Himabindu Gera
Himabindu Gera
Himabindu Gera
IBM Certifed System Administrator-Web Sphere Application
Server V6.
Seven years of IT experience with strong experience in IBM Web Sphere
Extensive experience in optimization of enterprise applications using IBM Web
Sphere Application server ".#$%.&$#.&$6.&' WSCP Script, X!Con"g'
Wor#loa$ anagement (W)M*' +eso!rce analy,er' IBM Vis!al A-e .or /ava
%.&$".#' /01I' )1A2' M3 Series' /455' WSA1' /MS' %racle &i'()x' 1B4$61B
on' AI7' Solaris' )I067 an$ Windo8s *T'+,,,'-&'-. environment an$
Experience in /uil$ing proven scala/le an$ secure /455 pro$ucts that glo/al
institutions rely on to exten$ their online channels an$ enhance customer
Expertise in Installation, Con"guration, an$ aintenance of various 0*IX
1avors li#e AI7' Solaris-4.9' and )in!9)
Experience$ in aintenance of the Web Sphere servers on $i2erent 60I7
platforms (AI7' )in!9 and Solaris* an$ setting up the $evelopment, testing an$
staging environment)
Expertise in trou/le shooting an$ Performance tuning using +eso!rce analy,er
an$ lo- analy,er)
Experience in problem tracin- an$ 8eb sphere lo- "le managements an$
implementing the wor#loa$ anagement (W)M* using clonin- an$ cl!sterin-)
Experience$ in $eploying /455 components on IBM Web Sphere application
server #.& using AA: 34pplication 4ssem/ly Tool5, Apache A0:)
igrate$ the existing applications from Web Sphere ".# versions to %.&$#.&
using 8aspre!p-rade an$ 8aspost!p-rade tools.
Well 6erse$ in Installing, Con"guring an$ Trou/le7Shooting 4pplication Servers
li#e IBM Web sphere ".#$%.&$#.&' an$ We Servers li#e IBM ;::2 Web
Server, i2lanet Web server, Apache Web server, on AI7, )in!9 an$ S!n
Solaris 1avors)
Experience in 4%9< prod!ction s!pport an$ maintenance)
Con"gure$ We/ server interface, Session management, We/ Sphere resources,
8+C resources, connection factories an$ 8S resources in I9 We/ Sphere .),)
Experience in We/ Sphere cl!ster mana-ement inclu$ing hori,ontal
cl!sters, vertical cl!sters an$ creation of no$es)
Wor#e$ on server si$e technologies li#e Servlets, +MI, and 5/Bs on IBM Web
Sphere 4pplication Server)
Well verse$ in $eveloping reusa/le Server si$e co$e mo$ules with Enterprise
8ava 9eans (5/B* Integrate$ with :emote metho$ Invocation 3+MI5 to access
remote Servers an$ invo#ing ;ata/ases with 8ava ;ata/ase Connectivity 3/1BC5)
Experience$ with Client Server 4rchitecture using /ac#en$ +1BMS <
1B4'61B, =racle<.9$>.&' Sybase and S3) Server <.&)
Experience in 0*IX 34IX, !inux an$ Solaris5 a$ministration an$ shell scriptin-
3aw#, se$, tcsh, /ash, #sh5 to automate sysa$min =o/s)
Excellent communication an$ organizational s#ills with a/ility to wor# as part of
the team
i$7level we/sphere 4pplication server a$ministration supporting /oth
pro$uction an$ $evelopment)
E%$ellen& '!oblem !e(olu&ion and $ommuni$a&ion ()ill( *i&h abili&# &o *o!) unde! '!e((u!e in
a hihl# +i(ible !ole. Ada'&i+e &o &eam en+i!onmen& and ha( &he $a'abili&# o, $om'le&in
$om'le% &a()( inde'enden&l#
:echnical S?ills:
C, 8ava, 8avaScript, >T!, X!, 0!, >;!,
W!, C%9%!, S?!, P!'S?!, Shell Scripts)
8+EE, WS4;, 89uil$er, 8;eveloper, 6isual 4ge,
E$it Plus, >ome Site, T%4;, @@;C, 6SS, C6S,
:ational :ose, Together Soft' Together)
Win$ows *T A),'+,,, Server, 0*IX 3Sun Solaris,
4IX, !inux5, Win$ows -.'-&'+,,,
@6I Aront 5nd
8ava Server Pages, Swing, 6isual 9asic
.),'B),,;eveloper +,,,)
;9+'0;9, %:4C!E &),'()x, S?!ServerB).'(),,
I9 We/ Sphere 4pplication Server, We/ logic,
4pache We/ Server, *etscape Enterprise
Server 3C)B)C'iPlanet5, I9 >TTP Server an$
*etscape !;4P server)
TCP'IP, >TTP'>TTPS, :I'II%P, I9 %SE an$
2ro.essional 59perience:
Client :IBM'
1!ration: /an 4B Apr %
2osition: Systems Mana-ement Specialist
50VI+=0M50:: IBM Web sphere Application Server #.&$6.&$<.& s!n
solaris'AI7'Windo8s' Apache Webserver'Websphere M3
Inte-ratpr'6ni9 shellscripts'8sadmin'S3) '/1BC'Apache
str!ts'/455'2ortal'Websphere bro8ser server'Ma9imo
4$ministration an$ con"guration of we/ apps environment running on I9
Provi$e We/ architecture expertise to assist in $elivering solution architectures
4ct as 8+EE server SE for $evelopment pro=ects)
Participate in on7call rotation support of +A'( environment
Provi$e technical expertise an$ gui$ance to clients on we/sphere'8+EE
entor =unior consultants an$ customers in the use of we/ sphere solutions to
Wor# with /usiness analysts as well as use cases to implement architecture
Install,con"gure,test,8+EE /ase$ solutionsD service oriente$ architecture
Implement solutionsD ;esign wor# 1ows, connect systems
4ct as su/=ect atter Expert on we/ sphere /ase$ pro$ucts3we/ sphere
onitor, %ptimize an$ tune 8+EE /ase$ solutions in /oth single no$e an$
Wor# with technical support, pro$uct management an$'or engineering
Installation, con"guration E upgra$ing an$ support existing systems with
Cloning, clustering, performance tuning an$ trou/le shooting of I9 we/
sphere application server)
Experience migrating,$eploying,!oa$ 9alancing,Tuning >eap size,execute
Strong scripting s#ills )/sh,#shell,perl
Enterprise security solutions3entrust PFI,Entrust TruePass,site min$er,T45)
Wor#e$ on a team provi$ing support We/sphere 4pplication Support an$ ;9+
Wor#e$ an$ supporte$ aximo application)
Wor#e$ an$ supporte$ more than G. accounts)
Implemente$ wee# en$ changes)
Wor#e$ on I4
Client :IBM'
1!ration: May& B0ov
2osition: Systems Mana-ement Specialist
50VI+=0M50:: IBM Web sphere Application Server #.&$6.&$<.&
s!n solaris'AI7'Windo8s' Apache Webserver'Websphere M3
Inte-ratpr'6ni9 shellscripts'8sadmin'S3) '/1BC'Apache
str!ts'/455'2ortal'Websphere bro8ser server.
4$ministration an$ con"guration of we/ apps) environment running on I9
Provi$e We/ architecture expertise to assist in $elivering solution architectures
4ct as 8+EE server SE for $evelopment pro=ects)
Participate in on7call rotation support of +A'( environment
Provi$e technical expertise an$ gui$ance to clients on we/sphere'8+EE
4ctively Wor#e$ on P:Hs3pro/lem management :eports5)
Wor#e$ on collecting the ust gathers)
Wor#e$ an$ trou/leshoote$ on inci$ents)
4ctively wor#e$ on S:Hs3service reIuest5
Trou/leshooting the 8+EE log "les of the customer)
Trou/leshooting the clientHs issues)
Wor#e$ on con"guring ITC4
Wor#e$ extensively on We/container'servlet'=sp issues
Wor#e$ on I>S manual creation an$ renewal for I9J>TTPJServerJCerti"cate)
Trou/leshooting on out of memory issues, class loa$er issues
Wor#e$ on >ttp session, >ttp transport, ;yna cache';:S
Wor#e$ on SIP, portlet container, 8sf, Em/e$$e$ express, ;9CS an$ Channel
framewor# components)
Wor#e$ with the $ata/ase connectiivety, 8+c, 8+ee connectors, 8*;I, W!, >4,
%:9, :I) teams
Wor#e$ closely with teams E89, 8P4, We/services)
Wor#e$ on G,,K CP0 issues, ;e/ugging crashes, >ang an$ performance
$egra$ation, Performance monitoring Infrastructure,We/sphere :eal
Time,a$ministion,security,Tivoli access manager3T45
4lso wor#e$ on I9 support4ssistant,E$ge server,I9 >ttp server3I>S5,Plug7
%rganize$ the meetings)
:eceive$ the customer satisfaction)
4lso wor#e$ with the 84C!,8LT>%* scrip teams)
Client:IBM'A!stin :7
1!rationC /an &> B Sep &D:
2osition: Web sphere Administrator
50VI+=0M50:: IBM Web sphere Application Server #.&$6.&$<.&
s!n solaris'AI7'Windo8s' Apache Webserver'Websphere M3
Inte-ratpr'6ni9 shellscripts'8sadmin'S3) '/1BC'Apache
str!ts'/455'2ortal'Websphere bro8ser server.
4$ministration an$ con"guration of we/ apps)environment running on I9
Provi$e We/ architecture expertise to assist in $elivering solution architectures
4ct as 8+EE server SE for $evelopment pro=ects)
Participate in on7call rotation support of +A'( environment
Provi$e technical expertise an$ gui$ance to clients on we/sphere'8+EE
4ctively Wor#e$ on P:Hs3pro/lem management :eports5)
Trou/leshooting the 8+ EE log "les of the customer)
Trou/leshooting the clientHs issues)
Wor#e$ extensilevely on We/container'servlet'=sp issues
Trou/leshooter on outofmemory issues, class loa$er issues
Wor#e$ on >ttp session,>ttp transport,;yna cache';:S
Wor#e$ on SIP,portlet container, 8sf, Em/e$$e$ express, ;9CS an$ Channel
framewor# components)
Wor#e$ with the $ata/ase connectiivety, 8+c, 8+ee connectors, 8*;I, W!, >4,
%:9, :I) teams
Wor#e$ closely with teams E89, 8P4, We/services)
Wor#e$ on G,,K CP0 issues, ;e/ugging crashes, >ang an$ performance
$egra$ation, Performance monitoring Infrastructure,We/sphere :eal
Time,a$ministion,security,Tivoli access manager3T45
4lso wor#e$ on I9 support4ssistant,E$ge server,I9 >ttp server3I>S5,Plug7
%rganize$ the meetings)
:eceive$ the customer satisfaction)
4lso wor#e$ with the 84C!,8LT>%* scrip teams)
Client: IBM 2hoeni9'AE
2osition:W5BS2;5+5 A1MI0IS:+A:=+
50VI+=0M50:: I9 We/Sphere 4pplication Server .),'B), Sun Solaris, 4IX,
4pache We/ Server, We/Sphere ?, We/Sphere ? Integrator, %racle&, C6S,
0!, 0nix Shell Scripts, S?! Store$ Proce$ures, 4pache Struts, 8+EE),we/sphere
message /ro#er release B),,e7commerce,we/sphere portal,we/sphere /rowser
4$ministration an$ con"guration of we/ apps)environment running on I9
Provi$e We/ architecture expertise to assist in $elivering solution architectures
4ct as 8+EE server SE for $evelopment pro=ects)
Participate in on7call rotation support of +A'( environment
Provi$e technical expertise an$ gui$ance to clients on we/sphere'8+EE
entor =unior consultants an$ customers in the use of we/ sphere solutions to
Wor# with /usiness analysts as well as use cases to implement architecture
Install,con"gure,test,8+EE /ase$ solutionsD service oriente$ architecture
Implement solutionsD ;esign wor# 1ows, connect systems
4ct as su/=ect atter Expert on we/ sphere /ase$ pro$ucts3we/ sphere
onitor, %ptimize an$ tune 8+EE /ase$ solutions in /oth single no$e an$
Wor# with technical support, pro$uct management an$'or engineering
Installation, con"guration E upgra$ing an$ support existing systems with
Cloning, clustering, performance tuning an$ trou/le shooting of I9 we/
sphere application server)
Experience migrating,$eploying,!oa$ 9alancing,Tuning >eap size,execute
Strong scripting s#ills )/sh,#shell,perl
Enterprise security solutions3entrust PFI,Entrust TruePass,site min$er,T45)
Master of computer application from nagarjuna University,Guntur.
*o nee$ for sponsorship) I am a 0S citizen)