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Safety in GSK

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Contract Employees
Working On
April 2004
1. INTRODUCTION...............................2
6. HOUSEKEEPING..............................4
9.4. EROSION CONTROL...........................5
9.6. OPEN BURNING ................................5
9.8. ASBESTOS.........................................5
13. ELECTRICAL SAFETY ................6
15.1 CLOTHING ........................................7
15.2 HARD HATS......................................7
15.4 RESPIRATORY PROTECTION..............7
15.5 PROTECTIVE FOOTWEAR ..................7
15.6 FALL PROTECTION............................7
16. LIFTING...........................................8
17. TOOLS..............................................8
17.1 HAND TOOLS....................................8
17.2 POWER TOOLS..................................8
17.3 POWDER-ACTUATED TOOLS.............8
20. CRANES AND RIGGING..............9
21. CLOSING STATEMENT...............9
1. Introduction
Welcome to GlaxoSmithKline! It is the intent of GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) to provide a safe and healthful working environment. It is
your responsibility to ensure that your work is performed in a safe manner that is in compliance with these Safety Guidelines, other
GSK safety procedures that may apply (such as Laboratory Safety, Radiation Safety, and Construction Safety), your companys
rules, and local, state and federal laws and regulations. Work being performed in an unsafe or hazardous manner is unacceptable.
Each person, regardless of position, must accept his or her safety responsibilities and be held directly responsible and accountable
for accidents, injuries, and near misses.
Violations of these guidelines may result in temporary or permanent removal from GSK premises.
While your company is responsible for job safety and compliance with local, state, and federal regulations, this booklet is being
provided to inform you of GSKs requirements that may be unique to the work area. Your company has agreed to these policies and
procedures. You are responsible for knowing evacuation routes, assembly areas, and emergency procedures. If you have any
questions, ask your supervisor.
This booklet is a general safety orientation and does not contain the complete safety program. For more information, ask your
GSK is proud of its safety record and wants you to be a contributor.
2. Emergency Reporting Instructions
In the event of fire, accident, environmental release, or other emergency, dial the emergency phone number 2222. Dial 483-2222 if
calling from an external phone.
If there is an evacuation, immediately report to the appropriate assembly area.
3. Identification Badges and Access
While on site, you are required to wear an identification badge issued by GSK. Badges must be worn at or above the waist and be
visible at all times.
4. General Safety and Security Rules
The following are some of the reasons for which an employee of a contractor may be temporarily or permanently removed from GSK
Possession or use of alcoholic beverages, regulated drugs not prescribed by a physician, explosives, firearms, ammunition, other
weapons, cameras and recording devices
Deliberate violation of safety or security rules
Illegal dumping, handling, or disposal of hazardous materials
Sexual harassment of any individual or group while on GSK premises
Destruction or removal without written permission of any property belonging to GSK, the property owner, employee, or other
contractors or employees
Abuse, defacement, or destruction of property, as well as posting of unauthorized signs, notices, or solicitations
Intimidating, threatening, harassing, impeding or interfering with an inspector, security officer, or GSK employee
Not obeying posted speed limits and other traffic signs
Using entrances to the site or a building not designated by your supervisor
Using emergency exits other than for emergencies
Falsifying reports, forms, or using another persons ID badge
Falsely starting or making claims of injury or failure to report an injury on the day of occurrence
Failing to allow vehicle, parcel, locker, gang box, or lunch box inspection while on GSK property
Loitering, roaming, or leaving assigned work areas without authorization
Fighting, creating a disturbance, or horseplay
Careless, uncooperative conduct
Misuse of fire prevention and protection equipment
Unauthorized removal or destruction of a safety barricade, handrail, guardrail, warning sign, fall protection, or other warning
5. Safety Permits and Procedures
Obtain a permit or approval through your supervisor before:
Working on fire protection/detection systems
Doing burning, welding, cutting, soldering, grinding, or other hot work
Working on an electrical circuit
Entering confined spaces (these will be identified by your supervisor)
Moving emergency equipment (fire extinguishers, first aid kits, etc.)
Turning off any utility (electrical, compressed air, steam, etc.). Each individual working on a system must install their own
lockout device on the piece of equipment as directed by their supervisor. In addition, GSK Facilities Operations will shut down
and start up operating utilities.
Installing a temporary electrical service
Working with hazardous chemicals (including solvents and paints)
Using powder actuated tools
Using a gas, diesel, or LP (propane) powered engine indoors
Operating a power vehicle or self-propelled work platform
Using radioactive sources or conducting field radiography (x-ray)
Working with asbestos-containing materials
Working on security systems
Working with compressed air/gases
Using a laser
Working on a fume or biological hood
Working on a solvent storage cabinet
Working on heating, ventilation, or air conditioning equipment
Working on a roof
Using a tar pot
Lifting or hoisting with cranes, derricks, hoists or helicopter
Performing blasting operations
Do not perform work over the heads of people or leave tools or equipment overhead.
Never jump from an elevated platform.
Isolate your work area with safety markers, tape barriers, blinking lights, safety cones, or other means.
Report unsafe acts or conditions to your supervisor.
6. Housekeeping
Good housekeeping is mandatory. Each employee must keep his/her work area neat, clean, orderly and free of excess trash and
debris. If your work area is not kept clean, GSK will have the area cleaned and the cost charged to your company. Neatly stack or
store work materials and tools in an approved location that does not block walkways, stairs, exits, or present a trip hazard. Cover
and/or guard open holes, trenches, or excavation.
Remember our environment. GSK recycles aluminum and certain types of paper. Ask your supervisor for the location of recycling
bins before discarding recyclables.
7. Alcohol and Drug Abuse
GlaxoSmithKline requires that contract employees undergo alcohol and drug abuse testing as described in the GSK Contractor
Safety Manual.
8. Accident, Incident, Injury, Illness, and Near Miss
Work related accidents, incidents, injuries, illnesses, and near misses must be immediately reported to your supervisor.
9. Environmental Issues
9.1. Hazardous Waste Management
Contractors are responsible for the safe use and disposal of any chemicals brought onto a GSK site, and are limited as to the amount
of hazardous chemical they may store on GSK property. Contractors that generate hazardous waste on site must notify
Environmental Health and Safety for disposal directives.
Do not store more than 55 gallons of hazardous waste or one quart of acutely hazardous waste without written approval from
Environmental Health and Safety. Waste containers must be clearly labeled as to their contents. Waste must not be transferred
between GSK facilities. Do not dispose of hazardous and chemical waste in company dumpsters.
The disposal of waste materials such as asbestos, lead paint, hazardous construction debris, or contaminated soil resulting from
demolition, excavation, or maintenance activities that are not the result of hazardous materials or petroleum products brought on site
by a contractor must be approved by GSK.
9.2. Spill Prevention and Control
Use appropriate protective procedures such as double containment, employee training, overflow protection, and other measures as
part of activities involving the use, storage, or handling of petroleum products or hazardous materials on GSK property.
Containers of hazardous materials and petroleum products should be stored in order to prevent releases to the environment. This
requires selecting locations and methods to minimize exposure to rainfall, surface water, and the ground. Enclosures, shelters, and
secondary containment should be used where appropriate.
Prior to discharge of a containment system to the stormwater system, inspect the primary container for signs of leakage and
inspect the containment system by visual observation for color, foam, outfall staining, visible sheens, and dry weather flow. The
discharge of a containment system that has evidence of contamination is prohibited.
The responsible contractor must maintain a log indicating the individual making the observations, description of accumulated
stormwater, and the date and time of release. The log must be submitted to Environmental Health and Safety.
9.3. Discharges to Stormwater Conveyance Systems
The following types of water discharges may be discharged to the facilitys stormwater conveyance systems.
Uncontaminated groundwater
Water from foundation drains and footing drains
Air conditioner condensate without added chemicals
Uncontaminated potable water
Waterline, sprinkler system, and fire hydrant flushings
Discharges from fire fighting
An unauthorized or unpermitted non-stormwater discharge is considered a release and must be reported to your supervisor.
9.4. Erosion Control
Settling basins and/or straw barricading around storm sewers is required for ground breaking or any condition that could cause silt to
enter a storm sewer.
If a construction activity involves five or more acres, obtain a stormwater discharge permit before starting the work.
9.5. Excavation in Environmentally Restricted Areas
Excavation in areas outlined in the general site drawings as environmentally restricted is prohibited unless approved in writing by
Environmental Health and Safety.
9.6. Open Burning
Open burning of debris on company property is prohibited without written approval from Environmental Health and Safety.
9.7. Disposal of Waste in Sanitary Sewers
No hazardous material, chemicals, or petroleum products may be disposed of to a sanitary sewer without prior approval from
Environmental Health and Safety.
9.8. Asbestos
If material containing asbestos is suspected or encountered, stop work immediately and notify Environmental Health and Safety.
10. Biological/Chemical/Radioactivity Hazards
Some GSK operations involve the use of biological, chemical, or radioactive material that can be hazardous if not handled safely.
Areas where work with biological, chemical, or radioactive materials is being performed will be marked with appropriate signs. Your
supervisor has the responsibility to advise you of hazardous materials or areas, the precautions and/or protective equipment required.
Do not handle hazardous biological, chemical, or radioactive material unless specific approval has been granted by your supervisor.
Contact your supervisor if you encounter a hazardous situation (biological, chemical, or physical hazards).
11. Hazardous Materials
Do not handle or use hazardous materials without training. Your supervisor has an information sheet describing the hazards and
precautions associated with materials your company has on the job site.
No solvents, paints, or similar flammable, toxic, or irritating materials may be used in areas occupied by GSK employees unless
specifically approved in writing by an authorized Environmental Health and Safety representative
Maintain adequate ventilation when paints or solvents are used
Use proper respiratory protection and protective clothing
Use flammable solvents and materials with extreme caution
Store flammable paints and solvents in approved flammable liquid storage cabinets if inside buildings
Your supervisor will inform you of the proper means of disposing paints, solvents, or other chemical waste.
12. Compressed Gas Cylinders
Valve protection caps must be in place when compressed gas cylinders are transported, moved, or stored.
Close cylinder valves and replace valve covers when work is complete and when cylinders are empty or moved.
Secure compressed gas cylinders in an upright position in a welding cart or to a solid object (using chains, straps, or a rigid retaining
bar). Secure compressed gas cylinders on an approved carrier while being transported.
Keep cylinders at a safe distance or shielded from welding or cutting operations. Do not place cylinders where they can contact an
electrical circuit.
Keep oxygen and flammable gas regulators in proper working order and a wrench in position on the acetylene valve when in use. If
not manifolded together, separate oxygen and flammable gas cylinders by 20 feet or a 5 foot high fireproof barrier.
If a leak develops in a cylinder and it cannot be immediately corrected, move the cylinder to a safe location outside the building.
Use only approved spark igniters to light torches.
Cylinders must not be taken into or stored in confined spaces, including gang boxes, office/storage trailers, or rooms.
Do not store cylinders inside an occupied structure.
Do not store hoses and regulators in unventilated or closed containers or areas.
13. Electrical Safety
Only qualified electricians are permitted to work on electrical systems and equipment that uses or controls electrical power.
Do not operate electrical tools or equipment in wet areas or areas where potentially flammable dusts, vapors, or liquids are present,
unless specifically approved for the location.
In areas where water or moisture is present or likely to be present, use ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCI) on power circuits. If
permanent plant power circuits are not GFCI, use a portable GFCI box with electrical tools and equipment. Test interrupters on a
regular basis.
Should a circuit breaker or other protective device trip, ensure that a qualified electrician checks the circuit and equipment and
corrects problems before resetting the breaker.
Extension cords must be designated for extra hard usage and have at least 12 gauge conductors, grounded (3 prong) plugs, be
heavily insulated and in a safe condition. Flat electrical cords are prohibited.
Inspect extension cords periodically. Damaged cords must not be used until repaired. Damaged cords must only be repaired with
heat shrink material. Electrical tape is not acceptable.
Never set up and/or operate equipment such as cranes, lifts, ladders, or scaffolds within 10 feet of overhead power lines.
Always lockout and tag equipment prior to working on it, in accordance with GSKs safety procedures. Ensure utility service
connections to the equipment have been disconnected prior to locking out. Be aware of stored energy (capacitive, hydraulic, etc.)
which may be present. Test equipment prior to working on it. Before re-energizing equipment, inspect circuits and the work area to
ensure tools, jumpers, grounds, etc. have been removed and that personnel are clear. Also ensure protective guards and covers are in
place before re-energizing. GSK Facilities Operations will shut down and start up utility systems. Violation of this procedure will
result in immediate removal from GSK premises.
Avoid wearing rings, necklaces, or other conductive apparel. Erect barriers and post warning signs to ensure non-authorized
personnel stay clear of the work area.
Report hazards (lack of protective guards or covers, damaged equipment, etc.) to your supervisor immediately.
Elevate electrical cords at least seven feet above the work area or protect them from damage.
Do not leave electrical boxes, switch gear, cabinets, or electrical rooms open when not directly attended. Insulate energized parts
when covers have been removed or doors are ajar. Use of cardboard, plywood, or other flammable materials to cover energized
circuits is prohibited.
14. Working Safely Around Equipment
Pharmaceutical equipment typically consists of moving mechanical components powered by electricity or compressed air. Many
pieces of equipment are also connected to steam, vacuum, hydraulics, and other utility services. Therefore, before starting work on a
piece of equipment, it is essential that you identify utility service connections, lockout and tag them, and have them disconnected in
accordance with GSKs policies. GSK Facilities Operations will shut down and start up affected utilities.
Before entering a tank or enclosed vessels, obtain a confined space entry permit and perform work in these areas in accordance with
GSKs policies.
Take care at all times when working close to equipment, since much of it is automated and may start without warning. You must
ensure that the equipment has safety guards in place and, if required, erect a safety barrier around it. Certain equipment may emit a
low level radio frequency or magnetic field and must be avoided by individuals wearing pacemakers. Other equipment may, under
adverse conditions, present a low power laser hazard. You will be informed by your supervisor of the presence of these hazards and
the appropriate precautions.
Certain operations involve the use of materials that may present a fire or explosion hazard under adverse conditions. These areas
may be identified as classified or hazardous locations. No work is permitted in these locations without prior approval obtained
by your supervisor.
Forklift trucks and other material handling vehicles are used in many areas. You must constantly be alert to vehicle traffic. Gasoline,
diesel, or LP gas powered equipment is not normally allowed in GSK buildings. Your supervisor will obtain prior written approval
before using this equipment within buildings.
15. Personal Protective Equipment
15.1 Clothing
A shirt with sleeves and long pants must be worn at all times. Clothing must not have loose, torn, or dragging fabric. Wear suitable
gloves when handling materials or equipment, and while performing operations that could be expected to cause injury to hands or
Wear fully buttoned lab coats, hair nets, and beard covers in designated areas (available at entries to these areas). Certain areas
require a higher level of protection in the form of coveralls or air suits. Do not enter these areas without appropriate clearance,
training, and protection.
15.2 Hard Hats
An ANSI certified hard hat must be worn at all times in designated areas.
15.3 Eye and Hearing Protection
Safety glasses with side shields must be worn at all times in designated areas in the facility. Additional eye and/or face protection
such as goggles, face shields, and welding shields are required when performing operations such as grinding, chemical handling,
burning, welding, operating powder actuated tools, etc.
Wear approved hearing protection in designated areas in the facility and while working with or around high noise level equipment,
machines and tools (above 85 decibels).
15.4 Respiratory Protection
Respirator equipment is required in areas where health hazards exist. See your supervisor to obtain appropriate training and
protective equipment.
15.5 Protective Footwear
Athletic-type shoes, sandals, high heels, open-toe shoes, and bare feet are prohibited in non-public areas. Wear appropriate
protective footwear in areas where safety shoe signs are posted. Appropriate protective footwear must be worn when working with
corrosives or hazardous chemicals. All personnel in construction and demolition areas are required at all times to wear safety
footwear meeting the ANSI Standard Z41-1999 requirements for toe-cap protection.
15.6 Fall Protection
A full body safety harness with shock absorbent lanyard (maximum length six feet) and double locking hooks is required for
employees working at certain heights (in accordance with OSHA regulations) when not protected by guard rails, nets, catch
platforms, or other acceptable methods. Safety belts and lanyards are not considered acceptable. The following are examples of areas
where fall protection is needed:
Sloping roofs
Flat roofs without standard guard rail
Suspended platform or stage
Scaffold with incomplete guardrail or decking
While installing rebar, setting forms, placing concrete
Cooling towers
Setting steel, placing decking, etc.
This fall protection policy applies to everyone - no exceptions. Secure lanyards to an anchor location capable of supporting 5400
pounds, with each tie off as short as possible. The maximum allowed free-fall distance is six feet.
16. Lifting
Use proper lifting techniques; use your legs and keep your back straight. Never try to lift more than you can handle safely; consider
size, shape and weight. Ask for help when moving materials by hand.
17. Tools
17.1 Hand Tools
Every tool is designed to do a specific job; use each tool only for its intended purpose.
Keep hand tools in good condition, inspected, clean, sharpened, oiled, and not abused. Replace worn tools immediately.
Do not force tools beyond their capacity through use of cheater bars or by using other shortcuts.
Follow manufacturers directions and specifications for use and care of tools and equipment.
17.2 Power Tools
Maintain power tools in good condition and ensure guards are in place before using. Electrical tools must be double insulated or
properly grounded.
Power tools must not be hoisted or lowered by the cord or hose. Use handlines.
Do not use power tools unless you have been properly instructed in their use. Wear appropriate personal protective equipment when
using power tools and ensure individuals in the immediate area do the same.
Elevate cords and hoses at least seven feet above the work area to avoid creating a tripping hazard for employees or subject the
cord/hose to damage.
Maintain good footing and use both hands when operating power tools. Be ready to release the power switch or trigger at the first
sign of trouble. Do not use tools with a lock on type trigger.
Install an approved check valve at the manifold outlet of each supply line for hand-held pneumatic tools.
Disconnect electrical or compressed air sources before making adjustments or repairing tools.
Closely monitor tool condition and check before each use. Tools with damaged or loose parts, ineffective guards, or cut/frayed
power cords must be taken out of service and tagged.
Gas and other flammable liquid containers must be safety containers (metal, with spring loaded self-closing lids) and labeled as to
their contents.
Do not wear loose clothing, rings or other jewelry around operating machinery.
17.3 Powder-Actuated Tools
Powder-actuated tools are not permitted in occupied GSK buildings without the approval of Environmental Health and Safety. If
approval is granted, a hot work permit issued by a GSK representative must also be obtained by your supervisor.
Only employees with a valid license (credential) are permitted to use powder-actuated tools.
Post warning signs when using powder-actuated tools. Wear ear plugs or muffs, and goggles over safety glasses. Do not leave
powder-actuated tools loaded when unattended.
18. Welding, Cutting, and Burning
Remove combustible materials from the area prior to beginning work.
Use appropriate protective clothing and shields for the welder and helper.
Use burning goggles for burning operations. Dark glasses are prohibited.
Elevate oxygen/acetylene hoses seven feet above the work area or otherwise protect them from damage.
Install anti-flash back (safety/check) valves in both the oxygen/acetylene hoses at the regulator.
Shield adjacent areas with welding partitions.
Have a second person stand by with an approved fire extinguisher for welding and burning operations. This person should remain in
the area for a minimum of 30 minutes after the hot work is completed to ensure the site is cold.
Obtain a permit from your supervisor for each separate operation. Permits are issued by GSK.
Do not use damaged leads. Connections, including lugs on welding machines, must be insulated.
19. Ladders and Scaffolds
Use only approved fiberglass ladders in good condition and of the type suitable for the task. Any metal ladders would need to be
approved by Environmental Health and Safety.
Ensure ladders are set level and have secure footing. Step ladders must be fully opened. Safety latches on extension ladders must be
fully engaged and ladders tied off when working off them.
Always face the ladder when climbing or descending. Work facing the ladder with both feet securely on the rungs. Never stand on
the top step or sit on the top of the ladder, straddle the ladder, fold up or lean step ladders, or work two people from the same ladder.
Post warning signs when doing overhead work in traffic areas.
Obtain permission from your supervisor before setting up a scaffold.
Scaffolds must be designed, built, inspected, and tagged by trained, competent persons in accordance with the latest OSHA
requirements. Carefully plan each application to ensure that scaffolds are used where required, and that scaffolds conform to the
applicable scaffold erection requirements. Ensure the safe working load is not exceeded.
Scaffolds with any dimension of less than 45 inches (such as a Baker-type) must have standard guardrails in place when the working
platform is four feet or higher. Outriggers are also required when the platform is four feet or higher.
Regular scaffolding must have standard guardrails when the working platform is six feet or higher, or else fall protection must be
provided and used.
Do not climb on or work from scaffold guardrails or brace members. Do not ride on a rolling scaffold when it is being moved, unless
it was designed for this purpose. Remove or secure materials on the work platform before moving.
20. Cranes and Rigging
Each crane, rigging, or hoist brought onto GSK property must have an annual inspection performed by an OSHA certified testing
agency. Before operations begin on site, documentation must be provided to GSK or its designee.
The operator is responsible for the proper placement of the crane in relationship to the load to be handled and the landing area so as
to obtain the best rated lift capacity, and the installation and maintenance of crane swing radius protection.
21. Closing Statement
GSK has a duty to provide a safe workplace that is free from recognized hazards. Because of the number of contract activities on
GSK premises, GSK is providing this handbook to contract employees as part of its safety program to protect its people and
property. It is the responsibility of contractors to ensure that their employees perform work in a safe manner and in a safe work
environment. Contractors must train, supervise, and direct their employees concerning compliance with safety rules, including those
required by GSK for work on its premises. This manual is not intended to nullify or assume responsibility that contractors owe to
their employees or to other persons.
Contract Employees Acknowledgment
To: GlaxoSmithKline Safety
I certify that I have received training on the GlaxoSmithKline safety
handbook and that I will comply with the requirements for working on
GlaxoSmithKline premises.
Name ________________________________________
Employee ID Number ___________________________
Signature _____________________________________
Date _________________________________________
Company _____________________________________
Company Phone ________________________________
Facility work performed at: G RTP G Zebulon
GSK Contact Person ______________________
Safety Sticker Number ______________________________
03/ 04

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