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Interviewpoints-Maaaat 2005 Paper

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Management Aptitude Test

September 04, 2005

We are very please to present you the detailed analysis of Management Aptitude Test held on September 04, 2005 on various centres all
over ndia! This year also the AMA MAT tradition continue, there "ere five sections each containing 40 #uestions! These 200 #uestions,
to be solved in a time span of $50 minutes! %o sectional time limits "ere mentioned! While there "as $ mar& allotted for each correct
ans"er, no #uantification "as done for negative mar&ing! Thus, "hile solving the paper students had to concentrate more on accuracy!
Total %umber of 'uestions 200 Objective type questions.
Total Time 150 minutes.
The Mar&ing Scheme 1 mark for each correct answer.
Negative marking was not quantified
%umber of options O!"
Sectional (rea&)up
%umber *f 'uestions
#anguage $omprehension %0
&athematica' (ptitude %0
)nte''igence and $ritica' "easoning %0
*ata (na'ysis and +ufficiency %0
)ndian and ,'oba' -nvironment %0
Total 200 'uestions
+ ,! %umber *f
#anguage $omprehension %0
&athematica' (ptitude %0
)nte''igence and $ritica' "easoning %0
*ata (na'ysis and +ufficiency %0
)ndian and ,'oba' -nvironment %0
,etailed Analysis
)n the fo''owing pages we have provided some of the actua' test questions with their so'utions for your reference.
S-.T*% /A%01A0-
.he section comprises of %0 questions on Reading Comprehension and English Usage. .here were four passages of average /00
words and three to four questions were asked on each passage. ive questions were each on Critical Reasoning, Sentence Correction
and Para Jumbling. 0hi'e five questions were based on a new type in which three sentences marked (1 2 and $ were given and two
of these three sentences had the same meaning1 the students have to find which were they. ive questions were on Dictionary
Definitions of words ,"O!N*1 &)31 +.--41 #(+. and *"!&. .he bird5s eye view of the section is as fo''ows
Topics %umber of
/evel of ,ifficulty
"eading $omprehension
4assage ) .he cheap products of $hina and their impact on
)ndian markets 6(ppro7. 8/0 words9
% -asy to &oderate
4assage )) -ating habits of sugar and their effects on human
hea'th 6(ppro7. 520 words9
4assage ))) -nvironmenta''y destructive tourism 6(ppro7. ::0
4assage ); -<governance 6(ppro7. =10 words9 %
-ng'ish !sage
$ritica' "easoning 5 -asy
+entence $orrection 5 &oderate
+ame &eaning 5 &oderate
4ara >umb'ing 5 &oderate
*ictionary *efinition 8 -asy
%umber of /evel of
'uestions ,ifficulty
"eading $omprehension
.he cheap products of $hina and their impact on
4assage ) %
)ndian markets 6(ppro7. 8/0 words9
-ating habits of sugar and their effects on human
4assage )) %<<<<<<<<<<<<<-asy to
hea'th 6(ppro7. 520 words9
4assage )) ) -nvironmenta''y distructive tourism 6(ppro7. ::0 :
4assage ); -<governance 6(ppro7. =10 words9 %
-ng'ish !sage
$ritica' "easoning 5 -asy
+entence $orrection 5 &oderate
+ame &eaning 5 &oderate
4ara >umb'ing 5 &oderate
*ictionary *efinition 8 -asy
)n the Mathematical ptitude section there were questions on (rithmetic topics 'ike !umbers, Ratio and Proportion, Mi"tures, #or$
and %ime, Percentage, rea and &olumes etc. +ome questions were a'so based on %rigonometry and Permutation and Combination.
.he detai' break<up of the questions of this part is shown in the fo''owing tab'e. 0e have reca''ed some of the questions which are
as fo''ows
%1. On a road three traffic 'ights change after %81 =21 108 seconds. )f a'' the three 'ights changes simu'taneous'y on 8?20?00 pm1
then at what time the 'ights wi'' again change simu'taneous'y@
619 8 ? 2= ? 12 629 8 ? 25 ? 1% 6:9 8 ? :0 ? 00 6%9 8 ? 2A ? :0
42. )f average age of a c'ass 6inc'uding boys and gir's9 is 15.8. )f the average age of boys is 1/.% and the average age of gir's is
15.% 1 then the number of boys and gir's in the c'ass is
43. "ajan got married 8 years ago. Bis previous age is /C5 times his age at the time of his marriage. "ajan5s sister was 10 years
younger to him at the time of his marriage. .he age of "ajan5s sister is
619 :2 629 :8 6:9 :/ 6%9 %0
%%. (n empty fue' tank of a car was fi''ed with ( type petro' when the tank was ha'f empty1 it was fi''ed with 2 type petro'. (gain
when the tank was ha'f empty1 it was fi''ed with ( type of petro'. 0hen the tank was ha'f empty it was fi''ed with 2 type of petro'.
0hat is the percentage of ( type petro' in the tank at present@
619 1:.5D 629 %0D 6:9 :=.5D 6%9 50D
45. 150 identica' pieces of a ca'cu'ator costs "s. 250 each to a businessman. .he transportation and packing cost is "s. 2500 and 'abe''ed price
of each ca'cu'ator is "s. :20. )f the businessman gives 5D discount on each ca'cu'ator1 then what wou'd his profit percentage@
46. ( and 2 two a''oys of go'd and copper prepared by mi7ing meta's in the ratio = ? 2 and = ? 11 respective'y. )f equa' quantities of the a''oys are
me'ted to form a third a''oy $1 the ratio of go'd and copper in $ wi'' be
619 5 ? = 629 = ? 5 6:9 8 ? A 6%9 A ? 5
%=. +hekhar started a business investing "s.25000 in 1AAA. )n 2000 he invested an additiona' amount of "s.10000 and "ajeev joins
him with on amount of "s.:5000. )n 20011 +hekhar invested another additiona' amount of "s.10000 and >atin joined them with
an amount of "s.:5000. 0hat wi'' be "ajeev5s share in the profit of "s.11 501 000 earned at the end of : years from the start
of the business in 1AAA@
619 %5000 629 =0000 6:9 50000 6%9 =5000
%8. ( garrison of ::00 men had provision for :2 days1 when given at the rate of 550 gms per head. (t the end of = days a
reinforcement arrives and it was found that the provisions wi'' 'ast 1= days more1 when given at the rate of 825 gms per
head.0hat is the strength of the reinforcement@
619 1500 629 1800 6:9 1=00 6%9 1/00
%A. ( contract has to be comp'eted in %/ days and 11= men were set to work1 each working 8 hours a day. (fter :: days %C= th of
the work is comp'eted. Bow many additiona' men may be emp'oyed so that the work may be comp'eted in time1 each man now
working A hours a day
619 80 629 82 6:9 81 6%9 8:
50. ( cistern has two taps which fi''s it in 12 minutes and 15 minutes respective'y. .here is a'so a waste pipe in the cistern1 when a''
the three pipes are opened1 the empty cistern to fu'' in 20 minutes. Bow 'ong wi'' the waste pipe take to empty the fu'' cistern@
619 5 629 15 6:9 10 5 6%9 20
51. 2ombay -7press 'eft *e'hi for 2ombay at 1%?:0 hrs1 trave''ing at a speed of /0 kmph and "ajdhani -7press 'eft *e'hi for 2ombay
on the same day 1/?20 hours1 trave''ing at a speed of 80 kmph. Bow far away from *e'hi wi'' the two trains meet@
619 120 629 %50 6:9 :/0 6%9 500
52. ( train 108 m 'ong moving at a speed of 50 kmph crosses a train 112 m 'ong coming from the opposite direction in / seconds. .he
speed of the second train is
619 %8 kmph 629 /0 kmph 6:9 5% kmph 6%9 82 kmph
5:. ( man rows to a p'ace %8 km distance and back is 1% hours. Be finds that he can row % km with the stream in the same time as
: km against the stream. .he rate of the stream is
619 1 629 1.8 6:9 1.5 6%9 :.5
5%. ( hemispherica' bow' is fi''ed to the brim with a beverage. .he contents of the bow' are transferred into a cy'indrica' vesse'
whoseradius is 50D more than its height. )f the diameter is same for both the bow' and the cy'inder the vo'ume of the beverage
in the cy'indrica' vesse' is
619 //D 629 100D 6:9 =8.5D 6%9 None of these
55. ( spherica' bow' of 'ead : cm in diameter is me'ted and recast into three spherica' ba''s. .he diameter of the two of these are 1.5
cm and 2 cm respective'y. .he diameter of the third ba'' is
619 2.5 629 : 6:9 2./0 6%9 :.5
5/. ( ho''ow square of interna' and e7terna' diameter of % cm and 8 cm respective'y is me'ted into a cone of base diameter 8cm. .he
height of the cone is
619 12 cm 629 15 cm 6:9 1% cm 6%9 18 cm
5=. ( man se'' "s.50001 12D stock at 15/ and invest the proceed part'y in 8D stock at A0 and the ba'ance at AD stock at 108. Be
thereby increase his income by "s.=0. Bow much of the proceed were invested in each stock@
619 "s.:/00 in 8D stock and "s.%200 in AD stock 629 "s.=200 in 8D stock and "s.=800 in AD stock
6:9 "s.:%00 in 8D stock and "s.%000 in AD stock 6%9 "s.%800 in 8D stock and "s.5%00 in AD stock
58. )n how many ways the word &(.B-&(.)$+ can be arrange so that vowe's a'ways come together@
619 10080 629 120A/0 6:9 %A0A/0 6%9 None of these
5A. ( man and his wife appear in an interview for companies in the same post the probabi'ity of the husband5s se'ection is 1C= and
the probabi'ity of the wife5s se'ection is 1C5. 0hat is the probabi'ity that one of them se'ected@
619 %C5 629 8C15 6:9 2C= 6%9 %C=
/0. ( man buys a watch for "s.1A50 in cash and se''s it for "s.2200 at a credit of one year. )f the rate of intrest is 10D per annum
the man
619 gains "s.55 629 'osses "s.:0 6:9 gain "s. 50 6%9 gain "s. :0
61. .he banker5s discount on a certain sum due 2 years hence is 11C10 of the true discount. .he rate percent is 619
11 629 5 6:9 10 6%9 5.5
62. .here are two temp'es one on each bank of river1 just opposite to each other. One temp'e is 5%m high. rom the top of the
temp'e1 the ang'es if depression of the top and the foot of the other temp'e are :0 and /0 respective'y. ind the width of the
river and the height of the other triang'e@
619 50.1/ m 629 1/ m 6:9 :2.11 m 6%9 :1.1% m
619 % 629 : 6:9 5 6%9 2
/%. )n how many ways the word &(.B-&(.)$+ can be arranged@
619 1:/ 629 1/80 6:9 2%50 6%9 1A2
/5. )f 'og2 E 0.:01051 then find the number of digits in 25/.
(part from these questions there were three questions each on rea, 'eight and Distance, Mensuration and Percentages and one
question each on Mi"tures, S()C(, #or$ and %ime and !umbers.
S-.T*% %T-//0-%.- A%,
.3T.A/ 3-AS*%%0
)n this section 5 questions were each on Statement*Conclusion, Statement*rgument, Statement*Course of ction and Statement*
ssumption. 0hi'e 10 questions each on Data rrangement and Misc. topics 'ike Direction sense, Coding Decoding and rithmetic
based +R. .he questions of *ata (rrangement were distributed in two sets of four and three question and three separate questions.
Overa'' the section was moderate. .he detai' breakup is shown be'ow
%umber of
/evel of
+tatementC$onc'usion 5 -asy
+tatementC(rgument 5 -asy
+tatementC$ourse of (ction 5 &oderate
+tatementC(ssumption 5 &oderate
*ata (rrangement 10 &oderate
&isc. .opics 10 &oderate

%umber of++++/evel of
+tatementC$onc'usion 5 -asy
+tatementC(rgument 5 -asy
+tatementC$ourse of (ction 5 &oderate
+tatementC(ssumption 5 &oderate
*ata (rrangement 10 &oderate
&isc. .opic 10 &oderate
0e have reca''ed some of the questions which are as fo''ows
D(REC%(,!S- (n each of the follo.ing /uestions a statement is gi0en follo.ed by t.o conclusions. mar$ the ans.er is
121. +tatement ?&orning wa'ks are good for hea'th
$onc'usions?). ('' hea'thy peop'e go for morning wa'ks. )). -vening wa'ks are harmfu'.
122. +tatement?.he best way to escape from a prob'em is to so've it.
$onc'usions ? ). Four 'ife wi'' be du'' if you don5t face a prob'em.
)). .o escape from prob'em1 you shou'd a'ways have some so'utions with you.
12:. +tatement? ;egetab'e prices are soaring in the market.
$onc'usions? ). ;egetab'es are becoming a rare commodity. )). 4eop'e cannot eat vegetab'es.
12%. +tatement?!nti' our country achieves economic equa'ity1 po'itica' freedom and democracy wou'd be meaning'ess.
$onc'usions? ). 4o'itica' freedom and democracy go hand in hand.
)). -conomic equa'ity 'eads to rea' po'itica' freedom and democracy.
125. +tatement? 4arents are prepared to pay any price for an e'ite education to their chi'dren.
$onc'usions? ). ('' parents these days are very we'' off.
)). 4arents have an obsessive passion for a perfect deve'opment of their chi'dren through good schoo'ing.
D(REC%(,!S- statement is follo.ed by t.o argument ( and ((. Decide .hich of the arguments is a 1strong2 argument and .hich is
a 1.ea$2 argument. Mar$ ans.er as
345 if only argument ( is strong6 375 if either ( or (( is strong6
385 if only argument (( is strong6 and 395 if neither ( not (( is strong.
12/. +tatement ? +hou'd te'ecasting feature fi'ms be stopped@
(rguments ? ). Fes. Foung chi'dren are misguided by the feature fi'ms.
)). No. .his is the on'y way to educate the masses.
S-.T*% 6 ,ATA A%A/7SS A%,
.he fourth section was on *ata (na'ysis and +ufficiency. )n this section five questions were on *ata +ufficiency1 whi'e in the
remaining section the questions were on *ata )nterpretation. .here were two tab'es1 one combination of pie chart and tab'e1 one 'ine
graph and one bar graph and five questions were asked on each set1 the questions were easy to moderate. 0e have reca''ed some
of the questions which are as fo''ows
DIRECTIONS: :or each of the follo.ing /uestions t.o conclusions are follo.ed by statement gi0en. ;ou ha0e to find that .hich
conclusion logically follo.s the statement gi0en. Mar$ your ans.er as
345 if only conclusion ( follo.s. 375 if only conclusion (( follo.s.
385 if both the conclusions follo.s. 395 neither of the conclusion follo.s.
81. 0hy haven5t )ndian scientists made much headway in any fie'd after independence@
I. )ndian scientists are not provided with upto date 'aboratory faci'ities
II. )ndian scientists regains that know'edge of western science advances is enough for a nation to advance
82. .here were 5% members of cooperative society. Bow many members attended the recent (nnua' ,enera' &eeting 6(,&9@
I. Norma''y 2C: members attend the meeting
II. 1C/ of the members were out of the town.
8:. )s cigarette smoking is injurious to hea'th@
). No smokers have a 'ong'ife span. )). .he incidence of heart attack is more in smokers.
8%. *oes te'evision viewing affects the performance of students@
). .he number of fai'ures in c'ass 3)) is more this year. )). .e'evision watching is harmfu' to the eyes.
85. 0hen wi'' the prices of the (ir $oo'er be the 'owest@
I. rom >anuary to >u'y end companies offer 15D off season discount.
II. *uring November the prices wi'' be 20D.
DIRECTIONS- %he follo.ing pie chart e"hibit the distribution of the o0erseas tourist traffic from (ndia. %he t.o charts .ho the
tourist distribution by country and the age profile of the tourists respecti0ely. E"amine the charts carefully to ans.er these
107. .he ratio of the number of )ndian tourists that went to !+( to the number of )ndian tourists who
were be'ow :0 years of age is 619 2 ? 1 629 : ? 8 6:9 8 ? : 6%9 $annot be
108. (mongst other countries1 +witGer'and accounted for 25D of the )ndian tourist traffic. )t is known from officia' +wiss records
that a tota' of 25 'akh )ndian tourists had gone to +witGer'and during the year. 0hat is the number of :0<:A year o'd )ndian
tourists who went abroad in that year@
619 18.=5 'akh 629 50 'akh 6:9 25 'akh 6%9 =5 'akh
109. 2ased on the information in the above question what was the vo'ume of traffic of
)ndian tourists in the !+@ 619 150 'akh 629 200 'akh 6:9 125 'akh
6%9 None of these
110. On the basis of information in the above two questionsH what can be informed about the number of 50I year o'd who visited
!J during the year@
619 (t 'east 25 'akh 629 (t 'east 10 'akh 6:9 -7act'y 25 'akh 6%9 $annot be determined
DIRECTIONS : Study the line <raph belo. to ans.er the /uestion.
9Wor&force :;:2roductivity
111. 2y how much percentage has production changed 6appro7imate'y9 in 200: as compared to its va'ue for 2000@ 619
<:D 629 0D 6:9 I5D 6%9 I=D
112. .he percentage change in which of the mentioned areas is the highest over the period 2000<200:@
619 0orkforce 629 4roductivity 6:9 4roduction 6%9 2oth 619 and 6:9
11:. 0hich two variab'es have moved in the same direction in the mentioned period@
619 0orkforce and productivity 629 4roduction and productivity
6:9 0orkforce and production 6%9 None of these
DIRECTIONS Q.114- Q.120: Each of these /uestions has problem and t.o statements numbers ( and ((. Decide if the information
gi0en in the statements is sufficient for ans.ering the problem. Mar$ the ans.er as
(1) )f statement ) by itse'f is sufficient to answer the question1 but statement )) by itse'f is not.
(2) )f statement ) and )) taken together are sufficient to answer the question1 even though neither statement by itse'f is
(3) )f statement )) by itse'f is sufficient to answer the question1 but statement ) by itse'f is not.
(4) )f either statement by itse'f is sufficient to answer the question.

what is the va'ue of 7@
). y
E % )). y E 2
115. ( 'ist contains 11 consecutive integers. 0hat is the greatest integer on the 'ist@
I. )f 7 is the sma''est integer on the 'ist1 then 67 I =29
E %.
II. )f 7 is the sma''est integer on the 'ist1 then 1C/% E 7K
11/. )f a rectang'e has 'ength a and width b1 what is its area@
). 2a E 15Cb )). a E 2b < 2
11=. 0hat is the ratio of men to women enro''ed in a certain c'ass@
I. .he number of women enro''ed in the c'ass in : 'ess than ha'f the number of men enro''ed.
II. .he number enro''ed in the c'ass in 2C5 of the number of men enro''ed.
118. 0hat is va'ue of b@
). 2a < b E : )). a E b < 61 < a9
119. )f a notE b1 what is the va'ue of a I b@ ).
)). 6a I b9
E :/
120. )f 22
I 1 E 2


1 what is the va'ue of m I n@
). 2
n K
E 25/ )). 2


E 25/
S-.T*% 6 %,A% A%, 0/*(A/
.he fifth and 'ast section was on <eneral .areness, there were %0 questions on surrounding environment weer asked in th
sections. +ome questions were from =usiness and Economics. +ome reca''ed questions are as fo''ows
1. $ommonwea'th ,ames 2001 were he'd at
2. !NO *ay is ce'ebrated on
3. ,<15 is a group of
4. 0hich of the fo''owing is not a permanent member of !NO
5. .he capita' of runachal Pradesh is
6. 0ho is the present 'eader of opposition of Ra>ya Sabha?
7. "aoorke'a +tee' 4'ant is estab'ished with the he'p of
8. &eeting of "ajya +abha are presided by
9. Juchipuri is the fo'k dance of which country@ <
10. &erdeka cup is re'ated to which sports
11 <autam Singhania is the $-O of which company@
12. Mary Dierce be'ongs to
13. 4'anning $ommission has set out doub'e per capita income by the year
16. $urrent average rate of growth our ,** is a'' set to doub'e every .... year.
17. (venger is a bike mode' 'aunched by
18. N(2("* stands for
19. (merican automobi'e industry e7ecutive have voted .... as the topmost outsourcing destination.
20. .he ad'ine 1:lying for e0eryone2 is associated with
21. 0hich tennis star was won ma7imum number of grand s'am sing'e tit'es so far
22. 0hich are the new promoters of Dabhol company 3DPC5
23. 0hich of the fo''owing has become the hottest job sectorCindustry@
24. P. 'ari$rishna is associated with
25. One of the wor'd5s biggest gas resources was recent'y found in
26. .he highest score in an innings in test cricket has so far been made by
27. .he score in one thing in test cricket her his so give reach made by
28. +ufthansa is the air'ines service of
29. !ana0ati commission was appointed for
30. .he currency of $hina is
Overall Analysis
As the scores of this test are used a lot of institutes
thus an e?act cut)off cannot be provided!
(ut a score of appro?! $$0 @ should be a very good
scores for the best institutes accepting the MAT

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