Evaluating Water Quality: Self-Evaluation Techniques
Evaluating Water Quality: Self-Evaluation Techniques
Evaluating Water Quality: Self-Evaluation Techniques
Self-Evaluation Techniques:
Division of Agriculture
and Natural Resources
In partnership with
ities on your agricultural operation is the evaluation of water quality. Central Coast
growers want to know whether their efforts in installing expensive erosion controls
and adjusting their land use practices have improved water quality, or whether perhaps some other confounding influence such as regional geology or a point source
upstream of their operation is the source of the water quality problem they are trying
to address. The self-assessment data that you provide will be an important part of
your effort to document improvements in water quality that result from management
practices or to identify current or potential problems.
Scientists often undervalue simple field measurements and suspect that they
lack scientific validity, but properly designed and carefully executed self-assessment
techniques can provide sound data. Their strength lies in the potential for taking
large numbers of measurements inexpensively and with only semi-skilled assistance.
Keep in mind that water quality assessment is not a one-time event. You may need to
accumulate months or years worth of data before you can distinguish confounding
temporal and weather influences from the real impacts of land use or management
Cover crop
Farm Water
Quality Planning
No cover crop
Practice comparison
Cover crop
Filter strip
Practice effectiveness
Figure 2. Above-and-below design
to assess the effectiveness of a practice.
X indicates monitoring location.
Where to Test
The key to effective water quality self-assessment is
the establishment of well-planned and concise objectives for your sampling effort. A good first step to
help you better understand your landscape would be
to review current and historical topographic maps
and aerial photos. It would also be helpful for you
to tour your property in order to try to get a sense
of where potential problems may lie and how you
should lay out your sampling sites (see Figures 1,
2, and 3). You will also want to take into account
the physical characteristics of the site such as
soil type, depth to ground water, slope, and distance
to the nearest surface water in
estimating vulnerNeighbor
ability. You can find
Your property
this information
in soil surveys (at
your local NRCS
office) or in drilling
records that you as
the landowner may
Upstream influence
You can begin your actual assessment by testing upstream (from the point where
the water body enters your property) and downstream (from the point where the water
body leaves your property). This will tell you how clean the water is when it flows
into your property and whether or not conditions on your property are contributing
to downstream water quality problems. If a given measured parameter is higher at the
downstream end of your property than at the upstream end, test the water at locations
likely to be contributing to the water body. Areas to sample might include
upstream and downstream from an established erosion control practice
irrigation runoff areas
seasonal and perennial streams
animal confinement areas
any low spot where water is leaving your property
If you are sampling irrigation water before it reaches the field, make sure to collect your sample as close to the wellhead as possible. Also, make sure that the well
is purged sufficiently (3 to 10 well-bore volumes) before sampling to ensure that the
sample is representative of the ground water.
When to Test
The concentration of most nutrients, chemicals, and pathogens during a storm event
tends to rise and fall in a pattern correlated to rainfall intensity, and for this reason you
should consider sampling before, during, and after the storm event. Storm event sampling is extremely important because the majority of the annual water flow and nonpoint source constituent loading occurs during major storm events, which are few in
the Central Coast region. You might also think about scheduling your sampling around
planting periods (preplant vs. postplant vs. harvest) or at collection points (field runoff, ditch, or tile drains) during an irrigation event.
To begin, set up a sampling schedule. Consider how many sites you plan to
sample and whether or not sampling is feasible year-round (e.g., periodic drought or
flooding may make sampling impractical). Think about the types of test you will perform, how much time they will require, and what goals you have set (e.g., to learn to
recognize water quality problems and their sources, and to know what can be done to
alleviate the specific problems).
Testing should be done once a month throughout the year, and more often
during the winter rainy season, especially after any significant storm event.
Runoff from early rains can have high concentrations of nutrients or animal
wastes that have accumulated during the dry summer months. Water testing
should be conducted during the first storm that causes runoff.
Testing should be done immediately after each significant storm event. Rainfall
of 1 inch (2.5 cm) or more within 24 hours poses the greatest risk.
Reliability of Collected Information
To obtain high-quality data, you must follow appropriate protocols. Growers who
choose to evaluate water quality for themselves strive to obtain the best data possible.
This is important, since you, the grower, are the primary user of this information.
Following are suggestions for ways to improve the quality of your water sampling data.
A well-thought-out plan can help ensure that your test results are both accurate
and precise. Accuracy refers to how close a measurement is to the true value. Precision
refers to the ability to obtain consistent results. To achieve reliability in both accuracy
and precision,
select the proper sampling sites
keep consistent with protocols, site location, and time of day sample is collected
triple-rinse bottles with sample water before you collect the sample and with
distilled water after you complete the test
perform the test immediately after you collect the water sample
carefully use and maintain your testing equipment
follow the specific directions of each testing protocol exactly as described
repeat measurements to check for accuracy and to understand any sources
of error
store test kits away from heat and light (refrigerate them if possible)
minimize contamination of your test equipment and check the expiration dates
on any chemicals
Standards, Blanks, and Splits
A standard is a sample of known concentration. You can buy standards from a nearby
lab. A blank is a sample run using distilled water. By testing standards and blanks, you
can check for bad reagents and equipment contamination. A split is one sample tested
twice (for example, two nitrate tests performed out of the same bottle of water taken
from a stream or irrigation ditch). Splits test for operator error, as both tests should
yield the same results. You should consider using standards, blanks, or splits whenever
you doubt the accuracy of your results or when any chemical reagent is approaching its
expiration date.
Repeated Measurements
There are two good reasons for you to repeat measurements, and both have to do with
improving the quality of your data. First, streams are variable. The water that flows past
a point in the stream is constantly changing. By taking two or three measurements and
averaging the values, you take into account some of the natural variations within the
stream and obtain a better, more representative overall value. Second, when you take
more than one measurement you reduce the chance that you will record incorrect data.
Lets Not Forget Safety!
Always let someone know where you are, especially if you are monitoring a stream.
Have a first-aid kit handy.
Consider wearing surgical gloves.
Be mindful of slippery rocks and unseen objects when you walk in moving water.
Know chemical clean-up, disposal, and first-aid procedures.
Do not eat food after handling chemicals.
What Are Salinity and Conductivity?
Conductivity is a measure of the ability of water to pass an electric current. It is used
to determine the salinity of water. The natural concentration of salts in a waterway is
largely influenced by the geology of the area through which the water flows. Streams
that run through areas with clay soils (e.g., ancient marine sediments) tend to have
higher conductivity because of the presence of materials that ionize when washed into
High salinity may interfere with the growth of aquatic vegetation. Salt may
decrease the osmotic pressure, causing water to flow out of the plant in order to achieve
equilibrium, and this in turn causes stunted growth, leaf tip burn and marginal leaf
burn, bleaching, or defoliation. Some freshwater organisms are salt tolerant and may
invade or replace native species.
Inadequate drainage or excessive evaporation from agricultural fields may lead to
an accumulation of salts in the soil. High salt concentrations in the soil around plant
roots may cause plant dehydration by reversing osmotic conditions. In some cases, rather than destroying a crop, elevated salt levels may simply reduce crop yields and leave
the plants prone to disease.
Why Is Temperature Important?
The rates of biological and chemical processes depend on temperature. Temperature
1. dissolved oxygen levels Colder water can hold more dissolved oxygen than
warmer water, so colder water generally has a higher diversity of macroinvertebrates. Warmer water has less dissolved oxygen. Lower oxygen levels weaken
fish and aquatic insects, making them more susceptible to illness and disease.
2. rate of photosynthesis Photosynthesis by algae and aquatic plants increases
with increasing temperature. Increased plant/algae growth leads to increased
death and decomposition, resulting in increased oxygen consumption by
3. metabolic rates of aquatic organisms Many animals require specific temperatures for survival. Water temperature controls their metabolic rates, and
most organisms operate efficiently within a limited temperature range. Aquatic
organisms die when temperatures become too high or too low. Fish species are
particularly sensitive to temperature changes, which can affect reproduction and
the growth of juveniles.
What Is Turbidity?
Turbidity is the measure of water clarity, the degree to which suspended material in the
water decreases the passage of light through the water. Higher turbidity increases water
temperatures because the suspended particles in water absorb heat. This reduces the
waters concentration of dissolved oxygen (DO), since warm water holds less DO than
cold water. Higher turbidity also reduces the amount of light that can penetrate the
water, which reduces photosynthesis and the production of DO. Suspended particles
can clog the gills of fish. If the particles settle out of the water, they can smother spawning beds (gravel), fish eggs, and benthic organisms. Sediment can also carry pathogens,
nutrients, and pesticides downstream.
Note that turbidity is not a measurement of the amount of suspended solids present or the rate of sedimentation in a stream; it measures only the scattering of light by
suspended particles. Measurement of total solids is a more direct means for measuring
the amount of material suspended and dissolved in the water.
Measuring tools
Dissolved O2 (DO)
Low levels of dissolved oxygen affect the growth and development of plants and animals.
If enough phosphorus is available, a high concentration of nitrates Nitrate test kit, meter, or test
will result in an increase in algae growth.
Salinity/ conductivity
Alcohol-lled thermometer, if
Sediments can carry pollutants that bind to soil particles. They can
also have a negative affect on sh health and spawning habitat.
NOTE: There are many different constituents you can test for and many different methods for measuring them. Several commercial
sources for tests are listed at the end of this publication.
Dissolved Oxygen
How do I measure dissolved oxygen (DO)? Dissolved oxygen test kits determine DO levels by comparing water samples mixed with pre-measured
reagents against color standards. The range of detection is 1 to 12 mg/L. DO
test kits cost $40 and up (sufficient for 30 tests). Tests take approximately 10
minutes to complete.
Dissolved oxygen-specific meters determine DO levels by reading a change
in color using a silicon photocell on an LCD. Simply add reagents to a water
sample and place the vial into the meter. The range of detection is 0 to 14
mg/L with a resolution of 0.1 mg/L. Meters cost $180 and up. Tests take 10
minutes to complete.
Hand-held DO meters give fast and accurate readings. Place the attached
probe into your water sample. The range of detection is 0 to 50 mg/L. Meters
cost $250 and up. The digital readout is ready in 20 seconds.
Laboratory testing requires that you collect a water sample according to lab
specifications. Mail your sample to the lab or drop it off. Costs range from $20
to $30. Processing can take 1 to 7 days. Accuracy is assumed to be absolute.
Where do I test for DO? Rapid decomposition of organic matter, high
ammonia concentrations, high air temperatures, and lack of turbulence all
contribute to lowered DO levels. Conduct your test at midstream, making sure
to sample from the middle of the water column, if possible.
When do I test for DO? Measure for DO once a month if you have a
stream running through your property. Remember to be consistent in the time
of day you take your sample. Depending on your site, you should be able to
document a change in values between the summer (low-flow) and winter
(high-flow) months.
Regional Water Quality Control Board water quality objectives for the
Central Coast
Beneficial use of concern: Cold/warm freshwater habitat and fish spawning = DO concentration should not fall below 7.0 mg/L for waters that
support cold-water fishes or 5.0 mg/L for waters that support warmwater fishes. For fish spawning, DO should not fall below 7.0 mg/L.
How do I measure nitrate? Nitrate test kits determine nitrate levels by comparing water samples mixed with pre-measured reagents against color standards.
The ranges of detection are 0 to 25 and 25 to 125 mg/L. Nitrate test kits cost
$50 and up (sufficient for 30 tests). Tests take 10 minutes to complete.
Nitrate-specific meters determine nitrate levels by reading a change in
color using a silicon photocell on an LCD. Simply add reagents to a water
sample and place the vial into the meter. The range of detection is 0 to 30
mg/L with a resolution of 0.1 mg/L. Meters cost $150 and up. Tests take 10
minutes to complete.
RQflex meters can be programmed to provide accurate results in seconds
for a wide variety of tests. Simply dip the test strip in the sample, insert the
strip into the meter, and read the results on the digital display. The range of
detection is 3 to 90 mg/L. Meters cost approximately $575. Tests take 10
minutes to complete.
Laboratory testing requires that you collect a water sample according to lab
specifications. Mail the sample to the lab or drop it off. Costs range from $25 to
$35. Processing can take 1 to 7 days. Accuracy is assumed to be absolute.
Where do I test for nitrates? Collect your sample above and below any
potential nitrate source. For example, take your samples from a stream above
an area where water enters the stream from your farm, and again below the
runoff area. If a stream does not flow through your property, you can sample
anywhere water leaves your farm.
When do I test for nitrates? Test for nitrates during your scheduled irrigation activities and during the first rain event after fertilizer application.
Regional Water Quality Control Board water quality objectives for the
Central Coast
Beneficial use of concern: General objective = All waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are toxic to or
that produce detrimental physiological responses in human, plant, animal, or aquatic life. Compliance with this objective will be determined
by use of indicator organisms, analysis of species diversity, or other
appropriate methods specified by the Regional Board.
pH (Power of Hydrogen)
How do I measure pH? Pocket pH meters display immediate results with a high
degree of accuracy (0.2 pH). Meters should be calibrated frequently to maintain accuracy (recommend calibration solutions of 7 and 10 pH). Pocket pH
meters cost $40 and up. Calibration solutions cost $8 each. Testing takes 10
minutes to complete.
pH test strips measure pH from 0.0 to 13.0 with a simple, single-color
match for each pH value. Simply dip the strip into the water sample and compare it to the color chart. pH strips are not as accurate (0.5 pH) as meters,
but they are easier to use because they do not require calibration. Use strips
only to get a general idea of the pH. Cost is $8 and up (100 strips per package). Testing takes 2 minutes to complete.
Laboratory testing requires that you collect your water sample according to
lab specifications. Mail the sample to the lab or drop it off. Costs range from $10
to $25. Processing can take 1 to 7 days. Accuracy is assumed to be absolute.
Where do I test for pH? Conduct your test above and below any area
where livestock are confined. You should also test above and below any point
where water leaves your property and enters a water body.
When do I test for pH? Measure pH once a month if livestock are present.
Since aquatic organisms are sensitive to pH, especially during reproduction, you
may wish to measure pH once a week during spring and summer months. Note
that higher-temperature water bodies have slightly lower pH values.
Regional Water Quality Control Board water quality objectives for the
Central Coast
Beneficial use of concern: Municipal/domestic supply, agriculture supply,
contact and non-contact water recreation = pH should fall between 6.5
and 8.5;
Cold/warm freshwater or marine habitat = pH should range between
7.0 and 8.5. Changes in normal pH should not exceed 0.5 for cold- or
warm-water fisheries or 0.2 for marine habitats.
How do I measure phosphate? Phosphate test kits determine phosphate levels
by comparing water samples mixed with pre-measured reagents against color
standards. The ranges of detection are 0 to 1 and 1 to 10 mg/L. Phosphate test
kits cost $45 and up (30 tests). Tests take 10 minutes to complete.
Phosphate-specific meters determine phosphate levels by reading a change
in color using a silicon photocell on an LCD. Simply add reagents to a water
sample and place the vial into the meter. The range of detection is 0 to 2.5
mg/L with a resolution of 0.1 mg/L. Meters cost $170. Tests take 10 minutes to
Laboratory testing requires that you collect a water sample according to lab
specifications. Mail the sample to the lab or drop it off. Costs range from $25
to $35 for orthophosphate and $40 to $75 for total phosphate. Processing can
take 1 to 7 days. Accuracy is assumed to be absolute.
Where do I test for phosphate? Since phosphate enters surface water
in organic matter (dead plants, animals, and animal waste), attached to soil
particles, or through detergents and fertilizers, you will want to test above and
below any water body where there is a livestock confinement area or above
and below a management practice if you want to measure its effectiveness. If
this is not applicable, conduct your test anywhere water leaves your property.
When do I test for phosphate? Test for phosphate during your scheduled
irrigation activities and during the first rain event after you apply fertilizers.
Regional Water Quality Control Board water quality objectives for the
Central Coast
Beneficial use of concern: General objective = All waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are toxic to or
produce detrimental physiological responses in human, plant, animal,
or aquatic life. Compliance with this objective will be determined by
use of indicator organisms, analysis of species diversity, or other appropriate methods specified by the Regional Board.
Salinity and Conductivity
How do I measure salinity or conductivity? A TDS or conductivity tester measures salt content. To use the instrument, place it into your water sample. This
equipment features automatic temperature compensation with a 2% degree of
accuracy, but testers do require calibration. A typical unit costs $60. Test takes
10 minutes to complete.
Refractometers measure the concentration of dissolved substances in liquid based on the principle of light refraction. Only 1 to 2 drops of solution are
required for measurement. A refractometer reads in parts per thousand (0 to
100 ppt) or specific gravity (1.000 to 1.070 sp. gr.). Units cost $150. Test takes
10 minutes.
A combination tester is a floating, waterproof instrument that allows you
to accurately measure the pH, conductivity, TDS, or temperature of a solution
without switching meters. The tester features automatic temperature compensation and auto-calibration. It comes with pH buffer solutions (4.0 and 7.0),
a pH electrode, four 1.5 volt batteries, and an electrode replacement tool, and
costs $145. Test takes 10 minutes to complete.
Laboratory testing requires that you collect a water sample according to lab
specifications. Mail the sample to the lab or drop it off. Costs range from $20 to
$30. Processing can take 1 to 7 days. Accuracy is assumed to be absolute.
Where do I test for salinity? Test for salinity at the wellhead or in any
area where water collects (e.g., a tailwater ditch) or leaves your property. You
may also want to test your runoff or a stream section above and below a management practice.
When do I test for salinity? Test your water at least twice per year (6-month
intervals). If you are testing runoff from a field, wait until the field becomes saturated
before you take a runoff sample.
Regional Water Quality Control Board water quality objectives for the
Central Coast
Beneficial use of concern: General objectives = There are no objectives for conductivity, but there are objectives for total dissolved solids (TDS). The TDS
objectives range from 150 to 1400 mg/L depending on the water body.
How do I measure temperature? An armored thermometer that does not use mercury
costs approximately $20. For best results, immerse the thermometer in the middle of
the water column and allow sufficient time for the thermometer to achieve equilibrium. Try to take your reading while the thermometer is still under water.
A digital thermometer displays the time and temperature. Place the thermometers
probe into the middle of the water column. Even though you will get an immediate
reading, allow sufficient time for the thermometer to adjust. The range of detection is
0 to 160F (18 to 71C). This type of thermometer costs approximately $40.
Where do I test for temperature? You should test for changes in stream temperature above and below an area where runoff occurs. If you have a stream running
through your property you may want to take a temperature reading one-half mile
above and below your property line and compare those readings with readings taken
on your property. Remember that warmer water holds less oxygen, so if you also test
for dissolved oxygen you should see a correlation. Also, keep in mind that ammonia
levels increase with increasing temperature.
When do I test for temperature? Measure water temperature at the same location
once a month. You may wish to test more frequently (once a week) during prolonged
periods of hot or cold climatic conditions. This will provide you with a general indication of the rate at which the water temperature is changing.
Regional Water Quality Control Board water quality objectives for the
Central Coast
Beneficial use of concern: Cold/warm freshwater habitat = Temperature should
not increase more than 5F (2.8C) above natural receiving waters.
How do I measure turbidity? Turbidity can be measured in Jackson Turbidity Units
(JTU) or Nephelometric Turbidity Units (NTU). Their values are not interchangeable.
Turbidity test kits determine turbidity levels by comparing water samples mixed with
pre-measured reagents against color standards. The range of detection is 5 to 100 JTU.
Turbidity kits cost $45 (50 tests). Tests take approximately 10 minutes to complete.
Turbidity meters are also available and are simple to use. Just place the vial of sampled water into the meter. The range of detection is 0 to 1100 NTU. Meters cost $650
and up. Test takes 10 minute to complete.
Laboratory testing requires that you collect a water sample according to lab
specifications. Mail the sample to the lab or drop it off. Costs range from $15 to $25.
Processing can take 1 to 7 days. Accuracy is assumed to be absolute.
Where do I test for turbidity? Collect your sample above and below a potential
source of erosion. For example, take your sample from a stream above the area where
water enters the stream from your farm and again below the same area where runoff
enters the stream. If a stream does not flow through your property, you can sample
anywhere that water leaves your farm.
When do I test for turbidity? Test for turbidity during your scheduled irrigation
activities and during any significant rain event throughout the winter season.
Regional Water Quality Control Board water quality objectives for the
Central Coast
Beneficial use of concern: General objective = Water quality objectives for turbidity require that surface waters be free of changes that cause nuisance or adversely
affect the beneficial uses of water. If natural turbidity is 0 to 50 JTU, the maximum increase in inputs is 20%. If 50 to 100 JTU, the maximum increase in
inputs is 10 JTU. If >100 JTU, the maximum increase in inputs is 10%.
Where to Purchase Test Kits and Other Equipment
Before you purchase any water quality test kits or other sampling equipment, contact your local Water District, UC Cooperative Extension, or Natural Resources
Conservation Service/Resource Conservation District office. They can help you make
sure that you get the proper test or equipment for your particular needs.
Estimated Pricing for Water Quality Tests (as of 8/1/04)
(Shelf life of 6 months at room temperature, 1 year if refrigerated)
Ammonia test kit, 30 tests
Dissolved oxygen (DO) test kit, 30 tests
Imhoff cone (1000 ml) for turbidity
Imhoff cone stand (holds 3 cones)
Nitrate test kit, 30 tests
pH test strip, 100/package
Phosphate test kit, 30 tests
Salinity test kit (chloride), 50 tests
Approximate Lab Cost for Individual Tests (as of 8/1/04)
Dissolved oxygen (DO)
Salinity (chloride)
Total dissolved solids (TDS)
Total phosphate
Suppliers of Water Test Kits and Equipment
Ben Meadows. 1-800-241-6401, http://www.benmeadows.com
Chemetrics, Inc. 1-800-356-3072, http://www.chemetrics.com
Cole Parmer Instrument Company. 1-800-323-4340, http://www.coleparmer.com
Forestry Suppliers, Inc. 1-800-647-5368, http://www.forestry-suppliers.com
Hach Company. 1-800-227-4224, http://www.hach.com
LaMotte. 1-800-344-3100, http://www.lamotte.com
NOTE: Test kits and electronic meters used to measure different concentrations
among selective ions are highly variable, so it is important that you know what degree
of accuracy you are striving to achieve before you select a product.
Air temperature:
Site name:
Site description (describe location and current condition of water, vegetation, and land uses on and
above your property):
Flow conditions:
Storm (heavy)
Dissolved oxygen
Sample 1
Sample 2
Upstream Temp.:
Downstream Temp.:
mg/L or S/cm
C or F
* Milligrams per liter (mg/L) is the equivalent to parts per million (ppm).
Indicate which type of test is conducted (e.g., nitrate or nitrate-nitrogen, phosphate or orthophosphate, etc.).
To simplify information, trade names of products have been used. No endorsement of named
products is intended, nor is criticism implied of simlar products that are not mentioned.
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ISBN 978-1-60107-297-9
This publication has been anonymously peer reviewed for technical accuracy by University of
California scientists and other qualified professionals. The review process was managed by the
ANR Associate Editor for Natural Resources.