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Menzi Muck All Terain Excavator

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With decades of experience behind it, Menzi Muck manufactures innovative mobile spider
excavators at its state-of-the-art facility in Switzerland
All of the construction and specialpurpose machines manufactured by Menzi Muck have
the same intention at their core -the driver/ operator should feel iike a kin!
"he company!s successful record proves that this approach is not without ment, and it has
achieved the position of lobal market and technoloy leader, with its products a#nin a
formidable reputation and an ever-increasin number of loyal customers the world over$
The creation of today's Menzi Muck waling excaator!s"ider excaator can #e
credited to co$"any founder %rnst Menzi %&'()*&('+, who was not -ust an
ingenious inentor. #ut also a #orn entre"reneur/ &e founded his first co$"any at
the age of -ust '( and the history of the Menzi Muck walking excaator would not #e
the sa$e without hi$/ 0is s"irit of inention and innoation lies on/ and the
#usiness' walking excaators and $o#ile all*"ur"ose excaators are still deelo"ed
with attention to detail and through close co*o"eration with custo$ers/
1hat $akes a s"ider excaator uni2ue is that #ecause of its flexi#le chassis it has
the a#ility to fulfil the re2uire$ents of $any a""lications * so for exa$"le it can
work on gradients of u" to &33 "er cent. in water u" to 4/5 $ dee" or in dee" $ud.
on $ountains or on the ocean #ed6 the Menzi Muck can ada"t to any ty"e of
ground/ 7 high degree of $otorisation and uni2ue sta#ility result in "erfor$ance
rates u" to )3 "er cent higher than those of conentional $achines in the sa$e
weight class/
)n addition$ Menzi Muck aims to reconise customer re*uirements at an early stae of
product development and directs its attention to meetin and even exceedin these
+ne of its ma,or strenths as a business is its ability to turn customers! ideas into reality$
"his ives rise to individual and tailor-made solutions, which can be put to profitable use in
niche markets$ )ts partners are successful customers who are committed to an open and
collaborative ac*uisition policy and are faithful to their obliations$ Menzi Muck offers a full
end-to-end service, with a focus on each area of sales, development, installation and
"he Menzi Mock mobile spider excavator comes in three different basic versions, in
weiht casses from seven to -.$/ tons$ "he newest additions to the rane are the 01 and
MS series aiers$ which are both versatile and economical "he 01 mobile spider
excavator has been desined to meet every need of the customer$ With numerous
options, the machine can be bespoke desined to meet specific client needs and every
detail is based on functionality, safety and comfort$ "he result is a powerful, spider
machine that is settin new standards in the eiht ton class$
+ne of the ma,or innovations appearin on the 01 is the Menzi 2owerboom - a uni*ue
boom of the M Series "his is mounted horizontally in the centre part and therefore
collisions at the boom cylinder are impossible$ "he new kinematics of Menzi Muck are
also openin up new dimensions# optimum work in the close-up rane at the minimum
possible swivel radius is contrasted with maximum stretchin of the boom$ "he Menzi
power booster thereby supplies the hihest possible forces over the whole workin rane$
+perator comfort and safety are of course also prioritised, with a panoramic cockpit,
extensive standard e*uipment and dashboard with 345 display all included$ 6rom the
eronomic ,oystick with proportional rocker and hand support to the air-suspended
operator7s seat with ad,ustable armrests and foot pedals, no stone has been left unturned
to provide the driver with a maximum level of comfort$
A more powerful option, the Menzi Muck MS$ is stron, fast and comfortable$ )t has been
desined with a focus on power, mobility and maximum output, as well as bein
supremefy e*uipped$ &owever, as mentioned previously, it is the driver that ranks above
all else, even technical sophistication$ %very detail in the driver7s cab is based on
functionality, safety and comfort, with the panoramic cockpit only bein a part of it$ "he
machine also features clever technoloy such as the Anticipatin 2ower Manaement
system that brins up to 1. per cent fuel savins, and a Sensitive 3oad Sensin hydraulic
system that is eared towards smooth and optimised performance$
"hese new models fit in alonside the existin A8.$ A'. and Menzi 5umper 8Srd - all of
which feature innovative technoloy and boast a rane of features$ "he wheeled dumper
Menzi 8/rd$ for example, is the first and only to have an enine that already meets the
exhaust emission level 1b$ "his is achieved throuh an exhaust as treatment system,
which eliminates danerous soot particles, and is already interated in the modern turbo-
diesel enine$
"he Menzi Muck excavators can be put to use in a variety of industries - includin
construction, civil enineerin, track buildin, water supply and distribution and forestry )n
principle, ail three basic models can be used for applications in the construction industry$
"he riht excavator will be determined by wliat needs doin and where, and that is where
the expertise of the Menz Mock team comes into action - it is on hand to advise clients on
the best product for the ,ob$ whether that is road construction, extreme applications on
precipices or uneven terrain
As Menzi Muck constantly adapts to the market t )s always refinin its processes and
strateies to ensure that it is meetin the needs of its staff and customers$ )n ada non$ the
company is always on the lookout for *ualified personnel, reliable suppliers and innovative
sales partners, to help fulfil its ambition of expandin the business and findin new
markets for its remarkable products$ )ndeed, it is difficult to imaine a field where a
company other than Menzi Muck could be a more efficient or more cost- effective partner$
Menzi Muck
Services# Mobile spider excavators

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