Fin FEt
Fin FEt
Fin FEt
Since the fabrication of MOSFET, the minimum channel length has been
shrinking continuously. The motivation behind this decrease has been an increasing interest
in high speed devices and in very large scale integrated circuits. The sustained scaling
of conventional bulk device reuires innovations to circumvent the
barriers of fundamental ph!sics constraining the conventional
"#SFET device structure$ The limits most often cited are control of the
densit! and location of dopants providing high % on &% o' ratio and (nite
subthreshold slope and uantum-mechanical tunneling of carriers
through thin gate from drain to source and from drain to bod!$ The
channel depletion )idth must scale )ith the channel length to contain
the o'-state leakage % o'$ This leads to high doping concentration* )hich
degrade the carrier mobilit! and causes +unction edge leakage due to
tunneling$ Furthermore* the dopant pro(le control* in terms of depth and
steepness* becomes much more di,cult$ The gate o-ide thickness to-
must also scale )ith the channel length to maintain gate control* proper
threshold voltage .
and performance$ The thinning of the gate dielectric
results in gate tunneling leakage* degrading the circuit performance*
po)er and noise margin$
/lternative device structures based on silicon-on-insulator
(SOI) technolog! have emerged as an e'ective means of e-tending
"#S scaling be!ond bulk limits for mainstream high-performance or lo)-
po)er applications $Partially depleted (PD) SOI )as the (rst S#%
technolog! introduced for high-performance microprocessor
applications$ The ultra-thin-body fully depleted (FD) SOI and the
0ept$ of Electronics$
Seminar Report2009-2010 FinFET
non-planar FinFET device structures promise to be the potential
2future3 technolog!&device choices$
%n these device structures* the short-channel e'ect is controlled
b! geometr!* and the o'-state leakage is limited b! the thin Si (lm$ For
e'ective suppression of the o'-state leakage* the thickness of the Si (lm
must be less than one uarter of the channel length$
The desired .T is achieved b! manipulating the gate )ork function*
such as the use of midgap material or pol!-Si4e$ 1oncurrentl!* material
enhancements* such as the use of a5 high-k gate material and b5
strained Si channel for mobilit! and current drive improvement* have
been activel! pursued$
/s scaling approaches multiple ph!sical limits and as ne) device
structures and materials are introduced* uniue and ne) circuit design
issues continue to be presented$ %n this article* )e revie) the design
challenges of these emerging technologies )ith particular emphasis on
the implications and impacts of individual device scaling elements and
uniue device structures on the circuit design$ 6e focus on the planar
device structures* from continuous scaling of 70 S#% to F0 S#%* and ne)
materials such as strained-Si channel and high-k gate dielectric$
0ept$ of Electronics$