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E 75 - 76 R96 - RTC1

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An American National Standard

Designation: E 75 76 (Reapproved 1996)

Standard Test Methods for

Chemical Analysis of Copper-Nickel and Copper-Nickel-Zinc

This standard is issued under the fixed designation E 75; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original
adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A superscript
epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope
1.1 These test methods cover procedures for the chemical
analysis of copper-nickel and copper-nickel-zinc alloys having
chemical compositions within the following limits:2

Periodate (Photometric)
Nickel by the Dimethylglyoxime Method
Tin by the Iodimetric Titration Method
Zinc by the Oxide or Ferrocyanide Method

Concentration Range,%
40 and over
10 to 50
0 to 40
0 to 15
0 to 10
0.00 to 2
0.00 to 2
0.00 to 0.5


1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the

safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. For precautions to
be observed in these test methods, refer to Practices E 50.
2. Referenced Documents
2.1 ASTM Standards:
E 29 Practice for Using Significant Digits in Test Data to
Determine Conformance With Specifications3
E 50 Practices for Apparatus, Reagents, and Safety Precautions for Chemical Analysis of Metals4
E 55 Practice for Sampling Wrought Nonferrous Metals and
Alloys for Determination of Chemical Composition4
E 60 Practice for Photometric and Spectrophotometric
Methods for Chemical Analysis of Metals4
E 88 Practice for Sampling Nonferrous Metals and Alloys
in Cast Form for Determination of Chemical Composition4

Includes cobalt.
In the case of copper-base alloys containing 5 % and over of zinc, the zinc is
usually calculated by difference.

Whenever possible the technique and procedures for analysis should be checked against a National Institute of Standards
and Technology standard sample having a composition comparable to the material being analyzed.
1.2 The test methods appear in the following order:
Alpha-Nitroso-Beta-Naphthol Method
Nitroso-R-Salt (Photometric) Method
Copper, or Copper and Lead Simultaneously, by the
Electrolytic Method
Dichromate Method
Thiocyanate (Photometric)
Salicylate (Photometric)
Electrolytic Method
Sulfate Method
Persulfate Method

59 to 66

26 to 28
29 to 37

38 to 40

3. Significance and Use

3.1 These test methods for the chemical analysis of metals
and alloys are primarily intended to test such materials for
compliance with compositional specifications. It is assumed
that all who use these test methods will be trained analysts
capable of performing common laboratory procedures skillfully and safely. It is expected that work will be performed in
a properly equipped laboratory.



12 to 15


4. Apparatus and Reagents

4.1 Apparatus and reagents required for each determination
are listed in separate sections preceding the procedure. The
apparatus, standard solutions, and certain other reagents used
in more than one procedure are referred to by number and shall
conform to the requirements prescribed in Practices E 50,

These test methods are under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E-1 on
Analytical Chemistry for Metals, Ores, and Related Materials and are the direct
responsibility of Subcommittee E01.05 on Cu, Pb, Zn, Cd, Sn, Be, their Alloys and
Related Metals.
Current edition approved Aug. 27, 1976. Published October 1976. Originally
published as E75 50 T. Last previous edition E75 75.
For procedures for the chemical analysis of nickel-copper alloys containing
50 % and over of nickel, see ASTM Methods E 76, for Chemical Analysis of
Nickel-Copper Alloys, Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 03.05.
Discontinued as of June 30, 1975.
Discontinued Aug. 27, 1976.


Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 14.02.

Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 03.05.

Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

E 75 76 (1996)
Add NaOH solution until the solution is alkaline and the tin
hydroxide has dissolved. Add 20 mL of Na2S solution (250 g
Na2S/L), stir thoroughly, and digest on the steam bath for
several hours, or until the supernatant liquid is clear. Cool to
room temperature, filter through a fine paper, and wash the
precipitate with Na2S solution (20 g Na2S/L). Dissolve the
residue in a few millilitres of HNO3 (1 + 1), neutralize with
NH4OH, and redissolve any precipitate with a minimum of
HNO 3 (1 + 1). Combine with the reserved filtrate (10.2) and
continue in accordance with 10.5.
10.4 An alternative method for recovering copper and lead
is to return the metastannic acid and paper obtained as
described in 10.2 to the original beaker, add 15 to 20 mL of
HNO3 and 10 to 15 mL of HClO4, heat to copious white fumes,
and boil to destroy organic matter. Cool, wash the cover glass
and sides of the beaker, and add 15 to 25 mL of HBr. Heat to
copious white fumes to volatilize the tin. If the solution is not
clear, repeat the treatment with HBr. Evaporate the solution to
near dryness, cool, and dissolve the residue in a few millilitres
of water. Combine with the reserved filtrate (10.2) and continue
in accordance with 10.5.
10.5 Add 1 drop of HCl (1 + 99) and 5 mL of sulfamic acid
solution and dilute to 150 mL. Insert the electrodes into the
solution, cover with a pair of split watch glasses, and electrolyze overnight at a current density of 0.5 A/dm2 or for a short
period at a current density of 4 A/dm2(Note 3). The more rapid
procedure requires the use of gauze cathodes. After the blue
color of the copper has disappeared, wash down the cover
glasses, electrodes, and sides of the beaker, and continue the
electrolysis until deposition of the copper is complete, as
indicated by failure to plate on a new surface when the level of
the solution is raised. When no copper appears, it can be
assumed that all the lead also has been deposited (Note 4).
Reserve the electrolyte.

except that photometers shall conform to the requirements

prescribed in Practice E 60.
5. Photometric Practice
5.1 Photometric practice prescribed in these methods shall
conform to Practice E 60.
6. Sampling
6.1 Wrought products shall be sampled in accordance with
Practice E 55. Cast products shall be sampled in accordance
with Practice E 88.
7. Rounding Calculated Values
7.1 Calculated values shall be rounded to the desired number of places in accordance with the rounding method given in
3.4 and 3.5 of Practice E 29.
(This test method, which consisted of Sections 8-11 of this
standard, was discontinued in 1975.)
NOTE 1Sections 8-11 of this standard were removed as a part of the
revision of E75 approved June 30, 1975. Since they are no longer an
approved part of this standard, the sections are included here for reference
purposes only. Subcommittee E03.05 is in the process of updating these

8. Apparatus
8.1 Electrodes for Electroanalysis Apparatus No. 9.
9. Reagents
9.1 Sodium Hydroxide Solution (250 g NaOH/L).
9.2 Sodium Sulfide Solution (250 g Na2S/L).
9.3 Sodium Sulfide Solution (20 g Na2S/L).
9.4 Sulfamic Acid Solution (100 g/L).

NOTE 2If more than 6 % of lead is present, the copper only shall be
determined by this procedure as the anode deposit is not sufficiently
adherent for safe handling. The lead shall then be determined on a separate
sample as described in the sulfate method, Sections 16 and 17.

NOTE 3When agitation of the electrolyte is permissible in order to

decrease the time of deposition, one of the types of rotating forms of
electrodes generally available may be employed.
NOTE 4If the electrolyte is not to be used for subsequent determinations, remove a few drops of the solution, place on a porcelain spot plate,
and treat with saturated H2S solution. Continue electrolysis until no CuS
precipitate is observed.

10.1 Transfer 2.0000 g of the sample to a 250-mL beaker,

cover, and dissolve in 25 mL of HNO3(1 + 1). When dissolution is complete, boil gently to expel brown fumes. Add 50 mL
of hot water and observe the clarity of the solution. If the
solution is clear, proceed as described in 10.5. If enough tin is
present at this point to form a cloud, proceed as described in
10.2 and 10.3 or 10.2 and 10.4.
10.2 Allow to stand on a steam bath for 1 h or until the
precipitate has coagulated. Add paper pulp and filter off the
metastannic acid through a fine paper into a 250-mL beaker.
Wash several times with hot HNO3 (1 + 99) and reserve the
filtrate and washings.
10.3 Transfer the filter paper and contents to the original
beaker and add 15 mL of H2SO4 and 15 mL of HNO 3. Heat
until all organic matter is decomposed, adding additional HNO
3 as necessary, and finally evaporate to fumes. Transfer the
digested solution to a 400-mL beaker and dilute to 250 mL.

10.6 When deposition of the copper is complete, with the

current still on, lower the beaker slowly, while washing the
cathode with water. Remove the cathode, rinse it in water, and
dip it in two successive baths of ethanol or methanol. Dry in an
oven at 110C for 3 to 5 min, cool, and weigh the deposit as
metallic copper.
10.7 If lead is being determined, remove the anode, rinse
thoroughly with water, and dry at 110 to 120C for 30 min. The
deposit is fragile and must be handled carefully. Cool the anode
and weigh the deposit.
10.8 Correction must be made for manganese, which is
frequently present in these alloys and some of which may
codeposit with the lead. Place the anode in a 150-mL beaker
and dissolve the deposit in 20 mL of HNO3 (1 + 1) and 1 mL
of H2O 2 (3 %). Remove the anode and wash with water. Add
5 mL of H 3PO4 and boil for 5 to 10 min. Determine manganese

10. Procedure for Alloys Containing Under 6 % of Lead

E 75 76 (1996)
14. Procedure for Alloys Containing 0.05 % and Over of
14.1 Proceed in accordance with 13.1 or 13.2. Remove tin in
accordance with 10.2 and 10.3 or 10.2 and 10.4. Electrolyze
and determine lead as directed in 13.3-13.5.

either photometrically by the periodate method (Sections

3138) or volumetrically by the persulfate method (Sections 56
to 58).
10.9 CalculationCalculate the percentages of copper and
lead as follows:
Copper, % 5 ~A/B! 3 100

15. Precision and Bias

15.1 This test method was originally approved for publication before the inclusion of precision and accuracy statements
within standards was mandated. The original interlaboratory
test data is no longer available. The user is cautioned to verify
by the use of reference materials, if available, that the precision
and accuracy of this method is adequate for the contemplated

Lead, % 5 ~@~C 2 1.58 D! 3 0.866#/B! 3 100

A = grams
B = grams
C = grams
D = grams


sample used,
combined deposit of PbO2 plus MnO2, and

11. Precision and Bias

11.1 This method was originally approved for publication
before the inclusion of precision and accuracy statements
within standards was mandated. The original interlaboratory
test data is no longer available. The user is cautioned to verify
by the use of reference materials, if available, that the precision
and accuracy of this method is adequate for the contemplated


(This test method, which consisted of Sections 16 and 17,
was discontinued in 1976.)
(This test method, which consisted of Sections 18 through
20, was discontinued in 1976.)



(This test method, which consisted of Sections 21 and 22 of
this standard, was discontinued in 1975.)

12. Apparatus
12.1 Electrodes for Electroanalysis Apparatus No. 9. Use
the larger electrode as the anode.
13. Procedure for Alloys Containing Under 0.05 % of Tin
13.1 Solution of Samples Containing Under 0.1 % of
LeadTransfer 10 g of the sample to a 400-mL beaker, cover,
and dissolve in 60 mL of HNO3 (1 + 1). When dissolution is
complete, boil gently to expel brown fumes. Wash down the
cover glass and the sides of the beaker and dilute to 250 mL.
13.2 Solution of Samples Containing 0.1 to 6 % of Lead (see
Note 2) Transfer 1.000 g of the sample to a 250-mL beaker,
cover, and dissolve in 20 mL of HNO3 (1 + 1). When dissolution is complete, boil gently to expel brown fumes. Wash down
the cover glass and the sides of the beaker and dilute to 150
13.3 Insert the electrodes into the solution, cover with a pair
of split watch glasses, and electrolyze for 2 h at a current
density of 1.25 to 1.50 A/dm2. It is preferable to agitate the
electrolyte. Electrolysis may take place overnight without
agitation and using a lower current density. Wash down the
cover glasses, electrodes, and sides of the beaker, and continue
the electrolysis until no darkening of the newly exposed
surface of the platinum anode can be detected when the current
has been continued for 15 min after the level of the liquid was
13.4 When deposition of the lead is complete, without
interrupting the current, siphon off the electrolyte, at the same
time filling the beaker with water. Remove the anode quickly,
rinse thoroughly with water, and dry at 110 to 120C for 30
min. The deposit is fragile and must be handled carefully. Cool
the anode and weigh the deposit.
13.5 Correct for manganese and calculate the percentage of
lead in accordance with 10.8 and 10.9.


(This test method, which consisted of Sections 23 through 25
of this standard, was discontinued in 1975.)

26. Reagents
26.1 Alpha-Nitroso-Beta-Naphthol Solution (70 g/L)
Dissolve 7 g of alpha-nitroso-beta-naphthol in 100 mL of
glacial acetic acid and filter the solution. Prepare this reagent as
required just before using.
26.2 Zinc Oxide SuspensionTransfer 300 mL of water and
50 g of finely powdered ZnO to a 500-mL flask. Stopper the
flask and shake the mixture vigorously each time before using.
27. Procedure
27.1 Transfer 5 g of the sample to a 250-mL beaker and
dissolve in 40 mL of HNO3 (1 + 1). When dissolution is
complete, boil gently to expel brown fumes. If a precipitate of
tin is present, add 50 mL of hot water, heat on the steam bath
for 1 h, and filter off the metastannic acid through a fine paper,
washing thoroughly with hot HNO3 (1 + 99).
27.2 Remove the copper and lead in accordance with 10.5.
27.3 Evaporate the electrolyte to a thick syrup, and convert
the nitrates to chlorides by two evaporations to dryness with
25-mL portions of HCl. Cool, add 100 mL of HCl (1 + 19), and

E 75 76 (1996)
heat until the salts are dissolved. Transfer to a 500-mL
Erlenmeyer flask and dilute to 250 mL.
27.4 Heat to 60 to 80C, swirl vigorously, and add ZnO
suspension in small increments until an excess of ZnO is
present. The presence of excess ZnO is indicated by a milky
turbidity in the supernatant liquid and white particles on the
bottom of the flask on standing. Heat on a steam bath for 15
min and filter through a medium paper into a 600-mL beaker.
Wash the residue with hot water and discard it. Add 20 mL of
HCl to the filtrate and adjust the volume to 400 mL.
27.5 Heat the solution to 60C, add 15 mL of alpha-nitrosobeta-naphthol solution, and stir vigorously for 1 min. Cool to
room temperature, and stir occasionally for 1 h. Filter through
a medium, ashless paper, wash thoroughly with hot HCl
(1 + 19), and finally with hot water.
27.6 Ignite the precipitate in a 30-mL, tall-form porcelain
crucible. Allow the crucible to cool, add 1 to 2 g of Na2S2O 7,
and heat on a hot plate until dense white fumes appear. Fuse
until the oxides are dissolved, allow to cool, tap gently to
detach the melt, and transfer it to a 400-mL beaker. Rinse the
crucible thoroughly with hot water, and add the rinsings to the
beaker. Heat gently until the melt dissolves, add 10 mL of HCl,
and dilute to 200 mL. Reprecipitate, filter, and wash as
described in 27.5.
27.7 Ignite the reprecipitated cobalt in a tared porcelain
crucible at 750 to 850C to constant weight. Cool in a
desiccator and weigh as Co3O4.
27.8 BlankMake a blank determination, following the
same procedure and using the same amounts of all reagents.
27.9 CalculationCalculate the percentage of cobalt as

30. Concentration Range

30.1 The recommended concentration range is from 0.005 to
0.10 mg of cobalt in 50 mL of solution, using a cell depth of 2
31. Stability of Color
31.1 The color is stable for more than 2 h.
32. Interfering Elements
32.1 Provision is made in the procedure for preventing, or
compensating for, interference from metals present in the
maximum limits given in 1.1.
33. Apparatus
33.1 Electrodes for ElectroanalysisApparatus No. 9.
34. Reagents
34.1 Cobalt Standard Solution (1 mL = 0.01 mg Co)
Dissolve 0.1000 g of pure cobalt metal (Note 5) in about 10 mL
of HNO3 (1 + 1). Boil to expel brown fumes. Cool and dilute to
1 L in a volumetric flask and mix. Dilute 100 mL of this solution
to 1 L in a volumetric flask and mix.
NOTE 5Alternatively, the solution may be prepared as follows:
Dissolve 0.4770 g of CoSO47H2O in about 75 mL of water, add 2 mL of
H2SO4, dilute to 1 L in a volumetric flask, and mix. Standardize the
solution as follows: Transfer a 100-mL aliquot to a 400-mL beaker, add 10
mL of HCl, and dilute to 200 mL. Proceed in accordance with 27.5 and
27.7. For use, dilute 100 mL of this standardized solution to 1 L in a
volumetric flask and mix.

34.2 Nitroso-R-Salt Solution (7.5 g/L)Dissolve 0.75 g of

nitroso-R-salt in water and dilute to 100 mL.
34.3 Sodium Acetate Solution (500 g/L)Dissolve 500 g of
NaC2H3O 23H2O in about 600 mL of water and dilute to 1 L.

Cobalt, % 5 ~@~A 2 B! 3 0.734#/C! 3 100

A = grams of Co3O4 in sample,
B = correction for blank, g, and
C = grams of sample used.

35. Preparation of Calibration Curve

35.1 Transfer 1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0, and 10.0-mL aliquots of
standard cobalt solution to 50-mL volumetric flasks and dilute
to 10 mL. Add 10 mL of water to an additional 50-mL
volumetric flask and carry through as a reagent blank.
35.2 Add to each flask, in the order given, 5 mL of sodium
acetate solution and 2.0 mL of nitroso-R-salt solution, mixing
between additions (Note 6). Add a glass bead, heat to boiling,
and maintain just under the boiling temperature for 1 to 2 min.
Add 5.0 mL of HNO3 (1 + 2) and boil gently for 1 to 2 min.
Cool to room temperature, dilute to the mark, and mix.

28. Precision and Bias

28.1 This test method was originally approved for publication before the inclusion of precision and accuracy statements
within standards was mandated. The original interlaboratory
test data is no longer available. The user is cautioned to verify
by the use of reference materials, if available, that the precision
and accuracy of this test method is adequate for the contemplated use.

NOTE 6The pH of the solutions at this point should be about 5.5.

35.3 Transfer a suitable portion of each solution to an

absorption cell and measure the transmittance or absorbance
against the blank at approximately 520 nm.
35.4 Plot the values obtained against milligrams of cobalt
per 50 mL of solution.



29. Summary of Test Method

29.1 Cobalt, in a hot solution buffered with sodium acetate,
forms an orange-colored complex with nitroso-R-salt. The
addition of a controlled amount of nitric acid destroys interfering complexes and stabilizes the cobalt complex. Photometric measurement is made at approximately 520 nm.

36. Procedure
This procedure has been written for a cell having a 2-cm light path. Cells
having other dimensions may be used, provided suitable adjustments can be made
in the amounts of sample and reagents used.

E 75 76 (1996)
38.4 Sodium Diphenylamine Sulfonate Indicator Solution (2
38.5 Stannous Chloride Solution (42 g SnCl 2/L)Dissolve
12.5 g of SnCl22H 2O in 25 mL of HCl, and dilute to 250 mL.
Keep the solution in a well-stoppered bottle.

36.1 If the electrolyte, or an aliquot of it, reserved in

accordance with 10.5 is available, proceed as directed in 36.2.
If the electrolyte is not available, transfer 2.00 g of the sample
to a 250-mL beaker. Dissolve the sample and remove copper,
lead, and tin in accordance with 10.1-10.5. Carry a blank
through all steps of the procedure.
36.2 Transfer the electrolyte or aliquot of it, reserved in
accordance with 10.5 or obtained in accordance with 36.1, to a
200-mL volumetric flask, dilute to the mark, and mix. Transfer
two equal aliquots (not exceeding 5.0 mL) containing under
0.10 mg of cobalt (preferably about 0.075 mg) to 50-mL
volumetric flasks and dilute to 10 mL. Proceed in accordance
with 35.2, except to omit the addition of nitroso-R-salt to one
of the aliquots. Treat similar aliquots of the blank solution in
the same way.
36.3 Transfer a suitable portion of each solution to an
absorption cell and measure the transmittance or absorbance, at
approximately 520 nm, of the solutions containing the cobalt
complex against the corresponding solutions in which the
cobalt complex was not developed.
36.4 Using the value obtained, read from the calibration
curve the number of milligrams of cobalt present in 50 mL of
the final solution.
36.5 CalculationCalculate the percentage of cobalt as

39. Procedure
39.1 If the iron content is under 0.25 %, transfer 5.0 g of the
sample, from which adventitious iron has been removed, to a
400-mL beaker and dissolve in 50 mL of HNO3 (1 + 1). If the
iron content is 0.25 % or over, transfer 1.00 to 2.00 g of the
sample, from which adventitious iron has been removed, to a
250-mL beaker and dissolve in 25 mL of HNO3 (1 + 1). When
dissolution is complete, boil gently to expel brown fumes. Add
50 mL of hot water and observe the clarity of the solution. If
the solution is clear, proceed, as directed in 39.2. If enough tin
is present to form a cloud, proceed in accordance with 10.2 and
10.3 or 10.3 and 10.4 to remove the tin and recover the iron in
the metastannic acid precipitate before continuing in accordance with 39.2 of this section.
39.2 Dilute the solution from 150 to 200 mL and add 5 g of
NH4Cl. Add NH4OH (1 + 1) until the basic salts of copper and
nickel are dissolved and the solution is deep blue in color; then
boil gently for a few minutes. Allow the precipitate to settle for
a few minutes, and filter while hot, using a medium paper.
Wash the beaker and precipitate, first with hot NH4Cl wash
solution, and finally with hot water to remove most of the
soluble salts. Place the original beaker under the funnel and
dissolve the precipitate through the paper with 20 mL of hot
HCl (1 + 1) to which has been added 5 mL of H2O 2 (3 %). Add
the HCl in several portions, washing alternately with hot water.
Finally, wash thoroughly with hot water.
39.3 Reprecipitate the iron, wash, and dissolve as described
in 39.2.
39.4 Evaporate the solution from 10 to 12 mL and wash
down the sides of the beaker. Heat to boiling and add SnCl2
solution dropwise, while swirling the beaker over a white
background, until the yellow color of the FeCl3 disappears. The
sample must be kept near boiling for the entire period of
reduction. Add 2 drops of SnCl2 solution in excess but no
39.5 Dilute the reduced solution to 50 mL and cool to room
temperature. While stirring, add at one stroke 10 mL of a
saturated solution of HgCl 2. The resultant precipitate should be
pure white in color, and in amount should be preferably not
more than enough to give a pearly opalescence. If the precipitate is gray or dark, too large an excess of SnCl2 has been used
and it will be necessary to discard the solution and start anew.
To the properly reduced solution, add 10 mL of H3PO4 (1 + 3)
and 4 drops of sodium diphenylamine sulfonate indicator
39.6 While stirring constantly, titrate slowly with K2Cr 2O7
solution until the color of the solution changes from green to a
gray-green. Continue the titration dropwise until the first tinge
of purple or violet-blue appears.
39.7 BlankMake a blank determination, following the
same procedure and using the same amounts of all reagents.

Cobalt, % 5 ~A 2 B!/~C 3 10!

A = milligrams of cobalt found in 50 mL of the final
B = correction for the reagent blank, in milligrams of
cobalt, and
C = grams of sample represented in 50 mL of the final

37. Precision and Bias

37.1 This test method was originally approved for publication before the inclusion of precision and accuracy statements
within standards was mandated. The original interlaboratory
test data is no longer available. The user is cautioned to verify
by the use of reference materials, if available, that the precision
and accuracy of this test method is adequate for the contemplated use.

38. Reagents
38.1 Ammonium Chloride Wash SolutionDissolve 20 g of
NH4Cl in 1 L of water made slightly alkaline with a few drops
of NH4OH.
38.2 Mercuric Chloride Solution(Saturated)Add 60 to
100 g of HgCl2 to 400 mL of hot water, shake, and cool to
room temperature. More water may be added from time to time
as long as crystals remain undissolved.
38.3 Potassium Dichromate Standard Solution (0.05 N)
Reagent No. 10.

NOTE 7Ferric iron must be present in the solution in order to obtain

E 75 76 (1996)
62.1 Provision is made in the procedure for preventing, or
compensating for, interference from metals present in the
maximum limits given in 1.1.

the purple or violet-blue end point color. If the color fails to form, the
blank is less than the equivalent of 1 drop of 0.02 N FeSO 4 solution as this
contains sufficient iron to yield an end point.

39.8 CalculationCalculate the percentage of iron as follows:

63. Reagents
63.1 Hydrobromic Acid-Bromine MixtureDilute 10 mL of
bromine to 100 mL with HBr.
63.2 Manganese Standard Solution (1 mL = 0.125 mg
Mn)Dissolve 0.3596 g of KMnO 4 in about 100 mL of water.
Add 20 mL of H2SO4 (1 + 1) and transfer to a 1-L volumetric
flask. Add H2O2 (3 %) in small increments until the pink color
of the permanganate is discharged. Boil the solution gently for
about 10 min to destroy excess H2O2. Cool, dilute to the mark,
and mix.
63.3 Nitric-Phosphoric Acid MixtureMix 400 mL of water,
200 mL of HNO3, and 500 mL of H3PO 4.
63.4 Potassium Periodate Solution (75 g KIO4/L)Dissolve
1.0 g of urea in 100 mL of HNO3 (1 + 3). To this solution add
7.5 g of KIO 4 and dissolve by shaking in a glass-stoppered

Iron, % 5 ~@~A 2 B!C 3 0.0559#/D! 3 100

A = millilitres of K2Cr2O7 solution required to titrate the
B = millilitres of K2Cr 2O7 solution required to titrate the
C = normality of the K2Cr2O7 solution, and
D = grams of sample used.

40. Precision and Bias

40.1 This test method was originally approved for publication before the inclusion of precision and accuracy statements
within standards was mandated. The original interlaboratory
test data is no longer available. The user is cautioned to verify
by the use of reference materials, if available, that the precision
and accuracy of this test method is adequate for the contemplated use.

64. Preparation of Calibration Curve

64.1 Transfer 1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0, and 10.0-mL aliquots of
standard manganese solution to 100-mL volumetric flasks.
Carry through an additional 100-mL volumetric flask for a
reagent blank. Add to each flask 5 mL of H 3PO4 and dilute to
about 50 mL.
64.2 Add 2 mL of KIO4 solution and a chip of silicon
carbide. Heat to boiling and boil gently for about 2 min. Digest
at slightly below boiling temperature for an additional 10 min.
Cool to room temperature, dilute to the mark, and mix.
64.3 Transfer a suitable portion of each solution to an
absorption cell and measure the transmittance or absorbance
against the blank at approximately 520 nm.
64.4 Plot the values obtained against milligrams of manganese per 100 mL of solution.


(This test method, which consisted of Sections 41 through 48
of this standard, was discontinued in 1975.)
(This test method, which consisted of Sections 49 through 55
of this standard, was discontinued in 1975.)
(This test method, which consisted of Sections 56 through
58, was discontinued in 1976.)

65. Procedure
65.1 If the tin content of the sample is such that there will be
50 mg or under of tin in the portion used, transfer 0.5 to 2.00
g of the sample, containing 0.12 to 12.5 mg of manganese, to
a 150-mL beaker and dissolve in 25 mL of HNO3-H3PO4
mixture (Note 8). Carry a blank through all steps of the
procedure. When dissolution of the sample is complete, boil
gently to expel brown fumes. Cool, transfer to a 100-mL
volumetric flask, dilute to the mark, and mix. Continue in
accordance with 65.3.



59. Summary of Test Method

59.1 Manganese in an acid solution is oxidized to permanganate by heating with potassium periodate. Photometric
measurement is made at approximately 520 nm.

NOTE 8The H3PO4 contained in 25 mL of dissolving solution is

sufficient to hold about 50 mg of tin in solution, provided the sample is not
subjected to excessive boiling nor prolonged digestion. For larger amounts
of tin, proceed as directed in 65.2.

60. Concentration Range

60.1 The recommended concentration range is from 0.06 to
1.25 mg of manganese in 100 mL of solution, using a cell depth
of 2 cm.4

65.2 If the tin content of the sample is such that there will be
over 50 mg of tin in the portion used, transfer 0.5 to 2.00 g of
the sample, containing 0.12 to 12.5 mg of manganese, to a
300-mL Erlenmeyer flask and dissolve in 15 to 25 mL of
HBr-Br2 mixture. Carry a blank through all steps of the
procedure. Add 10 mL of HClO4 and 5 mL of H3PO 4, and heat
to dense white fumes to volatilize the tin. Cool and add 50 mL

61. Stability of Color

61.1 The permanganate color is stable indefinitely if reducing agents are absent.
62. Interfering Elements

E 75 76 (1996)
Manganese, % 5 ~A 2 B!/~C 3 10!

of water and 5 mL of HNO3. Cool, transfer to a 100-mL

volumetric flask, dilute to the mark, and mix. Continue in
accordance with 65.3.
65.3 Transfer two equal aliquots containing under 1.25 mg
of manganese (preferably about 0.75 mg) to 100-mL volumetric flasks. Add sufficient H 3PO4 to bring the total content to 5
mL (assuming that the content of H3PO4 in the original sample
solution was 10 mL) and dilute to about 50 mL. Treat similar
aliquots of the blank solution in the same way.
65.4 Proceed as directed in 64.2, except to omit the addition
of KIO 4 to one of the aliquots in each pair.
65.5 Transfer a suitable portion of each solution to an
absorption cell and measure the transmittance or absorbance of
the solutions in which the permanganic acid color was developed against the corresponding solutions in which the color
was not developed.
65.6 Using the value obtained, read from the calibration
curve the number of milligrams of manganese present in 100
mL of the final solution.
65.7 CalculationCalculate the percentage of manganese as

A = milligrams of manganese found in 100 mL of the final
B = correction for the reagent blank, mg, of manganese,
C = grams of sample represented in 100 mL of the final

66. Precision and Bias

66.1 This test method was originally approved for publication before the inclusion of precision and accuracy statements
within standards was mandated. The original interlaboratory
test data is no longer available. The user is cautioned to verify
by the use of reference materials, if available, that the precision
and accuracy of this test method is adequate for the contemplated use.

ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.
This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.
This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
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