This document outlines the subjects, theory hours, practical hours, and records for the M.D. (Ilmul Advia) Final Year program. It includes 4 papers:
Paper I focuses on Unani single drugs with advancements. Paper II focuses on Unani compound drugs with advancements. Paper III covers the principles of Unani pharmacology. Paper IV is on Unani pharmacy and calcinology.
Each paper includes topics covered, practical components, question paper format, and reference books. The practicals/orals are evaluated based on the practical, journal, and viva voce components. The document thus provides a comprehensive overview of the M.D. (Ilmul Advia) Final Year
This document outlines the subjects, theory hours, practical hours, and records for the M.D. (Ilmul Advia) Final Year program. It includes 4 papers:
Paper I focuses on Unani single drugs with advancements. Paper II focuses on Unani compound drugs with advancements. Paper III covers the principles of Unani pharmacology. Paper IV is on Unani pharmacy and calcinology.
Each paper includes topics covered, practical components, question paper format, and reference books. The practicals/orals are evaluated based on the practical, journal, and viva voce components. The document thus provides a comprehensive overview of the M.D. (Ilmul Advia) Final Year
This document outlines the subjects, theory hours, practical hours, and records for the M.D. (Ilmul Advia) Final Year program. It includes 4 papers:
Paper I focuses on Unani single drugs with advancements. Paper II focuses on Unani compound drugs with advancements. Paper III covers the principles of Unani pharmacology. Paper IV is on Unani pharmacy and calcinology.
Each paper includes topics covered, practical components, question paper format, and reference books. The practicals/orals are evaluated based on the practical, journal, and viva voce components. The document thus provides a comprehensive overview of the M.D. (Ilmul Advia) Final Year
This document outlines the subjects, theory hours, practical hours, and records for the M.D. (Ilmul Advia) Final Year program. It includes 4 papers:
Paper I focuses on Unani single drugs with advancements. Paper II focuses on Unani compound drugs with advancements. Paper III covers the principles of Unani pharmacology. Paper IV is on Unani pharmacy and calcinology.
Each paper includes topics covered, practical components, question paper format, and reference books. The practicals/orals are evaluated based on the practical, journal, and viva voce components. The document thus provides a comprehensive overview of the M.D. (Ilmul Advia) Final Year
Subjects Theory Hrs. Practical Hrs. Records Number Paper I- Advia Mufrada mai jadeed izafat (Unani Single drugs with advancements) 100 50 Paper II- Advia Murakkaba mai jaded izafat (Unani compund drugs with advancements) 100 50 Paper III- Usool wa qawanine Adiva (Principles of Unani Pharmacology ) 100 30 Paper IV- Ilmus Saidla wa Taklis (Unani Pharmacy and calcinology) 100 50
Paper I
Advia Mufrada Mai Jaeed Izafat (Unani Single Drugs with Advancements)
1. Shinakhat, Khawas wa Taseerate Advia. 2. Description of the following Unani single drugs withScientific names, Mutaradifat aur unki Mahiyat, Mizaj, Afaal wa Khawas, Murakkabat, Istemal, Affale Khussosi, Muzir, Muslesh, Badal, Miqdare Khurak wa Kimiavi Ajza used in Following systems: I. Advia mutalliqa Nizame Asab wa Dimagh. II. Advia mutalliqa Nizame Tanaffus. III. Advia mutalliqa Qalb wa Daurane Khoon. IV. Advia mutalliqa Nizame Baul. V. Advia muttalliqa Nizame Tavleed wa Tavleed wa Tanasul. VI. Advia mutalliqa Jild wa Jarahat VII. Advia mutalliqa Ain, Uzn, Anaf wa Halaq. VIII. Advia mutalliqa Amraze Aamma. IX. Advia Mutafarriqa. X. Ghair Maroof/ Matrook Unani Advia Bisehri, Chiksini, Sahdevi, Habbul-Quilquil, Huma, Khilla, Azriyun etc.
Practicals Identification of the common Advia Mufrada, their Morphology, Histology, Constituents Standardization and Quality Control Measures Preparation of Herbarium
Format of Question Paper Q. No. Nature of Questions Division of Marks Total Marks 1. Attempt any two LAQ out of three (a), (b), (c) 20 40 2. Attempt any six SAQ out of eight (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f), (g), (h) 10 60 Total 100 Format of Practical / Oral Examination
Sr. No. Heading of Practical Marks a Practical 20 b Journal 20 c Viva voce 60 Total 100
Reference Books: S. N. Title of the book Edition & Volume Name of the Author Publisher Year of Publiction 1.
Bayazekabeer Vol. I-III Md. Kabeerruddin DaftarulMaseeh, Hyderabad 1960,66,67 2. BustanulMufradat Vol.I Md. Abdul Hakim MatabaNami Press Lucknow 1924 3. Khazanatul Advia Vol. I-III Md. NajamulGhani Khan Munshi Naval Kishore, Lucknow 1917, 1921 4. Kitabul JamiulMufradat Vol. 1-4 Ziauddin Md. Bin Abdulla Ibn Baitar QasraEgypt 1291 Ad 5. MakhzanulMufradat Ma TohfatulMomineen Md. Husain waMD. Momin Khan Momin Munshi Naval Kishore, Lucknow 1874 AD 6. MakhzanulAdvia Vol. I Mir Md. Husain Munshi Naval Kishore, Lucknow 1888 AD 7. Pharmacographicalndica H. Siad Hamard Foundation, Karachi 1991 8. Pharmacopoeia of India Ministry of Health, New Delhi 1983 9. Qarabadeen Azam (Urdu) Azam Khan, Asmat Ali, Hasrat Lucknawi Aijaz Publishing House, New Delhi 1996 10. Qarabadeen Kabeer (Urdu) Vol.I Mir Md. Husain Munshi Naval Kishore, Lucknow 1892 AD 11. Qarabadeen Qadri Md. Akbar Arzani Munshi Naval Kishore, Lucknow 1880 AD
Paper II
Advia Murakkabat Mai Jaeed Izafat (Unani Compound Drugs with Advancements) 1. Qawanine Tarkeebe Dawa. 2. Importance of Compounding of Drugs. 3. Importance & Critical assessment of renowned Qarabadeen 4. Ashkale Adviae Murakkabaka scientific Jaiza aur in mein Tajdeed ki zaroorat 5. Murakkabat ke Mizaj ka taayyun 6. Standardization of Compound formulation and their quality control measures 7. Murakkabat mukhtalif badni nizam se mutalliq Amraze Ras Amraze Sadar Amraze Qalb Amraze Meda wa Amaa Amraze kabid, Mirarah wa Tihal Amraze kulya wa Masana Amraze Makhsoora- Mardana, Zanana wa Atfal Amraze Amma Hummiyat Jarahiya Amraze Jild
1. Practical concerned with identification of Qiwami Murakkabat and different compound formulations. 2. Preparation of different compound formulations and their standardization.
Books Ilmul Amraz Qarabadeen Qadri Qarabadeen Azam Majmaul Jawame Ahsanul Qarabadeen National Formulary of Unani Medicine.
Format of Question Paper Q. No. Nature of Questions Division of Marks Total Marks 1. Attempt any two LAQ out of three (a), (b), (c) 20 40 2. Attempt any six SAQ out of eight (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f), (g), (h) 10 60 Total 100
Format of Practical / Oral Examination
Sr. No. Heading of Practical Marks a Practical 20 b Journal 20 c Viva voce 60 Total 100
Paper III Usool wa Qawanine Advia (Principles of Unani Pharmacology)
1. Mavaleede salasa per mufassal tabsera neez Mahadiyate Advia ki ahmiyat aur zaroorat. 2. Dawa, Ghiza, Zulkhassa, DawaeMutlaq, Dawae Ghizai aur Ghizae Dawai per Tafseeli maloomat. 3. Mizaje Advia, Darjate Advia aur unke tayyun ka tahqeeqi jaiza 4. Ghair maroof Advia ki makhsoos imtiyazi khusoosiyat 5. Ghair maroof Advia ki maloomat ke zarae, neez ghair maroof Advia ke tajarbat per tafseeli maloomat. 6. Mukhtalif nizam haaye jismani per Advia ke asarat 7. Tibbe Unani mein muravvaj Ashkale Advia per jaded nuqtae nazar se tabsera. 8. Tibbe Unani mein abdale Advia ki ahmiyat, zaroorat aur muravvaj abdale Advia ka Tahqeequi jaiza 9. Advia mufrada ki muddatehayat, unke usool aur tahffuz ke bare mein tafseeli maloomat 10. Masalike Advia aur zaroorita jdeed 11. Advia ki muzir kaifiyat aur islah ka tahqeequi jaiza
Format of Question Paper Q. No. Nature of Questions Division of Marks Total Marks 1. Attempt any two LAQ out of three (a), (b), (c) 20 40 2. Attempt any six SAQ out of eight (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f), (g), (h) 10 60 Total 100 Format of Practical / Oral Examination
Sr. No. Heading of Practical Marks a Practical 20 b Journal 20 c Viva voce 60 Total 100
Firdausul Hikmat Al-Qanoon fit Tib Kitabul Hawi fit Tib-Razi Kitabul Abdal Razi Moheete Azam Azam Khan Kitabul Murakkabat IbnHubl Sadeedi- Sadeeduddin Garzooni Qawaneene Advia - Ayub Ali
Paper IV Ilmus Saidla wa Taklis (Unani Pharmacy and Calcinology)
1. Unani Dawasazi, historical background and significance in the present context. 2. Istelahate Dawasazi aur unki Efadiyat: Taqtee, Daq wa Raz, Burd, Sahaq, Zikhl, Taswee, Tarweeq, Tasfiya, Tarshih, Taqteer, Irgha, Izalae Laun, Tajfeef, Tabkheer, Taseed, Tarseeb, Asar, Tahleel, Azabat, Tabakh, Naqah, Tajeeb, Iqla, Tabloor, Taqsheer, Ihraq wa Taklis, Tahmeez, Taqliya, Tashwiya, Ghusal, Tadheen TAkhmeer, wa Tafun, Itfa. 3. Aamale Dawasazi, Application and significance 4. Tadbeere Advia and its scientific validation 5. Ilmul Taklis, scope and scienfic validation 6. Methods of preparation and uses of various kushtajat 7. Aamale Dawasazi aur uska scientific jaiza 8. Control of microbial contamination and preservation of compound medicines Sterile processing Contamination control 9. Chand Aghziya ki tayyari aur unki ifadiyat Mauljubn, Maulshaeer and its types, Maulasl, Maullahem 10. Dispensing procedures and related guidelines 11. Drug and Comestics Act
Practicals Practicals concerned with Tadbeere Advia, Kushtasazi and preparation of various Arqiyat, Roghaniyat, Sath,Khar.
Format of Question Paper Q. No. Nature of Questions Division of Marks Total Marks 1. Attempt any two LAQ out of three (a), (b), (c) 20 40 2. Attempt any six SAQ out of eight (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f), (g), (h) 10 60 Total 100 Format of Practical / Oral Examination
Sr. No. Heading of Practical Marks a Practical 20 b Journal 20 c Viva voce 60 Total 100
Reference Books:
S. N. Title of the book Edition & volume Name of the Author Publisher Year of Publiction 1. Bayazekabeer Vol. I-III Md. Kabeerruddin DaftarulMaseeh, Hyderabad 1960,66,67 2. BustanulMufradat Vol.I Md. Abdul Hakim MatabaNami Press Lucknow 1924 3. Khazanatul Advia Vol. I-III Md. NajamulGhani Khan Munshi Naval Kishore, Lucknow 1917, 1921 4. Kitabul JamiulMufradat Vol. 1-4 Ziauddin Md. Bin Abdulla Ibn Baitar QasraEgypt 1291 Ad 5. MakhzanulMufradat Ma TohfatulMomineen Md. Husain waMD. Momin Khan Momin Munshi Naval Kishore, Lucknow 1874 AD 6. MakhzanulAdvia Vol. I Mir Md. Husain Munshi Naval Kishore, Lucknow 1888 AD 7. Pharmacographicalndica H. Siad Hamard Foundation, Karachi 1991 8. Pharmacopoeia of India Ministry of Health, New Delhi 1983 9. Qarabadeen Azam (Urdu) Azam Khan, Aijaz Publishing 1996 Asmat Ali, Hasrat Lucknawi House, New Delhi 10. Qarabadeen Kabeer (Urdu) Vol.I Mir Md. Husain Munshi Naval Kishore, Lucknow 1892 AD 11. Qarabadeen Qadri Md. Akbar Arzani Munshi Naval Kishore, Lucknow 1880 AD 12. The Paharmaceutical Codex 12 th Edition Walter Lund London, The Pharmaceutical Press 1994 13. Animal origin drugs of Unani Medicine S. B. Vohra, MSY Khan CBS New Delhi 14. Bayazkabeer Kabiruddin Matabmasihi, Aligarh
15. Bibliography of Pharmacogonsy of Medicinal plants R. Mitra, EBIS, Lucknow 16. Chemistry of Medicinal plants CCRUM CCRUM, New Delhi 17. Flora of British India D. Hooker J. BSM Dehradun, 18. Fundamentals of experimental pharmacology M. N. Ghosh Scientific Book Agency
19. Fune Dawasazi S. Z. Rehman Publication Div. AMU
20. Glimpses of Indian Medicinal Plants, Drug development research R.B. Arora IIHMMR, New Delhi 21. KanzulAdvia Mufrada Rafeequddin AMU, Aligarh 1985 22. KitabulMurakkabat Vol I S. Z. Rehman Publication Division, AMU 1990 23. Kitabul Taklis I. A. Qasmi AMU press, Aligarh 24. Kitabul Taklis Kabiruddin Matabmasihi, Delhi 25. KushtakiPehlikitab M. Abdullah Hamdard, Delhi, 26. MakhzanulAdvia M. Hasan MatbaMunshiNawal Kishore, Lucknow.
27. MakhzanulJawahar G. Jeelani Refah-Aam Press, Lahore.
29. Mufradat Jeelani G. Jeelani Refah-Aam Press Lahore.
30. MuqadmaAdvia E.H.. Qureshi MatbaNami, Lucknow
31. Pharmacognocy, Phytochemistry, Pharmacology and clinical studies of Unani medicinal plants S.H. Afaq Publication Div. AMU, Aligarh
32. Physico-chemical standardization of Unani Medicine CCRUM CCRUM, New Delhi 33. Plant microtechnique J.D. Alexender Tata Macgra Hill, Bombay
34. QuaneeneAdvia Ayyub Ali Pubication Div AMU, Aligarh
35. Research & Development of Indigenous P.C. Dandiya IHMMR, N. Delhi 36. Research in Ilmul Advia S. Z. Rehman Publication Div. AMU, Aligarh
37. Standardization of herbal drugs S. H. Afaq Publication Div. AMU, Aligarh
38. Standardization of Single Unani medicine Part I-III CCRUM CCRUM, New Delhi 39. Unani AdviaMufrada Safiuddin National Council, New Delhi 1996 40. Misbaul Advia, KulliyateAdvia Hkm Abdus Samad khan Aijaz Publishing House, New Delhi
Objectives A candidate who has successfully completed the course in M.D. (Unani) in Ilmul Advia shall become proficient in all aspects of Advia and should have acquired skills and knowledge so as to opt for any of the following fields for his/her future career. Teaching profession in an Unani Institution Research Clinical Pharmacology Unani Pharmaceutical Industry To have acquired adequate knowledge and understanding of all aspects of Advia. Understanding of basic sciences relevant to Advia. Acquired knowledge from various kind of persons / people possessing knowledge of Advia. Knowledge of actual place of origin of drug/drug plant. should have acquired relevant knowledge of botany, chemistry, pharmacology and techniques adopted in identification. chemical analysis of given drug should have the knowledge of administration of drugs in various dosage forms. Should know the legal application for pharmaceuticals and also about good manufacturing practices (GMP)
Skills The candidate shall be able to: Identify & recognize drug plants in all aspects. Acquire utilitarian aspect of Ilmul Advia. Skilful administration of drugs along with dosage forms. Apply identifications methods.
Attitude Adopt ethical principles in practice, maintains professional honesty and integrity. Respect patients rights and privileges including patients right to information and right to seek second opinion. Willing to teach. communication Abilities Develop communication skills in particular to explain drug/drug palnts Should be able to communicate in simple understandable language specific to the audience. Should be able to use media. Should be able to utilize audio and visual aides.