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Jean Francois Janin

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Intelligent Mobility

CSD&M 2013-12-04
Jean-Francois JANIN
Intelligent Transport
Syste Tas! Force
Evolutions from transport to mobility
ITS before ITS: 197!199
Management of "et#or$s:199%!&%
ITS as supports of public policies
Sustainable mobility in t'e information society
Interoperability bet#een organi(ations
,'y to buil+ a national ITS ecosystem in t'e
#orl+ family of ITS-
Intelligent transport systems of t'e
first generation: automation
T'e pro.ects launc'e+ bet#een 197 an+ 199
#ere base+ on centrali(e+ control
/ Management of traffic lig'ts on crossroa+s
0)ertru+e system in 1or+eaux since 19213
/ Traffic forecasts on main 'ig'#ays 01ison f4t5
/ 7riverless metros 089: :ille 192;3
< 9+apt t'e capacity to t'e transport +eman+
< =lexibility in real time for >uality of service
< Every system is o#ne+ an+ use+ by a single
organi(ation? T'ese close+ systems 'ave a 'ig'
level of availability?
ITS of secon+ generation:
net#or$s management
< @perating assistance #ere presente+ in t'e
1st ,orl+ ITS congress in Aaris 199%
/Trafic informationB trac$ing of busses an+
information of passengers
/ Smart car+s for public transport
08alenciennes 19963
/ Electronic Toll Collection
/ Trac$ing of commercial ve'icles
< @ptimise t'e available capacities of t'e roa+s
an+ in t'e ve'iclesB exc'ange of +ata
bet#een control centres
< In+ustrial stan+ar+s on e>uipementsB limite+
interop5rability for t'e en+ users
;+ generation: ITS are use+ as
support of public policies
< Enforcement of European legislation on rest
an+ +riving times of professional +rivers 0&63B
spee+ limits enforcement 0&%3 B emergency
calls 0&C3
< Complexity of +ecision processes 0meaning
+ifficult to ma$e forecasts on content an+ +ate
of +ecisions3B European interoperabilityB
security of information systemsB protection of
personal +ata?
< T'e acceptability of t'e public policy itself is
not completely obvious in t'e beginning of t'e
pro.ectB #'ic' isB partlyB a c'ange management
%t' generation: ITS in t'e
information society
< T'e en+ users of transport meansB participate
more an+ more to social net#or$s #'ere
opinions an+ information about mobility are
circulating? Aersons in mobility are active users
of communication +evices?
< T'e cars are entering in t'e Internet of t'ings? 9
roa+ specific ,ifi system 02&?11p calle+ )C3
'as been stan+ar+ise+ recently by CE" an+
ETSI? T'ere is also more an+ more SIM car+s
0;)B %)3 in t'e ve'icles?
< =iel+ tests are no# un+er preparation in several
European countriesB inclu+ing =ranceB for t'is
totally ne# system involving cars an+ roa+s
Ct' generation: ne# mobility for
intelligent cities
< 9cceleration of t'e innovation process: "e#
mo+es of transport are invente+ un+er our
eyes: s'aring of ve'icles 0 bicyclesB vansB
electric cars??? 3B car pooling 0various use cases3
are base+ on ITSB for maintenanceB operationB
informationB reservationB navigationB par$ing
placesB client relation managementB payment???
< T'e conse>uences of a global interoperability of
an ever increasing number of systems 'as to be
anticipate+ in terms of efficiencyB securityB ris$
managementB protection of personal +ata
< )overnance of mobility services is un+er final
+iscussion in t'e =renc' Aarliament

7uring t'e & past yearsB t'e evolution of existing

systems to create t'e con+itions of cooperation
bet#een t'em #as a very slo# process? Is it possible
to imagine some $in+ of Din+ustriali(ationE to improve
efficiency an+ re+uce t'e +elays

Secure+ interfaces base+ on stan+ar+s

:abelling 0or certifying3 t'e use of t'e interfaces

Managing evolutions 0ne# use casesB ne#

tec'nologiesB ne# ris$sB ne# security policies??3

Improve public procurement met'o+sB for

services covere+ by specifications of

Arotect an+ give value to intellectual property

rig'ts an+ responsibilities

9voi+ t'e emergence of monopoles?

*no#le+ge management
< Increasing t'e volume of +ata is not
systematically a positive factor for
intelligibility ?
< Many actors of transport 'ave +evelope+ t'eir
business in a context #'ere t'e protection
against t'eir competitors #as associate+ to
restrictions on +ata s'aring?
< Inter mo+alityB interoperability are not DgeneticE
for t'em nor for many of t'eir clientsB reluctant
to c'ange t'eir 'abits
< Many progress are still to be +one in t'e min+sB
by +eveloping s'are+ $no#le+ge on
innovationsB evaluation an+ goo+ practice?

T'e number of people participating in t'e +ecision

processes is rapi+ly increasing: public an+ private
actorsB #it' very +ifferent points of vie#s an+ interests

Cooperation bet#een actors 'as to be

+evelope+B t'roug' concrete pro.ectsB to
increase compre'ension of sta$es an+ ris$s

Fesponsibilities of public bo+ies to maintain t'e

priority of long term collective interests 'ave to
be reconfirme+ regularly

Interoperability is not given automatically by

stan+ar+s an+ universal goo+#ill? It is buil+ on
.uri+ical obligations base+ on public rules an+
private conventions? It is a perennial process
nee+ing a continuous management?
9 national ITS ecosystem-

Transport activities provi+e more t'an 1 million .obsB

#it' a large +iversity of competences? Transport
companies 'ave clients in all t'e sectors an+ 'ave a
role to play to buil+ an efficientB innovative an+
sustainable an inclusive society?

T'e #ay to ac'ieve it is 'ig'ly +epen+ent on cultureB

la#s an+ organisation of territoriesB #'ose evolution is
relatively slo# #'en compare+ to tec'nologies?

7eveloping =renc' pro.ects an+ consoli+ating =renc'

$no#!'o# an+ innovation is a necessary complement
to European an+ international cooperation?

7eployment pro.ects coul+ be a goo+ #ay to mobili(e

all t'e actors: Connecte+ carsB multimo+al information
an+ tic$eting integrate+ systemsB urban logistics???

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