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Cap 6

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have examined the parameters of a transmission line and are ready to
s an element of a power system. Figure 6.1 shows a 500-kV
aving bundled conductors. In overhead lines the conductors are suspended
the tower and insulated from it and from each other by insulators, the
determined by the voltage of the line. Each insulator string
Fig. 6.1 has 22 insulators. The two shorter arms above the phase conductors
ly made of steel. These wires, much smaller in diameter than
rs, are not visible in the picture, but they are electrically
er and are therefore at ground potential. These wires are
or ground wires and shield the phase conductors from
A very important problem in the design and operation of a power system
e of the voltage within specified limits at various points in the
m. In this chapter we develop formulas by which we can calculate the
ge, current, and power at any point on a transmission line, provided we
these values at one point, usually at one end of the line.
The purpose of this chapter, however, is not merely to develop the
ns, but also to provide an opportunity to understand the
ters of the line on bus voltages and the flow of power. In
A 500-kV transmission line. Conductors are 76/19 ACSR with aluminum cross section of 2,515,
cmil. Spacing between phases is 30 ft 3 in and the two conductors per bundle are 18 in apa
(Courtesy Carolina Power and Light Company.)
this way we can see the importance of the design of the line and better
understand the developments to come in later chapters. This chapter also
provides an introduction to the study of transients on lossless lines in order to
indicate how problems arise due to surges caused by lightning and switching.
In the modern power system data from all over the system are being fed
continuously into on-line computers for control and information purposes.
Power-flow studies performed by a computer readily supply answers t o ques-
tions concerning the effect of switching lines into and out of the system or of
changes in line parameters. Equations derived in this chapter remain important,
however, in developing an overall understanding of what is occurring on a
system and in calculating efficiency of transmission, losses, and limits of power
flow over a line for both steady-state and transient conditions.
The general equations relating voltage and current on a transmission line
recognize the fact that all four of the parameters of a transmission line
discussed in the two preceding chapters are uniformly distributed along the line.
We derive these general equations later, but first we use lumped parameters
which give good accuracy for short lines and for lines of medium length. If an
overhead line is classified as short, shunt capacitance is so small that it can be
omitted entirely with little loss of accuracy, and we need to consider only the
series resistance R and the series inductance L for the total length of the line.
A medium-length line can be represented sufficiently well by R and L as
lumped parameters, as shown in Fig. 6.2, with half the capacitance to neutral of
the line lumped at each end of the equivalent circuit. Shunt conductance G, as
mentioned previously, is usually neglected in overhead power transmission lines
when calculating voltage and current. The same circuit represents the short line
if capacitors are omitted.
Insofar as the handling of capacitance is concerned, open-wire 60-Hz lines
less than about 80 km (50 mi) long are short lines. Medium-length lines are
roughly between 80 km (50 mi) and 240 km (150 mi) long. Lines longer than 240
km (150 mi) require calculations in terms of distributed constants if a high
degree of accuracy is required, although for some purposes a lumped-parameter
representation can be used for lines up to 320 km (200 mi) long.
kc- 2 C ' FIGURE 6.2
Single-phase equivalent of a medium-
length line. The capacitors are omitted
- 1 V -
for a short line.
Normally, transmission lines are operated with balanced three-phase loads.
Although the lines are not spaced equilaterally and not transposed, the resulting
dissymmetry is slight and the phases are considered to be balanced.
In order to distinguish between the total series impedance of a line and
the series impedance per unit length, the following nomenclature is adopted:
z = series impedance per unit length per phase
y = shunt admittance per unit length per phase to neutral
1 = length of line
Z = zl = total series impedance per phase
Y = yl = total shunt admittance per phase to neutral
The equivalent circuit of a short transmission line is shown in Fig. 6.3, where I,
and IR are the sending- and receiving-end currents, respectively, and Vs and V,
are the sending- and receiving-end line-to-neutral voltages.
The circuit is solved as a simple series ac circuit. So,
where Z is zl, the total series impedance of the line.
The effect of the variation of the power factor of the load on the voltage
regulation of a line is most easily understood for the short line and therefore
will be considered at this time. Voltage regulation of a transmission line is the
rise in voltage at the receiving end, expressed in percent of full-load voltage,
when full load at a specified power factor is removed while the sending-end
Equivalent circuit of a short transmission line where the resistance R and inductance L are values
for the entire length of the line.
( b ) Load p.f.=100%
( c ) Load p.f.=70% lead
r diagrams of a short transmission line. A11 diagrams are drawn for the same magnitudes of VR
ltage is held constant. Corresponding to Eq. (2.33) we can write
~VR, NLI - ~VR, FL~
loo Percent regulation =
ere IVR, , I is the magnitude of receiving-end voltage at no load and IVR, , I is
age at full load with IV, I constant. After the
a short transmission line, represented by the circuit of Fig. 6.3, is
, the voltage at the receiving end is equal to the voltage at the sending
cted, the receiving-end voltage is designated
g-end voltage is V,, and IVs) = IVR,,I. The
for the same magnitudes of the receiving-
t a larger value of the sending-end voltage
iving-end voltage when the receiving-end
hen the same current and voltage are in
ltage is required to maintain the given
ing-end current leads the voltage. The
ltage drop is the same in the series impedance of the line in all cases; because
the different power factors, however, the voltage drop is added to the
e in each case. The regulation is greatest
ven negative, for leading power factors.
n line is larger than the resistance, and
rinciple of regulation illustrated in Fig. 6.4 is true for any load supplied by
dominantly inductive circuit. The magnitudes of the voltage drops IRR and
for a short line have been exaggerated with respect to VR in drawing the
diagrams in order to illustrate the point more clearly. The relation
longer lines is similar to that for short
Example 6.1. A 300-MVA 20-kV three-phase generator has a subtransient react-
ance of 20%. The generator supplies a number of synchronous motors over a
64-km transmission line having transformers at both ends, as shown on the
one-line diagram of Fig. 6.5. The motors, all rated 13.2 kV, are represented by just
One-line diagram for Example 6.1.
two equivalent motors. The neutral of one motor M, is grounded througl
reactance. The ncutral of thc second motor M2 is not connected to ground (ar
unusual condition). Rated inputs to the motors are 200 MVA and 100 kVA for M
and M2, respectively. For both motors X: = 20%. The three-phase transformel
T, is rated 350 MVA, 230/20 kV with leakage reactance of 10%. Transformer T;
is composed of three single-phase transformers, each rated 127/13.2 kV, 1(H
MVA with leakage reactance of 10%. Series reactance of the transmission line is
0.5 fk/km. Draw the reactance diagram with all reactances marked in per unit
Select the generator rating as base in the generator circuit.
Solution. The three-phase rating of transformer T, is
and its line-to-line voltage ratio is
A base of 300 MVA, 20 kV in the generator circuit requires a 300-MVA base in all
parts of the system and the following voltage bases:
In the transmission line: 230 kV (since T, is rated 230/20 kV)
In the motor circuit: 230- = 13.8 kV
These bases are shown in parentheses on the one-line diagram of Fig. 6.5. The
reactances of the transformers converted to the proper base are
Transformer T, :
Transformer T, :
X = 0.1 X - = 0.0857 per unit
X = 0.1 - = 0.0915 per unit
( :::: l 2
Reactance diagram for Example 6.1. Reactances are in per unit on the specified base.
The base impedance of the transmission line is
and the reactance of the line is
0.5 X 64
= 0.1815 per unit
Reactance Xs of motor M, = 0.2 ( - ) (KI2 = 0.2745 per unit
Reactance Xi of motor M, = 0.2 ( - ::: ) (g)' = 0.5490 per unit
Figure 6.6 is the required reactance diagram when transformer phase shifts are
Example 6.2. If the motors M, and M, of Example 6.1 have inputs of 120 and 60
MW, respectively, at 13.2 kV, and both operate at unity power factor, find the
voltage at the terminals of the generator and the voltage regulation of the line.
Solution. Together the motors take 180 MW, or
- = 0.6 per unit
Therefore, with V and I at the motors in per unit,
With phase-a voltage at the motor terminals as reference, we have
v = - =
0.9565& per unit
1 = - -
- 0.6273/00 per unit
Phase-a per-unit voltages at other points of Fig. 6.6 arc
At m: V = 0.9565 + 0.6273(j0.0915)
0.9565 + j0.0574 = 0.958213.4340 per unit
V = 0.9565 + 0.6273(j0.0915 + j0.1815)
0.9565 + j0.1713 = 0.97171 10.1540 per unit
V = 0.9565 + 0.6273(j0.0915 + j0.1815 + j0.0857)
0.9565 + j0.2250 = 0.98261 13.237' per unit
The voltage regulation of the line is
0.9826 - 0.9582
Percent regulation = x 100 = 2.55%
and the magnitude of the voltage at thc gcncrator terminals is
If it is desired to show the phase shifts due to the Y - A transformers, t he angles
of the phase-a voltages at rn and 1 should be increased by 30'. Then t he angle of
the phase-a current in the line should also be increased by 30" from 0'.
The shunt admittance, usually pure capacitance, is included in the calculations
for a line of medium length. If the total shunt admittance of the line is divided
into two equal parts placed at the sending and receiving ends of the line, the
circuit is called a nominal T. We refer to Fig. 6.7 to derive equations. To obtain
an expression for V,, we note that the current in the capacitance at the
receiving end is VRY/2 and the current in the series arm is IR + VRY/2. Then,
' s z 5 -
t - vs - 2 - Y - I; t +
To derive I,, we note that the current in the shunt capacitance at the sending
end is VsY/2, which added to the current in the series arm gives
Substituting Vs, as given by Eq. ( 6. 9, in Eq. (6.6) yields
Nominal* circuit of a medium-length
Equations (6.5) and (6.7) may be expressed in the general form
transmission line.
These ABCD constants are sometimes called the generalized circuit constants of
the transmission line. In general, they are complex numbers. A and D are
dimensionless and equal each other if the line is the same when viewed from
either end. The dimensions of B and C are ohms and mhos or siemens,
respectively. The constants apply to any linear, passive, and bilateral four-termi-
nal network having two pairs of terminals. Such a network is called a two-port
net work.
A physical meaning is easily assigned to the constants. By letting IR be
zero in Eq. (6.8), we see that A is the ratio Vs/VR at no load. Similarly, B is the
ratio Vs/IR when the receiving end is short-circuited. The constant A is useful
in computing regulation. If V,, ., is the receiving-end voltage at full load for a
sending-end voltage of V,, Eq. (6.3) becomes
Ivsl/lAl - IVR.FLI
loo Percent regulation =
1%. FLI
Table A.6 in the Appendix lists ABCD constants for various networks and
combinations of networks.
The exact solution of any transmission line and the one required for a high
degree of accuracy in calculating 60-Hz lines more than approximately 150 mi
long must consider the fact that the parameters of the lines are not lumped but,
rather, are distributed uniformly throughout the length of the line.
Figure 6.8 shows one phase and the neutral connection of a three-phase
line. Lumped parameters are not shown because we are ready to consider the
solution of the line with the impedance and admittance uniformly distributed.
In Fig. 6.8 we consider a differential element of length dx in the line at a
distance x from the receiving end of the line. Then z d3c and y d u are,
respectively, the series impedance and shunt admittance of the elemental
section. V and I are phasors which vary with x.
Schematic diagram of a transmission line showing one phase and the neutral return. Nomenclature
for the line and the elemental length are indicated.
Average line current in the element is ( I + I + dI ) / 2, and the increase of
V in the distance dx is quite accurately expressed as
when products of the differential quantities are neglected. Similarly,
V + V +d V
d l =
y d x = vydx
Then, from Eqs. (6.12) and (6.13) we have
Let us differentiate Eqs. (6.14) and (6.15) with respect to x , and we obtain
If we substitute the values of dl / & and dV/ dx from Eqs. (6.15) and (6.14) in
Eqs. (6.16) and (6.17), respectively, we obtain
Now we have Eq. (6.18) in which the only variables are V and x and Eq. (6.19)
in which the only variables are I and x. The solutions of those equations for V
and I , respectively, must be expressions which when differentiated twice with
respect to x yield the original expression times the constant yz. For instance,
the solution for V when differentiated twice with respect to x must yield yzV.
This suggests an exponential form of solution. Assume that the solution of Eq.
(6.18) is
Taking the second derivative of V with respect to x in Eq. (6.20) yields
which is yz times the assumed solution for V. Therefore, Eq. (6.20) is the
solution of Eq. (6.18). When we substitute the value given by Eq. (6.20) for V in
Eq. (6.14), we obtain
The constants A, and A, can be evaluated by using the conditions at the
receiving end of the line; namely, when x = 0, V = VR and I = I,. Substitution
of these values in Eqs. (6.20) and (6.22) yields
VR= A, + A 2 and I R = - ( A, - A 2 )
Substituting Zc = and solving for A, give
A, =
vR + IRZc 7 - 1 R L ,
and A, =
Then, substituting the values found for A, and A, in Eqs. (6.20) and (6.22) and
letting y = 6, we obtain
where Zc = and is called the characteristic impedance of the line, and
y = \/zy and is called the propagation constant.
Equations (6.23) and (6.24) give the rms values of V and I and their phase
angles at any specified point along the line in terms of the distance x from the
receiving end to the specified point, provided I.',, I,, and the parameters of the
line are known.
. Both y and Zc are complex quantities. The real part of t he propagation
L constant y is called the attenuation constant a and is measured in nepers per
unit length. The quadrature part of y is called the phase constant P and is
f measured in radians per unit length. Thus,
y = a + j p
and Eqs. (6.23) and (6.24) become
v~ + I RZc Ea xEj px + VR - I ~zc -ax -]pX
v =
v ~ / z c + IR E a ~ E I P ~ - v ~ / z C - IR -axE-jpx
/ and
I =
2 2
f i e properties of eaX and &IPx help to explain the variation of the phasor
, values of voltage and current as a function of distance along the line. The term
changes in magnitude as x changes, but &Ipx (identical to cos p x + j sin p x )
t, always has a magnitude of 1 and causes a shift in phase of P radians per unit
, length of line.
The first term in Eq. (6.26), [(VR + IRZc)/2]~"x&' Px, increases in magni-
! tude and advances in phase as distance x from the receiving end increases.
! Conversely, as progress along the line from the sending end toward the
1. receiving end is considered, the term diminishes in magnitude and is retarded in
5 phase. This is the characteristic of a traveling wave and is similar to the
! behavior of a wave in water, which varies in magnitude with time at any point,
whereas its phase is retarded and its maximum value diminishes with distance
from the origin. The variation in instantaneous value is not expressed in the
term but is understood since VR and IR are phasors. The first term in Eq. (6.26)
is called the incident voltage.
The second term in Eq. (6.261, [(VR - I , Z ~ ) / ~ ] E - " ~ E - ~ ~ ~ , diminishes in
magnitude and is retarded in phase from the receiving end toward the sending
t, end. It is called the reflected voltage. At any point along the line the voltage is
[ the sum of the component incident and reflected voltages at that point.
Since the equation for current is similar to the equation for voltage, the
current may be considered to be composed of incident and reflected currents.
If a line is terminated in its characteristic impedance Zc, receiving-end
voltage VR is equal to I,Zc and there is no reflected wave of either voltage or
current, as may be seen by substituting IRZc for VR in Eqs. (6.26) and (6.27). A
line terminated in its characteristic impedance is called a flat line or an infinite
line. The latter term arises from the fact that a line of infinite length cannot
have a reflected wave. Usually, power lines are not terminated in their charac-
teristic impedance, but communication lines are frequently so terminated in
order to eliminate the reflected wave. A typical value of Z, is 400 R for a
single-circuit overhead line and 200 R for two circuits in parallel. The phase
angle of 2, is usually between 0 and - 15". Bundled-conductor lines have lower
values of Z, since such lines have lower L and higher C than lines with a single
conductor per phase.
In power system work characteristic impedance is sometimes called surge
impedance. The term "surge impedance," however, is usually reserved for the
special case of a lossless line. If a line is lossless, its series resistance and shunt
conductance are zero and the characteristic impedance reduces to the real
number d m , which has the dimensions of ohms when L is the series
inductance of the line in henrys and C is the shunt capacitance in farads. Also,
the propagation constant y = fi for the line of length 1 reduces to the
imaginary number j p = j w m / l since the attenuation constant a resulting
from line losses is zero. When dealing with high frequencies or with surges due
to lightning, losses are often neglected and the surge impedance becomes
important. Surge-impedance loading (SIL) of a line is the power delivered by a
line to a purely resistive load equal to its surge impedance. When so loaded, the
line supplies a current of
where IV,I is the line-to-line voltage at the load. Since the load is pure
SIL = J?;Iv,I
6 x d m W
or with IVLI in kilovolts,
SIL = -
Power system engineers sometimes find it convenient to express the power
transmitted by a line in terms of per unit of SIL, that is, as the ratio of the
power transmitted to the surge-impedance loading. For instance, the permissi-
ble loading of a transmission line may be expressed as a fraction of its SIL, and
SIL provides a comparison of load-carrying capabilities of lines.'
A wavelength A is the distance along a line between two points of a wave
which differ in phase by 360, or 27r rad. If p is the phase shift in radians per
' see R. D. Dunlop, R. Gutman, and P. P. Marchenko, "Analytical Development of Loadability
Characteristics for EHV and UHV Transmission Lines," lEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus
and Systems, vol. PAS-98, no. 2, 1979, pp. 606-617.
mile, the wavelength in miles is
The velocity of propagation of a wave in miles per second is the product of the
wavelength in miles and the frequency in hertz, or
2 ~ f
Velocity = A f = -
For the lossless line of length I meters P = 2 7 ~ f m / l and Eqs. (6.29) and
(6.30) become
A = -
velocity = -
When values of L and C for low-loss overhead lines are substituted in these
equations, it is found that the wavelength is approximately 3000 mi at a
frequency of 60 Hz and the velocity of propagation is very nearly the speed of
light in air (approximately 186,000 mi/s or 3 x lo8 m/s).
If there is no load on a line, I, is equal to zero, and as determined by Eqs.
(6.26) and (6.271, the incident and reflected voltages are equal in magnitude and
in phase at the receiving end. In this case the incident and reflected currents are
equal in magnitude but are 180" out of phase at the receiving end. Thus, the
incident and reflected currents cancel each other at the receiving end of an
open line but not at any other point unless the line is entirely lossless so that the
attenuation a is zero.
The incident and reflected waves of voltage are seldom found when calculating
the voltage of a power line. The reason for discussing the voltage and the
current of a line in terms of the incident and reflected components is that such
an analysis is helpful in obtaining a better understanding of some of the
phenomena of transmission lines. A more convenient form of the equations for
computing current and voltage of a power line is found by introducing hyper-
bolic functions. Hyperbolic functions are defined in exponential form
E6 - &- 6
sinh 8 =
E~ + &- e
cosh 8 =
By rearranging Eqs. (6.23) and (6.24) and substituting hyperbolic functions for
the exponential terms, we find a new set of equations. The new equations, giving
voltage and current anywhere along the line, are
V = VRcosh yx + IRZ, sinh yx
I = I, cosh yx + - sinh yx
Letting x = 1 to obtain the voltage and the current at the sending end, we have
Vs = VRcosh yl + IRZc sinh yl
From examination of these equations we see that the generalized circuit
constants for a long line are
A = cosh yl
sinh yl
B = Zcsinh yl D = cosh yl
Solving Eqs. (6.35) and (6.36) for VR and I, in terms of Vs and Is, we obtain
VR= Vs cosh yl - IsZc sinh yl
IR = Is cosh yl - - sinh yl
For balanced three-phase lines the currents in the above equations are
line currents and the voltages are line-to-neutral voltages, that is, line voltages
divided by a. In order to solve the equations, the hyperbolic functions must be
evaluated. Since yl is usually complex, the hyperbolic functions are also
complex and can be evaluated with the assistance of a calculator or computer.
For solving an occasional problem without resorting to a computer there
are several choices. The following equations give the expansions of hyperbolic
sines and cosines of complex arguments in terms of circular and hyperbolic
functions of real arguments:
cosh(a1 + j pl ) = cosh a1 cos pl + j sinh a1 sin pl
sinh(a1 + j pl ) = sinh a1 cos pl + j cosh a1 sin pl
Equations (6.40) and (6.41) make possible the computation of hyperbolic func-
: tions of complex arguments. The correct mathematical unit for /3l is the radian,
and the radian is the unit found for pl by computing the quadrature component
- of 71. Equations (6.40) and (6.41) can be verified by substituting in them the
t exponential forms of the hyperbolic functions and the similar exponential forms
; of the circular functions.
I Another method of evaluating complex hyperbolic functions is suggested
by Eqs. (6.31) and (6.32). Substituting a + j/3 for 6, we obtain
Example 6.3. A single-circuit 60-Hz transmission line is 370 km (230 mi) long. The
conductors are Rook with flat horizontal spacing and 7.25 m (23.8 ft) between
conductors. The load on the line is 125 MW at 215 kV with 100% power factor.
Find the voltage, current, and power at the sending end and the voltage regulation
of the line. Also, determine the wavelength and velocity of propagation of the line.
Solution. Feet and miles rather than meters and kilometers are chosen for the
calculations in order to use Tables A.3 through A.5 in the Appendix:
and from the tables for Rook
v, = ----- =
1 2 4 , 1 3 0 b V to neutral
From Eqs. (6.42) and (6.43) and noting that 0.4750 rad = 27.22'
sinh yl = 0.4654 + j0.2394 - 0.4248 + j0.2185
Then, from Eq. (6.35)
and from Eq. (6.36)
At the sending end
Line voltage = fi X 137.86 = 238.8 kV
Line current = 332.3 A
Power factor = cos(27.77' - 26.33") = 0.9997 z 1.0
Power = 6 x 238.8 x 332.3 x 1.0 = 137,443 kW
From Eq. (6.35) we see that at no load ( I , = 0)
So, the voltage regulation is
The wavelength and velocity of propagation are computed as follows:
Velocity = fA = 60 x 3043 = 182,580 mi/s
We note particularly in this example that in the equations for Vs and I,
the value of voltage must be expressed in volts and must be the line-to-neutral
Example 6.4. Solve for the sending-end voltage and the current found in Example
6.3 using per-unit calculations.
Solution. We choose a base of 125 MVA, 215 kV to achieve the simplest per-unit
values and to compute base impedance and base current as follows:
Base impedance = - =
370 R
Base current = = 335.7 A
6 X 215
2, =
406.4/ - 5 .4g0
= 1. 0981 - 5.48O per unit
215 2 1 5 / 6
v --=--
- 215 2 1 5 / 6
- 1.0 per unit
For use in Eq. (6.35) we chose V, as the reference voltage. So,
V, = 1 .o/ per unit (as a line-to-neutral voltage)
and since the load is at unity power factor,
= 1.1102/27.75~ per uni t
and by Eq. (6.36)
= 0.990/ 26.350 per unit
At the sending end
Line voltage = 1.1102 X 215 = 238.7 kV
Line current = 0.990 x 335.7 = 332.3 A
Note that we multiply line-to-line voltage base by the pei-unit magnitude of the
voltage to find the line-to-line voltage magnitude. We could have multiplied the
line-to-neutral voltage base by the per-unit voltage to find the line-to-neutral
voltage magnitude. The factor 6 does not enter the calculations after we have
expressed all quantities in per unit.
The nomina1-r circuit does not represent a transmission line exactly because it
does not account for the parameters of the line being uniformly distributed. The
discrepancy between the nominal T and the actual line becomes larger as the
length of line increases. It is possible, however, to find the equivalent circuit of a
long transmission line and to represent the line accurately, insofar as measure-
ments at the ends of the line are concerned, by a network of lumped parame-
ters. Let us assume that a T circuit similar to that of Fig. 6.7 is the equivalent
circuit of a long line, but let us call the series arm of our equivalent* circuit 2'
and the shunt arms Y'/2 to distinguish them from the arms of the nominal-n '
circuit. Equation (6.5) gives the sending-end voltage of a symmetrical-rr circuit ,
in terms of its series and shunt arms and the voltage and current at the receiving
end. By substituting 2' and Y' / 2 for Z and Y/2 in Eq. (6.51, we obtain the i
sending-end voltage of our equivalent circuit in terms of its series and shunt I
arms and the voltage and current at the receiving end:
For our circuit to be equivalent to the long transmission line the coefficients of
V, and IR in Eq. (6.44) must be identical, respectively, to the coefficients of VR
and I, in Eq. (6.35). Equating the coefficients of I, in the two equations yields
Z' = Z, sinh yl
sinh yl
Z' = fi sinh yl = il-
f i l
sinh yl
Z' = 2---
, where Z is equal to 21, the total series impedance of the line. The term
(sinh yl ) / yl is the factor by which the series impedance of the nominal rr must
, be multiplied to convert the nominal rr to the equivalent T. For small values of
, yl, both sinh yl and yl are almost identical, and this fact shows that the
nominal T represents the medium-length transmission line quite accurately,
insofar as the series arm is concerned.
To investigate the shunt arms of the equivalent-T circuit, we equate the
coefficients of VR in Eqs. (6.35) and (6.44) and obtain
- + 1 = coshyl
Substituting 2, sinh yl for 2' gives
Y'Z, sinh yl
+ 1 = cosh yl
Y' 1 cosh yl - 1
- - - -
2 Z, sinh yl
Another form of the expression for the shunt admittance of the equivalent
circuit can be found by substituting in Eq. (6.49) the identity
yl cosh yl - 1
tanh - =
2 sinh yl
The identity can be verified by substituting the exponential forms of Eqs. (6.31)
Y tanh 71/2
= 2 r1/2
Equivalent-a circuit of a trans-
mission line.
and (6.32) for the hyperbolic functions and by recalling that tanh 8 =
sinh 8/cosh 8. Now
Y' 1
- -
- - tanh -
2 2, 2
where Y is equal to yl, the total shunt admittance of the line. Equation (6.52)
shows the correction factor used to convert the admittance of the shunt arms of
the nominal T to that of the equivalent T. Since tanh(yl/2) and y1/2 are very
nearly equal for small values of yl, the nominal rr represents the medium-length
transmission line quite accurately, for we have seen previously that the correc-
tion factor for the series arm is negligible for medium-length lines. The
equivalent-rr circuit is shown in Fig. 6.9. An equivalent-T circuit can also be
found for a transmission line.
Example 6.5. Find the equivalent-r circuit for the line described in Example 6.3
and compare it with the nominal-.rr circuit.
Solution. Since sinh yl and cosh yl are already known from Example 6.3, Eqs.
(6.45) and (6.49) are now used.
2' = 406. 41 - 5.48' x 0. 45971 84.930 = 186.821 79.45. R in series arm
= 0.000599/ 89.820 S in each shunt arm
Using the values of z and y from Example 6.3, we find for the nominal-.rr circuit a
series impedance of
and equal shunt arms of
For this line the impedance of the series arm of the nominal IT exceeds that
of the equivalent 71- by 3.8%. The conductance of the shunt arms of the nominal 71-
is 2.0% less than that of the equivalent IT.
We conclude from the preceding example that t he nominal .rr may
represent long lines sufficiently well if a high degree of accuracy is not required.
:Although power flow at any point along a transmission line can always be found
if the voltage, current, and power factor are known or can be calculated, very
interesting equations for power can be derived in terms of ABCD constants.
The equations apply to any network of two ports or two terminal pairs.
Repeating Eq. (6.8) and solving for the receiving-end current IR yields
ye obtain
ken, the complex power VR I,* at the receiving end is
Phasors of Eq. (6.56) plotted in the complex plane, with
magnitudes and angles as indicated.
and real and reactive power at the receiving end are
Noting that the expression for complex power PR + jQR is shown by Eq.
(6.56) to be the resultant of combining two phasors expressed in polar form, we
can plot these phasors in the complex plane whose horizontal and vertical
coordinates are in power units (watts and vars). Figure 6.10 shows the two
complex quantities and their difference as expressed by Eq. (6.56). Figure 6.11
shows the same phasors with the origin of the coordinate axes shifted. This
figure is a power diagram with the resultant whose magnitude is IPR + jQRl, or
IVRI IIR1, at an angle OR with the horizontal axis. As expected, the real and
imaginary components of 1 PR + jQRl are
where 6, is the phase angle by which VR leads I,, as discussed in Chap. 1. The
sign of Q is consistent with the convention which assigns positive values to Q
when current is lagging the voltage.
Now let us determine some points on the power diagram of Fig. 6.11 for
various loads with fixed values of IVsl and IVRI. First, we notice that the position
of point n is not dependent on the current IR and will not change so long as
+ I
Power diagram obtained by shifting the origin of the
coordinate axes of Fig. 6.10.
IV, I is constant. We note further that the distance from point n to point k is
constant for fked values of IVsI and IVRI. Therefore, as the distance 0 t o k
changes with changing load, the point k, since it must remain at a constant
distance from the fixed point n, is constrained to move in a circle whose center
is at n. Any change in PR will require a change in QR to keep k on the circle. If
a different value of IVsI is held constant for the same value of IV,I, the location
of point n is unchanged but a new circle of radius nk is found.
Examination of Fig. 6.11 shows that there is a limit to the power that can
be transmitted to the receiving end of the line for specified magnitudes of
sending- and receiving-end voltages. An increase in power delivered means that
the point k will move along the circle until the angle P - 6 is zero; that is,
more power will be delivered until S = P. Further increases in S result in less
power received. The maximum power is
- I I - I AI lvRI2
' R, max -
C O S ( ~ - a)
The load must draw a large leading current to achieve the condition of
maximum power received. Usually, operation is limited by keeping S less than
about 35" and IVsI/IVRI equal to or greater than 0.95. For short lines thermal
ratings limit the loading.
In Eqs. (6.53) through (6.61) IVs( and IVRI are line-to-neutral voltages and
coordinates in Fig. 6.11 are watts and vars per phase. However, if lVsl and IVR(
are line-to-line voltages, each distance in Fig. 6.11 is increased by a factor of 3
and the coordinates on the diagram are total three-phase watts and vars. If the
voltages are kilovolts, the coardinates are megawatts and megavars.
The performance of transmission lines, especially those of medium length and
longer, can be improved by reactive compensation of a series or parallel type.
Series compensation consists of a capacitor bank placed in series with each phase
conductor of the line. Shunt compensation refers to the placement of inductors
from each line to neutral to reduce partially or completely the shunt suscep-
tance of a high-voltage line, which is particularly important at light loads when
the voltage at the receiving end may otherwise become very high.
Series compensation reduces the series impedance of the line, which is the
principal cause of voltage drop and the most important factor in determining
the maximum power which the line can transmit. In order to understand the
effect of series impedance Z on maximum power transmission, we examine Eq.
(6.61) and see that maximum power transmitted is dependent on the reciprocal
of the generalized circuit constant B, which for the nominal-.rr equals Z and for
the equivalent-rr equals Z (sinh y l ) / y l . Because the A, C, and D constants are
functions of Z, they will also change in value, but these changes will be small in
comparison t o the change in 5.
The desired reactance of the capacitor bank can be determined by
compensating for a specific amount of the total inductive reactance of the line.
This leads t o the term "compensation factor," which is defined by Xc/XL,
where Xc is the capacitive reactance of the series capacitor bank per phase and
X, is the total inductive reactance of the line per phase.
When the nominal-T circuit is used to represent the line and capacitor
bank, the physical location of the capacitor bank along the line is not taken into
account. If only the sending- and receiving-end conditions of the line are of
interest, this will not create any significant error. However, when the operating
conditions along the line are of interest, the physical location of the capacitor
----- --------
bank must be taken into account, This c a n b e accomp7isEiimosfxasily%y
determining ABCD constants of the portions of line on each side of the
capacitor bank and by representing the capacitor bank by its ABCD constants.
The equivalent constants of the combination (actually referred to as a cascaded
connection) of line-capacitor-line can then be determined by applying the
equations found in Table A.6 in the Appendix.
In the southwestern part of the United States series compensation is
especially important because large generating plants are located hundreds of
miles from load centers and large amounts of power must be transmitted over
long distances. The lower voltage drop in the line with series compensation is an
additional advantage. Series capacitors are also useful in balancing the voltage
drop of two parallel lines.
Example 6.6. In order to show the relative changes in the B constant with respect
to the change of the A, C, and D constants of a line as series compensation is
applied, find the constants for the line of Example 6.3 when uncompensated and
for a series compensation of 70%.
Solution. The equivalent< circuit and found in Examples 6.3 and 6.5
can be used with Eqs. (6.37) to find, for the uncompensated line
sinh yl 0. 45961 84.940
406.4/ - 5.48"
The series compensation alters only the series arm of the equivalentq circuit. The
new series arm impedance is also the generalized constant B. So,
and by Eqs. (6.10)
The example shows that compensation has reduced the constant B to about
one-third of its value for the uncompensated line without affecting the A and C
constants appreciably. Thus, maximum power which can be transmitted is
increased by about 300%.
When a transmission line, with or without series compensation, has the
desired load transmission capability, attention is turned to operation under light
loads or at no load. Charging current is an important factor to be considered
and should not be allowed to exceed the rated full-load current of the line.
Equation (5.25) shows us that the charging current is usually defined as
B,IVI if Bc is the total capacitive susceptance of the line and IV) is the rated
voltage to neutral. As noted following Eq. (5.251, this calculation is not an exact
determination of charging current because of the variation of I V ( along the line.
If we connect inductors from line to neutral at various points along the line so
that the total inductive susceptance is BL, the charging current becomes
We recognize that the charging current is reduced by the term in parentheses.
The shunt compensation factor is BL/Bc.
The other benefit of shunt compensation is the reduction of the receiving-
end voltage of the line which on long high-voltage lines tends to become too
high at no load. In the discussion preceding Eq. (6.11) we noted that IVsl/lAI
equals IV,,,,I. We also have seen that A equals 1.0 when shunt capacitance is
neglected. In the medium-length and longer lines, however, the presence of
capacitance reduces A. Thus, the reduction of the shunt susceptance to the
value of ( Bc - BL) can limit the rise of the no-load voltage at the receiving end
of the line if shunt inductors are introduced as load is removed.
By applying both series and shunt compensation to long transmission lines,
we can transmit large amounts of power efficiently and within the desired
voltage constraints. Ideally, the series and shunt elements should be placed at
intervals along the line. Series capacitors can be bypassed and shunt inductors
can be switched off when desirable. As with series compensation, ABCD
constants provide a straightforward method of analysis of shunt compensation.
Example 6.7. Find the voltage regulation of the line of Example 6.3 when a shunt
inductor is connected at the receiving end of the line during no-load conditions if
the reactor compensates for 70% of the total shunt admittance of the line.
Solution. From Example 6.3 the shunt admittance of the line is
and for the entire line
B, = 5.105 x x 230 = 0.001174 S
For 70% compensation
We know the ABCD constants of the line from Example 6.6. Table A.6 of the
Appendix tells us that the inductor alone is represented by the generalized
A = D = 1 B = 0 C = -jB, = -jO.O00822S
The equation in Table A.6 for combining two networks in series tells us that for
/ the line and inductor
The voltage regulation with the shunt reactor connected at no load becomes
137.86/1.0411 - 124.13
= 6.67%
which is a considerable reduction from the value of 24.7% for the regulation of the
uncompensated line.
e transient overvoltages which occur on a power system are either of external
in (for example, a lightning discharge) or generated internally by switching
ations. In general, the transients on transmission systems are caused by any
en change in the operating condition or configuration of the systems.
ightning is always a potential hazard to power system equipment, but switching
erations can also cause equipment damage. At voltages up t o about 230 kV,
the insulation level of the lines and equipment is dictated by the need to protect
against lightning. On systems where voltages are above 230 kV but less than
700 kV switching operations as well as lightning are potentially damaging to
insulation. At voltages above 700 kV switching surges are the main determinant
of the level of insulation.
~ - - - O f c e u ~ ~ e , ~ r g r ~ ~ c a b k ~ e i m r n u n e to direct lightning strokes and
fcan be protected against transients originating on overhead lines. Kowe t ~; f m
$economic and technical reasons overhead lines at transmission voltage levels
prevail except under unusual circumstances and for short distances such as
(under a river.
Overhead lines can be protected from direct strokes of lightning in most
;cases by one or more wires at ground potential strung above the power-line
:conductors as mentioned in the description of Fig. 6.1. These protecting wires,
;called ground wires, or shield wires, are connected to ground through the
transmission towers supporting the line. The zone of protection is usually
considered to be 3 on each side of vertical beneath a ground wire; that is, the
power lines must come within this 6 sector. The ground wires, rather than the
power line, receive the lightning strokes in most cases.
Lightning strokes hitting either ground wires or power conductors cause
an injection of current, which divides with half the current flowing in one
direction and half in the other. The crest value of current along the struck
conductor varies widely because of the wide variation in the intensity of the
strokes, Values of 10,000 A and upward are typical. In the case where a power
line receives a direct stroke the damage to equipment at line terminals is caused
by the voltages between the line and the ground resulting from the injected
charges which travel along the line as current. These voltages are typically above
a million volts. Strokes to the ground wires can also cause high-voltage surges
on the power lines by electromagnetic induction.
The study of transmission-line surges, regardless of their origin, is very complex
and we can consider here only the case of a lossless lines2
A lossless line is a good representation for lines of high frequency where
wL and oC become very large compared to R and G. For lightning surges on a
power transmission line the study of a lossless line is a simplification that
enables us to understand some of the phenomena without becoming too
involved in complicated theory.
Our approach to the problem is similar to that used earlier for deriving
the steady-state voltage and current relations for the long line with distributed
constants. We now measure the distance x along the line from the sending end
(rather than from the receiving end) to the differential element of length Ax
shown in Fig. 6.12. The voltage v and the current i are functions of both x and
t so that we need to use partial derivatives. The series voltage drop along the
elemental length of line is
and we can write
The negative sign is necessary because v + (dv/dx) Ax must be less than v for
positive values of i and ai/at. Similarly,
or further study, see A. Greenwood, Electrical Transients irr Power Systems, 2d ed., Wiley-Intersci-
ence, New York, 1991.
i i + = 4 x
- I
! -
+ I
v I
av FIGURE 6.12
I j + - ax Ax Schematic diagram of an elemental section of a
I I transmission line showing one phase and neu-
- I I - tral return. Voltage v and current i are func-
tions of both x and t . The distance x is mea-
- + A x +
sured from the sending end of the line.
We can divide through both Eqs. (6.63) and (6.64) by Ax, and since we are
onsidering only a lossless line, R and G will equal zero to give
iow we can eliminate i by taking the partial derivative of both terms in Eq.
5.65) with respect to x and the partial derivative of both terms in Eq. (6.66)
iith respect to t . This procedure yields d2i/dx at in both resulting equations,
nd eliminating this second partial derivative of i between the two equations
, Equation (6.67) is the so-called traueling-waue equation of a lossless
ransrnission line. A solution of the equation is a function of (x - vt), and the
oltage is expressed by
v = f(x - vt )
l e function is undefined but must be single valued. The constant v must have
he dimensions of meters per second if x is in meters and t is in seconds. We
an verify this solution by substituting this expression for v into Eq. (6.67) to
letermine v. First, we make the change in variable
ad write
A voltage wave which is a function of ( x - vt) is shown for values of t equal to t , and t 2.
Similarly, we obtain
Substituting these second partial derivatives of v in Eq. (6.67) yields
and we see that Eq. (6.68) is a solution of Eq. (6.67) if
The voltage as expressed by Eq. (6.68) is a wave traveling,in the positiv
direction. Figure 6.13 shows a function of ( x - vt), which is similar to the sb
of a wave of voltage traveling along a line which has been struck by lightn:
The function is shown for two values of time t , and t,, where t , > t , .
observer traveling with the wave and staying at the same point on the wave s
no change in voltage at that point. To the observer
x - vt = a constant
Ifor L and C in henrys per meter and farads per meter, respectively. Thus, the
jvoltage wave travels in the positive x direction with the velocity v.
[, A function of ( x + vt) can also be shown to be a solution of Eq. (6.67)
!and, by similar reasoning, can be properly interpreted as a wave traveling in the
;negative x direction. The general solution of Eq. (6.67) is
v = f l ( x - vt) + f 2 ( x + vt )
which is a solution for simultaneous occurrence of forward and backward
;components on the line. Initial conditions and boundary (terminal) conditions
:determine the particular values for each component.
If we express a forward traveling wave, also called an incident waue, as
v += f l ( x - vt )
a wave of current will result from the moving charges and will be expressed by
which can be verified by substitution of these values of voltage and current in
Eq. (6.65) and by the fact that v is equal to 1/ m.
Similarly, for a backward moving wave of voltage where
the corresponding current is
From Eqs. (6.78) and (6.79) we note that
and from Eqs. (6.80) and (6.81) that
If we had decided to assume the positive direction of current for i- to be in the
direction of travel of the backward traveling wave the minus signs would change
to plus signs in Eqs. (6.81) and (6.83). We choose, however, to keep the positive
x direction as the direction for positive current for both forward and backward
traveling waves.
The ratio of v + to i+ is called the characteristic impedance Z, of the line.
We have encountered characteristic impedance previously in the steady-state
solution for the long line where 2, was defined as \/z/y, which equals \ILIC
when R and G are zero.
We now consider what happens when a voltage is first applied to the sending
end of a transmission line which is terminated in an impedance 2,. For our
very simple treatment we consider ZR to be a pure resistance. If the termination
is other than a pure resistance, we would resort to Laplace transforms. The
transforms of voltage, current, and impedance would be functions of the
Laplace transform variable s.
When a switch is closed applying a voltage to a line, a wave of voltage v t
accompanied by a wave of current i+ starts to travel along the line. The ratio of
the voltage v, at the end of the line at any time to the current iR at the end of
the line must equal the terminating resistance 2,. Therefore, the arrival of vt
and i+ at the receiving end where their values are v: and i; must result in
backward traveling or reflected waves v - and i- having values v, and i, at
the receiving end such that
where v, and i, are the reflected waves v- and i- measured at the receiving
If we let 2, = we find from Eqs. (6.82) and (6.83) that
en, substituting these values of i,+ and i, in Eq. (6.84) yields
The voltage v, at the receiving end is evidently the same function of t as v i
(but with diminished magnitude unless 2, is zero or infinity). The reflection
coefficient p, for voltage at the receiving end of the line is defined as v,/vi,
so, for voltage
We note from Eqs. (6.85) and (6.86) that
and therefore the reflection coefficient for current is always the negative of the
reflection coefficient for voltage.
If the line is terminated in its characteristic impedance Z,, we see that the
reflection coefficient for both voltage and current will be zero. There will be no
reflected waves, and the line will behave as though it is infinitely long. Only
when a reflected wave returns to the sending end does the source sense that the
line is neither infinitely long nor terminated in 2,.
I l l e mi n a t i o n in a short circuit results in a p, for voltage of - 1. If the
termination is an open circuit, Z, is infinite and p, is fouiZ-6yTiiGfig7he
numerator and denominator in Eq. (6.88) by 2, and by allowing Z, to
approach infinity to yield p, = 1 in the limit for voltage.
We should note at this point that waves traveling back toward the sending
end will cause new reflections as determined by the reflection coefficient at the
sending end p,. For impedance at the sending end equal to 2, Eq. (6.88)
With sending-end impedance of Zs, the value of the initial voltage
impressed across the line will be the source voltage multiplied by Zc/(Zs + 2,).
Equation (6.82) shows that the incident wave of voltage experiences a line
impedance of Z,, and at the instant when the source is connected to the line 2,
and Z, in series act as a voltage divider.
Circuit diagram, lattice diagram, and plot of voltage
versus time for Example 6.8, where the receiving-end
resistance is 90 a.
Example 6.8. A dc source of 120 V with negligible resistance is connected through
a switch S to a lossless transmission line having 2, = 30 R. The line is terminated
in a resistance of 90 a. If the switch closes at t = 0, plot v, versus time until
t = ST, where T is the time for a voltage wave to travel the length of the line. The
circuit is shown in Fig. 6.14(a).
Sdution. When switch S is closed, the incident wave of voltage starts to travel
along the line and is expressed as
where U(vt - x ) is the unit step function, which equals zero when (vt - X ) ir
negative and equals unity when (vt - x ) is positive. There can be no reflected
wave until the incident wave reaches the end of the line. With impedance to the
incident wave of 2, = 30 R, resistance of the source zero and v+= 120 V, the
reflection coefficient becomes
When v+ reaches the end of the line, a reflected wave originates of value
and so
When t = 2T, the reflected wave arrives at the sending end where the sending-end
reflection coefficient p, is calculated by Eq. (6.90). The line termination for the
reflected wave is Z,, the impedance in series with the source, or zero in this case.
and a reflected wave of -60 V starts toward the receiving end to keep the
sending-end voltage equal to 120 V. This new wave reaches the receiving end at
t = 3T and reflects toward the sending end a wave of
and the receiving-end voltage becomes
vR = 180 - 60 - 30 = 90V
An excellent method of keeping track of the various reflections as they occur
is the lattice diagram shown in Fig. 6.14(b). Here time is measured along the
vertical axis in intervals of T. On the slant lines there are recorded the values of
the incident and reflected waves. In the space between the slant lines there are
r shown the sum of all the waves above and the current or voltage for a point in that
area of the chart. For instance, at x equal to three-fourths of the line length and
t = 4.25T the intersection of the dashed lines through these points is within the
area which indicates the voltage is 90 V.
, Figure 6.14(c) shows the receiving-end voltage plotted against time. The
voltage is approaching its steady-state value of 120 V.
Lattice diagrams for current may also be drawn. We must remember,
however, that the reflection coefficient for current is always the negative of the
reflection coefficient for voltage.
If the resistance at the end of the line of Example 6.8 is reduced to 10 cR
as shown in the circuit of Fig. 6.15(a), the lattice diagram and plot of voltage are
as shown in Figs. 6.15(b) and 6.15(c). The resistance of 10 IR gives a negative
value for the reflection coefficient for voltage, which always occurs for resistance
2, less than Z,. As we see by comparing Figs. 6.14 and 6.15, the negative p,
causes the receiving-end voltage to build up gradually to 120 V, while a positive
pR causes an initial jump in voltage to a value greater than that of the voltage
originally applied at the sending end.
Circuit diagram, lattice diagram, and plot of voltae
versus time when the receiving-end resistance for E
ample 6.8 is changed to 10 a.
Reflections do not necessarily arise only at the end of a line. If one line i
joined to a second line of different characteristic impedance, as in the case of a
overhead line connected to an underground cable, a wave incident to th
junction will behave as though the first line is terminated in the 2, of th
second line. However, the part of the incident wave which is not reflected wi
travel (as a refracted wave) along the second line at whose termination
reflected wave will occur. Bifurcations of a line will also cause reflected an
refracted waves.
I t should now be obvious that a thorough study of transmission-lin
transients in general is a complicated problem. We realize, however, that
voltage surge such as that shown in Fig. 6.13 encountering an impedance at th
end of a Iossless line (for instance, at a transformer bus) will cause a voltag
wave of the same shape to travel back toward the source of the surge. Th
reflected wave wiIl be reduced in magnitude if the terminal impedance is othe
than a short or open circuit, but if 2, is greater than Z,, our study has show
that the peak terminal voltage will be higher than, often close to double tb
peak voltage of the surge.
Terminal equipment is protected by surge arresters, which are also called
[lightning arresters and surge diverters. An ideal arrester connected from the line
I to a grounded neutral would (1) become conducting at a design voltage above
the arrester rating, (2) limit the voltage across its terminals to this design value,
and (3) become nonconducting again when the line-to-neutral voltage drops
below the design value.
Originally, an arrester was simply an air gap. In this application when the
,surge voltage reaches a value for which the gap is designed, an arc occurs that
;causes an ionized path to ground, essentially a short circuit. However, when the
(surge ends, the 60-Hz current from the generators still flows through the arc to
'ground. The arc has to be extinguished by the opening of circuit breakers.
Arresters capable of extinguishing a 60-Hz current after conducting surge
.current to ground were developed later. These arresters are made using
'anonlinear resistors in series with air gaps to which an arc-quenching capability
has been added. The nonlinear resistance decreases rapidly as the voltage
across it rises. Typical resistors made of silicon carbide conduct current propor-
.tional to approximately the fourth power of the voltage across the resistor.
When the gaps arc over as a result of a voltage surge, a low-resistance current
path to ground is provided through the nonlinear resistors. After the surge ends
and the voltage across the arrester returns to the normal line-to-neutral level
the resistance is sufficient to limit the arc current to a value which can be
quenched by the series gaps. Quenching is usually accomplished by cooling and
deionizing the arc by elongating it magnetically between insulating plates.
The most recent development in surge arresters is the use of zinc oxide in
place of silicon carbide. The voltage across the zinc oxide resistor is extremely
constant over a very high range of current, which means that its resistance at
normal line voltage is so high that a series air gap is not necessary to limit the
drain of a 60-Hz current at normal ~ol t age. ~
The transmission of energy by direct current becomes economical when com-
pared to ac transmission only when the extra cost of the terminal equipment
required for dc lines is offset by the lower cost of building the lines. Converters
at the two ends of the dc lines operate as both rectifiers to change the generated
alternating to direct current and inverters for converting direct to alternating
1 current so that power can flow in either direction.
The year 1954 is generally recognized as the starting date for modern
high-voltage dc transmission when a dc line began service at 100 kV from
I Vastervik on the mainland of Sweden to Visby on the island of Gotland, a
; .
: 'see E. C. Sakshaug, J. S. Kresge, and S. A. Miske, Jr., "A New Concept in Station Arrester
Design," IEEE Trunsactions on Power Apparatus arid Systems, vol. PAS-96, no. 2, March/ApriI
' 1977, pp. 647-656.
distance of 100 km (62.5 mi) across the Baltic Sea. Static conversion equipment
was in operation much earlier to transfer energy between systems of 25 and
60 Hz, essentially a dc transmission line of zero length. In the United States a
dc line operating at 800 kV transfers power generated in the Pacific northwest
to the southern part of California. As the cost of conversion equipment
decreases with respect to the cost of line construction, the economical minimum
length of dc lines also decreases and at this time is about 600 km (375 mi).
Operation of a dc line began in 1977 to transmit power from a mine-mouth
generating plant burning lignite at Center, North Dakota, to near Duluth,
Minnesota, a distance of 740 km (460 mi). Preliminary studies showed that the
dc line including terminal facilities would cost about 30% less than the cornpa-
rable ac line and auxiliary equipment. This line operates at +250 kV (500 kV
line to line) and transmits 500 MW.
Direct-current lines usually have one conductor which is at a positive
potential with respect to ground and a second conductor operating at an equal
negative potential. Such a line is said to be bipolar. The line could be operated
with one energized conductor with the return path through the earth, which has
a much lower resistance to direct current than to alternating current. In this
case, or with a grounded return conductor, the line is said to be monopolar.
In addition to the lower cost of dc transmission over long distances, there
are other advantages. Voltage regulation is less of a problem since at zero
frequency the series reactance w L is no longer a factor, whereas it is the chief
contributor to voltage drop in an ac line. Another advantage of direct current is
the possibility of monopolar operation in an emergency when one side of a
bipolar line becomes grounded.
Due to the fact that underground ac transmission is limited to about
5 km because of excessive charging current at longer distances, direct current
was chosen to transfer power under the English Channel between Great Britain
and France. The use of direct current for this installation also avoided the
difficulty of synchronizing the ac systems of the two countries.
No network of dc lines is possible at this time because no circuit breaker is
available for direct current that is comparable to the highly developed ac
breakers. The ac breaker can extinguish the arc which is formed when the
breaker opens because zero current occurs twice in each cycle. The direction
and amount of power in the dc line is controlled by the converters in which
grid-controlled mercury-arc devices are being displaced by the semiconductor
rectifier (SCR). A rectifier unit will contain perhaps 200 SCRs.
Still another advantage of direct current is the smaller amount of right of
way required. The distance between the two conductors of the North Dakota-
Duluth 500-kV line is 25 ft. The 500-kV ac line shown in Fig. 6.1 has 60.5 ft
between the outside conductors. Another consideration is the peak voltage of
the ac line, which is x 500 = 707 kV. So, the line requires more insulation
between the tower and conductors as well as greater clearance above the earth.
We conclude that dc transmission has many advantages over alternating
current, but dc transmission remains very limited in usage except for long lines
nce there is no dc device which can provide the excellent switching operations
nd protection of the ac circuit breaker. There is also no simple device to
hange the voltage level, which the transformer accomplishes for ac systems.
long-line equations given by Eqs. (6.35) and (6.36) are, of course, valid for a
of any length. The approximations for the short- and medium-length lines
e analysis easier in the absence of a computer.
Circle diagrams were introduced because of their instructional value in
howing the maximum power which can be transmitted by a line and also in
howing the effect of the power factor of the load or the addition of capacitors.
ABCD constants provide a straightforward means of writing equations in a
ore concise form and are very convenient in problems involving network
eduction. Their usefulness is apparent in the discussion of series and shunt
eactive compensation.
The simple discussion of transients, although confined to lossless lines and
dc sources, should give some idea of the complexity of the study of transients
which arise from lightning and switching in power systems.
6.1. An 18-krn, 60-Hz, single-circuit, three-phase line is composed of Partridge conduc-
tors equilaterally spaced with 1.6 m between centers. The line delivers 2500 k W at
11 kV to a balanced load. Assume a wire temperature of 5C.
( a) Determine the per-phase series impedance of the line.
( b ) What must be the sending-end voltage when the power factor is
(i) 80% lagging,
cent regulation of the line at the above power factors.
( d ) Draw phasor diagrams depicting the operation of the line in each case.
6.2. A 100-mi, single-circuit, three-phase transmission line delivers 55 MVA at 0.8
power-factor lagging to the load at 132 kV (line to line). The line is composed of
Drake conductors with flat horizontal spacing of 11.9 ft between adjacent conduc-
tors. Assume a wire temperature of 5C. Determine
(a) The series impedance and the shunt admittance of the line.
( b ) The ABCD constants of the line.
( c) The sending-end voltage, current, real and reactive powers, and the power
( d ) The percent regulation of the line.
6.3. Find the ABCD constants of a rr circuit having a 600-0 resistor for the shunt
branch at the sending end, a 1-kR resistor for the shunt branch at the receiving
end, and an 80-0 resistor for the series branch.
6.4. The ABCD constants of a three-phase transmission line are
The load at the receiving end is 50 MW at 220 kV with a power factor of 0.9
lagging. Find the magnitude of the sending-end voltage and the voltage regulation.
Assume that the magnitude of the sending-end voltage remains constant.
6.5. A 70-mi, single-circuit, three-phase line composed of Ostrich conductors is ar-
ranged in flat horizontal spacing with 15 ft between adjacent conductors. The line
delivers a load of 60 MW at 230 kV with 0.8 power-factor lagging.
( a) Using a base of 230 kV, 100 MVA, determine the series impedance and the
shunt admittance of the line in per unit. Assume a wire temperature of 50C.
Note that the base admittance must be the reciprocal of base impedance.
(6) Find the voltage, current, real and reactive power, and the power factor at the
sending end in both per unit and absolute units.
I c) What is the percent regulation of the line?
6.6. .A single-circuit, three-phase transmission line is composed of Parakeet conductors
with flat horizontal spacing of 19.85 ft between adjacent conductors. Determine the
characteristic impedance and the propagation constant of the line at 60 Hz and
50' C temperature.
6.7. Using Eqs. (6.23) and (6.241, show that if the receiving end of a line is terminated
by its characteristic impedance Z,, then the impedance seen at the sending end of
the line is also Z, regardless of line length.
6.8. A 200-mi transmission line has the following parameters at 60 Hz:
Resistance r = 0.21 O/mi per phase
Series reactance x = 0.78 Cl/mi per phase
Shunt susceptance b = 5.42 X S/mi per phase
(a) Determine the attenuation constant a, wavelength A, and the velocity of
propagation of the line at 60 Hz.
( b ) If the line is open-circuited at the receiving end and the receiving-end voltage
is maintained at 100 kV line to line, use Eqs. (6.26) and (6.27) to determine the
incident and reflected components of the sending-end voltage and current.
( c ) Hence, determine the sending-end voltage and current of the line.
6.9. Evaluate cosh 6 and sinh 6 for 6 = 0.5&.
6.10. Using Eqs. (6.1), (6.21, (6.101, and (6.371, show that the generalized circuit constants
of all three transmission-line models satisfy the condition that
6.11. The sending-end voltage, current, and power factor of the line described in
Ejrample 6.3 are found to be 260 kV (line to line), 300 A, and 0.9 lagging,
respectively. Find the corresponding receiving-end voltage, current, and power
6.12. A 60-Hz three-phase transmission line is 175 mi long. It has a total series
impedance of 35 + j140 fl and a shunt admittance of 930 X 1 0 - ~ b S. It
delivers 40 MW at 220 kV, with 90% power-factor lagging. Find the voltage at the
sending end by ( a) the short-line approximation, ( b ) the nominal- approximation,
and ( c ) the long-line equation.
6.13. Determine the voltage regulation for the line described in Prob. 6.12. Assume that
the sending-end voltage remains constant.
6.14. A three-phase, 60-Hz transmission line is 250 mi long. The voltage at the sending
Y'i ~.3~skYmiTk~~%H8~~~~&di~r~&fit%n'efl?n&/e%* d ~&PoQ4~kl*1f@
' 6.15. If the load on the line described in Prob. 6.14 is 80 MW at 220 kV, with unity
, power factor, calculate the current, voltage, and power at the sending end. Assume
that the sending-end voltage is held constant and calculate the voltage regulation
of the line for the load specified above.
6.16. A three-phase transmission line is 300 mi long and serves a load of 400 MVA, with
0.8 lagging power factor at 345 kV. The ABCD constants of the line are
( a ) Determine the sending-end line-to-neutral voltage, the sending-end current,
and the percent voltage drop at full load.
( b ) Determine the receiving-end line-to-neutral voltage at no load, the sending-end
current at no load, and the voltage regulation.
6.17. Justify Eq. (6.50) by substituting for the hyperbolic functions the equivalent
exponential expressions.
6.18. Determine the equivalent* circuit for the line of Prob. 6.12.
6.19. Use Eqs. (6.1) and (6.2) to simplify Eqs. (6.57) and (6.58) for the short transmission
line with ( a ) series reactance X and resistance R and ( b ) series reactance X and
negligible resistance.
6.20. Rights of way for transmission circuits are difficult to obtain in urban areas, and
existing lines are often upgraded by reconductoring the line with larger conductors
or by reinsulating the line for operation at higher voltage. Thermal considerations
and maximum power which the line can transmit are the important considerations.
A 138-kV line is 50 km long and is composed of Partridge conductors with flat
horizontal spacing of 5 m between adjacent conductors. Neglect resistance and find
the percent increase in power which can bc transmitted for constant IV,I and IV,I
while 6 is limitcd to 45"
(a) If the Partridge conductor is replaced by Osprey, which has more than twice
the area of aluminum in square millimeters,
(b) If a second Partridge conductor is placed in a two-conductor bundle 40 cm
from the original conductor and a ccnter-to-center distance between bundles
of 5 m, and
(c) If the voltage of the original line is raised to 230 kV with increased conductor
spacing of 8 m.
6.21. Construct a receiving-end power-circle diagram similar to Fig. 6.11 for the line of
Prob. 6.12. Locate the point corresponding to the load of Prob. 6.12, and locate the
center of circles for various values of lVsl if IV,I = 220 kV. Draw the circle passing
through the load point. From the measured radius of the latter circle determine
IV,I and compare this value with the values calculated for Prob. 6.12.
6.22. A synchronous condenser is connected in parallel with the load described in Prob.
6.12 to improve the overall power factor at the receiving end. The sending-end
voltage is always adjusted so as to maintain the receiving-end voltage fixed at 220
kV. Using the power-circle diagram constructed for Prob. 6.21, determine the
sending-end voltage and the reactive power supplied by the synchronous condenser
when the overall power factor at the receiving end is (a) unity ( b) 0.9 leading.
6.23. A series capacitor bank having a reactance of 146.6 R is to be installed at the
midpoint of the 300-mi line of Prob. 6.16. The ABCD constants for each 150-mi
portion of line are
( a) Determine the equivalent ABCD constants for the cascade combination of the
line-capacitor-line. (See Table A.6 in the Appendix.)
( b) Solve Prob. 6.16 using these equivalent ABCD constants.
6.24. The shunt admittance of a 300-mi transmission line is
Determine the ABCD constants of a shunt reactor that will compensate for 60% of
the total shunt admittance.
6.25. A 250-Mvar, 345-kV shunt reactor whose admittance is 0.0021/-90' S is con-
nected to the receiving end of the 300-mi line of Prob. 6.16 at no load.
(a) Determine the equivalent ABCD constants of the line in series with the shunt
reactor. (See Table A.6 in the Appendix.)
(b) Rework part ( b) of Prob. 6.16 using these equivalent ABCD constants and the
sending-end voltage found in Prob. 6.16.
Shuh$o de uma linha de 500kV, corn uma carga igual A sua impechcia
caracterfstica "Z", variando o cornprimento da mesma de acordo corn o comprimento
de onda h = 4874,47krn. 0 s m t r o s de linha adotados form obtidos a partir da
sub-rotinha "LINE CONSTANTS" do ATP e s?lo apresentados a seguir:
SeqGncia positiva: RI = 0,0272Rkm;
XI = 0,4070R/km,
C1= 0, 0108pFh
Sequencia zero: R,-, = 0,2093Qflun;
Xo = 0,9 1 59Rflun;
CO = 0,008OpFlkm.
Comprirnentos de linha adotados: L = W8 = 609,3 1 krq
L = W4 = 1218,62 krq
L = 3W4 = 1827,93 km;
L = W2 = 2437,24 km;
L = 5hl2 = 3046,54 km;
L = 3hJ4 = 3655,85 km;
L = 7W8 = 4265,16km9
L = h = 4874,47 km.
Ten& da fonte: V1 = 500KV " = 408,248kV
Circuito equivalente para a linha construido no ATPDRAW para posterior
simula@io no ATP:
Simukqh de urna linha de 500kV em aberto(sem carga), variando o
cornprimento da mesma de acordo corn o cornprimento de onda h = 4874,47km. 0 s
padmetros de linha adotados foram obtidos a partir da sub-rotinha "LINE
CONSTANTS" do ATP e d o apresentados a seguir:
Sequencia positiva: R1 = 0,02721R/km;
XI= O,407OC2/km;
C1 = O,O108pF/km.
Sequencia zero: Ro = 0,2093-
& = 0,9159Qflun;
co= o,oo8op/km.
Comprimentos de linha adotados: L = W8 = 609,3 1 km;
L = hl4 = 1218,62 km,
L = 3hJ4 = 1827,93 km,
L = h/2 = 2437,24 km,
------- -
L = 5W2 = 3046,54 km;
L = 3hl4 = 3655,85 krn;
L = 7W8 = 4265,16km;
L = h = 4874,47 krn.
Te& da fonte: V1 = 500KY IIT = 408,248kV
Circuito equivalente para a linha construido no ATPDRAW para posterior
simulqiio no ATP:
Shuh$o de uma linha de 500kV, corn uma carga igual A sua impechcia
caracterfstica "Z", variando o cornprimento da mesma de acordo corn o comprimento
de onda h = 4874,47krn. 0 s m t r o s de linha adotados form obtidos a partir da
sub-rotinha "LINE CONSTANTS" do ATP e s?lo apresentados a seguir:
SeqGncia positiva: RI = 0,0272Rkm;
XI = 0,4070R/km,
C1= 0, 0108pFh
Sequencia zero: R,-, = 0,2093Qflun;
Xo = 0,9 1 59Rflun;
CO = 0,008OpFlkm.
Comprirnentos de linha adotados: L = W8 = 609,3 1 krq
L = W4 = 1218,62 krq
L = 3W4 = 1827,93 km;
L = W2 = 2437,24 km;
L = 5hl2 = 3046,54 km;
L = 3hJ4 = 3655,85 km;
L = 7W8 = 4265,16km9
L = h = 4874,47 km.
Ten& da fonte: V1 = 500KV " = 408,248kV
Circuito equivalente para a linha construido no ATPDRAW para posterior
simula@io no ATP:

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