Military Bibliography
Military Bibliography
Military Bibliography
Higham, Robbin, ed. A Guide to the Sources of British Military History (1971).
------------------. Official Histories (1970).
------------------. A Guide to the Sources of United States Military History (1975).
------------------ and Donald J. Mrozek. A Guide to the Sources of United States Military History:
Supplement I (1981).
---------------------------------------. A Guide to the Sources of United States Military History:
Supplement II (1986).
Homze, Edward L. German Military Aviation: A Guide to the Literature (?).
Jessup, John E. and Robert W. Coakley. Guide to the Study and Use of Military History (1979).
Kondo, Shinj. Japanese Military History: A Guide to the Literature (1984).
Lang, Kurt. Military Institutions and the Sociology of War (1972).
Lynn, John and George Satterfield. A Guide to Sources in Early Modern European Military
History in Midwestern Research Libraries (1991 and 1993).
Millett, Allan R. and B. Franklin Cooling. Doctoral Dissertations in Military Affairs (1972) and
Journal of Military History (1989-present).
Ross, Steven. French Military History, 1660-1799: A Guide to the Literature (1984).
Showalter, Dennis E. German Military History, 1648-1982: A Critical Bibliography (1983).
Wallach, Jehuda L. Israeli Military History: A Guide to the Sources (1983).
Gordon, Martin K. American Military Studies, American Studies International 15 (Fall, 1976),
pp. 3-16.
Howard, Michael. The Use and Abuse of Military History, Parameters 11 (March 1981),
pp. 9-14.
Kaegi, Walter Emile. The Crisis in Military Historiography, Armed Forces and Society (winter
1981), pp. 299-316.
Karsten, Peter, The New American Military History: A Map of the Territory, Explored and
Unexplored, American Quarterly 36 (Fall, 1984), pp. 389-418.
Keegan, John. The Face of Battle (1976), pp. 15-78.
Kohn, Richard. The Social History of the American Soldier: A Review and Prospecuts for
Research, American Historical Review 86 (June 1981), pp. 553-67.
Lynn, John A. On Military History, Swords and Ploughshares, March 1987, pp. 10-13.
Millett, Allan. American Military History: Over the Top, in The State of American History, ed.
Herbert J. Bass (1970), pp. 157-182.
-------------- American Military History: Clio and Mars as `Pards'.
--------------. American Military History: Struggling Through the Wire, ACTA, International
Commission of Military History, no. 2 (1975), pp. 173-180.
Military Affairs. Fortieth Anniversary Issue (April 1977).
Paret, Peter. The History of War, Daedalus (spring, 1971),
pp. 376-396.
Ropp, Theodore. War: From Colonies to Vietnam, in W. H. Cartwright and Richard L Watson,
Jr. ed., The Reinterpretation of American History and Culture (1973), pp. 207-226.
Rosof, Patricia et al. The Military and Society: Review of Recent Research (1982).
Showalter, Dennis E. A Modest Plea for Drums and Trumpets, Military Affairs (April 1975),
pp. 71-74.
Shy, John. The American Military Experience: History and Learning, Journal of
Interdisciplinary History, 1:2 (winter, 1971), pp. 38-72.
Wilson, Stephen. For a Socio-Historical Approach to the Study of Western Military Culture,
Armed Forces and Society (summer 1980), pp. 527-552.
Weigley, Russel, ed. New Dimensions in Military History (1975).
N.B., Professor Mitchell requests that students approach the examinations in ancient military
history with certain themes in mind. Students should examine the ties between citizenship and the
military role in the ancient world. They should be able to discuss the organization and tactics of
phalanx and legion, and how these related to politics and society. They sould be able to discuss
the military foundations for the rise and fall of empire in Greece and, particularly, in Rome.
Students should also inquire into the nature of the sources, and the degree to which they allow for
historical conclusions.
For these purposes, the following articles in bold type should be read:
Bell, M. J. V. Tactical Reforms in the Roman Republican Army, Historia 14
(1965), 404-22..
Boren, H. C. Studies Relating to the Stipendium militum, Historia 32 (1983).
Cartledge, P. Hoplites and Heroes: Spartas's Contribution to the Technique of
Ancient Warfare, Journal of Hellenic Studies, xcvii (1977), 11-27.
Chiver, G. E. F. The Army in Politics AD 68-70, Journal of Roman Studies,
XLVII (1957).
Detienne, M. La Phalange: probmes et controverses, in J. P. Vernant, ed.
Problmes de la guerre en Grce ancienne (1968).
Effenterre, H. van. Clisthne et les msures de mobilisation, Revue des tudes grecques 89
Frost, F. The Athenian Military before Cleisthenes, Historia 33 (1984).
Holladay, A.J. Hoplites and Heresies, Journal of Hellenic Studies, cii (1982).
Last, Hugh. The Servian Reforms, Journal of Roman Studies, XXXV (1945).
MacMullen, R. The Legion as a Society, Historia 33 (1984).
Momigliano, A. Some Observations on Causes of War in Ancient Historiography, Studies in
Histroiography (1975).
Nilsson, Martin P. The Introduction of Hoplite Tactics at Rome: Its Dates and
its Consequences, Journal of Roman Studies, XIX (1929).
Salmon, J. Political Hoplites?, Journal of Hellenic Studies, cii (1982).
Shatzman, I. The Roman General's Authority over Booty, Historia 21 (1972).
Snodgrass, A. M. The Hoplite Reform and History, Journal of Hellenic
Studies, lxxxv (1965), 110-22.
Sumner, G. V. The Legion and the Centuriate Organization, Journal of Roman
Studies, LX (1970), 67-78.
Baxter, Douglas Clark. Servants of the Sword: French Intendants of the Army, 1630-70 (1976).
Berenger, Jean. Turenne (1987).
Bertaud, Jean-Paul. The Army of the French Revolution, trans. R.R. Palmer
Blomfield, Reginald. Vauban (1938).
Chagniot, Jean. Paris et l'arme au XVIIIe sicle (1985).
Chandler, David. The Campaigns of Napoleon (1966).
Colin, Jean. L'infanterie au XVIIe siecle: La tactique (1907).
Connelly, Owen. Blundering to Victory (1988).
Corvisier, Andr. L'arme franaise de la fin du XVIIe sicle au ministre de Choiseul: Le soldat,
2 vols. (1964).
----------------. Louvois (1983).
Elting, John. Swords around the Throne (1989).
Forrest, Alan. Conscripts and Deserters: The Army and French Society During the Revolution
and the Empire (1989).
Girard, Georges. Racolage et milice, 1701-1715 (1924).
Kennett, Lee. The French Armies in the Seven Years War: A Study of Military
Challener, Richard D. The French Theory of the Nation at Arms, 1866-1939 (1955).
Chalmin, Pierre. L'officier franais de 1815 1870 (1970).
Girard, Louis. La garde nationale, 1814-1871 (1964).
Girardet, Raoul. Le socit militaire dans la France contemporaine, 1815-1939 (1953).
---------------, et al. L'arme et la Seconde Rpublique (1955).
Griffith, Paddy. Military Thought in the French Army, 1815-1851 (1989).
Halasz, Nicholas. Captain Dreyfus (1955).
Howard, Michael. The Franco-Prussian War (1969).
Horne, Alistair. The Fall of Paris: The Siege and the Commune 1870-1871 (1965).
Porch, Douglas. Army and Revolution in France, 1815-1848 (1974).
--------------. The March to the Marne: The French Army, 1871-1914 (1981).
Ralston, David. The Army and the Republic: The Place of the Military in the Political Evolution of
France, 1871-1914 (1967).
Tombs, Robert. The War Against Paris, 1871 (1981).
Since 1914
Ambler, John S. The French Army in Politics, 1945-1962 (1966).
De la Gorce, Paul-Marie. The French Army (1963).
Doughty, Robert. The Seeds of Disaster: The Development of French Army
Doctrine, 1919-1939 (1986).
Kelly, George A. Lost Soldiers: The French Army and the Empire in Crisis, 1947-1962 (1965).
Kunzt, Francois. L'officier francais dans la nation (1960).
Martin, Michel L. Warriors to Managers (1980).
Skelley, Alan R. The Victorian Army at Home: The Recruitment, Terms, and Conditions of the
British Regular 1859-1899 (1977).
Spiers, Edward M. The Army and Society, 1815-1914 (1980).
Woodham-Smith, Cecil. The Reason Why (1952).
Sir Jadunath Sarkar, Some Aspects of Military Thinking and Practice in Medieval
India (Calcutta: 1969).
---------------------------, Amir Khusrau and the Art of War in Medieval India, IndoIranica, vol. xxiv, 1971
---------------------------, Men and Beasts in Medieval Indian Warfare, Journal of
Indian History, 1973.
---------------------------, Arms and Armor in Medieval India, Victoria Memorial
Bulletin, vol. vi-viii, 1972-73.
Surendra Nath Sen, The Military System of the Marathas (Calcutta: 1979).
Narendra Krishna Sinha, Rise of Sikh Power (Calcutta: 1936).
Seema Alavi. The Sepoys and the Company: Tradition and Transition in
Northern India, 1770-1830 (Delhi: 1995).
Field Marshal Sir Claude Auchinleck, Army in India (London: 1968).
Major E.O. Ballance, Battle of Plassey, 1757, Royal United Services Institute
(R.U.S.I.), 1957.
Admiral G.A. Ballard, Rulers of the Indian Ocean (London: 1927).
Amiya Barat, Bengal Native Infantry: Its Organization and Discipline
(Calcutta: 1962).
Pradeep Barua, Military Developments in India, 1750-1850, Journal of Military
History, vol. 58, 1994.
Shelford Bidwell, Swords for Hire (London: 1971).
W.D. Bird, Assaye Campaign, U.S. I. I., vol. 41, 1912.
Patrick Cadell, History of the Bombay Army (London: 1938).
Raymond Callahan, The East India Company and Army Reform, 1783-1798
(Cambridge, MA: 1972).
East India Company, The war with Tippoo Sultan (1977).
Byron Farwell, Armies of the Raj: From the Great Mutiny to Independence,
1858-1947 (New York: 1989).
--------------------, The Gurkhas (New York: 1984).
Dr. K.K. Ghosh, The Indian National Army (Meerut: 1969).
Henty, George Alfred, The Tiger of Mysore; A Story of the War with Tippoo
Maharaja of Jaipur, History of the Indian States Forces (Bombay: 1967).
D.D. Khanna, Supply System of Wellingtons Army in India, U.S.I.I., vol. 94, 1964.
------------------, Monsons Retreat in the Anglo-Maratha War, 1903-1805
(Allahabad: 1981).
Colonel G. B. Malleson, Decisive Battles of India (London: 1914).
--------------------------------, History of the French in India (Delhi: 1984 - reprint of 1909).
Phillip Mason, A Matter of Honor: An Account of the Indian Army, its
Officers and Men (London: 1974).
Robert Orme, History of the Military Transactions of the British Nation in Indostan,
1710-1761 (Madras: 1861).
Brigadier K.G. Pitre, The Second Anglo-Maratha War 1802-1805 (Poona: 1990).
Bisheswar Prasad, ed., Official History of the Indian Armed Forces in the Second
War War, 1939-1945, 17 vols. (Delhi: 1958-1966).
W. Thorn, Memoires of the Wars in India Conducted by Generals Lake and
Wellesley (London: 1818).
D.C. Verma, Plassey to Buxar: A Military Study (New Delhi: 1976).
Earl Field Marshal Wavell, The Good Soldier (London: 1948).
Post Independence
G.S. Bhargava, The Battle of NEFA (Bombay: 1964).