variable compensation payable for the 2012 business year. Share-based compen sation includes the registered shares B assigned for 2012, which will be modied and awarded based on actual performance in a subsequent three-year reference period. The registered shares B awarded in 2012 from the share-based compensation for 2010 are presented in footnote 3. Apart from this, no compensation was paid to any Group Executive Board member who had lef in the prior period or earlier. Neither Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd. nor its Group companies had granted any collateral, loans, advances or credits to any member of the Group Executive Board or to any persons associated with them as at 31 December 2012. No options were allocated in the year under review. 292 02_04_10 COMPENSATION REPORT
2012 CHF 1 000 Group Executive Board 1 Of which: Peter Rothwell Basic cash compensation (xed) 3 397 940 Variable compensation: * in cash 2 2 134 670 * in shares 3 2 710 789 Pension scheme contributions 4 655 111 Social security contributions 791 151 Other compensation amounts 39 6 Termination benets 0 0 Total 9 726 2 667 2011 CHF 1 000 Group Executive Board 5 Of which: Peter Rothwell Basic cash compensation (xed) 3 234 900 Variable compensation: * in cash 6 659 232 * in shares 7 2 617 714 Pension scheme contributions 4 662 110 Social security contributions 638 114 Other compensation amounts 39 6 Termination benets 0 0 Total 7 849 2 076 1 Five members. 2 The members of the Group Executive Board were paid STI variable compensation in cash form of CHF 0.7 million in 2012 for the prior-year period. The cash-form variable compensation paid to CEO Peter Rothwell amounted to CHF 0.2 million. 3 The members of the Group Executive Board were assigned 11 822 registered shares B in the 2012 business year. These shares were valued at a market price of CHF 229. The market value calculated includes a 16% discount in view of the shares restricted availability at the time of their assignment. The share- based compen sation for 2012 will be awarded at the end of the three-year reference period in spring 2015. A total of 6 264 registered shares B (worth CHF 2.1 million) were awarded to members of the present Group Executive Board in 2012 from the share-based compensation assigned in 2009. (Since CEO Peter Meier was not appointed to the Group Executive Board until 2010, he was not awarded any such shares in 2012.) For share-based compensation in 2009 2 221 registered shares B (CHF 0.7 million) were paid to Peter Rothwell in 2012. 4 One member of the Group Executive Board is entitled to take early retirement in accordance with the regulations of the Patronale Frsorgestiftung. The non-contribution-based costs of the corres ponding benets are included in the pension fund contributions shown. The corresponding regulations have not been extended to any new Group Executive Board member since 2005. 5 Five members. 6 The members of the Group Executive Board were paid STI variable compensation in cash form of CHF 1.1 million in 2011 for the previous year. The cash-form variable compensation paid to CEO Peter Rothwell amounted to CHF 0.4 million. 7 The members of the Group Executive Board were assigned 8 975 registered shares B in the 2011 business year. These shares were valued at a market price of CHF 292. The market value calculated includes a 16% discount in view of the shares restricted availability at the time of their assignment. The share-based compensation for 2011 will be awarded at the end of the three-year reference period in spring 2014. No shares were awarded in 2011. 293 COMPENSATION REPORT 02_04_10 02_FINANCIAL REPORT CORPORATE GOVERNANCE SHARE OWNERSHIP BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND GROUP EXECUTIVE BOARD 02_04_10_07 Registered share B as at 31 December Other equity instruments Number of shares Voting rights Number of shares Voting rights 2012 Board of Directors Henning Boysen, Chairman 5 038 0.10% 0 Heinz Karrer 1 514 0.03% 0 Jae Hyun (Jay) Lee 227 0.00% 0 John Lindquist 1 373 0.03% 0 Adrianus (Adriaan) Nhn 227 0.00% 0 David Schnell 2 805 0.06% 0 Annette Schmmel 953 0.02% 0 Raymond D. Webster 1 573 0.03% 0 Wolfgang Beeser 1 1 052 0.02% 0 Group Executive Board Peter Rothwell 1 716 0.03% 0 Leif Vase Larsen 1 207 0.02% 0 Stefan Leser 5 178 0.10% 0 Rolf Schafroth 2 573 0.05% 0 Peter Meier 1 0.00% 0 Total 25 437 0.51% 0 0% 2011 Board of Directors 0 Henning Boysen, Chairman 4 283 0.09% 0 Wolfgang Beeser 1 052 0.02% 0 Heinz Karrer 1 167 0.02% 0 John Lindquist 1 146 0.02% 0 David Schnell 2 647 0.05% 0 Annette Schmmel 1 326 0.03% 0 Raymond D. Webster 1 346 0.03% Group Executive Board 0 Leif Vase Larsen 808 0.02% 0 Stefan Leser 3 329 0.07% 0 Rolf Schafroth 1 768 0.04% 0 Peter Meier 1 0.00% 0 Total 18 873 0.38% 0 0% 1 Member of the Board of Directors who left the company during 2012. 294 02_04_10 COMPENSATION REPORT BOARD OF DIRECTORS (NON-EXECTUVE MEMBERS ONLY) GROUP EXECTUVE BOARD (CURRENT) Number of shares 31 Dec 2012 31 Dec 2011 no blocking period 8 366 6 279 blocking period 2012 0 2 907 blocking period 2013 1 906 1 906 blocking period 2014 1 875 1 875 blocking period 2015 2 615 0 Number of shares 31 Dec 2012 31 Dec 2011 no blocking period 10 675 5 757 blocking period 2012 0 149 295 02_FINANCIAL REPORT AGENDA AGENDA 02_05 The Financial Report and the information on Corporate Governance constitute an integral part of the Kuoni Group Annual Report. This Annual Report is also available in German. The German original shall prevail. Der Geschfsbericht ist auch in deutscher Sprache erhltlich. Massgebend ist der deutsche Originaltext. AGENDA 2013 The Kuoni Group will be providing information on its further business performance on the following dates: Half-year-results 22 August 2013 Nine-month Business Update 07 November 2013 The Annual General Meeting will take place on 17 April 2013 at: Renaissance Zurich Tower Hotel Turbinenstrasse 20, 8005 Zurich 10:00 a.m. (door opening 09:30 a.m.) INVESTOR RELATIONS Laurence Bienz Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd. Neue Hard 7, CH8010 Zurich tel +41 (0)44 277 45 29 fax +41 (0)44 277 40 31 02_05_01
List of Key Financial Ratios: Formulas and Calculation Examples Defined for Different Types of Profitability Ratios and the Other Most Important Financial Ratios