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Cloud Notes

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Cloud Service Provider:

hird-party business offering cloud-based
is platform, infrastruclure, application, or
storage Services
known as a cloud service
Vendors that offer
information technology (IT) as a service online are known as clo id service
PiOvIderS. The term
"cloud computing" refers to the of the internet
use to store and access data. It
O any information to your computer's hard drivc. You can access your data from a distant
computer because of cloud
computing firms.
complete application development
platforms to servers, storage, and virtual desktops, cloud
computing fims offer variety of services.a

1. Amazon Web Services

AWS, Amazon's cloud web
hosting platform, provides quick, adaptable, dependable, and affordable
solutions. One of the cloud major service providers, it
provides a building block service that can be
used to
develop and deploy any kind of cloud application. Since it was the first to enter the cloud
computing market, it is the most well-known.
Here, are essential AWS services.

AWS Compute Services

EC2Elastic Compute Cloud)- EC2 is a virtual machine in the cloud on which
level control. You can run this cloud server you have OS
whenever you want.
2. LightSail- This cloud
computing tool automatically deploys and manages the computer,
storage, and networking capabilities required to run your
3. Elastic Beanstalk- The tool offers applications.
automated deployment and provisioning of resources like
highly scalable production website.
4. EKS (Elastic Container Service for
Kubernetes)- The tool allows you to Kubernetes on
Amazon cloud environment without installation.
5. AWS Lambda- This AWS service allows
you to run functions in the cloud. The tool is a big
cost saver for you as you to
pay only when functions execute. your

Migration services used to transfer data physically between your datacentre and AWS.

1. DMS (Database Migration Service)- DMS service can be used to

to AWS. It helps you to
migrate on-site databases
migrate from one type of database to another -for example, Oracle
to MySQL.
2. SMS (Server Migration Service)- SMS migration services allows
you to migrate on-site
servers to AWS
easily and quickly.
3. Snowball-Snowball is a small application which allows you to transfer terabytes of data
inside and outside of AWS environment.

1. Amazon Glacier- It is an extremely low-cost storage service. It offers secure and fast storage
for data archiving and backup.
2. Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS)- It provides block-level storage to use with Amazon EC2
instances. Amazon Elastic Block Store volumes are network-altached and remain independent
from the lifc of an instance.
3. AWS Storage Gateway- This AWS service is connecting on-premises sottware applications
with cloud-based storage. It offers secure integration between the company's on-premises and
AWS's storage infrastructure.

Security Services

1. JAM (ldentity and Access Management)-IAM is a secure cloud security service which helps
you to manage users, assign policies, form groups to manage multiple users
2. Inspector-It is an agent that you can install on your virtual machines, which reports any
security vulnerabilities.
3. Certificate Manager- The service offers free SSL certificates for your domains that are
managed by Route53.
4. WAF (Web Application Firewall) WAF security service offers application-level
protection and allows you to block SQL injection and helps you to block cross-site scripting
5. Cloud Directory-This service allows you to create flexible, cloud-native directories for
managing hierarchies of data along multiple dimensions.
6. KMS (Key Management Service)- It is a managed service. This security service helps you
to create and control the encryption keys which allows you to encrypt your data.
7. Organizations-You can create groups of AWS accounts using this service to manages
security and automation settings.
8. Shicld-Shield is managed DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service protection service). It offers
safeguards against web applications running on AWS.
9. Macie- It offers a data visibility security service which helps classify and protect your
sensitive critical content.
10. GuardDuty- It offers threat detection to protect your AWS accounts and workloads.

Database Services
1. Amazon RDS- This Database AWS service is easy to set up, operate, and scale a relational
database in the cloud.
2. Amazon DynamoDB- It is a fast, fully managed NoSQL database service. It is a simple
service which allow cost-effective storage and retrieval of data. It also allows you to serve
any level of request traffic.
3. Amazon ElastiCache- It is a web service which makes it easy to deploy, operate, and scale an
in-memory cache in the cloud.
4. Neptune- It is a fast, reliable and scalable graph database service.
5. Amazon RedShift-It is Amazon's data warehousing solution which you can use to perform
complex OLAP queries.

1. Athena- This analytics service allows perm SQL queries on your $3 bucket to find files.
2. CloudSearch- You should use this AWS service to create a fully managed search engine for
your website.
3. ElasticSearch-It is similarto CloudSearch. However, it offers more features like application
4. Kinesis-This AWS analytics service helps you to stream and analyzing real-time data at
massive scale.
5. QuickSight-It is a business analytics tool. Ithelps you to create visualizations in a dashboard
for data in Amazon Web Services. For
example, $3, DynamoDE etc.
.EMK (Elastic Map Reduce) This AwS analytics service mainly used lor
processing like Spark, Splunk. Hadoop, etc.
big data
Daa Pipeline-Allows you to move data from another.
DynamoDB to S3. one place to
For cxample from

Management Services
Cloud Watch- Cloud watch helps you to monitor AWS
environments ike EC2, RDS
instances, and CPU utilization. It also
triggers alarms depends on various metrics.
is a way of turning infirastructure into the cloud. You can
use templates
providing a whole production environment in minutes.
CloudTrail- It offers an easy method of
changes. auditing AWS resources. It helps you to log all
Ops Works- The service allows
you to automated Chef/Puppet deployments on AWS
AWS service monitors
your environment. The tool sends alerts about changes
when you break certain defined
.Service Catalog-This service configurations.
helps large enterprises to authorize which services user
be used and which won't. wil
7. AWS Auto
Scaling- The service allows you to automatically scale your resources up and
down based on given CloudWatch
8. Systems
Manager- This AWS service allows you to group your resources. It allows you to
identify issues and act on them.
Managed Services- It offers management of your AWS infrastructure which allows
on you to
your applications.
Internet of Things

1. loT Core- It is a
managed cloud AWS service. The service allows connected devices?like
cars, light bulbs, sensor grids, to securely interact with cloud applications and other devices.
2. IoT Device Management-It allows
you to manage your IoT devices at any scale.
3 IoT Analytics-This AWS IOT service is
helpful to perform analysis on data collected
your IoT devices. by
4. Amazon FreeRTOS- This real-time
operating system for microcontrollers helps you to
connect IoT devices in the local server or into the cloud.

Application Services
1. Step FunctionsIt is a way of visualizing what's going inside your application and what
different microservices it is using.
2. SWF(Simple Workflow Service)-The service helps you to coordinate both automated tasks
and human-led tasks.
3 SNS (Simple Notification Service)-You can use this service to send
you notifications in the
form of email and SMS based on given AWS services.
4 SQS (Simple Queue Service)- Use this AWS service to decouple
pull-based service. applications.
your It is a

5. Elastic Transcoder- This AWS service tool

helps you to changes a video's format and
resolution to support various devices like tablets,
smartphones, and laptops of different
Deployment and Management
1. AWS Cloud'Trail: The services records AWS APl calls and send backlog files to
2. Amazon CloudWatch: The tools monitor AWS resources like Amazon yo
RDS DB lnstances. Il also allows you to monilor cuistom
EC2 and Aman
metrics crcated
applications and services.
Created by
3. AWS CloudHSM: This AWS service helps you nncet corporate, rcgulalory, and.
compliance requirements lor mantaining clata sccurity by using the lardwa ctu
Module(lHSM) appliances inside the AWS cnvironment.
Devcloper Tools
1. CodeStar- Codestar is
a cloud-based service for creating,
managing, and worki.
Various software development projects on AWNs ng with
2. CodeCommit-It is AWS's version control service which allows
you to store your Cod
other assets privately in the cloud.
CodeBuild-This Amazon developer automates
service help you to automates the process
and compiling your code. process of
of hs:t
4. CodeDeploy- It is a
way of deploying your code in EC2 instances automatically
5. CodePipeline- It
helps you create a deployment pipeline like testing,
authentication, deployment on development and production environments. building, tes
6. Cloud9- It is an Integrated Development Environment for
wriling, running, and debug
code in the cloud.
Mobile Services
1. Mobile Hub- Allows you to add,
configure and design features for mobile apps.
Cognito- Allows users to signup using his or her social identity.
3. Device Farm-Device farm helps
you to improve the quality of apps by
hundreds of mobile devices. quickly testino
4. AWS
AppSyncIt is a fully managed GraphQL service that offers
synchronization and offline programming features. real-time data

Business Productivity
Alexa for Business- It
empowers your organization with voice, using Alexa. It will
Allows you to build custom voice skills
for your organization. help you
2. Chime-Can be used for online
meeting and video
3. WorkDocs-
Helps to store documents in the cloud conferencing.
4. WorkMail- Allows
you to send and receive business emailIs.

Desktop &App Streaming

WorkSpaces- Workspace
is a VDI (Virtual
desktops in the cloud. Infrastructure). It allows you to use
AppStream- A way of streaming desktop applications to
example, using MS Word in Google Chrome. your users in the web browser. For

Artificial Intelligence
1. Lex-Lex tool helps you to build chatbots
2. quickly.
Polly--It is AWS's text-to-speech service allows
you to create audio versions of your notes.
Rekognition- It is AWS's face recognition service. This AWS Service helps you lo
recognize faces and object in images and videos.
ageMaker- Sagemaker allows you to build, train, and deploy machine lcarning models at
n any scale.
ranseribe- It is AWS's specch-to-text serviee that offers high-quality and affordable
Translate-It is a very similar tool to Google Translate which allows you to translate text in
language to another.

AR & VR (Augmented Reality &Virtual Reality)

Sumerian-Sumerian is a set of tool for offering high-quality virtual reality (VR) experiences
on the web. The service allows you to create interactive 3D scenes and publish it as a website
for users to access.

Customer Engagement
. Amazon Connect- Amazon Connect allows
you to create your customer care center in the
2. Pinpoint- Pinpoint helps you to understand your users and engage with them.
3. SES (Simple Email Service)- Helps you to send bulk emails to your customers at a relatively
cost-effective price.

>Game Development
1.GameLift-It is a service which is managed by AWS. You can use this service to host
dedicated game servers. It allows you to scale seamlessly without taking your game offline.


Easy sign-up process

Fast Deployments
Allows easy management of add or remove
Access to effectively limitless capacity
Centralized Billing and management
It is one of the cloud companies that offers
Hybrid Capabilities and per hour billing.
2. Microsoft Azure

Azure is a cloud
platform which is launched by Microsoft in February 2010. This open source and
flexible cloud platform which helps in development, data storage, service
management & hosting

Similar to how Google has its Google Cloud and Amazon has its Amazon Web
Service, or AWS.000,
Azure is Microsoft's cloud platform. Generally speaking, it is a platform that enables us to access
Microsoft's resources. For instance, setting up a sizable server will take sizable
expenditure, effort,
physical space, and other resources. Microsoft Azure comes to our aid in these circumstances. To
make our work easier, it will offer virtual
us machines, quick data processing, analytical and
monitoring tools, and other things.
Azure oflers:
Some followings are the services of
Virtual Machine Set
. Compute: Includes Virtual Machincs,
workloads, So
serverless computing, Batch
Service Fabri folor
for buildi..
and Cloud SerVIces
and container
microservi es

apps and APls.

can usc varicty ol networking tools, ike thc Virtual

Azure you
2. Networking: With
data centers; Load Balancer
Network, which can connect to on-premise

domain hosting, Content Deliv.

Azurc DNS for
Gateway; VPN Gateway;
dedicated private network fiber conno. ctwork
Traffic Manager, ExpressRoute and
Network Watcher monitoring and diagnostics
and Disk Storage, as well as a Data Iat.
Blob, Queue, File
3. Storage: Includes
Backup and Site Recovery, among
it includan
4. Web+Mobile: Creating Web
+Mobile applications is very easy as
includes several
services for building and deploying applications.

has property which includes Container Service, which

5. Containers: Azure a
Docker Swarm, and Container Registry, well as
as tonls
Kubernetes, DC/OS or s for


included several SQL-based databases and related toale

6. Databases: Azure has also
7. Data + Analytics: Azure has some big data tools like HDInsight for Hadoon Snorl. R

Server, HBase and Storm clusters

Services: With Azure developing applications with artificial
8. AI + Cognitive
Vision AP, Face API, Bing Web Search
intelligence capabilities, like the Computer
Video Indexer, Language Understanding Intelligent.

9. Internet of Things: Includes loT Hub

and loT Edge services that can be combined with
communications services.
a variety of machine learning, analytics, and
10. Security + Identity: Includes Security Centre, Azure Active Directory, Key Vaultand
Multi-Factor Authentication Services.
11. Developer Tools: Includes cloud development services like Visual Studio Team
Services, Azure DevTest Labs, HockeyApp mobile app deployment and monitorng

Xamarin cross-platform mobile development and more.


Windows Azure offers the most effective solution for your data needs
Provides scalability, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness
Offers consistency across clouds with familiar tools and resources
Allow you to scale your IT resources up and down according to your business ed.
3. Google Cloud Platform
includes GCP &G suitc. lt is one of the ton
r Google Cloud is a set and products which
of solution with
kind of business challenges case.
cloud serVice providers which helps you to solve all

under the name Google Cloud Platform

A group of cloud computing services are offered by Google
that offers a range ot scrvices, Including compute,
(GCP). It is a platform for public cloud computing
data, and more.
services are powecred by the
storage, networking, application development, big
for its end-user products, including Google
same cloud nfrastructure that Google uses internally
Search, Photos, Gmail, and YouTube, among others.

can access GCP services through the

Software developers, cloud administrators, and IT spccialists
Internet or a dedicated network connection.

Google Cloud Platform Services are:

Compute Services
GCP offers a scalable range of computing services, such as:

follows the concept of Platform-

o Google App Engine: It is a cloud computing platform that
as-a-Service to deploy PHP, Java and other software. It is also used to develop and deploy

web-based software in Google-managed data centers. The

most significant advantage of
This means that the App Engine
Google App Engine is its automatic scaling capability.
when there is an increase in
automatically allocates more resources for the application
o Compute Engine: It is a cloud computing platform that follows the concept of Infrastructure-
as-a-Service to run Windows and Linux based virtual machines. It is an essential component

of GCP. It is designed on the same infrastructure used by Google search engine, YouTube

and other Google services.

o Kubernetes Engines: This computing service is responsible for offering a platform for
automatic deployment, scaling, and other operations of application containers across clusters
of hosts. The engine supports several container tools like a docker, etc.

GCP includes the following network services:

o VPC: VPC stands for Virtual Private Network. The primary function of VPC is to offer a
private network with routing, IP allocation, and network firewall policies. This will help to
create a secure environment for the application deployments.

o Cloud Load Balancing: As its name states, Cloud balancing is used to distribute workload
across different computing resources to balance the entire system performance. This also
results in cost-reduction. The process also helps in minimizing the availability and
maximizing the capability of the resources.
distributed network of nros
C o n t e n t Delivery
Network: CDN is a geographically proxy servers
centers. The primary ain
ol using CDN 1S to imum
provide maximum perlormance

and their data

deliver high availability of resources h
to the users.
Additionally, it also helps ually
rclated services to
the end-users.
distributing the

Storage Services

following storage
GCP has the

It is an online data storage web service that Google providec i. .

Coogle Cloud Storage: its

users to store and access data from anywhere. The service also includes a wide range of

maximum performance, scalability, security and sharing.

features like
Cloud SQL: It is a web-serviCe that enables users to create, manage, and use relatinnnal
databases stored on Google Cloud servers. The service itself maintains and protects th

databases, which helps users focus on their applications and other operations.
Cloud Bigtable: It is known for its fast performance and highly manageable feature. It is a
hichly scalable NoSQL database service that allows collecting and retaining data from as low

as 1 TB to hundreds of PB.

Big Data

GCP provides a variety of services related to big data; they are:

oBigQuery: It is a fully managed data analysis service by Google. The primary aim of Google
BigQuery service is to helps businesses to analyze Big Data. It offers a highly scalable dat
management option. This means BigQuery allows users to perfom ad-hoc queries and share
data insights across the web.

o Google Cloud Datastore: Google Cloud Datastore is a kind of datastore service that is fully
managed, schema-less, and non-relational. This service enables businesses to perform
automatic transactions and a rich set of queries. The main advantage of Google Cloud
Datastore is the capability of automatic scaling. This means that the service can itself scale
up and down, depending on the requirement of resources.
o Google Cloud Dataproc: It is a very fast and easy to use big data service offered by Google
It mainly helps in managing Hadoop and Spark services for distributed data processing. Th
service allows users to create Hadoop or Spark clusters sized according to the overal
Workload and can be accessed whenever users want them.

Security and Identity Management

GCP includes the following services related to Security and Identity management:
Cloud Data Loss Prevention API: Il is nnainly designed to
usersmanage sensitive data elemenis like erecdit
manage sensitive data. It helps
numbers., etc. It offers fast and delails, debit card
scalable details, passport
classilication for sensitive dat.
o Cloud 1AM: It stands for Cloud
ldentity and AccesN Munagenent. Ii is
contains rules and policies and a
Iramework hat
validntes the authentication of ihe users
technology resources. That is
why it is also known accesing the
ldentity Management (ldM).
Management Tools
GCP includes the following services related to management tools:

Google Stackdriver: Google Stackdriver service is primarily responsible for

overall displaying the
performance and
diagnostics information. This may include
insights of data
monitoring, tracing, logging, error rcporting, clc. The service also prompts an ale
notification to the public eloud users
o Google Cloud Console App: It is
native mobile application powered by Google. The

primary aim of this service is to enable users to manage the core features of Google Cloud
services directly from their mobile devices anytime, anywhere. The primary functions of this
service are alerting, monitoring, and perfoming critical actions on resources.

>Cloud Al
When it comes to Cloud AI, GCP offers these services:

Cloud Machine Learning Engine: It is another fully managed service that allows users to
create Machine Learning models. The service is mainly used for those ML models, which are
based on mainstream frameworks.
Cloud AutoMIL: It is the type of service that is based on Machine Leaming. It helps users to
enter their data sets and gain access to quality trained pre-designed ML models. The service
works by following Google's transfer learning and Neural Architecture Search method.

IoT (Internet of Things)

GCP contains the following IoT services:

It allows users to connect, control, and

Cloud IoT Core: It is one of the fully managed core services.
connected to the Internet. This allows other Google
ingest data from various devices that are securely
visualize IoT data in real-time.
cloud services to analyse, process, collect and

and other computing-power resources

Cloud IoT Edge: The Edge computing service brings memory
near to the location where it is required.

to scale with open, flexible technology
It is of the cloud companies that allows you

Solve issues with accessible AI & data analytics

Eliminate the necd lor uistallig costly servers
nsform your business with a lull suile
of cloud-based services
4. 1BM Cloud

stack cloud platform which spans publie,

" privale and hybrid
ane of the best cloud providers which is built with a robust suitc of advanced environments, It is
and Al tools.
be focusing more attention on Bluemix than
IBM seems to
SoftLayer, this list will cover its Because
feines rather than those available through SoftLayer. The company Blucmix
divides its Bluemix Services
into nwelve categories:

. frastructure -

includes its bare metal

Lbly customizable)., virtual servers, uf computing, (single-tenant servers that are
POWER servers (based
POWER architecture) and server software on IBM's
Services- includes Open Whisk Serverless
Foundry runtimes computing, containers and Cloud
Storage includes object, block and file
storage, as well as
server-backup capabilities
Nefwork- includes load balancing,
Direct Linkservices
appliances, content delivery network and domain
private secure
connections, network
Mahile includes IBM's Swift
tools for
creating ioS apps, its
nackage for getting mobile app up
a and MobileFirst Starter
running, and its Mobile Foundation
services app back-end

Watsonincludes BM's artificial intelligence and machine learning

calls "cognitive computing,"such as Discovery search and services, which it
content analytics, Conversation
natural language services and speech-to-text
. Data and analytics- includes data services, analytics services, big data
Cloudera hosting, MongoDB hosting and Riak hosting hosting,
Internet of Things includes IBM's IoT platform and its loT starter
Security includes tools for securing cloud environments, such as a firewall, hardware
security modules (physical devices with key management capabilities), Intel Trusted
Execution Technology, security software and SSL certificates
DevOps includes the Eclipse IDE, continuous delivery tools and availability
Application services includes Blockchain, Message hub and business rules, among

Integration-includes tools for building virtual bridges for hybrid cloud and multi-cloud
environments, such as API Connect and Secure Gateway

B M cloud offers infrastructure as a service (laaS), software as a service

as a service (PaaS)
(SaaS) and platform
IBM Cloud is used to build pioneering which helps you to gain value for your businesses
1 s one
of the best name of cloud computing website that offers high performing cloud
communications and services into your IT environment
5. Salesforce.com
In order to comprehend the
Salesforce platform more
and services that salesforce fully, we must first grasp the many
offers. A collection of proauei
Salesforce.com and are CRM services and
created to fit
every arca of
products are offered by
services and products given by salesforce are:
organization. Some of the popular cloua

>Salesforce Sales Cloud

T h e sales cloud is
the service
provided by the salesforce.com platform, and it Is a
salesforce CRM system. part O c

It helps the
companies to support sales and provide marketing & customer support Or tne
business-to-business and business-to-customer of a aspects business.
Salesforce automation is of the popular sales tools
that help the businesses to enhance
the speed of the sales process, and
streamline lead to cash. As per the salesforce.com, more
than82,400 customers are using more than 135,000 applications that allows millions of
subscribers worldwide to manage resources and processes more effectively.
It alsoenables the businesses to process more business in less time, collaborate more closely,
and finish the deals early using SFA.

o It is an entirely customizable cloud service of Salesforce that integrates all the customer

related information at one place.

It includes marketing, sales, lead generation, customer service, business analytics, etc.,
and also provides access to various other applications through the AppExchange. Salesforce

Service Cloud
The Service Cloud is the platform to provide services and support to the customers.

The Service Cloud is an excellent customer service platform to give the much faster, and
personalized services virtually using any possible platform such as phone, email, instant
messaging, Twitter, Facebook or other social platforms.

o With the service cloud, customers can reach to the customer support from any platform and
get support as per their requirement.

Salesforce Collaboration Cloud

o Collaboration Cloud with Chatter is the recent release by the Salesforce.

The salesforce chatter service allows the users to collaborate more effectively by following
them with real-time update feeds.
other users, documents, and data which is crucial to
and profiles to enhance the collaboration across
Users are allowed to create and set up groups
it also makes sure that users can only see the
multiple business applications, and
the Org-wide security and sharing model.
for which they have access, based on
Salesforce Custom Cloud


fundamental shift for

Cloud is a
Custom Virtuaily any application i s
o we can also develop
a CRM plattorm,
The Salesforce
is not just we need to
build the next applicati.
arises here that why
But the question
its PaaS service. application develonmen...
is that Enterprise ith
Force.com platform?
So, the a n s w e r
on the
slow, and too expensive. But the annli ation
become too complex,
Lraditional software has less expensive, and produces hioh.
is much faster,
Force.com platform
on the
development on-device platforms.
on traditional
than building
quality applications
applications on the Force.com platform is5,times
According to the industry expert, building
o The following are some benefitc
cost because of cloud computing. f
faster and requires
using it:

a. Provides a faster time to value

b. It does not need up-front capital expenses

c. It reduces the operational
compared to other
d. It required less technical resources

e. Simplifies integration

Salesforce Marketing Cloud

activities for advertising and growing its business.

o Every company uses multiple marketing
The marketing activities include Content management, content marketing, data analytics.
content building, web personalization, customer influence, email, mobile, social media

activities, etc.

The Marketing cloud service of Salesforce provides one of the best digital marketing
It allows the organizations to send
platforms to enhance any company's marketing strategies.
customized mass emails to various potential customers with justaclick.

o It also helps to solve customer issues related to any product. Organizations can increase
communication with any custom communities and connect to customers through socíal media

platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, etc.

Salesforce Analytics Cloud

o The analytics cloud service provides a business intelligence platform to the customers.
oIt helps the customers to work with comprehensive data easily. It also improves data
visualization by including the graphs, charts, and other pictorial representations.
We can also integrate the analytics cloud service with our services provided by the Salesforce

Salesforce Commerce Cloud

oThe salesforce commerce cloud service is all about the

customer services and experienee
o It allows the companies to
online or in-store. provide the best services
expericnces to their customers, either
It integrates customer
data to
It aims to provide a better customer
provide the best, cxperience.
positive, and engaging customer
leam more, Click
here(Salesforce Commerce Cloud). experience to the companies. 10
Salcsforce App Cloud
oSalestorce App cloud
provides a platform to build custom
platform. apps that can run on the Salesforce
o t can be
assumed as the
ecosystem to build, discover, and run any custom
provides multiple development tools that application.
cloud include: help to build custom
apps. Some of the tools of App
o Force.com

o AppExchange

o Heroku

o Salesforce Thunder

Salesforce Sandbox

Salesforce Community Cloud

o The community cloud service provides a platform to maintain the communication between
employees, customers, and sales or business partners.
o It also enables customers to share data &
images in real-time.
o It allows theorganizations to directly connect with the customers, enhance partner success,
and increase the employees' productivity.

o The community cloud allows the businessesgive a personalized experience to each user
The customers can find communities to resolve their
problems or queries efficiently.
Salesforce loT Cloud

o The loT (Internet of Things) can generate a massive volume of data through different devices,
websites, applications, sensors, etc.
o The loT Cloud platform can receive this data, and it allows us to start work on this data to
generate real time responses.
o The 1OT cloud service provides a platform to store and process the loT data.

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