This document appears to be a test containing 45 multiple choice questions covering topics like grammar, vocabulary, and general knowledge. The test asks for a single answer out of four possible choices for each question and covers topics such as jobs, quantities, schedules, economics, and business terms.
This document appears to be a test containing 45 multiple choice questions covering topics like grammar, vocabulary, and general knowledge. The test asks for a single answer out of four possible choices for each question and covers topics such as jobs, quantities, schedules, economics, and business terms.
This document appears to be a test containing 45 multiple choice questions covering topics like grammar, vocabulary, and general knowledge. The test asks for a single answer out of four possible choices for each question and covers topics such as jobs, quantities, schedules, economics, and business terms.
This document appears to be a test containing 45 multiple choice questions covering topics like grammar, vocabulary, and general knowledge. The test asks for a single answer out of four possible choices for each question and covers topics such as jobs, quantities, schedules, economics, and business terms.
Try to answer all forty five questions. There is one mark per question. 1 Write one answer from the four possible answers. For example: What __b__ your job? a) are b) is c) be d) have 1 Lynn ______ at home at the moment. a) wors b) is worin! c) wor d) are worin! " We have ______ in#ormation about that. a) a lot o# b) an c) any d) many $ Would you ______ a co##ee? a) lied b) liin! c) lie d) to lie % &' advertisements are ________ than newspapers. a) the e##ective b) e##ective c) most e##ective d) more e##ective ( ______ they start production in 1)*)? a) +id b) +o c) ,ave d) -re . /ur ______ #or this project is just over a million dollars. a) business b) bud!et c) launch d) paybac 0 /ur country has a very ______ economy at the moment. 1t2s !ood news #or business. a) stron! b) positive c) easy d) wea * _______ you #ree next wee? a) +o b) ,ave c) -re d) When ) 1 want to spea to the ______ o# this con#erence. a) or!aniser b) or!anise c) or!anisation d) or!anisin! 13 4rices remained ______ at the same level as last year. a) steadily b) slowly c) steady d) same 11 ,e wants to ______ a complaint to the mana!er. a) mae b) do c) have d) deal with 1" 1# you as them5 they ______ you. a) are helpin! b) 6ve help c) 6ll help d) 6d help 1$ We need to #inish. We2re ______ out o# time. PHOTOCOPIABLE 2006 Pearson Lonman ELT 1 a) runnin! b) !oin! c) #inishin! d) eepin! 1% Let2s loo ______ this chart. a) in b) at c) to d) lie 1( ,e2s leavin! the company ______ they wouldn2t promote him. a) because b) so that c) in order to d) that means that 1. 12m in char!e _____ dealin! with other companies. a) #or b) to c) o# d) with 10 /ne way to _____ employees is to o##er them a bonus. a) meet b) upset c) #ear d) motivate 1* &he company was set ______ ten years a!o. a) on b) up c) in d) o## 1) We need to tae le!al ______ a!ainst them #or copyin! our products. a) compensate b) advise c) action d) paca!e "3 7ince "33$5 bosses _____ slow to handle this problem. a) have been b) were c) are bein! d) are "1 8lobal warmin! will ______ to a chan!e in the way we use ener!y. a) caused b) result c) due d) lead "" &his is _______ desi!ned than the previous model. a) most beauti#ully b) more beauti#ully c) beauti#ul d) beauti#ully "$ -nalysts were surprised to hear the company had declared itsel# _______. a) sold out b) banrupt c) #ired d) #allen "% 9an you #ill in this _______ #orm? a) apply b) applicant c) application d) applied "( &he person at the door5 _______ !reeted you5 is the ,: mana!er. a) who b) what c) where d) why ". 1# we ________ him5 we wouldn2t have !ot an answer. a) haven2t ased b) hadn2t ased c) ased d) as "0 Would you be interested ______ joinin! us #or a drin? a) #or b) with c) in d) to "* ;ou ______ come i# you don2t want to. 1t isn2t obli!atory< a) don2t have to b) mustn2t c) ou!ht to d) mi!ht not ") 7he _______ i# he2d ever been to 7pain. a) said b) told c) told me d) ased PHOTOCOPIABLE 2006 Pearson Lonman ELT " $3 &he box _______ over to the warehouse on this conveyor belt. a) is carried b) carries c) are carryin! d) be carried $1 =y the end o# next year5 the new #actory ________. a) built b) is built c) will have been built d) will build $" What will you need in the _______ o# resources? a) way b) route c) aim d) road $$ Let2s try to improve the team ______ with a party< a) !oal b) player c) spirit d) project $% ;ou don2t now what the di##iculty is5 ______ you? a) are b) now c) don2t d) do $( :e!ular _______ to our mobile phone services can receive bi! discounts. a) employees b) subscribers c) consumers d) pro!rammers $. We are not willin! _____ any more #undin! #or this. a) providin! b) provide c) to provide d) are providin! $0 Let2s try to ______ an a!reement be#ore the end o# today. a) reach b) meet c) do d) tae $* &hat2s _____ o# the >uestion 12m a#raid. a) in b) o## c) answer d) out $) 1 can2t _____ the importance o# more trainin!. a) preemphasise b) overemphasise c) interemphasise d) multiemphasise %3 ______ ener!ies are thin!s lie wind power and solar ener!y. a) :eserve b) :enewable c) :e#inery d) Fuel %1 - ______ is a situation where there is only one supplier o# !oods or a service. a) payment b) cartel c) broera!e d) monopoly %" &hey have a $3? ______ in that company. a) mar!in b) core c) stae d) pro#it %$ &he ban is !oin! to ______ me hal# o# what 1 need. a) lend b) borrow c) save d) raise %% ,e never listens to anyone else and only does what he thins. ,e2s so ______. a) cynical b) bad@tempered c) arro!ant d) considerate %( For the ______ o# these people5 there is only one objective. a) lies b) lie c) liened d) liely PHOTOCOPIABLE 2006 Pearson Lonman ELT $