Indigo Paper
Indigo Paper
Indigo Paper
1. On a given path, it is possible to chose between four flight associated with a mandatory
flight Mach Number (M). The
flight conditions, static ir temperature (SAT) and headwind component (HWC) are given
FL 370 - M = 0.80 Ts = -60C HWC = -15 kt
FL 330 - M = 0.78 Ts = -60C HWC= - 5 kt FL
290 - M = 0.80 Ts = -55C HWC = -15 kt FL
270 - M = 0.76 Ts = -43C HWC = 0
The flight level allowing the highest ground speed is:
a) FL270
b) FL290
c) FL330
d) FL370
2.(For this question use annex 050-3030A)To which aerodrome is the following TAF most
applicable ?TAF 231019 24014KT 6000 SCT030 BKN100 TEMPO 1113 25020G38KT 2500
+TSRA SCT008 BKN025CB BECMG 1315 28012KT 9999 SCT025 TEMPO 5000 SHRA BKN020
BECMG 1719 27008KT 9999 SCT030
( weather chart was shown for the exam )
3.How many feet you have to climb to reach FL 75?Given: FL 75, departure aerodrome
elevation 1500 ft, QNH = 1023 hPa, temperature = ISA, 1 hPa = 30 ft
a) 6300 ft.
b) 6000 ft.
c) 6600 ft.
d) 7800 ft.
4. A twin-jet aeroplane carries out the WASHINGTON-PARIS flight. When it reaches point K
(35N - 048W) a non-mechanical event makes the Captain consider rerouting to one of the
three following fields. The flight conditions are: - from K to BERMUDAS (distance 847NM,
headwind component=18 kt)
- from K to SANTA MARIA (distance 1112 NM, tailwind component=120 kt)
- from K to GANDER (distance 883 NM, wind component=0).With an aeroplane true
airspeed of 460 kt, the field selected will be that more rapidly reached:
This above question had the some other options as answers so they asked us to skip it....
5. An aeroplane flies at an airspeed of 380 kt. lt flies from A to B and back to A. Distance AB
= 480 NM. When going from A to B, it experiences a headwind component = 60 kt. The
wind remains constant.The duration of the flight will be:
a) 2h 35min
b) 3h 00min
c) 2h 10min
d) 2h 32min
6) You are flying a constant compass heading of 252. Variation is 22E, deviation is 3W
and your INS is showing a drift of 9 right. True track is ?
a) 280
b) 224
c) 242
d) 262
7) Given : true track 017, W/V 340/30, TAS 420 ktFind : wind correction angle (WCA) and
ground speed (GS)
a) WCA -2 , GS 396 kt
b) WCA +2 , GS 396 kt
c) WCA -2 , GS 426 kt
d) WCA +2 , GS 416 kt
8) Given:Aircraft heading 160(M),Aircraft is on radial 240 from a VOR,Selected course on
HSI is 250.The HSI indications are deviation bar:
a) behind the aeroplane symbol with the FROM flag showing
b) behind the aeroplane symbol with the TO flag showing
c) ahead of the aeroplane symbol with the FROM flag showing
d) ahead of the aeroplane symbol with the TO flag showing
9) Position A is located on the equator at longitude 13000E. Position B is located 100 NM
from A on a bearing of 225(T).The coordinates of position B are:
a) 0111'S 12849'E
b) 0111'N 13111'E
c) 0111'S 13111'E
d) 0111'N 12849'E
10) The great circle distance between position A (5934.1'N 00808.4'E) and B (3025.9'N
17151.6'W) is:
a) 5 400 NM
b) 10 800 km
c) 2 700 NM
d) 10 800 NM
11) Regarding take-off, the take-off decision speed V1:
a) is the airspeed on the ground at which the pilot is assumed to have made a decision to
continue or discontinue the take-off.
b) is always equal to VEF (Engine Failure speed).
c) is an airspeed at which the aeroplane is airborne but below 35 ft and the pilot is assumed
to have made a decision to continue or discontinue the take-off
d) is the airspeed of the aeroplane upon reaching 35 feet above the take-off surface.
12) The induced drag of an aeroplane at constant gross weight and altitude is highest at
a) VSO (stalling speed in landing configuration)
b) VS1 (stalling speed in clean configuration)
c) VMO (maximum operating limit speed)
d) VA (design manoeuvring speed)
13) The speed VLO is defined as
a) landing gear operating speed.
b) design low operating speed.
c) long distance operating speed.
d) lift off speed.
14) VFR flights shall not be flown over the congested areas of cities at a height less than
a) 1000 ft above the heighest obstacle within a radius of 600 m from the aircraft.
b) 2000 ft above the heighest obstacle within a radius of 600 ft from the aircraft.
c) 500 ft above the heighest obstacle.
d) the heighest obstacle.
15) For a Single Engine Class B aeroplane , V2 may not be less than:
a) Not Applicable
b) 1.2 Vs
c) 1.15Vs
d) 1.5 Vs
16) Give an e.g. of Random Error
a) The rifle shoots on a target has not hit the centre . Some hits are too high and some too
low ( this option is the correct answer )
b) A pilot tends to forget to turn off the beacon after his flight
c) The rifle shoots on a target is to the right side of the centre
d) The pilot forgot to set the correct altimeter setting causing a controlled flight into terrain
( CFIT )
17) On a typical computer generated SSR display the following data on a particular flight
will be shown
a) Squawk Code , Flight Level , Ground Speed , Airplane Callsign
b) Squawk Code , Flight Level , True airspeed , Airplane Callsign
c) Destination , Flight Level ,Ground Speed , Airplane Callsign
d) Squawk Code , Magnetic heading , Ground Speed , Airplane Callsign
18) When using NDB's Night Effect is most likely to be greatest at
a) Dawn or Dusk
b) Dawn
c) Dusk
d) Night
19)The approximate range of a 10 KW NDB over the sea is
a) 100nm
b) 1000nm
c) 50nm
d) 500nm
20) The hysteresis error of an altimeter varies substantially with the:
a) time passed at a given altitude.
b) mach number of the aircraft.
c) aircraft altitude.
d) static temperature.
21) If an aircraft is equipped with one altimeter which is compensated for position error and
another altimeter which is not , and all other factors being equal...
a) At high speed, the non-compensated altimeter will indicate a higher altitude
b) At high speed the non-compensated altimeter will indicate a lower altitude
c) There will be no difference between them if the air data computer (ADC) is functioning
d) ATC will get an erroneous altitude report SSR
22) The directional gyro axis no longer spins about the local vertical when it is located :
a) on the equator
b) in the latitude 30
c) in the latitude 45
d) on the North pole
23) How do air masses move at a warm front ?
a) Warm air overrides a cold air mass
b) Cold air overrides a warm air mass
c) Cold air undercuts a warm air mass
d) Warm air undercuts a cold air mass
24) The temperature at FL 160 is -22C. What will the temperature be at FL 90 if the ICAO
standard lapse rate is applied ?
a) -8C
b) -4C
c) 0C
d) +4C
No questions on Mass and Balance / CG
All the correct answers to the above questions is option a)