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A Method To Reduce Neutral Current in Three Phase Four Wire Electric Distribution Systems by Using Active Power Filter

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Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 20 (11): 1561-1564, 2014

ISSN 1990-9233
IDOSI Publications, 2014
DOI: 10.5829/idosi.mejsr.2014.20.11.942
Corresponding Author: V. Jayalakshmi, Bharath University, Chennai-73, India.
A Method to Reduce Neutral Current in Three Phase Four Wire
Electric Distribution Systems by Using Active Power Filter
V. Jayalakshmi
Bharath University, Chennai-73, India
Abstract: Neutral current in three-phase power systems is often thought to be only the result of the imbalance
of the phase currents. With computer systems, very high neutral currents have been observed even when the
phase currents are balanced. Recent surveys of 415V/230V three-phase four-wire electric systems, buildings
and industrial plants with computers and nonlinear loads show excessive currents in the neutral. These neutral
currents are fundamentally third harmonic and their presence is tied to wiring failures, elevating of neutral
potentials, transformer overheating, etc. In response to these concerns, this paper proposes a active power filter
scheme to cancel neutral current. The closed loop control of the active power filter guarantees cancellation of
neutral current harmonics under varying load conditions. The neutral current In is sensed via a current sensor
and is processed through a 50 Hz notch filter in order to remove any fundamental current component in In. The
filtered current signal is then compared with Iref., which is set to zero. The resulting error signal is fed to the
PWM control logic in order to inject an equal and opposite current In, thereby achieving cancellation in closed
loop. This current injection technique neutralizes any harmonic current that is flowing in the neutral. The circuit
is simulated and the result is verified with MATLAB7/SIMULINK.
Key words: Neutral current %Active Filter %Filter current
On three-phase wye power systems, neutral current
is the vector sum of the three line-to-neutral currents.
With balanced, three-phase, linear currents, which consist
of sine waves spaced 120 electrical degrees apart, the sum
at any instant in time is zero and so there is no neutral
current as shown in Fig. 1. In most of the three-phase
power systems supplying, single-phase loads, there will Fig. 1: Balanced linear 3-ph loads results in zero neutral
be some phase current imbalance and some neutral current.
current. Small neutral currents resulting from slightly
unbalanced loads do not cause problems for typical
building power distribution systems. There are conditions
where even perfectly balanced single-phase loads can
result in significant neutral currents. Nonlinear loads,
such as rectifiers and power supplies, have phase
currents which are non- sinusoidal. The vector sum of
balanced, nonsinusoidal, three-phase currents does
not necessarily equal zero. For example, balanced
square-wave currents will result in significant neutral
current as shown in Fig. 2. Typical loads connected to a Fig. 2: Example of balanced 3-ph loads having neutral
low voltage three-phase four-wire system include: current.
Middle-East J. Sci. Res., 20 (11): 1561-1564, 2014
adjustable speed.heating ventilation and air-conditioning
(HVAC) systems, fluorescent lighting circuits with
conventional and electronic ballasts, computers for data
processing and office automation, as well as many other
sensitive electronic loads. Almost all of the above
applications employ switched mode type power electronic
converters which draw excessive harmonic currents of
which a significant portion is the third harmonic (150 Hz)
component. Further, saturated iron-cored inductive
ballasts as well as electronic ballasts in fluorescent
lighting circuits also contribute to third harmonic currents Fig. 3a: The proposed active filter topology
[l]. The third harmonic and odd multiples of 3rd (i.e., 9th,
15th, etc.) do not cancel each other in the neutral. The
result is, in fact, a cumulative addition and the primary
source for excessive neutral currents in modern three
phase fourwire distribution systems.
A recent survey conducted by Liebert Customer
Service engineers in 146 computer sites across the
country evealed that 22.6% of the sites had neutral Fig. 3b: Closed loop block diagram.
currents in excess of 100% of the phase current [2]. These
results also concur with the survey conducted by the Proposed Active Power Filter to Cancel Neutral Current
computer and business equipment manufacturers Harmonics: The proposed active power filter
association (CBEMA) [3]. CBEMA recently published a configuration is shown in Fig. 3a. The operation of the
white paper warning that a shared neutral conductor in active power filter is as follows; the neutral current In, is
modern buildings may carry increased harmonic currents sensed via a current sensor and is processed through a 50
and result in wiring failures [4]. Potential problems directly Hz notch filter in order to remove any fundamental current
related to excessive harmonic currents in the neutral component in In. The filtered current signal is then
conductor are compared with Iref, as shown in fig. 3b, which is set to
C Wiring failure due to improper sizing of the neutral logic in order to inject an equal and opposite current IN,
conductor, thereby achieving cancellation in closed loop. This
C Overheating of the transformer due to harmonic current injection technique neutralizes any harmonic
currents and insulation damage and failure, current that is flowing in the neutral and thus protects the
C Intermittent electrical noise from connections upstream distribution system and transformer. Hence, if
loosened by thermal cycling, the filter is canceling 100% of the neutral current, then IN
C Excessive neutral to ground voltage due to a voltage = In. The inductor Lf is selected to filter the switching
drop caused by the neutral current. harmonics caused by the PWM operation. The
This common mode potential can result in the
malfunction of sensitive electronic components. Both C Active power filters offer continuous measurement
Liebert Corporation and CB EMA recommend the and cancellation of neutral current Harmonics.
following practices and corrective measures [3, 4]. C Active power filters do not consume any real power
C Derate transformers. losses. The proposed active power filter is expected
C Use separate neutral conductors for nonlinear loads to be over 90% efficient.
C Use neutral over current sensors to trip phase C The proposed system can adapt to changing load
conductors. conditions.
C Use true rms ammeters and instruments with C The proposed active power filter has fast response
sufficient bandwidth for measurement. characteristics and sufficient bandwidth to cancel
zero. The resulting error signal is feed to the PWM control
advantages of this proposed approach are as follows.
other than that required to account for internal
several zero sequence harmonics appearing in the
( )
( )( )
( )
e S R SL

= =
( )( )
( )
erf f C AMP

+ +
( )( )
( )
f n N
+ +
1 1
e Lt

= =
Middle-East J. Sci. Res., 20 (11): 1561-1564, 2014
neutral. The proposed active power filter operates at where
a high frequency (= 20 kHz) and an input filter stage
can be designed to bypass the switching harmonics, Kc = Controller gain
thereby avoiding interference with the line. Kamp = Gain in the PWM inverter
C The active power filter employs state-of-the art power Lf = Filter inductor
semiconductor devices and therefore is compact, R = Resistance in the current path
light in weight and occupies less space.
Closed Loop Current Cancellation System controlled output In-IN and input In is given by
Configuration: The closed loop system configuration is
illustrated in Fig. 3.a. Following the block diagram shown (4)
in Fig. 3(b), the system operates as follows. The current
flowing in the neutral In, - IN is sensed, passed through
a 50 Hz notch filter and the compared with reference level The value of the gains Kc and Kamp determine the
is set to zero as the desired neutral current is zero. The amount of corrective effort which is applied for a given
error resulting from the comparison is then amplified in the magnitude of error. For low values of controller gain, the
controller gain stage Kc, which in turn controls the power- corrective effort is small and hence the response is likely
switching block KAMP. The control signal Vc is, obtained to be slow. As gain is increased, the response of the
after the controller gain stage Kc, is used as the system for the same magnitude of error increases. On the
modulating signal and is compared with a high frequency other hand, if Kc is too large, instability is likely to result.
(20 kHz) triangular wave in order to get the gating Therefore, the magnitude of the steady-state error and the
commands for the inverter switches. Hence, if the peak value to which the error signal tends as the transient
amplitude of the triangular wave is AT then disturbance from any input change dies out are both of
(1) The steady state error ess, due to a step change in input,
Finally, the current injected by the active power filter (5)
IN, is compared with the actual neutral current In. The
resulting error produces a new neutral current In - IN, that Where
is again compared with Iref in order to generate an error
signal. In closed loop, the measured error is reduced to (6)
near zero and the neutral current harmonics are effectively
cancelled by the active power filter. Further, the closed
loop continues to respond to changes in load conditions Thus, the steady-state error of the first order system
and suitably provides continuous cancellation. is finite. Suitable values of the loop gain Kp,are selected
Approximate modeling of the closed loop control in order to obtain a low steady-state error [5].
system suggests that it is a first order system. From Fig.
3(b), the open loop transfer function between the Simulation: The three phase fully controlled converter
controlled output and error signal is given by [5]. with RL-load, single phase fully controlled converter with
(2) considered for proposed work. The proposed work is
The corresponding closed loop transfer function can combinations.Fig 4. Shows neutral current before
be expressed as compensation (Case-I), Fig 5. Shows harmonic current IN
(3) neutral harmonics (Case-I) and Fig 6. Shows neutral
The closed loop transfer function between the
importance since they are a measure of system accuracy.
is given by
RL-load and three phase unbalanced linear load are
simulated with MATLAB7/SIMULINK for various
injected by the proposed active filter in order to cancel
current after compensation (Case-I).
Middle-East J. Sci. Res., 20 (11): 1561-1564, 2014
Fig. 4: Neutral current before compensation (Case I). 3. Nonlinear loads mean trouble., 1988.. EC & M,
Fig. 5: Active Filter Current (Case I) Applications, 30(6): 1565-1572.
Fig. 6: Neutral current after compensation (Case I).
In this paper, an active power filter to cancel neutral
currents in the three-phase four-wire system has been
proposed. The proposed active power filter displays the
ability to effectively cancel undesirable excessive currents
flowing in the neutral line of a three-phase four-wire
system and is highly efficient. The proposed topology
drastically improves the system performance, contributes
to efficient use of electric energy and virtually eliminates
excessive heating of distribution transformers due to
neutral currents. The circuit is simulated with
MATLAB7/SIMULINK and the satisfactory results are
1. Liew, A., 1989. Excessive neutral currents in three
phase fluorescent lighting circuits, IEEE Trans.
Ind.Appl., 25: 776-782.
2. Gruzs, T.M., 1990. A Survey of neutral currents in
three phase computer power systems, IEEE Trans.
Ind.Appl., 26: 719-725.
pp: 83-90.
4. CBEMA Information Letter, CBEMA, ESC-3
Committee., 2001. CBEMA, 311 First St., N.W., Suite
5. Prasad.N and Enjeti., et al., 1994. Analysis and
Design of a New Active Power Filter to cancel neutral
Current Harmonics in Three Phase Four Wire Electric
Distribution Systems, IEEE Transactions on Industry

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