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Project RIDF

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National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development '( 1 ~1!J ~ 3TI~ mOl fa Cbl't{ ito)


('-24. \i' Block

Bundra-Kurta Complex

p t3. 0l~.g 121

Bandu (East)

\lumbai - 400 051

rei : 2653006[:,

I:Ax : 2()530101

~';-n1Ui! : l1abspd~{!Jhom5.Ysnl.nct.in




Particulars Page Number
From To
General Terms and Conditions 1 6
~-- ---~
Other Conditions
1. Rural Roads and bridges 7 10
2. Irrigation Pro) ects 11 12
3. Minor Irrigation Projects 13 13
4. Drip irrigation Projects 14 15
5. Flood Protection projects 16 16
6. Water shed development projects 17 18
7. Educational Institu tions 19 20
8. Small hydel Power Projects. 21 22
9. Public Health Institutions 23 24 10. Veterinary Infrastructure Improvement Project 25 25
11. Pisciculture Farms 26 26
12. Soil & Moisture Conservation Projects 27 27
13. Construction of Angan \'\' adi Centres 28 28
14. Joint Forest Management Project 29 29
I 15. Seed Farm Projects 30 30
I \16. Food Park and demonstration cum training centre 31 31
Ll17. Fisheries Jetty Projects 32 32
18. Rural Water Supply Projects 33 '"'"'
III I Formats
I 34 34
'\ i. Form 1-( Form of Certificate to be furnished by the
I State Government to the effect that the loan
1 sanctioned to it is within the limit fixed by the State
I Legislature U/A 293(1) of the Constitution and for
I compliance with the requirements of Article 293(3) of
I the Constitution of India)
\ ii. Prornisary notc to be obtained from State 35 35
Government \ ,



1) Nodal Department

The Finance Oeptt. of the State Govt. shall be designated as the nodal department and shall notify to NA8ARD the name, designation and specimen signature of the officer of the Finance Department, who IS duly authorized by it to apply for drawal of the loan amounts and issue necessary acknowledgments for the amounts disbursed and also to receive communication notices and other correspondence from NABARD in respect of the loans sanctioned under RIDF' for completion of formalities, drawal of loan installments and repayments thereof together with interest. The Department shall also intimate NABARD subsequent change in the designated

officer, if any, and forward the particulars and specimen signature of the new incumbent. \

2) Grant of loans

(a) Loans shall not exceed the borrowing power of the State Government under Article 293(1) and consent of GOI under Article 293(3) of the Constitution of India. The State Government shall furnish a certificate in this regard as per Form I.

(b) The State Govt. shall apply for the drawals upto the amount for which Plan Finance I

Division, Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance has accorded consent under Article I 293(3) of Constitution of India for negotiated loans at the beginning of the financial year, based on the allocations finalised by the Planning Commission in the State Annual Plan.

(c) The allocation of loan to the State Government under tranche wilt be linked to the reforms

in agriculture and rural sectors. A separate communication on the subject will follow.

(d) State Government shall furnish a certificate before the rnobilisastion advancel first drawa:

that none of the projects considered for this sanction, had been sanctioned in any earlier RIDF tranches.

(e) NABARO shall disburse the loan amount on a monthly basis on submission of a statement of expenditure incurred by the State Government in execution of the works. The loan to be so disbursed shaH be restricted to the amount of the statement of expenditure. The State Government will be required to expend the proportionate amount indicated in the schedule to sanction letter.

(f) Drawal __ applications can be suornitted based on actual. execution of works and

expenditure Incurred -ahead of phasing given in the sanction.


Use of loan amount

The State Government shall utilise the loan amount solely and exclusively for the purpose for which it is sanctioned by NABARD. No part of the administrative expenditure shall be included by the Stale Government for reimbursement from NABARD.

The Finance Department of the State Government shall ensure that funds drawn from NABARD are passed on to the Implementing Department. No part of the funds snau be diverted for any other purpose other than for completion of the projects sanctioned.



4) Compliance with the other terms and conditions

The State Government shall observe, perform and fulfill such other terms & conditions / obligations as prescribed In the sanction letter/ booklet issued by NABARD.

5) Execution and completion of the projects

The State Government shall execute and complete the projects for which .he loans are granted within such time as stipulated in the sanction letter.

6) Tendering

The State Government shall adhere to the following stipulations. as a pre qualification requirement while selecting / enlisting Contractors IFirms.

1. Satisfactory track record of the Contractor / Firm;

ll. Adequate net worth of partners In relation to the project cost proposed to be undertaken,

Ill. Experience of the similar projects executed earlier;

IV. Banking facilities / credit limits availed by the contractor I firm should be adequate enough for smooth and timely execution of the project;

v. Firm / contractor not blacklisted earlier.

\1. The Slate Government shall incorporate a clause in the tender that .he contractors/ firms shall be responsible for the defect liability period preferably for three years and in no case less than two years no sooner the projects are commissioned /completed.

7) Security for the loan

All loans sanctioned by NABARD under RIDF would be secured by the irrevocable letter of authority registered with Reserve Bank of India I any other Scheduled Commercial Bank which is the principal Banker to the State Government (or the irrevocable letter of adjusting the dues against the Central Government in the case of Sikkim), for repayment of the principal and/or payment of interest to NABARD due in respect of the loans and advances made from RIDF.

/8) Rate of Interest on outstanding loans

(a) The rate of interest to be paid by the State Government on the borrowings under tranche

shall be as prescribed by RBI! Gol from time to time. Presently, it is 0.5% above the Bank Rate. The interest shall be paid on quarterly at the end of each quarter i.e. 31 March, 30 JU!'],e, 30 ~eptember and 31 December every year. The interest shall be paid by State Government on the first day of the month succeeding the quarter. I~t~!:.~_t is payable during the gr~ce period also.

(b) If Stale Government fails to pay the Interest on the due date(s), it shall be liable to pay Interest on the overdue interest amount at the same rate as is applicable to the principal amount as per sub clause (a) hereof.


. ,



) 9) Repayment of loans

(a) Each drawal of funds will be deemed as a separate loan for the purpose of repayment


(b) Loans shall be repaid by the State Government to NABARD in accordance with the repayment schedule prescribed by NABARD. It shall be repaid in equal annual installments within seven years from the date of drawal, including a grace period of two years. No notice of demand for the purpose will be issued by NABARD. The installments falling due on any date during a month will be payable on the first day of the next month.


(c) NABARD would accept advance repayment of loan or advance before due date subject to the condition that there is no default of the State Government to NABARD under any other loan and that the State Government gives three days clear notice (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays) to the concerned office of NABARD for such advance payment, provided however that if the State Government fails to give aforesaid advance notice of three days, the repayment shall be deemed to have been made after three days (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays) from the actual date of realisation of the cheque/draft and interest will be " levied accordingly In case of default of the State Government under any other loan or advance or interest thereon the amount tendered by way of advance repayment of loan will be first adjusted towards the loanlinterest under default and only the balance, If any, after such adjustment will be credited towards advance repayment of the loan/advance in question




Budgetary Provision

(a) The State Govt. shall make adequate provision in the budget as may be required for the smooth Implementation of the sanctioned projects. An undertaking to this effect shall be given by State Government to NABARO.

(b) The State Government shall make suitable budget provision for timely payment of interest

and repayment of loan installments.

... "


The State Government shall meet cost escalation, if any, out of budgetary provisions.

, (d) The state government shall also make adequate annual budgetary provisions for the recumnq expenditure on account of maintenance and repairs of the assets created.


Administrative Approval

State Government shall accord administrative approval in respect of the projects sanctioned by NABARD and in case of revision in the cost of the projects, the State Govt. shall also accord administrative approval for the same quickly. The State Govt. undertakes to submit copy of such administrative approvals to NABARD forthwith to ensure uninterrupted flow of funds.

12) Fund Allocation

The State Government shall make available the required funds to enable the executing authorities to incur the expenditure on the projects as per the CPM and PERT/Bar Charts In time and to complete the projects within stipulated time frame.


13) Invoking of the Mandate/Letter of Authority (in case of North East States)

If any Installment of repayment of the principal or payment of interest remains unpaid on the due date. NABARD may issue notice to the State Government calling for payment of the same and if still it IS not paid within the period of 15 days after receipt of such notice, NABARD shall be entitled to issue a requisition to the Reserve Bank of India/ Principal banker to the State Govt. as the case may be for recovering the sums in default. This shall, however, be without prejudice to any other legal remedies available to NABARD. Interest at the stipulated rate is payable by the Stale Government both on principal and interest overdues, till the realisation thereof by NABARO. Any decision taken by NABARD regarding the default shall be final and conclusive and shall not be called in question by State Government.

14) Stoppage of further disbursements

(a) Without prejudice to NABARD's rights and any other legal remedies as may be available to it upon breach of any or all of the terms and conditions herein contained or any or all of the special terms and conditions contained in Schedule II, NABARD at its sole discretion shall stop further disbursement of the loans and advances to State Government either in respect of the project In which the default has occurred or all the projects sanctioned to State Government.

(b) Notwithstanoinq what IS contained in sub clause (a) of this clause, on the occurrence of a default in repayment of any installment of the principal or payment of any installment of the Interest as mentioned above, or if the State Government commits default in repayment of principal or payment of interest accruing due under any other loan taken by it from NABARD or under any guarantee issued by it to NABARD, it shall be open to NABARD to stop further

disbursal of loans and advances sanctioned under the above project until such amounts in •

default are paid in full by the State Government. In such an event, NABARD shall not be liable

for any loss, damage or expenses that may be caused in the completion of the afore said project othervvise.

15) Appropriation of repayments

All amounts paid by the State Government shall be first appropriated towards interest accrued on the overdue interest! outstanding loan amount if remaining unpaid on the due dates and the balance, if any, towards principal. If the amount repaid by the State Government is in excess of the installment of the principat/interest such excess amount shall be appropriated towards the next installment of the principal, either in whole or in part, as the case may be.

16) Recalling the RIDF loan

Without prejudice to anything herein before contained or in the sanction letter, NABARD shall be entitled to call upon the State Government to repay the entire loan in one lumpsum together with interest in case NABARD is convinced that the State Government has committed breach of any of the terms and conditions of the sanction.

17) Implementation of the Project.

The projects sanctioned under RIDF should be completed early, if necessary, through redeployment of additional staff. The State Government through its irnplernentinq departmenl Will ensure that the projects are completed within the shortest possible time and in any case nol


-I later than the period stipulated in the sanction letter. If necessary, continuity of officers directly Involved in implementation may be ensured.


The State Government shall maintain such records and furnish such information to NABARD from time to time to establish to the satisfaction of NABARD that the work of the projects is progressing satisfactorily and diligently so as to be completed within the time prescribed in the sanction letter.

18) Progress of Works

In case, NABARD is of the view that the work is not progressing with such speed and diligence so as to be completed within the period prescribed in the sanction letter, it shall be open to NABARD to stipulate such further conditions and terms as it may deem fit for completion of the project, alternatively If NABARD finds that the project cannot be completed as envisaged in the sanction letter, to recall the entire loan disbursed under the project together with interest accrued

~ thereon In one lumpsum. NABARO's findings and decision in this regard shall be final and it shall not be questioned by the borrower.

19) Project Design

The State Government shall ensure that the project is completed as per the approved technical design cost estimate and specified time schedule. In case if any deviation needed for such changes the State Government shall inform NABARD in advance, justifying the need for change

Maintenance of Account

The Implementing department, on receipt of project funds from Finance· Department, shall maintain separate accounts of project expenditure. Accounts shall be maintained head-wise and the same shall be made available for scrutiny to the NABARD officials.

21) Inspection of the books of accounts and inspection of work site

NABARD shall have the power to enter upon and inspect the project site with a view to assessing the progress of the works and also verify all the relevant records and books of accounts relating to the works and seek such clarification or information or documents as it may deem fit and make suggestions in writing for maintenance of such further records or books as it may be considered necessary for proper monitoring of the progress of the work or utilisation of the loan amount and the State Government shall ensure compliance of such suggestions. The State Government shall extend all assistance and facilities to the officers/authorized representatives of

NABARD to visit the works-and review the progress from time to time for the purpose.

22) State Government's obligation to ensure smooth progress of the work


i (a) The State Government shall take all such steps as may be found necessary to remove

: any legal or other procedural hurdles in the smooth implementation of the projects.

(b) State Government shall ensure completion all process including land acquisition, if any,

• in respects of obtaining necessary clearances from the concerned authorities at the earliest in , order to enable timely completion of the sanctioned projects.


23) Quality Control and Project Monitoring

(a) The Project Implementing Authority shall undertake desk/field monitoring and quality control tests as per the Internal Instructions/manual of Implementing Department The reports of the Inspecting offlcer/q,uallty control tests and compliance thereto shall be retained on record by the Project Implementmg Division. These reports shall be made available to NABARD whenever required.

(b) Monitoring by NABARD

The monitoring of the progress will also be done by NABARD through prescribed returns, review meetings, High Power Committee. meetmqs . and periodical field visits, The Implementing Department may prepare-and submit the Progres's'Rep6rfe'v~ii_q'~_~r:t~r'indicating the status on physical proqress, residual work and expenditure incurred and claimed. The Project Completion Report In the prescribed format, alongwith photographs, should be submitted to NABARD within a month of completion of the project.

24) PERT/BAR/CPM Chart

In respect of each project, the Department shall prepare and submit to NABARD a PERT/BAR/CPM Chart as soon as 'the sanction is communicated by NABARD so as to ensure that the projects are implemented as per the schedule and completed by the stipulated time frame as indicated in the sanction letter.

25) Display Board

The implementing Department shall arrange to display prominently at the project site the physical and financial details of the projects financed in local language understable to the layman with NABARO's name,




1) Environmental Cle~Hance

The State Govt. shall confirm that the conditions laid down by Ministry of Environment and Forest. GOI, has oeen satisfactorily complied with.

2) Design Critaria

The project should be executed as per the IRe / MOST / MORTH standards regarding geometric design, pavement design as also the quality of materials to be used in order to serve the design life period The project should also be designed as per earthquake zonal regulation stipulated in BIS code A certificate to this effect from the competent authority should be furnished at the time of drawal.

3) Construction Safeguards

The construction of roads should have adequate safeguards against floods, heavy rains, etc These may include:

a) Proper alignment avoiding low-lying area;

b) Proper drainage/crossing/cross drainage works.

4) Quality Control

a) The State Govt. shall ensure that the technical personnel and well equipped laboratory system are available for exercising effective quality control.

b) Periodica' appraisal of the quality control data shall be made not only for Implementation dUring construction but also for effective possible improvement in qU(]iliy control and construction techniques. Periodical tests on material and finished works shall be conducted as per I RC / MOST and 81 standards. Some important items are as under:


-_.,,_ .. --

Earth compaction requirement of embankment and sub grade soil shall be as below'

~Sl Type of Field dry density as Frequency of test
No. work/material percentage of maximum as per IS : 2720 -
laboratory dry density as per Pt 28/29
I Sub grade (top 500 IS : 2720 (Part-7)
1 Not less than 100 One test per 500
,i mm. below m2
Ii pavements) and
I 2 Embankment (body Not less than 95 One test per 1000
below 500mm. m2
I 3 from sub grade top)
For highly 85 to 90 -do-
expansive clay (II) Pnysicai requirements of coarse aggregates for WBM Sub-base/Base coarses shall be a


r- Test Test Method Requirements Frequency of I
I test
Los-Angeles Abrasion IS : 2386 - Part 4 50(Max.) One test for
test every 200m3 or
or -do- 40(Max.) part thereof
Aggregate Impact test
. -do-
I Flakiness and IS : 2386 - Part 1 25(Max.)
, Elonqation Index (Iii) The fine and coarse aggregates for concrete shall comply with the specifications stipu» In I.S. 383-1970 and I.S. 2386 (Part-I) - 1963. The strength of the concrete shall cor with the specifications and tests prescribed in I.S. 516: 1959.

(iv) Fixing up formwork, manufacture and placement, compaction, curing etc. have t( strictly adhered to as indicated in the guidelines furnished in I.S.: 516 in case of bridge




(v) The quality testing of the materials as well as the frequency shall be as indicated in the rV7

following table:

Quality Test Standards for Road Construction Materials

Sr. Material Test Test Method Minimum Desirable
No Frequencies
1 Cement Physical & IS:269/445/ Once for each source
Chemical Tests 14898112 of supply and
\ occasionally when
called for in case of
long and/or improper
2 Coarse I) Gradation IS:2386(Pt.I) One test for 15 cu.m.
and fine of each fraction of
a9gre- course aggregate and
gates fine aggregate
ii) Deleterious IS: 2386(PLlI) -do-
i·li) Moisture IS:2386(Pt.1I1) Regularly as required
content subject to a minimum
of one test/day for
coarse and two
tests/day for fine
IV) Bulking of fine -do- Once for each source
aggregates (for for deriving moisture
concrete content-
batching) bulking relationship.
3 Coarse I) Los Angeles IS:2386(PtlV) Once for each source
aggregate Abrasion of supply and
value/Aggregate subsequently when
Impact Test warranted by changes
in the quality of
ii) Soundness IS:2386(Pt.V) As required
iii) Alkali- IS:2386(Pt.Vll) -do-
4 Water Chemical tests IS:456 Once for approval of
source of supply,
subsequently only in
case of doubt. c)

The test certificate of manufactured materials from the sources from where these are procured shall be obtained and preserved properly.



De',ails of the quality tests, frequency, the method of rectifying the defects, etc. are contained In IRC SP-11 "Handbook of Quality Control for construction of Roads and Runways". The same shall be followed


The results of all quality control tests and observations shall be systematically recorded ana carefully preserved

5) ImRlementation of the Project Arrangement of Labour

The projects under this sector are labour Intensive and involve seasonal activities, Details of the arrangement for labour force, made by the State Government may be furnished. Wherever, the labour IS arranged under the Government sponsored programmes like employment assurance/guarantee schemes, etc., the cost of labour would not be eligible for reimbursement under RI OF, since separate funds are provided by the State/Central Government for the purpose.

6) Sl,.ldget Provision

The Slate Government may provide for, through budgetary source, plantation of trees on both Sides of roads.

II The prime source for repayment of the loan including interest would be the budgetary allocation. However, the State Government may consider levying suitable charges for the service provided to the users of the roads







The State Government ~hall constitute .Water Allocation Committee for the project. which shall Include MRO,. MOO, Agricultural Extension Officer, concerned project staff and selected farmers In the benefiting area. State Government shall also constitute operational committees for day-to-day distribution of water.


The State Government shall submit to NABARD a firm action plan acceptable to NABARD for revision of water rates to meet at least O&M cost of the projects. The State 'Government may revise the wale! rates c.~ jt0~;01I\1l1t,;jH.h;d by the Vaidyanathan Committee/National Commission for Integrated Water Resources Development Plan 1999.


In order t(' Invr)jllp hrrn"~" ,,- W' A ..

.. ~ _. ,.., " .. -.),. C I di 1111:;1::> H j Irrigation management the ater Users ssociation shall be formed

before the last Installment is drawn. The Government shall consider handing over the irrigation ~ management to Water Users'Association after executing the appropriate memorandum of understanding with them. This will lessen the burden of O&M charges and shall also increase the irrigation efficiency, The Government shall draw an action plan in this regard.


The State Government through its appropriate department shall ensure the availability of fertilisers and other inputs in adequate quantities in the project area at the right time. The Agriculture Department may also provide extension facilities to farmers.



a. The State Government shall ensure that the canal is designed to meet the ful irrigation requirement in Kharif season.

b. The State Government shall ensure that all civil, mechanical and other works are executed strictly as per the approved design and latest SIS codes.

c. Canal and water course design shall be such as to permit full irrigation even when the flows are less than 50% of the capacity.

d. The State Government shall make appropriate arrangements for proper drainage in

command area having black cotton soil to prevent water logging and salination problems.

e. Crop water requirement shall be calculated and only the recommended cropping pattern shall be adopted In the command area of the project.

f. The State Government shall ensure that biennial safety inspections are carried out on completion of the project and necessary repair works are undertaken.



1 )


a, The design of the appropriate micro irrigation system should be done for the selected crop by the manufa~tunng company taking into consideration source and availability of water, wind velocity In different seasons (in respect of sprinkler system), suitability of the system for the proposed crop (s) / cropping pattern.

b. A plan of the area shOWing the layout of the system and a detailed cost estimate of the system should be prepared by the manufacturing / supply company for each beneficiary,

c The manufacturing company should offer performance guarantee for the operation of the system for the initial 5 years against any defect. i.e., manufacturing, working, installation, etc The firm should also offer regular after sales service for maintenance beyond the guarantee period, against payment of reasonable service charges by the farmer.

d. The components of the system should conform to the BIS specifications:

I. With HOPE pipes conforming to IS-14151 (Part-I) and IS-14151 (Part-II) of 1994,

ii. With aluminium pipes conforming to IS-7092 (Part-I) of 1976 and IS-7092 (Part-ll)

of 1987.

e The implementing agency should satisfy itself that the training inputs (both theoretical and

practical) provided by the system manufacturer to the beneficiary farmers are com p renensive.


The State Govt. shall ensure uninterrupted supply of power to the farmers depending upon the water discharge in the project areas to meet the daily water requirement of the proposed crops, They may also think for providing standby generator sets as an alternate arrangement in case of frequent power failures.


A High Level Committee (HPC) under the Chairmanship of Chief Secretary, of the State Govt. and comprising heads of a\1 implementing Departments and NABARD shall review the progress of the project at quarterly intervals, Further, the District Level Review Committees will also review the progress of the works at the district level with the District Collector as the Chairman, Project Officer, DRDA as the Member Convenor, representative of NABARD and the officials concerned from the implementing Departments as Members. The State Govt. shall under take periodical rnonitonnq and concurrent/ex-post evaluation of the project by an independent third party agency, to be awarded by the State Govt. to evaluate the project on the follow'lng parameters:

'7' Assessment of the quatity of irrigation system components supplied in the project by the rna nu facturer.

'l' System performance with respect to design emission uniformity. s: Supply of spare parts by the manufacturer I supplier.

Adequacy and deSigning of the training module and the topics covered.

Adequacy of technical and agronomic support provided to the beneficiaries by the manufacturer,



c,p' Impact evaluation of the micro irrigation system and technology transfer to farmer on


II. iii




Saving in water

Increase 'In cropping intensity Increase in irrigated area Saving in power (energy)

Improvement in productivity and net farm income Saving in labour requirement


The State Govt. throug h its appropriate Department, may ensure timely availability of fertilisers" recommended for supply through fertigation system and other inputs in adequate quantities in the project areas. Further, the Government may critically assess the existing marketing and storage of crop produce related infrastructure at the district level and the same may be augmented

wherever necessary.






VI In some areas where tributaries or nala Joins a flood prone river, the check dam at nala. If at all necessary, to be planned on the demand of the local farmers, be provided with a gate system which may allow the back flow of river water without causing damage to earthen structures,

vii" The planning of the different water conservation measures viz. contour 'bunds, peripheral and marginal bunds, check dams and other water harvesting structures in the entire project should be made on the basis of direct contour planning with prescribed vertical intervals. The measures must be planned as per the technical instructions of the department. The plan map should represent the actual topography of the area.

VIII For Maintenance of the structures, watershed wise Maintenance Funds may be created out of shramdan, contribution by villagers and state government.

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1} Design criteria and location

The. projects sha!! be executed. conforming to the approved designs. The designs shall be finalized by the competent authority. The minor changes in designs, wherever warranted shall be technically approved by the project engineers. The technical specifications and quality of materials to be used .In construction shall adhere to the latest SIS/National Building codes The location for constructron of the proposed structures in the existing land and premises wi!! be identified properly laking Into account suitable technical parameters and future needs and planning.


2) Construction safeguards

The construction of Buildmgs shall have adequate safeguards against floods, heavy rains, etc. Some of them shaH include:

(a) Proper site selection:

(b) Plinth level of the building should be above the maximum flood level;

(c) Proper drainage of water etc. :

(d) Safety codes applicable for construction shall be followed.

3) Quality Control

(a) The state govt. shall ensure that adequate technical personnel and well equipped

laboratory system are available at site for exercising effective quality control.

(b) Periodical appraisal of the quality control data shaH be made not only for irnplementauon dunng construction but also for effecting possible improvement in quality control and construction techniques themselves. Periodical tests on building materials, concrete and finished works shall be conducted as per SIS codes.

4) Implementation of the Project and arrangement for labour

The projects under this sector are labour intensive and involve seasonal activities Wherever the . labour is arranged under the government sponsored programmes like employment assurance I guarantee schemes, etc" the cost of labour shall not be eligible for reimbursement under RIOF, since separate funds are provided by the State / Central Government for the purpose,


Budget Provision

a The slate government shall make adequate budget provrsion towards execution of these projects and an undertaking to this effect shall be given by the state government to NABARD.

b The other infrastructure I facilities not covered in the present cost estimate and required to run the schools efficiently shaH be arranged by the state government from their budgetary resources.

c The structure of exist,ng schools in ddapidated or damaged conditions. if any. shall be repaired or reconstructed by the state government from their budgetary resources and an undertaking to this effect shall be given by the state government to NABARD.



d Other Infrastructure facilities which are not funded under RIDF such as furniture, scientific Instruments for laboratory, books, etc. as well as teaching and non teaching staff required for the sanctioned schools shall be provided by the State Government from their budgetary resources.

6) Community Participation

Community participation in educational process is inevitable to achieve universalisation of school education. state qovt. shall ensure effective functioning of secondary schools by motivation of teachers, students and parents and also to overcome problems related to admission, functioning of education system In disciplined manner. The SOC will also ensure proper functioning of schools, regular attendance, cultural activities sports, parents' meet, medical check up' etc. for students. Further, the Directorate of Education may be advised to involve the School Development Committees to monitor execution of projects

7) Meetings of School Development Committees

School Development Committees members with School Principal as Chairman have been constituted under Society Registration Act, 1960 for maintenance and development of school premises. The state 90v1 Will ensure regular conduct of the SOC meetings with a large participation of its members.





Necessary Hydrological Clearance if required to be obtained and a copy of it to be furnish d t



Necessary Environmental/Forest Clearance/ Other clearances from regulatory authorities, to be obtained and a copy of it to be furnished to NABARD,


a The State govt. Shall ensure that steps taken to reform the power sector in the State are in tune with the policy /guidelines of Gal which has been framed for restructuring the power sector in the country.

11, The State Govt shall review and revise the electricity tariff rates at periodical intervals to meet the full operational and maintenance costs. The tariff charges should be utilised for local

maintenance of the supply system and for salaries of the operators.


a, The State Government shall ensure that all civil, mechanical and electrical works are executed strictly as per the approved design and latest SIS codes.

b The design and drawings of the projects should be prepared based on the approved design and standard guidelines prevailing for such projects in seismic zone and should be followed during executIOn

c The State Government shall install Turbines, generators, transformers, switchboards, panels and other E & M equipment, etc. conforming to the prevailing quality standards of 81S.

d. The State Government shall make adequate arrangements for evacuation of the power generated from the project. A plan of action shall be formulated by the State Government.

e, The State government shall adopt accepted safety instructions and precautions in implementing and running the power project.


a. The electrical equipment and components purchased/procured from the reputed manufacturers should be Insured and a CAR ( Compressive All Risk ) policy should be obtained from reputed Company

b. To examine efficiency and accuracy of electrical equipment and components after installations, a trial run of the equipment before the commissioning the same should be made. Any defect noticed during such tnal run should be rectified by the supplier/department as the case may be.



c Tile manufacturer supplying electrical equipment and components should give guarantee/warranty certificate towards the quality of the equipment's and components supplied


Necessary insurance shall be taken to cover all risks including workmen compensation during Implementation of the projects


Adequate safety measures for both men and machines shall be ensured at project site during the construction work


The State Govt. shall review and revise the electricity rates as and when required. Efforts shall be made to ensure collection of electricity charges from the consumers.



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1) (a) Design criteria

The. projects shall be executed conforming to the approved designs. The designs shall be finalized by the competent authority. The minor changes in designs, wherever warranted shall be technically approved by the competent authority. The technical specifications and quality of" materials to be used In construction shall adhere to the latest SIS/National Building codes. A certiticate to this effect from the competent authority should be furnished at the time of drawal.

(b) Primary Health Centre-wise layout plan and cost estimate

The Implementing department shall prepare and submit to NABARD PHC-wise detailed layout plan together with cost estimate before drawal.

2} Construction safeguards

The construction of Buildings shall have adequate safeguards against floods, heavy rains, etc. Some of them shall include .'

a. Proper site selection;

b. Plinth level of the building should be above the maximum flood level;

c. Proper drainage of water etc., and

d. Safety codes applicable for construction shall be followed.

3) Quality Control

a) The State Govt. shall ensure that adequate technical personnel and well equipped laboratory system are available at site for exercising effective quality control.

b) Periodical appraisal of the quality control data shall be made not only for implementation during construction but also for effecting possible improvement in quality control and construction techniques themselves as given below:

I. The fine and coarse aggregates for concrete shall comply with the specifications stipulated 10 I.S. 383 -1970 and IS. 2386 (Part-I) - 1963. The strength of the concrete shall comply with the specifications and tests prescribed in I.S. 516 : 1959.

Ii FIxing up form work, manufacture and placement of concrete, compaction, curing etc. periodical field test for quality have to be strictly adhered to as indicated in the guidelines furnished in IS 516 or as per standard specifications.

c) The test certificates of building materials from the sources from where these are ["~cured shall be obtained.

d) The results of all quality 'control tests and observations shall be systen .dtic:--lIy I ,."'; ,~ed and carefully preserved.


4) Budget Provisions

The other infrastructure I facilities not covered in the present cost estimate and required to run the Primary Health Centres efficiently shall be arranged by the State Government from their budgetary resources

I f


II. The Infrastructure facilities such as ambulance,' wheel chairs, related fixtures & furnitures, II medical equipments and instruments, etc. not covered in the present cost estimate but require

to run these PHCs efficiently shall be provided by the State Government from their budgetary

i i


5) Other Conditions

State Government shall complete all component items of work in time and also ensure posting of adequate staff as per the norms of PHCs/Community Health Centres (whichever is applicable) so that the completed PHCs are operationalised immediately.

II. The State Government shall make suitable arrangements for providing generator' set/emergency light arrangements for each PHCs from their own resources which will be used by PHCs during electricity failure.

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1) Design Criteria

The projects shall be executed conforming to the approved designs. The minor changes in designs, wherever warranted shall be technically approved by the competent authority. The technical specifications and quality of materials to be used in construction shall adhere to the latest lSI I SIS codes. A certificate to this effect from the competent authority should be furnished at the time of drawal.

2) Construction Safeguards

The State Government through its implementing mechanism, shall ensure that construction of builomqs have adequate safeguards against landslides, heavy rains I floods, etc. These may Include'

a) Proper site selection

b) Plinth level to be above high flood level

c) Proper drainage of water, etc.

d) Protective measures on cut/fill sites. Adequate safety measures for men and

machinery shall be ensured at the project sites during construction.

3) Quality Control

a The State Government shall ensure that adequate technical personnel and well equipped laboratory systems are available for exercising effective quality control.

b Test check of the quality of the materials purchased as well as adoption of the technical norms and specifications shall be ensured through periodical appraisal visits by the departmental


c. Periodical tests on building materials from the sources from where these are procured shall be obtained.

d. The results of all quality control tests and observations shall be systematically recorded and carefu Ily preserved.



After commissioning of the projects, these will be handed over to Fish Farmers/Fish Farmers's Association for operation and maintenance with technical support from the Fisheries Department

2) Environmental Clearance

State Govt shall confirm that the condition laid down by the Ministry of Environment and Forest, Government of India has been satisfactorily complied with.

3) Project Execution

Project execution shall be taken up only after detailed survey, site wise location maps, index plan, designing, preparation of detailed cost estimates are done for the Jetties, handling/waiting sheds, construction of approach roads, etc, The project designing, execution and maintenance should be done as per latest SIS codes and standards.

4) Formation of Fish Farmers' Association' Beneficiary Committee

The State Govt. shall encourage building up of strong and efficient fish farmers' organization I Beneficiary Committee which can take up the responsibility of functional aspects of the fish farms. The Govt. shall draw a plan in this regard and submit to NABARD.





1) State Government after delineation of areas into convenient blocks shall prepare

comprehensive location maps clearly indicating the items of investment such as contour bund contour trench, percolation tanks, check-dams, plantations etc. In the map after ul"1dertaking necessary survey for each of the projects, A copy of the comprehensive map on Micro·Waiershed treatments, Silviculture treatments etc, prepared for each project should be submitted to r'>JABARD after receipt of sanction from NABARD and before execution of the projects,

2) Other Items

The State Government through Forest Department shall ensure proper maintenance.

• Treatments must be planned and practiced on sound soil and water conservation principles and on watershed basis on a contiguous basis. Further, the. treatment must be carried out on area saturation mode and not on piecemeal adhoc and scattered basis.

• The State government shall ensure that necessary provisions are made for maintenance of the plantations raised from 4th year onwards.

• The State Government may ensure providinq necessary extension facilities in the fringe villages through the Agriculture Department and Ground Water Department as the potential for agriculture development will improve due to the soil and moisture conservation activities taken up in the forest areas. Integration with land based activities has to be ensured wherever possible.

• There is a possibility of abundant availability of raw materials for undertaking various non-farm sector activities and hence the State Government may ensure involvement of their respective departments and also the bankers for financing production I processing I marketing activities.

• The Forest Department may endeavour to have participatory approach in the project area for maintenance of the structures taken up etc.




1) Construction safeg uards

The construction of Buildings shall have adequate safeguards against floods, heavy rains, etc. as under:

a Proper site selection:

b Plinth level to be above flood level;

c. Proper drainage of water etc:

d. Protective measures on cut/fill sites.

2} Other Conditions

The outer part of the hall of Anganwadi Centre shall be used for medical advise, literacy message etc.

II No Anganwadi Centre shall be allowed to be used for commercial purpose.

III The other infrastructure/facilities not covered in the cost estimate but required to run efficiently the Anganwad'l Centres shall be arranged by the State Government from their own resources.

IV. Each Anganwadi Centre on implementation shall adhere to the norms indicated by Government of India in Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS).

v The Anganwadi Centre shall be kept open at least for 300 days in a year.

\1 A proper record for utilisation of each Anganwadi Centre shall be made activitywise by the State Government.


VII All Anganwadl Centre shall be kept neat and clean and in hygienic condition

v.u The construction of Anganwadi Buildings under the present proposal shall be taken by the State Government at Anganwadi Centres running without any building.

IX. The State Government shall ensure the supplementary nutrition to children below five years, pregnant and nursing mothers and their immunization.



-----------_._- .. _--


1) Environmental Clearance

The State Government shal~ confirm that the condition/s laid down by Ministry of Environment and Forest, GOI, have been satisfactorily complied with before commencement of the canst f A certificate to this effect shall be furnished by the State Govt.. to NABARD at the time of d~~~~~n,

2) Project Monitoring

Special, monitoring, forn:ats mat be designed by the Forest Department for the purpose of monitoring. In addition, It has been decided that the Executive Committee shall be meeting not less than three times a month for the purpose of discussing the progress of implementation, The FPC wise state of the works IS to be compiled and sent to the DFO every six months to apprise him of the pace of implementation The monitoring of the progress of individual projects shall be done by NA8ARD through prescribed returns, In addition, periodic visits to selected project areas shall also be undertaken. Officers of the Regional Office will have frequent interaction with the project authorities from time to time

3) Implementation of the Project IArrangement for Labour

The projects under this sector are labour intensive and involve seasonal activities. Details of the arrangement for labour force, made by the State Government may be furnished. In the projects if the labours are arranged under the Government sponsored programmes like employment assurance/guarantee schemes etc, the cost of labour shall not be eligible for reimbursement under RIDF, since separate funds are provided by State/Central Government for the purpose.

4) Additional Manpower and Machinery

Deployment of additional manpower and machinery wherever necessary shall be done by the State Govt . to enable completion of the projects as per schedule. To ensure timely completion, project wise action plan shall be prepared and submitted to NABARD by Forest Department.

5) Other items

I. All the community items of Investment created shall be handed over to the respective FPCs for management and maintenance.

II. The State Government, through the Forest Department shall ensure proper maintenance.

III Treatments must be planned and practiced on sound soil and water conservation principles ( the working and management techniques adopted by the FD are always on watershed ~ principles) covering the entire FPC forest area. Further, the treatment must be carried out on area saturation mode and not on piecemeal adhoc and scattered basis.

IV The State Government may ensure proper extension facilities to the FPC villages through their Agriculture Department as the potential for agriculture development will Improve due to the soil and moisture conservation activities taken up in the forest areas. Integration With land

,/ based activities has to be ensured wherever possible.

v There rs a oossrbitity of abundant availability of raw materials for undertaking various non-farm sector actwrtres and hence the State Government may ensure involvement of their respective departments and also the bankers for financing production / processing / marketmg activities.





The State Government shail confirm that the condition laid down by the Ministry of Environment and Forest, Government of India has been satisfactorily complied with. If required.


The projects once sanctioned shall not be subjected to any changes in the approved project costs and/or project designs The State Government shall ensure that the projects are completed within

the cos! estimates and specified time schedule with the same project designs. In case there is a . !

need for change in the design or estimate, the State Government shall inform NABARD justifying

the neeo for change.


a. The State Govt shall ensure that all works of the sanctioned projects are executed strictly as per tile approved design and latest SIS codes and specifications.

b The State Govt shall ensure that biennial safety inspections are carried out on completion of the projects and necessary repair works are undertaken.


Prc.ect execution shall be taken up only after detailed survey, site wise location maps, index plan, des'lgn:n:J fir.alisation of detailed cost estimates etc. The project desiqninq , execution, rnarntenance should be done as per latest 81S codes and standard



The State Government shall confirm that the condition laid down by the Ministry of Environment and Forest. Government of India has been satisfactorily complied with if required


The projects once sanctioned shall not be subjected to any changes in the approved project costs and/or project designs. The State Government shall ensure that the projects are completed within the cost estimates and specified time schedule with the same project designs. In case there is a need for change in the design or estimate, the State Government shall inform NABARD justifying the need for change.



The State Govt shall ensure that all works of the sanctioned projects are executed strictly as per the approved design and latest BIS codes and specifications.

b. The State Govt shall ensure that biennial safety inspections are carried out on completion of the projects and necessary repair works are undertaken.


Project execution shall be taken up only after detailed survey, site wise locati~n ~aps, index plan. desig ning. tinausation of detailed cost estimates etc. The project desiqninq , execution, maintenance should be done as per latest BIS codes and standard.





1 )

Environmental Clearance

The State Government shall confirm that the condition laid down by concerned authorities regarding environment, pollution control etc. has been satisfactorily complied with.

2) Construction Safeguards

The State Govt. shall adopt stringent methods of monitoring to ensure structural safety of the va no us construction taken up for implementation of the project. The implementing department shall carry safety inspection and maintenance and repair works as required regularly and in a structured manner.




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In order to involve v,illage water committees and the users, in Operation and Maintenance of the project, such fora will be constituted for which the Government shall draw an action plan in this regard Such plan will be Implemented with the budgetary provision made in the project for IEC " (Information, Education & Communication) and CAP (Community Awareness Program) activities.


Quality of water shall be regularly monitored by the implementing department as per the Manual of Water Supply and Treatment and also conforms to the physical and chemical standards prescribed by ICMR for drinking purposes.


Design and cQnstruction

a State Government shall ensure that all civil, mechanical and electrical works are executed strictly as per the approved design and latest BIS codes.

b. State Government shall Install pumpsets, transformers and other equipments. pipes. valves, etc conforming to the prevailing quality standards of BIS.

c. The State Government shall make adequate arrangements to obtain required power supply from power corporations to run the pumpsets involved in the project. A plan of action shall be formulated by the State Government.

d. It may be ensured by the PHED that the pump sets to be installed have more than 60% efficiency.

e State government shall submit a plan of action for the related works for distribution of safe drinking water to the designed population.

f. In the sanctioned project, no part of the administrative expenditure shall be included by State government for reimbursement from NABARD.

g. MS pipe IS to be fabricated at site. State government shall ensure the supply of materials at site for completion of the project by the scheduled time.

h. State government shall ensure that biennial safety inspections are carried out and necessary repair works undertaken by the Implementing department.


The State Government will constitute Village Water Committees which apart from looking after O&M of the project will also collect existing drinking water charges from the users as per the prevalent policy of the state govt. Such charges will be utilised for maintenance of the supply system.


All necessary measures shali be taken up by State Government to rrururruse the hazards of water borne diseases. Chlorination arrangement may be provided at delivery point If required




( I: ~)[I1l 0 I" C crt ificate to be 1 urn ished by the State Government to the effect that the loan sauctioue d to it IS \\ Illiln rhe lilllit fixed by the Stale Legislature U/A 293(1) of the Constitution and for compliance with the req 1I ire meuts of Art ic Ie 293 (J ) of the Coustitut ion 0 f Indi a)

The Chief Genera' Manager.General Manager/ Officer-in-Charge

\;\tiol1al Bank for Agr iculturc

and Rural Development

Rcgiut13 I Office

Dear Sir.

\\' 1\11 re terence to the \L);~ns/aJ vauces of Rs.

sanctioned to the Government at

l'ldiil lJ.l1pd lul'nHilni(.;ll!l't Development Fund(RlDF) by National Bank for

:\grl(ul!urc and Rural Development (NABARD)

_______ together with earlier drawals from the

R\\r~\\ Infrastructure Development Fund(RIDF), it is hereby certified that no limits have been fixed/ the said

borrowings were within the limits fixed by the

________ State Legislature for borrowings

b-, the ~~ State, under Article 293( 1) of the Constitution of lndia.

It \s further certified that the aggregate amount of drawais of a1\ types of loans from NABARD (such as Juans trorn R1DF, loans from NRC(LTO) Fund for contribution to the share capital of Co-operative Credit lnstiunions and loans out or Watershed Development Fund, etc.) during the current financial year including the proposed drawal of loan, are within the amount for which consent has been granted by Government of lnd ia under Article 293(31 ofthe Constitution of India for the relevant year.

Date :

Placc :


Signature Secretary to the State Government Department



"-- I

j [ I









The ()O\ crnor of the State of


(Note 11m pronussory Note need not be stamped i l borrower is a State Government)

(Name \)1" the borrowing State)

promises to pay the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development or order the sum of Rs. __ ~ __ ._(Rupees__ only) for value received in five equal instalments, the first such in sta lment sh a 11 be pi! i d on the first day of the succeeding English calender month immediately on the expiry of a period of 36 months frOI11 the date of drawal and each subsequent instalments are to be paid at intervals of 12 months therefrom, with interest at the rate of 6.5% per annum with quarterly rests and such interest shall be paid at the end of each quarter.

Dated at this

~----- ~~-

day of


Secretary. Finance Department

State Government _

or the official authorized by him, acting for and on behalf of the Governor of the State of




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