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Lab Report Genetics

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Experiment 1

Are the left and right finger length variation patters similar?
- No.
Is the expression of this trait different in males than in females?
Answers to Questions;
1. hat is the importan!e of variations in organisms?
"he importan!e of variations in organisms is in maintaining #iodiversit$
among spe!ies. It also provide alternative phenot$pes whi!h ma$ respond to the
environment in different wa$s and information for operation in the pro!ess of
natural sele!tion.
%. hat are the possi#le !auses of geneti! variations?
"he possi#le !auses of geneti! variations are&
!rossing over
independent assortment' and
(eneti! re!om#ination
). *ow would $ou find out if the variation is !aused #$ geneti! or environmental
(eneti! or inheritan!e fa!tor !overs onl$ trivial features' su!h as the shape
of the human !hin' or ear-lo#es'e$e !olor' hair !olor et!.' while
environmental fa!tors has a great !ontri#ute to the development of the
#rain. "his explains the exposure of an individual to a more !omplex
experien!es #oost the !omponents that pro!ess information in the #rain
+Society for Neuroscience,2000).
-io "opi!s& .ariation& http&//www.#iotopi!s.!o.u0/genes/varn.html
A!!ess 1ate& 1e!em#er 12' %212
3nderstanding Evolution& Natural 4ele!tion&
A!!ess 1ate; 1e!em#er 12' %212
Experiment %
A Review of Cells
7ellular 8un!tions
here do the following fun!tions o!!ur in the three !ells?
1. Nu!lei! A!id 4$nthesis
Animal 7ell - Nu!leolus
9lant 7ell - Nu!leolus
-a!terial 7ell - Nu!leoid
%. 9rotein 4$nthesis
Animal 7ell - ,i#osomes
9lant 7ell - ,i#osomes
-a!terial 7ell - ,i#osomes
). 7ellular ,espiration
Animal 7ell - :ito!hondria
9lant 7ell - :ito!hondria
Answers to Questions&
1. If there are parts or organelles missing from a !ell in the ta#le' are there alternate sites
where the !ell !an perform the a!tivit$ of the missing part/organelle?
7ite examples.
Yes. "he 1NA transfer among pro0ar$oti! !ells +animal ; plant !ells< it o!!urs in
the nu!leolus found in the nu!leus while the 1NA transfer among #a!terial !ells o!!urs in
an organelle !alled 9ilus.
%. "a#ulated differen!es #etween&
a< 9ro0ar$oti! and Eu0ar$oti! 7ells
9,=>A,Y="I7 7E?? E3>A,Y="I7 E??
- 1NA is !on!entrated in a region !alled
- !hromosomes are lo!ated in a mem#rane
en!losed organelle !alled nu!leus
- it has no true nu!leus - it has a true nu!leus
- no suspended organelles in the !$toplasm - !$toplasm with a varieties of suspended
mem#rane en!losed organelles
- its stru!ture is simple than eu0ar$oti! !ell - a #it #igger than pro0ar$oti! !ell
#< Animal and 9lant 7ells
ANI:A? 7E?? 9?AN" 7E??
- one or more small va!uoles -one large !entral va!uole
- there is no !ell wall onl$ !ell mem#rane - presents of !ell wall and !ell mem#rane
- no !hloroplasts and plasteids - presen!e of !hloroplasts and plastids
- l$sosomes are evident - l$sosomes are not evident
). (ive the features !ommon to all t$pes of !ell
a<. 4tru!tural
9lasma :em#rane
Nu!leus/ Nu!leoid
#<. 8un!tional
9rotein s$nthesis
:em#rane that is responsi#le for the enter and exit of nutrients' minerals and
other matters and it also prote!ts the !ell.
@. hat is the 7ell "heor$?
-!ell theor$ states that all living organisms have a #asi! unit of stru!ture and
fun!tion whi!h is the !ell.
- in the ideas of the modern version of !ell theor$ it states that&
Energ$ flows o!!urs within !ells
*eredit$ information +1NA< is passed on from !ell to !ell.
All !ells have the same #asi! !hemi!al !omposition.
A. hat is the relevan!e of the !ell theor$ to the stud$ of geneti!s?
- a!!ording to the idea of the modern version of !ell theor$' heredit$ information
+1NA< is passed on from !ell to !ell sin!e geneti!s is the stud$ of heredit$ and variation
therefore' gene that is lo!ated in the !hromosome and !omprised of 1NA is not the onl$
unit of hereditar$ #ut also !ell that is also !omprise of 1NA and 0nown as the #asi! unit
of life.
7amp#ell ; ,ee!e& Essentials of -iolog$&
isegee0& 7ell "heor$& http&//www.wisegee0.!om/what-is-the-!ell-theor$.htm
A!!ess 1ate& 1e!em#er B' %212
En!hanted ?earning& 9lant 7ell& http://www.enchantedlearning.com/subjects/plants/cell/
A!!ess 1ate& 1e!em#er B' %212
En!hanted ?earning& Animal 7ell& http://www.enchantedlearning.com/subjects/animals/cell/
A!!ess 1ate& 1e!em#er B' %212
i0ipedia& 7ell "heor$& http&//en.wi0ipedia.org/wi0i/7ell5theor$
A!!ess 1ate& 1e!em#er B' %212
1iffen& Animal 7ell vs. 9lant 7ell&

Experiment )
The Cell Cycle
Questions and Answers&
1. (ive the meaning of the following terms&
a. 7entromere- a !entromere is a region on a !hromosome that Coins two sister
#. 7entriole-. are !$lindri!al stru!tures that are !omposed of groupings of
mi!rotu#ules arranged in a D E ) pattern. It is found in animal
!ells and help to organiFe the assem#l$ of mi!rotu#ules during
!ell division
!. 7hromatin- mass of geneti! material !omposed of 1NA and proteins that
!ondense to form !hromosomes during eu0ar$oti! !ell division
d. 7hromatid- a !hromatid is one-half of a repli!ated !hromosome.
e. 7$to0inesis- division of the cytoplasm that produces distinct daughter cells.
f. (enome- is the entiret$ of an organismGs hereditar$ information
g. 4pindle fi#ers- it extends from the two poles of a dividing !ell. It manipulates
and separates the !hromosomes during !ell division.
%. hat is the fun!tion of the !entromere during metaphase?
In the metaphase stage' some parts of the !entromeres parti!ularl$ #oth sides are
the site for the !hromosomes to atta!h to the polar fi#ers.
). In $our model' how man$
7entromeres/ 7ell is there at the prophase?
7hromatids are there during metaphase?
7hromosomes are there performing daughter !ell at telophase?
7hromosomes per daughter !ell?
@. At what stage of the !ell !$!le is it easiest to determine the 0ind and num#er of
A. hat is the #iologi!al signifi!an!e of mitosis?
"he importan!e of the mitosis is the maintenan!e of the !hromosomal set; ea!h
!ell formed re!eives !hromosomes that are ali0e in !omposition and eHual in num#er to
the !hromosomes of the parent !ell.
6. 7ompare and !ontrast plant and animal mitosis.
Stages Plant Cell Animal Cell
-chromosomes condense.
-!orti!al mi!rotu#ules grow
together to form the spindle
around the nu!lear
-chromosomes condense.
-mitoti! spindle forms
#etween !entrosomes on
one side of the nu!leus.
9rometaphase -nu!lear envelope #rea0s
down' !hromosomes move
to metaphase plate' spindle
!aptures !hromosomes.
- 9reprophase #and #rea0s
-nu!lear envelope #rea0s
down' !hromosomes move
to metaphase plate' spindle
!aptures !hromosomes.
:etaphase -!hromosomes align at
spindle eHuator.
-!hromosomes align at
spindle eHuator.
Anaphase -!hromosomes move
towards !ell poles.
-!hromosomes move
towards !ell poles.
"elophase -nu!lear envelopes reform
and !hromosomes #egin to
de!ondense' spindle #rea0s
-phragmoplast +a!tin'
m$osin' mi!rotu#ules<
forms in !enter of !ell'
where new !ell wall will #e
-nu!lear envelopes reform
and !hromosomes #egin to
de!ondense' spindle #rea0s
-!ontra!tile ring +a!tin'
m$osin< forms
approximatel$ midwa$
#etween the two nu!lei in
the dividing !ell.
A#out.!om& 7entromere& http&//#iolog$.a#out.!om/od/mitosisglossar$/g/!entromere.htm
A!!ess 1ate& 1e!em#er 1)' %212
A#out.!om& 9olar fi#ers& http&//#iolog$.a#out.!om/od/mitosisglossar$/g/polarfi#ers.htm
A!!ess date& 1e!em#er 1)' %212
-iolog$ (lossar$& 7hromatid& http&//#iolog$.a#out.!om/#/%22A/1%/1I/#iolog$-glossar$-
A!!ess 1ate& 1e!em#er 1)' %212
-iolog$ (lossar$& 7hromatin&
A!!ess date& 1e!em#er 1)' %212
-iolog$ (lossar$& 7entriole&
A!!ess 1ate& 1e!em#er 1)' %212
:ad4!i Networ0& *ow do plant and animal mitosis differ?&
A!!ess 1ate& 1e!em#er 1)' %212
1iffen& :eiosis vs. :irosis&
A!!ess 1ate& 1e!em#er 1)' %212
A#out.!om& :etaphase& http&//#iolog$.a#out.!om/od/mitosis/ss/mitosisstep5).htm
A!!ess 1ate& 1e!em#er 1A' %212
i0ipedia& (enome& http&//en.wi0ipedia.org/wi0i/(enome
A!!ess 1ate& 1e!em#er 1A' %212

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