Abb FSM 4000
Abb FSM 4000
Abb FSM 4000
Electromagnetic Flowmeter
with AC Field Technology
Converter Model S4
Instrument Designation
Interface Description
Part No. D184B093U30
Issue: 06/04
Revision: 00
ABB Automation Products GmbH
Dransfelder Str. 2
37079 Göttingen, Germany
2 S4 D184B093U30
Flowmeter FSM4000
Data link Description PROFIBUS PA 3.0
1. HARDWARE......................................................................................................................................................5
2. CONFIGURATION.............................................................................................................................................5
2.1 IDENT NUMBER ...............................................................................................................................................................5
2.2 CONFIG STRING ...............................................................................................................................................................6
2.2.1 Module....................................................................................................................................................................6
2.2.2 Slots ........................................................................................................................................................................6
2.2.3 Examples ................................................................................................................................................................7
2.2.4 Extended Identifier Format ....................................................................................................................................7
2.3 ADDRESS SETTING ...........................................................................................................................................................8
2.3.1 Hardware switch for address setting......................................................................................................................8
2.3.2 Menu “PA Address”..............................................................................................................................................9
2.3.3 Set Address by bus .................................................................................................................................................9
2.3.4 Reset Address back to default 126 ..........................................................................................................................9
2.3.5 NO_ADDRESS_CHANGE......................................................................................................................................9
3. OVERVIEW BLOCKS .....................................................................................................................................10
3.1 BLOCK-TABLE-LEGEND ................................................................................................................................................11
3.2 SLO 0 - PHYSICAL BLOCK .............................................................................................................................................12
3.2.1 Physical Block Parameter, sorted in accordance with index ...............................................................................12
3.2.2 Physical Block Parameter, sorted according to names ........................................................................................14
3.3 SLOT 1- ANALOGUE INPUT BLOCK................................................................................................................................15
3.3.1 Analog Input Block Diagram................................................................................................................................15
3.3.2 Analog Input Block Parameter, sorted in accordance with index ........................................................................17
3.3.3 Analogue Input Block Parameter, sorted according to names .............................................................................19
3.4 SLOT 2 AND 3 - TOTALIZER BLOCK...............................................................................................................................20
3.4.1 Totalizer block and Flowmeter own Totalizer......................................................................................................21
3.4.2 Totalizer Block Diagram ......................................................................................................................................22
3.4.3 Totalizer Block Parameter, sorted in accordance with index...............................................................................23
3.4.4 Totalizer Block Parameter, sorted according to names .......................................................................................26
3.5 TRANSDUCER BLOCK ....................................................................................................................................................27
3.5.1 Channels and Units ..............................................................................................................................................27
3.5.2 Transducer Block Parameter, sorted in accordance with index...........................................................................28
3.5.3 Transducer Block Parameter, sorted according to names ...................................................................................41
3.5.4 Error and warning handling.................................................................................................................................42
3.6 DATA STRUCTURES .......................................................................................................................................................46
3.6.1 DS-32 – Block Structure.......................................................................................................................................46
3.6.2 DS-33 – Value & Status – Floating Point Structure.............................................................................................46
3.6.3 DS-36 – Scaling Structure ....................................................................................................................................46
3.6.4 DS-37 – Mode Structure.......................................................................................................................................46
3.6.5 DS-39 – Alarm Float Structure ............................................................................................................................46
3.6.6 DS-42 – Alarm Summary Structure ......................................................................................................................46
3.6.7 DS-50 – Simulate – Floating Point Structure.......................................................................................................47
3.6.8 DS-67 – Batch Structure.......................................................................................................................................47
4. DIAGNOSIS.....................................................................................................................................................48
4.1 DDLM_SLAVE_DIAG ...............................................................................................................................................48
4.1.1 Principle ...............................................................................................................................................................48
4.1.2 Get Diag Frame....................................................................................................................................................49
4.2 DIAGNOSIS ................................................................................................................................................................51
4.3 DIAGNOSIS_EXTENSION ........................................................................................................................................52
4.4 MAPPING FROM ERROR AND WARNINGS TO THE TRANSDUCER BLOCK STATUS .............................................................54
4.4.1 Mapping-Table .....................................................................................................................................................55
4.5 STATUS-BYTE ...............................................................................................................................................................56
5. MENUS ON FLOWMETER .............................................................................................................................57
5.1 VALUES ON DISPLAY .....................................................................................................................................................57
Flowmeter FSM4000
Data link Description PROFIBUS PA 3.0
Flowmeter FSM4000
Data link Description PROFIBUS PA 3.0
1. Hardware
The PA interface has following dates:
U = 9 – 32 V
I = 10 mA (normal operation)
Imax = 13 mA (max fault current)
2. Configuration
Each PROFIBUS instrument is assigned an explicit identification no. by PROFIBUS International (PI). The
respective number for the instrument is: 0x078C. Consequently, the respective instrument file is called:
ABB_078C.GSD. Using this ident no. you are in a position to benefit from the complete entire functionality of your
instrument: One Al block and two Totalizer blocks.
PI decided to define standard profiles with individual ident no. The FSM4000 supports profiles 0x9740 (one AI and
one Totalizer block) and 0x9700 (one AI block only). The advantage of these profiles is the interchange ability of
devices from different manufacturers if these are supporting the standard ident numbers.
A disadvantage is the restricted functionality. This is caused by the fact that not all special features of an instrument
can be covered by a standard profile.
The Physical Block includes the so-called IDENT_NUMBER_SELECTOR (index 24). Using this selector you can
choose one of the following valid ident no.:
Flowmeter FSM4000
Data link Description PROFIBUS PA 3.0
2.2.1 Module
Each module disposes of a configuration string. This string in an transliterated form defines how many
bytes could cyclically be transferred from Master to Slave and vice versa. Example: 0x94 means 5 bytes
from Slave to Master, 0 bytes from Master to Slave. The data transferred depends on the profile fixed
within the function block. The above mentioned modules include:
This module does not transfer any data.
2. "AI"
Cyclical transfer of AI block OUT parameter from Slave to Master.
These are 5 bytes: 4 Bytes (Value, type: Float) + 1 Byte (Status)
3. "TOTAL"
Cyclical transfer of TOTAL parameter (Totalizer block) from Slave to Master.
These are 5 bytes: 4 Bytes (Value, type: Float) + 1 Byte (Status)
Cyclical transfer of the parameter TOTAL (Totalizer block) from Slave to Master (5 bytes) and
transfer of the parameter SET_TOT of the Totalizer block (1 byte) from Master to Slave.
Cyclical transfer of the parameter TOTAL (Totalizer block) from Slave to Master (5 bytes) and
transfer of SET_TOT and MODE_TOT parameters (Totalizer block, 2 bytes in sum) from Master to
2.2.2 Slots
The FSM4000 with the ident no. 078C disposes of 3 Slots: AI, Totalizer 1 and Totalizer 2. The Slot-Definition
defines which modules are to be used with the respective slots. These are as follows:
AI: module 1 or 2
Totalizer: module 1, 3, 4 or 5.
Flowmeter FSM4000
Data link Description PROFIBUS PA 3.0
2.2.3 Examples
The configuration string 0x94,0x41,0x84,0x85,0x41,0x84,0x85 cyclically transfers OUT value coming from the AI
block and both TOTAL values coming from the Totalizer blocks from Slave to Master. Altogether this amounts to 15
data bytes :
The configuration string 0x94, 0xC1, 0x81, 0x84, 0x85, 0x00 cyclically transfers the value for OUT of the AI block
and the value for TOTAL of Totalizer 1 from Slave to Master. Altogether this amounts to 10 data bytes. The TOTAL
value of the second Totalizer block will not be transferred (empty module).
SET_TOT and MODE-TOT will be cyclically transferred from Master to Slave. On the whole, this amounts to 2
• This examples are valid only for ident no. 0x078C. Both profiles, 0x9740 and 0x9700 contain a different slot
no. and thus different configuration strings.
• “Empty Modules” (0x00) at the end of the config string can be leave out. “Empty Modules” at the beginning
of the config string are required, for example: 0x00, 0x41, 0x84,0x85 is the config string for Totalizer 1, slot
1 with AI is empty (0x00).
Flowmeter FSM4000
Data link Description PROFIBUS PA 3.0
The hardware switch has highest priority. An address set by switch is fixed and can not be changed, neither by bus
nor by menu. If switch-address-setting is disabled (switch no. 8 off), then it’s possible to set the address via bus or
via the menu “Slave address”.
The switch can be seen and set by open converter housing (Take care to security instructions in Flowmeter manual
before opening the housing!). The switch setting is shown on the display in the submenu “data link”, menu “Dip
Switch”. It can also be read by PA communication, Transducer block relative index 153.
Switch 8 defines whether the address needs to be adjusted per bus or hardware:
On: The address will be adjusted per hardware via switches 1-7. It can by no means be adjusted by bus.
Off: The address will be adjusted via bus, switches 1-7 are meaningless.
Switches 1-7: Hardware address settings, binary coded. Valid addresses 0-125.
Switch 9 and “A” have no meaning for address setting.
Example: Address 50 adjusted per switch: 50dez = 32hex = 110010 binary → switches 2, 5, 6 and 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A
Switch Settings will only becoming active during starting up (= after power cycle or reset), not while the
system is operating!
The default factory setting for the switch 8 is OFF, which means software addressing active.
Flowmeter FSM4000
Data link Description PROFIBUS PA 3.0
If switch address setting is deactivated (last starting up with switch 8 on, then starting up with switch 8 off), then
PA-address is set back to default 126 and NO_ADDRESS_CHANGE is set back to FALSE. This is according to
PA Address
Address setting is not possible during running cyclic communication or if switch 8 is “on” (In this case the address is
set and fixed by switch).
Setting the PA address over the PA bus is done with a “Set_Slave_Address”-Command. In this command is a
Boolean variable “NO_ADDRESS_CHANGE”. If this Boolean variable is set to TRUE, no further address change is
possible with a “Set_Slave_Address”-Command.
Information: Only few PROFIBUS-Master-Software supports this feature.
If NO_ADDRESS_CHANGE is TRUE, then the only possibility to change the PA address is to write “Reset bus
address” into “Factory Reset”. This sets the address back to default 126 and clears NO_ADDRESS_CHANGE.
After that it is possible to set any address by a “Set_Slave_Address”-Command.
Even if NO_ADDRESS_CHANGE is TRUE, it is possible to set a new address with the menu “PA address”. During
this NO_ADDRESS_CHANGE is cleared.
Flowmeter FSM4000
Data link Description PROFIBUS PA 3.0
3. Overview blocks
Dependent from the ident number, the FSM40000 converter contains the following blocks:
The physical block, the AI block and the Totalizer blocks correspond to the PROFIBUS PA profile 3.0.
Up to index 53, the transducer block contains the part of the specified “Flow Transducer Block”. The parameters
correspond to the electromagnetic profile. From index 54 on, the manufacturer-specific parameters are added in
the transducer block.
Flowmeter FSM4000
Data link Description PROFIBUS PA 3.0
3.1 Block-Table-Legend
The following tables contain a. o. the below attributes:
Data-Type: Data type of parameter. Some parameters consist of structures, which are defined using the form
DS-xx. Refer to chapter 3.5.4 for details concerning these structures.
Storage Type: Cst = Constant Parameter. Parameter is not subject to any changes.
S = Static Parameter will be stored permanently (non-volatile). When saving a static parameter
the static revision counter ST_REV of each respective block
(index 1 in each block) will be incremented by 1.
N = Non-volatile Parameters will be saved permanently (non-volatile). When writing non-
volatile parameters ST_REV remains unchanged.
D = Dynamic Parameters will be lost during powering down.
Parameter usage
C = Contained: Parameter for internal use only, cannot be accessed cyclically.
I = Input: Input parameter for cyclical communication.
O = Output: Output parameter for cyclical communication.
Data transport
a = Parameter can only be accessed a cyclically.
cyc = Parameter can be accessed cyclically and a cyclically.
Flowmeter FSM4000
Data link Description PROFIBUS PA 3.0
Rel.Idx Variable Name Data Type Size Store Access Parameter Default Value Description
/Slot Idx usage / Data
0 / 16 BLOCK_OBJECT DS-32 20 Cst r C/a - This object applies to every block and are placed before the first parameter. It
contains the characteristics of the block e.g. block type and profile number.
1 / 17 ST_REV Unsigned16 2 N r C/a 0 Revision counter for static variables. If ataxic variable changes its value this counter is
increased by one.
2 / 18 TAG_DESC OctetString 32 S r,w C/a ‘' Every block can be assigned a textual TAG description. The TAG_DESC must be
unambiguous and unique in the FIELDBUS system.
3 / 19 STRATEGY Unsigned16 2 S r,w C/a 0 Grouping of Function Blocks. The STRATEGY field can be used to group blocks.
4 / 20 ALERT_KEY Unsigned8 1 S r,w C/a 0 This parameter contains the identification number of the plant unit. It helps to identify
the location (plant unit) of an event.
5 / 21 TARGET_MODE Unsigned8 1 S r,w C/a Auto The TARGET_MODE parameter contains the operating mode of a block.
0x08: Auto
0x10: Man
0x80: Out Of Service
6 / 22 MODE_BLK DS-37 3 D r C/a Actual : This parameter contains the current mode and the permitted and normal mode of the
Permitted: Auto block.
Normal : Auto
7 / 23 ALARM_SUM DS-42 8 D r C/a 0,0,0,0 This parameter contains the current states of the block alarms.
8 / 24 SOFTWARE_REVISION VisibleString 16 Cst r C/a D699G004U02 Revision-number of the software of the field device. This is the Gateway software.
9 / 25 HARDWARE_REVISION VisibleString 16 Cst r C/a REVISION 0 Revision-number of the hardware of the field device.
10 / 26 DEVICE_MAN_ID Unsigned16 2 Cst r C/a 26 (=ABB) Identification code for the manufacturer company of the field device.
11 / 17 DEVICE_ID VisibleString 16 Cst r C/a FSM4000 PA3.0 Manufacturer specific identification of the device.
12 / 28 DEVICE_SER_NUM VisibleString 16 Cst r C/a - Serial number of the field device.
Note: the number is equal to the instrument number
(see transducer block rel. index 101)
13 /29 DIAGNOSIS Octetstring 4 D r C/a - Detailed information of the device, bitwise coded. Details in chapter Fehler!
Verweisquelle konnte nicht gefunden werden.
14 / 30 DIAGNOSIS_EXTENSION Octetstring 6 D r C/a - Additional manufacturer-specific information of the device, bitwise coded. More than
one message possible at once, see chapter Fehler! Verweisquelle konnte nicht
gefunden werden.
15 / 31 DIAGNOSIS_MASK Octetstring 4 Cst r C/a 0x30,0x00,0x00,0 Mask for the supported DIAGNOSIS information-bits
x80 0 = not supported
1 = supported
16 / 32 DIAGNOSIS_MASK_EXTENSION Octetstring 6 Cst r C/a 0xFF,0x0F,0x00, Mask for the supported DIAGNOSIS_EXTENSION information-bits
0xFF,0xFF,0x01 0 = not supported
Flowmeter FSM4000
Data link Description PROFIBUS PA 3.0
Rel.Idx Variable Name Data Type Size Store Access Parameter Default Value Description
/Slot Idx usage / Data
1 = supported
17 / 33 DEVICE_CERTIFICATION VisibleString 32 Cst r C/a - Certifications of the field device, e.g. EX certification.
18 / 34 WRITE_LOCKING Unsigned16 2 N r,w C/a 2457 Software write protection
=0: no acyclic write allowed, except to WRITE_LOCKING
=2457: all writeable parameters of a device are writeable.
19 / 35 FACTORY_RESET Unsigned16 2 S r,w C/a - Reset
= 1 reset parameters to default
=2506: warm start
=2712: reset bus address only
20 / 36 DESCRIPTOR OctetString 32 S r,w C/a - User-definable text (a string) to describe the device within the application.
21 / 37 DEVICE_MESSAGE OctetString 32 S r,w C/a - User-definable MESSAGE (a string) to describe the device within the application or in
the plant.
22 / 38 DEVICE_INSTAL_DATE OctetString 16 S r,w C/a - Date of installation of the device.
23 / 39 - Unsigned8 1 N r,w C/a 1 LOCAL_OP_ENA, optional parameter, not implemented
24 / 40 IDENT_NUMBER_SELECTOR Unsigned8 1 S r,w C/a - The FSM4000 supports the following Ident numbers:
0 = profile specific: 0x9740
1 = manufacturer specific: 0x078C
128 = manufacturer specific: equal to profile 0x9700
25 / 41 - Unsigned8 1 D r C/a - HW_WRITE_PROTECTTION, optional parameter, not implemented
26 to 32 Reserved by PNO
(42 to 48)
Flowmeter FSM4000
Data link Description PROFIBUS PA 3.0
Flowmeter FSM4000
Data link Description PROFIBUS PA 3.0
Information: PA specification calls index 17 in the transducer block “VOLUME_FLOW”. The FSM4000 flow value,
which is placed in index 17, can be a volume or mass flow, depending on the selected flow unit.
Transducer block
Idx …
Analogue Input
Measurement Idx 17
calculation Idx … AI-
Idx 102
Channel processing OUT
Idx 104
Idx 106
Idx …
The AI block fulfil certain tasks such as change of scaling, alarm detection, simulation etc. The following section is
set out to give you an overview of these tasks.
Simulate FB-Algorithm Fail Safe OUT ALARM
- Enable - Field_Value - Fsafe_Type
- Value+Status - PV - Fsafe_Value OoS
Channel: Please choose the reading to be transferred from the transducer block using the channel
parameter (index 14). See also 3.5.1
Flowmeter FSM4000
Data link Description PROFIBUS PA 3.0
Simulate: The simulate parameter is a structure (see 3.6.7) enabling a simulation process (Sub parameter
“Simulate enable”). The Sub parameter “Simulate value” defines those values which will then be
processed instead of the channel value.
FB-Algorithm: The PV_SCALE structure will help setting the entry value (generally the channel value) to percent
gauging. This percent value is called FIELD_VALUE and will be available only internal. It cannot be
accessed via communication:
FIELD_VAL = 100 * (Channel-Value – PV_SCALE.EU0%) /
This percentage value is scaled to the PV value using the OUT_SCALE structure:
PV = (FIELD_VAL / 100) * (OUT_SCALE.EU100% - OUT_SCALE.EU0%)
The parameter PV_FTIME (Index 18) allows the entry of a damping time in seconds. The filtered
measurement value is called OUT.
OUT = Filter ( PV )
Fail-Safe: FSAFE_TYPE (Index) defines reaction in case of a failure. If FSAFE_TYPE=0 in case of failure a
FSAVE_VALUE will be transferred. If FSAVE_TYPE=1 the last usable value will be transferred. If
FSAVE_TYPE = 2 then the incorrect values are transferred.
Mode: With mode= Auto the so far determined value will be transferred
With mode= MAN the OUT parameter will be transferred. The OUT parameter can be written non-
cyclically in Man mode.
With mode= OUT of Service the OUT parameter will be transferred.
Flowmeter FSM4000
Data link Description PROFIBUS PA 3.0
Rel.Idx / Variable Name Data Type Size Store Access Parameter Default Value Description
Slot Idx usage / Data
0 / 16 BLOCK_OBJECT DS-32 20 Cst r C/a - This object applies to every block and are placed before the first parameter. It contains
the characteristics of the block e.g. block type and profile number.
1 / 17 ST_REV Unsigned16 2 N r C/a 0 A block has static block parameters, that are not changed by the process. Values are
assigned to this parameter during the configuration or optimisation. The value of ST_REV
must increase by 1 after every change of a static block parameter. This provides a check
of the parameter revision.
2 / 18 TAG_DESC OctetString 32 S r,w C/a ‘' Every block can be assigned a textual TAG description. The TAG_DESC must be
unambiguous and unique in the FIELDBUS system.
3 / 19 STRATEGY Unsigned16 2 S r,w C/a 0 Grouping of Function Block. The STRATEGY field can be used to group blocks.
4 / 20 ALERT_KEY Unsigned8 1 S r,w C/a 0 This parameter contains the identification number of the plant unit. It helps to identify the
location (plant unit) of an event.
5 / 21 TARGET_MODE Unsigned8 1 S r,w C/a Auto The desired operating mode of the block.
0x08: Auto
0x10: Man
0x80: Out Of Service
6 / 22 MODE_BLK DS-37 3 D r C/a Block specific This parameter contains the current mode and the permitted and normal mode of the
Actual : block.
Permitted: Oos,Man,Auto Oos=out of service
Normal : Auto
7 / 23 ALARM_SUM DS-42 8 D r C/a 0,0,0,0 This parameter contains the current states of the block alarms.
8 / 24 BATCH DS-67 10 S R,w C/a 0,0,0,0 See detailed descriptions in the Pa profile
9 / 25 -
10 / 26 OUT DS-33 5 D r, w (1) O/cyc measured of the variable, The function block parameter OUT contains the current measurement value in a vendor
state specific or configuration adjusted engineering unit and the belonging state in AUTO
(1)The function block parameter OUT contains the value and status set by an operator in
11 / 27 PV_SCALE Array of Float 8 S r,w C/a 100, 0 Input scaling of threw block
(EU at 100%, Conversion of the Process Variable into percent using the high and low scale values. The
EU at 0%) engineering unit of PV_SCALE high and low scale values are direct related to the
PV_UNIT of the configured Transducer Block (configured via Channel parameter). The
PV_SCALE high and low scale values follow the changes of the PV_UNIT of the related
Transducer Block automatically, i.e. a change of the Transducer Block PV_Unit causes no
bump at OUT from AI.
Flowmeter FSM4000
Data link Description PROFIBUS PA 3.0
12 / 28 OUT_SCALE DS-36 11 S r,w C/a 100, 0, 1349, 2 Output scaling of the block
(1349 = m3/h) Scale of the Process Variable
The function block parameter OUT_SCALE contains the values of the lower limit and
upper limit effective range, the code number of the engineering unit of Process Variable
and the number of digits on the right hand side of the decimal point.
13 / 29 LIN_TYPE Unsigned8 1 S r,w C/a 0 Type of linearization: 0= no linearization
14 / 30 CHANNEL Unsigned16 2 S r,w C/a 273 (=256+17) Reference to the active Transducer Block and the relative index of the transducer block
parameter which will be processed in the AI block
(2) Note: the channel only can be changed in mode Man or Out of Service. By writing to
the channel parameter automatically the scaling and unit of the channel is written into
16 / 32 PV_FTIME Float 4 S r,w C/a 0 Filter time of the Process Variable
The function block parameter PV_FTIME contains the time constant for the rise time of
the FB output up to a value of 63,21 % resulted from a jump on the input (PT1 filter). The
engineering unit of the parameter is second.
17 / 33 FSAFE_TYPE Unsigned8 1 S r,w C/a 1 Determines the behaviour values are incorrect:
=0: FSAVE_VALUE is valid instead of OUT, Status is Uncertain_ Substitute Value
=1: last value of OUT remains valid, Status is Uncertain_Last Usable Value
=2: the incorrect value is transferred as OUT, Status is Bad
18 / 34 FSAFE_VALUE Float 4 S r,w C/a - (0.0) This value is transferred as OUT if the channel provides incorrect values and
19 / 35 ALARM_HYS Float 4 S r,w C/a 0.5% of range Hysteric’s for all the alarm limits and warning limits
21 / 37 HI_HI_LIM Float 4 S r,w C/a max value Value for upper limit of alarms in physical units like OUT
23 / 39 HI_LIM Float 4 S r,w C/a max value Value for upper limit of warnings in physical units like OUT
25 / 41 LO_LIM Float 4 S r,w C/a min value Value for lower limit of warnings in physical units like OUT
27 / 43 LO_LO_LIM Float 4 S r,w C/a min value Value for the lower limit of alarms in physical units like OUT
30 / 46 HI_HI_ALM DS-39 16 D r C/a 0 State of the upper limit of alarms
31 / 47 HI_ALM DS-39 16 D r C/a 0 State of the upper limit of warnings
32 / 48 LO_ALM DS-39 16 D r C/a 0 State of the lower limit of warnings
33 / 49 LO_LO_ALM DS-39 16 D r C/a 0 State of the lower limit of alarms
34 / 50 SIMULATE DS-50 6 S r,w C/a disable For commissioning and test purposes the input value from the Transducer Block in the
Analogue Input Function Block AI-FB can be simulated. That means that the Transducer
and AI-FB will be disconnected.
35 / 51 OUT_UNIT_TEXT OctetString 16 S r,w C/a - If a specific unit of OUT parameter is not in the code list (see General Requirement) the
user has the possibility to write the specific text in this parameter. The unit code is then
equal “textual unit definition”.
36 to 44 reserved by PNO
(52 to 60)
Flowmeter FSM4000
Data link Description PROFIBUS PA 3.0
Flowmeter FSM4000
Data link Description PROFIBUS PA 3.0
COPA-XE/MAG-XE Converter
Transducer block Totalizer-
Idx 1 Channel processing TOTAL
Measurement Idx … SET_TOT
calculation Idx … MODE_TOT
Idx 17
Idx …
Idx …
Idx …
Idx … Channel processing TOTAL
Flowmeter FSM4000
Data link Description PROFIBUS PA 3.0
FSM4000 Flowmeter
Transducer-Block Block
Block 2
The Totalizer block unit is according to the VOLUME_FLOW unit, because PA Totalizer blocks are adding up the
“VOLUME_FLOW” value. Example: flow unit: m3/h → Totalizer block unit: m3.
The Totalizer block unit UNIT_TOT (index 11) is automatically set according to the VOLUME_FLOW unit.
Flowmeter FSM4000
Data link Description PROFIBUS PA 3.0
Channel: Measured value from transducer block to be processed can be chosen via channel parameter
(index 12). See also 3.5.1
FAIL_TOT (Index 15) determines behaviour of channel values with “BAD” status. In this case you can either
keep the Totalizer running (Run) and ignore the bad values, stop the Totalizer or accumulate the
last usable value (Memory).
MODE_TOT (Index 14) determines whether both flow directions ought to be accumulated or merely the positive
or negative flow values. Hold will stop the Totalizer.
Integrator: The flow values will be continually accumulated to the TOTAL values (index 10) to calculate the
Totalizer reading.
UNIT_TOT (Index 11) indicates the unit. The value should correspond to the channel unit. This will
not be verified and the UNIT_TOT will not be included in the calculations.
SET_TOT (Index 13) allows resetting or presetting of TOTAL value:
0: Totalize means that the Totalizer is working and accumulating normally
1: Reset resets Totalizer to 0.
2: Preset resets Totalizer to PRESET_TOT (Index 16).
As long as SET_TOT_ is set to 1 or 2, the reset or preset condition will be preserved. Only when
SET_TOT is reset to 0 , the Totalizer will restart counting normally.
Flowmeter FSM4000
Data link Description PROFIBUS PA 3.0
Rel.Idx Variable Name Data Type Size Store Access Parameter Default Value Description
/Slot Idx usage / Data
0 / 16 BLOCK_OBJECT DS-32 20 C r C/a - This object applies to every block and are placed before the first parameter. It contains the
characteristics of the block e.g. block type and profile number.
1 / 17 ST_REV Unsigned16 2 N r C/a 0 A block has static block parameters, that are not changed by the process. Values are
assigned to this parameter during the configuration or optimisation. The value of ST_REV
must increase by 1 after every change of a static block parameter. This provides a check
of the parameter revision.
2 / 18 TAG_DESC OctetString 32 S r,w C/a ‘' Every block can be assigned a textual TAG description. The TAG_DESC must be
unambiguous and unique in the Fieldbus system.
3 / 19 STRATEGY Unsigned16 2 S r,w C/a 0 Grouping of Function Block. The STRATEGY field can be used to group blocks.
4 / 20 ALERT_KEY Unsigned8 1 S r,w C/a 0 This parameter contains the identification number of the plant unit. It helps to identify the
location (plant unit) of an event.
5 / 21 TARGET_MODE Unsigned8 1 S r,w C/a Auto The desired operation mode of the block
0x08: Auto
0x10: Man
0x80: Out Of Service
6 / 22 MODE_BLK DS-37 3 D r C/a Actual : This parameter contains the current mode and the permitted and normal mode of the
Permitted: Oos,Man,Auto block.
Normal : Auto
7 / 23 ALARM_SUM DS-42 8 D r C/a 0,0,0,0 This parameter contains the current states of the block alarms.
8 / 24 BATCH DS-67 10 S R,w C/a 0,0,0,0 See detailed descriptions in the PA profile
9 / 25 -
10 / 26 TOTAL DS-33 5 N r O/cyc 0 The function block parameter TOTAL contains the integrated quantity of the value
referenced by the CHANNEL and the associated status.
11 / 27 UNIT_TOT Unsigned16 2 S r,w C/a 1038 = Litre Unit of TOTAL
12 / 28 CHANNEL Unsigned16 2 S r,w C/a 273 (=256+17) Reference to the active transducer block, which provides the measurement value to the
function block.
(1) Note: The channel can only be changed in mode MAN or OUT of Service.
While writing to the channel parameter automatically the physical unit of the value the
channel is related to is entered into UNIT_TOT. This is the unit for mass flow (kg/hÆ kg)
3 3
or volume flow (m /hÆ m ) .
13 / 29 SET_TOT Unsigned8 1 N r,w I/cyc 0 Reset of the internal value of the FB algorithm to 0 or set this value to PRESET_TOT. The
function block parameter SET_TOT affects the current totalized value (TOTAL)
immediately. This function is level sensitive.
The following selections of this function block parameter are possible:
0: TOTALIZE; „normal“ operation of the Totalizer
1: RESET; resets the TOTAL value to 0
2: PRESET; resets the TOTAL value to the value of PRESET_TOT
Flowmeter FSM4000
Data link Description PROFIBUS PA 3.0
Rel.Idx Variable Name Data Type Size Store Access Parameter Default Value Description
/Slot Idx usage / Data
14 / 30 MODE_TOT Unsigned8 1 N r,w I/cyc 0 This function block parameter governs the behaviour of the totalization. The following
selections are possible:
0: BALANCED; true arithmetic integration of the incoming rate values.
1: POS_ONLY; totalization of positive incoming rate values only.
2: NEG_ONLY; totalization of negative incoming rate values only.
3: HOLD; totalization stopped.
15 / 31 FAIL_TOT Unsigned8 1 S r,w C/a 0 Fail-safe mode of the Totalizer function block. This parameter governs the behaviour of
the function block during the occurrence of input values with bad status. The following
selections are possible:
0: RUN ; totalisation is continued using the input values despite the bad status.
The status is ignored.
1: HOLD; totalisation is stopped during occurrence of bad status of incoming values.
2: MEMORY; totalisation is continued based on the last incoming value with good
status before the first occurrence of bad status.
16 / 32 PRESET_TOT Float 4 S r,w C/a 0.0
17 / 33 ALARM_HYS Float 4 S r,w C/a 0.0 Hysteresis
Within the scope of the PROFIBUS-PA specification for transmitters there are functions for
the monitoring of limit violation (off-limit conditions) of adjustable limits. Maybe the value of
one process variable is just the same as the value of a limit and the variable fluctuates
around the limit it will occur a lot of limit violations.
That triggers a lot of messages; so it must be possible to trigger messages only after
crossing an adjustable hysteresis. The sensitivity of triggering of the alarm messages is
adjustable. The value of the hysteresis is fixed in ALARM_HYS and is the same for the
parameters HI_HI_LIM, HI_LIM, LO_LIM and LO_LO_LIM. The hysteresis is expressed as
value below high limit and above low limit in the engineering unit of xx_LIM.
18 / 34 HI_HI_LIM Float 4 S r,w C/a Max value Value for upper limit of alarms
Upper limit value for alarms with engineering unit of the OUT parameter. If the measured
variable is equal or higher than the upper limit value the State Bits in the State Byte of
OUT and in the FB parameter ALARM_SUM have to change to 1. The unit of this
parameter is the same like the OUT one.
19 / 35 HI_LIM Float 4 S r,w C/a Max value Value for upper limit of warnings
Upper limit value for warnings with engineering unit of the OUT parameter. If the measured
variable is equal or higher than the upper limit value, the State Bits in the State Byte of
OUT and in the FB parameter ALARM_SUM have to change to 1. The unit of this
parameter is the same like the OUT one .
20 / 36 LO_LIM Float 4 S r,w C/a Min value Value for lower limit of warnings
Lower limit value for warnings with engineering unit of the OUT parameter. If the measured
variable is equal to or lower than the lower limit value, the State Bits in the State Byte of
OUT and in the FB parameter ALARM_SUM have to change to 1. The unit of this
parameter is the same like the OUT one.
21 / 37 LO_LO_LIM Float 4 S r,w C/a Min value Value for the lower limit of alarms
Lower limit value for alarms with engineering unit of the OUT parameter. If the measured
variable is equal to or lower than the lower limit value, the State Bits in the State Byte of
OUT and in the FB parameter ALARM SUM have to change to 1. The unit of this
Flowmeter FSM4000
Data link Description PROFIBUS PA 3.0
Rel.Idx Variable Name Data Type Size Store Access Parameter Default Value Description
/Slot Idx usage / Data
parameter is the same like the OUT one.
22 / 38 HI_HI_ALM DS-39 16 D r C/a 0 State of the upper limit of alarms
This parameter contains the state of the upper limit of an alarm and the relating time
stamp. The time stamp expresses the time the measured variable has been equal or
higher than the upper limit of the alarm. Devices without clock use the beginning of the
PROFIBUS-PA time (1st January 1984) as time stamp.
23 / 39 HI_ALM DS-39 16 D r C/a 0 State of the upper limit of warnings
This parameter contains the state of the upper limit of a warning and the relating time
stamp. The time stamp expresses the time the measured variable has been equal or
higher than the upper limit of the warning. Devices without clock use the beginning of the
PROFIBUS-PA time (1st January 1984) as time stamp.
24 / 40 LO_ALM DS-39 16 D r C/a 0 State of the lower limit of warnings
This parameter contains the state of the lower limit of a warning and the relating time
stamp. The time stamp expresses the time at which the measured variable has been equal
to or higher than the lower limit of the warning. Devices without clock use the beginning of
the PROFIBUS-PA time (1st January 1984) as time stamp.
25 / 41 LO_LO_ALM DS-39 16 D r C/a 0 State of the lower limit of alarms
This parameter contains the state of the lower limit of an alarm and the relating time
stamp. The time stamp expresses the time at which the measured variable has been equal
to or higher than the lower limit of the alarm. Devices without clock use the beginning of
the PROFIBUS-PA time (1st January 1984) as time stamp.
26 to 35 reserved by PNO
(42 to 51)
Flowmeter FSM4000
Data link Description PROFIBUS PA 3.0
Flowmeter FSM4000
Data link Description PROFIBUS PA 3.0
The channel parameter is of the type Unsigned16. The upper byte indicates the transducer block index (in general
it is possible for an instrument to dispose of several transducer blocks), the lower byte indicates the relative index
of the parameter within the transducer block.
The FSM4000 merely disposes of one transducer block which is assigned index 1. Consequently, the high byte will
always be stated as 1 which is equivalent to +256 onto the relative index.
Flowmeter FSM4000
Data link Description PROFIBUS PA 3.0
Up to index 52 the transducer block consists of the part “flow transducer block”. The parameters correspond to the electromagnetic flow profile.
From index 53 on, manufacturer-specific parameters are attached to the transducer block. The order of this parameters correspondents to the order of parameters on the
local display.
Some parameters have two default values in the table below. The first one is the default value of the FSM4000. The PA specifications require some special default values
after a “Factory Reset” (Physical block index 19). These default values are the second in the table.
Some parameters are double placed in the Transducer block, for example index 9 (LOW_FLOW_CUTOFF of the PA profile) and index 84 (“Low flow cut off” in the
manufacturer specific part). Both are equal. It is not important which one will be read or written.
Rel.Idx / Variable Name Data Type Size Store Access Default Value Description
Slot Idx
0 / 16 BLOCK_OBJECT DS-32 20 Cst r - This structure contains general information about the block like block type, profile version, etc.
1 / 17 ST_REV Unsigned16 2 N r 0 Revision counter for static variables. If a variable changes, the revision counter is incremented each
time by one.
2 / 18 TAG_DESC OctetString 32 S r,w ‘' A textual description of the block. This has to be unique within a FIELDBUS
3 / 19 STRATEGY Unsigned16 2 S r,w 0 This parameter can be used to build groups of blocks . Each block of a group gets the same reference
4 / 20 ALERT_KEY Unsigned8 1 S r,w 0 This parameter is used as identification number for a part of a plant.
5 / 21 TARGET_MODE Unsigned8 1 S r,w Auto The desired operating mode of the block:
0x08: Auto
6 / 22 MODE_BLK DS-37 3 D r Actual : Auto This parameter includes the actual, permitted and normal operating modes of the block.
Permitted: Auto
Normal : Auto
7 / 23 ALARM_SUM DS-42 8 D r 0,0,0,0 This parameter includes a summary of the block alarms
8 / 24 CALIBR_FACTOR float 4 S r,w Not used. No flowmeter-parameter is mapped to this block parameter.
9 / 25 LOW_FLOW_CUTOFF float 4 S r,w 1.0 This parameter is equal to index 84.
Reset: 0.0)
10 / 26 MEASUREMENT_MODE unsigned8 1 S r,w 1 Mode of measurement:
0: unidirectional
(Factory 1: bidirectional
Reset: 0) This parameter is similar to parameter “Flow direction” (Index 56), but there the coding
is different: 0: Forward/Reverse, 1: Forward
11 / 27 FLOW_DIRECTION unsigned8 1 S r,w 0 Assigns an arbitrary positive or negative sign to the measured PV value.
0 = positive
1 = negative
This parameter is equal to parameter “Flow indication” (Index 57).
Flowmeter FSM4000
Data link Description PROFIBUS PA 3.0
Rel.Idx / Variable Name Data Type Size Store Access Default Value Description
Slot Idx
12 / 28 ZERO_POINT float 4 S r,w Sensor-specific This parameter is equal to index 125, “system zero adj.”
13 /29 ZERO_POINT_ADJUST unsigned8 1 N r,w 0 Starts and indicates adjust of the ZERO_POINT:
0 = chancel
1 = execute
This parameter is equal to index 126.
14 / 30 ZERO_POINT_UNIT unsigned16 2 S r,w 1342 FSM4000-„System zero adjust“ unit is %, but PA-Profile also requires “mm/s”. Because of that both
units are possible here. The translation factor is: 100% = 10 m/s → 1% = 100 mm/s.
(Factory 1062 = mm/s
Reset: 1062) 1342 = %
Flowmeter FSM4000
Data link Description PROFIBUS PA 3.0
Flowmeter FSM4000
Data link Description PROFIBUS PA 3.0
19 / 35 VOLUME_FLOW_LO_LIMIT float 4 S r,w 0.0 Lower Range value of the sensor. This parameter is always 0.
20 / 36 VOLUME_FLOW_HI_LIMIT float 4 S r,w - Upper range value of the sensor. This parameter is equal to index 81, “Cal-factor”.
PA profile requires writing. It is only possible to write the value, which is already in this parameter.
21 / 37 - DS-33 5 D r - MASS_FLOW is not part of the electromagnetic flow profile
22 / 38 - unsigned16 2 S r,w 1322 MASS_FLOW_UNITS is not part of the electromagnetic flow profile
23 / 39 - float 4 S r,w - MASS_FLOW_LO_LIMIT is not part of the electromagnetic flow profile
24 / 40 - float 4 S r,w - MASS_FLOW_HI_LIMIT is not part of the electromagnetic flow profile
25 / 41 - DS-33 5 D r - DENSITY is not part of the electromagnetic flow profile
26 / 42 - unsigned16 2 S r,w 1103 DENSITY_UNITS is not part of the electromagnetic flow profile
27 / 43 - float 4 S r,w - DENSITY_LO_LIMIT is not part of the electromagnetic flow profile
28 / 44 - float 4 S r,w - DENSITY_HI_LIMIT is not part of the electromagnetic flow profile
29 / 45 - DS-33 5 D r - TEMPERATURE is not part of the electromagnetic flow profile
30 / 46 - unsigned16 2 S r,w - TEMPERATURE_UNITS is not part of the electromagnetic flow profile
31 / 47 - float 4 S r,w - TEMPERATURE_LO_LIMIT is not part of the electromagnetic flow profile
32 / 48 - Float 4 S r,w - TEMPERATURE_HI_LIMIT is not part of the electromagnetic flow profile
33 / 49 - DS-33 5 D r - VORTEX_FREQ is not part of the electromagnetic flow profile
34 /50 - Unsigned16 2 S r,w - VORTEX_FREQ_UNITS is not part of the electromagnetic flow profile
35 / 51 - Float 4 S r,w VORTEX_FREQ_LO_LIMIT is not part of the electromagnetic flow profile
36 / 52 - Float 4 S r,w - VORTEX_FREQ_HI_LIMIT is not part of the electromagnetic flow profile
37 / 53 - DS-33 5 D r - SOUND_VELOCITY is not part of the electromagnetic flow profile
38 / 54 - Unsigned16 2 S r,w - SOUND_VELOCITY_UNITS is not part of the electromagnetic flow profile
39 / 55 - float 4 S r,w - SOUND_VELOCITY_LO_LIMIT is not part of the electromagnetic flow profile
40 / 56 - float 4 S r,w - SOUND_VELOCITY_HI_LIMIT is not part of the electromagnetic flow profile
41 / 57 SAMPLING_FREQ DS-33 5 D r 70 Excitation of the sensor.
This parameter is nearly equal to index 145, Frequency primary. There the parameter is an enumerated
number, here it is a float number:
42 / 58 SAMPLING_FREQ_UNITS Unsigned16 2 S r,w 1077 Unit of excitation is always Hz = 1077.
43 to 52 Reserved
(59 to 68)
Flowmeter FSM4000
Data link Description PROFIBUS PA 3.0
Parameters up to 52 are according to PA3.0 profile for electromagnetic Flowmeter. Here (index 53) starts the manufacturer specific part of the transducer block.
Rel.Idx / Variable Name Data Type Size Store Access Default Value Description
Slot Idx
53 / 69 Prog. protect code Unsigned 16 2 S r,w 0 Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 9999
Unit : -
54 / 70 Language Unsigned 8 1 S r,w 0 0 : German
1 : English
2 : French
3 : Finnish
4 : Spain
5 : Italian
6 : Dutch
7 : Danish
8 : Swedish
55 / 71 Operating mode Unsigned 8 1 S r,w 0 0 : Standard
1 : Piston Pump
2 : Fast
56 / 72 Flow direction Unsigned 8 1 S r,w 0 0 : Forward/Reverse
1 : Forward
57 / 73 Flow indication Unsigned 8 1 S r,w 0 0 : Normal
1 : Invers
58 / 74 Unit Qmax Unsigned 16 2 S r,w l/s 1351: l/s
1352: l/min
(Factory Reset: 1353: l/h
m3/h) 1347: m3/s
1348: m3/min
1349: m3/h
1350: m3/d
1362: usgps
1363: usgpm
1364: usgph
1366: usmgd
1367: igps
1368: igpm
1369: igph
1370: igpd
1371: bbl/s
1372: bbl/m
1373: bbl/h
1374: bbl/d
1356: ft3/s
1357: ft3/m
1358: ft3/h
Flowmeter FSM4000
Data link Description PROFIBUS PA 3.0
Rel.Idx / Variable Name Data Type Size Store Access Default Value Description
Slot Idx
1359: ft3/d
1318: g/s
1319: g/min
1320: g/h
1322: kg/s
1323: kg/min
1324: kg/h
1325: kg/d
1327: t/min
1328: t/h
1329: t/d
1330: lb/s
1331: lb/min
1332: lb/h
1333: lb/d
1563: ml/m
59 / 75 Unit totalizer Unsigned 16 2 S r,w l 1040: ml
1038: l
1034: m3
1048: ugl
1049: igl
1051: bbl
1089: g
1088: kg
1092: t
1094: lb
60 / 76 Density Float 4 S r,w 1 Lower Limit: 0,1
Upper Limit: 5
Unit : g/cm3
61 / 77 Data 50 Hz Channel Float 4 S r
62 / 78 Data 50 Hz Zero Float 4 S r
63 / 79 Data 50 Hz Span > F Float 4 S r
64 / 80 Data 50 Hz Span < R Float 4 S r
65 / 81 -
66 / 82 -
67 / 83 -
68 / 84 -
69 / 85 Data 70Hz Channel Float 4 S r
70 / 86 Data 70Hz Zero Float 4 S r
71 / 87 Data 70Hz Span >V Float 4 S r
72 / 88 Data 70Hz Span <R Float 4 S r
73 / 89 Type of primary Unsigned 8 1 S r 0 0 : SE2_,SE4_
1 : DS2_
2 : DS4
Flowmeter FSM4000
Data link Description PROFIBUS PA 3.0
Rel.Idx / Variable Name Data Type Size Store Access Default Value Description
Slot Idx
3 : 10DS3111 (A-C)
4 : 10DS3111 (E- )
5 : 10DI1422
6 : 10DI1425
7 : 10DS3111 D
8 : non
74 / 90 Line frequency Unsigned 8 1 S r 0 : 50 Hz
1 : 60 Hz
75 / 91 Meter size Unsigned 8 1 S r 12 43 : 1 mm 1/25 in
44 : 1,5 mm 1/17 in
45 : 2 mm 1/12 in
0 : 3 mm 1/10 in
1 : 4 mm 5/32 in
2 : 6 mm 1/4 in
3 : 8 mm 5/16 in
4 : 10 mm 3/8 in
5 : 15 mm 1/2 in
6 : 20 mm 3/4 in
7 : 25 mm 1 in
8 : 32 mm 1-1/4 in
9 : 40 mm 1-1/2 in
10 : 50 mm 2 in
11 : 65 mm 2-1/2 in
12 : 80 mm 3 in
13 : 100 mm 4 in
14 : 125 mm 5 in
15 : 150 mm 6 in
16 : 200 mm 8 in
17 : 250 mm 10 in
18 : 300 mm 12 in
19 : 350 mm 14 in
20 : 400 mm 16 in
21 : 450 mm 18 in
22 : 500 mm 20 in
23 : 600 mm 24 in
24 : 700 mm 28 in
25 : 750 mm 30 in
26 : 800 mm 32 in
27 : 900 mm 36 in
28 : 1000 mm 40 in
76 / 92 Primary Span Adjust Float 4 S r 100 Unit : %
77 / 93 Primary Zero Adjust Float 4 S r 0 Unit : %
78 / 94 Primary Phase Adjust Float 4 S r 90 Unit : -
79 / 95 Reference voltage Float 4 S r 70 Unit : mV
80 / 96 Order number String 16 r
Flowmeter FSM4000
Data link Description PROFIBUS PA 3.0
Rel.Idx / Variable Name Data Type Size Store Access Default Value Description
Slot Idx
81 / 97 Cal-factor 10 m/s Float 4 S r 50 Unit : Unit Qmax
82 / 98 Qmax Float 4 S r,w 50 Lower Limit: depends from some other parameters
Upper Limit: depends from some other parameters
Unit : Unit Qmax
83 / 99 Damping [1τ] Float 4 S r,w 5 Lower Limit: depends from Operating mode
Upper Limit: depends from Operating mode
Unit : sec
84 / 100 Low flow cut off Float 4 S r,w 1 Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 10
Unit : %
85 / 101 Detector empty pipe Unsigned 8 1 S r,w 0 0 : Off
1 : On
86 / 102 DEP Mode Unsigned 8 1 S r,w 0 0 : Standard
1 : New adjust
87 / 103 Adjust empty pipe Float 4 S r,w 1000 Lower Limit: 100
Upper Limit: 10000000
Unit : -
88 / 104 Start automatic Adjust empty pipe Read:
0 = no adjust running
1 = adjust is running
1 = start adjust
Starting the adjust is triggered by writing „1“, not from the static value „1“. The adjust needs about
45 seconds.
89 / 105 Adjust full pipe Float 4 S r,w 500 Lower Limit: 100
Upper Limit: 10000000
Unit :-
90 / 106 Start automatic Adjust full pipe Read:
0 = no adjust running
1 = adjust is running
1 = start adjust
Starting the adjust is triggered by writing „1“, not from the static value „1“. The adjust needs about
45 seconds.
91 / 107 Threshold Float 4 S r,w 10000 Lower Limit: 100
Upper Limit: 10000000
Unit :-
92 / 108 Alarm empty pipe Unsigned 8 1 S r,w 0 0 : Off
1 : On
93 / 109 Display mode Unsigned 8 1 S r,w 0 0 : 1 big, 1 small
Flowmeter FSM4000
Data link Description PROFIBUS PA 3.0
Rel.Idx / Variable Name Data Type Size Store Access Default Value Description
Slot Idx
1 : 4 small
94 / 110 Display 1st line Unsigned 8 1 S r,w 0 0 : Q [Percent]
95 / 111 Display 2nd line Unsigned 8 1 S r,w 5 1 : Q [unit]
96 / 112 Display 3rd line Unsigned 8 1 S r,w 11 3 : Q [m/s]
97 / 113 Display 4th line Unsigned 8 1 S r,w 11 4 : Q Bargraph
5 : Totalizer
6 : Totalizer >V
7 : Totalizer <R
8 : Totalizer Diff.
9 : Hart Tag
10 : Detector empty pipe
11 : blank
12 : Signal (1)
13 : Reference (1)
14 : Min-/Max-Signal (1)
15 : Min-/Max-Ref. (1)
16 : Min-/Max-SigFilt (1)
17 : Min-/Max-RefFilt (1)
19 : Phase (1)
20 : DEP Puls E1 (1)
21 : DEP Puls E2 (1)
22 : DC-Reset (1)
23 : DAC Amp. (1)
100: PA Adr+State
101: TB VolFlowValue
102: TB VolFlow Stat
103: TB Total >V Val.
104: TB Total >V Stat
105: TB Total <R Val.
106: TB Total <R Stat
107: TB TotDiff Val.
108: TB TotDiff Stat
109: FB AI Out
110: FB AI Status
111: FB TOT1 Total
112: FB TOT1 Status
113: FB TOT2 Total
114: FB TOT2 Status
Flowmeter FSM4000
Data link Description PROFIBUS PA 3.0
Rel.Idx / Variable Name Data Type Size Store Access Default Value Description
Slot Idx
Unit : %
100 / 116 Max. Alarm Float 4 S r,w 105 Lower Limit: Min. Alarm
Upper Limit: 105
Unit :%
101 / 117 Overflow >F Unsigned 16 2 S r
102 / 118 Totalizer >F DS-33 5 S r,w Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 10000000
Unit : rel. Index 59: Unit Totalizer
103 / 119 Overflow <R Unsigned 16 2 S r
104 / 120 Totalizer <R DS-33 5 S r,w Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 10000000
Unit : rel. Index 59: Unit Totalizer
105 / 121 Overflow Diff. Signed 16 2 S r
106 / 122 Totalizer Diff. DS-33 5 S r,w Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 10000000
Unit : rel. Index 59: Unit Totalizer
107 / 123 Totalizer reset Unsigned8 1 D r,w Write:
1= Reset all Totalizer and overflow values
Resetting is triggered by writing „1“, not by the level „1“.
108 / 124 -
109 / 125 Contact output Unsigned 8 1 S r,w 0 0 : No Function
1 : F/R-Signal /_
13: F/R-Signal __
4 : General-Alarm /_
5 : General-Alarm__
6 : Max/Min Alarm/_
7 : Max/Min Alarm__
8 : Min Alarm /_
9 : Min Alarm __
10: Max Alarm /_
11: Max Alarm __
2 : Empty pipe /_ (1)
3 : Empty pipe __ (1)
14: 5 kHz Output (2)
Note (1): This can only be written, if Detector empty pipe (rel. Index 85) is on.
Note (2): This can only be written, if service code is set.
110 / 126 Instrument No. Unsigned 16 2 S r 700
111 / 127 Manufacture Code Visible String 8 S r "00000000"
112 / 128 -
113 / 129 Primary TAG Visible String 32 S r,w "----------------------------
114 / 130 Converter TAG Visible String 32 S r,w "----------------------------
Flowmeter FSM4000
Data link Description PROFIBUS PA 3.0
Rel.Idx / Variable Name Data Type Size Store Access Default Value Description
Slot Idx
115 / 131 Memory Test Unsigned8 1 D r,w 0 0: No Memory Test
1: Memory Test int FRAM run
2: Memory Test int FRAM ok
3: Memory Test int FRAM error
4: Memory Test ext FRAM run
5: Memory Test ext FRAM ok
6: Memory Test ext FRAM error
7: Memory Test Flash run
8: Memory Test Flash ok
9: Memory Test Flash error
There are tree types of memory: Internal FRAM, External FRAM and Flash.
Starting the test is triggered by writing 1, 4 or 7. As long as the test is running the same number is
read (example 7 = Flash test is running). If the test is finished another number shows the result
(example 8 = Flash ok, 9 = Flash has error). A new test can’t be started as long as another test is
116 / 132 Test Contact output 0 : No Test
1 : Test active, contact output off
2 : Test active, contact output on
117 / 133 Simulation Mode Unsigned8 1 D r,w 0 0 : Off
1 : On
118 / 134 Simulation Value Float 4 D r,w 0
119 / 135 Actual error register OctetString 4 D r This error register shows the actually set errors. If an error disappears (for example Error 3: Flow
to big. If flow becomes smaller the error disappears ) also the error bit in this register disappears.
120 / 136 Actual warning register OctetString 4 D r Same as for actual error register
121 / 137 History of error register OctetString 4 S r,w Actual errors are also shown in this register. If the error disappears the error bit will stay here.
Because of that this register shows the “history” of errors. It shows any error, which was set in the
Writing 0,0,0,0 resets the register.
122 / 138 History of warning register OctetString 4 S r,w Same as for history of error register
123 / 139 Mains interrupt Unsigned 16 2 S r
124 / 140 DSP Reset Unsigned 16 2 S r
125 / 141 System zero Float 4 S r,w 0 Lower Limit:-10
Upper Limit: 10
Unit : %
126 / 142 Start automatic adjust system Read:
zero 0 = no adjust running
1 = adjust is running
1 = start adjust
Flowmeter FSM4000
Data link Description PROFIBUS PA 3.0
Rel.Idx / Variable Name Data Type Size Store Access Default Value Description
Slot Idx
Starting the adjust is triggered by writing „1“, not from the static value „1“. The adjust needs about
1 minute.
127 / 143 Version Visible String 16 Cst r "D699G004U01 B.10"
128 / 144 Driver Unsigned 8 1 S r 0 0 : Controller
1 : Control System
129 / 145 -
130 / 146 Delta Amp. Float 4 S r 0,015 Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 1
Unit :-
131 / 147 DAC Amp. Unsigned 16 2 S r 130 Lower Limit: 130
Upper Limit: 1023
Unit :-
132 / 148 Min DAC Amp. Unsigned 16 2 S r 130 Lower Limit: 130
Upper Limit: 1023
Unit :-
133 / 149 Max DAC Amp. Unsigned 16 2 S r 700 Lower Limit: 130
Upper Limit: 1023
Unit :-
134 / 150 Eigenerregt Unsigned 8 1 S r 0 0 : Off
1 : On
135 / 151 Noise Reduction Unsigned 8 1 S r 0 0 : Off
1 : On
136 / 152 Moving Average wide Unsigned 16 2 S r 16 Lower Limit: 16
Upper Limit: 400
Unit :-
137 / 153 Hold time Unsigned 16 2 S r 16 Lower Limit: 16
Upper Limit: 400
Unit :-
138 / 154 Band width Float 4 S r 10 Lower Limit: 0,1
Upper Limit: 100
Unit :%
139 / 155 Threshold On Unsigned 16 2 S r 25000 Lower Limit: Threshold Off
Upper Limit: 32767
Unit :-
140 / 156 Threshold Off Unsigned 16 2 S r 15000 Lower Limit: 500
Upper Limit: Threshold On
Unit :-
141 / 157
142 / 158
143 / 159
144 / 160
145 / 161 Frequency Primary Unsigned 8 1 S r 0 0 : Primary 70Hz
1 : Primary 50Hz
2 : Primary 60Hz
Flowmeter FSM4000
Data link Description PROFIBUS PA 3.0
Rel.Idx / Variable Name Data Type Size Store Access Default Value Description
Slot Idx
146 / 162 -
147 / 163 Calib. Date Visible String 16 N r "21/08/02"
148 / 164 Test rig Unsigned 16 2 S r 0 Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 9999
Unit :-
149 / 165 Tester Visible String 12 N r "------------"
150 / 166 Cal-factor Float 4 S r 0 Lower Limit: -10
Upper Limit: 10
Unit :%
151 / 167 Verstärkung Unsignet 8 1 S r 1 0 : Low1 : High
152 / 168 TB_Diagnosis_Mask_Extension Octetstring 6 S r,w FF,07,00,00,00,01
Note: Bit 0 in the last byte is always 1 (xx,xx,xx,xx,xx,x1). It can’t be cleared.
153 / 169 DIP-Switch Unsigned 16 2 S r
154 / 170 Messumformer-Status OctetString 4 D r
155 / 171 Error Warning Simulation On Unsigned 8 1 D r,w 0 0 : Off
1 : On
156 / 172 Error Simulation Value OctetString 4 D r,w 0,0,0,0
157 / 173 Warning Simulation Value OctetString 4 D r,w 0,0,0,1
Preliminary Version Flowmeter FSM4000
Data ink Description PROFIBUS PA 3.0
Parameter Name Rel. Index / Slot Min DAC Amp. 132 / 148
Index Min. Alarm 99 / 115
Actual error register 119 / 135 MODE_BLK 6 / 22
Actual warning register 120 / 136 Moving Average wide 136 / 152
Adjust empty pipe 87 / 103 Noise Reduction 135 / 151
Adjust full pipe 89 / 105 NOMINAL_SIZE 15 / 31
Alarm empty pipe 92 / 108 NOMINAL_SIZE_UNITS 16 / 32
ALARM_SUM 7 / 23 Operating mode 55 / 71
ALERT_KEY 4 / 20 Order number 80 / 96
Band width 138 / 154 Overflow <R 103 / 119
BLOCK_OBJECT 0 / 16 Overflow >F 101 / 117
Cal-factor 150 / 166 Overflow Diff. 105 / 121
Cal-factor 10 m/s 81 / 97 Primary Phase Adjust 78 / 94
Calib.Date 147 / 163 Primary Span Adjust 76 / 92
CALIBR_FACTOR 8 / 24 Primary TAG 113 / 129
Contact output 109 / 125 Primary Zero Adjust 77 / 93
Contrast 98 / 114 Prog. protect code 53 / 69
Converter TAG 114 / 130 Qmax 82 / 98
DAC Amp. 131 / 147 Reference voltage 79 / 95
Damping [1t] 83 / 99 SAMPLING_FREQ 41 / 57
Data 70Hz Channel 69 / 85 SAMPLING_FREQ_UNITS 42 / 58
Data 70Hz Span <R 72 / 88 Sig. correction 141 / 157
Data 70Hz Span >V 71 / 87 Simulation Value 118 / 134
Data 70Hz Zero 70 / 86 Simulation Mode 117 / 133
Delta Amp. 130 / 146 ST_REV 1 / 17
Density 60 / 76 Start automatic Adjust empty pipe 88 / 104
DEP Mode 86 / 102 Start automatic Adjust full pipe 90 / 106
Detector empty pipe 85 / 101 Start automatic adjust system zero 126 / 142
DIP-Switch 153 / 169 STRATEGY 3 / 19
Display 1st line 94 / 110 System zero 125 / 141
Display 2st line 95 / 111 TAG_DESC 2 / 18
Display 3st line 96 / 112 TARGET_MODE 5 / 21
Display 4th line 97 / 113 TB_Diagnosis_Mask_Extension 152 / 168
Display mode 93 / 109 Test Contact output 116 / 132
Driver 128 / 144 Tester 149 / 165
DSP Reset 124 / 140 Test rig 148 / 164
Eigenerregt 134 / 150 Threshold 91 / 107
Error Simulation Value 156 / 172 Threshold Off 140 / 156
Error Warning Simulation On 155 / 171 Threshold On 139 / 155
Flow direction 56 / 72 Totalizer <R 104 / 120
Flow indication 57 / 73 Totalizer >F 102 / 118
FLOW_DIRECTION 21 / 27 Totalizer Diff. 106 / 122
Frequency Primary 145 / 161 Totalizer reset 107 / 123
History of error register 121 / 137 Type of primary 73 / 89
History of warning register 122 / 138 Unit Qmax 58 / 74
Hold time 137 / 153 Unit totalizer 59 / 75
Instrument No. 110 / 126 Version 127 / 143
Language 54 / 70 Verstärkung 151 / 167
Line frequency 74 / 90 VOLUME_FLOW 17 / 33
Low flow cut off 84 / 100 VOLUME_FLOW_HI_LIMIT 20 / 36
Mains interrupt 123 / 139 VOLUME_FLOW_UNITS 18 / 34
Manufacture Code 111 / 127 Warning Simulation Value 157 / 173
Max DAC Amp. 133 / 149 ZERO_POINT 12 / 28
Max. Alarm 100 / 116 ZERO_POINT_ADJUST 13 /29
MDR 143 / 159 ZERO_POINT_UNIT 14 / 30
MDS Sum 144 / 160
MDS Zero 142 / 158
Memory Test 115 / 131
Messumformer-Status 154 / 170
Meter size 75 / 91
Preliminary Version Flowmeter FSM4000
Data ink Description PROFIBUS PA 3.0
Preliminary Version Flowmeter FSM4000
Data ink Description PROFIBUS PA 3.0
The actual error register is in the Transducer block at rel. index 119.
The error history register (errors set in the past) is at rel. index 121.
Preliminary Version Flowmeter FSM4000
Data ink Description PROFIBUS PA 3.0
Preliminary Version Flowmeter FSM4000
Data ink Description PROFIBUS PA 3.0
Octet 1 Bit 0 - (Function test Current output 1, only in standard device, not in PA device)
Bit 1 - (Function test Current output 2, only in standard device, not in PA device)
Bit 2 Function test Contact output
Bit 3 - (Function test Pulse output, only in standard device, not in PA device)
Bit 4 - (Adjust current output 1, only in standard device, not in PA device)
Bit 5 - (Adjust current output 2, only in standard device, not in PA device)
Bit 6 - (Function test Contact input, only in standard device, not in PA device)
Bit 7 -
Octet 2 Bit 0 Function test on
Bit 1 Simulation on
Bit 2 Automatic adjust running
Bit 3 Error at automatic adjust
Bit 4 Average calculation is running
Bit 5 Result of function test
Bit 6 -
Bit 7 -
Octet 3 Bit 0 -
Bit 1 -
Bit 2 -
Bit 3 -
Bit 4 -
Bit 5 -
Bit 6 -
Bit 7 -
Octet 4 Bit 0 -
Bit 1 -
Bit 2 -
Bit 3 -
Bit 4 -
Bit 5 -
Bit 6 -
Bit 7 -
Preliminary Version Flowmeter FSM4000
Data ink Description PROFIBUS PA 3.0
Preliminary Version Flowmeter FSM4000
Data ink Description PROFIBUS PA 3.0
Preliminary Version Flowmeter FSM4000
Data ink Description PROFIBUS PA 3.0
4. Diagnosis
Information concerning the converter condition can be retrieved using the parameters DIAGNOSIS and
DIAGNOSIS_EXTENSION. These parameters are at relative indices 13 and 14 within the Physical Block and can
be read both a cyclically or during cyclic communication via DDLM_SLAVE_DIAG.
The contents of DIAGNOSIS is specified by the PA3.0 profile. The contents DIAGNOSIS_EXTENSION is
manufacturer specific. Because of that DDLM_SLAVE_DIAG delivers for the general PA-profiles 9740 and 9700
only DIAGNOSIS. For the manufacturer specific profile 078C both parameters DIAGNOSIS and DIAGNOSIS_
4.1.1 Principle
During running cyclic communication the master sends continually „Request Data Exchange“ to the slave. The
slave answers with „Response Data Exchange“. In the answer of the slave is a bit called “Diagnostic Flag”, which
says if new diagnostic information are available in the slave.
The slave sets this bit one times, if his diagnostic dates are changed. “One time” means, that this bit is set in only
one “Response Data Exchange“-frame. “Changed data” means, that the is set if one ore more new diagnostic bits
are set or reset.
After receiving a “Response Data Exchange“ with set Diagnostic Flag (=TRUE) the master requests one time the
diagnosis data’s from the slave with „Request Get Diag“ (DDLM_SLAVE_DIAG). The slave will answer with
“Response Get Diag”.
Master Slave
Preliminary Version Flowmeter FSM4000
Data ink Description PROFIBUS PA 3.0
Preliminary Version Flowmeter FSM4000
Data ink Description PROFIBUS PA 3.0
The FSM4000 sends a “short” frame (only bytes 1 to 6), if no diagnostic bit is set.
If diagnostic bits are set the device sends a 14 byte answer (9740 or 9700) or a 20 byte answer (078C).
The following example is the “short” frame, which comes if no diagnostic bit is set.
Byte 1-6
Preliminary Version Flowmeter FSM4000
Data ink Description PROFIBUS PA 3.0
DIAGNOSIS is on relative index 13 of the Physical block. The meaning of the bits in DIAGNOSIS is specified or
they are reserved in the PA3.0 profile. The FSM4000 Flowmeter maps some of his own error messages to some
Bit in Unit_Diag
Octet _Bit (GSD)
Octet 1 Bit 0 24 -
Bit 1 25 -
Bit 2 26 -
Bit 3 27 -
Bit 4 28 Memory error:
• Error 5: Int. Database
• Error 6: Totalizer
• Error C: Ext. Database
Bit 5 29 Failure in measurement:
• Error 1: AD-Converter/DSP
• Error 2: Driver
Bit 6 30 -
Bit 7 31 -
Octet 2 Bit 0 32 -
Bit 1 33 -
Bit 2 34 -
Bit 3 35 -
Bit 4 36 -
Bit 5 37 -
Bit 6 38 -
Bit 7 39 -
Octet 3 Bit 0 40 -
Bit 1 41 -
Bit 2 42 -
Bit 3 43 -
Bit 4 44 -
Bit 5 45 -
Bit 6 46 -
Bit 7 47 -
Octet 4 Bit 0 48 -
Bit 1 49 -
Bit 2 50 -
Bit 3 51 -
Bit 4 52 -
Bit 5 53 -
Bit 6 54 -
Bit 7 55 More diagnosis information is available
• Dies Bit is set at profile 078C, because DIAGNOSIS_EXTENSION follows.
• For profile 9740 or 9700 this bit is 0, because DIAGNOSIS_EXTENSION doesn’t follow..
Preliminary Version Flowmeter FSM4000
Data ink Description PROFIBUS PA 3.0
DIAGNOSIS_EXTENSION (relative index 14 in Physical Block) contains manufacturer specific diagnosis
information. . DIAGNOSIS_MASK_EXTENSION (relative index 16 in Physical Block) describes, which bits in
DIAGNOSIS_EXTENSION are supported (0= not supported, 1 = supported). This mask is according to PA
specifications a constant value and read only.
The FSM4000 flowmeter has an error- and warning register (Transducer block relative indices 119 and 120). Bytes
1 to 3 of the error register are mapped to bytes 1 to 3 of DIAGNOSIS_EXTENSION, bytes 1 to 3 of the warning
register are mapped to bytes 4 to 6 of DIAGNOSIS_EXTENSION.
To have the possibility to decide which of the error and warning bits are used, there is another mask in the
Transducer block: TB_DiagExtMask (rel. Index 152).This mask determines which bits from the error- and warning
register are copied to DIAGNOSIS_ EXTENSION (0 = not copied, 1 = copied). This mask can be read or written
over PA bus or via display and keyboard (refer to 5.2.5).
Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3 Byte 4 Byte 5 Byte 6
Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3 Byte 4 Byte 5 Byte 6
Bit 0 in Byte 6 of the TB_DiagExtMask can’t be reset, it is always 1. The meaning of this warning bit is “Error- and
warning simulation”. Because this mask bit is always 1 it is not possible to suppress the warning. that an “Error-
and warning simulation” is active.
Warning: The GetDiag-frame for profiles 9740 and 9700 doesn’t have the DIAGNOSIS_EXTENSION parameter,
only DIAGNOSIS. Because DIAGNOSIS doesn’t contain the information about an “Error- and warning simulation” it
is not possible to recognize if real or simulated diagnostic data’s are used. To get this information
DIAGNOSIS_EXTENSION can be acyclic read.
Bit in Unit_Diag_Bit
Octet (GSD)
Octet 1 Bit 0 56 Error 0 Empty pipe
Bit 1 57 Error 1 AD-Converter / DSP
Bit 2 58 Error 2 Driver
Bit 3 59 Error 3 Flow > 105%
Bit 4 60 -
Bit 5 61 Error 5 Int. Datenbase
Bit 6 62 Error 6 Totalizer
Bit 7 63 Error A Max-Alarm
Octet 2 Bit 0 64 Error B Min-Alarm
Bit 1 65 Error C Ext. Datenbase
Bit 2 66 Error F FRAM in primary
Bit 3 67 Error D Old Primary
Bit 4 68 -
Bit 5 69 -
Preliminary Version Flowmeter FSM4000
Data ink Description PROFIBUS PA 3.0
Bit 6 70 -
Bit 7 71 -
Octet 3 Bit 0 72 -
Bit 1 73 -
Bit 2 74 -
Bit 3 75 -
Bit 4 76 -
Bit 5 77 -
Bit 6 78 -
Bit 7 79 -
Octet 4 Bit 0 80 Warning 2 Totalizer reset
Bit 1 81 Warning 1 Simulation
Bit 2 82 Warning 3 Test Mode
Bit 3 83 Warning 4 Function test
Bit 4 84 Warning 9a Overflow >F
Bit 5 85 Warning 9b Overflow < R
Bit 6 86 Warning 9c Overflow Diff.
Bit 7 87 Warning 10 Reverse flow
Octet 5 Bit 0 88 Warning 7 External data loaded
Bit 1 89 Warning 8a Update internal Datenbase
Bit 2 90 Warning 8b Update external Datenbase
Bit 3 91 -
Bit 4 92 -
Bit 5 93 -
Bit 6 94 Warning 13 Automatic adjust running
Bit 7 95 Warning 14 hold – MV
Octet 6 Bit 0 96 Warning 15 Error and warning simulation
Bit 1 97 -
Bit 2 98 -
Bit 3 99 -
Bit 4 100 -
Bit 5 101 -
Bit 6 102 -
Bit 7 103 -
Preliminary Version Flowmeter FSM4000
Data ink Description PROFIBUS PA 3.0
4.4 Mapping from error and warnings to the Transducer block status
The Transducer block delivers the measurement values to the function blocks. The measurement value consists of
a data structure DS-33: Value and status. This status goes to the function blocks, which will react according to their
settings and PA specifications. The function blocks calculate their values and status, which can be read by cyclic
FSM4000 flowmeter
Transducer Block Block
Idx … Value+Status
Idx 17 Value+Status
Idx …
Errors and Idx 102 Value+Status Totalizer-
warnings Idx 104 Value+Status Block 1
Idx 106
Idx …
Block 2
Preliminary Version Flowmeter FSM4000
Data ink Description PROFIBUS PA 3.0
4.4.1 Mapping-Table
The following table shows the mapping of FSM4000 errors and warnings to the status of the Transducer block output variables:
Preliminary Version Flowmeter FSM4000
Data ink Description PROFIBUS PA 3.0
4.5 Status-Byte
The measurement value is usually transferred cyclically as data structure 33 (see chapter 3.6.2). This structure
consists out of a value as floating point and a status byte. The status byte includes three areas:
0: bad
1: uncertain
2: good (Not Cascade)
3: good (Cascade)
0: ok
1: low limited
2: high limited
3: constant
Preliminary Version Flowmeter FSM4000
Data ink Description PROFIBUS PA 3.0
5. Menus on flowmeter
5.1.1 Adr+State
The PA-address and the state of cyclic communication (STOP, CLEAR or OPERATE) will be shown, for example:
TB VolF 123.45
TB T>V 0.00000
Preliminary Version Flowmeter FSM4000
Data ink Description PROFIBUS PA 3.0
5.1.6 FB AI Out
The OUT variable of the AI block is shown. The number of digits behind the dot “.” is determined by the parameter
DECIMAL_POINT of the OUT_SCALE-structure of the AI block. The shown unit comes from UNIT_INDEX of the
AI 123.45 m3/h
T1 1.2345 m3
The sub status is shown as a number, for example BAD4 means: status is bad, sub status is 4 = sensor failure.
The sub status coding is shown in 4.5.
Preliminary Version Flowmeter FSM4000
Data ink Description PROFIBUS PA 3.0
5.2.1 PA Address
The actual PA address is shown and can be set here. Address setting is possible in the range 0 to 126. See also
PA Address
PA Address
Address is set
by switch
IdentNr Selector
FSM4000 078C
5.2.3 AI Channel
The actual channel of the AI block is shown here and can be changed. If the channel is changed the PV_SCALE
and OUT_SCALE structures are set fitting to the channel.
AI Channel
TB Volume Flow
Preliminary Version Flowmeter FSM4000
Data ink Description PROFIBUS PA 3.0
It seem to be senseless because no real selection is possible, but it helps to set an wrong channel parameter back
to the only correct value „TB Volume Flow“. If the channel is set the Totalizer unit is set fitting to the channel unit,
example: channel in m3/h → Totalizer unit is m3.
TOT1 Channel
TB Volume Flow
5.2.5 TB DiagExtMask
This menu shows the TB_DiagExtMask (see Transducer block relative Index 152 and chapter 4.3) and allows to
change it.
TB DiagExtMask
It is possible to set or reset every bit in this mask (exception bit 0 in byte 5, it is always on=1). The actual bit is
shown in the first line of the display:
Line two shows the complete mask as hex number. Line 3 and 4 show the meaning of the bit. Handling of the
menu: keys STEP or DATA to select the bit, ENTER to switch the bit on or off, CE (or 20 seconds no key) to leave
the menu.
Software Rev.
Preliminary Version Flowmeter FSM4000
Data ink Description PROFIBUS PA 3.0
5.3.1 Simulation
This menu is only visible if the service code is put in. It allows to switch on or off the error and warning simulation.
5 minutes after the last keyboard activity according to the simulation the simulation is switched off.
Error Simulation
Every bit in the error simulation register can switched on or off. The first line shows the bit. Line two shows the
complete error simulation register value as hex number. The lines three and four show the meaning of the bits.
Handling of the menu: keys STEP or DATA to select the bit, ENTER to switch the bit on or off, CE (or 20 seconds
no key) to leave the menu. Pressing a key resets the timer for disabling the simulation back to 5 minutes.
Preliminary Version Flowmeter FSM4000
Data ink Description PROFIBUS PA 3.0
6. Startup
6.1 AI block
If the channel of the AI-block is written, PV_SVALE and OUT_SCALE of the AI will be set to corresponding values:
If the channel is 273 and the range is written by PA-bus or if the range is changed indirectly (writing meter size,
unit, …), then the AI-scaling will also be adjusted as described above.
The time base of the channel unit (/s, /m, /h, /d) is considered. Therefore the Totalizer block can be used with all
possible channel units (see Transducer Block Index 58).
Total. Value is a float value. Float values (4 Byte) have a resolution of 7½ decimal points. This limits the
maximum counter range. E.g.: 20000000 + 1 will remain as 20000000, as the resolution of the floating point
is not sufficient. This means that reaching up to high counter values the counter will not be incremented.
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