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Quick Placement Test 88

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Quick Placement Test

Try to answer all forty five questions. There is one mark per question.
1 Write one answer from the four possible answers.
For example:
What __b__ your job?
a) are b) is c) be d) have
1 Lynn ______ at home at the moment.
a) wors b) is worin! c) wor d) are worin!
" We have ______ in#ormation about that.
a) a lot o# b) an c) any d) many
$ Would you ______ a co##ee?
a) lied b) liin! c) lie d) to lie
% &' advertisements are ________ than newspapers.
a) the e##ective b) e##ective c) most e##ective d) more e##ective
( ______ they start production in 1)*)?
a) +id b) +o c) ,ave d) -re
. /ur ______ #or this project is just over a million dollars.
a) business b) bud!et c) launch d) paybac
0 /ur country has a very ______ economy at the moment. 1t2s !ood news #or business.
a) stron! b) positive c) easy d) wea
* _______ you #ree next wee?
a) +o b) ,ave c) -re d) When
) 1 want to spea to the ______ o# this con#erence.
a) or!aniser b) or!anise c) or!anisation d) or!anisin!
13 4rices remained ______ at the same level as last year.
a) steadily b) slowly c) steady d) same
11 ,e wants to ______ a complaint to the mana!er.
a) mae b) do c) have d) deal with
1" 1# you as them5 they ______ you.
a) are helpin! b) 6ve help c) 6ll help d) 6d help
1$ We need to #inish. We2re ______ out o# time.
PHOTOCOPIABLE 2006 Pearson Lonman ELT
a) runnin! b) !oin! c) #inishin! d) eepin!
1% Let2s loo ______ this chart.
a) in b) at c) to d) lie
1( ,e2s leavin! the company ______ they wouldn2t promote him.
a) because b) so that c) in order to d) that means that
1. 12m in char!e _____ dealin! with other companies.
a) #or b) to c) o# d) with
10 /ne way to _____ employees is to o##er them a bonus.
a) meet b) upset c) #ear d) motivate
1* &he company was set ______ ten years a!o.
a) on b) up c) in d) o##
1) We need to tae le!al ______ a!ainst them #or copyin! our products.
a) compensate b) advise c) action d) paca!e
"3 7ince "33$5 bosses _____ slow to handle this problem.
a) have been b) were c) are bein! d) are
"1 8lobal warmin! will ______ to a chan!e in the way we use ener!y.
a) caused b) result c) due d) lead
"" &his is _______ desi!ned than the previous model.
a) most beauti#ully b) more beauti#ully c) beauti#ul d) beauti#ully
"$ -nalysts were surprised to hear the company had declared itsel# _______.
a) sold out b) banrupt c) #ired d) #allen
"% 9an you #ill in this _______ #orm?
a) apply b) applicant c) application d) applied
"( &he person at the door5 _______ !reeted you5 is the ,: mana!er.
a) who b) what c) where d) why
". 1# we ________ him5 we wouldn2t have !ot an answer.
a) haven2t ased b) hadn2t ased c) ased d) as
"0 Would you be interested ______ joinin! us #or a drin?
a) #or b) with c) in d) to
"* ;ou ______ come i# you don2t want to. 1t isn2t obli!atory<
a) don2t have to b) mustn2t c) ou!ht to d) mi!ht not
") 7he _______ i# he2d ever been to 7pain.
a) said b) told c) told me d) ased
PHOTOCOPIABLE 2006 Pearson Lonman ELT
$3 &he box _______ over to the warehouse on this conveyor belt.
a) is carried b) carries c) are carryin! d) be carried
$1 =y the end o# next year5 the new #actory ________.
a) built b) is built c) will have been built d) will build
$" What will you need in the _______ o# resources?
a) way b) route c) aim d) road
$$ Let2s try to improve the team ______ with a party<
a) !oal b) player c) spirit d) project
$% ;ou don2t now what the di##iculty is5 ______ you?
a) are b) now c) don2t d) do
$( :e!ular _______ to our mobile phone services can receive bi! discounts.
a) employees b) subscribers c) consumers d) pro!rammers
$. We are not willin! _____ any more #undin! #or this.
a) providin! b) provide c) to provide d) are providin!
$0 Let2s try to ______ an a!reement be#ore the end o# today.
a) reach b) meet c) do d) tae
$* &hat2s _____ o# the >uestion 12m a#raid.
a) in b) o## c) answer d) out
$) 1 can2t _____ the importance o# more trainin!.
a) preemphasise b) overemphasise c) interemphasise d) multiemphasise
%3 ______ ener!ies are thin!s lie wind power and solar ener!y.
a) :eserve b) :enewable c) :e#inery d) Fuel
%1 - ______ is a situation where there is only one supplier o# !oods or a service.
a) payment b) cartel c) broera!e d) monopoly
%" &hey have a $3? ______ in that company.
a) mar!in b) core c) stae d) pro#it
%$ &he ban is !oin! to ______ me hal# o# what 1 need.
a) lend b) borrow c) save d) raise
%% ,e never listens to anyone else and only does what he thins. ,e2s so ______.
a) cynical b) bad@tempered c) arro!ant d) considerate
%( For the ______ o# these people5 there is only one objective.
a) lies b) lie c) liened d) liely
PHOTOCOPIABLE 2006 Pearson Lonman ELT

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