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Design Optimization of Floor Cranes

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International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications

Volume 3 Issue 5, 2014, ISSN-2319-7560 (Online)

Design optimization of Floor Cranes

A. Balaji
Department of Mechatronics
Kongu Engineering College
Erode, India

H. Jahir Hussain
Department of Mechatronics
Kongu Engineering College
Erode, India

M.R. Faheem Ashkar

Department of Mechatronics
Kongu Engineering College
Erode, India

Abstract: This paper inculcates a way to make the floor crane as more efficient with less material requirement. This has been achieved
by minimizing reach of the crane from the floor. The crane is assumed to be cantilever type. Also tension and acceleration in steel
ropes are analysed to ensure the safety. The optimized crane successfully passed the various analysing tests which include deflection,
bending moment, rope tension and acceleration of the loads in the rope. It also includes another method which provides the virtual user
interface for the design engineer. By providing the crane dimensions in the virtual panel, the predefined program automatically creates
the CAD modelling in the CAD software. The program is made with visual studio and Solid works macro. Finally, this work reduces
the burden on the design engineer and increases the productivity.

Keywords: cranes; floor cranes; optimization; virtual CAD model; solid works



A crane is a machine which is used in material handling

processes. It is used to lift, lower and move any materials
horizontally[1]. Cranes are used in construction,
transportation, and manufacturing sections. It uses one or
more simple machines to create mechanical advantage and
thus move loads beyond the normal capability of a human[2].
Floor crane is taken into consideration in this work.

Floor crane design varies with capacity and reach of the crane.
Depending on the reach, the length of the horizontal beam is
varied. Hence, for every time the designer has to design the
whole crane. In order to eliminate this problem, virtual CAD
modeling[3] is proposed. Designer can modify the solid works
macro in Microsoft visual basic, Microsoft visual studio for
applications to fit the need.




Floor crane is shown in Figure 1 which has two columns for

length 1m and 1.2m. The design separates the two columns
with the distance of 0.6m. The horizontal beam for about
1.5m is defined as reach of the crane and it supports the rope.
The whole crane is fixed at the base and the counter weight is
loaded at the back. The problem is within the distance 0.6m,
the design shoots up the length for about 0.2m. Hence the
whole crane is modelled and analysed for deflection. The
result shows that the deflection at the second column is very

In order to rectify the problem, the second column length is

reduced from 1.2 meter to 1 meter. By doing so, the reach of
the crane from the floor is reduced from 830mm to 780mm
and angle of the rope beam is reduced from 22.2 degree to
10.8 degree. This final optimized design is analysed under
various conditions to determine whether the design is safe and
efficient in comparison with the previous design. Figure 2
shows the existing and optimized design of floor crane.

Figure 2 Existing and Optimized design of crane

Figure 1 CAD model of floor crane



International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications

Volume 3 Issue 5, 2014, ISSN-2319-7560 (Online)

5.1 Bending Moment
The column 1 and column 2 is rigidly fixed with the floor.
Hence the beam in which the work outside the floor is
considered as cantilever beam and analyzed for bending
moment. The Figure 3 shows the calculation of bending
moment. From the calculation, the bending moment in the
optimized design is reduced about 23620 N mm.

Figure 5 Force acting on different angles

Steel rope, used for lifting load, in the floor crane is modelled
in Solid works and the sample tension is applied for the two
different angles as shown in the figure 6. The rope used is 6*7
steel ropes with nominal diameter of 32mm. The result shows
that deflection in the optimized angle is much lesser than the
existing design.

Figure 3 Bending moment calculation

5.2 Deflection
The deflection analysis of cantilever beam is analyzed which
is shown in Figure 4. The material is Mild Steel and the
details include youngs modulus is 210GPa; Poissons Ratio is
0.3 and density about 7.85 g/cm3[4]. From the result shown in
figure 4, the deflection of beam is reduced from 0.058mm to

Figure 6 Rope Tension Analysis

6.2 Load with acceleration

From the rope tension analysis calculation, acceleration in the
rope is also calculated. Hence, the load with acceleration is
applied to both the existing and optimized design to check the
deflection using Solid works simulation. The result as shown
in figure 8 shows that the deflection in the optimized design is
much lesser than the existing design. Figure 7 shows the
applied initial acceleration in the rope.

Figure 4 Deflection Analysis of Cantilever Beam

6.1 Rope Tension Analysis
From the figure 2, the angle of the beam is changed from 22
degree to 10 degree. Based on the D Alemberts principle,
the tension and acceleration in the rope is calculated for
sample loads. On resolving the forces in the figure 5, the
tension and acceleration for the existing (angle = 22.2) is
about 12N and 4.63 m/s2 and for the optimized (angle =
10.89) is about 8.34N and 5.26 m/s2 respectively.


Figure 7 Initial conditions in solid works


International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications

Volume 3 Issue 5, 2014, ISSN-2319-7560 (Online)

Figure 9 Optimized Floor Crane

[1] Crane would be safer (Rope tension is reduced)
[2] Crane would be stronger (Deflection and stress is
[3] Crane would be cheaper (Material requirement is
Figure 8 Deflection with acceleration analysis

The table 1 tabulates the advantage of optimized floor crane
design over the existing one. Based on the analysis and
results, the new optimized floor cane has been successfully
fabricated which is shown in figure 9.


[1] American Society of Mechanical Engineering
(ASME), Electric Overhead Travelling CraneSpecifications and Details, Article 57, 2012
[2] American Society of Mechanical Engineering

Table 1 Comparative Study

(ASME), Fixtures and loads for the Floor crane





415170 Nmm

391550 Nmm


0.0587 mm

0.0325 mm

Rope Tension




0.0527 mm

0.0427 mm



design, Article 72, 2010

[3] American Society of Mechanical Engineering


(ASME), Steel Rope specifications and details,

Article 57, 2012
[4] American Standard National Institute (ASNI),
Types of Material Handling Cranes- overview,
Article 63, 2008
[5] CAD sharp Journal, Solid works in Visual Studio,
Article-13, 2011
[6] D. Saravanan, Solid works 2012 for Designers, 2nd
Edition, Wiley India Publications



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