This document provides the agenda for the Western States Source Water Protection Forum held from October 23-25, 2012 in Sun Valley, Idaho. The forum focused on four main themes: raising awareness of risks to source water and the value of protection; providing tools to assist with protection; enhancing coordination among organizations working on protection; and increasing recognition of protection needs. Over the three days, participants heard presentations on topics such as hydraulic fracturing, GIS tools for source water assessment, funding protection efforts, and social marketing for protection. Time was also allocated for discussion in breakout sessions and identifying next steps to advance source water protection in the western states. An optional afternoon training on October 25th covered guidelines for investigating potential groundwater impacts from
This document provides the agenda for the Western States Source Water Protection Forum held from October 23-25, 2012 in Sun Valley, Idaho. The forum focused on four main themes: raising awareness of risks to source water and the value of protection; providing tools to assist with protection; enhancing coordination among organizations working on protection; and increasing recognition of protection needs. Over the three days, participants heard presentations on topics such as hydraulic fracturing, GIS tools for source water assessment, funding protection efforts, and social marketing for protection. Time was also allocated for discussion in breakout sessions and identifying next steps to advance source water protection in the western states. An optional afternoon training on October 25th covered guidelines for investigating potential groundwater impacts from
This document provides the agenda for the Western States Source Water Protection Forum held from October 23-25, 2012 in Sun Valley, Idaho. The forum focused on four main themes: raising awareness of risks to source water and the value of protection; providing tools to assist with protection; enhancing coordination among organizations working on protection; and increasing recognition of protection needs. Over the three days, participants heard presentations on topics such as hydraulic fracturing, GIS tools for source water assessment, funding protection efforts, and social marketing for protection. Time was also allocated for discussion in breakout sessions and identifying next steps to advance source water protection in the western states. An optional afternoon training on October 25th covered guidelines for investigating potential groundwater impacts from
This document provides the agenda for the Western States Source Water Protection Forum held from October 23-25, 2012 in Sun Valley, Idaho. The forum focused on four main themes: raising awareness of risks to source water and the value of protection; providing tools to assist with protection; enhancing coordination among organizations working on protection; and increasing recognition of protection needs. Over the three days, participants heard presentations on topics such as hydraulic fracturing, GIS tools for source water assessment, funding protection efforts, and social marketing for protection. Time was also allocated for discussion in breakout sessions and identifying next steps to advance source water protection in the western states. An optional afternoon training on October 25th covered guidelines for investigating potential groundwater impacts from
8:30 8:40 am Introductions and Welcome: Amy Williams, Idaho DEQ; Susan Eastman, EPA Region 10
8:40 9:00 am Source Water Protection: Where Have We Been and Where Are We Going? Holly Green, Associate Chief, Prevention Branch, EPA HQ
9:00 9:45 am Update on Actions from the 2010 Estes Park Forum: John Duggan, Colorado DPHE; Darcy Campbell, EPA Region 8; Colleen Williams, Colorado Rural Water Association
9:45 10:00 am Break
10:00 10:45 am Developing a Vision and Roadmap for Source Water Protection for U.S. Drinking Water Utilities (four themes of Forum introduced): Chi Ho Sham, The Cadmus Group, Inc.
Raise Awareness: Raise Awareness of the risks to source water and the value of protection.
10:45 11:15 am Overview of Hydraulic Fracturing and Associated Environmental Implications: Chi Ho Sham, The Cadmus Group, Inc.; Paul Jehn GWPC
11:15 11:30 am Idahos Ground Water Quality Database: Jessica Atlakson, Idaho Department of Environmental Quality
11:30 noon Identifying Nitrogen Sources and Loads in Southern Gooding County, Idaho: Joe Baldwin, Fairway Geosciences
Noon 1:15 pm Lunch (on your own)
1:15 2:00 pm How States Are Utilizing GIS to Provide SWA Information to the Public: Chris Miller, Alaska DEC; Amy Williams, Idaho DEQ; My-Linh, Nevada DEP
2:00 2:30 pm Raising Awareness of Nitrate Trends in Utah Using GIS: Mark Jensen, Utah DEQ
Providing Support: What tools are available to assist with protection?
2:30 3:00 pm National SWP Collaborative Update: Deirdre Mason, ASDWA
3:00 - 3:15 pm Break
3:15 4:00 pm SWP Incentives: Investment in Ecosystem Services for Clean Drinking Water: Todd Gartner, M.F., World Resources Institute
4:00 4:45 pm Funding Source Water Protection: Kitty Weisman, Washington DOH
Enhancing Coordination
4:45 5:20 pm Lessons Learned from the Enabling Source Water Protection Project: Deirdre Mason, ASDWA
5:20 5:30 pm Wrap up and review for next day: Cyndi Grafe, EPA Idaho Operations Office
5:30 pm Adjourn (On your own for dinner)
Western States Source Water Protection Forum Agenda
Day 2: October 24, 2012 (8:15 am 5:30 pm)
8:15 8:20 am Welcome
Enhancing Coordination continued
8:20 8:55 am Shifting the Conservation Paradigm through Conservation Initiatives and Partnerships: Clint Evans, Acting Idaho State Conservationist, NRCS
8:55 9:20 am Coordinating with Local Conservation Districts to Protect Source Water in Agricultural Communities: Steve Miller, NACD
9:20 9:50 am Using Data, Collaboration, and Clean Water Act Tools to Protect and Restore Drinking Water Sources in Oregon: Joshua Seeds, Oregon DEQ
9:50 10:15 pm Lower Yakima Valley Nitrate Groundwater Study An Example of Federal and State Coordination: Marie Jennings, EPA Region 10
10:15 10:30 am Break
10:30 noon Lightning Sessions (Brief 5 minute updates from states): Chris Miller, AK DEC and Sue Eastman, EPA Region 10
Noon 1:15 pm Lunch (on your own)
1:15 1:45 pm Open Space Introduction (participants define the agenda for small breakout sessions): facilitated by Cyndi Grafe, EPA Idaho Operations Office
1:45 5:15 pm Open Space Sessions
5:15 - 5:30 pm Wrap up
5:30 pm Adjourn (On your own for dinner) Western States Source Water Protection Forum Agenda
Day 3: October 25, 2012 (8:00 am 11:45)
8:00 8:05 am Welcome
8:05 9:00 am Review of Open Space Sessions: Cindy Grafe, EPA Idaho Operations Office
9:00 9:10 am Break
Increasing Recognition
9:10 9:55 am Social Marketing as a Tool for Source Water Protection: Kate Hastings, LEED AP, Principal, The Cadmus Group, Inc.
9:55 10:25 am Idaho Aquifer Protection District: Paul Klatt, JUB Engineers
10:25 10:30 am Break
10:30 11:00 am Source Water Protection for Schools That Are Their Own Public Water Systems: Donna Calderon, Arizona DEQ
11:00 am 11:45 am Wrap up and identify action items and next steps, Cyndi Grafe, EPA Idaho Operations Office
End of Western States Source Water Protection Forum
Optional Training: Guidelines for Investigating Potential Ground Water Quality Impacts from Oil and Gas Production
October 25th from 1:00- 5:00 pm (Following the forum)
There will be an additional workshop on Thursday, October 25, from 1:30 to 5:00 p.m. following the forum. The workshop will identify guidelines for investigating potential ground water impacts from oil and gas production. It will be presented by Paul Jehn from the Ground Water Protection Council and is free of charge. You can register for the optional training when you register for the forum.
House Hearing, 113TH Congress - Integrated Planning and Permitting Framework: An Opportunity For Epa To Provide Communities With Flexibility To Make Smart Investments in Water Quality