Davinci Configures Vlinkgen - Programmer Sought PDF
Davinci Configures Vlinkgen - Programmer Sought PDF
Davinci Configures Vlinkgen - Programmer Sought PDF
The following figure is very clear, and the configuration interface mainly cares about these
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5/12/23, 3:23 PM Davinci configures Vlinkgen - Programmer Sought
This is mainly responsible for dividing the address segment. Generally, the Da Vinci
package bought by vector has an initial division, and then add some Regions definitions
according to your own needs. The configuration must meet several conditions:
1. The definition of these address segments cannot exceed the address range of the
2. These address segments do not leak or overlap
. 3. These address segments should preferably be aligned such as 64byte or 1k.
Here you need to configure the address regions of ram, dataflash, eeprom, and codeflash.
Each hardware attribute can be divided into multiple regions.
regions block
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5/12/23, 3:23 PM Davinci configures Vlinkgen - Programmer Sought
All section names are defined in sections, here is just a section name, you need to use
these section names to circle your memory in configuration or c files, this name actually
corresponds to #pragam in your program. . . . , and specify the byte length of the
Here only the segment name of ram, code, dataflash, are listed. . . all mean the same
Specify which A_Regionblock address segment A_ramgroup belongs to, and specify the
initialization related information of this ramgroup.
It mainly defines some custom sections, and the corresponding regions also need to be
defined in vLinkGenMemoryRegions
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5/12/23, 3:23 PM Davinci configures Vlinkgen - Programmer Sought
To sum up, it is generally necessary to remap the segment names in the memmap.h file
released by vector to ensure that all macro definitions in all BSW, SWC, and RTC are
mapped to the custom memmap_userdef.h, and all macros in memmap_userdef.h The
definition is mapped to the segment name you define, so that you can complete the
memory division you want.
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