Europass Curriculum Vitae: Personal Information Gromov Veaceslav
Europass Curriculum Vitae: Personal Information Gromov Veaceslav
Europass Curriculum Vitae: Personal Information Gromov Veaceslav
Curriculum Vitae
Personal information
First name(s) / Surname(s)
Address(es) 54/1, Independentei str., 2072, Chisinau, Repubi! "# $"d"%a
&eeph"ne(s) ' (7( 22 2)255* $"bie+ ' (7( ,*( 70 ,,)
-.mai /r"m"%0%ea!esa%12ah"".!"m
3ati"nait2 $"da%ian
4ate "# birth 17 $ar!h 1*)(
5ender $ae
Desired employment /
Occupational field
Procurement and Supply, or oter acti!e post
"or# e$perience
Dates %o!em&er '(() * present
6!!upati"n "r p"siti"n hed 7ni%ersit2 8e!turer
$ain a!ti%ities and resp"nsibiities Seminars 8e!ture at 9usiness Administrati"n 4epartment, at seminars "# -7 inte/rati"n and
internati"na business, mana/ement, te!hn""/2 and "perati"na mana/ement, pr":e!t mana/ement
s2stems, in#"rmati"n s2stems mana/ement, !"rp"rate mana/ement, business ethi!s.
3ame and address "# emp"2er Fa!ut2 "# -!"n"mi! S!ien!e, $"d"%a State 7ni%ersit2, ,0 A. $atee%i!i str.
&2pe "# se!t"r -du!ati"n
6!!upati"n "r p"siti"n hed
$ain a!ti%ities and resp"nsibiities
3ame and address "# emp"2er
&2pe "# business "r se!t"r
(+ ,une '(+- * present
9ee;eepin/ #arm h"der
8td. < Sa/r" -=im>, Chisinau !it2, 54/1.27 Independentei str.
+ May '(+' . (+ April '(+-
6!!upati"n "r p"siti"n hed Farm mana/er
$ain a!ti%ities and resp"nsibiities 9usiness administrat"r
3ame and address "# emp"2er 8td. ?-!"sa%is@, %ia/e Cu!uruAeni, distri!t 6rhei
&2pe "# business "r se!t"r A/ri!uture
Dates (+ April '(++ * + April '(+'
6!!upati"n "r p"siti"n hed -=pert in 9usiness and 9usiness Administrati"n
$ain a!ti%ities and resp"nsibiities &ra!;in/ and impementin/ the pr":e!t in Res"ur!e Centre #"r the pr":e!t Remittan!es 4e%e"p
C"mmunities #r"m $"d"%a and a!hie%e the "r/aniAati"n@s strate/i! de%e"pment pan
3ame and address "# emp"2er 356 Ass"!iati"n ?Rura 4e%e"pment A/en!2 . C-3&-R? Str. Basi $ahu 1,0, 6rhei $4.
(505,Repubi! "# $"d"%a
&2pe "# business "r se!t"r Cubi!, n""#it
Dates Marc '((/ . Marc '((0
6!!upati"n "r p"siti"n hed Bi!e.4ean
Ca/e 1/( . Curri!uum %itae "#
Surname(s) First name(s)
F"r m"re in#"rmati"n "n -ur"pass /" t" http+//eur"pass.!ede#"p.eur"
D -ur"pean 7ni"n, 2004.2010 240)2010
$ain a!ti%ities and resp"nsibiities . 6r/aniAati"n edu!ati"na pr"!ess
. $ediati"n uni%ersit2 edu!ati"n pr"!ess betEeen $"d"%a State 7ni%ersit2 and 7.S. Feiser 7ni%ersit2
. -%iden!e "# student tea!hin/ and edu!ati"nG . S!heduin/G . Settin/ the Ea/e #und
3ame and address "# emp"2er Fa!ut2 "# -!"n"mi!s, $"d"%a State 7ni%ersit2, ,0 A.$atee%i!i str.
&2pe "# business "r se!t"r -du!ati"n
Dates Marc '((1 . Marc '((0
6!!upati"n "r p"siti"n hed 8e/a Ad%iser #"r Cubi! A!Huisiti"ns #"r the $"d"%a State 7ni%ersit2
$ain a!ti%ities and resp"nsibiities Cubi! A!Huisiti"ns #"r the $"d"%a State 7ni%ersit2
3ame and address "# emp"2er $"d"%a State 7ni%ersit2, ,0 A.$atee%i!i str.
&2pe "# business "r se!t"r Cubi! A!Huisiti"ns
Dates Septem&er '((1 . Marc '((0
6!!upati"n "r p"siti"n hed S!ienti#i! Se!retar2
$ain a!ti%ities and resp"nsibiities &he Iuait2 C"un!i "# -!"n"mi! S!ien!es Fa!ut2
3ame and address "# emp"2er Fa!ut2 "# -!"n"mi!s, $"d"%a State 7ni%ersit2, ,0 A.$atee%i!i street.
&2pe "# business "r se!t"r -du!ati"n
Education and trainin2
Dates %o!em&er '((3*present
&ite "# Huai#i!ati"n aEarded Ch4
Crin!ipa sub:e!ts/"!!upati"na s;is
&hesis &ite JKa2s t" streamine the #un!ti"ns appi!ati"n in sma and medium businesses>
3ame and t2pe "# "r/anisati"n
pr"%idin/ edu!ati"n and trainin/
$"d"%a State 7ni%ersit2,
-rasmus $undus 200*, 7ni%ersit2 "# A/ar%e, C"rtu/a
Dates Septem&er '(+' . (+4(/4'(+5
&ite "# Huai#i!ati"n aEarded $aster
Crin!ipa sub:e!ts/"!!upati"na s;is
&he"r2 "# Cubi! Administrati"n
3ame and t2pe "# "r/anisati"n
pr"%idin/ edu!ati"n and trainin/
A!adem2 "# Cubi! Administrati"n under the 5"%ernment Repubi! "# $"d"%a
Dates '(()*'((3
&ite "# Huai#i!ati"n aEarded $aster in -!"n"mi!s, spe!iaiAed in $ana/ement "# the #irm, $"d"%a State 7ni%ersit2G
Crin!ipa sub:e!ts/"!!upati"na s;is
. -nterprises a!ti%it2,
. Impr"%ement and e##e!ti%eness "# enterprises #un!ti"n
3ame and t2pe "# "r/anisati"n
pr"%idin/ edu!ati"n and trainin/
Fa!ut2 "# -!"n"mi!s, $"d"%a State 7ni%ersit2, ,0 A.$atee%i!i str.
Dates '(('*'(()
&ite "# Huai#i!ati"n aEarded 9a!he"r 4e/ree in -!"n"mi!s, $"d"%a State 7ni%ersit2, &he Fa!ut2 "# -!"n"mi!s, &he $ana/ement
"# the #irm spe!iat2
Crin!ipa sub:e!ts/"!!upati"na s;is
&he resear!h theme+ JKa2s t" impr"%e the #un!ti"ns appi!ati"ns in the mana/ement "# J$ieLtii $i!i>
State Iuait2 Kines enterprise>G
3ame and t2pe "# "r/anisati"n
pr"%idin/ edu!ati"n and trainin/
Fa!ut2 "# -!"n"mi!s, $"d"%a State 7ni%ersit2, ,0 A.$atee%i!i str.
Personal s#ills and
$"ther t"n/ue(s) Romanian
Ca/e 2/( . Curri!uum %itae "#
Surname(s) First name(s)
F"r m"re in#"rmati"n "n -ur"pass /" t" http+//eur"pass.!ede#"p.eur"
D -ur"pean 7ni"n, 2004.2010 240)2010
6ther an/ua/e(s)
7nderstandin2 Spea#in2 "ritin2
8istenin/ Readin/ Sp";en intera!ti"n Sp";en pr"du!ti"n
C2 Cr"#i!ient user C2 Cr"#i!ient user C2 Cr"#i!ient user C2 Cr"#i!ient user C2 Cr"#i!ient user
C2 Cr"#i!ient user C2 Cr"#i!ient user C2 Cr"#i!ient user C2 Cr"#i!ient user C2 Cr"#i!ient user
C1 Independent user 92
92 Independent user 91 Independent user
92 Independent user A2 9asi! user A2 9asi! user A2 9asi! user
(*) Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
S"!ia s;is and !"mpeten!es Carti!ipant, &he S!ienti#i! C"n#eren!e "# A!adem2 "# -!"n"mi! Studies #r"m $"d"%aG
Carti!ipant, &he S!ienti#i! C"n#eren!e "# $"d"%a State 7ni%ersit2.
Carti!ipant, &he Internati"na S!ienti#i! C"n#eren!e , $ins;, Repubi! "# 9earus
6r/anisati"na s;is and
Bi!e.presidentG Student C"un!i, Fa!ut2 "# -!"n"mi!s, $"d"%a State 7ni%ersit2G
Student 6r/aniAati"na C"mmittee Chairman, $"d"%a State 7ni%ersit2 Student S!ienti#i! C"n#eren!e
&eam E"r;+ I ha%e E"r;ed in %ari"us t2pes "# teams #"r resear!h
C"mputer s;is and !"mpeten!es $i!r"s"#t "##i!e, CC
Artisti! s;is and !"mpeten!es
I ha%e attended dan!in/ and theatri!a /r"ups in "ur a!ademi! uni%ersit2 /r"up.
6ther s;is and !"mpeten!es C"mmuni!ati"n s;is, "r/anisin/ di##erent a!ti%ities.
4ri%in/ i!en!e
In 2004 I /"t a !ate/"r2 9 dri%er i!en!e. -=perien!e in dri%in/ a !ar
Additional information
8"%e t" tra%e and e=perien!e di##erent !utures. -n:"2 a sp"rts, espe!ia2 sEimmin/.
Ca/e (/( . Curri!uum %itae "#
Surname(s) First name(s)
F"r m"re in#"rmati"n "n -ur"pass /" t" http+//eur"pass.!ede#"p.eur"
D -ur"pean 7ni"n, 2004.2010 240)2010