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Autosar PPT

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Autosar Autosar
Automotive Open System
How are vehicle functions
implemented today?
Each functionhas its own systemalthough theymay Each function has it s own system although they may
communicate through a bus
Hardware and software are tightly connected
Each function has its own microcontroller
The number of ECUs (Electronic Control Unit) are
growning fast
The same vendor supplies both the hardware and
the software
There are no alternative software suppliers
What will Autosar give?
A standard platform for vehicle software
A OS ith b i f ti d i t f t ft
Functionality is supplied as software components
An OS with basic functions and interface to software
These components are hardware independent
No applications of its own
The same interface for all basic software
The software is exchangable
The software can be reused
More than one supplier can compete with their
What will Autosar give cont?
Autosar has a layered architecture that frees the
applications fromthe hardware applications from the hardware
This layered architecture is implemented in every
You do not have to think in terms of ECUs whenyou
design the system
The designer picks software components without
knowingin what ECU theywill be implemented
The story of Autosar
It ll t t d h th i d t d It all started when the semiconductor vendors
needed a driver layer for their microprocessors
The work started in 2002 in Tyskland within BMW,
VW, Daimler Chrysler, Bosch and Continental
Autosar was founded in 2003 and the work started in
The story of Autosar cont.
Autosar has four types of members
Only leading vehicle vedors and subcontracters can
be Core partners. These are in charge of
organisation and management
Within this group are Peugeot Citron, Toyota, VW,
BMW Daimler, Ford, Opel (GM), Bosch, Continental,
Siemens and Volvo
Ford has been representedby Volvo
Saab has had a key role in the engagement
from GM
Thew story of Autosar cont.
The other forms of membership are
Premium member
Autoliv is a premium member
Development member
Associate member
The members work in work groups
The first test
After the first specification 31 software components
were ordered from 15 vendors och these
components were realised in 56 implementations
The components were installed into two different
systems. One 16 bit system and one 32 bit system
The test led to 260 suggestions for changes in the
Since then there has been few new suggestions
for changes but the standard has developed and
Software layer
Frees the
OS layer
from the
Frees the
from the
Microprocessor and peripherials
Operative system
The Autosar OS is a derative of OSEK
Offene Systeme und deren Schnittstellen fr
die Elektronik in Kraftfahrzeugen
The OS is responsible for real time functions,
priority based scheduling and different
Open Systems and their Interfaces for the
Electronics in Motor Vehicles
p y g
protective functions
Some systems will continue to use their own
OS but these must have an interface to
Autosar that follows the specifications from
Virtual Function Bus, VFB
The application components are linked and
communicate throughan virtual bus Virtual Function communicate through an virtual bus, Virtual Function
Bus, VFB
VFB is a visualization of all hardware and the system
services that the vehicle system supplies
Through VFB a software component doesnt need to
know which components it is communicating with and
on which ECU these components are implemented
The VFB is implemented through Autosar Runtime
Environment (RTE) and the layer of Basic Software
Virtual Function Bus, VFB cont.
Autosar Runtime Environment,
Through Autosar Real-time Environment, RTE, the
software components can communicate without being
mapped to specific hardware or ECU
RTE frees the software components from the hardware
and from each other
Every ECU in a Autosar system must implement a RTE
RTE uses the hardware abstraction layer
Microcontroller Abstraction Layer, MCAL
The application layer,
the software layer
The functionality of the applications reside in the
li ti l application layer
This is the only part of an Autosar system that doesnt
consist of standardized software
A Software Component, SWC, is the smallest part of a
software application that has a specific functionality
Asoftware application canbe built out of a number of A software application can be built out of a number of
software components
Within Autosar there are standard interfaces so that the
components can be used to build the applications
Communication between
software components
A SWC can communicate in two different ways
The client initiates the communication and requests a
service from the server
The client could be locked while it is waiting for an
answer from the server
The Client/server roles are defined by who is initiating The Client/server roles are defined by who is initiating
the communication and could be switched
A SWC can at the same time act as both client and
server in different communications
Communication between
software components cont.
The sender expects no answer from the receiver and
there will be no answer
The sender is not blocked
The receiver desides on its own how and when to act
on the information
The interface structure is responsible for the communi-
cation and the sender doesnt know who the receiver is
or if there are more than one receiver
The sender doesnt know in what ECU the receiver is
Basic Software Layer
Basic software layer is standardized software without
f ti lit th t ff b th h d any own functionality that offer both hardware
dependent and hardware independent services to
higher layers
This takes place through Application Programming
This layer makes the higher layers hardware
independent independent
Here we have for example memory interfaces and
interfaces to communication busses like LIN, CAN
and FlexRay
Microcontrol Abstraction Layer
Microcontrol Abstraction Layer, MCAL consists of
t d di df ti th t f th h d f th standardized functions that frees the hardware from the
software and gives a standardized interface to Basic
Through this layer the software is prevented from
MCAL handles the microcontrollers peripherial units and
supplies processorindependent values to the Basic
directly accessing the registers in the mocrocontroller
In this way the microcontroller is abstracted from higher
layers and they become processor independent
Development process
The model descriptions within Autosar are standardized
to become tool independent to become tool independent
The descriptions have UML syntax (Unified Modeling
Autosar has given a method for creating the system
architecture that starts in the design model
The basic system descriptions are independent of how
theyare to be implemented they are to be implemented
Necessary data are among others interface and
hardware demands
Standard interfaces are described in XML (eXtendable
Mark-up Language)

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