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Module11 Feng Shi Sum of Ten

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The Practice Of Feng Shui

Practical Applications Interpreting The Charts

Module 11

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The most auspicious number is the reigning number of the relevant period, which in the current
period is the number 8. This means that from now until Feb 4th 2024, the number 8 is the luckiest
number. 8 is also a white number and this makes it intrinsically lucky already. In addition, the other
two white numbers are 1 and 6, so these are also very auspicious. These are described as the white
numbers 1, 6 and 8.
Here is a quick summary of their attributes during Period 8.

The number 1 signifies prosperity in the distant future

Because it represents water, and water means wealth or money, it is regarded favorably. It is also a white
number and all white numbers are auspicious. The number 1 signifies the start of a new beginning. It
symbolizes things getting better after having been bad. The number 1 is especially auspicious because
1 stands for the element of water.
When it enters the East and Southeast, the number 1 manifests its greedy wolf persona. This is the
name of 1 in the Great Bear or symbol of nine stars in the constellations. The number 1 has a positive
persona as well as a negative side. When it shows its good side, the number 1 indicates success at a
young age, fame and smart kids for the home. When the number 1 shows its bad side it can manifest
as harm coming to the wife. This happens when it flies into the Southwest as a mountain star.
It can cause blindness when it clashes with the Fire energy of the South. This means if it shows up as the
mountain star in the South palace of the house, it can be dangerous. Sometimes such a configuration
can lead to premature death. The number 1 has a strong effect on the fortunes of the middle son,
and when it flies into the North, it brings either enhanced income to the son or it can bring marriage

The number 6 represents faded prosperity that is now reviving

Because it is associated with the Trigram Chien, which means gold, it also stands for great power and
influence. In fact, the number 6 is highly prized and every time it occurs in the NW sector, the patriarch
of the home benefits and is said to be going through a good period then. The number 6 is generally
regarded as the numeral that signifies heaven. It is also a white star, and in the Constellation of the
Great Bear, number 6 represents finance and everything to do with money. At its most positive, 6
represents power, influence, authority and great riches. At its most negative, the number 6 harms and
exhausts the wife. In very bad instances where the 6 is severely afflicted, it can cause death.

The number 8 during period eight reigns supreme

There is no number luckier than 8, and the number 8 is now entering its brightest period. This comes
once in 180 years, so it is advisable to take fullest advantage of the current Period of 8, especially those
with KUA number 8.

Module 11 - Practical Applications Interpreting The Charts

To activate the luck of this number, you should ensure that there is plenty of yang chi where 8 occurs
in the chart. When there is movement, sound and activity, 8 brings plenty of good fortune. In the
Constellation, 8 benefits the youngest son of the family, and at its most positive, 8 signifies great
wealth, admirable honesty and nobility. At its most negative however, or when it gets afflicted either
by harmful structures within the environment or by the presence of excessive metal energy, 8 can harm
young children and cause sickness to manifest.


The lucky number 168.

Module 11 - Practical Applications Interpreting The Charts

THE NUMBERS 1, 6, & 8

The white numbers 1, 6 and 8 bring varying degrees of good fortune wherever and whenever they
occur either in flying star natal charts, in annual or monthly charts OR in the trigram charts. Of these
three numbers, 8 is the most auspicious, while 6 brings the luck of heavens blessings. The number 1
brings victory and triumph over adversaries. Additional attributes of these numbers are related to their
respective element and these are usually studied in the context of how their elements interact with the
elements of the spaces they occupy in the charts and in different years.
Good fortune brought by the white star numbers apply in potent ways whether they appear as numbers
in a flying star chart, or as numbers that fly into the different compass sectors in the annual chart
of each year. They are equally potent in the monthly charts. The feng shui of Chinese numerology
expressed in these numbers offer different applications. It is therefore beneficial to understand the
meanings of these numbers thoroughly.
An important aspect of the numbers is the element represented by each of the numbers. In this context,
the white numbers belong to the following elements.

The number 8 is an Earth number

It is strengthened by Fire energy, so when the number 8 occurs in the South direction, it becomes
extra potent. Since we are now in the period of 8, this number has become a very powerful energizer
of good fortune, so its appearance in your life as your phone number, your house number or as special
numbers in your business will be very auspicious indeed. The number 8 also looks like the infinity
sign which is recognized as a very powerful symbol in many cultures. The number 8 also signifies the
mountain, which is strong and unmovable. And remember, mountains contain many hidden treasures,
but also many hidden dangers!

The number 6 belongs to the Metal element

This number signifies the powerful trigram Chien, so it represents heaven and also stands for the
patriarch. It suggests excellent mentor and leadership luck as well as obtaining strong support from
influential people. The number 6 is strengthened by the element of earth so is especially beneficial
when it occurs in the earth sectors of Southwest, Northeast and the center of any building or house.
The number 6 brings unexpected and speculative luck.

The number 1 belongs to the Water element

It is especially extra strong when it occurs in the North sector. This number works harmoniously when
it flies into the metal sectors of West and Northwest, it then gets strengthened, but it does exhaust
the energy of these sectors. It brings productive luck when it flies into the East and Southeast, and in
these sectors it brings growth, manifesting abundance in often rather spectacular ways.
The powerful effect of these three numbers is felt most when they occur as either water stars or mountains
stars in a flying star chart, and when activated with the physical presence of water or mountain, they
have the potential to bring exceptional good fortune. Natural water such as lakes and mountains as well
as lowlands and highlands are of course more beneficial, but man-made features will do just as well.

Module 11 - Practical Applications Interpreting The Charts


The number 1 star brings victory and triumph over competitors, so it is an especially good star number.
The good fortune it attracts is usually related in some way to ones professional life; it affects career
prospects and influences your luck at work or within a business environment. When you are in need
of this kind of luck, search for the water star 1 and activate accordingly with water to increase your
income luck at work, and then search for the mountain star 1 and activate with crystal or boulders.
Both for the mountain star and the water star, the number 1 is regarded as a favourable number.
THE NUMBER 1 AS THE WATER STAR brings prosperity and success luck manifesting in excellent
professional and career growth. This number is especially lucky when it occurs in your office at work
or if you happen to sleep in a bedroom visited by the water star 1.
When the annual star 1 or monthly star 1 comes into the same grid, it usually causes good luck to
manifest as career promotions and upward advancement. To activate the water star 1, place a bubbling
water feature where it occurs. The water feature need not be large, but it needs to be yang and active.
The water feature should not be placed in the bedroom since water in the bedroom can lead to loss
and betrayal. The number 1 belongs to the water element and it is excellent when it flies into the
North where the chi of the North harmonizes with it very well. It is also good when it flies into the
wood sectors East and Southeast. It is not so good when it flies into the West and Northwest, as it
tends to exhaust the energy of these two sectors. In the South it has the potential to clash with the
element of fire there.
THE NUMBER 1 AS THE MOUNTAIN STAR brings good relationship luck in the work
environment. It ensures harmony at work and opens up many opportunities in the career field through
chance meetings and networking luck. If the mountain star in your office or bedroom is the number
1, you will have no difficulty obtaining the cooperation of colleagues and business associates. You only
need to place a raw quartz crystal in your room to activate the mountain star 1, or if you wish, you
can also place a boulder here to energize the earth element. Make sure the room is kept well lit and
there are sounds and activity in the room. Then the good fortune described will have a better chance
of manifesting.

The number 1 is water and

it benefits wood sectors as
water produces wood.

Module 11 - Practical Applications Interpreting The Charts


The number 6 brings heavens blessings. This is a number which had lost some chi energy during the
Period of 7, but in the current Period of 8, it has become revitalized and has the strength to attract
copious amounts of good fortune. It is usually associated with sudden and unexpected good fortune,
the sort that comes without warning bringing lovely surprises.
THE NUMBER 6 AS THE WATER STAR brings divine luck that gets magnified when further
supplemented by ones destiny luck. The number 6 stands for heaven and its equivalent trigram is that
of CHIEN which signifies the leader or the patriarch. So the number 6 as the water star attracts good
money luck for the leader, for the patriarch and for the head of the family.
In the period of 7, the number 6 lacked vitality and strength, but in the period of 8, this number has
been revitalized and has the capability of attracting excellent good fortune. This is an especially lucky
water star to activate with the presence of a water feature, especially with a six tier waterfall in the
sector of the garden where it appears. If you opt to have this feature, the water should be placed outside
the home in the appropriate corner where it occurs and the water feature that is built should best be
a small waterfall with six levels of waterfall. The water must be seen to be entering the home so there
should be a door or window to symbolically receive the water. This is the correct way of activating this
excellent money-bringing water star.
If you place a water feature inside the house, do try to invest in one of those truly artistic Zen-type
water features that keep water bubbling gently.
THE NUMBER 6 AS THE MOUNTAIN STAR brings lovely harmony luck and is excellent for
spreading calm and happiness within the home. Wherever it occurs it is always a good idea to place six
crystal or glass balls of varying sizes. This enhances the goodwill energy in the home making everyone
very agreeable to each other and also ensuring that all social occasions proceed smoothly with little
or no obstacles whatsoever.
The placement of six crystal balls is an understated yet most powerful feng shui feature that has many
benefits. It is simply excellent to design this cluster of round spheres wherever you see the number 6
appearing as a mountain star. The crystal earth energy will also strengthen the metal element of the
number - hence the elements are in harmony. The result is that everyone interacts harmoniously and
agreeably. There will be minimum misunderstandings and little infighting.

The number 6 is identified with

the trigram Chien and benefits
the man of the house.

Module 11 - Practical Applications Interpreting The Charts


The number 8 is the luckiest number in this period and will stay lucky until Feb 4th 2024. It is the
reigning number of the current period and in these next few years from 2008 onwards, the number is
just warming up to eventually reach its peak strength. This whole period is a time when wealth will
arise from property ownership. This is due to the earth element of the number 8. The key to keeping
the luck of 8 vigorous is to ensure plenty of fire element energy wherever it occurs. The number 8
enjoyed excellent chi energy during the period of 7, but in this period of 8 it has become even more
powerful, enjoying what we term ripening luck.
THE NUMBER 8 AS THE WATER STAR brings abundant wealth luck, which gets magnified when
it is properly activated by the presence of real water. This can be a pond or pool with some depth (at
least 18 inches deep) and if possible, with a continuous flow of water coming into the pond to signify
constant replenishment. The number 8 stands for the mountain and its equivalent trigram is that of
KEN, which also signifies the youngest son. So this period tends to favour the young man.
When the number 8 is the water star, it attracts good money luck for everyone, but especially for
the youngest son or only son of the family. In the period of 7, the number 8 was already very lucky;
at that time, it signified future prosperity. Now that we are in the period of 8, the number signifies
current prosperity, so for the current twenty years until Feb 4th 2024, the number 8 stands for good
fortune that is ready to materialize.
However, if the water star 8 falls in your bedroom, you should not activate it with a water feature, as
water in the bedroom creates loss. In the bedroom, it is unnecessary to activate the water star. Here,
the energy of the couple is sufficient to energize the auspicious water star.
Having said that, do note that the best way to activate the water star 8 is still always a large water
feature, preferably a pond that is dug into the ground. The act of digging is very auspicious for the
corner BUT this should take place only in the garden or outdoors. You should refrain from digging
inside the house UNLESS you are rebuilding the home. Never dig inside the home while you are still
occupying it. This brings enormous bad luck!
THE NUMBER 8 AS THE MOUNTAIN STAR is excellent since the symbol of the number 8 is itself
the mountain. Since the mountain star signifies good fortune in all your relationships, this means that
when your room or office enjoys the presence of the mountain star 8, you will enjoy great popularity
and have success in all your interactions with people. Your networking luck will be very successful
and everyone will like you. If your bedroom enjoys the mountain star 8, it is truly very auspicious as
it brings good health and harmonious relationships.
The best way to energize the mountain star 8 is with the symbolic presence of mountains. Outside
the house in the garden, this can be a brick wall or some higher ground or even better, a near view
of hills or mountains. Inside the home it can be a painting of mountains or it can be a crystal geode.
Failing all this, it is also a good idea to have bright lights. Fire element energy fuels the mountain and
is very good for strengthening the mountain star.

Module 11 - Practical Applications Interpreting The Charts


The number 4 is the star of scholastic accomplishments and literary excellence. It signifies excellent
writing skills and the attainment of exceptional academic success for those who can directly tap into
its good energy. In the Constellation of nine stars, this number also stands for literary pursuits. All
these positive attributes occur throughout the nine periods, but in varying strengths. In the current
period of 8, the number 4 is not as vigorous as it can be. Nevertheless, it is still an indicator of romantic
peach blossom luck.
The number 4 is strongest during the Period of 4. In the current period 8, the number 4 is not unlucky,
but its strength is not as potent. When 4 transforms into a dead star, it can cause residents residing in
the palace to be driven to severe mental stress, unless it is combined with an unaffiliated white star.
The number 4 tends to become a dead star during the Lower Periods of 7, 8 and 9. But when combined
with 1, it comes alive and unleashes its positive benefits. So when water activates the wood of the
number 4, it becomes energized and is suddenly strengthened, much like a dried plant hibernating
and then springing to life in the Spring.
However, it is important not to have too much water, since excess water transforms the positive into
negative. Wood dies when there is too much water. What hurts the number 4 star and causes it to die
is metal energy. Hence the 4 when found in the metal sectors of West and Northwest is less potent
than when it is found in the North.
The number 4 also signifies romance, although when there is excess water, the romance tends to be illicit
in nature, leading to scandals and sordid problems associated with sexual infidelity. When the 4 combines
with 1, it is already a good sign and it is not necessary to activate further except with movement and
sounds, so placing a frequently used door in that sector or a moving fan will be sufficient to activate
its good effects. It is better not to put too much water in a corner with the number 4, especially if it
is the mountain star. This might lead to infidelity in a marriage.

The number 4 brings romance and

success in scholarly pursuits. It is
strengthened by water, but too
much water creates infidelity.

Module 11 - Practical Applications Interpreting The Charts


The number 9 represents future prosperity. This is because 9 is the reigning number of the 20 year
period of the next period (i.e. from the years 2024 to 2044) in the current millennium. Nine is the
purple star and in the Constellation it is known as the right hand assistant.
Nine is often described as a big-hearted star. It nurtures and helps the matriarch care for the family.
Nine expands and multiplies all good or bad fortune equally, especially when it is combined with an
earth star number. When combined with 2 or 5, it expands their malevolence.
When combined with 8, it multiplies the good fortune. So with 9, it makes 8 even more auspicious,
while with 2 and 5, it magnifies the misfortune brought by these two stars. The number 9 denotes the
fire element and is especially auspicious when it occurs as a mountain star flown into any one of the
earth sectors Southwest or Northeast.
But 9 can be regarded as a lucky number on its own. Much like 8, this number is a perennial favourite
with the Chinese. In fact, amongst the Cantonese, they prefer 9 to 8, as the number 9 is also seen as
the highest denomination number. The number 9 is a number that cannot change or be corrupted.
Irrespective of how many times you multiply 9 by, the sum of its digits always add up to 9. So at its
most yang and favourable, the number 9 brings fame and recognition, success and fruition. At its most
negative, 9 brings arguments, fire and sickness associated with the eyes and the heart.

Displaying Nine Dragons is the most

effective way of activating the good
energy of the powerful nine.

Module 11 - Practical Applications Interpreting The Charts


The first of the unlucky numbers is the number 7 which in Period 8 is not a lucky number. In Period
8 it has become like a broken soldier, injured and dangerous. The star 7 should now be considered
a vicious number indicating bloodshed and violence caused by metal. This is because 7 is a metal
number and its color in the Constellation is red. So symbolically, it stands for a weapon (metal) that
draws blood!
In terms of the member of the family, it signifies the youngest daughter. So when 7 is auspicious, it
promises riches and it benefits the youngest child, especially the daughter of the family. Since it has
turned nasty however, the number 7 causes robbery, betrayal, violence, and death and it brings danger
to little girls. It can also signify loss of family members, imprisonment and accidents caused by fire.
The best way to overcome the Number 7 star is with water, which exhausts its energy. Both yin and
yang water are excellent for subduing the terrible energy of the 7 star.
The best cure for the number 7 star is a blue rhino, which should be placed where 7 flies to each year
or month. This helps in reducing the danger of getting hurt, cheated and robbed as a result of the
7 appearing in your corner. Get a rhino that is about 8 inches in size. One with blue markings or is
coloured blue to signify water is very effective. In 2008, the number 7 flies to the SW, so if your main
door or bedroom is in the SW, you must have the blue rhino there. You can also get a miniature rhino
and hang it on your handbag to protect against snatch thieves.

Unlucky number 7 brings

violence and robbery.


Module 11 - Practical Applications Interpreting The Charts


This is a number which is to be feared more as an annual and monthly star number than when it appears
as a mountain or water star. It is the number that brings illness and when there is a concentration of
2s in the bedroom you occupy you are likely to get very ill. Sometimes the sickness can be so serious
as to be fatal unless the necessary cures have been put into place to counter the intangible effect of
the energy of the 2 star.
If your bedroom has the number 2 as the mountain star in the flying star chart of your home, it is
likely that you could succumb easily to illness, bugs and flu viruses. During years and months when
the number 2 also flies in to strengthen the natal mountain 2 star, the threat of illness becomes even
more serious. It is thus a good idea to combat the number 2 mountain star, and this is best done in
any of the following ways:
1. Place a six-rod all-metal windchime in the bedroom making sure it is not placed directly
above your head when you sleep or sit in a chair. The best place to put this windchime is at
the corner that corresponds to the location of the 2 star in the small tai chi of the room.
2. Place a brass or other metal wu lou in the corner of the room which corresponds to the
location of the illness star. If this is not possible, then place the wu lou next to the bed inside
the bedroom.
3. Do not inadvertently activate the mountain star with earth energy for instance by placing
crystals or glass spheres in the corner of the illness star, since this will strengthen it.
4. Make sure you do not place lights or any kind of activating lamps in the corner of the illness
star. Fire energy strengthens earth energy and the illness star 2 is an earth element star. Never
use a salt lamp.
5. It is a good idea to sleep on a brass bed if the illness star afflicts the bedroom. A wooden bed
is also a good idea.
The number 2 is known as a black star, and in the Constellation it is known as the Huge Door. The
number 2 stands for the mother and when it shows its auspicious side, which is during the Period
of 2, it brings great wealth and prosperity, high positions in the army and is especially benevolent
towards mature women.
When it is negative however the number 2 causes the woman to suffer. It can also lead to premature
widowhood, miscarriages, serious and fatal illness and stomach problems.
In the period of 8 the number 2 combines with the period number to create a sum of ten. So 2
is not considered a dangerous number in the current period. Instead, it possesses the potential
of turning auspicious.
To dissolve the illness effects of 2 however, place the cures already recommended or simply hang a
string of six metal coins at the palace having the number 2 influence. This strengthening of metal
energy exhausts the earth of 2. The number 6 (and thus the 6 coins) represents Chien or big metal.
The effect of 6 coins is extremely powerful since 6 signifies the power of heavenly forces. This is why
we use the 6 rod windchime.

Module 11 - Practical Applications Interpreting The Charts




The BAD luck numbers are generally regarded as the earth stars 2 and 5 as well as the hostile star 3.
These numbers bring varying degrees of misfortune wherever and whenever they occur, either in the
flying star natal charts, in the annual or monthly charts OR in the trigrams charts. Of these three
numbers 5 is the most dangerous and is to be feared, 2 brings illness and 3 is the deadly star that brings
a reversal of fortune causing severe problems and aggravations. The number 5 brings loss, tragedy
and misfortune.
The number 5 has a pernicious effect.
This is the most troublesome of the nine numbers. Five is a yellow number and it is powerful because
it is the center number of the original Lo Shu Square. Although it is known as the wicked star,
nevertheless, in circumstances when it is benevolent, 5 brings exceptional prosperity luck. This occurs
during the period of 5. It can also benefit those whose KUA number is 5.
Generally however, 5 is a very unfavourable star number that brings sickness, ill health and misfortune.
To overcome its negative effects, you need a five element pagoda or a 6 rod windchime. These metal
objects are powerful enough to exhaust the energy generated by the earth element of the number 5.
Remember that 5 is at its most harmful when it appears as an annual star (known as the wu wang) or
when it is combined with the 9 star. This combination must be controlled wherever it occurs with a
cure. The sound of metal caused by windchimes exhausts the Earth energy. The five element pagoda
symbolically imprisons the earth energy inside the pagoda. Another strong method is to hang a metal
curved knife high up near the ceiling, which symbolically destroys the number 5 star.
When both 5 and 2 occur together, you can use a brass windchime with six hollows rods but you will
need a larger windchime to add strength. Or hang six windchimes. Or add 6 coins to make the cure
stronger. Remember that when you hang windchimes you should hang them such that they are not
suspended directly above anybodys head. Hang them near a wall rather than suspending just from
the ceiling.

The six rod windchime made of

brass with coins is an excellent
way of subduing the presence
of the wu wang or five yellow.


Module 11 - Practical Applications Interpreting The Charts



The number 3 is generally regarded as a dangerous star. Three is the quarrelsome star that causes
misunderstandings, disharmony and all kinds of obstacles to manifest. It has the power to aggravate
situations and when it is strengthened, 3 brings lawsuits and court cases. In worst case scenarios it can
bring violence and even death. In the constellation, it is known as the jade star and during its own
period of 3, it brings wealth and prosperity and it benefits the eldest son of the family. But during
periods 7 and 8, the number 3 is incredibly troublesome and inauspicious, bringing malicious gossip,
injury to the limbs, the hands and legs, fingers and toes, and even worse, aggravations related to court
cases, civil suits and run-ins with the authorities.
If you are experiencing a sudden onslaught of problems related to the law or with the civil and
government authorities, you can be certain that you are being hit by the number three star. Most
likely it is the annual and monthly star coming into your room or office or afflicting the location where
your main entrance door is located. Internally within the body, the number 3 can create problems with
the liver and the bladder, especially when it combines with the number 2 illness star.
The best way to overcome the negative aspects of the number 3 star is to shine a very bright light where
it occurs. This means the corner where the flying star chart indicates its presence either as mountain,
water, annual or monthly star. Painting the wall here a bright red is also very effective. The important
thing is that the energy used to cure it must be quiet and silent fire energy, and then it is excellent for
controlling its pernicious effect. In fact, fire cures for 3 are said to be exceptionally potent. If using
bright lights is difficult, anything red will work such as a bright red curtain, or a painting that has
predominantly red tones. But remember not to have any movement or sound. So do not place your
fax machine, your copier machine or your printing machine here. Feng shui practitioners in the know
are always wary of the number three star. And whether it afflicts you directly or not, the advice is to
use red fire energy wherever it occurs.

The Ksiddhigarbha Fire Ball with

mantras is a very effective way
of controlling the argumentative
energy of the number 3 star.

Module 11 - Practical Applications Interpreting The Charts





When you become familiar with the numbers that constitutethese specials you might be faced with
the dilemma of not knowing which set of numbers to choose in building a new home. For example
you may have to choose between tapping say a "double 8" or the "sum of ten." This is something that
requires you to make a trade off. Or you may discover contradictions in the analysis - for instance
the elements may be saying one thing and the numbers by themselves saying something else. In
such instances take note of the strength of the specials. When they are very strong - i.e. when special
combinations are supported by structures in the environment - they can and do override the elements.
Think through how you wish to tap the numbers. Often solutions do come in a flash of brilliance
and, with practice, you will grow in confidence. Be alert to results when making flying star changes.
Believe me, feng shui results manifest very quickly. You will feel the change in energy within a week
of making changes. So stay alert and live in a state of awareness - this is the best way to train yourself
in the use of advanced feng shui.

1. The sum of ten

This is when two numbers in each palace combine to make the sum of 10 - an auspicious combination
that suggests completeness and all five manifestations of happiness. The sum of ten brings an abundance
of happiness, encompassing wealth, longevity, good health, a love of virtue, and excellent descendents
luck. Significantly it also brings the promise of a natural death for residents so it protects against
premature and violent death. The relevant combinations are of period star with water star or with
mountain star and to qualify as sum of ten houses, all the palaces must have the sum of ten made up
of two numbers. In the 180 years of a fu II cycle the sum of ten occurs 20 times in a II the periods
except in period five.
Period and water star sum of ten combinations are activated by the presence of water in the palace
occupied by a prominent water star such as the water star 7 or the water star 8. Luck gets even better
when the prominent water star is in the front of the house. And when there is also a mountain at the
back palace, supporting the house, luck comes in abundance. Please note that when I say water I mean
physical water or alternatively a hole, a valley, or lower ground. And when I say mountain I also include
in my definition higher ground, a concrete wall, a building, or simply a mound of stones and rocks.
In looking at the strength of the sum of ten special some masters insist that they only work when the
house is a perfect square or rectangle. A square house is said to be the most perfect manifestation but
I have seen it work even in L-shaped houses.
A second condition of the sum of ten is that for it to have real strength it must be found in every single
one of the nine palaces. Only then does it have the strength to override all other "rules" of the flying


Module 11 - Practical Applications Interpreting The Charts

star system, including even the Five Yellow and other ominous indications. Such is the power of the
sum of ten. There are sum of ten houses in all periods, except period five.

2 8

6 6


6 2 4
1 3 2 1
5 7 9 W
5 7 7 2
1 3 8



Facing South 2 and 3

In period seven, for instance, you can see that a south 2/3 house is a real sum of ten house. In this
illustration of the natal chart the sum of ten in every palace is highlighted. In addition I have also
highlighted the prominent mountains stars 8 and 7, which should be activated to get the most out of
this sum of ten combination. To activate this particular combination (where the period star combines
with the mountain star) use a crystal.

8 9

4 2


6 2 4
7 5 9 7
5 7 9 W
3 1 5 6
1 3 8



Facing West 1

The third condition for the sum of ten is that for it to attain its full power, it should be strongly
activated by external land forms. Traditionally, this meant having the celestial guardians- dragon and
tiger, tortoise and phoenix - around the house. I have found, however, that the conditions can also be
simulated with the use of good paintings of mountains as well as by using symbols of good fortune. For
example, it is possible to use a quartz crystal "mountain" placed in the "small tai chi palace" or corner
housing the prominent mountain star 8. This attracts power, recognition, influence, and patronage
luck. Use a crystal that sends out strong vibes like a mountain.
Meanwhile, there are also charts where only certain sectors exhibit the sum of ten. In the following
chart of a west l-facing house the southeast palace has a period/mountain sum of ten, the southwest
has a period/water sum of ten, and the east has a mountain/water sum of ten. This is not regarded
as a sum of ten house, but the sum of ten in each of the palaces where they occur is still considered
auspicious. This sum of ten, however, does not have the power to override other rules of flying star.
However, the palaces can be individually activated - in the southeast and east with a water feature and
in the southwest with a mountain feature to take advantage of the prominent star 7. Let the mountain
star 3 fall into water to dissolve its quarrelsome instincts. Water features are best when they are Yang

Module 11 - Practical Applications Interpreting The Charts


2. The parent string or three period combinations

This is a very powerful and very auspicious combination which manifests the luck of three periods.
Wherever it occurs prosperity permeates through the household throughout the 20 years of that period.
This combination is also referred to in the texts as the "parent string" of three numbers - with each
number representing one of the lower, upper, and middle periods. The chart below shows how numbers
are laid out in the three period table. The auspicious combinations are 1,4,7; 2, 5,8; and 3, 6, 9.
These numbers represent truly awesome luck. When they are present in your flying star natal chart
you and your family will enjoy tremendous good fortune in the form of wealth, fame, success, respect,
recognition, family happiness, and harmony - as well as excellent descendants who bring honor to the
family. Three periods simply means that the house will enjoy good fortune through the three periods.
It suggests long-lasting good luck. And it also protects residents from premature and violent death.
So these are wonderful combinations to have.
Head Body Legs
Upper period
Middle period

Lower period

1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9

Parent String Numbers

When building a new home you might want to design it around a natal chart that manifests these
numbers. They occur in the coming period of eight in houses that tap the SW/NE axis in the second
or third sub-directions as their facing orientation. So houses facing NE/SW 2/3 will enjoy the parent
string formation. The relevant period eight charts are shown below.
Most texts recommend that the presence of these numbers should be cause enough for good fortune
to manifest. There are some practitioners, however, who insist that the cosmic trinity of heaven, earth,
and mankind represented by this combination requires the presence of mountains in front and slowmoving water behind for its good fortune to be released. This is something fairly controversial and I
am personally reluctant to interpret the texts this way since mountains in front of the house seldom
bring good luck and in fact it signifies that ones luck is blocked. Water behind also signifies missed
I would interpret this special as being so auspicious it does not require the traditional mountain
behind and water in front formation, and even when there is a mountain in front and slow moving
water behind it continues to be auspicious. So as long as the parent string numbers are present in
every palace of the natal chart this alone should signify extreme good fortune. This configuration of
numbers does not occur in periods one, three, seven, and nine. It occurs in the earth periods of two,
five, and eight, and it occurs twice in periods four and six.
So in the coming period of eight this auspicious combination is available to be tapped (more on this
in the chapter on Changing to Period Eight).


Module 11 - Practical Applications Interpreting The Charts

9 8 2 4


7 8 5 3


3 5 1
4 2
5 3
7 8 9 NW
3 5 8 7
6 2 4

4 2 6
3 5
2 4
9 8 7 SE
4 2 8 9
1 5 3

Southwest 2/3 Facing Door

Northeast 2/3 Facing Door

3. The pearl string sequential combination

In addition to the parent string combination of three period numbers there is another special
combination of numbers that is also auspicious. This is the three sequential number combination. For
this special to have real strength, the combination has to be present in every palace of the house. An
excellent example of the occurrence of these numbers can be seen in a W2/3-facing house.
When they occur in a chart they have the power to triple any kind of good luck activated. Here is the
chart of a period seven house with the facing orientation NW2/3. Look at how every sector in this
chart shows a sequential range of numbers. Such a house would also benefit from having mountains in
the distance in front of the home and water behind. The texts do, however, warn that all benefits expire
and must be revitalized at the end of the period. In the case of this house that means on 4 February
2004 residents of such a house should immediately change the period of the house to period eight.
An important note regarding this feature touches on how it can be activated. To manifest extreme good
fortune the presence of a range of mountains in the distance in front of the home is required. Such
homes will enjoy tremendous good fortune, especially when it is possible to see three discernible peaks.
This feature indicates that the house will give birth to a child who will grow up to be emperor. Legend
has it that the family home of the late Chinese leader Deng Xiao Ping was such a house. Those living
in a house with such a chart should activate the prominent water and mountain stars with water and
mountain features and symbols. The sequential bonus will triple the luck activated.

6 5 7 1


5 6 2
2 6+ 8+ 3
1 7 4 SW
4 7 9 8
3 8 9
Northwest 2/3 Facing House

Module 11 - Practical Applications Interpreting The Charts


4. The structural strength of the auspicious doubles

The fourth of the auspicious specials manifests in the structural strength of auspicious doubles. These
must not be missed or underestimated, especially when they occur in the facing palace in the front of
the house or in the sitting palace at the back of the house. Either way when they occur as prominent
numbers they bring an abundance of good fortune. These auspicious doubles occur in the charts of
period seven and period eight, so remember to look out for the double 7 and the double 8.
Shown here are two charts with the auspicious doubles in the facing palace. This single indication
alone can bring extreme good fortune, especially when properly energized. The period seven house is
facing NE2/3 and the period eight house is facing north 1. In case you are trying to follow the path of
the stars, just note that the period seven chart is in the original format with south placed on the top,
while the period eight chart has already been turned to place north on top. This is sometimes done to
make analysis easier, so dont get confused.
These exceptionally good indications should be energized. In the period seven house, where the double
7 occurs in the facing palace, the texts say that if there are real mountains in the distance that are
within view, and there is also water nearby, then there will be outstanding overall luck. In charts where
the double 7 is in the sitting palace then having both water and mountains behind the house would
be most beneficial. When we speak of mountains here we are referring to the real physical presence of
mountains. In cities tall buildings can take the place of mountains.
Where physical mountains and water are not available, man-made water and specially-built hillocks
can fulfill the same function. The only condition is to ensure the water and mountain are within view
but not too close to the home. They should not appear to block the home, so when mountains in front
are required to activate the auspicious star it is best when they are at a distance. Charts with the double
8 in the period of eight will also bring great abundance when activated in a similar fashion.

6 1



3 8

8 6


6 2 4
3 4+ 1- 6
E 5 7 9 W
7 9 5 5
1 3 8

9 4 2
2 3
4 1
W 1 8 6 E
7 7 9 2
5 3 7

Period 7 House

Period 8 House



2 8




Extracted from Flying Star Feng Shui Made Easy and

Flying Star Feng Shui For The Master Practitioner
by Lillian Too

Module 11 - Practical Applications Interpreting The Charts

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