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Yield Beckermann

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Steel Founders Society of America

Feeding and Risering Guidelines

for Steel Castings
Table of Contents
1 Preface
2 Risering Basics and Terminology
3 Risering Procedure
4 Casting Soundness in Terms of Riser and End Zones
5 Calculation of Feeding Distance
6 Calculation of Riser Size
7 References


In 1973, the Steel Founders Society of America (SFSA) published Risering Steel Castings
[1], a foundry handbook intended to provide risering guidelines for use in steel foundries. The
guidelines contained in Risering Steel Castings were developed based on experimental casting
work and supported by computer simulations. The steel casting industry has been well served by
this handbook since its publication; following the guidelines generally results in sound castings.
However, examples have surfaced in the last quarter of a century that indicate that the riser
feeding distance rules contained in Risering Steel Castings are overly conservative in certain
instances, especially where results have been extrapolated. Conservative feeding distance rules
lead to the use of more risers than necessary on a casting, which in turn leads to a reduction in
casting yield.
Beginning in the mid-1990s, a research effort was undertaken to develop a new set of
risering guidelines [2, 3]. This research was based on an extensive set of low-alloy steel plate
casting trials performed at various foundries throughout North America. A wide variety of plate
dimensions were utilized in the trials, which produced castings ranging from radiographically
sound to ASTM shrinkage x-ray level 5. Casting conditions (alloy composition, mold material,
superheat, pouring time, etc.) were recorded by each foundry for each plate cast, and this
information was then utilized to numerically simulate the casting of each plate, using modern
casting simulation software. Once it was determined that there was good agreement between the
casting trial results and their corresponding simulations, a large number of simulations were
performed for geometries and/or casting conditions that were not used in the casting trials, thus
producing a more complete data set. By analyzing all of this data, a new set of feeding distance
rules for sound castings was developed. These new rules are presented in this publication.
Differences between this work and Risering Steel Castings:
Usually less conservative feeding distances: The feeding distances calculated using the
guidelines presented here are similar to those calculated using Risering Steel Castings in some
instances, and less conservative in other cases. In general, the current distances become less
conservative than those from Risering Steel Castings as the width-to-thickness ratio W/T of a
casting section increases.
Consistent definitions of feeding distance: The definitions of feeding distance for top risers
with end effect, top risers with lateral feeding, and side risers are the same in this work,
whereas different definitions were used in Risering Steel Castings.
Multipliers for different conditions: Multipliers are provided to tailor feeding distances to
different cast alloy compositions, mold materials, pouring superheats, and desired levels of
casting soundness.
Soundness in terms of riser zones and end zones: The information presented in Section 4 is
intended to give the foundry engineer a physical understanding of the mechanisms involved in
feeding solidification shrinkage with risers.
Things that have not changed from Risering Steel Castings:
Riser sizing procedures: The procedures given in this work to determine riser size were
written based on the information in Risering Steel Castings.

Applicable text: The text from Risering Steel Castings that is still applicable to the current
work has been transferred to this manual.
High alloy risering guidelines: The work presented here is only valid for low alloy steels.
Similar feeding distance rules will be developed for high alloy steels, but this is currently
work in progress.
It is hoped the guidelines and rules presented in this publication will not only help to
effectively riser steel castings and increase the casting yield, but will also provide increased
insight into the basic physical phenomena of feeding. Although modern casting simulation
software can be used, in place of actual casting trials, to detect feeding and risering problems in a
steel casting, the present rules still serve several important purposes:
Casting simulation does not provide the initial riser design for a casting; the present rules can
be used to develop the first trial riser design.
Casting simulation does not automatically optimize the risering; the present rules can be used
to shorten the simulation iteration cycle by providing accurate information on the capabilities
and limitations of a certain risering procedure (e.g., the maximum distance between risers),
and how they change with the casting conditions and the desired soundness.
Casting simulation is not used on the vast majority of steel castings for various reasons; then,
the present rules represent the only means to rationally design the riser system for a casting.
The research leading to the new rules presented in this handbook was performed by R.A.
Hardin, S. Ou and K.D. Carlson, under the guidance of Professor C. Beckermann at the
University of Iowa. The SFSA would like to thank Professor Beckermann and his group for
their research efforts. In addition, great appreciation is expressed to the foundries that
participated in the casting trials, for their substantial time and resource investment.
This handbook was prepared with the support of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)
Award No. DE-FC07-98ID13691.
However, any opinions, findings, conclusions, or
recommendations expressed herein are those of the authors, and do not necessarily reflect the
views of the DOE.
Malcolm Blair
Vice President Technology
Carbon and Low Alloy Research Committee:
S. Kulkarni, Chairman
P. Bruno
J. Carpenter
G. Hartay
K. Murphy
A. See
B. Shah


Carbon steel experiences shrinkage of about 3% during solidification. Additional volume

reduction occurs during the cooling of the liquid metal after pouring. These contractions will
create internal unsoundness (i.e., porosity) unless a riser, or liquid metal reservoir, provides
liquid feed metal until the end of the solidification process. The riser also serves as a heat
reservoir, creating a temperature gradient that induces directional solidification. Without
directional solidification, liquid metal in the casting may be cut off from the riser, resulting in the
development of internal porosity. Two criteria determine whether or not a riser is adequate: 1)
the solidification time of the riser relative to that of the casting, and 2) the feeding distance of the
To be effective, a riser should continue to feed liquid metal to the casting until the casting
has completely solidified. Thus, the riser must have a longer solidification time than the casting.
Since the critical factor affecting solidification time is heat loss, minimizing heat loss from the
riser is an important consideration. For a riser of fixed volume, a minimum amount of heat loss
will occur when the riser geometry has the smallest possible surface area. A sphere represents
the maximum volume-to-surface-area ratio (V/A, the solidification modulus), and therefore
freezes at the slowest rate according to Chorinovs rule. However, spherical risers present
molding problems. A cylinder with a height, H, equal to its diameter, DR, is the typically
recommended riser geometry, since it is a simple, easily moldable shape having a high volumeto-surface-area ratio. Various insulating or exothermic riser sleeves are available to reduce the
heat loss from a riser. Regardless of its shape, the riser must be large enough to provide
sufficient feed metal without the shrinkage pipe in the riser extending into the casting. As shown
in Figure 1, there are two common riser configurations: the top riser, which is typically more
efficient, and the side riser. The hemispherical bottom on the side riser prevents premature
freezing of the riser/casting junction [1]. It is also recommended to gate the casting through the
side riser for maximum effectiveness [1].
The feeding distance (FD) is the maximum distance over which a riser can supply feed
metal such that the casting section remains relatively free of internal porosity. Hence, the
feeding distance determines the number of risers needed. The feeding distance is always
measured from the edge of the riser to the furthest point in the casting section to be fed by that
riser. This is illustrated for a plate with a top riser in Figure 2, and for a plate with a side riser in
Figure 3. When multiple risers are present, the feeding between the risers is called lateral
feeding. The lateral feeding distance (LFD) is again the maximum distance over which a single
riser can supply feed metal. If one would draw a line separating the casting section to be fed by
a riser and the section to be fed by an adjacent riser, LFD is then the distance from the edge of
the riser to the furthest point in the casting along this line. This is illustrated in Figure 4.
Another way to explain how feeding distances are measured is to draw a circle centered
about the riser with a radius equal to the feeding distance plus the riser radius (see Figures 2 4).
Then the casting section inside the circle is fed by that riser. For multi-risered castings (such as
in lateral feeding), the circles must overlap such that all sections of a casting are inside these

The feeding distance depends in part on the temperature gradient, which is the change in the
temperature per unit length during solidification. Figure 5b illustrates how a steep temperature
gradient facilitates the feeding of a casting [4]. The shape of the solid skin surrounding the
liquid metal varies with the steepness of the temperature gradient during freezing. Steep
gradients provide open, more accessible feeding passages. There exists a critical tapering angle
for the liquid pool feeding the solidification shrinkage. For liquid pool angles smaller than this
critical angle, centerline shrinkage will form in the isolated pools of liquid that are cut off from
the feeding path. This is shown in Figure 5a. The feeding distance also depends on the cooling
rate of the steel during solidification, and hence the section thickness.
For large
cooling/solidification rates (small section thicknesses), the feeding distance is smaller because
the velocity at which the feed metal must flow to compensate for shrinkage is larger.
Accompanying this larger feed metal velocity is an increased pressure drop along the feed path,
which in turn promotes the formation of porosity. Since both the temperature gradient and the
cooling rate are influenced by factors such as the section geometry, pouring conditions, steel type
and molding material, the feeding distance will vary with all of these parameters. The feeding
distances presented in the sections that follow were developed using the Niyama Criterion [5],
which incorporates the effects of both the temperature gradient and cooling rate on porosity
There are two terms that are important to understand when considering feeding distances:
riser zone and end zone. Since the riser remains hotter than the casting section to be fed, it
provides a temperature gradient that facilitates feeding. The length over which this riser effect
acts to prevent shrinkage porosity is called the riser zone length (RZL). This is illustrated for a
top riser in Figure 6. The cooling effect of the mold at the end of a casting section also provides
a temperature gradient along the length of the casting section to be fed. This is called the end
effect, and it produces a sound casting over the so-called end zone length (EZL). This is depicted
in Figure 7. The feeding distances are functions of RZL and EZL; this is discussed in Section 4.
Sometimes methods are used to increase feeding distances. End chills create an additional
temperature gradient and enhance the end zone length (and thus the feeding distance), but have
no effect on the riser zone length. The lateral feeding distance can be enhanced by the use of
drag chills. A drag chill does not increase the riser zone length, but rather it causes a
temperature gradient that essentially creates an end effect between the risers. An open feed path
is also promoted by a taper, where the section thickness continually increases toward the riser.
In fact, a sufficiently large taper can result in an infinitely long feeding distance.

(a) top riser

(b) side riser



Figure 1

Dimensions for casting sections fed by (a) a top riser, and (b) a side riser (adapted
from [1]).




Figure 2

Illustration of the concept of a feeding distance FD; the feeding distance is always
measured from the edge of the riser to the furthest point in the casting section to be
fed by that riser.




H = DR

Figure 3

Definition of plate dimensions for a side-risered section with end effect.





Figure 4

Illustration of lateral feeding between two risers; the lateral feeding distance LFD is
measured from the edge of the riser to the furthest point in the casting section to be
fed by that riser.

(a) Thermal gradient is too shallow,

isolated pools of liquid are left
that will form shrinkage

(b) Thermal gradient is steep enough

to provide a tapered liquid pool to
feed the casting, no shrinkage

Angle of liquid pool

Figure 5

Illustration of a plate-like casting with (b) and without (a) an adequate thermal
gradient to prevent formation of shrinkage porosity (adapted from [4]).

riser zone length, RZL


riser zone

Figure 6

Illustration of the riser zone length RZL of a casting section without end effects; note
that RZL is independent of the riser diameter DR.

end zone
length, EZL



Figure 7

Illustration of the end zone length EZL of a casting section; note that EZL is a
function of W for W/T<7.


The risering of steel castings should proceed in a systematic manner. The first step is to
represent the casting as a collection of simple, plate-like sections. Representing the casting with
simply shaped sections allows for the calculation of the solidification modulus (volume-tosurface-area ratio) for each casting section. As mentioned in Section 2, the larger the
solidification modulus, the longer the solidification time. If a casting section has a larger
modulus than all of the surrounding casting sections, it will still be solidifying after the
surrounding sections are completely solidified. The last region to solidify in such a casting
section is termed a hot spot. Once the hot spots in a casting are identified, a riser must be placed
adjacent to each hot spot. This ensures that feed metal will be available to feed each hot spot
until solidification is complete.
The reason that the collection of simple sections used to represent the casting should be
plate-like is that the risering rules presented in this manual were developed for simple, plate-like
shapes. Thus, it is necessary to use such shapes in order to apply these rules. Once this has been
accomplished, edges of each casting section with and without the benefit of end effect must be
identified. The feeding distance between a riser and an edge without end effect should be
calculated as a lateral feeding distance (LFD), instead of as a regular feeding distance (FD).
Examples of this process of representing a casting with simple plate-like shapes and identifying
edges with and without end effect are shown in Figures 8 10.
Once the casting has been represented with a collection of plate-like shapes, the feeding
zones of the casting must be identified. A feeding zone is a solidifying region of the casting that
solidifies in such a manner that it must be risered separately from the rest of the casting (a region
containing a hot spot is an example of a feeding zone). A feeding zone may require more than
one riser to feed it, depending on the feeding distances involved. Feeding zones can be identified
by their solidification moduli (V/A ratio). Sections with the smallest solidification moduli will
solidify first, and might therefore divide the casting into distinct feeding zones. Sections having
larger moduli will require feed metal until the end of solidification. Risers must be added to such
sections to prevent shrinkage during the final stages of solidification. Feeding zones for simple
castings might be the simple, plate-like parts that make up a casting. As shown in Figures 8
10, the plate-like parts make up distinct feeding zones that are easily identified. This is not
always trivial for complex castings.
Once the feeding zones have been identified, a feeding path must be determined for each
feeding zone. Regions of the casting where sufficient taper and directional solidification exist
must be identified. Such regions need not be considered in determining the feeding distance.
Also, for such cases, there is no end effect in determining the feeding distance. The principle of
directional solidification should be considered in placing the riser. The feeding path should be
identified so that it proceeds from the first region in the feeding zone to solidify to the last region
to solidify. The riser should be placed at the last position along the feeding path to solidify.
Ingates should be placed so that the metal enters below top risers, and always through side risers.
The final step prior to calculating feeding distances and riser sizes for each feeding zone is
to define the feeding dimensions. The feeding dimensions of the section to be fed are the length


L, width W, and section thickness T. Two examples of a section with L, W, and T indicated are
shown in Figure 1. As shown in this figure, a feeding zone and a feeding path must be identified
in order to assign risering dimensions.
To summarize, the recommended procedure for risering steel castings is:
(a) Representation of the casting as a collection of simple, plate-like shapes
locate hot spots, and place a riser on each one
for each plate-like shape, determine edges with and without end effect
(b) Determination of feeding zones, feeding paths and feeding dimensions
(c) Determination of feeding distances (Section 5)
(d) Determination of riser sizes (Section 6)


Figure 8

Tube casting represented as a plate having two edges with and two edges without
end effect (from [1]).

Figure 9

Gear casting represented as three different plate-like geometries (from [1]).

Figure 10 Load equalizer casting becomes three types of plate-like castings (from [1]).



Riser zones and end zones are regions that are free of porosity because a thermal gradient
exists in these regions that promotes directional solidification and facilitates feeding flow. The
concepts of a riser zone and an end zone are illustrated in Figures 6 and 7, respectively. The size
of a riser zone can be characterized by the riser zone length RZL, which extends radially outward
from a top riser. The size of an end zone can be characterized by the end zone length EZL,
which is measured normal to the end of a casting section.
Figure 11 shows the normalized riser zone length RZL/T and end zone length EZL/T as
functions of the normalized section width W/T, where T is the section thickness. The curves in
Figure 11 are valid for the casting conditions listed in the inset (see also Section 5). Notice that,
as W/T increases from 1, both of these curves initially increase and then plateau at their
respective maximum values at around W/T = 7. Fourth order polynomial curve fits of RZL/T
and EZL/T for W/T < 7 are given in the Appendix. Considering first the EZL/T curve, the
thermal gradient created by the mold for large W/T (i.e., W/T > 7) extends a distance EZL/T =
4.2 into the casting. As W/T decreases below 7, however, EZL/T begins to decrease. This can
be explained by considering that there are actually three end zones acting on the casting section
shown schematically above the EZL/T curve in Figure 11. The end zone shown extends from
the right edge of the casting, but there are also end zones extending from both sides in the width
direction. The directional solidification created by these side end zones causes solidification
fronts to move from the sides into the casting, just as the right end zone causes a solidification
front to move from the right edge into the casting. As W/T decreases below 7, the solidification
fronts extending from the sides begin to meet at the centerline before the solidification front
extending from the right edge can travel the entire end zone length. When the side fronts meet,
they cut off feeding flow to the right end zone, and effectively reduce the size of that end zone.
This causes the decrease seen in EZL/T as W/T approaches 1. The decrease in RZL/T can be
similarly explained: for small W/T, the end zones extending from the sides in the width direction
of the casting section meet at the centerline and effectively reduce the size of the riser zone. For
W/T > 7, the riser zone length is simply given by RZL/T = 3.05, which is independent of the
riser diameter.
By utilizing the riser zone and end zone concepts, it is possible to determine whether or not
a casting section fed by a riser will be sound, as well as where porosity will form if the casting
section is not sound. This is shown in the following subsections for (1) a top riser feeding a
casting section that ends in the mold, (2) lateral feeding between top risers, and (3) a casting
section fed by a side riser.


end zone
length (EZL/T)


Riser and End Zone Length to Thickness Ratios, RZL/T and EZL/T


riser zone





AISI 1025 steel

furan sand mold
140F (60C) superheat
1 T 12
(2.54 cm 30.5 cm)
no visible shrinkage
porosity on x-ray









Width to Thickness Ratio, W/T

Figure 11 Riser zone length and end zone length as a function of width and thickness.



4.1 Top-Risered Casting Section Ending in the Mold

Figures 12 and 13 illustrate two different situations involving a top riser feeding a casting
section that ends in the mold. Figure 12 depicts the case when the casting section width W is
less than or equal to twice the size of the end zones extending from the sides in the width
direction of the casting section (i.e., W 2EZL2). It should be noted that the end zone lengths
EZL1 and EZL2 can be different, because they are functions of the length of the casting-mold
interface from which they originate. Thus, EZL1 is a function of W, and EZL2 is a function of
the length of the side edges of the section shown (not labeled). Figure 12a shows a sound casting
section. The only regions of this casting section that do not lie within either the riser zone or the
end zone extending from the right edge of this casting section (i.e., EZL1) are the regions
between the dashed lines (one above the centerline and one below). But these regions lie within
the end zones extending from the side edges in the width direction of the casting section. Hence,
the entire casting section not beneath the riser is covered by a riser zone or an end zone, and the
casting section is sound. Figure 12b shows that, if the distance between the riser and the right
edge of the casting section is increased, shrinkage porosity will result along the centerline
between the riser zone and the end zone extending from the right edge of the casting. It may
seem that this casting section should be sound, because the entire section lies within either the
riser zone, the end zone extending from the right edge, or the end zones extending from the side
edges. However, due to the directional solidification caused by the end zones extending from the
side edges of the casting section, solidification fronts will advance from the side edges toward
the centerline. These fronts will meet at the centerline, and feed metal from the riser zone to the
end zone extending from the right edge of the casting section will be cut off. This will result in
the centerline shrinkage porosity shown in Figure 12b.
Figure 13 illustrates the case when the width W of a casting section is greater than twice the
size of the end zones extending from the side edges of the casting section shown (i.e., W >
2EZL2). Figure 13a depicts a sound casting. Again, the entire casting section not directly
beneath the riser lies within a riser zone or an end zone. Figure 13b shows the onset of shrinkage
porosity as the distance from the riser to the right edge of the casting section increases beyond
the maximum distance for a sound casting shown in Figure 13a. Note that, when W > 2EZL2,
the shrinkage porosity begins to form in the two small regions not covered by an end zone or
riser zone, rather than along the centerline as in the case where W 2EZL2. Figures 13c and 13d
show how the shrinkage porosity regions grow and eventually merge into one region as the
distance between the riser and the right edge of the casting section continues to increase. An
important difference between the cases depicted in Figures 12 and 13 can be seen by comparing
Figures 12a and 13c. Note that these two figures are similar, since the end zone extending from
the right edge of the casting is tangent to the riser zone in both figures. However, due to the
difference in casting section width W in these two figures, Figure 12a results in a sound casting,
while Figure 13c results in shrinkage porosity.


(a) sound





(b) centerline shrinkage





shrinkage porosity



EZL = end zone length

RZL = riser zone length

Figure 12 Top-risered plate with end effect for plates with width W 2EZL2. (a) The plate is
sound if the riser zone and the end zone extending from the right edge of the casting
section are tangent (as shown) or overlap. (b) The plate has centerline shrinkage
between these zones if they do not meet.




























EZL = end zone length

RZL = riser zone length

Figure 13 Top-risered plate with end effect for plates with width W > 2EZL2. (a) The plate is
sound if the intersections of the end zones lie within or intersect the riser zone. (b)
(d) show where porosity forms as the plate length increases.


4.2 Lateral Feeding in a Top-Risered Casting Section

Different examples of top-risered lateral feeding are presented in Figures 14 16. Figure 14
illustrates the case when the casting section width W is less than or equal to twice the size of the
end zones extending from the side edges in the width direction of the casting section (i.e., W
2EZL). Figure 14a shows a sound casting. The riser zones are tangent to each other,
encompassing all of the casting section except for the areas between the dashed lines. These
areas fall within the end zones that extend from the side edges of the casting section shown in
Figure 14a. When the distance between risers increases, as in Figure 14b, the riser zones do not
intersect. Similar to the situation shown in Figure 12b, the solidification fronts advancing from
the side edges of the casting section in Figure 14b meet at the centerline, and cut off feeding
from the riser zones. This results in the centerline shrinkage shown in Figure 14b. Figure 15
depicts the case when the width W of a casting section is greater than twice the size of the end
zones extending from the side edges of the casting section shown (i.e., W > 2EZL). Figure 15a
shows a sound casting. Again, the entire section lies beneath a riser, or in a riser zone or an end
zone. When the distance between the risers is increased, shrinkage porosity begins to form in the
casting in the regions not covered by riser zones or end zones. This is illustrated in Figure 15b.
Analogous to Figure 13, the regions of shrinkage porosity grow and merge as the distance
between risers continues to increase, as seen in Figures 15b 15d. Note that Figures 14a and
15c are similar, since in both figures the riser zones are tangent to each other. However, due to
the difference in widths, the casting in Figure 14a is sound, while the casting in Figure 15c has
shrinkage porosity. Figure 16 shows the case when there are no end effects in the region of
interest. In order for the casting to be sound, the casting section between all of the risers must lie
within one or more riser zones. This is shown in Figure 16a. Figures 16b and 16c show where
shrinkage porosity first occurs, and how this region grows as the risers are placed further apart.
Based on the cases presented in Figures 12 16, it can be stated that a casting section will
be sound provided that ALL THREE of the following conditions are met:
(1) The entire casting section not directly beneath a riser must lie within either a riser zone or an
end zone.
(2) If two or more end zones intersect, their point(s) of intersection must lie on or within the
boundary of a riser zone.
(3) If two or more riser zones intersect and end effects are present in the region, the point(s) of
intersection of the riser zones must lie on or within the boundary of an end zone.
For example, consider Figure 12. The end zones extending from the side edges of this casting
section meet at the centerline (not shown). Hence, these end zones share a common boundary,
which is the centerline of the casting section. The intersection between this boundary and the
boundary of the end zone extending from the right edge of the casting section is the midpoint of
the vertical dashed end zone boundary line shown in Figure 12. In Figure 12a, this intersection
is the point where the riser zone and the end zone extending from the right edge meet. Hence,
conditions (1) (3) listed above are satisfied, and the casting section is sound. In Figure 12b, the
intersection of the end zones is outside the riser zone. Condition (2) is violated, and shrinkage
porosity develops.


(a) sound





(b) centerline shrinkage





shrinkage porosity



EZL = end zone length

RZL = riser zone length

Figure 14 Top-risered plate with lateral feeding for plates with width W 2EZL. (a) The plate
is sound if the riser zones are tangent (as shown) or overlap. (b) The plate has
centerline shrinkage between the riser zones if they do not meet.































EZL = end zone length

RZL = riser zone length

Figure 15 Top-risered plate with lateral feeding for plates with width W > 2EZL. (a) The plate
is sound if the end zone lines lie within or intersect the riser zones. (b) (d) show
where porosity forms as the distance between risers increases.







top view

top view




top view

RZL = riser zone length

Figure 16 Top-risered plate with lateral feeding for a plate section without end effects. (a) The
region of the plate between the risers is sound if it is completely contained within
one or more riser zones. (b) and (c) show where porosity forms as the distance
between risers increases.


4.3 Side-Risered Casting Sections

Although the discussion of riser zones and end zones to this point has been limited to toprisered sections, these concepts can also be considered in terms of side risers. The concept of
end zones is the same as for top risers, because end zones are only a function of the casting/mold
interface, and not of risers. The concept of a riser zone is slightly different, because side risers
do not feed radially in all directions as do top risers, and there are competing effects of the riser
zone and the end zones adjacent to the riser. Figure 17 shows an example of a casting that is fed
with a side riser. This casting has at least part of all four of its sides in contact with the mold, so
there are four end zones present. The end zones extending from the right and left sides in
Figures 17a and 17b are functions of the length L, and the end zones extending from the upper
and lower sides are functions of the width W. The riser zone drawn in Figures 17a and 17b is
approximate. As mentioned above, side risers do not feed the casting in the same manner as top
risers. With side risers, some of the feed metal entering the casting moves radially (as with top
risers). However, feed metal also has to turn the corners to feed the casting on the right and left
sides of the riser contact. In addition, the thermal gradient created by the hotter metal in the riser
is competing with the cooling effects of the mold on the edges of the casting near the riser
contact. Due to these differences between side riser feeding and top riser feeding, the riser zone
can only be approximated as a circular arc, as shown in Figure 17. However, the basic concepts
are still useful and valid.
The casting section shown in Figure 17a is sound. The intersections of the end zones fall on
the riser zone, and the entire casting is covered by a riser zone or an end zone. Thus, the three
conditions listed in Section 4.2 are satisfied. Figure 17b shows that as the width W is increased,
the intersections of the end zones move outside of the riser zone. As in Figures 12 and 14,
shrinkage porosity forms along the horizontal centerline between the riser zone and the
intersections of the end zones.
Analogous to Section 4.1, a wide range of geometries can be considered for side risers as
well, using the same procedures demonstrated thus far in this section. When considering the
soundness of side-risered casting sections in terms of RZL and EZL, the curves given in Figure
11 can be utilized, but the values of RZL should be considered approximate.



(a) sound



(b) centerline shrinkage

shrinkage porosity



RZL = riser zone length (approximate)

EZLL = end zone length based on L
EZLW = end zone length based on W

Figure 17 An example of the application of riser zone and end zone concepts to a side-risered
plate. (a) The plate is sound if the intersections of the end zones fall in or on the
boundary of the riser zone. (b) Shrinkage porosity develops between these
intersections and the riser zone if they do not meet.


The feeding distance, measured from the edge of a riser to the furthest point in the casting
section, indicates the length of a casting section that can be fed by that riser without developing
visible shrinkage defects in radiographic testing (i.e., better than ASTM shrinkage x-ray level
1). As shown in Figures 2 4, the concept of a feeding distance is most easily applied by
drawing a circle centered about a riser, with a radius equal to the feeding distance plus the riser
radius. Then, the casting section inside this circle is fed by that riser.
The feeding distance rules presented in this section were developed for casting sections with
thickness, T, ranging from 1 to 12 (2.54 cm to 30.5 cm). For thin casting sections [i.e., less
than 1 (2.54 cm) thick], the feeding distance becomes highly dependent on the filling process.
If a thin section is gated through the riser, feeding distances up to twice as long as those
predicted with the present rules have been reported [1]. Bearing the effects of filling in mind, the
feeding rules provided here can be used for thin sections, but they will give an overly
conservative estimate of the feeding distance in many instances.
Sections 5.1 to 5.6 provide equations and charts that can be used to calculate the feeding
distance for a casting section with given dimensions. Top risers, side risers, sections with a taper
and different end cooling conditions (regular end effect, lateral feeding, and chills) are
considered. The feeding distances discussed here are valid for the following base casting
AISI 1025 steel,
PUNB (furan) sand mold,
140F (60C) pouring superheat.
Application of these feeding distances to sections cast with different alloy compositions, molding
materials, and pouring superheats, as well as to other soundness levels (e.g., higher ASTM
shrinkage x-ray levels), is explained in Section 5.6. As with the RZL/T and EZL/T curves in the
previous section, fourth-order polynomial curve fits are provided in the Appendix for the curves
shown in this section.
5.1 Top Riser With End Effect
Feeding distances for top-risered sections (Figure 2) are given graphically by the curve in
Figure 18, where FD/T is plotted against W/T. By dividing FD and W by the thickness T (the
dimension into the page for the casting sketch shown in Figure 18), a single curve can be used to
represent the feeding distances for all section thicknesses. The feeding distance curve for end
effect terminates at a W/T value of about 15. For larger W/T, the width of the section becomes
larger than its length (for a standard riser diameter), and the two can be switched around.
It was mentioned in Section 2 that the feeding distance is related to riser and end zone
lengths. This can be seen by comparing Figures 11 and 18. Consider, for example, W/T = 1.
For small W/T, the largest sound casting section corresponds to Figure 12a, where the riser zone
is tangent to the end zone. Because W is small, FD is approximately equal to the distance along
the centerline from the riser edge to the right edge of this casting, which is simply RZL + EZL.
The values for RZL/T and EZL/T at W/T = 1 from Figure 11 are 1.65 and 2.05, respectively.


Their sum is 3.7, which is about the value of FD/T for W/T = 1 in Figure 18. As W/T increases,
RZL/T and EZL/T increase until about W/T = 7, when they reach their maximum values and
then remain constant. FD/T increases slightly faster than the sum of RZL/T and EZL/T from
W/T = 1 to W/T = 7. Beyond W/T = 7, FD/T continues to increase with W/T, even though
RZL/T and EZL/T remain constant. This is because FD/T is the diagonal distance from the riser
to the furthest corner of the casting section, and since W/T continues to increase, so does FD/T.
Once W/T is larger than 2(EZLmax/T) = 8.4, the largest sound casting section corresponds to
Figure 13a. Again, as W/T continues to increase, so does FD/T. This occurs until about W/T =
15, where FD/T reaches its maximum value of about 9.0.



AISI 1025 steel

furan sand mold
140F (60C) superheat
1 T 12
(2.54 cm 30.5 cm)
no visible shrinkage
porosity on x-ray

Top Riser Feeding Distance to Thickness Ratio, FD/T












Width to Thickness Ratio, W/T

Figure 18 Feeding distance (FD) as a function of width and thickness for top-risered sections.


5.2 Lateral Feeding (Feeding Between Top Risers)

The normalized lateral feeding distance LFD/T for top risers (Figure 4) is plotted as a
function of the width-to-thickness ratio W/T in Figure 19. For relatively small values of W/T,
the lateral feeding distance is equal to about 48% of the end effect feeding distance, i.e.

T end effect
T lateral

, for W/T 7


This equation is approximately valid to up to about W/T = 7. Note that division by the thickness
T in the above equation is not necessary, since T cancels out. It is simply included to make the
multiplier easier to use with the various equations and figures where FD/T is correlated or
plotted. It should be noted that there is a slight riser diameter dependence in the LFD/T curve
shown in Figure 19. The effect is small up to about W/T = 7. But for larger values of W/T, this
curve can be in error by a few percent, depending on the riser diameter. When there are no end
effects in the lateral feeding region under consideration (for example, see Figure 16, with four
risers), the width W is not relevant. For this special case, the lateral feeding distance is simply
equal to the maximum riser zone length value of 3.05T. This information is given in the sketch
inset in the lower right portion of Figure 19.




Top Riser Lateral Feeding Distance to Thickness Ratio, LFD/T

top riser lateral feeding distance (LFD/T)

AISI 1025 steel

furan sand mold
140F (60C) superheat
1 T 12
(2.54 cm 30.5 cm)
no visible shrinkage
porosity on x-ray

no end effects present

(i.e., no relevant W):
LFD = RZL = 3.05T












Width to Thickness Ratio, W/T

Figure 19 Lateral feeding distance (LFD) as a function of width and thickness for top-risered


5.3 Side Riser With End Effect

The normalized feeding distance, FD/T, for side-risered casting sections (Figure 3) is plotted
in Figure 20 as a function of the width-to-thickness ratio, W/T. Note that, unlike FD/T for top
risers shown in Figure 18, the feeding distance for side risers cannot be given by a single curve.
Instead, FD/T in Figure 20 is also a function of the normalized riser diameter, DR/T. This is due
in part to the more complicated nature of feeding with a side riser, because the feed metal must
turn corners at the riser/casting junction instead of simply moving along straight, radial paths.
Another contributing factor is simply the geometric dependence of FD on the riser size. The
curve in Figure 20 labeled Feeding Distance for W = DR is an important limiting case. When
W = DR, the side-risered casting reduces to a top-risered casting with the riser placed at one end,
as shown in the sketch at the top of Figure 20. In this limiting case, FD/T for side risers is the
same as FD/T for top-risers. In other words, the W = DR curve is simply the FD/T curve from
Figure 18. The dash-dot-dotted lines shown in Figure 20 represent lines of constant normalized
length, L/T. If the feeding distance, riser diameter, and casting section width are known, the
casting section length can be calculated from
L = (0.5D R + FD) 2 0.25W 2 0.5D R


These L/T lines are included to give some feeling of how the length changes with the other
parameters involved in this plot.
The curves in Figure 20 for DR/T = 1, 2 and 4 look complicated, but can be readily
understood by tracing one of these curves, beginning from the limiting case just described.
Consider, for example, the curve for DR/T = 2. When W/T = DR/T = 2, the value of FD/T is 5.0,
just as it is for top risers when W/T = 2 (see Figure 18). As W/T increases from this point, notice
that the DR /T curve is nearly parallel to the line representing L/T = 4.9. Thus, as W/T increases
along the DR/T = 2 curve, L/T remains nearly constant, and the casting section is simply
becoming wider. FD/T increases with W/T until W/T reaches its maximum of about 14.5, at
which point the FD/T curve makes a sharp turn and W/T begins to decrease. W/T = 14.5
represents the maximum section width that can be soundly fed by a riser with diameter DR/T = 2.
As the FD/T curve for DR/T = 2 turns at W/T = 14.5 and begins heading down and to the left,
notice that both L/T and W/T begin to decrease. This can be understood by considering that, as
the section length L is decreased, the width W that can be soundly fed by a given riser will
decrease as well. As L decreases, the end zone extending from the edge of the casting section
opposite from the side riser causes a solidification front to begin advancing from that edge
toward the riser zone extending from the riser. In addition, there are end effects on the sides of
the casting next to the riser/casting junction that promote solidification of the casting in those
regions. As the solidification fronts caused by these end effects move toward the middle of the
casting, they begin to solidify the feeding path and force the feed metal to make sharper turns to
feed tangentially. In essence, as L becomes smaller, it becomes harder for the feed metal to turn
corners and feed tangentially into the casting section, and the feeding path solidifies sooner.
Therefore, as L decreases, W must also decrease for the casting section to remain sound.
Notice the sound label in Figure 20. This indicates that any casting geometry that lies
inside the U of the FD/T curves will be sound, while any geometry that falls outside this area


is likely to contain shrinkage porosity. Consider, for example, a side-risered casting section with
DR/T = 2 and W/T = 12. The lower portion of the DR/T = 2 curve crosses W/T = 12 at a value of
FD/T = 5.8. L/T at this location is 2.2. The upper portion of this curve crosses the W/T = 12
line again at about FD/T = 7.4, where L/T is about 4.8. This can be interpreted as follows: if
DR/T = 2 and W/T = 12, a side riser can soundly feed casting sections with L/T ranging from 2.2
to 4.8. If L/T is larger than 4.8, the section is simply too large for the riser to feed. If L/T is
smaller than 2.2, end effects will cause the difficulties in tangential feeding, and the feeding path
will solidify prematurely.



AISI 1025 steel

furan sand mold
140F (60C)
1 T 12
(2.54 cm
30.5 cm)
no visible
porosity on

Side Riser Feeding Distance to Thickness Ratio, FD/T


for W = DR

L/T = 4.9

L/T =
L/T =

L/T = 6.4

L/T = 3

L/T = 2.5

DR/T = 4

L/T = 2

DR/T = 2

L/T = 1.5



DR/T = 1


L/T = 1







Width to Thickness Ratio, W/T

Figure 20 Side riser feeding distance, FD, as a function of DR, L, W and T.






5.4 Chills
Chill blocks are inserted into the mold to enhance the feeding distance by creating a steeper
temperature gradient. The chill surface in contact with the casting must be clean and dry.
Surface roughness has little effect on heat transfer characteristics. Chills can be used with a thin
refractory coating or carbon black. Cast iron or steel chills, for all practical purposes, are equally
effective. Water-cooled copper chills are more effective than uncooled cast iron or graphite.
However, the effectiveness of these external chills is greatly reduced by the formation of a gap at
the casting/chill interface as the casting shrinks away from the chill. Graphite chills may
deteriorate with use. Chills are used at the end of casting sections (end chills) and as drag
chills between two risers. Their use and effectiveness are described separately in the following.
End chill: End chills increase the feeding distance by increasing the end zone length. As
shown in Figure 21, end chills have a chill thickness, CT, defined perpendicular to the
casting/chill contact surface. The chill thickness should be chosen to be between 1/2 T and 2/3 T;
larger chill thicknesses do not further increase the feeding distance. The end chill multipliers
given in Equations (3) and (4) below were developed using a chill thickness of CT = 2/3 T. The
chill width, CW, and the chill length, CL, should be chosen to match the section geometry, i.e.,
CW = T and CL = W. The feeding distance FD in this case is defined the same as in the end
effect case, as the distance from the edge of the riser to the furthest point in the casting section
(not including the chill). Although Figure 21 shows an example of an end chill used with a top
riser, end chills can also be used in the same manner with side risers. In each case, end chills
increase the end effect feeding distance by about 19%, i.e.
= 1.19

T end chill
T end effect


Since end chills only affect the end zone length contribution to the feeding distance, the
effect of an end chill can also be expressed in terms of how much it alters the end zone length.
Simulation results indicate that adding a chill increases the end zone length by about 38%, i.e.
= 1.38

T end chill
T end effect


where the subscript end effect refers to the curve for EZL/T in Figure 11.
Drag chill: Figure 22 illustrates the placement of a chill in the drag between two top risers.
This procedure increases the lateral feeding distance by essentially creating an end effect
between the risers. As with end chills, the chill thickness, CT, is defined perpendicular to the
chill contact surface and should be chosen to be between 1/2 T and 2/3 T. The chill width, CW, is
defined parallel to the contact surface in the length direction and should also be chosen to be
between 1/2 T and 2/3 T. Larger CT and CW do not increase the feeding distance further. In
fact, for CW greater than about 2T, porosity can form above the chill [1]. The drag chill
multiplier given in Equation (5) below was developed using CT = CW = 1/2 T, but there is little
difference in this multiplier whether 1/2 T or 2/3 T is used for CT and CW. The chill length, CL,
is chosen to match the section geometry, i.e., CL = W. As shown in Figure 22, the feeding

distance with a drag chill is measured from the riser edge to the furthest point in the casting
section that is not above the drag chill. Note that this feeding distance does not extend all the
way to the symmetry line between risers (i.e., the centerline of the drag chill), but rather only to
the edge of the chill. Drag chills create a pseudo-end effect between risers equal to about 95% of
the end effect created when a casting section ends in the mold, i.e.

= 0.95

T end effect
T drag chill


In terms of lateral feeding, if one compares Equations (1) and (5), it is seen that a drag chill
nearly doubles the lateral feeding distance.










Figure 21 End chill dimensions for a top-risered casting section.


CL = W



drag chill







drag chill


Figure 22 Use of a drag chill for top-risered lateral feeding.


5.5 Taper

A taper (or metal padding) on a surface normal to the thickness direction of a casting
section may be employed to produce the longitudinal thermal gradients required to feed any
length to soundness. There exists a certain critical taper above which the section can be made
infinitely long. Employing a taper below this critical value has no beneficial effect, i.e., the
length of the casting section cannot be increased.
An example of a tapered section with a top riser is shown in Figure 23. It can be seen from
this figure that a taper increases the wall thickness. The increase in thickness can be minimized
by taking advantage of the fact that the casting end does not require taper over the end zone
length EZL, and the region adjacent to the riser does not require taper over the riser zone length
RZL. EZL and RZL are given in Figure 11.
The critical taper at which a section can be made infinitely long is given as a function of the
width-to-thickness ratio W/T in Figure 24. In this chart, the taper is expressed as Htaper/Ltaper,
where Htaper and Ltaper are the height and length of the tapered section, respectively. Note that the
taper is relatively large for small W/T. The taper drops sharply as W/T increases, until it reaches
a nearly constant value of about 0.011 around W/T = 6.
The taper curve shown in Figure 24 was developed based on numerical simulations, in the
same manner as the feeding distance curves already presented in this handbook. However, it
should be stated that, unlike the feeding distance curves, there is currently no direct experimental
data available to support this curve. The taper values presented here should therefore be used
with some caution.




taper (in./in.)


Figure 23 Taper in a plate with a top riser.



AISI 1025 steel

furan sand mold
140F (60C) superheat
1 T 12
(2.54 cm 30.5 cm)
no visible shrinkage
porosity on x-ray



Taper, = Htaper/Ltaper









taper (in./in.)



Width to Thickness Ratio, W/T

Figure 24 Taper, expressed as Htaper/Ltaper, given as a function of W/T.



5.6 Other Casting Conditions

The feeding distances presented in the previous subsections can be applied to casting
conditions other than the stated base conditions through the use of multipliers. Table 1 contains
a list of multipliers for alternate sand mold materials, cast alloy compositions, pouring superheats
and desired casting soundness. The feeding distance for casting conditions other than the base
conditions is then computed with the equation:

Csuperheat Ccast Csand Csoundness

T different T base



where (FD/T)base case is the normalized feeding distance for the appropriate casting situation from
the previous subsections. Again, the division by the thickness T in the above equation is not
necessary, since T cancels out. Note that the multipliers for lateral feeding and chills introduced
in the previous subsections could be multiplied into Equation (6) if the base case corresponds to
end effect. For any conditions that are the same as the base casting conditions, a value of C = 1
is used. The multipliers supplied in Table 1 were originally developed for the end effect feeding
distance given in Figure 18, and they are valid for the entire range of this curve (i.e., up to about
W/T = 15). Through the use of Equation (1), these multipliers can also be used for lateral
feeding. However, they are only accurate up to about W/T = 7. Beyond this point, they are only
approximate. In a similar manner, the multipliers can also be used for the riser and end zone
lengths, which reach constant values at about W/T = 7. Finally, the multipliers are also
approximately valid for side riser feeding distances.
The soundness multiplier, Csoundness, for ASTM shrinkage x-ray levels 1 5 can be obtained
from Figure 25. The hollow symbols on this plot represent plates from the casting trials that
served as the basis for development of the present feeding rules [2, 3]. The numbers below these
symbols indicate multiple plates. The solid squares represent the mean value of Csoundness for xray levels 1 4, and are shown with bars indicating plus/minus one standard deviation from the
mean. The mean values are shown over the solid squares, in bold numbers. Recall that the base
case was defined to produce castings that are radiographically completely sound. These
radiographically sound plates are a subset of ASTM shrinkage x-ray level 1 (which implies
level 1 or better), and they are grouped separately in Figure 25, below level 1. This is done to
emphasize that, if a level 1 rating is desired, an x-ray level multiplier greater than unity may be
used (note that the mean value of Csoundness for level 1 is 1.14). No mean value is indicated for
level 5, since this level includes all castings that are worse than level 4. In other words, any
sufficiently large value of Csoundness will result in a level 5 casting.
It is clear from Figure 25 that Csoundness increases with x-ray level. However, there is a large
amount of scatter in Csoundness for each level, which is primarily due to the uncertainty in
assigning x-ray levels according to ASTM standards [6, 7]. Still, if used with care, Figure 25 can
be utilized to choose a soundness multiplier when the required ASTM shrinkage x-ray level for a
casting is any value from 1 to 5 (i.e., not radiographically completely sound). For example, if xray level 1 is acceptable, the mean value of Csoundness for level 1 (1.14) could be used; i.e., the
feeding distance would be 14% longer than those plotted in Figures 18 20. Such increases are
significant, considering that an end chill only increases the feeding distance by 19%. For higher


x-ray levels, the allowable increase in the feeding distances is even more significant (up to 61%
in the mean for level 4), and should not be overlooked when risering steel castings.
A more conservative approach to the example just given would be to choose a soundness
multiplier somewhere to the left of the mean value for the desired x-ray level; the further left one
goes, the more conservative the choice. In the end, the choice of soundness multiplier is left to
the foundry engineer. Figure 25 provides a general idea of how this multiplier relates to x-ray
level, but effective use of this multiplier will require experience with it in a foundry setting.
Included in Table 1 is a multiplier labeled no leaks due to microporosity. The use of this
multiplier gives about 25% shorter feeding distances than those given earlier in this section for
radiographically sound castings. These shorter feeding distances are intended to prevent
microporosity sufficient to potentially cause leaks in fluid-containing castings. This multiplier
was derived from simulations based on the results of a recent SFSA Research Report on
predicting and preventing leaks in steel castings [8]. The stated value of 0.75 is approximate; the
true value is likely in the range 0.7 0.8. Experience with this multiplier in the foundry will be
necessary to provide a more accurate multiplier.
Table 1

Multipliers used to apply base case feeding rules to other conditions. Base case
conditions are listed with the multiplier C = 1.
Condition Description
(Csand mold)

(Ccast alloy)

Casting Soundness

green sand
AISI 1025
AISI 1522
AISI 4125
AISI 4135
AISI 8620
AISI 8630
AISI 4330
AISI 4340
140F (60C)
86F (30C)
194F (90C)
248F (120C)
no shrinkage visible on x-ray
no leaks due to microporosity
ASTM shrinkage x-ray levels 1-5


Factor C
see Figure 25

ASTM Shrinkage X-ray Level













3" thick x 6" wide plates (56 plates)

1" T x 5.5" W plates (75 plates)
1" T x 10" W plates (72 plates)
mean soundness multiplier +/- 1 standard deviation
















Soundness Multiplier, Csoundness

Figure 25 Multipliers for desired ASTM shrinkage x-ray level of casting section, with plus/minus one standard deviation intervals.



The procedures for placing risers on steel castings are discussed in Section 3. They involve
the identification of feeding zones and feeding paths. The rules presented here for calculating
the size of a riser are applicable for the plate-like sections that make up distinct feeding zones in
a complex casting. Each section may require more than one riser. The guidelines presented here
were originally developed for full contact, centrally-located top risers [1]. However, they apply
equally well to side risers if a hemispherical bottom on the side riser is used to prevent premature
freezing of the riser/casting junction.
Since risers are typically of a cylindrical shape, their important dimensions are the riser
diameter, DR, and the riser height, H. For top risers, the riser height should be at least equal to
the riser diameter, H = DR. For side risers, H = 1.5DR is often used. A riser height exceeding 1.5
times the riser diameter is uneconomical and does not improve the feeding ability of the riser; in
fact, it can lead to secondary shrinkage cavities inside the riser.
A plate-like casting section requires one or more risers, depending on the feeding distances
and the riser diameters. To calculate the riser size, one must know the shape factor, SF = (L +
W)/T, and the volume, VC = L W T, of that part of the section that is fed by the riser. Figure
1 defines the dimensions L, W and T for both a top riser and a side riser. If a single riser can
feed the entire plate-like section, the actual dimensions of the section can simply be used. If the
length of the section is too long, such that multiple risers are necessary, the dimension L is not
the length of the entire section, but only of that part that is fed by the riser under consideration.
In order to determine the number of risers required and the dimension L for each riser, the
feeding distances and riser diameters must be known. Since the riser diameter is not yet known,
an iterative procedure is required where a preliminary estimate of the riser diameter is made first.
Using this estimate, the feeding distance and the length L can be obtained. Then the actual riser
diameter can be calculated. If the calculated diameter differs significantly from the estimate, the
calculated diameter should be taken as a new estimate, and the process should be repeated.
When using drag chills with multiple risers, note that the length L extends to the middle of the
chill, even though the feeding distance is defined to the edge of a drag chill.
The correct procedure for calculating the size of a riser can be summarized in the following
(1) With the knowledge of W and T, calculate the feeding distance for the configuration under
consideration (note that for side risers, an estimate of the riser diameter may be needed as
well; see the next step). Decide whether or not chills will be used.
(2) Using the feeding distance as a basis, estimate the number of risers required, as well as the
length L of the casting section to be fed by each riser. If more than one riser is needed to
feed the section, estimate the riser diameter, DR. A starting guess of DR = 3T (or 2T for
W/T 1.0) should be relatively close.
(3) Compute the shape factor, SF = (L + W)/T, of the section fed by the riser.
(4) Compute the casting volume, VC = L W T, fed by the riser.
(5) Calculate the riser volume, VR, using Figure 26 or the following expression [9]:


VR = 2.51 VC (SF)



Calculate the riser diameter DR from the knowledge of the volume VR and the riser shape. If
the riser is a cylinder with height H = DR, the diameter can be calculated directly from:
D R = 3 3.20 VC (SF)



(6) Check if the calculated riser diameter is reasonably close to the initial estimate. If not, go
back to step 2, using the riser diameter just calculated as the next guess for DR.
(7) Compute the distance from the edge of the riser to the furthest point in the casting section to
be fed by that riser.
(8) Check that the feeding distance is greater than or equal to the distance found in step 7 for
that casting section. If so, the riser sizing procedure is complete. If not, the risers need to
be redistributed, and steps 1 7 should be repeated.



Riser Volume to Casting Volume Ratio, VR/VC


VR/VC = 2.51 SF-0.74














Shape Factor, SF = (L + W)/T

Figure 26 Riser volume to casting volume ratio as a function of shape factor. Plotted equation
originally from [9], based on data from [10].




Steel Founders' Society of America, Risering Steel Castings, Steel Founders' Society of
America, 1973.


R.A. Hardin, S. Ou, K. Carlson, and C. Beckermann, Relationship between Casting

Simulation and Radiographic Testing: Results from the SFSA Plate Casting Trials, 1999
SFSA Technical and Operating Conference, 1999.


R.A. Hardin, S. Ou, K. Carlson, and C. Beckermann, Relationship between the Niyama
Criterion and Radiographic Testing in Steel Casting, AFS Transactions, Vol. 108, pp. 5362, 2000.


G.K. Sigworth and C. Wang, Mechanisms of Porosity Formation during Solidification: A

Theoretical Analysis, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, Vol. 24B, pp. 349-364,


E. Niyama, T. Uchida, M. Morikawa and S. Saito, "A Method of Shrinkage Prediction and
Its Application to Steel Casting Practice," AFS International Cast Metals Journal, Vol. 7,
No. 3, pp. 52-63, September 1982.


K. Carlson, S. Ou, R. Hardin and C. Beckermann, "Analysis of ASTM X-Ray Shrinkage

Rating for Steel Castings," 2000 SFSA Technical and Operating Conference, 2000.


K. Carlson, S. Ou, R. Hardin and C. Beckermann, "Analysis of ASTM X-Ray Shrinkage

Rating for Steel Castings," International Journal of Cast Metals Research, Vol. 14, No. 3,


K. Carlson, S. Ou, R. Hardin and C. Beckermann, "Development of a Methodology to

Predict and Prevent Leaks Caused by Microporosity in Steel Castings," Steel Founders'
Society of America Research Report No. 110, September 2001.


W.D. Spiegelberg, Computation of Solidification Gradients in Cast Steel Sections, Ph.D.

Thesis, Department of Metallurgy and Materials Science, Case Western Reserve
University, 1970.

[10] H.F. Bishop, E.T. Myskowski and W.S. Pellini, "A Simplified Method for Determining
Riser Dimensions," AFS Transactions, Vol. 63, pp. 271-281, 1955.


This appendix contains fourth-order polynomial curve fits for various curves supplied in
these guidelines. These curves are valid for casting sections with thickness, T, ranging from 1
to 12 (2.54 cm to 30.5 cm).

The riser zone length and end zone length curves shown in Figure 11:

= 2.803 10 4 2.874 10 3 0.0355 + 0.5726 + 1.094 (A1)

= 1.269 10 3 + 0.02856 0.276 + 1.446 + 0.852


Equations (A1) and (A2) are accurate up to W/T = 7, beyond which EZL/T and RZL/T take
on constant values of 4.2 and 3.05, respectively.

The end effect feeding distance curve shown in Figure 18:


= -4.29 10 4 + 0.0174 0.266 + 1.99 + 1.97

T end effect


Equation (A3) is accurate up to W/T = 15, beyond which FD/T has a constant value of 9.0.

The lateral feeding distance curve shown in Figure 19:


= -8.587 10 5 + 3.408 10 3 0.0533 + 0.6967 + 1.019 (A4)

Equation (A4) is accurate up to W/T = 15.

The taper curve shown in Figure 24:


Taper = 9.111 10 6 3.261 10 4 +
+ 4.207 10

3 W

0.02316 + 0.057


Equation (A5) is accurate up to W/T = 10, but the taper reaches a nearly constant value of
about 0.011 around W/T = 6.


Steel Founders Society of America

Special Report No. 32

Yield Improvement Case Studies

A collection of case study reports completed for
the yield improvement in steel castings project

Published by the
Steel Founders Society of America
Malcolm Blair
Vice President - Technology
September 2001

During the conduct of the program which addressed the issue of improving yield, SFSA
members were invited to submit cases where they had had difficulty in achieving radiographic
soundness requirements or improving yield levels whilst maintaining quality levels. This report
shows some of the solutions that were obtained following a close working relationship between
the foundries and the researchers at the University of Iowa.
This work was carried out by Richard Hardin, Kent Carlson, Shouzhou Ou and Christoph
Beckermann of the University of Iowa. The Carbon and Low Alloy Research Committee would
like to acknowledge the efforts of the researchers and the foundries who helped in providing
suitable case studies.
Malcolm Blair
Vice President - Technology
By the direction of the
Carbon and Low Alloy Research Committee
S. Kulkarni, Chairman
P. Bruno
J. Carpenter
G. Hartay
K. Murphy
A. See
B. Shah

Seven case studies of casting yield improvement in production steel castings were to be
completed as part of the Steel Founders Society of America (SFSA) Yield Improvement in Steel
Casting Project (Yield II). The findings of these seven case studies are reported in Attachments
A through E in this report. These case studies were conducted to investigate the yield
performance of complex production castings. Investigating issues affecting yield improvement
and demonstrating the yield improvement possible for production castings were two of the
primary goals of these studies. The report presents case studies from three SFSA member
foundries. However, as many as nine foundries were involved with case studies as part of the
Yield II research program. Unfortunately not all of the castings studied over the course of this
project are presented in this report. However, all case studies were presented at project review
For each case study, the casting simulations were performed using the MAGMAsoft casting
simulation software. In all cases, the castings were simulated and the risering was evaluated in
order to achieve an optimum yield at the required soundness level. In addition, some parts are
cast and x-rayed, and their correspondence with both the simulation and the new feeding rules is
discussed. Substantial in-kind support was provided to the project by the foundries participating
in these studies by providing CAD models, casting condition and process data, casting trials, and
by performing casting radiographic testing. It is hoped that the procedures and findings from
each case study will be published and made available to steel foundries through SFSA Tech
Folios, but the present report is designed to serve as a longer, more thorough record of this work.
Attachment A, "Application of New Feeding Rules To Risering of Steel Castings", reports on
three case studies performed with one company. This work was presented at the 2000 SFSA
Technical and Operating Conference. These case studies strongly support and validate the basis
of new feeding rules and also demonstrate their practical application. These new feeding rules
are based on the feeding distance determined by the first appearance of a minimum Niyama
Criterion of 0.1 (C1/2s1/2mm-1). For these castings where the new feeding rules indicated that the
section could be fed, no computational cells were found to have Niyama Criterion values below
0.1 (C1/2s1/2mm-1) after simulating the actual rigging and casting conditions. In these sections no
shrinkage worse than Level 1 was found from radiographic testing. For all sections where the
new rules were exceeded computational cells were found with Niyama Criterion values below
0.1 (C1/2s1/2mm-1).
Attachment B, "Yield Improvement Case Study: Yield Improvement for a Valve Body Casting,"
reports on a fourth case study. In this study, casting simulations were run to develop an improved
rigging; improving both casting soundness and increasing the casting yield. The simulated
casting yield was improved by about 18% in this case study, from a casting yield of 48.5% for
the original rigging to a yield of 66.9% for the new rigging.
Attachment C, Yield Improvement Case Study: Computational Study Comparing Stacking and
Riser Sizing Optimization, reports on the fifth casting case study. This case study compares the
casting yield improvement for rigging configurations using optimally sized risers in a single
horizontal layer with the yield improvement arising from a multi-layered configuration using

stacked castings. The casting yield for the original rigging was found to be 49%. By optimizing
the riser size without using riser sleeves, and using one layer of castings, the yield was increased
in simulations to 70%. By optimizing the riser sizes and using riser sleeves and still using one
layer of castings, the yield was increased to 75% in the simulations. By using riser sleeves, and
stacking the castings in layers, the casting yield was increased still further to 80%.
Attachment D, Yield Improvement Case Study: Use of Stacking and Chills for a Tapered Arm
Casting, reports on the sixth casting case study, an application using stacking and chills. By
stacking the castings and employing chills the casting yield was increased from 43% to 52%. By
stacking the castings alone, without using chills, the casting yield was 46%. This yield was
determined by both simulation and production trial castings. The foundry experienced problems
with some castings not meeting a required RT Level 2 when chills were used. The simulation
results for the case with chills shows the feeding percentage to be as low as 93%, and Niyama
Criterion as low as 0.1 (C1/2s1/2mm-1). According to the method used to evaluate shrinkage
severity in the development of new SFSA feeding rules, these simulation results indicate that not
all castings might meet Level 2. Furthermore, if the superheat were less than the reported 90 C
and the chills were undersized or not properly applied, the likelihood for defects would be
greater according to the simulations. The simulations therefore agree with what is observed in
practice, and again the minimum Niyama Criterion value of 0.1 (C1/2s1/2mm-1) for Level 1
soundness is confirmed.
Attachment E, Yield Improvement Case Study for a CF8M Pump Cover, reports on a case
study in which applying computer simulation to improve the net casting yield for a CF8M pump
cover. Substantial machining of the as-cast part is required. The casting yield for the as-cast
part is quite high, 90%. Also, the net yield (where machined metal in the casting is assumed to
be padding and is considered wasted/lost metal) of the part is 70%. Since 20% of the metal must
be machined off the casting, if the net casting yield were increased both the machining costs and
the energy and other costs impacted by increasing casting yield could be substantially reduced. It
was demonstrated by applying careful computer modeling that a sound casting could be
produced, and that the net casting yield improved from 70% to 76%. This was also confirmed by
casting trial. Feeding distances were not an important factor affecting the casting yield in this
case. Simulation results were shown to be sensitive to the pouring temperature, the properties of
the insulating riser sleeves, and the type of mold material used. Based the casting trials, mold
material properties and superheat should be taken into careful consideration, and if at all possible
should be determined and controlled in order to produce a defect-free casting.

Attachment A



Richard Hardin1, Doug Smith2, Tony Faivre3, Shouzhu Ou1, Kent

Carlson1, and Christoph Beckermann4


Manager - Manufacturing Engineering , ABC-NACO TECHNOLOGIES, Lombard, IL
Project Engineer - Casting Simulation, ABC-NACO TECHNOLOGIES, Lombard, IL
IOWA, Iowa City, IA

New feeding rules that have been developed for the SFSA are applied to three castings,
and comparisons are made between these new rules and the feeding rules presently published
by the SFSA. The feeding lengths used in the three production castings are compared with
these feeding distances. The effectiveness of the feeding rules are evaluated by comparing the
level of tested and predicted shrinkage porosity in the castings to the expected level of porosity
based on the new feeding rules. The methodology used to establish the new feeding rules is
checked by examining the predicted Niyama Criterion values in the castings, and comparing it
to what is expected given the feeding distance computed by the new rule. This comparison
shows that the new feeding rules accurately estimate the level of the Niyama Criterion values
computed in the actual castings. For the case of feeding a circular, ring-shaped, section with a
single riser it is found that it is not appropriate to use the lateral feeding rule. Depending on the
casting conditions considered in the new rules, the rule comparisons demonstrate that the new
feeding rules are sometimes similar to, but are generally less conservative than, the current
SFSA feeding rules. If the new rules are evaluated using the casting conditions for which the
current SFSA rules are developed (green sand mold and plain 0.3% carbon steel), the new
rules are always less conservative than current rules. Also, based on the results of this study,
there exists a good likelihood that these new feeding rules can be made even less conservative.


The importance of investigating and improving the guidelines for risering and feeding steel
castings is clear, from anecdotal evidence and the experiences of foundrymen, from foundry trials
of plate castings [1] and from insight gained from the application of modern casting software to
production castings [2]. In some casting trial cases (for example 3" thick by 6" wide plates with
end-effect [1]), the present feeding rules [3] appear to be acceptably accurate. In other casting
trial cases, for lateral feeding and plates with larger width to thickness ratios [1], the need for an
improvement to the present rules was clearly demonstrated, and the current rules were shown to
be too conservative. Therefore, two of motivations for developing new feeding rules for the SFSA
are to create rules and guidelines that are: 1) valid for a wide range of simple plate geometries,
and 2) more accurate and less conservative. Other motivations are to develop rules that
accurately account for more casting variables than do the present rules (alloy, mold type, amount
of superheat), and to allow the foundry engineer to increase casting yield by tailoring the casting
soundness to customer requirements. The use of these rules will lead to casting yield increases
throughout the foundry industry.
A brief listing of the current SFSA rules for determining the feeding distances in this work
is given in Appendix A. These SFSA rules are intended to be used down to 2" thick sections, and
in the present work they are extrapolated to thinner sections. This is commonly done in practice.
Feeding distances of sections down to 0.5" thick are presented here. The SFSA rules are
developed to predicted feeding distances for castings produced using green sand and plain 0.3%
carbon steel when Class 1 soundness at 2% radiographic sensitivity is desired [3]. These
conditions should be kept in mind, because the new rules are designed to consider numerous
casting process variables. A fair comparison between the new and current SFSA rules would
actually involve using these old-rule casting conditions when evaluating the new feeding rules.
The new feeding rules used to determine the new-rule feeding distances are plotted in
Figure B-1 of Appendix B, and preliminary factors which adjust them for certain casting conditions
are also given. The reader should be aware that the rules used here may have been altered for
their final publication. The methodology for the development of the new rules was established
using the casting simulation software MAGMAsoft [4] and the Niyama Criterion [5]. The rules
plotted in Appendix B are based on increasing the required feeding length of a casting until the
Niyama Criterion value first drops below 0.1 (C1/2s1/2mm-1) for any computational cell in the
casting1. This is termed a minimum Niyama Criterion value of 0.1. Therefore, when the first
Niyama Criterion value below 0.1 appears, the feeding distance is reached. Casting trials were
performed for vertical and horizontal plate castings with end effect and lateral feeding. From the
results of these SFSA plate casting trials [1], the new feeding rules in Appendix B have been
demonstrated to always produce castings to Level 1 soundness or better. In these trials, there
were also sound plates cast at feeding distances corresponding to minimum Niyama Criterion
values below 0.1, or longer than the new rule feeding distance. However, it was observed in
these cases that the area of Niyama Criterion below 0.1 was small. While it still remains to be
finalized, it should be possible to develop less conservative feeding rules than those given in
Appendix B that are based on the area of Niyama below 0.1.

Considering the units of the Niyama Criterion, C1/2s1/2mm-1 should be taken for all
Niyama Criterion values given in this paper. For the remainder of this paper, unit specification
for the Niyama Criterion values is omitted for ease of presentation.


New guidelines are being prepared to replace the first edition of the Red Book of SFSA
feeding rules [3]. These new guidelines contain clear recommendations and procedures covering
the best methods to apply the feeding rules. This includes the operations involved in representing
the actual casting as one or more basic plate-like shapes. This is a very important step since it
defines the section to which the rules are applied. In the first edition of the Red Book of SFSA
feeding rules (see Figure 1 taken from page 4 of [3]), the manner in which this is done is given too
brief a discussion, and a more thorough discussion for this procedure is included in the new
guidelines. The approaches discussed in the literature which address this operation can involve
using the true section dimensions when appropriate, as shown in Figure 1. However, in the case
of junctions, changes in section thickness, and more complicated cross-sections, a substitution
plate geometry is determined to represent the section to be fed. In such cases, the dimensions of
the substitution plate are sometimes determined based on the size of the hot-spot. For
example, a hot spot section thickness is sometimes used [2]. Clearly since this procedure is an
important part of determining the feeding distance, the new guidelines should address this
procedure and provide recommendations.

Figure 1

Examples for representing castings as simple plate-like parts

taken from [3]: (A) a tube casting is represented as a plate,
and (B) a gear casting becomes six plate-like parts

Casting simulation represents the best, most accurate approach yet devised to optimize
the rigging of a casting and the resulting casting yield. Yet rules for risering remain an important
first step in rigging castings, even when simulation might be applied later to optimize the process.


When state-of-the-art casting simulation is applied to castings, and compared with the rigging one
would have gotten by applying risering rules, the inadequacies of the feeding rules can often be
demonstrated. Also, as will be discussed here, insight gained from simulating casting can be
used to apply feeding rules more accurately. In the case of the new feeding rules, the results of
the Niyama Criterion from the simulation can be directly compared to what would be expected
from the feeding distance. The primary goal of this paper is to compare the feeding distances
determined using the new rules and the current SFSA rules with each other, and the results from
casting simulations and radiographic testing (RT).
In this paper, casting simulation results and RT data were provided by the authors at
ABC-NACO TECHNOLOGIES. Three castings are analyzed to answer the following questions:

Are there differences between the required feeding lengths used in the production
castings and feeding distances recommended by the present SFSA rules [3] and
the proposed new rules?

How do the predicted shrinkage porosity in the castings, the shrinkage porosity
found in RT, and the expected porosity level based on the feeding rules compare?

How do the tested porosity and the predicted porosity level from the casting
simulations compare with the Niyama Criterion-based methodology that is used to
establish the new feeding rules?

The three castings are analyzed in separate sections below. They are:
Casting #1: a small valve casting weighing 51.8 lb. cast from AISI 1020 steel
Casting #2: a hub casting weighing 445 lb. cast from AISI 4135 steel.
Casting #3: a large valve body weighing 678 lb. cast from AISI 1020 steel
In this work, the casting simulations were performed by the authors working at, ABC-NACO
TECHNOLOGIES. The production of castings and the RT of the castings were done by foundries
affiliated with ABC-NACO. The analysis of the required feeding lengths and distances were done
by the authors at the University of Iowa, and the interpretation of the casting simulation results
was done by all.


For each of the castings investigated, the following issues are addressed:


Regions of the casting are simplified as simple plate-like geometries and are
analyzed according the current and newly developed SFSA feeding rules.
According to the feeding rules, an assessment is made whether or not the section
could be fed to ASTM RT Level 1 or better.
The rule assessment is compared with the simulation and RT results.




Casting #1 is ball valve casting that was used as an example in evaluating methoding
rules several years ago [2]. The process details are:


Casting configuration: Rough dimensions, 12.25"L x 5.5"W x 5.5" H (Figure 2)

Casting alloy: AISI 1020, gross weight 51.8 lb.
Pouring temperature: 1579/C
Pouring time: 24 seconds
Gating system & feeding system (Figure 2)
Sleeve: Foseco Kalmin 70
Topping materials: Foseco Ferrux 746
Riser configuration: 6" Diameter x 8" Height
Sand mold: Pepset-Isocure (Furan mold properties are used when simulating this)

Figure 2

Casting #1 down sprue, gating and

riser (note section P-P)

The feeding rule analysis of the casting geometry proceeds by identifying the regions
requiring feeding. Consider a cross section P-P shown in Figure 2. Regions A and B in section
P-P (shown in Figure 3) become the cross-sections of two simple plates to be analyzed.

The simple plate geometry used in the analysis for region A becomes section C-C (shown
in Figure 4). It is analyzed as a ring-shaped plate of thickness, T=1.3"; width, W=5.5"; and
required feeding length, FL=12.2". This is half of the circumference, from the riser contact
to the end of the required feeding length. Including riser contact and two such required
feeding lengths, the entire circumference is reduced to a plate of length, L=27.7".

The simple plate geometry used in the analysis for region B becomes section D-D (shown
in Figure 5) and it is reduced to a ring-shaped plate of thickness, T=1.4"; width, W=1.5";
and required feeding length, FL=10.8". Including riser contacts and two required feeding
lengths, the entire circumference is a plate of length, L=23.9".



Figure 3


Cross-Section P-P: regions A and B, and sections C-C and D-D used for
feeding distance analysis

Figure 4

Figure 5

Required feeding length for section C-C

Required feeding length for section D-D


For such ring-shaped sections fed by a single riser (as shown in Figures 4 and 5) it is
usually assumed that there is no end effect, and lateral feeding rules are applied. By performing
a series of simulations and using the methodology on which the new feeding rules are based, it
was determined that there is an end effect acting when there is one riser placed on such a ringshaped section. This effect is not as strong as that for a part with a true end effect, but it is
enough to be important, and it makes the estimation of feeding distance by using the lateral
feeding rules far too conservative [2]. For these ring geometries with one riser it was found that
the feeding rule with end effect was closer to the feeding distances found for simulations of ringshaped sections. If one has two or more risers on a ring-shaped casting section, the lateral
feeding rules are still recommended.
The feeding distances computed according to the current SFSA rules and the new feeding
rules are outlined in Table 1. The new feeding rules consider that the casting section should be
ASTM RT Level 1 sound (using a minimum Niyama Criterion value of 0.1), and use multipliers to
consider the following conditions as being different from the new rule base case: superheat of
70C (see Appendix B for multipliers and new rule). Note that for these sections lateral feeding
FDold . FDnew is coincidental for the present T and W, for the T=3" x W=6" plate trials FDnew . 2
FDold. From the results in Table 1, the rule for lateral feeding is far too conservative and no
analysis using this rule is given. From Table 1, the new rule feeding distance is slightly more than
the current rule feeding distance. Both rules say, the casting requires two risers since the
required feeding length is 12.2" for section C-C, and 10.8" for section D-D. More discussion of
the rule application for end effect is provided in the conclusion section below.

Table 1 Feeding rules results compared for sections A and B in Casting #1

Feeding Rule Results for Region A, Feeding Distance Based
Section C-C: T = 1.3", W = 5.3"
on Current SFSA Rule
Lateral Feeding
End Effect
Feeding Rule Results for Region B, Feeding Distance Based
Section D-D: T = 1.4", W = 1.5"
on Current SFSA Rule
Lateral Feeding
End Effect

Feeding Distance
Based on New Rule
Feeding Distance
Based on New Rule

Results from the Foundry Castings and Simulations for Casting #1

The rigging with one riser used in the simulations (as shown in Figure 2) was cast. The
casting soundness was determined by radiographic testing according ASTM E446 at Keokuk
Steel Castings to CB-1 and CD-1 (Level 1 soundness). The simulation results of the predicted
Niyama Criterion in the casting are given in Figure 6 for section C-C and Figure 7 for section D-D.
According to the feeding rule methodology, these plots indicate that the casting, particularly in
section D-D, might be worse than Level 1 shrinkage since there are several cells below the 0.1
Niyama Criterion value. Since the area below 0.1 is not too large the casting might also be Level
1. The casting is borderline Level 1 soundness. The interpretation that this amount of area is
approximately Level 1 soundness is based on the methodology used to develop the new feeding
rules, and is based on the experience gained in analyzing the SFSA plate casting trials [1].



Riser contact 3.2

Figure 6


Niyama Criterion plot for section C-C in Casting #1, riser

zone length in cope is shown to be 4.2"



Figure 7

Niyama Criterion plot for section D-D in Casting


Conclusions for Casting #1

The use of lateral feeding rules for ring-shaped sections having one riser needs to be
examined. It appears to be far too conservative, and probably is not applicable.

Feeding distance based on new rule (Table 1) using as-cast conditions is exceeded by the
required feeding distance:
For section C-C: Required feeding length = 12.2", FDold rule= 7.4", and FDnew rule= 8.9"
For section D-D: Required feeding length = 10.8", FDold rule= 5.0", and Fdnew rule= 5.7"

The feeding distance based on the new rule is only slightly more than the old rule (Table
1). In general, for sections with W/T.1 at thickness up to about 4" the difference between
the old and new feeding rules is small.

The current feeding rules are for green sand molds, which have a multiplier of 1.108 in the
new rules (Appendix B). A fairer comparison between the rules would be to consider the
new rule for green sand: for section C-C FDnew rule= 9.4" and for section D-D FDnew rule= 6.4".

From the simulation results, the predicted Niyama Criterion distributions agree with the
feeding rules in both sections. Since the new feeding rules are exceeded in both sections,
the minimum Niyama Criterion is expected to be below 0.1, and it is as seen in Figures 6
and 7. Based on experience from the casting trials [1], section C-C is noticeably less
sound given the area of Niyama Criterion, and it is borderline Level 1 soundness.

Recalling the relationship between the riser feeding zone and the lateral feeding distance,
the lateral feeding distance in the new rules is the distance between the riser and the first
point of Niyama Criterion below 0.1. This distance is indicated in Figure 6 for section C-C
and it defines the riser feeding zone to be 4.2" long, which is quite close to the 3.6" lateral
feeding distance determined for this section with the new feeding rule. This confirms that
the new feeding rules for the simplified section geometry are consistent with the simulation
results for the actual casting.

For such ring-shaped sections, the actual feed path shifts toward the core and shortens
the actual required feeding length. This had been mentioned previously [2] and is
apparent here from Figures 6 and 7, where the lowest Niyama Criterion values (defining
the thermal centerline of the sections) are shifted toward the core. This is an effective
decrease in the required feeding length because it will always be less than the geometric
mean circumference for a ring-shaped section. This could be important to consider in
applying feeding rules to ring-shaped sections and could be contributing to the casting
meeting the Level 1 soundness requirements.

When filling is simulated, the first region to solidify is near the top of the section, which
means the required feeding length for the bottom part of the ring is actually longer than the
top [2]. This asymmetry is apparent in Figures 6 and 7.




Casting #2 is a hub casting. The casting process details are:


Figure 8

Casting rough dimensions are 24"L x 19.2"W x 19.2"H

Casting alloy: AISI 4135
Casting weight = 454.2 lbs (206.2 kg)
Pouring temperature: 1565/C
Pouring time: 23 seconds
Gating system & feeding system: see Figure 8
Sand mold: Pepset-Isocure
Yield: 57.5%

Half section (at left) and side view of rigging used on the hub casting (Casting #2)

The feeding rule analysis of this casting examines the regions requiring feeding. These
are the ring-shaped sections at sections A through E in the cross section shown in Figure 9. The
feeding rules are also compared in the region of the thin-walled body of the hub.
Feeding Distance Analysis for Sections A and B
Sections A and B are rigged nearly identically as shown in Figures 10 and 11,
respectively. The only noticeable difference between them is that the risers contacting along the
parting line are lower for section A than section B. This makes the required drag chill feeding
length in the cope 0.5" longer for section A than section B, and the required lateral feeding length
in the drag longer for the case of section B than section A. If chills are not used in the cope, the
foundry RT results showed that Level 3 (CB-3) shrinkage formed in the cope side. When cope
chills are used, the casting tests to the ASTM E446/E186 RT Acceptance Standard at Level 1 or
better. Other observations for sections A and B are:

For these sections, mold type, alloy, and superheat, the extrapolated SFSA rules give
longer feeding distances than the new rules by 0.2" for lateral feeding and by 0.7" for the
drag chill. These values are essentially equal. See Figures 10 and 11.



Figure 9

Cross section of Casting #2 showing feeding percentage

and sections where feeding distance rules will be applied


Mean centerline length = 51.8







T=1.4, W=2.7

Figure 10

Simplified geometry, feeding percentage, Niyama Criterion predictions, and

feeding distance analysis for section at section A in Casting #2

Mean centerline length = 51.8







FL =4.7
T=1.4, W=2.7

Figure 11


Simplified geometry, feeding percentage, Niyama Criterion predictions, and

feeding distance analysis for section at point B in Casting #2


Both of the chill rules indicate that the cope section can be easily fed. The lateral feeding
rule indicates that the drag section is not quite fed, and that feeding distance is about 1.5"
short. Given that the RT results for this casting were Level 1, both the new rule and the
current rule appear to be a little conservative for this case.

Feeding Distance Analysis for Sections C, D and E

In section C and D, as seen in Figure 12, the new rule lateral feeding distance is 3.6" and
is longer than the current SFSA rule by 0.5". The new rule lateral feeding distance is
shorter than the required feeding length by 1.6", but there are no shrinkage indications
found in the RT.

Also seen in Figure 12 in section C and D, the new rule for drag chill feeding distance is
9.5" and is longer that the current SFSA rule by 0.8". The feeding distances for both rules
are longer than the required feeding length, and there are no shrinkage indications found
in the RT.

The middle section, section E in Figure 12, is also a section with lateral feeding. In this
case the new rule feeding distance, 3.05", is less than the current SFSA rule FD by 0.25".
There was no shrinkage found by RT. The feeding distance was found to be adequate to
feed the cope section, but in the drag section the new rule feeding distance is 0.55" short
of the required lateral feeding length.

Feeding Distance Analysis for Thin Wall Section of the Hub Body

This section of the casting is shown in Figure 13. The required lateral feeding length
between flanges A and D is 5.6".

The feeding distance found using the new rule is 2.85", and is 0.65" longer than the
current SFSA rule. The feeding distance is 2.75" less than the required length.

This region of the casting was not radiographically tested. Given the large region of
Niyama Criterion predicted below 0.1 there are certainly shrinkage defects there at Level 3
or worse.


Taper 2

C section
4" contact

T=1.4, W=4.8


Taper 1




Chill 2

3" chill
Chill 1

Mean centerline length = 49.6

Figure 12

Simplified geometry, feeding percentage, Niyama Criterion predictions, and

feeding distance analysis for section at sections C, D and E in Casting #2






Figure 13

Simplified geometry, Niyama Criterion predictions, and feeding distance analysis

for thin wall section in Casting #2


Conclusions for Casting #2

Lateral feeding distance based on new rule is found to be slightly shorter than the required
feeding length in the drag half at sections A and B, and in the cope half at sections C and
D. The Niyama Criterion predictions in sections A and B are shown in Figure 14 and are
consistent with the new rule feeding distance being exceeded since there is an area of
values below 0.1. Its is possible to have some castings meet Level 1 RT requirements
with such indications. In the cope half the feeding distance was not exceeded and there
are no indications below 0.1.

When the new rule feeding distance is smaller than current SFSA rule, there is only small
difference. The new rule takes into account casting conditions that are not considered in
the current rules which can decrease its value. As discussed for Casting #1, these
multipliers reduced the new feeding distance in this case below the current SFSA rule.

The size of the region of Niyama Criterion below 0.1 in the regions where the feeding
distance is exceeded indicates that the new feeding distance rule agrees with the
simulations results, but there may not be a large enough area of Niyama below 0.1 to form
shrinkage worse than RT Level 1.

Figure 14

Niyama Criterion plot of sections A and B in Casting #2 with

chills in the cope as shown in Figures 10 and 11



Casting #2 is a valve casting shown in Figure 15. The casting process details are:


Casting rough dimensions are 28.2"L x 19.0"W x 16.3"H

Casting alloy: AISI 1020
Casting weight = 678 lbs (308 kg)
Pouring temperature: 1565/C
Pouring time: 23 seconds
Gating system & feeding system: 6 risers/sleeves , 3 chills, see Figure 17
Sand mold: Pepset-Isocure
Casting yield 50.6%

Top view


Figure 15

Rigging for Casting #3 (left above) and points of interest for feeding distance and
shrinkage prediction (right above)

Feeding Distance Analysis for Casting #3

Sections B, C, and G in Figure 15 were chosen for example feeding distance calculations.
The results of the predicted Niyama Criterion and example feeding distance calculations for
sections B and C are shown in Figure 16 These results are shown for the section at G in Figure
Section B in Figure 16:

The section is predicted to be quite sound. The required feeding length is 10.8", by the
new drag chills rule the feeding distance is 16.9". The SFSA rule gives 11.9". Both rules
say it can be fed but the new rule gives feeding distances which are substantially longer.
Section C in Figure 16:

The applicable case is lateral feeding. The required feeding length is 9.7" for this 0.5"
thick section. This section thickness is well below the application range of the SFSA rules.
The new rule feeding distance is 1.55" and the current SFSA rule gives 0.9".


C: T=0.5", W=5"

Mean centerline length = 27.6"

FL = 9.7"



T= 3.7", W=4"

FL = 10.8"

Mean centerline length = 48.8"

Figure 16

8.8" 3"

Cross sections at sections B (top right) and C (top left), Niyama

Criterion and Feeding Percentage for section shown at top left, and
feeding distance calculations for Casting #3



3-4 (G)



View A-A


Figure 17

Top (top left), cross section A-A (lower left), and side views (lower right) of
Niyama Criterion distribution in wall of valve with region at G indicated (top
left). G corresponds to position 3-4 (shown above) from the RT reader sheets
where Level 3 shrink was found. Feeding distance calculations for section also

Figure 18

Niyama Criterion plot of section with Level 3 shrinkage

Section G in Figure 17:

The case considered is lateral feeding. The total required feeding length across
this region is 7.7". The section is 0.6" thick. The new rule feeding distance is 3.3"
and the current SFSA rule is 2.1". The feeding distance is exceeded.

Conclusions for Casting #3

In section B there are no cells with Niyama Criterion below 0.1. Therefore the simulation
results for the casting are consistent with the new rule for this section since the feeding
distance was not exceeded. If the feeding distance is not exceeded there should be no
cells below the 0.1 Niyama Criterion value.

In sections C and G a Level 3 shrink was found in this region based on the RT reader
sheets from NACO Inc.s Richmond Foundry. This is not surprising since the feeding
distance is greatly exceeded. Coinciding with the new feeding rules, there is a large
region of Niyama Criterion below 0.1. The new rule is consistent with the simulation

The position of the Level 3 in the wall of the valve in sections C and G is shown in the
Niyama Criterion plot in Figure 18. The vertical section through the casting wall in Figure
18 shows concentrated region of Niyama values below 0.1.


The results from this study are summarized in Table 2. In this table, for a given casting
and section, the required feeding length, the current rule and new rule feeding distances (based
on actual casting conditions), the new rule feeding distance corresponding to the casting
conditions of the current SFSA rules (green sand mold and plain 0.3% carbon steel ), and RT
results are given. Note that:

The new feeding rules are based on the feeding distance determined by the first
appearance of a minimum Niyama Criterion of 0.1. For all sections of the castings
considered here, where the new rules said the casting section could be fed, there are no
computational cells having Niyama Criterion values below 0.1. In these cases there was
also no shrinkage found worse than Level 1 found by RT. Furthermore, for all sections
where the new rules were exceeded computational cells having Niyama Criterion values
below 0.1 were found.

When the required feeding length is substantially larger than the feeding distance the RT
is worse than Level 1; Level 3 as shown in Table 2. There is also a very large region of
Niyama Criterion less than 0.1 in such cases.

When the new feeding rule is exceeded and the casting is still rated by RT as Level 1 or
better, there is not a large area of Niyama less than 0.1. This was observed in the plate
casting trials [1] in some cases. For these cases the feeding distance was not exceeded
by much. In some cases it is desirable to have the feeding distance rule for RT Level 1 (or
better) be on the conservative side, but in other cases a less conservative rule is
preferred. Considering that the new rules are still preliminary, it might be advisable to
make still less conservative rules based on the area of Niyama Criterion below 0.1.

Comparing the current SFSA rules [3] with the new rules in Table 2, sometimes the new
rule gives a smaller feeding distance that the current rule. In these cases, the difference is
small and the two rules are more or less equal. There are situations when the rules agree.
It is often the additional factors considered by the new rules that decrease their feeding
distances below the current guidelines. The multipliers for PUNB (furan) mold, superheat
and alloy decrease the new rule feeding distances in Table 2.

Table 2

Summary of comparisons between required feeding lengths, feeding distances

and RT for castings studied

Case and Section

Casting # 1: Section A
Casting # 1: Section B
Casting # 2: Section A Drag
Casting # 2: Section A Cope
Casting # 2: Section B Drag
Casting # 2: Section B Cope
Casting # 2: Section C/D Cope
Casting # 2: Section C/D Drag
Casting # 2: Hub Wall Section
Casting # 3: Section B
Casting # 3: Section C
Casting # 3: Section G

(inch) (inch) Rule Applied
End Effect
End Effect
2.7 Lateral feeding
Drag Chill
2.7 Lateral Feeding
Drag Chill
4.8 Lateral Feeding
Drag Chill
Lateral Feeding
Drag Chill
Lateral Feeding
8.4 Lateral Feeding

FD Old
(inch) (inch)


FDNew, Based
on Actual

FD new, Based on
Current Rule
RT Level

Comparing the new feeding distance rules for the casting conditions corresponding to the
new feeding rules and the current SFSA rules (determined using AISI 1020 steel
properties, green sand mold and 60C superheat), the new rules are always less
conservative. Recall that the section thicknesses covered in the current SFSA rules go
down to 2" thick so their accuracy in all but one entry in Table 2 is questionable. The new
rules cover 0.5" to 12" thick sections.

It has been shown here that the application of lateral feeding rules to ring-shaped sections
having one riser is not appropriate. If the inner ring diameter is small relative to the section
thickness, there could be considerable effects on the required feeding length and feeding distance
calculations due to the superheating of the core sand. While no strong effects were seen in the
castings analyzed here (since the Niyama Criterion were consistent with the rules), one would
expect the superheated core to cause; 1) a shifting of the feed path toward the core, shortening
the required feeding length, and 2) the section to behave as if it were thicker, because heat
transfer is reduced by the superheated core. This means that using the geometric mean
circumference is not always applicable in determining the required feeding length, again
depending on the ring inner diameter and section thickness. The second effect, the change in the
effective thickness of the section, would require the development of rules or correction factors
specific for ring-shaped sections. As the final guidelines for the application of the new rules are
prepared, it would be beneficial to analyze more castings, and test all the steps involved in
applying the feeding rules.
This work was supported by the United States Department of Energy through the Cast
Metals Coalition (CMC) and the Steel Founders Society of America. Furthermore, we thank
Malcolm Blair and Raymond Monroe of the SFSA for their support of the Yield Improvement
Program, and all the SFSA member foundries who have contributed to this research. This report
was prepared with the support of the United States Department of Energy through the Cast
Metals Coalition (CMC) and the Steel Founders' Society of America as part of the Yield
Improvement in Steel Casting Project (Yield II) Research Program, Program/Project Identification
No. DE-FC07-98ID13691. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed
herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of DOE.
[1] Hardin, R. A., Ou, S., Carlson, K., and Beckermann, C., "Relationship between Casting
Simulation and Radiographic Testing: Results from the SFSA Plate Casting Trials", 1999 SFSA
Technical and Operating Conference Proceedings, 1999.
[2] Smith, D. "An Evaluation of Conventional Method Rules Using Casting Simulation", 50th
Technical and Operating Conference Proceedings, Steel Founders' Society of America, 1996.
[3] S.F.S.A., Risering Steel Castings, Steel Founders' Society of America, 1973.
[4] Hardin, R., Shen, X., Gu, J., and Beckermann, C., "Progress in the Development of Improved
Feeding Rules for the Risering of Steel Castings," 1998 SFSA T&O Conference Proceedings,
[5] Niyama, E., Uchida, T., Morikawa, M. and Saito, S., "A Method of Shrinkage Prediction and Its
Application to Steel Casing Practice," AFS Int.l Cast Metals Journal, Vol 7 (#3), pp 52-63, Sep.





A-1 SFSA Rules for End Effect [3]

Figure A-1 Example plates with end effect

A-2 SFSA Rules for Lateral Feeding [3]

A-3 SFSA Rules for Drag Chill [3]

Figure A-3

Figure A-2

Examples of drag chill applications from


Lateral Feeding
examples [3]


A plot of the new feeding rule base case is given in Figure B-1. The base case is taken
at the following conditions: AISI 1025 steel, furan mold, superheat of 60/C, minimum Niyama
criterion value of 0.1 C1/2 s1/2 mm-1, and for section thickness from 0.5" to 12".
Multipliers are used to modify the feeding rule to the actual casting conditions as follows:

Figure B-1

New feeding rule plot for base case conditions: AISI 1025 steel, furan mold,
superheat of 60/C, minimum Niyama criterion value of 0.1 C1/2 s1/2 mm-1, and for
section thickness from 0.5" to 12".

1. For End Effect conditions other than base case: multiply FD/T by these factors
! Green Sand = 1.108, if green sand is used
! AISI 4135 = 0.967, if AISI 4135 steel is poured
! Superheat = 1.024, for every 10/C superheat above 60/C
2. For Lateral Feeding conditions other than base case: multiply FD/T by these factors
! Green Sand = 1.075, if green sand is used
! AISI 4135 = 0.955, if AISI 4135 steel is poured
! Superheat = 1.018, for every 10/C superheat above 60/C
! Drag Chill = 2.55, if drag chill is used


Attachment B
Yield Improvement Case Study:
Yield Improvement for a Valve Body Casting
Richard Hardin1, Shouzhu Ou2 and Christoph Beckermann3
A valve body casting is examined as a case study in casting yield improvement using
MAGMAsoft simulations. The foundry also reported that the casting was susceptible to cracking
when it was produced with its original rigging. Therefore, another goal of this study is to
determine how casting simulation might be used to predict the crack formation even with no
formal crack predictor, and if possible devise a solution to the cracking problem. The original
rigging produced a casting yield just under 49%. Using iterative runs of the software to
minimize the riser sizes and change the rigging, it is demonstrated that the casting yield can be
increased to 67%. This is an 18% increase in casting yield. In addition to yield improvement,
simulations show that the new rigging should improve casting soundness. The thermal stresses
contributing to the cracking problems are related to large temperature gradients, and the cooling
history of the casting. While a formal crack prediction is not presented here, in the simulations
of the original rigging it is observed that there are large variations in solidification time and
temperature gradient at the location of the crack. By using an internal chill, simulations show
that these large variations can be alleviated. Internal chills are recommended as a possible
solution to cracking.

Research Engineer, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Iowa.

Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Iowa.

Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Iowa.


Description of Case Study

In this case study a 319 lbs. valve body casting made from ASTM A487 4C is
investigated to demonstrate the casting yield improvement that is possible in a production valve
body casting through the use of computer simulation. An additional goal is to determine how a
computer simulation tool (MAGMAsoft) might be used to investigate cracks that occasionally
appeared during production of the casting. The casting yield for this part was 48.5% when it was
produced using the original rigging. A Pro-E model of the part was developed as shown in
Figure 1. The typical locations of subsurface cracks, which were visible only from magnetic
particle testing, are shown in the bottom view of Figure 1. Usually the cracks occurred on the
bonnet side of the bore, just inside of the flange in the cope and drag parting line areas.
Sometimes they appeared in both the cope and the drag. The crack orientation was parallel to the
parting line.
A model of the original rigging was also constructed in Pro-E as shown in Figure 2. The
Pro-E models were then assembled into MAGMAsoft and the steel chills (placed opposite the
riser on flange face) were added as shown in Figure 3. The casting process and simulation
information for this part is:
Pepset Mold
Cope Height = 10
Drag Height =8
Pour Time = 25 s
Casting Yield = 48.5%

Steel Properties Generated Using IDS [1]

Pouring Temperature = 1600 C
Liquidus Temperature = 1515 C
Solidus Temperature = 1435 C
MAGMAsoft sleeve & chill data

MAGMAsoft simulations were run for the original rigging, and then simulations were
progressively run to develop a rigging system resulting in a higher casting yield. Prediction of
and a solution to the cracking problem was also investigated.

Results of the Case Study

Simulations were run using the original rigging. The feeding percentage results for
original rigging show that the risers appear to be too large. The shrinkage pipes could have
much smaller safety margins as should be clear from Figure 4. Feeding percentage also indicates
some internal shrinkage predicted in the casting in Figure 5. Niyama Criterion plots, shown in
Figure 6, indicate that the are a number of locations where shrinkage could form. In particular,
the view shown in the lower left of Figure 6 indicates a region of low Niyama values extending
through the wall of the casting. Since the Niyama Criterion is a fairly reliable micro-shrinkage
predictor, there might be the likelihood of leaks forming in this area of the valve body. During
development of an improved rigging, the soundness that was originally acceptable in the part
will be considered. The improved rigging was then developed with the goal of being as sound, if
not more sound than, the original predictions, but having a higher casting yield.
The simulation results for the original rigging were examined for possible indicators of
crack formation. A formal crack predictor is not used in the software, but the thermal stresses
which cause the cracks are related to temperature gradients and cooling and solidification
history. Therefore, these are used as qualitative indicators of cracking. In Figure 7 the area

where the cracks form is shown as section A. Also shown in Figure 7 are the temperature
gradient plot at 2 C above the liquidus temperature (middle image in Figure 7), and the
solidification time plot (bottom of Figure 7). Near the area of the crack, large variations in
temperature gradient are noted near the flange in section A. Across the bore opening, in a
similar location but where there are no cracks formed, there is a more uniform distribution of the
gradient along the section meeting the flange. This difference is a possible indicator of the
reason for the crack forming at section A. Another indicator can be seen by examining the
solidification time plot, the time a given part of the casting requires to solidify. This is shown in
the bottom image of Figure 7. Here the solidification time for the region across the bore from
the section prone to cracking was around 1000 seconds. This is also the approximate
solidification time around the bore, except for the area where the crack forms. As shown in
Figure 7, the solidification time at the crack location is about 1900 seconds. The material near
the crack contracts and solidifies at a much later time than the rest of the bore. This variation
across the bore would result in stresses at the area of the crack formation. These are only
qualitative indicators of how and why the crack forms. Eliminating these variations and
differences will still be a goal in the development of an improved rigging in order to eliminate
the formation of cracks.
An improved rigging having an 18% higher casting yield than the original rigging was
developed. The casting yield for this rigging, shown in Figure 8, is 67%. The gating system was
changed by moving the two ingates to the risers located in the cope half. Internal hollow chills
and a bottom chill (location and size shown in Figure 8) were added. The riser sizes were
reduced and their locations were changed. The size of the side riser was reduced, and note that it
has no contact in the drag and has no sleeve. The top, middle riser was slightly shifted and its
contact was changed, essentially padding up the contact and the casting. This will improve
soundness. This metal padding was not considered to be casting material in the yield
calculations. The two side risers, which contact the bonnet and the flange, were made smaller.
The risers were moved closer to the casting, and the contact was modified and made smaller.
The height of the cope and drag were both designed to be 8" high, so the cope height is reduced
by 2. Several views of the computer model of the improved rigging are shown in Figure 9.
Note hollow chills are used in the bore and the new bottom/drag chill shown in Figure 9.
The feeding percentage results of the simulations of the new rigging are shown in Figure
10. These feeding percentage plots of the riser shrinkage pipes show that they are less
conservative but still have an adequate safety margin. This higher-yield rigging results in no
feeding percentage indications predicted in the casting. Therefore the casting is simulated to be
more sound with the new rigging. The Niyama Criterion plots of the casting in Figure 11 for the
new rigging still shows some indications. However, they are not as severe (low values, and large
areas of low values) as those in the original rigging, the region of low Niyama values that
extended through the wall of the valve in the original simulations now goes only about half way
through the wall. The bottom/drag chill also improves the soundness near the bottom of the
casting. The solidification time plots and temperature gradient plots from simulations of the
original and new rigging are compared in Figure 12. The variation in the temperature gradient
and the solidification time are greatly reduced in the new rigging using the internal chills. The
minimum temperature gradient at the area where the crack forms is increased from 0.05C/mm to
0.18C/mm with new rigging. Also, both sides of bore solidify in a closer period of time in the
new rigging.

B- 3

Summary and Conclusions

Casting simulations were run to develop an improved rigging that both improves casting
soundness quality and increases casting yield. The simulated casting yield was improved by
about 18% in this case study, from a casting yield of 48.5% in the original rigging to a yield of
66.9% in the new rigging. Feeding percentage indications were not predicted inside the casting
with the new rigging. Niyama Criterion indications inside the casting using the new rigging are
higher (meaning the material should be more sound) than those found in the original rigging.
Both shrinkage predictors indicate the new rigging should produce a more sound casting. In
valves, where shrinkage defects can cause leaks, the potential for leaks will be decreased because
of the higher Niyama Criterion and feeding percentage values found in the new rigging. It is
unfortunate that casting trials were not performed to verify these simulations. Nevertheless, in
some future product run, the lessons learned in this case study can be applied, and both yield and
soundness can be improved.

Miettinen, J., "Calculation of Solidification-Related Thermophysical Properties for
Steels", Met. Trans. B, 28B, 281-297, 1997.

B- 4

Typical Crack Locations

Figure 1 Pro-E model of the valve body casting (top) and typical locations of subsurface cracks
detected using magnetic particle testing (bottom)

B- 5

Figure 2 Pro-E model of the valve body casting and the original rigging used in production

B- 6

Figure 3 Computational model of the original rigging as used in MAGMAsoft simulations

B- 7

Figure 4 Feeding percentage results for original rigging show that risers appear to be unnecessarily
large, shrinkage pipes could have much smaller safety margins

B- 8

Internal Shrinkage Predicted Here

Figure 5 Feeding percentage results for original rigging show some internal shrinkage predicted

Regions with Shrinkage Predicted

Figure 6 Niyama Criterion results for original rigging indicate internal shrinkage predicted
B- 9

Consider the section A - this area

near the flange at the parting line is
where cracking typically occurs

Examine temperature gradient near

section A

Examine solidification time,

shows cooling history near
section A

Figure 7 Location of crack formation near section A (top), temperature gradient at 2 C above
liquidus plot (middle) and the solidification time plot (bottom) show large variations near the area of
the crack

B - 10

Side View

Top View

Figure 8 Side and top views of improved rigging, casting yield is 67% - an 18% improvement

B - 11

Figure 9 Several views of computer model of improved rigging, note hollow chill used in the
bore and bottom/drag chill

B - 12

Riser Shrinkage Pipes are

now less conservative but
still adequate

Figure 10 Feeding percentage plots of riser shrinkage pipes used in higher yield rigging, no
feeding indications in casting, casting is more sound with new rigging

This indication
does not
extend through
the entire wall

Figure 11 Niyama Criterion plots in section of casting from simulations of the improved
rigging, casting is more sound with new rigging

B - 13

Original Rigging

Improved Rigging

Point of Interest

Figure 12 Temperature gradient and solidification time plots for original rigging and improved
rigging are compared, variations in the temperature gradient and the solidification time are
greatly reduced in the new rigging when an internal chill is used

B - 14

Attachment C
Yield Improvement Case Study: Computational Study Comparing
Stacking and Riser Sizing Optimization
Richard Hardin1, Shouzhu Ou2 and Christoph Beckermann3
A case study is reported that compares the casting yield improvement for rigging
configurations using optimally sized risers in a single horizontal layer with the yield
improvement arising from a multi-layered configuration. This case study uses MAGMAsoft
simulations to analyze and compare the original production rigging to the improved rigging
configurations. The new configurations show that there is an opportunity for a substantial yield
improvement over the production rigging. The casting yield for the original rigging was found to
be 49%. This yield is relatively low considering that the original rigging was configured so that
two castings are fed from a single riser. This arrangement generally leads to a higher casting
yield. Also, since the casting does not have customer radiographic soundness requirements, a
major constraint on casting yield is removed, and the yield could be higher. Through riser size
optimization, as demonstrated here using simulation, the yield can be greatly increased.
Furthermore, because the casting is relatively flat, it appears to be a good candidate for yield
improvement using multi-layer stacking. By optimizing the riser size without using riser sleeves,
and using one layer of castings, the yield was increased in simulations to 70%. By optimizing
the riser sizes and using riser sleeves and still using one layer of castings, the yield was increased
to 75% in the simulations. By using riser sleeves, and stacking the castings in layers, the casting
yield was increased further to 80%.

Research Engineer, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Iowa.

Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Iowa..

Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Iowa.


Description of Case Study

A female lock casting weighing 19 lbs made of ASTM A148 Grade 90-60 was studied
using MAGMAsoft computer simulations to proposed methods for increasing casting yield. The
part appeared to be a good candidate for using the stacking of castings concept to increase
yield because it was relatively flat. Also, some internal shrinkage could be tolerated in the
product, since it did not have customer radiographic testing (RT) requirements. Taking these
conditions into account, it was determined that the casting yield should be higher than the 49%
yield the foundry was achieving in production.
A three-dimensional model of the casting was constructed using Pro-E, as shown in
Figure 1. This part was produced by the foundry with four castings to a mold box. In the
original production rigging configuration, four risers were used, and each riser fed two of the
castings. Photographs of the original rigging are shown in Figures 2 and 3 of the cope and drag
half patterns, respectively. The cope side pattern shown in Figure 2 shows the four risers used
per mold box with each casting being fed by two risers. Two blind, and two open risers with
sleeves on their bottom halves, are used in each mold box. In Figure 3, the four castings in the
mold box, the gating, and the riser bottoms and contacts are visible. The production rigging is
illustrated in Figure 4 from the computational model. The model assumed a quarter symmetry in
the mold box. The casting process information that was provided by the foundry was as follows:
Pepset Mold
Tpouring = 1580 C
Tsolidus = 1443 C

Pour time = 5 s
Tliquidus = 1511 C
Alloy cast, ASTM A148 Grade 90-60

The steel properties used in the simulations were computed by the IDS software [1], and
MAGMAsoft database properties were used for the riser sleeve property data. The original riser
dimensions were 3 diameter (D) by 3 height (H) for the blind risers (termed riser #1), and 3
diameter by 5 height for the open risers (termed riser #2). The height of the cope was 5, and
the height of the drag was 3.75. From simulations, and foundry data, the production casting
yield was about 49%.
In the results of the computational study that follow, three solutions to improve casting
yield are presented. The first method presented below optimizes the riser sizes and riser contacts
without the use of sleeves through numerous runs of MAGMAsoft. The casting yield for this
case was 70% (a 20% yield improvement over the original rigging). The next approach
presented uses sleeves to further reduce the riser sizes, and a 74% casting yield was achieved
following more refinement and simulation. The final approach to yield improvement uses riser
sleeves with castings stacked in several layers to achieve a simulated casting yield of 80%.

Results of the Case Study

Simulation results for the original production rigging showed porosity predicted by both
the MAGMAsoft feeding percentage (Figure 5) and the Niyama Criterion (Figure 6). Feeding
percentage indications shown in Figure 5 indicate two areas of internal shrinkage near the riser
contacts. These predictions appear to be secondary riser shrinkage. Areas of low Niyama
Criterion values shown in Figure 6 indicate three locations of predicted shrinkage. One region
near the blind riser (riser #1) contact corresponds with one of the feeding percentage indications.

The other two Niyama Criterion predicted regions in the narrow sections of the casting form
because the feeding distance was exceeded, and centerline shrinkage occurs. It is not surprising
that Feeding Percentage and Niyama Criterion indications appear in different locations since they
arise from different physical mechanisms. From experience gained in the SFSA casting trails,
these regions of Niyama Criterion values below 0.1 (C s)1/2 mm-1 should be visible during RT,
and should be worse than ASTM RT Level 1. However, since there are not any customer RT
requirements, the typical RT soundness of castings produced from the production rigging are not
The first approach taken to increase the casting yield was to continue to use a single
horizontal layer of castings, but optimize the riser size. After iterative simulations, it was found
that the yield could be increased regardless whether or not riser sleeves are used. Without
sleeves, shown in Figure 7, the smallest feeder dimensions possible for risers #1 and #2 were
D=2.5, H=3.7. The casting yield for this was found to be 70%. Furthermore, feeding
percentage defects were not predicted in the casting as shown in Figure 8. The Niyama Criterion
predictions in Figure 9 showed shrinkage predicted in the same locations as in the original
rigging because the feeding distance in the narrow sections is still exceeded. The indications are
less severe in the wider section of the part because the Niyama Criterion values are not as low as
in the original configuration. When sleeves are used, as shown in Figure 10, the casting yield is
increased by nearly 5% more, to 74.5%. The riser dimensions for this simulation grid, shown in
Figure 10, are: riser #1 - D=1.8, H=3.7, and riser #2 D=1.6, H=3.7. The feeding
percentage predicts an absence of internal defects (see Figure 11), and the riser shrinkage pipe
had a margin of safety similar to that found in the original rigging. The Niyama Criterion plot in
Figure 12 shows indications in the narrow sections as in the original, but there is less severe
shrinkage predicted in the wide section. The castings are predicted to be more sound in both of
the new rigging configurations than in the original rigging simulations.
A more unconventional approach to yield improvement is to stack the castings in several
layers thereby eliminating the need for a gating system in every layer, and it can sometimes
allow for riser size reduction. In this approach molds are placed one on top of the next, and
sometimes can be intermittently poured to allow the risers in the upper casting to feed the lower
one. In the rigging developed here for multi-layer stacking, the gating system could be
eliminated in all but the bottom-most layers. It might also be directly poured. Since each riser
already feeds two castings in the previously discussed approaches, stacking does not add much
yield improvement over the single layer optimized rigging. Even so, the casting yield is
increased in the multi-layer configuration another 5% over the single layer using sleeves. This
rigging, shown in Figure 13, gives a yield of 80%. A larger diameter riser (D = 2.7) is used at
the top of the stack shown in Figure 13, and a smaller diameter (D = 1.8) is used over the
remainder of the stack. The castings are stacked using a 4 separation distance. If a smaller
separation distance were to be used, the casting yield could be increased still further.

Summary and Conclusions

In the original rigging, each riser was configured to feed two castings. This arrangement
generally produces high casting yields that are difficult to improve on. In spite of this,
simulations showed that the casting yield for a single layer of castings might be improved by
20% for this case study without using riser sleeves, and by 25% with riser sleeves. This is clear
evidence that riser size optimization alone can make a big impact in improving casting yield for
C- 3

this case. By using sleeves and multi-layer stacking, the yield can be increased by at least 30%
over the original rigging. Also, according to the simulations, the castings should be more sound
with any of the new riggings. It is not necessary to use multiple stacked layers to achieve a
substantial yield improvement in the casting analyzed in this case study, but an 80% yield is
possible through its use. The casting yield with stacking can be even higher if the castings can
be stacked closer than 4, or if the castings could be intermittently poured.

Miettinen, J., "Calculation of Solidification-Related Thermophysical Properties for
Steels", Met. Trans. B, 28B, 281-297, 1997.

C- 4

Figure 1 Basic dimensions of the female lock casting from the Pro-E model

Figure 2 Cope side pattern showing the four risers used per mold box, two blind and two open
risers are shown
C- 5

Figure 3 Drag side pattern showing the four castings, gating, and riser contacts used to produce
this part with a 49% yield

Riser #1

Riser #2

Figure 4 Computational model used to simulate the original rigging, one quarter of the mold
box was simulated assuming symmetry
C- 6

Riser #1

Riser #2
Predicted shrinkage

Figure 5 Feeding percentage indications shown in production rigging simulations, two areas of
internal shrinkage are noted near the riser contacts that appear to be secondary riser shrinkage

Predicted Regions of Shrinkage

Riser #1
Riser #2

Figure 6 Areas of low Niyama Criterion indicate three locations of predicted shrinkage, one
near the blind riser contact (Riser #1), and the other two in the narrow sections of the casting.
C- 7

Figure 7 Simulated rigging used to increase yield to 70% without riser sleeves

Figure 8 Feeding percentage predicted for rigging without riser sleeves, no feeding indications
in casting, shrinkage pipe only in

C- 8

Figure 9 Niyama Criterion in section for case with no sleeves and 70% yield, predicted shrink
in no worse than original rigging

Figure 10 Computational model used to simulate the rigging with riser sleeves, one quarter of
the mold box was simulated assuming symmetry
C- 9

Figure 11 Feeding Percentage for case using sleeves, 74.5% yield, no internal shrink predicted

Figure 12 Niyama Criterion in a horizontal cross-section with sleeves, 74.5% yield, shrinkage
predicted still in narrow sections but reduced in wide section

C - 10

Diameter at
top = 2.7

Diameter at
top = 1.8

Figure 13 Feeding Percentage for case using sleeves, 74.5% yield, internal shrink not predicted

Figure 14 Feeding percentage for multi-layer stacking case using sleeves, 80% yield, internal
shrinkage was not predicted, and riser piping appeared to be acceptable.
C - 11

Attachment D

Yield Improvement Case Study:

Use of Stacking and Chills for a Tapered Arm Casting

Richard A. Hardin1, Ravindra Anaparti2 and Christoph Beckermann3

The results of this work are presented to demonstrate the use of stacking in the
production of castings. Also, values of the porosity predictor (Niyama Criterion) observed in the
simulation results, and level of soundness observed in the castings, corresponded well with
findings from plate trials performed to develop improved feeding rules for steel castings, and
they support the methodology upon which these new rules are based. In this case, stacking
increases the casting yield about 3%. It is also demonstrated by simulation that through stacking
along with chills, or chromite sand to promote directional solidification, the casting yield maybe
increased by 9%. Intermittent inclusion problems appeared during production of the castings. At
the foundry, this problem was attributed to stacking. The casting described in this report was
simulated and was cast at an SFSA member foundry.

Research Engineer, Solidification Laboratory, Department of Mechanical Engineering,

University of Iowa.

Solidification Modeling Engineer, Pacific Steel Casting Company, Berkeley, California.

Professor and Director of Solidification Laboratory, Department of Mechanical Engineering,

University of Iowa.


Description of Case Study

The casting examined in this case study is a tapered arm weighing about 26 lbs, cast from
8627 steel. This part has been produced in both a stacked and non-stacked configuration. This
part was simulated and cast by an SFSA member foundry, and was subsequently presented in an
Engineered Casting Solutions article [1]. This casting was re-examined and re-simulated as a
case study in the Yield Improvement Project with the following objectives: comparison of
casting soundness results with the criterion being used to establish new feeding rules, and as a
demonstration of the application of part stacking to increase casting yield. This casting also
demonstrates the need for feeding rules that consider soundness levels other than Level 1. Here
the customer only requires soundness on this part to ASTM Radiographic Testing (RT) Level 2,
a larger amount of shrinkage is allowed in the part.
A rough dimensioned drawing of the casting is given by the several views in Figure 1.
An essential feature of this casting is the tapering of the part to a neck that subdivides it into two
feeding zones. The end indicated by the A in Figure 1 will not be fed once this neck solidifies
if a single riser is used at the larger end. The options for preventing shrinkage from forming are
1) either end A will have to be fed by a second riser, 2) the end will have to be sufficiently
chilled so that it solidifies before the neck, or 3) the neck might be kept from freezing off before
the end solidifies. This final option is practically the most difficult. The first option results in a
lower casting yield, and the middle option appears to be practical and might result in the highest
casting yield. Two configurations are considered in this case study: one with a second riser,
another using chills. In both configurations, the castings were stacked two high using a sand
core between them.

Results of Case Study

With a riser placed at each end of the casting, shown in Figure 2, the casting yield is
46%. Without stacking two castings, the yield of a single layer using the same rigging is 43%.
The casting yield was determined in simulation and foundry casting results. In this case, for the
configuration with two risers, the casting yield is increased just 3% by using stacking. It should
be pointed out that no attempt was made to optimize this configuration for stacking. If this were
done, larger yield improvements than this are expected based on experience with other stacking
simulation studies.
With chills used at smaller end of the arm to eliminate need for second riser, the casting
yield cast for this part is about 52% according to the simulations and foundry experience. The
stacked castings have a vertical separation of 1.7 using a core sand mold between the castings.
Level 1 RT requirement was achieved in some parts, but the foundry results also gave some
castings as bad as Level 3. This variation was thought to be due to improper placement or size of
chills used on the shop floor. The rigging configuration using chills is shown in Figure 3.
The process information for this case study is as follows:

Green sand mold

Pour time = 9 s
Tpouring = 1593 C
Tsolidus = 1434 C


Shell core sand between castings

Properties for 8627 generated by IDS [2]
Tliquidus = 1503 C
MAGMA sleeve and steel chill data

Simulations were performed with and without chills to investigate the severity of shrinkage
defects predicted by MAGMAsofts feeding percentage and the Niyama Criterion. The
computational grid used for the rigging without chills is shown in Figure 4. A grid of similar
fineness was also used for the case with chills. All cases were simulated including mold filling.
Sensitivity of the simulation results to chill sizes was also investigated.
Predicted feeding percentage and Niyama Criterion for the case without chills are shown
in Figures 5 and 6, respectively. The feeding percentage results show a very slight indication
(99%) in the lower casting, which is essentially predicted to be perfectly sound. The Niyama
Criterion results show values on the range 0 to 0.1 (C s)1/2 mm-1 in both castings. These values
may be lowered by the lateral feeding effect taking place between the risers. This is a limitation
of using the Niyama Criterion to predict soundness in such cases. This result would be
considered to be borderline ASTM RT Level 1 soundness based on experience with the casting
trials and the methodology upon which the new SFSA feeding rules are based. The results means
that this rigging should produce castings meeting the customer requirements, which was found to
be the case based on the foundrys experience casting this configuration. There was still a
problem with inclusions, which was not addressed as an objective in the present case study.
Predicted feeding percentage and Niyama Criterion for the case with chills are shown in
Figures 7 and 8, respectively. The feeding percentage results are slightly less sound than the
results with the second riser. There is an indication as low as 93% appearing in both castings.
The Niyama Criterion results show values on the range 0.1 to 0.2 (C s)1/2 mm-1 in both castings.
These values are not as low as the Niyama Criterion values seen in the case with the second riser,
which should mean that the case with the chill is more sound. However, since the lateral feeding
effect taking place between the risers is probably responsible for the low values for the case
without the chill, there can be no conclusion drawn. According to experience with the plate
trials, the results for the case with the chill do indicate it is possible to cast the part to Level 1 and
Level 2 soundness. However, in practice the foundry found that Level 3 casting were often
produced in this rigging, along with acceptable castings as well. It would appear that either the
simulation results are borderline Level 2. It was also discovered that the casting practice on the
shop floor (such as chill application or use of lower superheat) was different from the simulation
conditions, and this might be responsible for the soundness being Level 3 for some castings. This
was investigated by simulating smaller than recommended chill sizes; in practice chills as small
as 1.2 square by thick were used. Using a chill this size in the simulations, the predicted
feeding percentage and Niyama Criterion (shown in Figure 9) is noticeably worse than when full
sized chills are used. Undersized chills, such as those shown in Figure 9, can be responsible the
unsound castings, and the importance of using the recommended chill size can be emphasized to
the personnel responsible for rigging the castings.
A solution to the variation in soundness was simulated, but was never cast in the foundry.
A region of chromite sand was put in the mold from the narrowest point of the neck onward,
surrounding the chills, as shown in Figure 10. Directional solidification is promoted by using the
chilling effect of the chromite over the entire end of the casting. This resulted in the prediction
of zero shrinkage in the casting as shown in Figure 11. This configuration would have 52%
yield, and it should be the most sound of all the cases considered.


Summary and Conclusions

By stacking the castings and employing chills, the casting yield was increased from 43%
to 52%. By stacking the castings alone, without using chills, the casting yield was 46%. This
yield was determined by simulation and actual production casting runs. The foundry
experienced problems with some castings not meeting RT Level 2 when chills were used. The
simulation results for the case with chills shows the feeding percentage to be as low as 93%, and
Niyama Criterion as low as 0.1 (C s)1/2 mm-1 . According to the method used to evaluate
shrinkage severity in the development of new SFSA feeding rules, the simulation results showed
that not all the casting might meet Level 2. If the superheat were less than the reported 90 C and
chills undersized or not properly applied, the likelihood for defects would be greater according to
the simulations. Because of intermittent inclusion problems that occurred in the stacked
configuration, the foundry ultimately produced this casting as a single layer, having a lower
casting yield, 43%. Developing good strategies for preventing such inclusion problems will be
necessary to make stacking a more common method of yield improvement in foundries. Future
recommendations for applying the method would be to have the foundry use chromite sand in the
region of the chills, and to redesign gating system to attempt to reduce the intermittent inclusion
problems associated with stacking.

Midea, T. C., Schmidt, D., Goettsch, D., Anaparti, R., and Gruidl, B., Foundries Use
Casting Simulation To Offer Optimized Components, Engineered Casting Solutions, Vol. 2,
No. 1, pp. 38-40, 2000.
Miettinen, J., "Calculation of Solidification-Related Thermophysical Properties for
Steels", Met. Trans. B, 28B, 281-297, 1997.


The dimensions of the neck are 1.43x1.76

Figure 1 Tapered arm casting made from 8627 steel with dimensions and location of neck in part


Figure 2 Two stacked castings produced without chills, a second small end riser is required
when no chills are used

Figure 3 Rigging for two stacked castings produced with chills


Figure 4 Computational grid used for rigging without chills

Feeding percentage looks good

Figure 5 Feeding percentage simulation results for rigging without chills, slight
indication seen in the lower casting in the stack

Niyama Criterion plot shows minimum values

between 0 and 0.1

Figure 6 Niyama Criterion simulation results for rigging without chills, minimum
values in a few cells are between 0 and 0.1 (C s)1/2 mm-1

Figure 7 Feeding percentage prediction for case with chills


Niyama Criterion Plot Shows Minimum Value

Between 0.1 and 0.2 here

and here too

Figure 8 Niyama Criterion results for rigging with chills

Figure 9 Feeding percentage and Niyama Criterion simulation results for rigging with smaller
chills, values are markedly worse than for full-sized chills

Figure 10 Proposed solution to problems with shrinkage while increasing casting yield: imbed
the chilled end in a region of chromite sand

Figure 11 No shrinkage defects were predicted when a region of chromite sand is used, upper left
shows feeding percentage, on the right is the Niyama Criterion

D -10

Attachment E
Yield Improvement Case Study for a CF8M Pump Cover
Richard A. Hardin1 and Christoph Beckermann2
This reports a case study was conducted applying computer simulation to improve
the net casting yield for a CF8M pump cover. The casting pattern was modified to increase the net
casting yield and produce a casting that is closer to the final part geometry. Of the numerous casting
configurations simulated, casting trials were conducted for two rigging systems. A constraint was
placed on the available rigging options since the customer insisted that this part to be cast in a
preferred orientation because of surface quality considerations. This presented the greatest obstacle
to improving the casting yield. Simulation results were shown to be sensitive to the pouring
temperature, the properties of the insulating riser sleeves, and the type of mold material used. In the
casting trials, it was found that mold material and superheat should be taken into careful
consideration, and controlled if possible to produce a defect-free casting for this part. It was shown
that a sound casting could be produced, and that the net casting yield improved from 70% to 76%
by applying careful computer modeling. This was also demonstrated by casting trial. Feeding
distances were not an important factor affecting the casting yield in this case, and feeding distances
determined from new feeding rules being developed for the SFSA were not exceeded.

Research Engineer, Solidification Laboratory, Department of Mechanical Engineering,

University of Iowa.

Professor and Director of Solidification Laboratory, Department of Mechanical

Engineering, University of Iowa.

Description of Case Study

This report presents a case study applying computer modeling and casting trials to
improve casting yield. Issues that that arose which limit casting yield are also discussed. The
casting was a pump cover part made from CF8M (316) stainless steel weighing approximately
40 lbs. This case study was conducted in cooperation with a part manufacturer, who contracted
with two foundries to produce the castings for the trials described in this report. The primary
motivation of the part producer in this study was to demonstrate that computer simulation could
be used to design a casting process with an increase in net casting yield, requiring less machining
to reach the final part shape.
The nearer net-shaped casting examined in this case study is shown in Figure 1. The two
bowl-like features, as seen in view "c" in the casting in Figure 1, are termed holes. The
holes-up surface of the part (with the two bowls visible as seen in view "c" in Figure 1) will
become the inward-facing surface of a pump cover. While the holes-down view (view "a" in
Figure 1) will face outward, and will be visible to the customer. It is critical to the part
manufacturer that this outward-facing surface have an excellent appearance. Therefore, due to
these surface quality considerations, the part has the preferred orientation that the holes are on
the cope surface facing upward. Since the drag-side of the casting has the best surface
appearance, this would give the exposed surface of the final part as having the best surface
appearance. Unfortunately, the holes-up orientation of the part is not casting friendly in
Previously, before this study, this part was cast entirely without the hole features. This
required that the holes be machined into the part. Producing the part without the holes is
essentially padding up the casting to allow it to be cast in the desired orientation. Hence, the
metal which must be machined cannot be included as part of the "casting" in determining the net
casting yield (defined as net casting weight/weight of metal poured to produce the casting).
Casting the part with the holes would increase the net casting yield, and also lower the
production cost and time for the part manufacturer. A quarter-symmetry grid from a
MAGMAsoft simulation of the casting as it was produced without the holes is shown in Figure
2. This solidification time plot shows a favorable progression of solidification to the riser.
Because of this favorable progression, the as-cast yield is quite high, 89.7% for this case. This
yield is determined without considering the final net casting shape. Considering the metal in the
holes that must be machined as padding or lost metal, then the net casting yield is actually 70%
for this arrangement.
Following casting simulations using MAMGAsoft, and process design iterations with the
part producer. Two sets of casting trials were performed for the rigging/riser configurations that
were developed from the computer analysis. In the first casting trial, six castings of the part
were cast in a "holes up" configuration, while in the second trial six castings were produced in a
holes-down casting orientation. The solidification progression is much more directional when
the holes are facing down. However, this was found to decrease the quality of the outward
facing surface of the cover, as expected. Simulations were performed using several different
molding materials, but all casting trials were performed in no-bake molds. In all casting trials,

no gating system was used, and the castings were directly poured through the riser with and
without filters.


Results of Simulations and Casting Trials

Initial Computational Studies
A summary of casting yields for four of the initial configurations simulated for the pump
cover are given in Table I. The desired holes-up part orientation was used for these cases. A
case where the net casting could be produced without any simulated defects was called
configuration IV. Unfortunately, this configuration required 7 risers and had a net (and as-cast)
casting yield of 46%. The original no holes configuration shown in Figure 2 is called
configuration V. It has a 90% as-cast yield, and a net yield of 70%. When the diameter of the
bowls in the casting are reduced from 3.75" to 3.2" in configuration VI, simulations predicted
that a defect free part could be produced with an as-cast yield of 87.6% and a net casting yield of
79.3%. Some machining is still necessary, but it appeared from the simulations that a casting no
nearer to the net shape could be produced without the risk of some defects forming.
Configuration VII is included in Table I even though the simulations predicted defects.
Configuration VII is provided to illustrate the best possible yield that might be produced if the
plate were cast with one riser, and some internal porosity tolerable. The holes-down
configuration was also simulated, and it was found that a defect free part with a centrally located
riser could be produced this way rather easily.
Casting Trial #1: Simulations and Trial Results
Before the first casting trial was performed a final configuration was determined by
simulation using conditions as close as possible to what was anticipated in the trials. Casting
trial #1 was performed using a modified configuration VI mentioned above. The configurations
given in Table I used a centrally positioned riser between the holes. It was decided that this
would likely produce inclusions from mold erosion during pouring. The riser was moved to the
side of the holes as shown in Figure 3, and it was determined that a riser sleeve would be used in
the casting trial. The riser dimensions were: Driser = 3.5", Hriser = 3.25" (including riser neck
3.55"). This resulted in a net casting yield of 71.8% according to the simulations. Simulations
used silica sand molds, and the riser sleeve properties were representative of a sleeve having
about a 14% exothermic content. As simulated, the sleeve was 1" thick with the following
nominal thermophysical properties: conductivity = 0.519 W/m/K, specific heat = 419 kJ/kg/K,
and density = 528 kg/m3. The CF8M alloy properties were determined using the IDS model
developed by Miettinen [1]. The nominal composition used to compute the properties was
(wt.%): 0.06 C, 1.0 Si, 1.04 Mn, 19.3 Cr, 10.1 Ni, 2.2 Mo, .27 Cu, and 0.01 Al. IDS gave a
liquidus temperature of 1432 C and a solidus temperature of 1360 C. The computational grid
and feeding percentage results for the simulation of casting trial #1 are shown in Figure 4.
Six trial castings were poured at a foundry according to the casting configuration given in
Figure 3. Unfortunately, the foundry performing the casting trials used their own casting
practices and available sleeve materials, and the trial conditions did not follow the simulation
conditions closely. This pointed out a critical issue for all trial work; close coordination is very
important between the simulations and the trials. Generally the foundry might not be willing to
follow the simulation conditions. It is generally the modelers responsibility to find out (if

possible) what the casting conditions are going to be, and simulate them. A summary is given in
Table II of the most notable differences between the simulation and actual casting conditions
used in the first trials. The most notable differences are that the simulations were performed
assuming a silica sand mold rather than no-bake, the insulation used in the trial was 0.5" thick
instead of 1" thick, and that in the trial the metal was poured with a superheat 50 C to 90 C
lower than that used the simulations. The castings from the first trial all had shrinkage defects
similar to those depicted in Figure 5. The differences between the simulated and actual casting
trial conditions were compared in the search for an explanation for of the first trial results.
When simulated with a thinner insulating sleeve, a lower pouring temperature and furan
mold properties (furan properties are generally recommended as the closest substitute for PUNB
no-bake material) shrinkage defects are predicted that agree with the casting trial results. The
thermal conductivity of silica and furan mold materials in the MAGMAsoft database appear to
differ by nearly a factor of two at higher temperatures (above 1500 C), but are more comparable
below about 900 C. Also, the trial castings were reported to be poured with taller risers than that
simulated: up to 6" high as-cast, versus the 3.5" to 4" high simulated. Of the items outlined in
Table II, which of them contributed to the formation of the shrinkage defects? Figure 6 shows a
hot spot that is predicted consistently if the as-cast pouring temperature and mold material are
used in the simulations. Figure 6 raises the possibility that the last point to solidify might have
been in the casting instead of in the riser, which would lead to the observed defects. Figure 7
shows that a region of inadequate feeding is predicted if the superheat and mold material from
the trials are used in the simulations. This region is slightly beneath the observed defect. Figure
8 shows that under the same conditions and with the riser height increased to be as tall as the
tallest reported riser from the trials (6" instead of the 3.5" to 4" originally simulated), the defect
is more severe. However, for a taller riser the defect moves lower into the casting and away
from the defect observed in the trials. The foundry reported that they poured the castings 6" high
as opposed to 3.5" high in the proposed configuration. This is a likely cause of the defects
appearing in the trials that were not predicted in developing the riser/rigging system.
Any of a number of causes (different superheat, mold material, riser height) result in
defects being predicted in the simulations. These were not predicted in the simulations used to
establish the first casting trial. Of these variables, mold material might be the most critical.
When the part is simulated according to the casting trial conditions in a no-bake mold without
the bowl features, a large shrinkage hole is predicted remarkably close to where defects were
observed in the trials. This is shown in Figure 9. No such defect is simulated for the same
conditions with the dry silica sand, the mold material used in the simulations that established the
first casting trial rigging. Whatever the casting conditions were that caused the defects in the first
trials, the defect appears to be a due to a hot spot under the riser, or secondary shrinkage.
Casting Trial #2: Simulations and Trial Results
Following the first casting trial a new holes-upcasting configuration was developed.
The casting conditions were adjusted according to the first trial: the casting pouring temperature,
0.5" thick sleeve, no-bake mold, a riser diameter of 3.5 , and a riser height of 4". Also, instead
of using typical sleeve properties, properties were obtained from a sleeve supplier. This sleeve
contained about twice the exothermic content of the sleeve used in the first trial. This Bell

Mini-Riser material has a burn temperature of 1610C and a burn time of 150 seconds.
Properties of the sleeve materials used in the simulations are compared in Table III. Plots of the
feeding percentage and Niyama Criterion3 for this new holes-upcasting configuration are
shown in Figures 10 and 11, respectively. Note in Figure 10 that no defect is predicted under the
riser, but there is a small feeding % indication along the bowl opposite the riser. Lower Niyama
Criterion values (lower values meaning less sound) were seen at the bottom of the bowl as
shown in Figure 11, but this should not present a problem since this material will be machined
Despite simulating that sound castings could be produced with this holesupconfiguration, it was decided that an acceptable casting must be produced in the second
casting trial. The best way to accomplish this was to change the part orientation to the holes
down configuration since numerous defect free configurations were simulated in this part
orientation. The configuration selected for the second casting trial is shown in Figure 12A. The
sleeve properties with lower exothermic content were used, and the thickness was taken as 0.5".
The riser diameter used was 3.5" and the riser height was 4.0". In Figure 12B, note that the
shrinkage pipe appears to have a good margin of safety, and the slight feeding indication in the
casting is not severe enough to be of concern. The Niyama Criterion plot in Figure 12C shows
no problem areas, and the solidification plot shown in Figure 12D looks more directional
towards the riser than was observed for the holes-up configuration.
The castings made in second trials were poured in PUNB no-bake molds poured through
the risers. Filters were used in the risers of the first of the three castings poured, and the last
three castings were poured without filters. All three castings poured with filters had severe
defects. It was thought that the filters did not float from the riser neck after the pouring was
completed, and thus served as an obstacle to feeding and out-gassing. Of these castings with
filters, this first poured had level 5 shrinkage, the second had level 5 gas, and the third had level
3 shrink. The fourth casting was actually poured short. The fifth and sixth castings were poured
without filters, no shrinkage was observed. In the fifth casting poured, there was some gas (level
2), and the sixth casting was free of both gas and shrinkage defects. From the x-rays there was a
remarkable difference in the soundness between those castings with and without filters.
The use of filters could have been simulated, and possible problems with using them
explored. However prior to the trial, the part supplier determined that the castings would be
poured without filters, and their use in the first three castings was an unfortunate mistake. The
net casting yield for the castings in the second trials was approximately 76%. In the actual

The Niyama Criterion is an often used porosity prediction criterion, defined as the temperature gradient
divided by the square root of cooling rate near the end of solidification; the lower the Niyama Criterion value, the
worse the porosity. The authors have shown through plain carbon steel plate trials at SFSA member foundries that
when a Niyama Criterion value is approximately 0.3 (K1/2 s1/2 mm-1) or less, the shrinkage porosity is worse than
ASTM radiographic testing level 1. A Niyama Criterion value of 0.7 (K1/2 s1/2 mm-1) is sometimes considered to be
the onset of microporosity formation in steel. The mechanisms of porosity formation considered in the derivation of
the Niyama Criterion do not include the all the mechanisms of porosity formation (especially macroporosity), and
riser pipe formation. The MAGMAsoft feeding percentage calculations (for example) provide a method of
macroporosity prediction considering other physical mechanisms.


production method the net yield is 70%. A 6% increase in yield was demonstrated in this trial
for a part that already had a remarkably high casting yield. Unfortunately, the holes-down
configuration was not preferred for this part.
Taking the feeding distance from the riser to the end of the casting along the longitudinal
section of the casting shown in Figure 12D, the average section thickness is about 0.8", the width
dimension is between 3" and 8.87" and is a somewhat complex section due to the holes. An
estimate of the Feeding Shape Factor values (FSF, defines as section width plus section feeding
length divided by thickness) for these widths, for a 0.8" section, using 50 C superheat to be
conservative, from Figure 14, are 17 and 23, respectively. This would give an estimated feeding
length of 10.6" to 9.53", and in this case the longest path is that shown in Figure 12D, which is
6.07" long. However, in simulations using a superheat less than 50 C, Niyama Criterion values
dropped below 0.3 K1/2 s1/2 mm-1. So the soundness of this casting is sensitive to superheat.
Nevertheless, some sound castings were produced as predicted in Casting Trial #2. The feeding
rules and their development based on the Niyama Criterion are supported by this case study.
Simulated Case for Optimum Yield
A series of demonstration cases were simulated to optimize the casting yield for this part
in the holes-down configuration. The optimized case, having the highest yield, used a sleeve
of higher exothermic content (i.e. using the Bell mini riser property data), which had an inverted
taper. This riser sleeve has a smaller diameter at its top than at its base, as shown in Figure 13.
The shrinkage pipe has an adequate safety margin as shown in Figure 13A, and an x-ray plot of
the feeding percentage indications show some small indications that were no worse than those
observed for the simulations of the casting trial #2 configuration as can be seen in Figure 13B.
The solidification time plot shown in Figure 13D shows the riser solidifies last with no hot-spot
in the casting. As shown in Figure 13C no Niyama Criterion values near the danger level were
noted in the casting. Unfortunately casting trials were not conducted on this configuration,
especially since the net casting yield for this case is 87%, and would represent a 17% increase in
casting yield over the present method of production for the pump cover.

The net casting yield of a high alloy pump cover casting was increased from 70% to 76%
by applying computer simulation, and verified by casting trial. Further simulations led to
development of a production method that could have a casting yield as high as 87%. Due to
surface quality considerations, the outer surface of the pump cover would not have the excellent
appearance desired by the customer when it was cast in an orientation that best promotes
directional solidification. Further casting trials and simulations would be required to cast the
part in the preferred orientation with a high casting yield. The importance of mold type was
demonstrated by simulations, and the part was found to be more difficult to cast with the desired
soundness in a chemical no-bake mold than in green sand. There is a lack of good sleeve
property data generally, and a hesitance of sleeve manufactures to provide this data, which is
unfortunate since it is important for accurate simulation. An exception to this was the Bell miniriser producers, who willing provided this information. The lack of data for sleeves gives a level

of uncertainty to casting simulation that could be overcome with good data provided by the
sleeve suppliers. According to simulation test cases, higher superheat can make this part more
sound from the standpoint of shrinkage prediction. The use of riser filters is believed to have
resulted in shrinkage and gas porosity formation in the second casting trials. The reason for this
could be due to mistakes in applying the filters, and the filters not floating out of the riser neck as
they were designed. Finally, it was demonstrated that improved feeding rules being developed
based on the Niyama Criterion were not exceeded but were consistent with the results of this
case study.

Miettinen, J. (1997) "Calculation of Solidification-Related Thermophysical Properties for
Steels", Met. Trans. B, 28B, 281-297.


Table I As-cast and net casting yields for several of the initial configurations tested
IV, Net-shape, 7 Risers
V, No holes
VI, Smaller holes
VII, Net-shape, defects

As-Cast Yield (%)


Net Yield (%)


Table II Summary of differences between simulated and actual casting trial for casting trial #1
Pouring Temperature (C)
Pour Time (s)
Insulation Type
Insulation Thickness (in)
Mold Material

Simulated Trial 1
Properties for Generic
Sleeve Material
Dry Silica Sand

Cast Trial 1
1527 to 1566
4 to 8
Fireline #E30
Not Available
Delta Resin (PUNB) with
Zircon Wash

Table III Properties of sleeve materials used in simulations: a generic low exothermic
content sleeve (approximately 14%exothermic content by weight) and the Bell miniriser sleeve (28%exothermic content)
Burn Temperature (C)
Burn time (s)
Thermal Conductivity (W/m K)
Specific Heat (kJ/kg K)
Density (kg/m3 )

Typical Sleeve
not used
not used


Bell Sleeve

Figure 1

Several views of the pump cover casting: holes-down, end-view, and holes-up
views (from top to bottom)

Figure 2

Figure 3

Solidification time plot of casting with one riser and

without holes for production method prior to case
study (one quarter of casting shown).

Views of riser placement and casting from first casting trial


Figure 4

Computation grid (top) and slice through riser (section AA in Figure

3) showing riser shrinkage pipe for casting trial #1 configuration

Figure 5

Figure 6

Schematic drawing showing location of shrinkage defects

that formed in the castings produced in casting trial #1
(section AA as shown in Figure 3)

A hot spot is predicted near the defective region when the casting trial
superheat and mold material are simulated


Figure 7

A region of inadequate feeding is predicted just beneath the

observed defect region when the trial superheat and mold
material are simulated

Figure 8

Compared with Figure 8, a higher riser increases the severity of

the defect, but it is still lower than observed. The castings were
actually poured with taller risers (6" high) than what was initially

Figure 9

Figure 10

Feeding defect is predicted at the location of the observed defect

with only the mold material changed to no-bake from dry silica

Feeding percentage plot for Bell- Figure 11

type exothermic sleeve case


Niyama criterion plot for Belltype exothermic sleeve case

Figure 12

One quarter of the casting and riser simulation used for casting trial #2, A)
Computational grid, B) Feeding
%, C) Niyama Criterion, D) Solidification Time

Figure 13

One half of the casting and riser simulation used for case with optimum casting
yield, A) Feeding %, B) X-Ray View of Feeding %, C) Niyama Criterion, D)
Solidification Time


Figure 14 Current SFSA feeding and recently developed high alloy feeding
rules: Feeding Shape Factor versus Section Width to Thickness ratio


Final Technical Report:

Yield Improvement in Steel Casting (Yield II)
Submitted by: Richard A. Hardin, Research Engineer
Submitted for: Professor Christoph Beckermann
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
University of Iowa
3131 SC
Iowa City, Iowa 52242-1527
This Final Technical Report Yield Improvement in Steel Casting (Yield II) of presents the
results of the following project tasks: Conventional Feeding and Risering Methods (WBS Task 2.0
and sub tasks), Unconventional Yield Improvement Techniques (WBS Task 3.0 and sub tasks), and
Case Studies (WBS Task 4.0 and sub tasks). The attached technical reports present the work
conducted on each of these main tasks as summarized below.
Progress On WBS Task 2.0 - Conventional Feeding and Risering Methods
Casting trials were conducted and then simulated using the precise casting conditions as
recorded by the participating SFSA foundries in order to acquire a statistically meaningful set of
experimental data on soundness versus feeding length as part of WBS Task 2.2. This work is
summarized in Attachment A: Final Report on SFSA Plate Casting Trials Conducted for Yield
Improvement in Steel Casting (Yield II), which completes WBS Task 2.2.1. The following
important conclusions were observed:

A For the casting trials with end-effect, the minimum Niyama criterion value corresponding to the
departure from RT level 1 soundness was approximately 0.1 ((K s)1/2 mm-1), based on the upper
95% confidence limit.
A For the lateral feeding trials, a minimum Niyama criterion value of 0.1 ((K s)1/2 mm-1)
corresponded to the break from RT level 1 as well. Breaks between other RT levels were also
established in this way according to the casting trial results.
A Area of Niyama criterion indications was found to better distinguish higher RT levels than the
minimum value, but the area is difficult to non-dimensionalize for arbitrary section thickness. For
predicting the onset of shrinkage, the minimum value appears to be a very good indicator.
A It was observed that the area of computational cells below 0.1 ((K s)1/2 mm-1) for the same
measured RT levels was the same for both the end-effect and lateral feeding cases.
Comparisons between the present casting trials and casting trials performed over forty years ago by
Pellini and the SFSA are quite good and appear reasonable. Comparisons between the current SFSA
feeding rules and feeding rules based on the minimum Niyama criterion reveal that the

Niyama-based rules are generally less conservative. The Niyama-based rules also agree better with
the trials presented here, and the casting trials performed by Pellini and the SFSA. Furthermore, the
use of the Niyama criterion to predict centerline shrinkage for horizontally fed plate sections has a
theoretical basis according to the casting literature reviewed here. Taken altogether, these results
strongly support the use of improved feeding rules for horizontal plate sections based on the Niyama
criterion, which can be tailored to the casting conditions for a given alloy and to a desired level of
The reliability and repeatability of ASTM shrinkage x-ray ratings was investigated in a
statistical study performed on 128 x-rays, each of which were rated seven different times as part of
WBS Task 2.2. This study is given in Attachment B: Gage R&R Analysis of Astm X-ray Shrinkage
Rating for Steel Castings. It was found that the seven ratings were in unanimous agreement on
shrinkage type for 37% of the x-rays, on shrinkage level for 17% of the x-rays, and on both type and
level for 12.5% of the x-rays. The x-rays that had unanimous agreement on both type and level were
all either completely sound, or very unsound (Level 5). By computing a 95% confidence interval
for the seven shrinkage level ratings for each x-ray, it was found that x-rays with an average level
around 2 or 3 had the largest variability in level ratings, with an average variability of about 2. The
different level ratings for each x-ray were then examined to determine how many x-rays had level
ratings both above and below common accept/reject thresholds. 21-35% of the x-rays had ratings
that crossed different thresholds, indicating that the castings associated with these x-rays would have
been accepted by some radiographers and rejected by others. Two of the radiographers involved in
this study rated all the x-rays twice, and analysis was performed to determine the consistency of their
ratings. Comparing each radiographer's second rating to their first, both radiographers gave different
type ratings for at least 19% of the x-rays and different level ratings for at least 34% of the x-rays.
Both radiographers also reversed accept/reject decisions for 10-15% of the x-rays. This study
indicated the subjective nature of the x-ray rating procedure.
A summary of the computer simulation results conducted as part of WBS Tasks 2.1 and 2.3
and reports 2.1.1 and 2.3.1 is reported in Attachment C: Development of New Feeding Distance
Rules Using Casting Simulation Part I: Methodology. This report outlines a methodology used to
predict shrinkage porosity levels in steel castings, in order to determine feeding distances. Low alloy
steel casting trials were conducted to acquire a statistically meaningful set of experimental data for
top-risered cast steel sections having various ASTM shrinkage x-ray levels. Simulations of the
casting trials were then performed, using casting data recorded at the foundries during the trials. The
actual casting soundness resulting from these trials, measured in terms of ASTM shrinkage x-ray
level, is quantitatively compared to the soundness predicted by simulations, measured in terms of
a local thermal parameter known as the Niyama criterion. A relationship is shown to exist between
x-ray level and both the minimum Niyama criterion value, as well as the area (in the plane of the
x-ray) with Niyama values below a threshold value. Once the correlations developed in Part I of this
paper were established, an extensive set of additional casting simulations was performed to
determine the feeding distances for castings with a wide variety of casting parameters. This data was
then used to develop a new set of feeding distance rules, the process for doing this is outlined in
Attachment D: Development of New Feeding Distance Rules Using Casting Simulation Part II: The
New Rules.

The results of WBS Task 2.5 and 2.5.1 Preparation of New Feeding Manual is given in the
research report Attachment E: Feeding & Risering Guidelines for Steel Castings. This research
was based on the extensive set of low-alloy steel plate casting trials performed at various foundries
throughout North America (see Attachment A). A wide variety of plate dimensions were utilized
in the trials, which produced castings ranging from radiographically sound to ASTM shrinkage x-ray
level 5. Casting conditions (alloy composition, mold material, superheat, pouring time, etc.) were
recorded by each foundry for each plate cast, and this information was then utilized to numerically
simulate the casting of each plate, using modern casting simulation software. Once it was
determined that there was good agreement between the casting trial results and their corresponding
simulations, a large number of simulations were performed for geometries and/or casting conditions
that were not used in the casting trials, thus producing a more complete data set. By analyzing all
of this data, a new set of feeding distance rules for sound castings was developed. These new rules
are presented in Attachment E.
Progress On WBS Task 3.0 - Unconventional Yield Improvement Techniques
The first method of unconventional yield improvement studied in WBS Task 3.2, for which
casting trials were performed and completed during this project year, was a stacked arrangement of
castings. The section of this report that deals with reporting this task is included in Attachment F:
Yield Improvement by Stacking Castings." This attachment serves to report on the demonstration
of this technique (WBS Task 3.2.1) and to document the lessons learned during the casting trials.
Work on WBS Task 3.3, Conduct Simulations and Casting Trials for Technique 2, was
completed. This task involved the use of riser pressurization, and a number of casting trials were
conducted between June and September 2001 at Harrison Steel in Attica, Indiana. The results of the
trials and lessons learned are given in Attachment G: Pressurized Riser Casting Trials, completing
WBS Task 3.3.1. Riser pressurization was demonstrated to feed a casting up to four times the
distance of a non-pressurized riser. Difficulties were encountered to apply the method, but all
indications are that these will be overcome with refinement of the technique.
Progress On WBS Task 4.0 - Yield Improvement Case Studies
All cases studies for this projects were completed and were compiled into an SFSA Technical
Report. This report is submitted part of this Final Report. See the technical report SFSA Special
Report No. 32 - Yield Improvement Case Studies.

Attachment A:
Final Report on SFSA Plate Casting Trials Conducted for Yield
Improvement in Steel Casting (Yield II)

Richard A. Hardin, Shouzhu Ou, Kent Carlson - Research Engineers

Christoph Beckermann - Professor
Solidification Laboratory
The Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of Iowa
Iowa City, Iowa 52242

Executive Summary
Casting trials have been conducted in order to acquire a statistically meaningful set of
experimental data on the feeding length of cast sections. The data establish a relation between the
section length (L), width (W), and thickness (T) and the ASTM radiographic testing shrinkage
level for various casting configurations. While some of the data agree with traditional feeding
rules, it is shown that for certain cases the rules are overly conservative. Simulations of the trials
were performed using data for the casting trial conditions recorded by the foundries. The trial
results for shrinkage severity are quantitatively compared with simulation predictions for
shrinkage based on the Niyama criterion. For the horizontal plates cast in these trials, a
relationship is shown to exist between the radiographic testing results for shrinkage and both the
minimum Niyama criterion value, and the amount of area with a Niyama criterion value below a
critical value. For simple horizontal plates with a single top riser, it is found that the Niyama
criterion can be used to predict the extent of macroporosity as measured by the x-ray level. For
lateral feeding between several top risers feeding the same section (no end effect), it is
demonstrated that the Niyama criterion breaks down due to symmetry of the temperature field at
the centerline between the risers. However, a methodology is presented that allows for the
prediction of the lateral feeding length, as measured in the casting trials, using the Niyama
criterion in a special way. Altogether, these results allow for the establishment of improved
feeding rules, tailored to the casting conditions. Also, a listing of additional trials from this
ongoing study on feeding and yield improvement in steel casting is presented.

A- 1

Under sponsorship by the Steel Founders' Society of America (SFSA) through the Cast Metals
Coalition (CMC), a program in steel casting yield improvement is being conducted at the
University of Iowa. This research program has had substantial industry guidance, participation,
and in-kind support. While a substantial part of the effort during this program has been in the
development of improved feeding rules, the program has also provided the SFSA with studies on
the current state of casting yield and unconventional techniques for improving yield in the steel
casting industry [1,2].
In the early part of this project, SFSA members attending the project kick-off meeting and the
early project review meetings requested that the project team investigate the feeding rules for
risering of steel casting as currently published by the SFSA [3]. There was substantial feedback
and anecdotal evidence at these meetings that these "Red Book" feeding rules were overly
conservative. A consensus of the attending members indicated that these rules were overly
conservative for both the ASTM x-ray shrinkage Level 1 soundness for which they were
developed, and for higher ASTM radiographic testing (RT) levels, which are commonly
stipulated by the customer. It was decided that an initial series of casting trials would be
conducted with the goal of determining if the rules were conservative and if so, to what degree.
The initial casting trials conducted by five SFSA member foundries for the project demonstrated
that the current feeding rules were conservative for some cases and agreed with the trial results
for others [4,5]. Subsequent casting trials at larger plate width-to-thickness ratios (W/T)
demonstrated a strong trend that the current feeding rules were increasingly conservative at larger
W/T. Consequently, a large part of the research program has focused on investigating and
predicting feeding and shrinkage for the purpose of developing improved rules, which are
consistent for a wide range of W/T and plate thickness. The trial results demonstrate where the
current feeding rules are applicable, and where they can be substantially improved. The primary
goal of this paper is to present the results of the casting trials for the low alloy plates cast for the
research project, focusing on the results for plates with end-effect and for lateral feeding. Also,
the RT shrinkage severity levels in the trial plates are quantitatively compared with simulation
predictions for shrinkage based on the Niyama criterion. A relationship exists between them,
which can be justified based on analyses presented in the casting literature.
Results from a computational study [2] provided insight and laid the groundwork to establish a
methodology to determine feeding distances using a commercial casting code.
methodology was based on the prediction of shrinkage defects in simulations of the trial plates
using the commercial casting software package, MAGMAsoft. This methodology was needed to
establish the geometry of plates for the casting trials, and was subsequently used to develop the
new feeding rules [4,5]. It was found that this methodology could be used to consistently
establish the feeding lengths for a wide range of plate trial castings. As described in detail
elsewhere [4,5], this methodology uses the Niyama criterion to predict shrinkage porosity

A- 2

formation in plate castings. This criterion is a well-known indicator of porosity formation, and is
used in many casting modeling software programs. A review of this criterion is provided below.
2.1 Overview of the Niyama Criterion
The discussion provided below focuses on the principal question of whether the Niyama criterion
can be used to predict shrinkage porosity large enough to be detected by radiographic testing.
While the Niyama criterion has been shown to be a reliable shrinkage porosity predictor for plate
castings, the reader should exercise care in extending the results of this study to more complex
castings. In such cases the formation of the shrinkage porosity is also influenced by phenomena
not taken into account by the Niyama criterion.
The Niyama criterion is defined as G / T& , where G is the temperature gradient in K/mm and T&
is the cooling rate in K/s. Both quantities are evaluated at the end of solidification, although the
exact method needs to be carefully defined to be reproducible. Also note that the temperature
gradient is generally a vector. When evaluated in casting simulations, only the absolute value of
this vector is taken (i.e., the component in the direction of the heat flux vector). Niyama et al. [6]
use the symbol R for the cooling rate here we will reserve R for the solidification speed (in
mm/s), as is commonly done in the recent casting literature. In steady directional solidification,
T& = R G . Niyama et al. [6] suggest a critical value of
G / T& = 1.0 K 1 / 2 min1 / 2 cm 1 = 0.775 K 1 / 2 s 1 / 2 mm 1
below which shrinkage defects occur (the latter combination of units is typically used in casting
simulation software). In planning the initial casting trials, a Niyama criterion value of 0.7 (K1/2
s1/2 mm-1) was used to determine the plate length where shrinkage defects should begin to form.
There has been some controversy regarding the use of the Niyama criterion for shrinkage
prediction. This controversy stems from the fact that certain users of casting simulation software
use the Niyama criterion only to predict what they call microporosity. Since this microporosity
cannot be detected by radiographic testing, they conclude that the Niyama criterion is not suitable
for judging if a casting will pass radiographic standards. Another consequence would be that the
Niyama criterion cannot be used to develop feeding rules, which provide the distance a cast
section can be fed without developing shrinkage porosity detectable by x-ray testing. While the
Niyama criterion does indeed need to be used with extreme care and will fail in certain casting
geometries, the following review of the literature indicates that it can in fact be used to predict
both microporosity and shrinkage porosity large enough to be detected by radiographic testing.
The original paper by Niyama et al. [6] is reviewed first, and is followed by a recent study by
Sigworth and Wang [7].
2.2 Review of Niyama et al. [6]
Niyama et al. [6] state that gross shrinkage generally appears in an area enclosed by an
"equisolidification time line" - such areas are the so-called "hot spots." Their study, however,

A- 3

focuses on centerline shrinkage that is formed in areas of shallow temperature gradients, not
necessarily enclosed by equisolidification time contours. Rules for determining feeding distances
in cast sections are concerned with the formation of this centerline shrinkage.
Niyama et al. [6] present experimental results for cast vertical cylinders of different diameters
with a top riser and molds made from furan-bonded silica sand. They examine five different
steels ranging from regular carbon/low alloy steel to high alloy (e.g., CF8) steel and investigate
superheats ranging from 50 K to 100 K. The castings were tested and sectioned along the
vertical centerline. The shrinkage was detected using dye penetrant (on the cut section), x-ray,
and ultrasonic testing. The latter two methods were used to examine production castings.
Photographs of some of the sectioned cylinders are shown (Fig. 2 in Niyama et al. [6]), and the
shrinkage porosity appears to be several millimeters in diameter.
Niyama et al. [6] use two-dimensional simulations to determine the temperature gradient and
cooling rate. In the simulations the cast-mold heat transfer coefficient was taken as infinite, and
the temperature gradient was evaluated in an approximate way, as the maximum local value
among eight directions at the end of solidification. The cooling rate was approximated as the
difference between the liquidus and solidus temperatures, temperatures, Tl Ts , divided by the
total solidification time t f . Because of these approximations, the actual values of the thermal
parameters computed by Niyama et al. should be viewed with caution, especially when
comparing them to values from modern three-dimensional casting simulation codes. The key
finding of Niyama et al. is that the critical temperature gradient G at which porosity forms is
proportional to 1 / t f . Since T& = (Tl Ts ) / t f , this finding can also be expressed as the usual

Niyama criterion G / T& > const. for the casting to be sound, where the constant is determined
from experiments.
The following additional observations are also worth noting from Niyama et al [6]. The same
critical Niyama value applies to all alloys, superheat values, and casting section thickness
dimensions, within the ranges studied. The size of the shrinkage regions and the porosity size
both correlate with G / T& . Radiographic testing of production castings reveals that the Niyama
criterion not only predicts the centerline shrinkage, but that hot spots and the corresponding gross
shrinkage are also characterized by low G / T& values. The Niyama criterion could be evaluated
at a temperature higher than the solidus temperature, which would result in lower critical Niyama
values. However, the functional correspondence between this parameter and shrinkage porosity
remains the same (note that some modern casting simulation codes do in fact evaluate the
Niyama value at a somewhat higher temperature, which explains the lower critical values
observed here). The Niyama criterion is a purely local thermal parameter; in reality, certain
shrinkage will depend on the solidification behavior of other parts of the casting (however, this
is immaterial when determining feeding rules for simple sections).
In an appendix, Niyama et al. [6] attempt to provide a theoretical justification of the Niyama
criterion based on Darcys law for interdendritic flow. Their analysis shows that the pressure
drop is proportional to (G / T& ) 2 . If the pressure drop exceeds a certain value, porosity will
form. While the general concept of Darcys law is always applicable to mushy zones, Niyama et
A- 4

al. do not carefully analyze the physical processes responsible for centerline porosity in a plate or
cylinder. The analysis in the appendix is strictly only valid for unidirectional solidification,
where the feeding flow is in the same direction as the heat flow (i.e., across the plate thickness
from the centerline toward the outer solid shell). In this situation, the pressure drops to a value
low enough for porosity to form only when the solid fraction is very large (close to unity) and the
permeability of the mush is very small. That porosity is thus limited to small spaces between the
dendrite arms in other words, this porosity can safely be called microporosity or dispersed
porosity. It cannot be detected by regular radiographic testing. Hence, the Niyama criterion can
most likely be used to predict microporosity.
This microporosity is not the same as centerline shrinkage porosity in plates. That porosity can be
much larger in size and, hence, must be forming at lower solid fractions. Niyama et al. do not
consider that the feeding flow during solidification of a plate is primarily along the plate
centerline (from the riser to the opposite end of the plate), whereas the solidification is mainly
toward the centerline. If this feeding flow is cut off, by bridging of mush across the centerline,
centerline shrinkage porosity will develop. In fact, Niyama et al. observed that the centerline
shrinkage is associated with V-segregates, indicating that such bridges were in fact present. This
does not mean that Darcys law is not valid. However, the analysis of Niyama et al. would need
to be modified to account for the direction of the flow and the presence of bridging across the
2.3 Review of Sigworth and Wang [7]

Sigworth and Wang [7,1993] re-examined the issue of pressure drop due to interdendritic flow,
making particular reference to the case of solidification of a plate and the question of feeding
distance. They conclude that Darcys law does not apply to the calculation of feeding lengths,
because the calculated pressure drops are too small. This conclusion may be premature, because
of certain assumptions made in their analysis. However, the geometrical model proposed by
Sigworth and Wang in the following part of their paper is still worth considering, because it
directly addresses the main physical process responsible for centerline shrinkage in plates.
Sigworth and Wang derive a model for centerline shrinkage of the type found in these present
casting trials based on geometric arguments. They argue that pinching off of liquid areas along
the plate centerline due to uneven solidification causes the shrinkage in plates. These isolated
areas solidify without feeding and will exhibit shrinkage as shown in Figure 1(a). The presence
of a gradient in the feeding direction serves to open up a channel, by effectively providing a taper
to the inner liquid channel as shown in Figure 1(b). Assuming that feeding occurs as long as the
tapered channel has an angle greater than a certain critical angle c , the critical ratio of the
temperature gradient along the plate, G x , to the one across the mush in a direction perpendicular
to the centerline, G y , is given by
= tan c

A- 5



Figure 1
Diagram of a plate-like casting with (b) and without (a) an adequate thermal
gradient to prevent formation of shrinkage porosity (adapted from [7])

The thermal gradient across the mush is given by G y (Tl Ts ) / l , where l is the thickness of
the mush. According to Flemings [8], the thickness of the mush grows as l ~ t . Following the
derivations of Sigworth and Wang, the final expression for the critical temperature gradient is
then given by
Gx =

Tl Ts
2 k M

k m m c m tan c

A- 6



where k m , m , and c m are the thermal conductivity, density, and specific heat, respectively, of
the mold, and k M is the thermal conductivity of the metal. Substituting appropriate values for the
properties, and taking measured critical temperature gradients from Pellinis experiments (Pellini
used radiographic testing to measure shrinkage), Sigworth and Wang estimate a critical angle c
for steel plates between 2 and 5 degrees, which appears reasonable.
The most important conclusion, however, is that this alternative derivation results in the same
functional dependence between the temperature gradient and the solidification time as that found
experimentally by Niyama et al. Note that substitution of the cooling rate for the solidification
time results in the usual Niyama parameter G / T& (see the previous section). Niyama et al., as
well as casting simulation codes, do not use the thermal gradient G x along the plate centerline.
Therefore, the constant A in the above equation would be different, and its exact value depends
on how the thermal parameters are evaluated.
The above review shows that the Niyama criterion can be used to predict centerline shrinkage in
steel plates that is detectable by radiographic testing. The evidence is in the form of experiments
and analysis. The results of the present casting trials support this conclusion. The critical Niyama
value found through the casting trials is lower than the one reported by Niyama et al., but this
difference can be attributed to how the thermal parameters are evaluated in the casting simulation
software used. Note that the Niyama criterion can fail to provide meaningful guidance on the
formation of shrinkage porosity, for example in lateral feeding between two risers (due to
symmetry, which creates a zero temperature gradient). However, this does not detract from the
general usefulness of the Niyama criterion in determining feeding distances for simple plates.
Finally, it is apparent from the literature that the Niyama criterion can also be used to predict
microporosity that cannot be detected by radiographic testing.
2.4 Selection of Trial Plate Dimensions Using Niyama Criterion

The selection of the plate cross section dimensions cast in the trials was made considering the
typical section thickness of castings produced by SFSA member foundries [1], and the pool of
data already available from the large number of castings produced in earlier studies [9-15].
Extensive experiments over many years in the 1950s and 1960s led to empirically-based
feeding rules. Most notably, there is the substantial body of experimental work from the Naval
Research Laboratory (NRL) by Pellini, Bishop, Myskowski et al. for determining feeding
distances [9-13] and adequate riser dimensions [14]. In these studies, castings were considered
sound only if there was no evidence of shrinkage detected by radiography at 1.5% sensitivity.
Plate sections of thickness , 2, and 4 with width to thickness ratios of 2, 3, 4, and 5 were
cast for these studies, as well as bar-shaped cases (W/T = 1) with 6 and 8 sections. The
castings were made of plain carbon steel of 0.25 to 0.30 weight percent carbon content, and a
pouring temperature of approximately 2950 NF. In addition, the SFSA conducted comprehensive
casting trials involving about 50 foundries of member companies [15]. In the SFSA studies, the
feeding distance required to cast a section to commercial soundness (better than or equal to Class

A- 7

2 ASTM RT soundness) was determined for , 1, 2, 4 plate and bar sections. The steel cast
in the SFSA studies was reported as a carbon steel of 0.20 to 0.23 weight percent carbon that was
cast with pouring temperatures between 2850 NF and 2950 NF, and the mold material used by the
foundries was green sand.
It is assumed that these excellent studies are still valid, and should be considered along with the
present trials, and therefore it was decided that cases from these trials would not be repeated. The
geometry chosen for the initial plate casting trials was selected based on the recommendations of
SFSA members, and results from the survey [1] that indicated the average section thickness for
steel castings was about 2.5. A plate 3 thick (T) by 6 wide (W) was chosen for the first trials,
and five lengths of this cross section were cast. The five initial plate lengths were chosen based
on the current SFSA rule for feeding distance, and computer simulations of the plate lengths
corresponding to Niyama criterion values of 1.0, 0.7, 0.2, and below (K1/2 s1/2 mm-1). The current
SFSA rule feeding length for this case (T = 3, W/T = 2) corresponded to a Niyama criterion
value of about 0.4 (K1/2 s1/2 mm-1). Castings were made and tested at four foundries for this
initial trial case. One foundry also volunteered to cast 1 thick by 5.5 wide plates with the
lengths chosen to coincide with the SFSA Red Book feeding length, and longer lengths
corresponding to various Niyama criterion threshold values. A similar process was used for all
subsequent casting trials. However, as experience was gained, and it was found that in many
cases the SFSA Red Book feeding rules were conservative, the casting trial plate lengths were
chosen based on minimum Niyama criterion values that were found to give the desired level of

A goal of the present trials was to include the normal variations that are possible in foundry
practice when executing the trial results. These variations would also be considered in the
analysis of the results. Therefore, detailed information was collected on the casting process for
the trial plates, and all information was recorded in detailed data sheets that were filled out by the
participating foundries. These data sheets were created by the investigators with substantial input
from the SFSA and participating foundries. Results from the RT were included in the data sheets
and the films were sent to the investigators. Following completion of the trials the results were
sent to the project investigators, who analyzed the results and performed simulations in order to
predict the casting soundness.
3.1 Data Collected by Participating Foundries

Since a goal of the casting trials was to establish a correspondence between x-ray level and
Niyama values that occur in simulation, these plates must be simulated using conditions that are
as close as possible to the actual casting conditions as recorded in the data sheets. The casting
parameters that were taken into account in these plate simulations were: pouring temperature,
mold material, actual casting rigging and mold-box geometry, steel chemistry and pouring time.
Foundries cast the plates in different mold materials, with the details of the mold composition
recorded for future reference and use in the computer simulations of the trials. The steel
composition and pouring temperature (giving the superheat) would also be recorded for use in

A- 8

generating accurate computer simulations as will be described shortly. Rigging and gating
configurations were recorded by the foundries in sketches, and together with the filling time, this
provided information from which the filling process would be simulated. Data sheets included
additional information on melt shop and ladle practice. Unfortunately, the level of detail of
information given in the present trial data sheets is not available in the reports of the casting trials
performed by the NRL and the SFSA. Precise simulations of these earlier trials do not appear
possible, but comparisons with the experimental results are still meaningful.
Considering that the previous work [9-15] did not distinguish levels of soundness, it was decided
that in the present trials that the ASTM RT rating for each trial plate would be determined so that
a range of soundness data could be collected. More information than whether a plate was sound
or unsound was desired. Each plate was examined by RT using ASTM E94 procedures (E186
for 3 thick plates, and E446 for 1). Films from the RT were requested by the investigators for
all plates cast, and these serve as a record of the casting trials and as a source to double check the
RT results1. For the initial 3 trials, the plates were sectioned longitudinally through the center
mid-width and were tested using magnetic particles. The magnetic particle testing was
performed primarily to confirm casting soundness, and to help explain anomalies in the x-ray
results. For the sectioned castings, the locations of regions of gross defects (visible to the
observer) were also requested on the data sheets. In is envisioned that a more quantitative
measure of casting soundness than is provided for in the current ASTM Standards will be
possible from the results of the authors investigations into digital analysis of the x-ray films2.
3.2 Casting Trial Plate Geometry and Nomenclature

The general configuration for the horizontal plate casting trials is shown in Figure 2. Plates were
cast for a given width to thickness ratio at several feeding lengths (FL) that were chosen to
provide a range of soundness data. Since they are often confused, the feeding distance (FD) and
the feeding length (FL) are clearly defined in the context of the present work to avoid confusion:
Feeding Distance: The feeding distance (FD) is the distance from the riser to the furthest point in
the casting over which the riser can provide feed metal resulting in a sound casting. In the case
of the SFSA guidelines [3], soundness is defined as Class I soundness at 2% radiographic
Feeding Length: As given in Figure 2 for the casting trial cases, the feeding length (FL) is the
distance from the riser to the furthest point in the casting. It is the length to be fed. It is purely
geometrical, and implies nothing as to the soundness of the casting being fed.
3.3 Simulations of the Trials

From the trial data sheets, simulations were performed for each trial plate for which unique
casting data was available. In some cases, a set of plates with a given length was said to have

A gage R&R of the X-ray films from the trials is underway and is included with the Final Report on the trials.
The results of the quantitative analysis of x-rays, using digital processing, will be presented final project report to
the SFSA.

A- 9

Figure 2 General configuration and nomenclature for the horizontal plate casting

identical pouring temperatures and times and individual simulations could not be run. In these
instances, one simulation was performed for the entire set.
The simulations provide the distribution of the Niyama criterion throughout the trial castings.
From this distribution, the minimum value of the Niyama criterion, and the amount (or area in a
central-thickness cross section) below a critical value of the Niyama criterion will be shown to
correlate well with casting soundness. The term minimum Niyama criterion is used to refer to
the smallest value of the Niyama criterion in a distribution of values as shown in Figure 3. In
this figure, the minimum Niyama criterion value is 0.3 (K1/2 s1/2 mm-1). The scale shown is from
0 to 1.4 (K1/2 s1/2 mm-1), and this scale is used to resolve the value to the nearest tenth. Unless
otherwise stated, this scale is used throughout this work. Thus, when a minimum Niyama
A- 10

criterion value is referred to as 0.3 it could be as low as 0.3, and its value lies somewhere
between 0.3 to 0.4 (K1/2 s1/2 mm-1).
Steel chemistry was taken into account in these detailed simulations, and it has an effect on the
Niyama criterion. The variations in the steel chemistry between the foundries produce
differences in the Niyama criterion results. This is due primarily to slight changes in the liquidus

Figure 3 Example of Niyama criterion distribution in a plate casting having a minimum value of
0.3 K1/2 s1/2 mm-1 (the actual smallest value is between 0.3 and 0.4)
and solidus temperatures (Tl and Ts, respectively) for slightly different chemistries. These
changes will affect the temperature at which the temperature gradient and cooling rate are
computed. In the software used in the present study, these quantities are evaluated at a default
temperature equal to Ts plus 10% of the solidification temperature interval (Tl - Ts), which
changes as the steel chemistry varies. Since the Niyama criterion is evaluated at a consistent
temperature relative to the solidification process, the effect of steel chemistry on the simulation
results is computed in a consistent manner. It should be pointed out that these effects are
relatively small for the range of plain carbon steel chemistries cast in the trials presented here.
Nonetheless, they appear to cause some variations in the simulations of trial results, and should
also influence the experimental results.

The effect of chemistry on Tl, Ts, and the other thermophysical properties of the steel was
computed using the interdendritic solidification computer software (IDS) developed by Miettinen
et al. [16,17]. For a given chemistry, this model will predict thermal conductivity, density,
specific heat, thermal expansion, viscosity, enthalpy, and solidification path (temperature and

A- 11

solid fraction relationship during solidification) using equilibrium and non-equilibrium

calculations. The non-equilibrium calculations require a specified cooling rate. The austenite
decomposition model in the IDS program computes solid-state phase transformations as well and
their heats of transformation.
For each chemistry recorded for a given plate, computational runs were made using IDS in the
non-equilibrium calculation mode, and the cooling rate specified was a representative cooling
rate found by preliminary simulations of the trial cases near the plates center. After the
properties and the solidification temperature range were determined from IDS, the resulting
values were compared with those for the appropriate steel from the property database in the
MAGMAsoft program. Tl, Ts and the other thermophysical were checked for large disparities
between the IDS program and the database. In most cases, they were found to agree quite well.
Liquidus temperatures were generally within 5 "C and solidus temperatures within 10 "C. The
thermophysical properties were generally in good agreement also, but where the differences were
large enough to effect the results, the IDS property values were used. In such cases, the new
properties from the IDS results were added to the database and were used in the simulations for
that trial. Because of space limitations, the details of properties and trial conditions used in these
simulations will be given in the final report on the trials, which is now in preparation.

The results of the casting trials for the low alloy plates with end-effect and lateral feeding are
presented in separate sections below. An overview of the other casting trials performed for the
Yield Improvement Project, which will be given in detail in the final report on the trials, is
presented at the end of this section. The experimental results are presented by plotting the RT
rating for each trial plate versus feeding length. Comparisons are also made between the
experimentally determined soundness (ASTM RT level) and the soundness predicted from the
simulations based on the Niyama criterion. Both the minimum Niyama criterion, and the area of
computational cells having a Niyama criterion value below 0.1 (K1/2 s1/2 mm-1) will be compared
with the experimental soundness results.
The data from the casting trials, the present SFSA feeding rules, and the data from trials
conducted by the SFSA and NRL (data taken from [15]), are compared using the feeding shape
factor in the plots that follow. The feeding shape factor was developed as part of this project for
establishing improved feeding rules for the SFSA, and a more detailed discussion of the FSF is
given elsewhere [4,5]. The feeding shape factor showed an excellent correlation with the
simulations performed to establish feeding distances based on the Niyama criterion. This factor is
defined as (referring to the diagram in Figure 4):


L FD + W

LFD = plate length corresponding to the simulation feeding distance

W = plate width
T = plate thickness

A- 12

Top View


Side View

Figure 4 Definition of the Feeding Shape Factor (FSF)

It was demonstrated previously that all the simulation results collapse on a single FSF line
regardless of plate thickness when the FSF is plotted versus W/T [4,5]. The SFSA guidelines
produce curves that vary with plate thickness. This indicates that the FSF is a sound
dimensionless parameter for correlating the feeding behavior of castings. Note that a similar
shape factor, (L+W)/T, is used in the SFSA rules for determining riser sizes [3], but the current
application to feeding lengths is new. Note that the length in the definition of the FSF (see Figure
5) is not the feeding distance, defined as the distance from the riser to the corner of the plate, but
the total length of the plate that can be fed with a single top riser.
4.1 Casting Trial Results, Part I: Horizontal Low Alloy Plates with End-Effect

The experimental results for the 3 by 6, 1 by 5.5, and 1 by 10 casting trials are shown in
Figures 5 through 7. These will be referred to as the W/T = 2, 5.5 and 10 cases, respectively. In
these figures, the rating from the RT is plotted versus feeding length for all plates cast. The
numbers inside or near the symbols indicate the number of plates which were rated at a given RT
severity level for a given feeding length. The mean x-ray rating is shown for each feeding length
with the upper and lower 95% confidence intervals indicated by the error bars.
For all W/T ratios, there is a strong trend of increasing mean RT ratings as the feeding length is
increased. There is some scatter in the data once defects begin to appear in the W/T=2 and 5.5
trials. However, for the W/T=10 trials, the shortest feeding length selected for the trials was too
long. The reader will note this from the scatter in x-ray ratings at the shortest feeding length in

A- 13

3" x 6" plates

ASTM Radiographic Testing Severity Level

Niyama-based rule with

plain carbon steel, 60C
superheat, furan-sand &
Nymin=0.1 (FD=14.45)

SFSA rule (FD=14.4)





Mean X-ray with 95% confidence bar
ASTM RT Level with Number of Plates Indicated



















Feeding Length (inch)

Figure 5 Casting trial results for 3 T by 6 W: Soundness versus Feeding Length

SFSA rule (FD=4.5)

ASTM Radiographic Testing Severity Level

Niyama-based rule with plain carbon steel,

60C superheat, furan-sand & Ny min=0.1 (FD=6.95)

1" x 5.5" plates



10 1



Mean with 95% confidence bar


ASTM RT Level with Number

of Plates Indicated












Feeding Length (inch)

Figure 6 Casting trial results for 1 T by 5.5 W: Soundness versus Feeding Length

Figure 7. For this recently completed trial, there was an intentional effort not to be overly
conservative in selecting the plate lengths. The assumed superheat used in establishing the

A- 14

1" x 10" plates



Niyama-based rule with plain carbon steel, 60C

superheat, furan-sand & Nymin =0.1 (FD=7.95)

SFSA rule (FD=4.5)

ASTM Radiographic Testing Severity Level

Mean with 95% confidence bar

ASTM RT Level with Number of Plates Indicated






Feeding Length (inch)

Figure 7 Casting trial results for 1 T by 10 W: Soundness versus Feeding Length

matrix turned out to be too high compared with the actual pouring temperature. A shortest length
of between 7 and 7.5 should have been selected in order to produce a set of castings that would
be expected to be Level 1 (given the casting conditions used in the actual trials).
Aside from the overly ambitious feeding lengths for the W/T=10 trials, it is clear that the various
level of soundness can be determined as a function of feeding lengths for these trials. There are
several possibilities upon which this relationship could be based:
1. The most conservative relationship is to examine only the worst case ratings for the trial at
given feeding lengths. The shortest feeding length where a given RT severity level is first
observed would be the feeding length corresponding to that RT level.
2. A rational, but still somewhat conservative worst case soundness rating at each feeding
length, might be based on the upper 95% confidence level from the plots rounding to the
nearest x-ray rating level.
3. The least conservative approach would be to select the mean x-ray rating and round up or
down to the closest rating level for a given feeding length
Using these three methods, the longest plate lengths that were cast to a soundness better than or
equal to a given RT level can be determined for the horizontal plate trials. This information is
presented in Table 1. Selection methods 2 and 3 above, result in similar plate lengths. Choosing
the least conservative method would appear to be reasonable. The chosen method of selection
will affect the determination of the boundaries of the feeding rules that are designed to meet a

A- 15

Table 1 Longest plate lengths corresponding to soundness better than or equal to ASTM RT
levels 1 through 5 cast in the horizontal plate trials as selected by three methods
X-ray Level Plate Should
be Equal to or Better

Selection Method 1:
Most Conservative

Selection Method 2:
Somewhat Conservative

Longest Plates Cast to X-Ray Level at Left for 3" T by 6" W Trials (in)
> 22.7
Longest Plates Cast to X-Ray Level at Left for 1" T by 5.5" W Trials (in)
> 12.3
Longest Plates Cast to X-Ray Level at Left for 1" T by 10" W Trials (in)
< 8.6
< 8.6
< 8.6
> 14

Selection Method 3:
Least Conservative

> 22.7
> 22.7
> 12.3
< 8.6
> 14

given casting soundness. The mean value of the RT results will be used as the indicator of
casting soundness here. While considering the comparisons that follow, it should be kept in
mind that RT and x-ray film rating is both a science and an art. The rating is subjective, and
studies of the repeatability of film evaluation have shown that the uncertainty in the rating can be
as large as 1 x-ray level [18].
Comparing the trial results with the present SFSA feeding rules [3] and Niyama criterion-based
rules, note that the Niyama criterion-based rules are as accurate in the case of Figure 5, and more
accurate in the case of Figure 6. The new Niyama criterion-based feeding rule plotted in Figures
5 through 7 was designed for RT level 1, as will be described shortly. In one case (Figure 5) the
SFSA rule is only slightly less conservative than the new rule, but 2 out of 21 castings did not
meet the RT level 1 rating for which the SFSA rule was developed. On the other hand, as shown
in Figure 6, 21 castings were produced at RT level 1 for feeding lengths longer than the SFSA
rule feeding distance. In the 1T by 5.5W trials, the new feeding distance rule is 48% longer
(6.7 versus 4.5 for the SFSA rule), and no castings of RT level greater than 1 were produced up
to the new rule feeding distance. Note also that 21 RT level 1 castings were produced at feeding
lengths longer than the new rule. Such variations are possible given the many variables involved
in the steel casting process.
For the 1T by 10W trials, as shown in Figure 7, the initial break from sound (level 1) to
unsound was not determined. However, it should be noted that one of the four foundries
A- 16

participating in the trials produced 15 plates without shrinkage defects for the three cases up to
11 (5 plates at each case/feeding length). The gas porosity that was evident in many of the 1T
by 10W castings might be affecting whether or not shrinkage porosity formed. Because of the
desire not to be overly conservative in choosing the trial lengths, these trials were performed at
longer feeding lengths than even the Niyama criterion-based rule, which for these trials was 75%
longer than the SFSA rule (7.9 versus 4.5 for the SFSA rule). Considering that for the
W/T=5.5 cases only RT level 1 plates were cast at lengths only slightly shorter than the new rule
feeding distance, a 7.75 feeding length case should have been included in these trials (and
perhaps should be cast by at least one foundry for confirmation). The new feeding rule is not
disproved by these results, and once again the present SFSA feeding rule appears much too
The measured casting soundness for all data is plotted versus the predicted casting soundness, as
reflected by the minimum Niyama criterion computed for each plate, in Figure 8. The data in
Figure 8 were computed for all the plate cases (geometry) and using the casting conditions (i.e.
pouring temperature, mold material etc.) from the trials. The number of plates which fell in
various Niyama criterion and RT soundness ranges is indicated in the plot. For instance, 34 of 39
plates with a minimum Niyama criterion value above 0.2 (K1/2 s1/2 mm-1) were ASTM level 1 or
better. The most conservative border for the departure from level 1 would be about 0.26 (K1/2
s1/2 mm-1), where the first non-level 1 plates occur. Between minimum Niyama criterion values
of 0.1 and 0.2 (K1/2 s1/2 mm-1) a noticeable increase in the frequency of level 2 rated castings

Level 1: 115 plates

Level 2: 36 plates
Level 3: 27 plates
Level 4: 33 plates
Level 5: 24 plates



mean minimum Niyama values

with 95% confidence intervals

ASTM Severity Level

ASTM Radiographic Testing Severity Level

Total Number of Plates

(3" x 6", 1" x 5.5" and 1" x 10")
at Each Severity Level

total 235 plates








Minimum Niyama Criterion Value ((K s) 1/2/mm)

1 1













Minimum Niyama Criterion Value ((K s)






Figure 8 ASTM RT soundness level versus minimum Niyama criterion value for all horizontal
low alloy plates with end-effect

A- 17

occurs, and below 0.1 the frequency of RT level 3 castings begins to increase. The 0.1 (K1/2 s1/2
mm-1) minimum Niyama criterion values could reasonably be taken as the threshold below which
RT level 3 plates occur. Similarly, near minimum Niyama criterion value 0.05 (K1/2 s1/2 mm-1)
could be taken as the threshold below which RT level 4 and 5 plates occur.
A more statistically sound method of determining the breaks between the RT level is to use the
mean and 95% confidence intervals for the minimum Niyama criterion values at each RT level.
These results are shown in the upper right hand corner of Figure 8. Using the upper 95%
confidence limit as the value below which an RT severity level is likely to occur, a number
slightly less than 0.1 (K1/2 s1/2 mm-1) appears to be a good choice for the value below which level
2 castings would occur. The confidence intervals for level 2 and 3 have considerable overlap, as
do the intervals for the level 4 and 5 ratings, which could be due to the nature of x-ray reading
and the closeness of these levels in the film readers ratings. A good conservative value below
which a trial casting will have an RT level worse than level 2 is approximately 0.03 (K1/2 s1/2
mm-1) based on the confidence intervals. The reader must understand that magnitudes of these
Niyama criterion values and their relationship to the casting trials RT levels are meant to be
used to calibrate the model predictions to the trial results for the purpose of feeding rule
development. Extending these values and their associated shrinkage severity levels to general
casting applications, other alloys, other model properties and other Niyama criterion evaluation
temperatures is not advised.
Given the results discussed above, the value of the minimum Niyama criterion appears to work
best as an indication that there is a risk of a given shrinkage severity occurring in a trial plate,
since numerous level 1 castings are produced at Niyama criterion values below 0.1. This could
be due to the fact that other physical phenomena play a role that are not considered in the Niyama
criterion (i.e. dissolved gas content and gas porosity formation instead of shrinkage). Also, if the
recorded data was not accurate, the simulations would predict a different minimum Niyama
value than what the actual casting would have experienced. For instance, if the superheat was
higher than reported (all other factors being the same) the minimum Niyama criterion values
would shift to the right. More importantly, it was observed that not only the minimum value of
the cells, but also the area of cells having low Niyama values was important in determining if
shrinkage defects form. For example, many of the level 1 castings having minimum Niyama
criterion values below 0.1 had only a small area (in the mid-thickness plane of the casting) of
cells below 0.1.
An attempt was also made to correlate the x-ray levels with the area of Niyama criterion values
below a threshold value of 0.1 (K1/2 s1/2 mm-1). Plots for this area in the mid-thickness plane for
the three W/T trials are given in Figures 9 through 11. The trend in the mean values in these
plots indicates that x-ray level increases with area of Niyama criterion below the threshold value.
For the area of Niyama criterion, the number of good plates is greatly reduced as the area of
low Niyama values increases. In the case of the minimum Niyama criterion, it was noted above
that numerous level 1 castings are produced at minimum Niyama criterion values below 0.1,
including a substantial number of castings below 0.05.

A- 18


Indicated area of Ny below 0.1 ((K s) /mm)

Mean indication area with 95% confidence bar

ASTM Radiographic Testing Severity Level

3 1

2 3

1 25

3 3 3

1 1

3" x 6" plates











Area of Niyama Criterion below 0.1 Threshold Value, (cm2)

Figure 9 Casting soundness versus area of cells below Niyama criterion threshold value of 0.1 ((K
s)1/2/mm), for 3 T by 6 W low alloy horizontal plate trials with end-effect
Mean area with 95% confidence interval
ASTM RT Level with Number of Plates Indicated

ASTM Radiographic Testing Severity Level

1 1

2 1

4 1

2 1

1 1

1 18 1 4

3 5

1 1

1" x 5.5" plates








Area of Niyama Criterion below 0.1 Threshold Value, (cm2)

Figure 10 Casting soundness versus area of cells below Niyama criterion threshold value of
0.1, for 1 T by 5.5 W low alloy horizontal plate trials with end-effect
A- 19

Mean area with 95% confidence interval
ASTM RT Level with Number of Plates Indicated

ASTM Radiographic Testing Severity Level

1 1

3 2 2

1 1

2 5 1 3

11 2 1 1

1" x 10" plates










Area of Niyama Criterion below 0.1 Threshold Value, (cm2)

Figure 11 Casting soundness versus area of cells below Niyama criterion threshold
value of 0.1, for 1 T by 10 W low alloy horizontal plate trials with end-effect

The area of Niyama criterion analysis method appears to be a much better indicator of good
and bad plates than the minimum Niyama method. In short, the area of Niyama criterion
method of soundness prediction greatly reduces the number good plates found where bad
plates are predicted. Unfortunately, a good method has not yet been devised to nondimensionalize this area indicator for a given casting geometry. It is an area of continued
Data for the feeding shape factor (FSF) versus width to thickness ratio are plotted for all of these
trials in Figures 12 and 13. In Figure 12, the present trial results are plotted as symbols for each
case with the mean RT level given in the symbol. In this figure, the present results are compared
with the experimental results from the previous experiments by Pellini et al. and the SFSA as
summarized in [15]. The previous results are plotted as cases for level 2 soundness (commercial
soundness) and for completely sound (not even level 1 type shrinkage). The present trials agree
well with the previous experimental results, and delineate the range of soundness at each W/T.
Note that the sound plate at W/T=2 from Pellini et al. is a 2T by 4W plate, which appears to be
the only sound plate which does not agree well with the trend in the present trial results. This
difference is not large enough to be of concern. The main difference in the level 2 casting
soundness data also occurs for the W/T = 2 ratio, where there are three data points for the SFSA
data. The main point of concern is the FSF = 25 point at W/T=2 in Figure 12, which is for a 2T
by 4W plate. This point should be compared with the two lower values of FSF19.5 at the

A- 20

same W/T=2; one is for a 1T by 2W plate and the other is for a 4T by 8W. The concept of
the FSF works well at these two points, since it demonstrates the feeding shape factor is a
function of W/T for the same set of casting conditions and desired soundness. The FSF for the
2T case at the same W/T is noticeably different from the 1T and 4T cases. If the effect of T
were systematic (following the present SFSA feeding rules), the FSF value for 2T would lie
between 1T and 4, but it does not. Therefore, its validity is questionable. The cluster of data at
W/T=1 for level 2 and level 1 casting soundness appears to be within the uncertainties of RT
ratings and variation in casting conditions. Considering this comparison of experimental data for
many thickness values over a range of W/T, the FSF versus W/T analysis appears to collapse the
experimental data regardless of plate thickness. Finally, it is very important to understand that as
the casting conditions vary (alloy, superheat, etc.) the FSF value where a given soundness is
achieved will vary. Such variations in the earlier experiments [15] can explain some of the
scatter in Figure 12.
Figure 13 is provided to compare the results of the casting trials with the new feeding rules [4,5]
and the currently published SFSA rules [3]. The new feeding rule shown in this figure is based
on a minimum Niyama criterion value between 0.1 and 0.2 (K1/2 s1/2 mm-1), a superheat of 60C,
plain carbon steel of 0.25 wt.% carbon, and a chemical no-bake (furan) mold. The rule of Pellini
is defined in terms of a so-called forward feeding distance (riser edge to farthest casting edge
distance), whereas the SFSA rules [3] state the feeding distance is defined as the distance from
the riser edge to the farthest point in the casting to be fed (in this case the corner of the plate). At
W/T=2, the trials and all rules appear to be in good agreement, but at larger W/T the feeding
rules begin to disagree. This disagreement between the rules increases as W/T increases.
Referring back to Figure 12, it can be observed that the new Niyama criterion-based rules agree
better with the current and previous trials for the entire range of W/T.

A- 21


Average ASTM RT rating is given

inside symbol for trial cases.


1" x 10" trials
1" x 5.5" trials

Feeding Shape Factor, FSF










3" x 6" trials








Trials: 3" x 6"


Trials: 1" x 10"


Trials: 1" x 5.5"

Pellini and SFSA Data for Sound Castings [15]
SFSA Data for RT Level 2 or Better [15]






Width to Thickness, W/T

Figure 12 Comparison between previous trials [15] and present casting trials for FSF
versus W/T

A- 22


Average ASTM RT rating is given

inside symbol for trial cases.


1" x 10" trials
1" x 5.5" trials

Feeding Shape Factor, FSF








3" x 6" trials




Pellini's rule


SFSA rules






Ny-based rule with plain carbon steel, 60C superheat, furan-sand & Nymin=0.1






Width to Thickness, W/T

Figure 13 Comparison of FSF versus W/T for present casting trial data, new feeding rule,
and feeding rules from Pellini [9,10] and SFSA [3] for end-effect

A- 23

4.2 Casting Trial Results, Part II: Horizontal Low Alloy Plates with Lateral Feeding

In the old definitions used in the SFSA feeding rules, the lateral feeding distance (LFD) is the
farthest distance a riser can soundly feed a casting in the absence of the end-effect, as shown in
the diagram in Figure 14. This is analogous to the concept of a riser feeding zone and an end
feeding zone illustrated in Figure 14. These concepts were used to determine the new feeding
rules between two risers using the Niyama criterion. However, in the new feeding rule the
definition of the LFD is modified to account for the width of the feeding zone, as shown in
Figure 15.

Lateral Feeding Length (LFL) = Riser

Feeding Zone Length (to the location of the
Nymin value)





LFD = longest riser zone length the riser can

soundly feed between two risers. LFD is
Equivalent to the Riser Zone Length



Figure 14 Diagram of the lateral feeding distance (LFD) and the riser zone length concept

Due to the symmetry involved with lateral feeding, a point will always exist between two risers
where the temperature gradient approaches zero. This results in a minimum Niyama criterion
value of 0, no matter how close one places the risers next to each other. Taken at face value, the
Niyama criterion value would always predict that shrinkage defects form between two risers.
Therefore, the Niyama criterion cannot be used directly as a predictor in such cases; it breaks
down. By increasing the plate length for a given W/T, one will arrive at the threshold minimum
Niyama criterion value corresponding to a value where defects will begin to form. The distance
from the riser edge to the point of this threshold value is the riser zone length for this minimum
Niyama criterion value. Since this is the distance the riser can feed without the end-effect, it is
also the lateral feeding distance.

A- 24

LFD definition now accounts for the edge zone

Figure 15 New definition of lateral feeding distance (LFD) between two risers accounts for the
edge zone

Casting trials were performed for lateral feeding on the 3T by 6W casting sections. Three
cases at different lateral feeding lengths (approximately 5.6, 7, and 8.4) were chosen and were
cast at one foundry. The rigging for these plates is depicted in Figure 16. The results of the 3 x
6 lateral trials are shown in Figure 17 using the old definition of lateral feeding length. Here the






W = 6"
T = 3"
D R = 6"
H R = 8.5"





Figure 16 Mold configuration for 3 x 6 lateral feeding plates

A- 25

Level 0
no shrink

SF Facts No. 265 Lateral Feeding Distance (LFD = 9.8")

SFSA Lateral Feeding Distance (LFD = 5.6")

ASTM Shrinkage X-Ray Level

Niyama-based rule with average trial conditions & Nymin = 0.1 (LFD = 8.1")

3" x 6" Plain Carbon Steel Plates with Lateral Feeding

Number of
plates at

Foundry H (9 plates)
Foundry E (9 plates)
Mean X-ray Levels
+/- 1 Standard Deviation










Lateral Feeding Length, LFL (in.)

Figure 17 Results from 3T x 6W trials, plate soundness indicated by x-ray level versus
old defined lateral feeding distance
results for the Niyama criterion based feeding rules and the old rules are compared with the
casting trial results on the old rules basis. The casting trial results are presented in Figure 18
using the new rule definition of lateral feeding length. The shortest of these feeding lengths
corresponds to the Red Book rule [3], and the longest was determined from a minimum
Niyama criterion rule when the first cell becomes less that 0.1. Three plates were cast at each
length, and all plates at each length were rated at Level 1 or better in the initial trials. For these
trials, the SFSA rule was shown to be overly conservative when compared to the trials and the
Niyama-based rule. The Niyama-based rule was shown to be quite accurate, since all initial
plates were sound. Following the initial trials a second foundry offered to cast plates, and
slightly longer plate lengths were chosen for these trials (approximately 9, 11, and 13). As
shown in Figures 17 and 18, the results from the second series of trials were consistent with the
initial trials. Two of the three plates cast at the 9 length were level 1, but one plate was rated at
level 3. As the length increases, the shrinkage ratings become increasingly worse, and appear to
systematically increase as observed by consideration of the mean ratings. The scatter is due in
part to the inexactness of the RT rating process. In Figure 18, the new rule LFDs are given for
sound through ASTM RT Level 3 castings and good agreement was found between the trials and
the new rules for different levels of soundness.

The scatter in the data for these trials is also a reflection that the level of severity of the shrinkage
defects in lateral feeding is more sensitive to changes in feeding length than in the case of endeffect feeding. For lateral feeding, the trials demonstrate that for a change in feeding length of
less than 3, the trial results go from all plates rated Level 1 (8.4 lateral feeding length, LFL) to

A- 26

New feeding rule for trial conditions, Level 3 shrink or better, LFD=10.18"

New feeding rule for trial conditions,

Level 2 shrink or better, LFD=8.83"

New feeding rule for trial conditions,

Level 1 shrink or better, LFD=7.75"

New feeding rule for average trial conditions, no shrink, LFD=6.74"

SFSA rule, LFD=6.09"

ASTM Radiographic Testing Severity Level

Mean X-Ray

+/- 1 Standard Deviation







Lateral Feeding Length - New Definition, inch

Figure 18 Results from 3 x 6 lateral feeding trials and feeding rules x-ray level
versus new defined lateral feeding distance, LFD

the first Level 5 plate (at 11 LFL). Comparing this to Figure 5 for the 3T by 6W plates with
end-effect, note that it took an increase in feeding length of over 12 between the length where
all plates were sound to the length where the first level 5 plate appeared.
In Figure 19, a plot of the minimum Niyama criterion versus LFL resulting from simulations of
the lateral feeding trials is given. Simulations of the trials were performed using the casting
conditions specified in the trial data sheets. These simulations were performed using a plate in
end-effect, where the plate length was changed until the minimum Niyama criterion value
occurred at the lateral feeding length of the trial plate. Eventually, if the simulated plate is made
long enough, the distribution of the Niyama criterion in the riser feeding zone remains constant,
and with increasing length only the region between 0 and 0.1 becomes longer. In this case, one
must resort to an area below a given threshold Niyama criterion to distinguish between RT rating
levels as shown in Figure 20. In Figure 20, it is shown that no plates worse than ASTM x-ray
level 1 were observed above the minimum Niyama criterion value of 0.05

A- 27

3" x 6" Plain Carbon Steel Plates with Lateral Feeding


Foundry H (9 plates)
Foundry E (9 plates)

1/2 1/2


Minimum Ny Value (K s mm )



all plates sound

some plates sound

all plates unsound








Lateral Feeding Length - New Definition, LFL (in.)

Figure 19 Minimum Niyama criterion versus LFL for lateral feeding trials
3" x 6" Plain Carbon Steel Plates with Lateral Feeding

ASTM Shrinkage X-Ray Level

Foundry H (9 plates)

Foundry E (9 plates)




1/2 1/2




Minimum Ny Value (K s mm )

Figure 20 Plate soundness by x-ray level versus minimum Niyama criterion value
A- 28


3" x 6" Plain Carbon Steel Plates with Lateral Feeding

Foundry H (9 plates)
Foundry E (9 plates)

ASTM Shrinkage X-Ray Level















Area of Niyama Criterion Below 0.1 Threshold Value (cm )

Figure 21 X-Ray rating level versus area below 0.1 minimum Niyama Criterion vlaue

The area of Niyama criterion below 0.1 ((K s)1/2/mm) is plotted in Figure 21 for the lateral trials.
Observe that the trial castings become worse than RT level 1 at about 15 cm2 for the lateral
feeding trials. At about 50 cm2 the lateral trial castings have a mean RT level of 3, and at 65 cm2
the mean RT level is 5. This shows a good trend; with an increasing amount (or area) of low
Niyama values, the shrinkage defects become progressively worse. These values and trend also
agree with the observations made earlier for the data for plates with end-effect. Also, note that
the values of the area at the breaks between RT levels for the lateral plates agree remarkably well
with those in Figure 9 for the 3T by 6W plates with end-effect. The break between RT level 1
and 2 is at approximately 13 cm2 at the 95% confidence level in Figure 9. Also, at 50 cm2 in
Figure 9 there is overlap between RT level 3 and 4, which is also certainly the case in Figure 21
for the lateral trials. Finally, in Figure 9 for the end-effect plates, the 95% confidence intervals
for RT levels 4 and 5 overlap at 65 cm2, and at this area for the lateral plates the same RT range
was measured. These quantitative observations are significant for the 3T by 6W horizontal
plate sections cast in the trials, but the values would change depending on the section thickness
(compare Figures 9, 10, and 11 for example). If the area of low Niyama criterion values has any
physical meaning or correspondence to the degree of shrinkage formed, the quantities of areas
corresponding to various RT levels should agree for the end-effect and lateral feeding, and they
do as demonstrated by these trial results.
Comparison between the 3 x 6 trial results, the current SFSA rule, and a Niyama criterionbased rule for lateral feeding are shown in Figure 22. This comparison indicates that additional
trial data at larger W/T ratios should result in better agreement with the new rules (when
compared with the old/current SFSA rules), and a demonstration of even more improvement over

A- 29


Lateral Feeding Shape Factor, LFSF




Mean RT Rating


Lateral Feeding trials by Foundry H, E (3" by 6")



New Niyama Criterion-Based Rule

SFSA Rule: T = 3"

Case 1: LFD=5.6 in., based on SFSA rule

Case 2: LFD=7 in. (1.25 times SFSA rule data)
Case 3: LFD=8.4 in. (1.5 times SFSA rule data)

Case 4: LFD=9 in.

Case 5: LFD=11 in.
Case 6: LFD=13 in.








Width to Thickness Ratio, W/T

Figure 22 Comparison of FSF versus W/T for lateral casting trials, new feeding rule based
on Niyama criterion and feeding rules from SFSA Red Book[3]

the old rules. With this goal, additional lateral trials with 3 T x 12 W plates (W/T = 4) were
The old SFSA-rule feeding distance (the mid-point between riser definition) is 5.57. This
converts to 7.28 by the new (diagonal) definition. Note that this is the same lateral feeding
distance as for the 3 x 6 plates. The new-rule feeding distance using the new (diagonal)
definition is 9.45. Considering this, three cases were chosen for the 3 T x 12 W lateral trials
as given in Table 2, all were longer than the new feeding rule: these corresponded to new feeding
lengths 9.96, 10.47, and 12.24for Cases 1, 2 and 3, respectively. The results for these trial
cases are given in Tables 3 and 4.
A specification similar to AISI-SAE grade 1025 was cast with a pouring temperature in the range
of 2,850 - 2,880 F (1,566 - 1,582 C) in all three cases. Pouring time is 11 seconds for Cases 1
and 2, 18 seconds for Case 3. A PUNB mold with mold box dimensions 28" x 44", with a 12"
cope and a 15" drag was used for all cases. The trial Cases 1 and 2 were cast using the rigging
shown in Figure 23. Because of cope surface gas porosity and inclusions the rigging was
modified to a bottom gating system using a tile runner and in-gates as shown in Figure 24 for
Case 3. The dimensions for Case 3 gating are shown in Figure 25.

A- 30

Table 2 Castings trial cases produced in 3 x 12 lateral feeding plate trials

Case Description
Trial Case #1, two castings,
cast 5/11/00
Trial Case #2, five castings,
cast 8/25/00
Trial Case #3, five castings,
cast 2/16/01

Old Lateral
Length Def.
Distance (in)

New Lateral
Length Def.



















Table 3 Summary of radiographic testing of Cases #1 and #2

Case Description
Case #1, casting #1, cast
Case #1, casting #2, cast
Case #2, cast 8/25/00,
casting #1
Case #2, cast 8/25/00,
casting #2
Case #2, cast 8/25/00,
casting #3
Case #2, cast 8/25/00,
casting #4
Case #2, cast 8/25/00,
casting #5

Separation Feeing
Def. (in)

Def. (in)

RT Results As-Cast

RT Results After
Machining Cope
machined machined
machined machined

level used to
find mean




Not done

Not done




Gas 5





Gas 2







Gas 5


Gas 1





Gas 4


Gas 1





Gas 2


Gas 1





Gas 5




Table 4 Summary of trial results and radiographic testing of Case #3

Case Description

Separation Feeing
Def. (in)

Def. (in)

Case #3, cast 2/16/01,

casting #1




Case #3, cast 2/16/01,

casting #2




Case #3, cast 2/16/01,

casting #3




Case #3, cast 2/16/01,

casting #4




Case #3, cast 2/16/01,

casting #5




A- 31

RT Results As-Cast
Surface, but
no level
Surface, but
no level
Gas 3 and
Surface, but
no level
Inclusions 3


level used
to find


Figure 23 Rigging used for 3 T x 12 W later al trial Cases 1 and 2

Because of the cope surface defects that formed during mold filling in Cases 1 and 2, a 6 mm
thick layer of this material on the cope surface of the castings was machined away so the
radiographic shrinkage rating could be evaluated. The plate soundness x-ray ratings are given in
Table 3 for Cases 1 and 2. In Case 1, only one plate was evaluated and it was determined to be
free of shrinkage. In Case 2, two castings were CA2, and one was CA1, two other castings had
no shrinkage indications on the x-rays.

Figure 24 Rigging used in 3 x 12 lateral trial Case #3

A- 32

Figure 25 Dimensions of rigging used for Case #3

New feeding rule for trial conditions, Level 3 shrink or better, LFD=14.27"

New feeding rule for trial conditions, Level 2 shrink or better, LFD=12.38"

New feeding rule for trial conditions,

Level 1 shrink or better, LFD=10.87"

New feeding rule with average trial conditions, sound castings, LFD=9.45"

ASTM Radiographic Testing Severity Level

SF Facts No.265, Lateral feeding distance, LFD=7.85"

SFSA rule, LFD=7.28"

As shown in Table 4 for Case 3, there were some surface indications, and one had Gas Level 3,
and another Inclusions Level 3, but all casting showed no shrinkage. No machining was needed
on the Case 3 plates.

+/- 1 Standard Deviation

Mean X-Ray








Lateral Feeding Length - New Definition, inch

Figure 26 Plate soundness from ASTM radiographic rating versus LFL for 3 x 12 lateral trials
A- 33

3"x12" plate trials

Lateral Feeding Length to Thickness Ratio, LFL/T

3"x 6" plate trials






Lateral Plate Trials
New Lateral Feeding Distance Rule

Old SFSA Rule for T = 3 in

Mean ASTM RT Level rating of case shown by trial symbol.


Width to Thickness Ratio, W/T

Figure 27 Results of all lateral trials, LFL versus W/T compared with Old and New feeding rules

The new rule LFDs and current SFSA feeding rules using the new definition of LFD are given
for sound through ASTM radiographic testing level 3 castings in Figures 26, where plate
soundness is plotted versus LFD. Note that the old SFSA rule is over conservative; there are
sound plates cast at feeding lengths 1.7 times the old rule. The trials support the new rules
strongly, and this includes the rules designed to meet various levels of soundness.
In Figure 27 the lateral feeding length to thickness ratio is plotted versus W/T. The casting trial
results are compared with the new of lateral feeding distance rule, and the old SFSA rules, by
plotting the average radiographic test result inside the symbol for a given trial case. The new rule
plotted in Figure 27 is that for sound plates, and it is verified by the trials. As expected, the
larger W/T results for the 3 x 12 plates show the greater accuracy of the new rules over the old
feeding rules.

A- 34

4.3 Casting Trial Results, Part III: High Alloy Plate Casting Trials

As part of the project work on investigating different alloys, high alloy steel plates were cast and
analyzed to see if similar findings to the low alloy steels would result. The following steel plates
were cast, using CF8M steel in Furan sand molds with simple top risers. The trials that have been
completed are:
Horizontal High Alloy (CF8M) Plate Trials, Three W/T Cases

1 W x 8 T plates were cast for plate lengths L = 9, 10, 11, and 15. 5 plates
were cast for each length (20 plates total).

0.5 W x 1 T plates were cast for plate lengths L = 3.25, 3.75, 4.75 and 6.75. 5
plates were cast for each length (20 plates total).

0.5 W x 6 T plates were cast for plate lengths L = 4.4, 5, 5.7, 7.2 and 9.2. 5
plates were cast for each length (25 plates total).

Vertical High Alloy (CF8M) Plate Trials

1 W x 5.5 T plates were cast for plate lengths L = 7, 9.4, 12.3, 15 and 18. 5
plates were cast for each length (25 plates total).
After the foundries cast the plates, x-rays of the castings, the subsequent x-ray ratings of each
plate, and the casting conditions that were used for each plate were returned to the research team.
The casting conditions (metal and mold materials, pouring time and temperature, etc.) were then
used to simulate each of the plate casting trials in MAGMAsoft. The simulation results, x-rays
and x-ray ratings were analyzed and compared, and the results of these analyses are presented
here. First, however, it is necessary to look closely at the definition of feeding distance and
feeding length for high alloy castings, since these are compared with the trial results.
4.3.1 High Alloy Feeding Distance Definition: Vertical vs. Horizontal Plates

The definition of feeding distance (FD) in the SFSA Red Book for top-risered high alloy steel
castings is defined from the center of the top riser to the forward edge of the casting. See Figure
1A, p. 52 of the Red Bookcopy included in the three pages that follow in this report. This
definition is different than for plain carbon steel castings, where FD is defined from the edge of
the riser to the furthest point in the casting.
The current SFSA feeding rules are given in the plots that follow from the Red Book for 1
and thick sections.

A- 35

Extracted from Risering Steel Castings, Steel Founders' Society of America, 1973.

A- 36

Extracted from Risering Steel Castings, Steel Founders' Society of America, 1973.

A- 37

Extracted from Risering Steel Castings, Steel Founders' Society of America, 1973.

A- 38

For horizontal plates, this definition is straightforward, but what about top-risered vertical plates?
Is it appropriate to include the riser radius in the definition of FD for such plates?
The present definition of FL (or FD) is shown below for both horizontal and vertical plates in
Figure 28. For the horizontal plate, the feeding length definition from the SFSA Red Book,
FLSFSA , is included in the figure for comparison. The terminology used is:

Feeding Distance, FD: the maximum forward length over which a riser can provide feed
metal resulting in a sound casting
Feeding Length, FL: the actual forward length of the casting to be fed. This length is
purely geometrical, and implies nothing about the soundness of the resulting casting.

DR = 4"

DR = 4"

L = FL + DR



L = FL


Figure 28 Feeding length shown for horizontal plate (above left) and vertical plate (above right)
As shown in the preceding figure, the present definition of FL (or FD) for both horizontal and
vertical plates is defined as the distance from the riser edge, instead of the riser center, to the
forward edge of the plate. FLSFSA (or FDSFSA) is used to denote the corresponding quantity as
defined by the Red Book. The relationship between these quantities is:

(or FD = FDSFSA 0.5DR)

where 0.5DR = RR, the riser radius.

For a 1 thick high alloy casting, FDSFSA is found from Figure F-1 on p. 56 of the Red Book (see
included copy on the preceding pages). For a 1 x 5.5 casting with a riser diameter DR = 4,
FDSFSA = 8.0 and FD = 6.0. MAGMASOFT simulations were run for both horizontal and
vertical 1 x 5.5 plates, and the results were analyzed to determine how FD applies to toprisered vertical plates. The results of these simulations are shown in Figures 29 to 31.

A- 39

Figure 29

Niyama plot for a horizontal top-risered plate with feeding length FL = 6 from riser edge to casting edge
A- 40

Figure 30 Niyama plot for a vertical top-risered plate with feeding length FL = 6 from bottom of riser to casting
A- 41

Figure 31 Niyama plot for a vertical top-risered plate with feeding length FL = 8 from bottom of riser to casting edge
A- 42

Horizontal and vertical 1 x 5.5 plates, each with a 4 diameter riser, were simulated for a plate
with FL = FD = 6.0. The resulting Niyama criterion (Ny) plots are shown in Figures 29 and 30.
The regions of low Ny in Figures 29 and 30 are very similar, and both cases result in Nymin =
0.32. This indicates that the present definition of FL (from riser edge to plate edge) gives the
same results for vertical and horizontal plates.
For comparison, another vertical plate with FL = FDSFSA = 8.0 was simulated. The resulting
Ny plot is shown in Figure 31. This plot has a significant area where Ny < 0.1 (blue area, 8
cells long by 2 cells thick). This indicates that applying the Red Book definition for feeding
length (FLSFSA) to vertical plates is inappropriate, and that the riser radius should be subtracted
Redefining FL (or FD) for horizontal top-risered plates by subtracting the riser radius from
FLSFSA (or FDSFSA) provides a consistent definition which can be compared directly with toprisered vertical plates, where FL is defined as the vertical plate length. It is shown on the
following pages that the high alloy casting trials support this conclusion.
4.3.2 High Alloy Plate Casting Trial Results

Figures 32 to 35 show the experimental findings of the trials. These figures plot the ASTM x-ray
level determined for each plate versus the corresponding feeding length FL of the plate. X-ray
Level 0 means there was no indication of shrinkage, and Level 1 indicates that some shrinkage
was present. The numbers beside the circles indicate the number of plates that circle represents.
The dashed vertical lines show the current SFSA rule values for the feeding distance (from
Figure F-1 on p. 56 of the Red Book for 1 plates, Figure F-2 on p. 57 for 0.5 plates), converted
from FDSFSA to FD so the vertical and horizontal plate results can be compared.
In some of the figures, the data produced by the participating foundries are indicated so they can
be distinguished and compared. For example, Figure 32 shows the results of the 1 x 5.5
vertical plates cast by Foundry F. As FL increases, the x-ray level progresses from 0 to 5. From
these results, the rule value (FD = 6.0) for 1 x 5.5 plates appears to be conservative, since all
five plates cast at FL = 7 are completely sound. Figure 33 shows the results of the 1 x 8
horizontal plates cast by Foundry A. There was no indication of shrinkage for any of these
plates. Based on these results, the rule value (FD = 6.2) again appears to be conservative.
Figure 34 contains results for the 0.5 x 1 horizontal plates cast by Foundry A. The only
indication of shrinkage occurs at the longest FL (FL = 5.25), and even then it is only Level 1.
The rule value (FD = 3.25) again appears conservative. Figure 35 plots the results for the 0.5 x
6 horizontal plates cast by Foundry A. As in the previous 0.5 plates (Figure 34), these plates
are also all Level 1 or better. Again, these results make the rule value (FD = 5.1) seem
It may seem somewhat puzzling that the x-ray levels shown in Figure 32 range from Level 0 to 5,
while those in Figures 33 to 35 are all Level 0 or 1. However, consider that Figure 32 includes
values of FL much longer than any used in Figures 33 to 35. In addition, direct comparison of
these figures should be done with caution, because there are two different thickness values (T =

A- 43

1 and 0.5), and all four figures are for different W/T ratios. Based on the simulation results
shown on the previous pages, the fact that the plates in Figure 32 were vertical plates while those
in Figures 33 to 35 were horizontal plates should not be a factor.
Figures 36 to 39 plot FL against the minimum Niyama values found during the simulation of the
plate trials. Figure 36 contains the results from the 1 x 5.5 vertical plates cast by Foundry F.
As FL increases, the minimum value of Ny decreases, as expected. Note that all values of Nymin
are below 0.1 for these plates, and are nearly zero for all values of FL larger than 7. The higher
x-ray levels seen in the plates for FL = 9.4 and longer are consistent with these low values of
Nymin. Note: while x-ray levels greater than Level 1 imply the plate has a small value of Nymin,
a small value of Nymin does not necessarily mean the plate will have an x-ray level greater than
Level 1. Figure 37 shows Nymin vs. FL for the 1 x 8 horizontal plates cast by Foundry A.
Note that these Nymin values are significantly higher than for the 1 x 5.5 plates. Again, the
values decrease as FL increases. Figures 38 and 39 plot the results for the 0.5 x 1 and 0.5 x 6
plates, respectively. The Nymin values in both cases decrease as FL increases, similar to the
trends seen in the two previous figures.
Figure 40 combines the experimental and simulation results in a plot of minimum Niyama value
versus x-ray level. This plot contains all the high alloy plates studied. The vertical dashed line
in this figure is Nymin = 0.1, the value used for plain carbon steels to indicate a casting will be
Level 1 or better. This figure convincingly demonstrates that if Nymin is greater than some small
value, the plates will have an x-ray level of Level 1 or better. In fact, based on this figure, an
even less conservative value of Nymin could be chosen, such as 0.05.
Finally, Figures 41 to 44 show the area percentage of Ny < 0.1 (e.g. the blue area in Figure 31)
versus the x-ray level. The area percentage represents the area in the x-ray cross-section with a
Niyama value less than 0.1 compared to the entire x-ray cross-sectional area (= FL x W). In all
four figures, it is seen that the area percentage increases as FL increases, and that the x-ray level
increases (if it does) as the area percentage increases. This explains why a Level 0 or 1 plate can
have a minimum Niyama value close to zero: even though the value is nearly zero, the area of Ny
< 0.1 is very small. For Foundry F (Figure 41), there is a nice correlation between the area
percentage and the x-ray level, with the Level 0 and 1 plates having a very small blue area and
the Level 5 plates having a very large blue area. However, for Foundry A (Figures 41 to 44),
this trend is not seen because all plates are Level 1 or better. In other words, even for large blue
areas, the plates from Foundry A were Level 1 or better.
4.3.2 Summary of High Alloy Plate Trials

High alloy casting trials for 1 set of vertical and 3 sets of horizontal plates were performed, for
both 0.5 and 1 thick plates (these are the only thicknesses for which SFSA rules are available).
The feeding length definition from the SFSA Red Book was found to be inappropriate, and a
more consistent definition is proposed (from the riser edge to the forward plate edge). The
experimental results of feeding length versus x-ray level show that the present rules are
conservative in all cases studied. In particular, Foundry A cast 3 complete sets of plates that
were all Level 1 or better. The simulation results show that all plates with Nymin > 0.05 are

A- 44

Level 0 (i.e., all plates that have x-ray levels greater than zero have Nymin < 0.05). The results
for Foundry F show a good correlation between increasing area percentage of Ny < 0.1 and
increasing x-ray level. The results for Foundry A do not show this correlation, because all plates
cast were Level 1 or better. Our simulations indicate that it does not matter whether the plates are
horizontal or vertical. However, the casting trial results are somewhat inconclusive on this issue.
The results from Foundry A are somewhat puzzling (all plates are Level 1 or better, even with a
big blue area of Ny < 0.1). Maybe similar plates should be cast at a different foundry for
verification. High alloy rules can now be developed with some degree of confidence using the 0.1
minimum Niyama criterion. Although, a minimum Niyama value of 0.1 might actually be
conservative, but still much less conservative than current SFSA rules.
Current SFSA high alloy rules are only for 0.5 and 1 thick sections. The new rules would also
be valid for larger thicknesses. However, we would feel more comfortable if some plate trials
could be performed for, say, 3 thick plates.
All original reports from Batelle were consulted on which the present SFSA rules are based.
Unfortunately, no original experimental results are provided, preventing a more detailed

A- 45

Feeding Distance: FD = 6.0*


* using FD = FDSFSA - 0.5DR

(SFSA high alloy rules FD
definition includes riser radius)

X-Ray Level


DR = 4"

L = FL

Data from 1" x 5.5" CF8M Steel Vertical Plate Trials (25 plates)
Mean X-Ray Levels with 95% Confidence Bars








Feeding Length, FL (in.)

Figure 32 Feeding length vs. x-ray level for 1 x 5.5 vertical CF8M plates (Foundry F).

A- 46





Feeding Distance:
FD = 6.2*

DR = 4"

* using FD = FDSFSA - 0.5DR

(SFSA high alloy rules
FD definition includes
riser radius)

L = FL + DR

X-Ray Level




Data from 1" x 8" CF8M Steel Horizontal Plate Trials (20 plates)

Mean X-Ray Levels with 95% Confidence Bars



Feeding Length, FL (in.)

Figure 33 Feeding length vs. x-ray level for 1 x 8 horizontal CF8M plates (Foundry A).

A- 47



Data from 0.5" x 1" CF8M Steel Horizontal Plate Trials (20 plates)
Mean X-Ray Levels with 95% Confidence Bars

DR = 1.5"

L = FL + DR

X-Ray Level



Feeding Distance:
FD = 3.25*

* using FD = FDSFSA - 0.5DR
(SFSA high alloy rules
FD definition includes
riser radius)


Feeding Length, FL (in.)

Figure 34 Feeding length vs. x-ray level for 0.5 x 1 horizontal CF8M plates (Foundry A).
A- 48

Data from 0.5" x6" CF8M Steel Horizontal Plate Trials (25 plates)

Mean X-Ray Levels with 95% Confidence Bars

Feeding Distance:
FD = 5.1*
* using FD = FDSFSA - 0.5DR
(SFSA high alloy rules
FD definition includes
riser radius)

X-Ray Level

DR = 2"

L = FL + DR





Feeding Length, FL (in.)

Figure 35 Feeding length vs. x-ray level for 0.5 x 6 horizontal CF8M plates (Foundry A).
A- 49

1" x 5.5" CF8M Vertical Plate Trials (25 plates)


Minimum Ny Value (K1/2s1/2mm-1)



Feeding Length FL = L











Feeding Length, FL (in.)

Figure 36 Feeding length vs. minimum Niyama value for 1 x 5.5 vertical CF8M plates
(Foundry F).

A- 50

1" x 8" CF8M Horizontal Plate Trials (20 plates)


Minimum Ny Value (K1/2s1/2mm-1)




Feeding Length FL = FLSFSA - 0.5DR








Feeding Length, FL (in.)

Figure 37 Feeding length vs. minimum Niyama value for 1 x 8 horizontal CF8M plates
(Foundry A).

A- 51

0.5" x 1" CF8M Horizontal Plate Trials (20 plates)


Minimum Ny Value (K1/2s1/2mm-1)



Feeding Length FL = FLSFSA - 0.5DR






Feeding Length, FL (in.)

Figure 38

Feeding length vs. minimum Niyama value for 0.5 x 1 horizontal CF8M plates
(Foundry A).
A- 52

0.5" x 6" CF8M Horizontal Plate Trials (25 plates)


Minimum Ny Value (K1/2s1/2mm-1)




Feeding Length FL = FLSFSA - 0.5DR






Feeding Length, FL (in.)

Figure 39

Feeding length vs. minimum Niyama value for 0.5 x 6 horizontal CF8M plates
(Foundry A).

A- 53

X-Ray Level


1" x 5.5" CF8M Steel Vertical Plate Trials (25 plates)

1" x 8" CF8M Steel Horizontal Plate Trials (20 plates)
0.5" x 1" CF8M Steel Horizontal Plate Trials (20 plates)
0.5" x 6" CF8M Steel Horizontal Plate Trials (25 plates)









Minimum Ny value (K1/2s1/2mm-1)

Figure 40

Minimum Niyama value vs. x-ray level for all CF8M plates.

A- 54




1" x 5.5" CF8M Steel Vertical Plate Trials (25 plates)

FL = 18"

FL = 15"

Feeding Length FL = L

X-Ray Level

FL = 9.4"

FL = 12.3"

FL = 7"







Area Percentage with Ny < 0.1 (%)

Figure 41

Area percentage vs. x-ray level for 1 x 5.5 vertical CF8M plates (Foundry F).




1" x 8" CF8M Steel Horizontal Plate Trials (20 plates)

X-Ray Level

Feeding Length FL = FLSFSA - 0.5DR

FL = 5", 6" and 7"
FL = 11"

FL = 7"


Area Percentage with Ny < 0.1 (%)

Figure 42

Area percentage vs. x-ray level for 1 x 8 horizontal CF8M plates (Foundry A).


0.5" x 1" CF8M Steel Horizontal Plate Trials (20 plates)

Feeding Length FL = FLSFSA - 0.5DR

X-Ray Level

FL = 5.25"

FL = 1.75" and 2.25"

FL = 3.25"



Area Percentage with Ny < 0.1 (%)

Figure 43

Area percentage vs. x-ray level for 0.5 x 1 horizontal CF8M plates (Foundry A).




0.5" x 6" CF8M Steel Horizontal Plate Trials (25 plates)

Feeding Length FL = FLSFSA - 0.5DR

X-Ray Level

FL = 2.4"
FL = 5.2"

FL = 3"

FL = 7.2"

FL = 3.7"








Area Percentage with Ny < 0.1 (%)

Figure 44

Area percentage vs. x-ray level for 0.5 x 6 horizontal CF8M plates (Foundry A).



5.0 Notes on Difficulties in Applying the Niyama Criterion in Simulation

Remember that a special technique was used to simulate the lateral feeding cases based on the
riser feeding zone concept. A second riser was not used, due to the zero temperature gradient
that would always occur between two risers. Unfortunately, this problem cannot be overcome in
applying the Niyama criterion to actual castings where lateral feeding is involved. Consider, for
example, a casting case study performed as part of this project, shown in Figure 45. As shown in
the top part of this figure, the casting is tub-shaped; and only one-half required modeling due to
symmetry. The casting has twelve risers and lateral feeding occurs between them. According to
the MAGMAsoft feeding percentage predictions, no defects form between the risers. Note in the
Niyama criterion plot (shown in the lower part of Figure 45, and viewed from beneath the
casting) that large regions of low values appear between the risers. These regions between the
risers are misleading because taken at face value, they predict that defects will form in sound
regions of the casting. This demonstrates that the Niyama criterion cannot be used as a reliable
shrinkage predictor between risers in actual castings. However, note that both the Niyama
criterion and Feeding Percentage indicate the formation of shrinkage in the corners of the part,
and shrinkage defects at these locations were observed for this rigging as the part was originally
cast in the foundry. An improved rigging has been recommended as a test of the new feeding
rules, but as yet no casting trial results for the new rigging are available.
It is unfortunately inappropriate to use the Niyama criterion to predict shrinkage defects in many
applications. Nevertheless, through use of the riser feeding zone concept, lateral feeding rules
can be developed using the Niyama criterion that have been demonstrated in these trials to be
better and more accurate that the current SFSA rules [3].
6.0 Conclusions

Casting trials were conducted and then simulated using the precise casting conditions as recorded
by the participating SFSA foundries in order to acquire a statistically meaningful set of
experimental data on soundness versus feeding length. The following important conclusions were
For the casting trials with end-effect, the minimum Niyama criterion value corresponding to
the departure from RT level 1 soundness was approximately 0.1 ((K s)1/2 mm-1), based on the
upper 95% confidence limit.
For the lateral feeding trials, a minimum Niyama criterion value of 0.1 ((K s)1/2 mm-1)
corresponded to the break from RT level 1 as well. Breaks between other RT levels were also
established in this way according to the casting trial results.
Area of Niyama criterion indications was found to better distinguish higher RT levels than the
minimum value, but the area is difficult to non-dimensionalize for arbitrary section thickness.
For predicting the onset of shrinkage, the minimum value appears to be a very good indicator.


Feeding Percentage

Niyama Criterion Viewed from Below Casting

Figure 45 Feeding Percentage and Niyama criterion plots for initial risering configuration for
case study of lateral feeding rules

It was observed that the area of computational cells below 0.1 ((K s)1/2 mm-1) for the same
measured RT levels was the same for both the end-effect and lateral feeding cases.
Comparisons between the present casting trials and casting trials performed over forty years ago
by Pellini and the SFSA are quite good and appear reasonable. Comparisons between the current
SFSA feeding rules and feeding rules based on the minimum Niyama criterion reveal that the
Niyama-based rules are generally less conservative. The Niyama-based rules also agree better
with the trials presented here, and the casting trials performed by Pellini and the SFSA.
Furthermore, the use of the Niyama criterion to predict centerline shrinkage for horizontally fed
plate sections has a theoretical basis according to the casting literature reviewed here. Taken
altogether, these results strongly support the use of improved feeding rules for horizontal plate
sections based on the Niyama criterion, which can be tailored to the casting conditions for a
given alloy and to a desired level of soundness.
Future work on casting trials will focus on thicker plate sections, where there is a large
discrepancy between the current SFSA rules and the Niyama-based feeding rules. A limited
number of trials in this thickness regime (T=6 and greater) will provide further evidence of the
power of using the Niyama criterion to develop feeding rules. It would also be desirable to
perform casting trials on other shapes besides plate castings, and explore other fundamental
shapes to determine whether the Niyama criterion based rules can be applied.

This work was supported by the United States Department of Energy through the Cast Metals
Coalition (CMC), Project ID DE-FC07-98ID13691 and the Steel Founders' Society of America.
We are indebted further to Malcolm Blair and Raymond Monroe of the SFSA for their work in
helping organize the trials and recruiting member foundries to participate. Most importantly, we
thank the participants in the plate casting trials for their substantial time and resource investment
in all aspects of the Yield Improvement Program. This work could not have been accomplished
without their shared efforts.

[1] Yield in the Steel Casting Industry Literature Review and Industry Survey, Steel Founders'
Society of America Special Report No. 30, 1998.
[2] Beckermann, C., Shen, X., Gu, J., and Hardin, R. A, A Computational Study of Feeding
Rules and Yield Improvement Techniques, 1997 SFSA Technical and Operating Conference,
[3] S.F.S.A., Risering Steel Castings, Steel Founders' Society of America, 1973.
[4] Hardin, R., Shen, X., Gu, J., and Beckermann, C., Progress in the Development of Improved
Feeding Rules for the Risering of Steel Castings, 1998 SFSA Technical and Operating
Conference, 1998.


[5] Hardin, R., Shen, X., Gu, J., and Beckermann, C., Use of the Niyama Criterion to Predict
ASTM X-ray Levels and to Develop Improved Feeding Rules for Steel Casting, AFS Paper
No. 99-062, presented at the 103rd AFS Casting Congress, 1999.
[6] Niyama, E., Uchida, T., Morikawa, M. and Saito, S., "A Method of Shrinkage Prediction and
Its Application to Steel Casing Practice," AFS Internat. Cast Metals Journal, Vol 7 (#3), pp
52-63, Sep. 1982.
[7] G.K. Sigworth and C. Wang, Mechanisms of Porosity Formation during Solidification: A
Theoretical Analysis, Met. Transactions B, 1993, Vol. 24B, pp. 349-364.
[8] M.C. Flemings, Solidification Processing, McGraw-Hill, New York, pp. 12 and 146-154,
[9] Bishop, H.F., and Pellini, W.S., The Contribution of Riser and Chill-Edge Effects to
Soundness of Cast Steel Plates, Trans. AFS, Vol. 58, pp. 185-197, 1950.
[10] Bishop, H.F., Myskowski, E.T., and Pellini, W.S., The Contribution of Riser and Casting
End Effects to Soundness of Cast Steel Bars, Trans. AFS, Vol. 59, pp. 171-180, 1951.
[11] Myskowski, E.T., Bishop, H.F., and Pellini, W.S., Application of Chills to Increase the
Feeding Range of Risers, Trans. AFS, Vol. 60, pp. 389-400, 1952.
[12] Myskowski, E.T., Bishop, H.F., and Pellini, W.S., Feeding Range of Joined Sections,
Trans. AFS, Vol. 61, pp. 302-308, 1953.
[13] Morey, R.E., Bishop, H.F., and Pellini, W.S., Feeding Range of Joined Sections, Trans.
AFS, Vol. 63, pp. 419-424, 1955.
[14] Bishop, H.F., Myskowski, E.T., and Pellini, W.S., A Simplified Method for Determining
Riser Dimensions, Trans. AFS, Vol. 63, pp. 271-281, 1955.
[15] Briggs, C.W., Determination of the Factors Influencing Riser Efficiency Part II, The
Distance Risers Will Feed Uniformly Thick Sections, Steel Founders' Society of America
Research Report No. 30, Technical and Research Committee Report, 1953.
[16] J. Miettinen, Calculation of Solidification-Related Thermophysical Properties for Steels,
Met. Trans. B, vol. 28B, pp. 281-297, 1997.
[17] J. Miettinen, and S. Louhenkilpi, Calculation of Thermophysical Properties of Carbon and
Low Alloyed Steels for Modeling of Solidification Processes, Met. Trans. B, vol. 25B, pp. 909916, 1994.


[18] Quantrell, R.J., Evaluation of the Consistency of Radiographic Grading for Shrinkage
Defects, SCRATA Committee Paper, 1981.


Attachment B:

Kent Carlson1, Shouzhu Ou1,

Richard Hardin1 and Christoph Beckermann2

Research Engineers, Department of Mechanical Engineering, UNIVERSITY OF IOWA, Iowa City, IA

Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, UNIVERSITY OF IOWA, Iowa City, IA


Executive Summary
This paper presents the results of two different studies that examined the ASTM x-ray shrinkage rating
system for radiographs of steel castings. The first study evaluated the reliability and repeatability of x-ray
shrinkage ratings through a statistical study of x-rays that were each rated seven different times. The
second study involved an effort to determine the shrinkage severity level of x-rays through digital analysis
of scanned radiographs.
In the first study, a statistical analysis was performed on 128 x-rays that were each given seven ASTM
shrinkage x-ray ratings (ratings from five radiographers, two of whom rated all the x-rays twice). The
ratings were assigned according to ASTM E186 or E446, depending on which standard was appropriate
for each x-ray. It was found that the seven ratings for each x-ray were in unanimous agreement on
shrinkage type for 37% of the x-rays, in unanimous agreement on shrinkage level for 17% of the x-rays,
and in unanimous agreement for both type and level for 12.5% of the x-rays. All of the x-rays that had
unanimous agreement for both type and level were either completely sound or very unsound (Level 5).
For each x-ray, the seven shrinkage level ratings were averaged to find a mean level, and a 95%
confidence interval was computed to indicate the variance of the ratings. The largest variance was found
to occur in x-rays that had a mean x-ray level between 1.5 and 3.5. These x-rays had a 95% confidence
interval of about 2. The average 95% confidence interval for all 128 x-rays was 1.4. The seven
shrinkage levels for each x-ray were then analyzed to determine how many x-rays had shrinkage level
ratings both above and below different accept/reject thresholds. This indicates that some of the
radiographers would have accepted the castings corresponding to these x-rays, and others would have
rejected them. 35% of the x-rays had ratings on both sides of the Level 1 or better threshold, 25% had
ratings crossing Level 2 or better, and 21% had ratings crossing Level 3 or better. Next, the ratings
from the two radiographers who rated all 128 x-rays twice were analyzed for consistency. For these
radiographers, it was found that their second x-ray rating differed from their first in type at least 19% of
the time, in level at least 34% of the time, and in either type or level at least 40% of the time. Both
radiographers also reversed accept/reject decisions for 10-15% of the x-rays. This study indicates that xray rating is a relatively subjective task, and there is definitely room for improvement in the process.
The second study was undertaken in an effort to quantify the shrinkage x-ray level rating process. ASTM
E186 reference radiographs for class CA, CB and CC shrinkage were digitized, and defect
measurements were taken. It was found that both the defect area percentage (area of defects/total area)
and the defect circumference ratio (circumference of defects/square root of total area) increased with xray level for all three classes of shrinkage. Also, for a given x-ray level, these values generally increased
with shrinkage class (CA < CB < CC). The increase of defect area and circumference with x-ray level for
a given defect class indicates the possibility of determining x-ray level with these measures.
Unfortunately, it was found that neither the defect area percentage nor defect circumference ratio could
be used to determine x-ray level unless the shrinkage class was already known. Another defect
measurement computed for all the reference radiographs was the equivalent defect radius. From the
equivalent defect radius results, it was determined that the defect size does not increase appreciably with
x-ray level, and that class CA, CB and CC defects all have a size on the order of one to two millimeters.
Next, three trial x-rays were scanned and analyzed to test whether or not the defect area and
circumference values could be used to determine x-ray level for radiographs with a known shrinkage
class. Several selection areas (defect area plus varying amounts of sound area around the defects) were
chosen for each trial x-ray. By comparing both the defect area percentage and defect circumference ratio
of each selection area to the corresponding values for the class CB shrinkage reference radiographs,
reasonable ASTM shrinkage x-ray levels were determined for each x-ray. Different selection areas did
not always indicate the same x-ray level, but considering both defect area and circumference values for
all selection areas, it was possible to determine the correct level. The defect area percentage and defect
circumference ratio were defined to automatically prorate the area of interest to the area of the reference
radiographs. However, the study of different selection areas pointed out the somewhat arbitrary nature of
the selection of the area of interest.


1. Introduction
Radiographic testing is one of the primary measures of casting quality employed in the steel casting
industry. Most production castings are either accepted or rejected based on their radiographic testing
(RT) levels of various discontinuities, such as gas porosity, inclusions and shrinkage. However, RT levels
are determined in a somewhat subjective manner. X-rays of casting sections are assigned a severity
level for a particular type of discontinuity through comparison with ASTM standard radiographs for steel
castings. These radiographs are included in ASTM standard E446 for castings up to 2 inches thick [1],
E186 for castings 2 to 4 inches thick [2], and E280 for castings 4 to 12 inches thick [3]. Each of these
three standards provides reference radiographs that are grouped by discontinuity category. Category A is
assigned to gas porosity, Category B is sand and slag inclusions, and Category C is shrinkage.
Shrinkage is further subdivided into types CA (individual veinous strands of shrinkage), CB (grouped or
connected veinous strands; almost tree branch-like) and CC (spongy appearance). For sections less
than 2 inches thick (E446), there is also a type CD (similar to CB, but more dense and compact).
Category A, B and C discontinuities are all divided into five severity levels (1-5, severity increases as the
number increases), and there are reference radiographs for each level of each type of discontinuity. In
addition to Categories A, B and C, there are also categories for cracks, hot tears, etc. These categories,
however, are not divided into severity levels.
To assign a severity level to a particular kind of discontinuity on a production x-ray, it is first necessary to
determine what type of discontinuity it is. This is not always trivial, and can be complicated further when
more than one type of discontinuity (e.g., shrinkage and sand) is present. Furthermore, if it is determined
that the discontinuity is shrinkage, it is also necessary to determine what kind of shrinkage. Once the
discontinuity has been categorized, the production x-ray is compared to the reference radiographs for that
discontinuity. The highest level of reference radiograph that the production x-ray has a severity better
than or equal to is the severity level assigned to that x-ray.
This radiograph comparison process may sound relatively straightforward, but there are several issues
that complicate the comparison. First, the discontinuities on a production x-ray may be distributed in a
manner that is quite different from the reference radiographs. For example, the reference radiographs for
shrinkage have a relatively uniform shrinkage distribution. However, shrinkage on production x-rays is
frequently non-uniformly distributed. A good example of this is centerline shrinkage. To determine a
severity level in this case, a representative area of interest on the production x-ray, containing the
centerline shrinkage and an unspecified amount of the surrounding sound region, must be chosen to
compare with the standard. The arbitrary choice of the area of interest, combined with the difficulty in
objectively comparing the severity of a uniform pattern to a highly non-uniform one, complicate the
determination of severity level. Second, the comparison is supposed to be made using an area of similar
size to the reference radiograph. If the area of interest in the production x-ray has a different size, this
area is supposed to be prorated to the area of the reference radiograph. This requirement of the
radiographer to mentally prorate an area and then compare severity further decreases the objectivity of
this determination. Finally, for Category A and B discontinuities, the standards state that the radiographer
should not evaluate severity based solely on the size, number or distribution of discontinuities. Rather,
the total area of the discontinuities in the production x-ray should be compared to the total area in the
reference radiograph. For example, a production x-ray may have larger gas pores than a reference
radiograph, but the gas porosity level may still be less severe than the reference if there are fewer pores
in the production x-ray. Trying to visually compare total discontinuity areas by considering size, number
and distribution is not a simple task.
Because the decision of whether to accept or reject a casting is usually based on these relatively
subjective severity levels, it is of interest to quantify the variability involved in assigning RT (or x-ray)
levels to a casting x-ray. Quantrell [4] performed a study of the variability of x-ray shrinkage rating using
radiographic records from 34 casting defects. Five trained radiographers independently evaluated the xrays, and the results were compared for consistency in shrinkage type and shrinkage level. With respect
to shrinkage type, Quantrell noted that several radiographs had types CA, CB and CC assigned to the
same indication. He found that there was more distinction between type CC and the other types,
especially at higher severity levels. At lower severity levels, he concluded that type categorizing was very


difficult to do with any degree of reliability. With respect to shrinkage level, 6 of the 34 radiographs were
rated with the same level by all five radiographers, and all of those were either Level 1 or Level 5 ratings.
Quantrell concluded that Level 3 was the most inaccurately defined level, and that the severity level rating
system has a variability of 1 level. He also made a noteworthy point, however, in stating that in an
accept/reject situation in a foundry, the radiographer only has to compare the production x-ray with one
standard radiograph and decide if the defects in the production x-ray are better or worse. For example, if
the acceptance criterion is Level 2 or better, it does not matter if the radiographer thinks the production xray defect level is Level 3 or Level 4, because both of those would be rejected. This situation should
reduce the variability in shrinkage level rating, to some degree.
The next section of this paper describes the results of a study inspired by Quantrells work. 128 x-rays
were rated by five radiographers, two of whom rated all of the x-rays two different times. This study was
performed to validate and expand on Quantrells findings, in order to gain further insight into the reliability
and repeatability of x-ray shrinkage ratings. Then in Section 3, a potentially promising method of
assessing ASTM shrinkage severity levels through the quantitative analysis of digitized x-rays will be

2. Reliability and Repeatability of X-ray Shrinkage Ratings

The present x-ray shrinkage rating study involved 128 x-rays from the first SFSA / University of Iowa steel
plate casting trials [5, 6]. In these casting trials, four foundries cast 3 thick x 6 wide plates, and one
foundry cast 1 T x 5.5 W plates. Each foundry cast plates of various lengths that were selected to
produce castings ranging from completely sound to RT Level 5 shrinkage. All plates were cast from low
alloy steel (1025 steel or similar).
The plate x-rays were originally evaluated for ASTM shrinkage type and severity level by a radiographer
at the casting foundry. In the results, this initial x-ray rating is referred to as Radiographer 1, even
though a different radiographer evaluated the x-rays at each foundry. Then the x-rays from all five
foundries were collected and sent to other radiographers for evaluation. Radiographers 2 and 3 each
evaluated the x-rays two separate times, and Radiographers 4 and 5 each evaluated the x-rays once.
Thus, each x-ray was rated a total of seven times. Radiographers 2 and 3 were Level III Radiographers,
and Radiographers 4 and 5 were Level II Radiographers. The x-rays of the 3 T x 6 W plates were
evaluated using reference radiographs from ASTM E186, and the x-rays of the 1 T x 5.5 W plates were
evaluated with radiographs from E446. Radiographer 2 also evaluated the x-rays for Category A and B
discontinuities, and some of the original foundry radiographers provided A and B ratings as well.
The data from the radiographers evaluations were then collected and analyzed. For each radiograph,
the seven x-ray level ratings were averaged to find the mean x-ray level (Xavg). A one-sided student-t
95% confidence interval (tSx) was also computed for each x-ray, where Sx is the standard deviation of the
seven ratings and t = 2.447 is a weighting function accounting for the 95% level of confidence and the
small data set size. If the data set size were very large, t would approach 2.0, the value used for 95%
confidence intervals for large data sets (two standard deviations). Note that since tSx is one-sided, the
complete 95% confidence interval is twice this value (i.e., the complete confidence interval is Xavg tSx).
In addition to shrinkage severity Levels 1-5, the results presented in this paper add the additional
designation of Level 0. Level 0 indicates that the x-ray has absolutely no shrinkage indications (i.e.,
completely sound). Although this is not an official ASTM classification, making the distinction between
completely sound and Level 1 x-rays provides additional information that is useful for the purposes of this

2.1 Overall Agreement of X-ray Shrinkage Ratings

The occurrence of unanimous agreement between the seven x-ray ratings can be summarized as follows:

Unanimous agreement in shrinkage type: 47/128 x-rays (37%)

14 Level 0 (no type)
7 CA


20 CB
6 CC

Unanimous agreement in shrinkage level: 22/128 x-rays (17%)

14 Level 0
1 Level 1
1 Level 2
1 Level 3
5 Level 5

Unanimous agreement in shrinkage type and level: 16/128 x-rays (12.5%)

14 Level 0
2 CB5

These results indicate that shrinkage type is more readily identifiable than shrinkage level. Unanimous
agreement on x-ray type occurred in nearly two out of every five x-rays, while unanimous agreement on xray level occurred in less than one out of every five x-rays. Most of the x-rays with unanimous level
ratings were either completely sound (Level 0) or very unsound (Level 5). All of the x-rays with both
unanimous type and level ratings were either Level 0 or Level 5. These trends agree with the findings of
Quantrell [4], and illustrate the subjective nature of the current x-ray rating system.
Figure 1 gives additional detail regarding the agreement of the x-ray ratings, listing not only the overall
results (rightmost category), but also the results for each foundry. Note that Figure 1 shows the
percentages of x-rays that do not have unanimous shrinkage type, level and total ratings, which is the
opposite of the data presented above. It is evident that there is a significant difference among foundries
in the percentage of x-rays without unanimous agreement. The percentage of x-rays without unanimous
type agreement ranges from 41% in Foundry K to 94% in Foundry S, while the percentage without
unanimous level agreement ranges from 50% in Foundry K to 95% in Foundry E. Recall that Foundry K
used E446 as the standard (1 thick plates), while the other four foundries used E186 (3 thick plates).
The use of a different set of reference radiographs for the 1 thick plates may contribute to the differences
seen in rating agreement.
A listing of the radiographs with the poorest agreement in x-ray level ratings is given in Table 1. It is
interesting to note that all but one of these x-rays had significant indications of Category A and/or B
discontinuities as well (listed in Other Ratings). It is likely that some radiographers saw discontinuities as
either gas or inclusions and thus gave a low shrinkage level, while others determined that the same
discontinuities were shrinkage. For x-rays 2 and 6, the foundry radiographers (Radiographer 1) did not
record the shrinkage type, only the level.
Table 1

Worst-case examples of agreement between x-ray ratings

RadioRadiographer 2
Radiographer 3
RadioRadioX-ray grapher 1
grapher 4 grapher 5

A3, B3
A4, B4

2.2 Average 95% Confidence Intervals for X-ray Levels

Figure 2 illustrates the variance of x-ray level ratings for the entire set of 128 x-rays. The x-rays were
grouped by average x-ray level, and the one-sided 95% confidence intervals (tSx values) of all the x-rays
in each group were then averaged. The average 95% confidence intervals (CIs) are relatively small for


the x-rays grouped in Levels 0 and 5. This indicates that, on average, a given x-ray in one of these
groups has a relatively small variance among its seven x-ray level ratings. Hence, the radiographers
were in the best agreement about x-ray level for Level 0 and Level 5 x-rays. The level increases for the
middle groups, with the x-rays in Levels 2 and 3 having the largest average 95% CIs. Thus, the x-rays in
these groups have, on average, the largest variance in the seven x-ray levels assigned to them. The
average 95% CIs of Levels 2 and 3 are 2.1 and 1.9, respectively. This implies that x-rays in these
groups have an average variability of about 2 x-ray levels.
An argument could be made that the eight x-rays listed in Table 1 are outliers, and should not be
considered in these results. If these eight x-rays are removed from the data set and the data in Figure 2
are re-plotted, the results do not change drastically. The only levels whose average 95% CIs change are
Levels 1 and 2. For Level 1, the average CI drops from 1.7 to 1.5 (for 33 x-rays), and for Level 2, it drops
from 2.1 to 1.6 (for 21 x-rays). The overall average 95% CI for all x-rays drops from 1.42 to 1.24. Since
the results are similar with or without these x-rays, they are left in for the remainder of the analysis.
The average 95% CIs are displayed again in Figure 3, but this plot groups all of the x-rays from each
foundry together. Comparing the average CIs for each foundry, it is evident that there is some difference
between foundries. As mentioned with respect to Figure 1, the lower average 95% CI in the x-rays from
Foundry K could be related to the use of a different standard (E446) to evaluate those x-rays than those
of the other foundries (E186). Another factor contributing to the difference could be the percentage of xrays from each foundry that are either completely sound or very unsound. Since the radiographers had
better agreement on those x-rays, the average 95% CI for a foundry should decrease with an increase in
Level 0 and Level 5 x-rays. This idea is supported by Foundry S (12% of x-rays in Level 0 or Level 5
groupings in Figure 2), Foundry H (30%) and Foundry K (64%). However, Foundries E (28%) and P
(55%) seem to have average ranges higher than expected by this logic. It is possible that x-ray quality
and casting cleanliness could also play a role in these trends.

2.3 Extent of Disagreement in X-ray Shrinkage Ratings

Further analysis of the variability of the x-ray ratings for each x-ray is presented in Figures 4 and 5, which
illustrate the degree of disagreement in level and type ratings, respectively. For each x-ray, the seven RT
ratings were compared by level and by type. The most frequently occurring level among the seven level
ratings was considered the consensus level, and the most frequently occurring type was considered the
consensus type. Figures 4 and 5 group the x-rays by the number of radiographers that disagreed with
the consensus level and type, respectively. In Figure 4, the leftmost column shows the 22 x-rays that had
a unanimous level rating (zero radiographers disagreed). The next column shows that there were an
additional 22 x-rays where only one radiographer disagreed with the consensus. However, in the
remaining 84 x-rays, two or more radiographers gave a different level than the rest. Thus, for the 106 xrays that did not have a unanimous rating, at least two ratings were creating the disparity more than 80%
of the time. Figure 5 shows that the radiographers agreed more readily on the shrinkage type, with
almost 60% of the x-rays having either a unanimous type or only one dissenting opinion. There were two
or more dissenting opinions in 65% of the 81 x-rays that did not have a unanimous type.

2.4 Rating Consistency with Respect to Accept/Reject Threshold Levels

Figure 6 illustrates the variability of x-ray level ratings in terms of common threshold RT levels specified
by customers. Since determining whether a casting is better or worse than an accept/reject threshold is
the main reason radiographs are produced, this is a critical issue. The three different thresholds specified
in Figure 6 are Level 1 or better, Level 2 or better and Level 3 or better. The columns in this figure
represent the percentage of radiographs from each foundry that were assigned x-ray level ratings both
above and below the given threshold values. This implies that the castings associated with these x-rays
would have been accepted by some radiographers and rejected by others. Note that both Foundries S
and E have a threshold category where more than 50% of the castings would be accepted by some
radiographers and rejected by others. Considering all threshold categories, Foundry K has the smallest
percentage of x-rays with ratings crossing the thresholds. This corresponds to Foundry K having the
smallest average 95% CI of x-ray levels (see Figure 3). It seems sensible that as the average 95% CI


increases, the variability of x-ray ratings increases, and hence the number of x-rays with ratings that cross
threshold values should also increase. Comparing Figures 3 and 6, this trend is evident. The rightmost
column in Figure 6 gives the overall results for all x-rays. At least 20% of the x-rays cross each
accept/reject threshold. For Level 1 or better, 35% of the x-rays cross the threshold.

2.5 Repeatability of X-ray Shrinkage Ratings

Finally, the consistency of the x-ray level ratings by the radiographers who rated all of the x-rays twice
was examined. Figure 7 compares the first and second sets of ratings from Radiographer 2. Each x-ray
is plotted as a filled circle, with the first rating as the horizontal coordinate and the second rating as the
vertical coordinate. The diagonal line passes through the circles representing the x-rays that were given
the same rating both times. The numbers next to the circles indicate the number of x-rays that the circles
represent. Radiographer 2 was relatively consistent, giving the same level in both ratings 66% of the
time. Notice that there are more x-rays above the diagonal line (36) than below (8). Therefore, when
Radiographer 2 gave an x-ray a different level in the second rating, the second rating was usually higher
than the first. The summary information in the box in the lower right of this plot indicates that
Radiographer 2 was consistent in type rating, giving the same type in both ratings 81% of the time. The
total rating (type and level) was the same 59% of the time. The dashed boxes enclose x-rays that
Radiographer 2 rated once above the Level 1 or better threshold, and once below. The dash-dot-dot
boxes enclose x-rays rated both above and below the Level 2 or better threshold. Radiographer 2 gave
x-ray ratings that crossed the Level 1 or better threshold for 12% of the x-rays, and crossed the Level 2
or better threshold for 10% of the x-rays.
Figure 8 displays the results of the two ratings by Radiographer 3. This radiographer was a little less
consistent than Radiographer 2 in shrinkage level (same level 56% of the time), and a considerably less
consistent in shrinkage type (same 51% of the time). There is also more scatter in the levels assigned by
Radiographer 3. The largest difference in levels between the first and second ratings of Radiographer 3
is five (5 first rating, 0 second), and there are several x-rays with a difference of three levels. By contrast,
Radiographer 2 never gave a second rating more than two levels from the first rating. Examining the
boxes enclosing x-rays that crossed the two accept/reject thresholds considered, Radiographer 3 crossed
the Level 1 or better threshold for 15% of the x-rays, and crossed the Level 2 or better threshold for
9% of the x-rays.
The information presented in this section indicates that ASTM shrinkage x-ray level rating is definitely not
an exact science. For Levels 2 and 3 x-rays, this study found a variability on the order of 2 levels. The
results concerning accept/reject thresholds show that it may not be uncommon for one radiographer to
accept a casting while another rejects the same casting. Furthermore, one radiographer looking at one xray on two separate occasions may give it an acceptable rating one time and an unacceptable rating the
other. In light of this analysis, it seems evident that a more quantitative, less subjective method of
determining x-ray levels would be very beneficial to the steel casting industry. The next section describes
a study that attempts to develop such a quantitative methodology for the determination of shrinkage x-ray

3. Digitized X-ray Analysis

The objective of the digital x-ray study was to use image analysis of ASTM reference radiographs to
establish quantitative relationships between shrinkage defect measurements and ASTM x-ray level.
Once established, these relationships could then be used to evaluate x-ray levels from digitized images of
casting x-rays in a more objective manner. If successful, this methodology could be used to improve or
revise the ASTM standards utilized to determine shrinkage x-ray levels. In the first part of this study,
ASTM reference radiographs were digitized, and different defect measurements were evaluated to
determine if they correlated to x-ray shrinkage levels. Once correlations were found, the second part of
this study consisted of digitizing three production radiographs to determine if it was possible to correctly
assess their x-ray level using the correlations developed from the reference radiographs.


3.1 Relating Defect Measurements to X-ray Level for Reference Radiographs

The first step in this study was to convert ASTM standard radiographs to a digital format. ASTM E186
reference radiographs for shrinkage defects were selected for this work. The reference x-rays for
shrinkage types CA, CB and CC (Levels 1-5 for each type) were scanned using high optical density
scanning equipment at the Iowa State University Center for Nondestructive Evaluation (CNDE). To
determine the effects of different scanning exposure times, three of the reference radiographs (CB1, CB2
and CB4) were scanned twice, using different exposure times for each scan to produce different levels of
contrast. In addition, the area of significant defects in CB5 was larger than the scanner area, so three
different areas of CB5 were scanned to cover the entire image. In the defect measurement plots in this
section, if a single value is shown for a reference radiograph that was scanned more than once, this value
represents the average value from the two or three scans of that x-ray. The values of the individual scans
will also be shown where applicable.
The scanned images of the reference radiographs were processed with image analysis software, and
then analyzed to look for correlations between measurable defect attributes and x-ray level. Many
different defect measurements were investigated in this work. Three of these measures will be discussed
here: (1) defect area percentage (= Adefects/Atotal), (2) defect circumference ratio (= CFdefects/sqrt(Atotal)), and
(3) equivalent defect radius (= 2Adefects/CFdefects). The scanned images were processed with the software
package Scion Image to remove the differences caused by varying x-ray contrast levels and different
exposure times during scanning. In order to compute the area, circumference and equivalent radius of
defects, it was also necessary to define which parts of the image were defects and which were
background. This was done with the software package Transform. The output file from Transform was
then read by a FORTRAN program, which calculated the desired defect area percentage, circumference
ratio and equivalent radius. An outline of the procedures involved in this study is as follows:
1) Scan x-ray
2) In Scion Image:
a) Set scale: 5.6 pixels/mm was used in this work
b) Smooth image: this was done using the option, rolling ball of 10 pixel radius
c) Correct images for varying x-ray contrast levels and different exposure times during scanning
Find the mean optical density of the background (MDB); use the average of several
measurements over small areas not containing defects
Multiply all pixels (background and defects) by 5/MDB
d) Digitize image: select an area (all or part of the image), and transfer the selection into a matrix
containing pixel values
Export selection as a data set: filename.tif
3) In Transform:
a) Read filename.tif
b) Define defects: examine each pixel value
If value 17.5, set it to 0 (background)
If value > 17.5, set it to 1 (defect)
c) Remove obvious non-defects (for example, handwriting on right side of x-ray shown in Figure 17)
d) Save the result as a matrix in text format: filename.txt
4) FORTRAN program:
a) Read filename.txt (binary matrix)
b) Compute the total area and circumference of defects:
Defect area Adefects = number of defect pixels (pixels with a value of 1)
Defect circumference CFdefects = number of 1 pixels adjacent (up, down, left, right) to at least
one 0 pixel
Total area Atotal = total number of pixels
c) Defect area percentage = Adefects/Atotal
d) Defect circumference ratio = CFdefects/sqrt(Atotal)
e) Equivalent defect radius = 2Adefects/CFdefects


The multiplication factor 5/MDB in Scion Image and the cutoff value 17.5 in Transform were selected after
considerable trial-and-error. The combination of the constants 5 and 17.5 in these values was found to
give the best digital representation of the defects seen in the radiographs. These constants are highly
dependent upon each other.
Figures 9 and 10 show the results of steps 1-3 above for reference radiographs CA-1 and CB-5,
respectively. These figures demonstrate that the image processing algorithms listed in steps 2 and 3
result in binary digital images that capture the defects on the scanned x-rays quite well. Figure 11 shows
a simple example of a binary matrix and the corresponding area and circumference calculations from step
4 above. It should be noted that computing the circumference as shown in the figure underestimates the
actual circumference, since this method counts pixels and not pixel edges. During the course of this
study, the circumference was also calculated by counting the number of interfaces between adjacent 1
and 0 pixels (i.e. computing the actual circumference of the defect in the binary matrix shown in Figure
11). For the matrix in Figure 11, this method yields a circumference of 24, rather than 13. This method of
calculating the circumference overestimates the actual circumference, because while it is calculating the
circumference around the 1 pixels, this circumference is longer than the actual value because all edges
are horizontal or vertical. The results obtained using these two circumference representations produced
the same trends, primarily differing by a scaling factor. To simplify the results, then, only one set of
circumference results is given in this paper.
The procedures outlined above were performed on the E186 reference radiographs for shrinkage defect
classes CA, CB and CC, Levels 1-5 each. The resulting defect area percentages and defect
circumference ratios are plotted against x-ray level in Figures 12 and 13, respectively. The insert plots in
these two figures show individual values for the multiple scans of reference radiographs CB1, CB2, CB4
and CB5 mentioned at the beginning of this subsection, along with the line passing through the average
values. In both Figures 12 and 13, the individual values for CB1 and CB4 are very close to each other.
This indicates that the difference in exposure time (and hence contrast) between the two scans of these
radiographs was well accounted for by the Scion Image procedure. However, the two values for CB2 in
Figures 12 and 13 exhibit more scatter, which is disappointing. For CB5, one of the three scans has
defect area and circumference values that are significantly higher than the other two, indicating that there
were more defects in that scan area than in the other two. The average value, in this instance, is
probably a good representation of the entire radiograph.
Figure 12 shows that the defect area percentages for classes CA and CB are very similar for all five x-ray
levels. This is not surprising, considering the similar veinous nature of both of these defect classes (recall
that CA is individual veinous strands of defects, while CB is grouped veinous strands). Class CC (spongy
defects) has values close to those of CA and CB for Levels 1-3, but then the CC values become much
larger than those of the other classes for Levels 4 and 5. Notice that, for a given x-ray level, the area
percentages increase with defect class (CA < CB < CC). When the nature of the three defect classes is
taken into account, this seems reasonable. Also, for a given shrinkage class, the defect area percentage
increases with x-ray level. This is promising, as it indicates it may be possible to determine x-ray level
from defect area percentage for an x-ray with a known shrinkage class. However, Figure 12 points out a
rather disappointing aspect of the defect area percentage measurements: to use these curves to
determine x-ray level, one must know (i.e. subjectively determine) the shrinkage class. It was hoped that,
for example, the area percentages for classes CA, CB and CC for a Level 2 x-ray would all be smaller
than all area percentages for Level 3, and larger than all area percentages for Level 1. If this were the
case, definition of defect type would be unnecessary, and the level could be determined outright. But the
only place this clearly occurs is between Levels 3 and 4. There is a small gap between the values for
Levels 4 and 5, but the CC4 area percentage is close to the CA5 value.
Figure 13 shows that the same trends seen for defect area percentage are evident for the defect
circumference ratio as well. The defect circumference ratio increases with x-ray level for each shrinkage
class, and for a given level the circumference generally increases with shrinkage class. As with defect
area percentage, the defect circumference ratio may be useful in determining x-ray level if the shrinkage
class is known, but the level cannot be determined without this information. Finally, Figures 12 and 13
both illustrate that shrinkage x-ray levels do not seem to vary in a linear fashion over all five x-ray levels.


The trend lines in Figures 12 and 13 for class CA and CB defects show that the quantity of defects
increases in a somewhat mild, steady fashion between Levels 1 and 4, and then increases sharply
between Levels 4 and 5. For class CC defects, there is a steady increase between Levels 1 and 3, then
a sharp increase between Levels 3 and 5.
Figure 14 shows the equivalent defect radius for Levels 1-5 of all three defect classes. If one assumes
the defects on the x-rays are all circles of the same size, the equivalent defect radius is simply the radius
of these circles. Class CA, CB and CC defects are obviously not circular, but the equivalent defect radius
still provides insight into the size of the defects, and the relative changes in size with x-ray level. Figure
14 demonstrates that, while there is some increase in defect size from X-ray Level 1 to 5, it is not a large
increase. It is also evident that the size does not increase with every level, since the equivalent defect
radius decreases for some levels. Because the average defect size does not significantly increase with xray level, it can be concluded that increases in shrinkage severity are mainly due to an increase in the
number of defects, rather than the size. The range of the equivalent defect radii shown in Figure 14 is
about 0.6-1.1 mm. Multiplying this value by two to compute an equivalent diameter, the size of class CA,
CB and CC defects for all x-ray levels is on the order of one to two millimeters.
It is noteworthy that the relatively constant size of shrinkage defects over all x-ray levels indicates that
defect optical density measurements would not be useful for determining x-ray level. If it was determined
that the size of defects increased with x-ray level, then the optical density of the defects would increase
as well. However, since the defect size does not increase appreciably, the optical density of defects
would not significantly change either. It is stated in the ASTM x-ray rating standards (ASTM E186, E446
and E280) that radiographic defect density compared to background density should not be used to
determine x-ray level, because this variable is highly dependent on technical factors. From this work, it
appears that relative defect density would not be a good measure of x-ray level in any case.

3.2 Quantitative Determination of X-ray Level for Production Radiographs

Once the correlations shown in Figures 12 and 13 were established, the ability to determine ASTM
shrinkage x-ray level using these relationships was tested. As indicated in the last subsection, it was
determined that these correlations could not be used to determine x-ray level without knowledge of
shrinkage type. So three production radiographs with known shrinkage type ratings from the first SFSA /
University of Iowa steel plate casting trials [5,6] were selected for this part of the study. The radiographs
were scanned at the Iowa State University CNDE, and then processed using the Scion Image and
Transform procedures listed earlier. The processed images for these three radiographs are shown in
Figure 15 (Trial Case 1), Figure 16 (Trial Case 2) and Figures 17 and 18 (Trial Case 3). The scanned
radiograph for Trial Case 3 is included in Figure 17 to illustrate an example of writing on the radiograph
(far right side of Figure 17(a)) that was removed during image processing. The light streak in the lower
right corner of Figure 17(a) was also removed (see Figure 17(c)). Because these radiographs were used
in the reliability and repeatability study detailed in Section 2 of this paper, there were seven different x-ray
ratings for each one. The individual ratings, mean x-ray levels and 95% confidence intervals for the three
trial cases are listed in Table 2.
Table 2
X-ray ratings for the three trial cases investigated.
Trial Rating Rating Rating Rating Rating Rating


A1, B2


95% CI

In Figures 15, 16 and 18, there are several alternate selection areas shown in addition to the complete
processed image of the x-ray shown in Figures 15(b), 16(b) and 17(c). Several selection areas were
analyzed to determine the impact of the choice of this area on the resulting x-ray rating. The area Atotal is
included in the defect area and circumference measurement variables to accommodate the prorating
requirement in the ASTM x-ray rating standards (ASTM E186, E446 and E280). These standards state


that the area of interest on a production radiograph should be prorated to the size of the applicable
reference radiograph. By forming the ratios Adefects/Atotal and CFdefects/sqrt(Atotal), this prorating is done
automatically. But what exactly is the area of interest? It obviously needs to include the defects of
interest, but how much sound area around the defects should be included? This is not a big issue in Trial
Case 1 (Figure 15), because the defects in a Level 1 x-ray are few in number and relatively spread out. It
becomes more of an issue for Trial Case 2 (Figure 16), and is very important for the centerline shrinkage
shown in Trial Case 3 (Figures 17 and 18). By computing the x-ray level for several choices of selection
area, it will become evident how important this choice is.
The defect area percentage and defect circumference ratio were calculated for all of the selection areas
for Trial Cases 1, 2 and 3. These values are plotted against the selection area in Figure 19 for defect
area percentage, and in Figure 20 for defect circumference ratio. In both of these figures, it is seen that
there is more scatter in the computed quantities for Trial Case 2 than for Trial Case 1, and significantly
more scatter for Trial Case 3 than for Trial Case 2. The rightmost symbol for each trial case in Figures 19
and 20 corresponds to the whole processed image (largest selection area). The pixel labels given for
Trial Case 3 in Figures 17 and 18 are included in Figures 19 and 20 to identify the selection areas for this
The defect area percentages for all the selection areas shown in Figure 19 were then plotted along the
trend line shown in Figure 12 that correlates the defect area percentages of the class CB reference
radiographs to their x-ray level. This resulted in the desired relationship between the defect area
percentages of the trial case selection areas and ASTM x-ray level. This relationship is shown in Figure
21. An analogous procedure was performed for the defect circumference ratios shown in Figure 20 and
the class CB trend line shown in Figure 13, and the resulting plot is given in Figure 22. In Figures 21 and
22, the individual selection areas for each trial case are represented by hollow symbols. The filled
symbols indicate the mean value of all the selection areas for each trial case. The error bars for the filled
symbols correspond to a 95% confidence interval for x-ray level.
As shown in Table 2, Trial Cases 2 and 3 were predominantly assigned type CB shrinkage (see Table 2),
and Trial Case 1 was predominantly CA. For simplicity, all three trial cases were compared to the CB
reference radiograph trend line. This was considered acceptable because Trial Case 1 is a nearly sound
x-ray, and there is very little difference between CA and CB shrinkage at X-ray Level 1. This is evidenced
by the similarity in the CA1 and CB1 values in Figures 12 and 13. Using the CA1 value instead of the
CB1 value in Figures 21 and 22 would not change the resulting x-ray level for Trial Case 1. Furthermore,
Trial Case 1 was given a CB rating by one radiographer.
Figures 21 and 22 show that all the Trial Case 1 selection areas yield very similar values. All of the
selection areas have defect area percentages and defect circumference ratios that are below the
corresponding values for X-ray Level 1. The ASTM x-ray rating standards state that one should assign
an x-ray level by rounding up to the next shrinkage severity level greater than that of the production x-ray.
Therefore, both figures indicate that Trial Case 1 is X-ray Level 1. This agrees with the mean level of 1.1
assigned to this x-ray. For Trial Case 2, Figure 22 shows that all of the selection areas give defect
circumference ratios between the Level 1 and Level 2 values, indicating that this x-ray is Level 2.
However, the defect area percentages shown in Figure 21 for Trial Case 2 fall both above and below the
Level 2 value. The two selection areas below the Level 2 value would indicate that Trial Case 2 is Level
2, and the remaining four areas would indicate Level 3. Viewing the results for Trial Case 2 in both
Figures 21 and 22, a case can be made that this x-ray is either Level 2 or Level 3. The conservative
approach would be to use Level 3. The mean level for this x-ray is 3.0, but there is considerable
variability in the individual ratings (see Table 2). So either a Level 2 or a Level 3 rating would not be
unreasonable. For Trial Case 3, some of the defect area percentages in Figure 21 are below the Level 5
reference value, and some are above. By ASTM standards, all of these would indicate that Trial Case 3
is Level 5. The agreement on x-ray level is not quite unanimous in Figure 22. There is one defect
circumference ratio that falls below the Level 4 reference value. In fact, it is just below the Level 3 value
(see the hollow circle on the left side of the Level 3 reference diamond in Figure 22). This circle
corresponds to the (261 x 210) selection area shown in Figure 18. Only part of the centerline shrinkage is
contained in this area, and it is mostly one connected defect. Thus, the defect circumference in this


selection area is smaller than in the other areas chosen. But it is clear from the defect circumference
ratios of the remaining selection areas, and from the defect area percentage results, that Trial Case 3 is
indeed Level 5. This agrees with the mean level of 5.0.
The analysis of the three trial cases presented here demonstrates that a quantitative determination of
ASTM x-ray shrinkage level may be possible, provided that the shrinkage type is correctly determined.
From the examples shown here, it is evident that the choice of selection area can be very important. The
use of multiple selection areas in this study provided additional data points to help determine the level.
Based on these results, it seems that both the defect area percentage and defect circumference ratio
should be considered when assigning an x-ray level to a radiograph. It must be re-emphasized that the
correct selection of shrinkage defect class (CA, CB, CC) is critical for this type of x-ray analysis, since
different classes have different reference values used to determine x-ray level. Finally, it seems that the
same type of quantitative analysis could also be performed for Category A (gas porosity) and B
(inclusion) defects, due to the similar nature of their current rating structures.

4. Summary and Conclusions

Two different studies were presented in Sections 2 and 3 that examined the ASTM x-ray shrinkage rating
system for radiographs of steel castings. The first study evaluated the reliability and repeatability of x-ray
shrinkage ratings through a statistical study. The second study involved an effort to determine the
shrinkage severity level of x-rays through digital analysis of scanned radiographs.
The reliability and repeatability of ASTM shrinkage x-ray ratings was investigated in a statistical study
performed on 128 x-rays, each of which were rated seven different times. It was found that the seven
ratings were in unanimous agreement on shrinkage type for 37% of the x-rays, on shrinkage level for 17%
of the x-rays, and on both type and level for 12.5% of the x-rays. The x-rays that had unanimous
agreement on both type and level were all either completely sound, or very unsound (Level 5). By
computing a 95% confidence interval for the seven shrinkage level ratings for each x-ray, it was found
that x-rays with an average level around 2 or 3 had the largest variability in level ratings, with an average
variability of about 2. The different level ratings for each x-ray were then examined to determine how
many x-rays had level ratings both above and below common accept/reject thresholds. 21-35% of the xrays had ratings that crossed different thresholds, indicating that the castings associated with these xrays would have been accepted by some radiographers and rejected by others. Two of the radiographers
involved in this study rated all the x-rays twice, and analysis was performed to determine the consistency
of their ratings. Comparing each radiographers second rating to their first, both radiographers gave
different type ratings for at least 19% of the x-rays and different level ratings for at least 34% of the xrays. Both radiographers also reversed accept/reject decisions for 10-15% of the x-rays. This study
indicated the subjective nature of the x-ray rating procedure.
Next, a study was performed to attempt to quantify ASTM shrinkage x-ray rating. ASTM E186 reference
radiographs for shrinkage classes CA, CB and CC were scanned and digitized, and measurements of the
defects were performed. It was found that the defect area percentage and defect circumference ratio
both increased with x-ray level for a given defect class. Also, for a given x-ray level, these measures
generally increased with defect class (CA < CB < CC). The increase of defect area and circumference
with x-ray level for a given defect class indicates the possibility of determining x-ray level with these
measures. However, it was determined that these defect measurements could not be used to determine
x-ray level unless the shrinkage type was known. This study also indicated that defect size does not
increase considerably with x-ray level. Rather, severity increases due to an increase in the number of
defects. The defect size for all three shrinkage classes studied is on the order of one to two millimeters.
Once the reference radiographs had been thoroughly analyzed, three production x-rays were digitized.
Defect area percentages and defect circumference ratios were computed for various selection areas of
each x-ray. By comparing these values to the corresponding class CB shrinkage reference radiograph
values, it was possible to correctly determine the x-ray level. It was found, however, that different
selection areas could change the resulting x-ray level. Use of multiple selection areas and both the
defect area and circumference measures resulted in reasonable x-ray levels. The results of this study
indicate that, through digital x-ray analysis, it is possible to reduce the uncertainty in ASTM shrinkage x-


ray level rating. However, this digital analysis cannot be done until the correct shrinkage type rating is
assigned to an x-ray.

This work was supported by the United States Department of Energy through the Cast Metals Coalition
(CMC) and the Steel Founders' Society of America (SFSA). Furthermore, we are indebted to Malcolm
Blair and Raymond Monroe of the SFSA, for their work in helping organize the casting trials and recruiting
members to participate. We would also like to express our gratitude to Joe Gray from the Iowa State
University Center for Nondestructive Evaluation (CNDE) for his assistance with the digital x-ray study, and
to the radiographers who rated the casting trial radiographs to provide us with the necessary data to
perform the statistical study of x-ray ratings. Most importantly, we thank the participants in the plate
casting trials for their substantial time and resource investment in all aspects of the Yield Improvement
Program. This work could not have been accomplished without their shared efforts.

[1] American Society for Testing of Materials, ASTM E 446, Standard Reference Radiographs for
Steel Castings Up to 2 in. (51 mm) in Thickness, 1998 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Volume
03.03: Nondestructive Testing, 1998.
[2] American Society for Testing of Materials, ASTM E 186, Standard Reference Radiographs for
Heavy-Walled (4 to 12-in. (114 to 305-mm)) Steel Castings, 1998 Annual Book of ASTM
Standards, Volume 03.03: Nondestructive Testing, 1998.
[3] American Society for Testing of Materials, ASTM E 280, Standard Reference Radiographs for
Heavy-Walled (2 to 4 -in. (51 to 114-mm)) Steel Castings, 1998 Annual Book of ASTM
Standards, Volume 03.03: Nondestructive Testing, 1998.
[4] Quantrell, R. J., Evaluation of the Consistency of Radiographic Grading for Shrinkage Defects,
SCRATA Committee Paper, 1981.
[5] Hardin, R. A., Shen, X., Gu, J., and Beckermann, C., Progress in the Development of Improved
Feeding Rules for the Risering of Steel Castings, 1998 SFSA Technical and Operating
Conference, 1998.
[6] Hardin, R. A., Shen, X., Gu, J., and Beckermann, C., Use of Niyama Criterion to Predict ASTM XRay Levels and to Develop Improved Feeding Rules for Steelcasting, AFS Paper No. 99-062,
presented at the 103 AFS Casting Congress, 1999.



40 x-rays

27 x-rays

128 x-rays

Percentage of X-rays without a Unanimous Rating


22 x-rays

17 x-rays


22 x-rays







% of x-rays without unanimous type rating

% of x-rays without unanimous level rating
% of x-rays without unanimous type and level rating

Foundry K: 1" x 5.5" plates

All other foundries: 3" x 6" plates

1 S
Figure 1

2 H

3 P

4 E

5 K

Percentage of x-rays without a unanimous shrinkage type, level, and total rating, grouped by foundry.


All Foundries


Average one-sided
student-t 95%
confidence interval for
all 128 x-rays = 1.42

27 x-rays
11 x-rays


8 x-rays

35 x-rays

3.5 < Xavg < 4.5


Average X-ray Level Groupings

Figure 2

Average one-sided confidence intervals of x-ray level ratings, grouped by average x-ray level.


8 x-rays
Xavg > 4.5

2.5 < Xavg < 3.5


1.5 < Xavg < 2.5

39 x-rays

0.5 < Xavg < 1.5


Average X-ray
Level < 0.5

Average One-Sided Student-t 95% Confidence Interval

Data from all foundries

Average One-Sided Student-t Distribution 95% Confidence Interval


Foundry K: 1" x 5.5" plates

All other foundries: 3" x 6" plates

Data from all foundries (128 x-rays)





1 S
Figure 3

2 H

3 P

4 E

Average one-sided confidence intervals of x-ray level ratings, grouped by foundry.


5 K

All Foundries


Example: an x-ray has the

following shrinkage level ratings:

Data from all foundries (128 x-rays)

2 1 3 2 1 2 4


largest # that agree: three 2's

# that disagree with this: 4

Number of X-rays






Number of Shrinkage Level Ratings for an X-ray that Disagree with Consensus
Figure 4

Number of shrinkage level ratings (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) that disagree with the consensus level rating for each x-ray.



Data from all foundries (128 x-rays)


Note: a completely sound rating (Level 0)

has no shrinkage type, and is not
considered to disagree with any Level 1
or higher ratings for that x-ray


Example: an x-ray has the

following shrinkage type ratings:
largest # that agree: 3 CA's
# that disagree with this: 4

Number of X-rays








Number of Shrinkage Type Ratings for an X-ray that Disagree with Consensus
Figure 5

Number of shrinkage type ratings (CA, CB, CC, CD) that disagree with the consensus type rating for each x-ray.


Percentage of Plates with X-ray Level Ratings

Both Above and Below Accept/Reject Threshold



Accept castings that are "Level 1 or better"

Accept castings that are "Level 2 or better"
Accept castings that are "Level 3 or better"

Foundry K: 1" x 5.5" plates

All other foundries: 3" x 6" plates

Data from all foundries

(128 x-rays total)





1 S
Figure 6

2 H

3 P

4 E

5 K

Percentage of x-rays accepted by some radiographers and rejected by others, grouped by foundry.


All Foundries

Rating crosses accept/reject threshold for:

Level 1 or Better: 15 (11.7%)
Level 2 or Better: 13 (10.2%)

X-ray Levels, Second Rating




128 X-rays Total

Same Level:
84 (65.6%)
Level Increases:
36 (28.1%)
8 (6.3%)
Level Decreases:


Same Type:
Different Type:


104 (81.3%)
24 (18.7%)

Same Type & Level: 76 (59.4%)

Different T & L:
52 (40.6%)


X-ray Levels, First Rating

Figure 7

Comparison between first and second ratings of Radiographer 2.


Rating crosses accept/reject threshold for:

Level 1 or Better: 19 (14.8%)
Level 2 or Better: 12 (9.4%)

X-ray Levels, Second Rating

128 X-rays Total

Same Level:
71 (55.5%)
Level Increases:
23 (18.0%)
Level Decreases: 34 (26.5%)





Same Type:
Different Type:

Same Type & Level: 50 (39.1%)

Different T & L:
78 (60.9%)


65 (50.8%)
63 (49.2%)


X-ray Levels, First Rating

Figure 8

Comparison between first and second ratings of Radiographer 3.




Figure 9


Reference radiograph CA-1 (a) after scanning, (b) after Scion Image processing, and (c) after
Transform processing.





Figure 10 Reference radiograph CB-5 (a) after scanning, (b) after Scion Image processing, and (c) after
Transform processing.


Adefects = number of 1 pixels = 17

CFdefects = number of 1 pixels adjacent (up, down, left, right) to at least one 0 pixel = 13
Atotal = total number of pixels = 56

defect area percentage = Adefects/Atotal = 30.4%

defect circumference ratio = CFdefects/sqrt(Atotal) = 1.74

Figure 11 Sample binary matrix, with area and circumference calculations.


CA (ASTM Standard E186)
CB (ASTM Standard E186)
CC (ASTM Standard E186)
CB (ASTM Standard E186) - individual values
CB average



Indication Area Percentage, %






X-ray Level
Figure 12 Defect area percentage values for E186 reference radiographs for shrinkage defects (classes
CA, CB and CC).


CA (ASTM Standard E186)
CB (ASTM Standard E186)
CC (ASTM Standard E186)

CB (ASTM Standard E186) - individual values


Indication Circumference to Square Root of Selection Area

CB average








X-ray Level
Figure 13 Defect circumference ratio values for E186 reference radiographs for shrinkage defects
(classes CA, CB and CC).


CA (ASTM Standard E186)
CB (ASTM Standard E186)
CC (ASTM Standard E186)

Equivalent Defect Radius, mm






Equivalent Defect Radius = 2 * Area of Defects / Circumference of Defects


X-ray Level
Figure 14 Variation of equivalent defect radius with x-ray level for class CA, CB and CC shrinkage


(a) after Scion Image

(b) after Transform

(494 x 500 pixels)

(c) additional selection areas:

(280 x 176)
(278 x 281)

(272 x 114)
(242 x 492)

Figure 15 Trial Case 1 (X-ray Level 1) (a) after Scion Image processing, (b) after Transform processing,
and (c) several alternate selection areas.


(a) after Scion Image

(b) after Transform

(479 x 503 pixels)

(c) additional selection areas:

(269 x 473)

(449 x 440)
(212 x 373)

(299 x 442)

(195 x 477)

Figure 16 Trial Case 2 (X-ray Level 2) (a) after Scion Image processing, (b) after Transform processing,
and (c) several alternate selection areas.





(503 x 504 pixels)

Figure 17
Trial Case 3 (X-ray Level 5) (a) after scanning, (b) after Scion Image
processing, and (c) after Transform processing.


(170 x 501 pixels)

(134 x 207)

(504 x 235)

(496 x 164)

(261 x 210)

Figure 18 Alternate selection areas for Trial Case 3 (X-ray Level 5).


(134 x 207)
Trial Case 1, X-ray Level 1
Trial Case 2, X-ray Level 2
Trial Case 3, X-ray Level 5



Indication Area Percentage, %

(170 x 501)


(261 x 210)

(496 x 164)

(503 x 504)

(504 x 235)










Selection Area, cm2

Figure 19 Variation of defect area percentage with choice of selection area for all three trial cases.




(503 x 504)
(170 x 501)

Indication Circumference to Square Root of Selection Area


Trial Case 1, X-ray Level 1

Trial Case 2, X-ray Level 2
Trial Case 3, X-ray Level 5

(496 x 164)

(504 x 235)

(134 x 207)

(261 x 210)










Selection Area, cm

Figure 20 Variation of defect circumference ratio with choice of selection area for all three trial cases.




CB (ASTM Standard E186)

Trial Case 1, X-ray Level 1
mean of Trial Case 1 with 95% confidence interval
Trial Case 2, X-ray Level 2
mean of Trial Case 2 with 95% confidence interval
Trial Case 3, X-ray Level 5
mean of Trial Case 3 with 95% confidence interval



Enlarged view of Trial

Cases 1 and 2

Indication Area Percentage, %










X-ray Level
Figure 21 Defect area percentage versus x-ray level for all trial cases, all selection areas.


CB (ASTM Standard E186)
Trial Case 1, X-ray Level 1
mean of Trial Case 1 with 95% confidence interval
Trial Case 2, X-ray Level 2
mean of Trial Case 2 with 95% confidence interval
Trial Case 3, X-ray Level 5
mean of Trial Case 3 with 95% confidence interval

Indication Circumference to Square Root of Selection Area


Enlarged view of Trial

Cases 1 and 2






X-ray Level
Figure 22 Defect circumference ratio versus x-ray level for all trial cases, all selection areas.


Attachment C: Development of New Feeding Distance

Rules Using Casting Simulation
Part I: Methodology

Kent D. Carlson, Shouzhu Ou,

Richard A. Hardin and Christoph Beckermann1

Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

The University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242

A methodology is developed to relate measured shrinkage porosity levels in steel castings to
predictions from casting simulation, in order to determine feeding distances. Low alloy steel
casting trials were conducted to acquire a statistically meaningful set of experimental data for
top-risered cast steel sections having various ASTM shrinkage x-ray levels. Simulations of the
casting trials were then performed, using casting data recorded at the foundries during the trials.
The actual casting soundness resulting from these trials, measured in terms of ASTM shrinkage
x-ray level, is quantitatively compared to the soundness predicted by simulations, measured in
terms of a local thermal parameter known as the Niyama criterion. A relationship is shown to
exist between x-ray level and both the minimum Niyama criterion value, as well as the area (in
the plane of the x-ray) with Niyama values below a threshold value. Once the correlations
developed in Part I of this paper were established, an extensive set of additional casting
simulations was performed to determine the feeding distances for castings with a wide variety of
casting parameters. This data was then used to develop a new set of feeding distance rules,
which are given in Part II of this paper.

Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Telephone: (319) 335-5681, FAX: (319) 335-5669, E-mail:


The consequences of low casting yield are well known in the foundry industry: lower profits
due to increased production costs and decreased capacity. Additional melted metal and heats, as
well as increased labor and materials costs required for production, are the primary reasons for
the increased costs. Furthermore, it is recognized that higher casting yield has the side benefit of
lowering casting cleaning costs. Essentially, when a foundry achieves the highest possible yield,
it can operate at maximum capacity, maximizing its revenues.
Computer simulation of the casting process is becoming an indispensable tool in the effort to
achieve increased casting yield. Simulation enables more experimentation with the casting
process, since a design can be modified, simulated and analyzed to determine the effects of the
modifications, without having to actually produce the casting. In addition, simulation enables
better use of feeding aids such as sleeves and chills, which can sometimes be difficult to apply
effectively without numerous trial runs in the foundry. However, computer simulation is applied
on a case-by-case basis. Also, to be used effectively, simulation requires expertise and accurate
data for numerous process variables. Therefore, in spite of the power of simulation, a recent
survey indicates that simulation is used on less than 10% of the tonnage of steel castings
produced.[1,2] The same survey indicated that feeding rules (or rule-based software) were used to
rig about 80% of the tonnage produced. This 80% was comprised of 50% rules developed inhouse, 20% feeding rules given in the Steel Founders Society of America (SFSA) handbook
Risering Steel Castings, and 10% non-SFSA published rules. Due to the prevalence of rulesbased rigging in the steel casting industry, any attempt to increase casting yield in a general sense
must begin with these rules. Furthermore, casting simulation does not provide the initial riser
design for a casting, nor does it automatically optimize the risering. Thus, even if simulation is
used, feeding rules are useful to develop a reasonable starting point for simulation, and to shorten
the iterative optimization cycle by providing insight into, for example, the maximum distance
between risers.
The first rules governing riser feeding distance were developed empirically, based on
extensive casting trials that were performed in the early 1950s. Most notably, there is the
substantial body of experimental work from the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) by Pellini,
Bishop, Myskowski et al. for determining feeding distances[3-7] and adequate riser dimensions.[8]
In these studies, castings were considered sound if there was no evidence of shrinkage detected
by radiography at 1.5% sensitivity. Rectangular sections of thickness T = 1.27 cm, 5.08 cm and
10.2 cm (0.5 in., 2 in. and 4 in.), with width-to-thickness ratios of W/T = 2, 3, 4 and 5 were cast
for these studies, as well as bar-shaped cases (bar: W/T = 1) with 15.2 cm and 20.3 cm (6 in.
and 8 in.) sections. The castings were made of plain carbon steel of 0.25 to 0.30 weight percent
carbon content, with a pouring temperature of approximately 1621C (2950F). In addition, the
SFSA conducted comprehensive casting trials involving about 50 foundries of member
companies.[9] In the SFSA studies, the feeding distance required to cast a section to commercial
soundness (better than or equal to Class 2 ASTM radiographic testing (RT) soundness at 2%
sensitivity)[10,11] was determined for T = 1.27 cm, 2.54 cm, 5.08 cm and 10.2 cm (0.5 in., 1 in., 2
in. and 4 in.) plate (plate: W/T 3) and bar (W/T = 1) sections. The steel cast in the SFSA
studies was reported as a carbon steel of 0.20 to 0.23 weight percent carbon that was cast with


pouring temperatures between 1566C and 1621C (2850F and 2950F), and the mold material
used by the foundries was green sand.
Based on the experimental work done by the NRL, the first feeding distance rules were
published by Pellini.[12] He stated that the maximum feeding distance for a plate is 4.5T. This
value is the sum of a riser contribution of 2T and an edge contribution of 2.5T.
The determination of feeding distances was revisited beginning in 1966 at Case Western
Reserve University. Under the guidance of Professor J.F. Wallace, computational heat transfer
studies to determine feeding distances were performed by Spiegelberg,[13,14] Maier[15] and
Ghun.[16] Spiegelberg proposed that the solidification gradient could be used as a criterion to
determine whether or not shrinkage porosity would form. The solidification gradient is defined
as g = f s x , where f s is the solid fraction and x is the distance measured along the
centerline of the casting. The solidification gradient was evaluated near the end of solidification,
using the last two nodes in the casting before the mushy zone/solid interface (i.e., using the last
two nodes along the centerline with temperatures above the solidus temperature). The
solidification gradient was compared to a minimum value, g min , and if g < g min , it was assumed
that shrinkage porosity would form (i.e., the feeding distance had been exceeded). The value of
g min was determined numerically, using the NRL casting trial plates discussed above. Then,
g min was varied in simulations until the predicted feeding distance (maximum distance with no
shrinkage porosity) matched the experimentally determined value. The value that resulted from
this process was g min = 0.0123 cm 3 cm 3 cm = 0.0123 in.3 in.3 in. .

) )

Another method for predicting the onset of shrinkage porosity, and hence determining the
feeding distance, was proposed by Niyama et al.[17] Similar to the concept proposed by
Spiegelberg,[14] Niyama et al. suggested a different criterion that could be evaluated and
compared to a minimum value, in order to determine the presence or absence of shrinkage
porosity. This criterion is known as the Niyama criterion, Ny = G / T& , where G is the
temperature gradient and T& is the cooling rate. Due to the importance of the Niyama criterion to
the present study, this work will be discussed in detail in the next section of this paper.

In 1973, the SFSA compiled the experimental results of the 1950s casting trials[3-9] with the
numerical results from Case Western Reserve University[12-16] into a handbook entitled Risering
Steel Castings.[18] This handbook contains charts, nomographs, equations and procedures useful
for risering both low and high alloy steel castings, and it is intended to assist foundry engineers in
the placement and sizing of risers on steel castings. Although it was published nearly thirty years
ago, Risering Steel Castings is still utilized in foundry practice today. However, there has been
substantial feedback from SFSA members indicating that the current feeding rules published by
the SFSA in Risering Steel Castings are overly conservative, for both the ASTM shrinkage x-ray
level 1 soundness for which they were developed, as well as for higher ASTM radiographic
testing (RT) levels that are commonly stipulated by the customer.[1] Also, it was noted that these
rules do not account for differences in sand mold material, alloy composition or superheat, all of


which are known to affect the distance over which a riser can provide feed metal to a casting
Based on this information, it was decided to develop a new set of feeding rules that are less
conservative than those in Risering Steel Castings, and more tailored to particular casting
conditions. To accomplish this, an extensive set of casting trials involving low alloy steel plates
was conducted, in order to acquire a statistically meaningful set of experimental data on the
feeding lengths of cast steel sections. This experimental data was then coupled with the results
of corresponding numerical simulations in such a way that it was possible to develop correlations
between the Niyama criterion and ASTM shrinkage x-ray level. These correlations were then
utilized to determine feeding distances for a large additional set of simulations, covering a wide
array of plate geometries and casting parameters. The resulting data was then used to develop a
new set of guidelines for determining the feeding distances of risers. Part I of this two-part paper
describes the casting trials, the numerical simulations, and the methodology used to combine the
data from this experimental and numerical work to develop the new feeding and risering
guidelines. Part II presents these new guidelines for low alloy steels.


The Niyama criterion is defined as G / T& , where G is the temperature gradient in K/mm
and T& is the cooling rate in K/s. Niyama et al.[17] suggest a critical value of
G / T& = 1.0 K 1 / 2 min1 / 2 cm 1 = 0.775 K 1 / 2 s 1 / 2 mm 1
below which shrinkage defects occur (the latter combination of units is typically used in casting
simulation software). For each point in a casting, the Niyama criterion is evaluated at the end of
solidification. Niyama et al. define the end of solidification as the time when the temperature
first reaches or drops below the solidus temperature, Ts . In the present work, the Niyama
criterion was evaluated at a higher temperature, equal to the solidus temperature plus 10% of the
interval between the solidus and liquidus temperatures: T = Ts + 0.1(Tl Ts ) . Evaluating the
Niyama criterion at a higher temperature results in a lower critical Niyama value than the one
reported by Niyama et al., but the functional correspondence between this parameter and
shrinkage porosity remains the same.
The study by Niyama et al.[17] focuses on centerline shrinkage that is formed in areas of
shallow temperature gradients. A radiograph containing a severe example of centerline
shrinkage is shown in Figure 1. Rules for determining feeding distances in cast sections are
concerned with the formation of this type of shrinkage. Niyama et al. present experimental
results for cast vertical cylinders of different diameters with a top riser and molds made from
furan-bonded silica sand. They examined five different steels ranging from regular carbon/low
alloy steel to high alloy (e.g., CF8) steel, and they investigated superheats ranging from 50C to
100C. The castings were tested and sectioned along the vertical centerline. The shrinkage was
detected using dye penetrant (on the cut section), x-ray, and ultrasonic testing.


Niyama et al.[17] used two-dimensional simulations to determine the temperature gradients

and cooling rates of the cylinders. In the simulations, the cast-mold heat transfer coefficient was
taken as infinite, and the temperature gradient was evaluated in an approximate way as the
maximum local value among eight directions at the end of solidification. The cooling rate was
approximated as the difference between the liquidus and solidus temperatures, Tl Ts , divided
by the total solidification time t f . Because of these approximations, the actual values of the
thermal parameters computed by Niyama et al. should be viewed with caution, especially when
comparing them to values from modern three-dimensional casting simulation codes. The key
finding of Niyama et al. is that the critical temperature gradient G at which porosity forms is
proportional to 1 / t f . Since T& = (Tl Ts ) / t f , this finding can also be expressed as the usual

Niyama criterion G / T& > const. for the casting to be sound. Niyama et al. computed the
constant by comparing their numerical and experimental data, which resulted in the critical value
listed at the beginning of this section. Another noteworthy finding is that the same critical
Niyama value was found to apply to all alloys, superheat values, and casting section thicknesses,
within the ranges studied.
In an appendix, Niyama et al.[17] provide a theoretical justification of the Niyama criterion
based on Darcys law for interdendritic flow. Their analysis shows that the pressure drop is
proportional to (G / T& ) 2 . If the pressure drop exceeds a certain value, porosity will form.
While their argument provides validity for the use of the Niyama criterion to predict porosity, it
is not directly applicable to centerline shrinkage, as explained below.
Sigworth and Wang[19] derive a model for centerline shrinkage of the type found in the
present casting trials based on geometric arguments. They argue that pinching off of liquid
areas along the plate centerline due to uneven solidification causes the shrinkage in plates. These
isolated areas solidify without feeding and will exhibit shrinkage, as shown in Figure 2(a). The
presence of a gradient in the feeding direction serves to open up a channel by effectively
providing a taper to the inner liquid channel, as shown in Figure 2(b). Assuming that feeding
occurs as long as the tapered channel has an angle greater than a certain critical angle c , the
critical ratio of the temperature gradient along the plate, G x , to the one across the mush in a
direction perpendicular to the centerline, G y , is given by G x / G y = tan c . The thermal
gradient across the mush is given by G y (Tl Ts ) / l , where l is the thickness of the mush.
According to Flemings,[20] the thickness of the mush grows as l ~ t . Following the derivations
of Sigworth and Wang,[19] the final expression for the critical temperature gradient is then given
Gx =

Tl Ts
2 k M

k m m c m tan c



where k m , m , and c m are the thermal conductivity, density, and specific heat, respectively, of
the mold, and k M is the thermal conductivity of the metal. Substituting appropriate values for

the properties, and taking measured critical temperature gradients from Pellinis experiments
(Pellini used radiographic testing to measure shrinkage),[12] Sigworth and Wang estimate a
critical angle c for steel plates between 2 and 5 degrees, which appears reasonable.
The most important conclusion, however, is that this alternative derivation results in the
same functional dependence between the temperature gradient and the solidification time as that
found experimentally by Niyama et al. Note that substitution of the cooling rate for the
solidification time results in the usual Niyama parameter G / T& . Niyama et al., as well as
casting simulation codes, do not use the thermal gradient G x along the plate centerline.
Therefore, the constant A in the above equation would be different, and its exact value depends
on how the thermal parameters are evaluated.


As part of the present study, six different foundries cast a total of 203 low alloy plates with a
single top riser, using a general configuration such as the one shown in Figure 3. The plates can
be categorized into three groups, based on their cross-section: 56 of the plates had a cross-section
7.62 cm thick by 15.2 cm wide (3 in. T by 6 in. W), 75 plates were 2.54 cm by 14.0 cm (1 in. T by
5.5 in. W), and the remaining 72 plates were 2.54 cm by 25.4 cm (1 in. T by 10 in. W). For
brevity, these groups of plates will hereafter be referred to by their width-to-thickness (W/T)
ratios: W/T = 2, 5.5 and 10, respectively. Several different lengths (L) were cast for each of these
groups of plates, with the lengths selected to produce plates ranging from radiographically sound
to ASTM shrinkage x-ray level 5 (very unsound). All of the plates described above were cast
from ASTM 1025 or a similar alloy, in either PUNB or green sand molds. Further detail
regarding the casting trials is given in publications of preliminary results of this work.[21,22]
When conducting the casting trials, it was envisioned that the trials would include the
normal variations in casting conditions that are possible in foundry practice. These variations
would then be considered in the analysis of the results. Therefore, detailed information was
collected on the casting process for the trial plates, and all information was recorded in detailed
data sheets that were filled out by the participating foundries. The casting parameters that were
recorded were: pouring temperature, pouring time, steel chemistry, mold material, actual casting
rigging and mold-box geometry. In addition, each plate cast in these trials was examined by
radiographic testing using ASTM E94[23] procedures [E186[10] for 7.62 cm (3 in.) thick plates,
and E446[11] for 2.54 cm (1 in.) thick plates]. Based on this examination, an ASTM shrinkage
RT level was assigned to each plate.
With regard to the x-ray ratings, it is important to bear in mind that the process of assigning
an ASTM RT level to an x-ray (for shrinkage, gas porosity or inclusions) is far from an exact
science. A study of the variability inherent in the current ASTM shrinkage x-ray rating
procedure for steel castings has recently been published by the present authors.[24] The
radiographs for most of the W/T = 2 plates mentioned above were used for the study. In all, 128
x-rays were used. Note, 128 x-rays does not imply 128 plates, as some plates had multiple xrays. These x-rays were sent to four different radiographers to be rated for shrinkage RT level.
Two of the radiographers rated the x-rays twice. This provided a total of seven ratings for each


x-ray (the six ratings just described, along with the original rating provided by the casting
foundry). A statistical analysis was performed on this data, and it was found that the average
variability involved in assigning an ASTM shrinkage x-ray level to an x-ray is about 1.4.
Furthermore, the variability for level 2 and level 3 x-rays is about 2.[24] Several factors that are
thought to contribute to this variability are mentioned. They include: comparing non-uniform
shrinkage patterns on production x-rays (e.g., centerline shrinkage) to the uniform patterns on the
ASTM standard radiographs; the requirement in the standards to prorate the size of the area of
interest in the production x-ray to the size of the standard; and the arbitrary selection of the size
of the area of interest (how much of the radiographically sound region around the defects should
be included in this area?).
As a final note regarding the casting trials, it should be mentioned that the experimental
results presented in this work differ slightly from preliminary results published in the
literature.[21,22] One source of discrepancy is that some of the original data was eliminated. The
W/T = 2 plates from one foundry were removed because the radiographs from this foundry were
of poor qualitythey were very dark, making defects difficult to detect. The W/T = 5.5 plates
from another foundry were removed from the data set because inadequate casting data was
gathered to accurately simulate these plates. Another source of discrepancy is that the shrinkage
x-ray ratings of the plates whose x-rays were used in the x-ray variability study discussed
above[24] were adjusted to reflect a consensus shrinkage rating. The average x-ray level among
the seven ratings for each x-ray was computed, and this value was rounded to the nearest integer.
Finally, due to obvious, large discrepancies between the shrinkage visible on the W/T = 10 x-rays
and their corresponding original shrinkage ratings, these x-rays were re-rated by another
radiographer, who rated them all twice. These re-ratings were more in line with what was visible
on the x-rays, so the original ratings were discarded, and the two re-ratings were averaged and
rounded up to determine the shrinkage x-ray levels.
Figure 3 shows the definition of the feeding length (FL) for plates. Another term that will
be used frequently in this paper is feeding distance (FD). Since they are easily confused, the
feeding distance (FD) and the feeding length (FL) are clearly defined in the context of the present
work to avoid confusion.
Feeding Distance: The feeding distance (FD) is the distance from the riser to the furthest point in
the casting over which the riser can provide feed metal resulting in a radiographically sound
casting. In the case of the SFSA guidelines, soundness is defined as Class I soundness at 2%
radiographic sensitivity.[18]
Feeding Length: As given in Figure 3 for the casting trial cases, the feeding length (FL) is the
distance from the riser to the furthest point in the casting. It is the length to be fed. It is purely
geometrical, and implies nothing about the soundness of the casting being fed.
The results of the casting trials are given in Figures 4, 5 and 6, which plot the feeding
lengths of the W/T = 2, 5.5 and 10 plates, respectively, against the resulting ASTM shrinkage xray level for each corresponding plate. The different hollow symbols indicate plates cast by
different foundries. When a number appears next to a symbol (or group of overlapping symbols),


this indicates the number of plates of that feeding length with the same x-ray level. The
shrinkage x-ray levels in these figures range from 0 to 5, where level 0 indicates that the plate
was radiographically sound (i.e., absolutely no indications visible on x-ray). While level 0 is not
a standard ASTM x-ray level, it is used in this study because it provides additional information.
Also shown in these figures are the mean x-ray level for each value of FL, as well as error bars
indicating one standard deviation. The mean values and error bars are not intended to provide
meaningful statistical data (the number of plates at each feeding length is generally small, and xray levels are quantized rather than continuous data), but rather they are provided to more clearly
indicate the trends in the data.
Figures 4 6 show that, as plate length increases, the average shrinkage x-ray level tends to
increase as well. An interesting feature of the casting trial results visible in these figures is the
spread of x-ray levels for a given feeding length. Notice that there are several instances in
Figures 4 6 where the x-ray levels at a given feeding length vary from level 0 to level 4, or from
level 1 to level 5. This is particularly evident for the longer feeding lengths. This scatter is
partially due to the variability in the casting process. Exact steel composition, pouring
temperature, pouring time, mold material, etc. varied from foundry to foundry. The effect of
such differences in the production setting is visible in the results shown in Figures 4 6; notice
that the variation in x-ray level at a given feeding length for any one foundry is generally smaller
than the total variation at that feeding length. Some casting parameters (e.g., pouring
temperature) even varied to some degree within a single foundry. Another factor contributing to
the scatter in x-ray level at a given feeding length is the variability inherent in assigning x-ray
levels to an x-ray (about 1.4 x-ray levels, on average), as was discussed earlier in this section.
A final cause of the scatter is the presence of gas porosity (of a spherical nature, and thus not
considered in the shrinkage rating) in some of these plates.


Based on the information given on the casting trial data sheets for the plates, simulations
were performed for each plate for which unique casting data was available, using the commercial
simulation software package MAGMASOFT.2 By using this detailed casting information as
input for the simulations, it was possible to account for the variability due to differences in
casting parameters from foundry to foundry (and from plate to plate). Simulation of the filling
process was included, to model the flow of the melt through the gating and into the castings, as
well as the cooling of the metal that occurs during this process. Steel chemistry was taken into
account in these detailed simulations, because it is known to have an effect on the Niyama
criterion. The effects of chemistry on the thermophysical properties of the steel, including the
liquidus and solidus temperatures ( Tl and Ts , respectively), were computed using the
interdendritic solidification computer software (IDS) developed by Miettinen et al.[25,26] The
variation with steel chemistry of the Niyama criterion results is due primarily to changes in the

Although MAGMASOFT[27] was used in this work to simulate the casting trials, a number of simulation packages
are available, and most of them are capable of calculating the Niyama criterion. In fact, the authors recently
performed a comparison between MAGMASOFT and AFSolid,[28] and determined that the Niyama values calculated
by these two packages for the same casting conditions are similar, provided that one takes care to ensure the Niyama
values are calculated in the same manner (e.g., evaluated at the same temperature), and that the values are converted
to the same units.[29]


liquidus and solidus temperatures for slightly different chemistries. These changes affect the
temperature at which the temperature gradient and cooling rate are computed. The values
computed with IDS were compared to the those for the appropriate steel from the
MAGMASOFT property database. In most cases, they were found to agree quite well, but when
the differences were large enough to affect the results, the IDS property values were used.
The simulations of the plate casting trials provided the distribution of the Niyama criterion
throughout the castings. An example of the Niyama value distribution in a typical plate is shown
in Figure 7. This is a simulation of a 7.62 cm by 15.2 cm by 68.6 cm (3 in. T by 6 in. W by 27 in.
L) plate, which is long enough to easily exceed the feeding distance for the riser. In the casting
trials, centerline shrinkage, of the type shown in Figure 1, was commonly found in plates with
these dimensions. Notice that, in both the top view (Figure 7(a)) and the side view (Figure 7(b)),
the lowest Niyama values (i.e., the darkest cells) are confined to the center of the plate. The
region with the lowest Niyama values corresponds very closely to the region where centerline
shrinkage occurs. This is further evidence of the ability of the Niyama criterion to detect
centerline shrinkage, as well as more general shrinkage porosity.
For each simulated plate, the minimum value of the Niyama criterion in the centralthickness cross-section [i.e., the plane one would see in a typical x-ray of the plate see Figure
7(a)] was determined for each simulation. In addition, the total area in that same cross-section
with Niyama criterion values below some critical value was also recorded for each simulation. It
is important to note that care must be taken when extracting Niyama values from simulation
results. For example, in the present study, it was necessary to turn off the postprocessors
interpolation function (which is set on by default in MAGMASOFT) in order to determine the
correct Niyama values for each metal cell of interest.
Figure 8 plots the minimum Niyama values of the W/T = 2 plates against the feeding length
of each plate. There is a very obvious trend of decreasing minimum Niyama values as the
feeding length increases (and hence plate soundness decreases). Analogous plots for the W/T =
5.5 and 10 plates look very similar to Figure 8; for this reason, they are not presented here.
Computational results such as those in Figure 8 can be combined with the experimental
results shown in Figures 4 6 by eliminating the feeding length from these figures and simply
plotting the ASTM shrinkage x-ray level determined for each plate versus the minimum Niyama
value resulting from the simulation of that plate. In other words, one can plot the measured
soundness, in terms of shrinkage x-ray level, against the predicted soundness, in terms of
minimum Niyama value. This is shown in Figure 9, which includes all 203 low alloy plates (W/T
= 2, 5.5 and 10) described in the previous section. The first noteworthy feature of this figure is a
definite tendency toward lower and lower minimum Niyama values as the x-ray level increases.
This trend is highlighted in the plot inset in the upper-right corner of Figure 9, which shows the
mean value of Nymin for plates having x-ray levels from level 1 to level 4. The mean values for
each x-ray level are shown with bars indicating the size of the range from minus one to plus one
standard deviation from the mean. This is an indication of the scatter of the values for plates
with a given x-ray level. No mean minimum Niyama values are given for level 0 or level 5
because the mean value for level 5 plates could be made almost arbitrarily small by casting a


large number of very long plates, and the mean value for level 0 plates could similarly be made
almost arbitrarily large by casting a large number of short plates. Note that the minimum Niyama
value asymptotes to zero as the x-ray level increases to level 5, and that the scatter in Nymin tends
to decrease as the x-ray level increases.
It is also apparent from Figure 9 that a plate with a relatively large value of Nymin will have a
low x-ray level. Note that almost all of the plates with a minimum Niyama value greater than 0.2
are level 1 or better, and most of the plates with Nymin > 0.1 are level 1 or better. The plates with
Nymin > 0.1 that have x-ray levels higher than level 1 are considered outliers; they are the result of
(1) the previously mentioned scatter in the experimental data that could not be accounted for in
the simulations, and (2) differences between the actual casting conditions and the values that
were recorded. As an example of the latter, if the recorded superheat was higher than the actual
superheat, the simulation would result in a plate more sound (hence, with a larger Nymin) than was
produced in the trials. It is evident that there is a transition, as the Niyama value decreases down
to somewhere around 0.1 to 0.2, from radiographically sound plates to unsound plates. For the
present study, it was desirable to define some threshold value to denote this transition. The value
chosen as the threshold is Nymin = 0.1. This value will be justified shortly.
While it is true that a relatively large Niyama value indicates that a plate will probably have
a low x-ray level, the converse is not true: a small value of Nymin does not necessarily imply that
the corresponding plate will have a high x-ray level. This is evident from the 27 plates in the
lower-left corner of Figure 9 that are level 1 or better, and yet have Nymin < 0.05. Although this
may appear troubling at first glance, it can be explained by considering Figure 9 in conjunction
with Figures 10 12. Figure 10 plots the shrinkage x-ray level of the W/T = 2 plates against the
area of these plates with Niyama criterion values below the threshold value of 0.1, measured
from the corresponding plate simulations [see Figure 7(a)]. Figures 11 and 12 are analogous
plots for the W/T = 5.5 and 10 plates, respectively. Figures 10 12 include the values for each
individual plate (numbers next to symbols indicate multiple plates with the same value), as well
as the mean area for all of the plates at each x-ray level plus/minus one standard deviation. As in
Figure 9, no mean values are given for level 0 or level 5 in these figures, because the mean areas
for these levels are rather arbitrary. An area of zero indicates that the minimum Niyama value is
greater than 0.1. Figures 10 12 show that, as the x-ray level of a plate increases, the area with
Niyama values less than 0.1 tends to increase as well. The standard deviation bars show that
there is a large amount of scatter in this data, however. By considering Figures 10 12, it can be
seen that the level 0 and level 1 plates in Figure 9 with Nymin < 0.1 generally had very small areas
with Niyama values less than 0.1. Thus, a small minimum Niyama value does not necessarily
imply that the plate should have a high x-ray level; if the area with Nymin < 0.1 is small, the plate
may still be radiographically sound.
It is desirable to correlate the area with Niyama values less than the 0.1 threshold to the
corresponding shrinkage x-ray level, but this is not a trivial process. Comparing Figures 10 12,
it is evident that these areas depend on W/T. For example, the mean value for the level 4 plates
in Figure 10 is 51.3 cm2, while the corresponding mean values from Figures 11 and 12 are 16.5
cm2 and 78.8 cm2, respectively. In an effort to remove this W/T dependence, simulations were
run to try to correlate the area of Niyama less than 0.1 from a given simulation to the geometry of


the plate. The geometry was characterized by the coefficient Csoundness, which is the feedinglength-to-thickness ratio (FL/T) for a plate with a given W/T divided by the feeding-distance-tothickness ratio (FD/T) for that value of W/T. Recall that FD is defined as the longest distance
over which a riser can supply feed metal to produce a radiographically sound casting, whereas FL
is simply the distance between the riser and the furthest point in the casting fed by this riser,
regardless of the soundness. Notice that, for a given plate, Csoundness simplifies to FL/FD, and
hence is simply a length ratio indicating the extent to which the feeding length exceeds the
feeding distance. The resulting correlations are shown in Figure 13. The hollow symbols
indicate the simulation results, with circles, triangles and diamonds representing the W/T = 2, 5.5
and 10 simulations, respectively. Note that all of these simulations were run for the same set of
base casting conditions: AISI 1025 steel in a furan sand mold, 60C superheat, and Nymin = 0.1
was used to determine the feeding distance. In other words, a series of plates were simulated in
which the plate length was slowly increased for a given W/T, and the feeding distance was
defined as the feeding length when Nymin = 0.1 was first reached. A value of Csoundness = 1
indicates that the feeding length is equal to the feeding distance. For each W/T, the area of
Niyama values less than 0.1 is zero for Csoundness = 1 because the Nymin = 0.1 threshold was used
to determine the feeding distance. Notice that there is a linear relationship between the results
from all of the plate lengths simulated for a given W/T, and that the slopes of the lines for the
three different W/T values are different. The linear relationship for a given W/T is not surprising;
considering the example Niyama plots shown in Figure 7, as the length of a simulated plate is
increased, the region with Ny < 0.1 simply gets correspondingly longer (i.e., it does not get
thicker or wider). Although Figure 13 was produced by simulating everything at the base casting
conditions listed above, these results are valid for other casting conditions as well. As long as
Csoundness is calculated by evaluating both FD/T and FL/T for the same casting conditions, these
linear relationships are still valid because the deviation from the base casting conditions is the
same in both the numerator and denominator. This was verified by running several simulations
with casting conditions different from the base conditions, and the resulting values of Csoundness
were in agreement with the linear relationships shown in Figure 13.
Finally, the areas shown in Figures 10 12 were mapped onto Figure 13 to determine the
corresponding value of Csoundness for each plate. This coefficient was then plotted against the
shrinkage x-ray level for that plate. The result is displayed in Figure 14. Notice that the W/T
dependence has been removed, which is evident from the intermingling of the W/T = 2, 5.5 and
10 data. The mean values of Csoundness are also included for x-ray Levels 1 4, with bars
indicating one standard deviation from the mean. Clearly, Csoundness increases with shrinkage xray level. However, there is a large amount of scatter in Csoundness for each x-ray level. This is
due to the scatter in the experimental data that was not accounted for by the simulations (i.e., the
uncertainty inherent in assigning a shrinkage x-ray level to an x-ray and the presence of spherical
gas porosity in some of the plates), and also to the differences between the recorded and actual
casting conditions during the casting trials. An important point to notice in Figure 14 is that, as
the x-ray level decreases toward level 0, the trend in mean x-ray level multipliers indicates a
mean value of around 1.0 for level 0. Recall from Figure 13 that a multiplier of 1.0 corresponds
to zero area of Niyama values below the threshold value of 0.1. This indicates that, in the mean,
radiographically sound plates have a minimum Niyama value greater than 0.1. On the other
hand, the mean value of Csoundness for level 1 is greater than 1.0. Thus, in the mean, level 1 plates


have a minimum Niyama value less than 0.1. This justifies the choice of Nymin = 0.1 as the
threshold value for the transition between radiographically sound and unsound.
Statistically speaking, one can expect about two-thirds of the data in Figure 14 to fall within
one standard deviation of the mean values. This information can be utilized to analyze the
results of a simulation, and get an idea about what x-ray level is likely to result from producing
the casting that was simulated, at the conditions used in the simulation. As a simple example,
assume that an analysis was performed on the simulation results for some arbitrary plate.
Assuming the feeding distance is known (Part II of this paper will provide equations and charts
necessary to determine feeding distances), one could calculate Csoundness simply by calculating the
feeding length for the plate and dividing by the feeding distance. Suppose that a value of
Csoundness = 1.35 was determined from this process. According to the data points shown in Figure
14, this could produce a plate with an x-ray rating anywhere between Level 1 and Level 5. One
could say, however, that there is a good chance (based on one standard deviation) that the plate
will be Level 2, 3 or 4. And if multiple plates are produced under these conditions, the plates
should, on average, be Level 3 or better. Although this figure cannot exactly pinpoint the x-ray
level based on simulation, it can give a range of likely x-ray levels, and this information can be
used to determine if changes must be made to the casting design to produce an acceptable
The relationships determined in Part I of this paper between ASTM shrinkage x-ray level
and both the minimum Niyama criterion value and the area with Ny < 0.1 will be utilized in Part
II to develop a new set of feeding distance guidelines for low alloy steel castings. It will be
shown that these new guidelines are frequently less conservative than previously published rules,
as well as being considerably more tailored to the casting conditions.


An extensive set of casting trials involving low alloy steel plates was conducted in order to
acquire a statistically meaningful set of experimental data relating the feeding lengths of cast
steel sections to their corresponding shrinkage x-ray levels. This experimental data was then
coupled with the results of corresponding numerical simulations in such a way that it was
possible to develop a correlation between the Niyama criterion and ASTM shrinkage x-ray level.
The results of this work indicate that, if the minimum Niyama value in a simulated cast steel
section is greater than 0.1 K1/2 s1/2 mm-1, the casting section should be radiographically sound.
As the x-ray level increases, the minimum Niyama value tends to decrease toward an asymptotic
limit of zero. A minimum Niyama value less than 0.1 does not necessarily indicate that the x-ray
level will be greater than level 1, however. When the minimum value is below 0.1, one can look
at the area in the cast section that has Niyama values less than 0.1. If this area is small (one or a
few computational cells), the casting may still be level 1 or better. The area of Ny < 0.1 tends to
increase as the x-ray level increases. This information was used to develop a soundness
coefficient, Csoundness. This coefficient can be computed knowing the geometry of the casting
section of interest and the feeding distance for a casting section with the same width-to-thickness
(W/T) ratio. Once this coefficient is determined, it is possible to get an idea of what the resulting
x-ray level of that casting section will be. The uncertainty seen in the results presented here is
thought to be due to three factors. In decreasing order of importance, they are: (1) the uncertainty

inherent in assigning a shrinkage x-ray level to a radiograph, (2) differences between recorded
and actual casting conditions in the casting trials, and (3) differences in the amount of gas (as
opposed to shrinkage) porosity in the casting trial plates. The correlations between the Niyama
criterion and ASTM shrinkage x-ray level developed in this paper were used to develop a new set
of guidelines for determining feeding distances for low alloy steel castings. The development of
these guidelines, as well as the guidelines themselves, are detailed in Part II of this paper.

This work was prepared with the support of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Award
No. DE-FC07-98ID13691. However, any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations
expressed herein are those of the authors, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the DOE.
We are indebted to Malcolm Blair and Raymond Monroe of the SFSA for their work in helping
organize the trials and recruiting members to participate. Most importantly, we thank the
participants in the plate casting trials for their substantial time and resource investment in all
aspects of the Yield Improvement Program. This work could not have been accomplished
without their shared efforts.

1. Yield in the Steel Casting Industry Literature Review and Industry Survey, Steel
Founders' Society of America Special Report No. 30, 1998.
2. C. Beckermann, X. Shen, J. Gu, and R.A. Hardin: A Computational Study of Feeding
Rules and Yield Improvement Techniques, 1997 SFSA Technical and Operating
Conference, 1997.
3. H.F. Bishop and W.S. Pellini: Am. Foundrymens Soc. Trans., 1950, vol. 58, pp. 185-197.
4. H.F. Bishop, E.T. Myskowski, and W.S. Pellini: Am. Foundrymens Soc. Trans., 1951, vol.
59, pp. 171-180.
5. E.T. Myskowski, H.F. Bishop, and W.S. Pellini: Am. Foundrymens Soc. Trans., 1952, vol.
60, pp. 389-400.
6. E.T. Myskowski, H.F. Bishop, and W.S. Pellini: Am. Foundrymens Soc. Trans., 1953, vol.
61, pp. 302-308.
7. R.E. Morey, H.F. Bishop, and W.S. Pellini: Am. Foundrymens Soc. Trans., 1955, vol. 63,
pp. 419-424.
8. H.F. Bishop, E.T. Myskowski, and W.S. Pellini: Am. Foundrymens Soc. Trans., 1955, vol.
63, pp. 271-281.
9. C.W. Briggs: Determination of the Factors Influencing Riser Efficiency Part II, The
Distance Risers Will Feed Uniformly Thick Sections, Steel Founders' Society of America
Research Report No. 30, Technical Research Committee Report, September 1953.
10. ASTM E186, 1998 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Volume 03.03: Nondestructive
Testing, American Society for Testing of Materials, 1998.


11. ASTM E446, 1998 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Volume 03.03: Nondestructive
Testing, American Society for Testing of Materials, 1998.
12. W.S. Pellini: Am. Foundrymens Soc. Trans., 1953, vol. 61, pp. 61-80.
13. W.D. Spiegelberg: M.S. Thesis, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, 1968.
14. W.D. Spiegelberg: Ph.D. Thesis, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, 1970.
15. R. Maier: M.S. Thesis, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, 1972.
16. W.P. Ghun: M.S. Thesis, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, 1974.
17. E. Niyama, T. Uchida, M. Morikawa, and S. Saito: Am. Foundrymens Soc. Int. Cast Met.
J., 1982, vol. 7 (3), pp. 52-63.
18. Risering Steel Castings, Steel Founders' Society of America, 1973.
19. G.K. Sigworth and C. Wang: Metall. Trans. B, 1993, vol. 24B, pp. 349-364.
20. M.C. Flemings: Solidification Processing, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1974, pp. 12 and 146154.
21. R.A. Hardin, S. Ou, K. Carlson, and C. Beckermann: Relationship Between Casting
Simulation and Radiographic Testing: Results from the SFSA Plate Casting Trials, 1999
SFSA Technical and Operating Conference, 1999.
22. R.A. Hardin, S. Ou, K. Carlson, and C. Beckermann: Am. Foundrymens Soc. Trans., 2000,
vol. 108, pp. 53-62.
23. ASTM E94, 1998 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Volume 03.03: Nondestructive
Testing, American Society for Testing of Materials, 1998.
24. K. Carlson, S. Ou, R.A. Hardin, and C. Beckermann: Int. J. Cast Metals Res., 2001, vol. 14
(3), pp. 169-183.
25. J. Miettinen: Metall. Trans. B, 1997, vol. 28B, pp. 281-297.
26. J. Miettinen and S. Louhenkilpi: Metall. Trans. B, 1994, vol. 25B, pp. 909-916.
27. MAGMASOFT, MAGMA GmbH, Kackerstrasse 11, 52072 Aachen, Germany.
28. AFSolid, AFS, Inc., 505 State Street, Des Plaines, Illinois, 60016, USA.
29. Development of a Methodology to Predict and Prevent Leaks Caused by Microporosity in
Steel Castings, Steel Founders' Society of America Research Report No. 110, 2001.


Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4
Figure 5
Figure 6
Figure 7
Figure 8
Figure 9
Figure 10
Figure 11
Figure 12
Figure 13
Figure 14

Radiograph of a small portion of a plate, illustrating centerline shrinkage (on the left
side of the figure) within an otherwise sound region.
Illustration of a plate-like casting with (b) and without (a) an adequate thermal
gradient to prevent formation of shrinkage porosity (adapted from [19]).
General configuration and nomenclature for the horizontal plate casting trials.
Casting trial results for the W/T = 2 [7.62 cm by 15.2 cm (3 in. T by 6 in. W)] plates:
soundness versus feeding length.
Casting trial results for the W/T = 5.5 [2.54 cm by 14.0 cm (1 in. T by 5.5 in. W)]
plates: soundness versus feeding length.
Casting trial results for the W/T = 10 [2.54 cm by 25.4 cm (1 in. T by 10 in. W)]
plates: soundness versus feeding length.
Niyama value distribution in a 7.62 cm by 15.2 cm by 68.6 cm (3 in. T by 6 in. W by
27 in. L) plate: (a) top view of central-thickness cross-section; (b) side view of
central-width cross-section.
Simulation results for the W/T = 2 [7.62 cm by 15.2 cm (3 in. T by 6 in. W)] plates:
minimum Niyama value versus feeding length.
ASTM shrinkage x-ray level versus minimum Niyama criterion value for the W/T =
2, 5.5 and 10 plates.
Casting soundness versus area of cells below Niyama criterion threshold value of 0.1
(K s)1/2/mm, for the W/T = 2 plates.
Casting soundness versus area of cells below Niyama criterion threshold value of 0.1
(K s)1/2/mm, for the W/T = 5.5 plates.
Casting soundness versus area of cells below Niyama criterion threshold value of 0.1
(K s)1/2/mm, for the W/T = 10 plates.
Relationship between area of small Niyama values and feeding-length-to-feedingdistance ratio for simulations run with base casting conditions.
X-ray level versus soundness multiplier for the W/T = 2, 5.5 and 10 plates.


1 cm

Figure 1

Radiograph of a small portion of a plate, illustrating centerline shrinkage (on the left
side of the figure) within an otherwise sound region.

(a) Thermal gradient is too shallow,

isolated pools of liquid are left
that will form shrinkage

(b) Thermal gradient is steep enough

to provide a tapered liquid pool to
feed the casting, no shrinkage

Angle of liquid pool

Figure 2

Illustration of a plate-like casting with (b) and without (a) an adequate thermal
gradient to prevent formation of shrinkage porosity (adapted from [19]).






gating system



Figure 3

General configuration and nomenclature for the horizontal plate casting trials.




ASTM Shrinkage X-Ray Level

W/T = 2

Foundry E (15 plates)

Foundry H (27 plates)
Foundry S (14 plates)
Mean X-Ray Levels +/- 1 Standard Deviation

















Feeding Length, FL (in.)

Figure 4

Casting trial results for the W/T = 2 [7.62 cm by 15.2 cm (3 in. T by 6 in. W)] plates: soundness versus feeding length.





ASTM Shrinkage X-Ray Level

W/T = 5.5

Foundry K (25 plates)
Foundry A (25 plates)
Foundry H (25 plates)
Mean X-Ray Levels +/- 1 Standard Deviation










Feeding Length, FL (in.)

Figure 5

Casting trial results for the W/T = 5.5 [2.54 cm by 14.0 cm (1 in. T by 5.5 in. W)] plates: soundness versus feeding length.




ASTM Shrinkage X-Ray Level

W/T = 10


Foundry K (20 plates)
Foundry A (20 plates)
Foundry H (20 plates)
Foundry W (12 plates)
Mean X-Ray Levels +/- 1 Standard Deviation








Feeding Length, FL (in.)

Figure 6

Casting trial results for the W/T = 10 [2.54 cm by 25.4 cm (1 in. T by 10 in. W)] plates: soundness versus feeding length.




Figure 7

Niyama value distribution in a 7.62 cm by 15.2 cm by 68.6 cm (3 in. T by 6 in. W by 27 in. L) plate: (a) top view of
central-thickness cross-section; (b) side view of central-width cross-section.

Foundry E (15 plates)
Foundry H (27 plates)
Foundry S (14 plates)

Minimum Ny Value (K1/2s1/2mm-1)






W/T = 2












Feeding Length, FL (in.)

Figure 8

Simulation results for the W/T = 2 [7.62 cm by 15.2 cm (3 in. T by 6 in. W)] plates:
minimum Niyama value versus feeding length.



W/T = 2 (56 plates)
W/T = 5.5 (75 plates)
W/T = 10 (72 plates)

ASTM Shrinkage X-Ray Level


Level 0:
Level 1:
Level 2:
Level 3:
Level 4:
Level 5:





X-Ray Level

33 plates
57 plates
32 plates
35 plates
28 plates
18 plates

Mean Minimum Niyama Values

+/- 1 Standard Deviation




TOTAL: 203 plates

1/2 1/2
Minimum Niyama Value (K s mm )










1/2 1/2




Minimum Niyama Criterion Value (K s mm )

Figure 9

ASTM shrinkage x-ray level versus minimum Niyama criterion value for the W/T = 2, 5.5 and 10 plates.


Foundry E (15 plates)
Foundry H (27 plates)
Foundry S (14 plates)
Mean Area +/- 1 Standard Deviation

ASTM Shrinkage X-Ray Level

W/T = 2




Level 0:
Level 1:
Level 2:
Level 3:
Level 4:
Level 5:



14 plates
13 plates
12 plates
9 plates
6 plates
2 plates

TOTAL: 56 plates










Area of Niyama Criterion Below 0.1 Threshold Value (cm2)

Figure 10 Casting soundness versus area of cells below Niyama criterion threshold value of 0.1 (K s)1/2/mm, for the W/T = 2 plates.


W/T = 5.5

ASTM Shrinkage X-Ray Level






Foundry K (25 plates)

Foundry A (25 plates)
Foundry H (25 plates)
Mean Area +/- 1 Standard Deviation


2 4

Level 0:
Level 1:
Level 2:
Level 3:
Level 4:
Level 5:

15 plates
21 plates
7 plates
7 plates
17 plates
8 plates

TOTAL: 75 plates








Area of Niyama Criterion Below 0.1 Threshold Value (cm2)

Figure 11 Casting soundness versus area of cells below Niyama criterion threshold value of 0.1 (K s)1/2/mm, for the W/T = 5.5 plates.


W/T = 10

ASTM Shrinkage X-Ray Level







Foundry K (20 plates)

Foundry A (20 plates)
Foundry H (20 plates)
Foundry W (12 plates)
Mean Area +/- 1 Standard Deviation



Level 0:
Level 1:
Level 2:
Level 3:
Level 4:
Level 5:


4 plates
23 plates
13 plates
19 plates
5 plates
8 plates

TOTAL: 72 plates

















Area of Niyama Criterion Below 0.1 Threshold Value (cm2)

Figure 12 Casting soundness versus area of cells below Niyama criterion threshold value of 0.1 (K s)1/2/mm, for the W/T = 10 plates.




W/T = 2 plates

W/T = 5.5 plates


Csoundness ={(FL/T)/(FD/T)}Base case


Base case conditions:

AISI 1025 steel
furan sand mold
60C superheat
Nymin = 0.1

W/T = 10 plates

















Area of Niyama Criterion Below 0.1 Threshold Value (cm2)

Figure 13 Relationship between area of small Niyama values and feeding-length-to-feeding-distance ratio for simulations run with
base casting conditions.


ASTM Shrinkage X-Ray Level










Level 0:
Level 1:
Level 2:
Level 3:
Level 4:
Level 5:

W/T = 2 (56 plates)
W/T = 5.5 (75 plates)
W/T = 10 (72 plates)
Mean X-ray Level Multiplier +/- 1 Standard Deviation







33 plates
57 plates
32 plates
35 plates
28 plates
18 plates

TOTAL: 203 plates










X-ray Level Multiplier, Csoundness

Figure 14 X-ray level versus soundness multiplier for the W/T = 2, 5.5 and 10 plates.







Attachment D: Development of New Feeding Distance

Rules Using Casting Simulation
Part II: The New Rules

Shouzhu Ou, Kent D. Carlson,

Richard A. Hardin and Christoph Beckermann1

Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

The University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242

Based on a correlation between the Niyama criterion and radiographic casting soundness
developed in Part I of this work, a new set of riser feeding distance rules is developed for low
alloy steel castings. These rules are designed to produce radiographically sound castings at 2%
sensitivity. Rules are provided for riser zone length, end zone length, end effect feeding distance
and lateral feeding distance for top risers, and feeding distance for side risers. In addition, the
relationships between the end zone length, riser zone length and the various feeding distances are
discussed. Multipliers are given to apply these rules with end chills and drag chills, and
multipliers are also provided to tailor these rules to different steel alloy compositions, sand mold
materials and pouring superheats. In comparison with previously published rules, the present
rules are shown to provide longer feeding distances in most casting situations.

Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Telephone: (319) 335-5681, FAX: (319) 335-5669, E-mail:



As computer technology continues to advance, computer simulation of the metal casting

process is becoming an increasingly popular tool. Through the use of simulation, foundries are
able to evaluate modifications to casting designs without having to actually produce the casting,
thus saving time, material resources and manpower. However, computer simulation must be
applied on a case-by-case basis, and its effective use requires expertise as well as accurate data
for many process variables. Furthermore, casting simulation does not provide the initial riser
design for a casting, nor does it automatically optimize the risering. Due to these limitations,
feeding rules are still widely used in the steel casting industry to determine the size and
placement of risers.
The development of feeding distance rules for steel castings began in the early 1950s. One
of the two major efforts involved in this early work was carried out at the Naval Research
Laboratory (NRL) by Pellini, Bishop and Myskowski.[1-4] They developed feeding distance rules
by analyzing the radiographic testing results of extensive plain carbon steel casting trials. Pellini
et al. define the feeding distance as the longest distance from the edge of the riser to the edge of
the casting that will result in a sound casting, where sound is defined as no visible shrinkage on
radiographs filmed at 1.5% sensitivity. The first published study from this work[1] involves
several different top-risered casting shapes: semi-circular plate castings of thickness T = 1.27 cm,
2.54 cm, 3.81 cm and 5.08 cm (0.5 in., 1 in., 1.5 in. and 2 in.); circular plate castings of thickness
T = 2.54 cm and 5.08 cm (1 in. and 2 in.); and rectangular plate castings of thickness T = 5.08 cm
(2 in.), with widths W ranging from 2T to 5T. The primary result of this study is that the feeding
distance for plates is equal to 4.5T, where plate is defined as W/T 3.[1] This feeding distance
of 4.5T is composed of two regions: 2.5T is made sound by the chilling effects of the edges of
the plate, where the casting meets the mold, and the remaining 2T (adjacent to the riser) is made
sound by the temperature gradient created by the riser itself. These two regions will be discussed
frequently in this paper, and are hereafter referred to as the end zone and riser zone, respectively.
Bishop and Pellini[1] note that, when the feeding distance is exceeded and shrinkage forms, it
occurs in the intermediate zone that develops between the riser and end zones, which remain
Next, Bishop et al.[2] reported a feeding distance rule for top-risered bars, where bar is
defined as W/T = 1 (i.e., W = T). This rule is based on 5.08 cm, 10.2 cm, 15.2 cm and 20.3 cm (2
in., 4 in., 6 in. and 8 in.) bars, cast both horizontally and vertically. The feeding distance for 5.08
cm to 15.2 cm (2 in. to 6 in.) bars, both horizontal and vertical, is given as 6 T in., where T is
in inches (units are significant, because the 6 has units of (in.)1/2; if T is in cm, the feeding
distance is 9.56 T cm). The feeding distance of horizontal 20.3 cm (8 in.) bars is a little
smaller than the value given by this rule, while the feeding distance of vertical 20.3 cm (8 in.)
bars is somewhat longer, due to convection current effects.[2]

The following year, Myskowski et al.[3] provided feeding distance rules for plates and bars
with end chills or drag chills. The end chill rules were based on 5.08 cm, 7.62 cm, 10.2 cm, 15.2
cm and 20.3 cm (2 in., 3 in., 4 in., 6 in. and 8 in.) bars, and W/T = 5 plates with thickness T =
2.54 cm, 5.08 cm, 7.62 cm and 10.2 cm (1 in., 2 in., 3 in. and 4 in.). The feeding distance for
bars is given as 6 T + T in., where T is in inches (= 9.56 T + T cm, with T in cm). The


feeding distance for plates with end chill is 4.5T + 2 in. (= 4.5T + 5.08 cm, with T in cm). These
values were obtained using end chills with chill thickness (dimension normal to chill surface) CT
= 0.5T for bars and CT = T for plates. These values of CT were chosen based on experiments
that indicated larger values than these did not significantly increase the feeding distance.[3] An
important point is brought out in this study regarding how end chills work: end chills increase the
feeding distance by increasing the length of the end zone; they have no effect on the riser zone.
In addition to the end chill experiments, drag chills were also evaluated for 5.08 cm and 7.62 cm
(2 in. and 3 in.) bars and plates (again with W/T = 5). CT = T was used for the bars, and CT = 2T
for the plates. Based on the experimental results, Myskowski et. al. conclude that adding a drag
chill essentially develops an artificial casting edge condition between the risers. In effect, this
divides the casting section at the midline between the risers into two sections, each being sound
over a distance from the midline essentially equivalent to that produced by an end chill at the end
of a casting with that cross-section.[3]
Finally, all of the feeding distance rules discussed above were summarized very concisely
by Pellini.[4] This work includes a summary of feeding distance experiments performed for
joined sections, which are sections of different thickness that are joined together.[5] The main
conclusion from that study is that joined sections tend to increase the feeding distance in the
thinner section and decrease the feeding distance in the thicker section. However, these effects
can be reversed if the difference in thickness is very large or very small.[5]
At about the same time the NRL casting trials were being performed for the work discussed
above, the Steel Founders Society of America (SFSA) conducted a separate set of plain carbon
steel casting trials to supplement the information produced by the NRL. For the SFSA trials,
feeding distance was again defined as the longest distance from the edge of the riser to the edge
of the casting that will result in a sound casting. However, the definition of sound used for
these trials was commercially sound; i.e., the radiographs of the castings (filmed at 2%
sensitivity) had to pass ASTM Class 2 radiographic standards, which allow a small amount of
shrinkage to be present.[6] For these trials, plates were cast with thickness T = 1.27 cm, 2.54 cm,
5.08 cm and 10.2 cm (0.5 in., 1 in., 2 in. and 4 in.), with W/T ranging from 14 to 48 for the 1.27
cm (0.5 in.) plates, from 2 to 24 for the 2.54 cm (1 in.) plates, from 2 to 13 for the 5.08 cm (2 in.)
plates, and W/T = 2 for the 10.2 cm (4 in.) plates. In addition, 2.54 cm, 5.08 cm and 10.2 cm (1
in., 2 in. and 4 in.) bars (W/T = 1) were cast as well. In addition to the SFSA casting trials, this
report also includes a description of the NRL trials discussed above,[1,2] and the results of both
sets of trials are summarized together.[6] The feeding distances for commercial soundness found
in the SFSA trials are given as follows: for W/T 3 (plates), the feeding distance is 12T for T
1.27 cm (0.5 in), and 6T for T = 2.54 cm and 5.08 cm (1 in. and 2 in.); for 1 < W/T < 3, the
feeding distance is 7T for T = 2.54 cm (1 in.), 6T for T = 5.08 cm (2 in.), and 5T for T = 10.2 cm
(4 in.); for W/T = 1 (bars), the feeding distance is 4.5T for T = 2.54 to 10.2 cm (1 to 4 in.). In
summarizing the NRL results, the standard feeding distance of 4.5T is listed for T = 2.54 cm and
5.08 cm (1 in. and 2 in.) plates, and 8T is listed for T = 1.27 cm (0.5 in.) plates. Finally, the
summary lists the NRL feeding distance for bars, 6 T in. ( 9.56 T cm), for 2.54 cm to 20.3 cm
(1 in. to 8 in.) bars. This is not entirely correct, however, as Bishop and Pellini[1] did not provide
results for 2.54 cm (1 in.) bars [the smallest bars were 5.08 cm (2 in.)].


The remainder of the feeding distance literature is based primarily on the work of Pellini et
Cech[7] summarizes the risering procedure for steel castings, and gives plots of end zone
and riser zone lengths as a function of casting thickness. He uses the values given by Pellini et
al.[1] for plates, but he defines a plate as having W/T 5, rather than W/T 3. He uses slightly
more conservative values than Pellini et al.[2] for bars. Then, he fills in the gaps between the bar
(W/T = 1) and plate (W/T = 5) curves in these figures with curves representing W/T values of 1.5,
2, 3 and 4. Wlodawer[8] repeats the riser zone and end zone length plots of Cech[7], and adds a
plot showing the sum of the riser and end zone lengths, which is simply the feeding distance.
Wlodawer also includes a figure summarizing the riser zone lengths, end zone lengths and
feeding distances for bars and plates, with and without chills, very similar to Figures 15, 16 and
24 in Pellini.[4]

In the 1960s, the concept of determining feeding distances numerically was investigated at
Case Western Reserve University by Spiegelberg,[9-10] Maier[11] and Ghun,[12] under the direction
of Professor J.F. Wallace. The idea of this work was that the solidification gradient could be
used to determine whether or not shrinkage porosity would form in a casting. Spiegelberg
theorized that if the solidification gradient near the end of solidification dropped below some
minimum value, shrinkage porosity would form. They determined the minimum value by
comparing their numerical results to the NRL casting trial results of Pellini et al.[1-4]
In 1973, the SFSA compiled the results of the NRL casting trials[1-5] together with the
numerical simulations performed at Case Western Reserve University,[9-12] into the handbook
Risering Steel Castings.[13] This handbook contains charts, nomographs, equations and
procedures useful for risering both low and high alloy steel castings; it is intended to assist
foundry engineers in the placement and sizing of risers on steel castings. There are a few
differences between definitions given in Risering Steel Castings and the definitions used in the
work on which this handbook was based. First, the handbook defines plate as W/T 2, rather
than W/T 3 as in [1-6]. Second, the feeding distance rules in this handbook were developed to
produce castings with ASTM Class 1 or better soundness at 2% radiographic sensitivity, rather
than radiographically sound castings at 1.5% sensitivity as in [1-5]. Third, the handbook
indicates that for top-risered plates, the feeding distance is defined as the distance from the riser
to the corner of the casting, rather than the casting edge as in the NRL and SFSA casting trials[16]
(it is still defined as in [1-6] for W/T < 2, however). The handbook definition of feeding
distance and the definition used in the NRL and SFSA casting trials[1-6] are shown in Figure 1 as
FD and FD*, respectively. However, when the handbook repeats the results of the casting trials
for 1.27 cm and 2.54 cm (0.5 in. and 1 in.) plates, it gives the same values stated in [1-6],
indicating that the same definition of feeding distance (FD*) was used. Also, when the
handbook gives feeding distance rules for plates, the values remain the same for all W/T 2.
Considering Figure 1, this means that for a given T, FD would remain constant as W increases.
Ruddle[14] published another risering handbook in 1979, which includes some of the feeding
distance information contained in Risering Steel Castings.[13] However, he reverts to the
definition of feeding distance as the distance from the riser edge to the edge of the casting (FD*
in Figure 1). Ruddle lists feeding distances for casting sections with end effect, lateral feeding,
end chills and drag chills, for thicknesses ranging from 5.08 cm to 50.1 cm (2 in. to 20 in.), along
with equations for bars, plates (W/T = 2), and rectangular sections with W/T = 1.33 and 1.67.


Some of the equations he lists are identical to those in [13], and some result in feeding distances
that are very similar to the values given in [13]. However, there are a few differences: for T
38.1 cm (15 in.), Ruddles values for drag chill feeding distances in plates are 5 8% longer than
those in [13], and his values for end chill feeding distances in bars are 4 7% shorter than those
in [13]; most notably, though, Ruddles value for end chill feeding distance in plates is 8% lower
for T = 25.4 cm (10 in.) than the value in [13], and decreases as T increases until it is 26% lower
for T = 50.8 cm (20 in.). Finally, the feeding distance information in Ruddles handbook was
repeated by Wukovich,[15] in a paper that re-examines feeding distance in steel.
Feedback from the steel casting industry indicates that the feeding distance rules discussed
thus far, while adequate, are often too conservative. The objective of the present study is to
develop a new set of feeding distance rules that more accurately predict the feeding distance,
thus removing these excessively conservative predictions, which in turn will increase casting
yield. In Part I of this paper, a methodology was established to numerically determine feeding
distances in steel castings through the use of the Niyama criterion, which is a local thermal
parameter defined as G / T& , where G is the temperature gradient and T& is the cooling rate.
The Niyama criterion, originally proposed by Niyama et al.,[16] is discussed in detail in Part I.
By comparing radiographic testing (RT) casting soundness results from an extensive set of plate
casting trials with Niyama criterion values computed from simulations corresponding to each
casting trial, a correlation was found between casting soundness and the minimum Niyama
criterion value. It was determined that, if the minimum Niyama value of a casting section is
greater than 0.1 K1/2s1/2mm-1, the section will be radiographically sound (i.e., no shrinkage
visible on x-ray). Further, if a section is unsound, shrinkage is likely to occur in regions where
the Niyama criterion for that casting section is below the threshold value. Once this correlation
was established, a large number of simulations were performed in order to determine feeding
distances for a wide variety of casting conditions. The feeding distance rules resulting from this
work are presented in this paper.


For the present study, the feeding distance (FD) is defined as the maximum distance a riser
can feed a casting section such that the section remains free of visible shrinkage porosity (i.e.,
resulting in a radiographically sound casting section). The distance is measured from the edge of
the riser to the furthest point in the casting section fed by that riser. This is illustrated for a plate
with a top riser in Figure 1 (FD, rather than FD*), and for a plate with a side riser in Figure 2.
When multiple risers are present, the feeding that occurs between the risers is called lateral
feeding. The lateral feeding distance (LFD) is again the maximum distance over which a single
riser can supply feed metal. If one would draw a line separating the casting section to be fed by
a riser and the section to be fed by an adjacent riser, LFD is then the distance from the edge of
the riser to the furthest point in the casting along this line. This is illustrated in Figure 3, along
with an alternate definition, LFD*, that is consistent with FD* shown in Figure 1.
Another way to explain how feeding distances are measured is to draw a circle centered
about the riser with a radius equal to the feeding distance plus the riser radius (see Figures 1 3).
Then the casting section inside the circle is fed by that riser. For multi-risered castings (such as
in lateral feeding), the circles must overlap such that all sections of a casting are inside these

There are two terms that are important to understand when considering feeding distances:
riser zone and end zone. Since the riser remains hotter than the casting section to be fed, it
provides a temperature gradient that facilitates feeding. The length over which this riser effect
acts to prevent shrinkage porosity is called the riser zone length (RZL), which is measured
radially outward from a riser. This is illustrated for a top riser in Figure 4. The cooling effect of
the mold at the end of a casting section also provides a temperature gradient along the length of
the casting section to be fed. This is called the end effect, and it produces a sound casting over
the so-called end zone length (EZL), which is measured normal to the end of a casting section.
This is depicted in Figure 5. The feeding distances, FD and LFD, are functions of RZL and EZL;
riser zone and end zone lengths are discussed in the next section, and feeding distances are
discussed in Section 4.


Riser zones and end zones are regions that are free of shrinkage porosity because a thermal
gradient exists in these regions that promotes directional solidification and facilitates feeding
flow. By comparing the Niyama criterion values from simulation to the threshold value for
radiographic soundness discussed earlier, it was possible to determine the size of riser zones and
end zones for a wide range of width-to-thickness ratios, W/T. The results are given in Figure 6,
which shows the normalized riser zone length RZL/T and end zone length EZL/T as functions of
the normalized section width W/T. The curves in Figure 6 are valid for the casting conditions
listed in the inset (see also Section 4). Notice that, as W/T increases from 1, both of these curves
initially increase and then plateau at their respective maximum values at around W/T = 7.
Fourth-order polynomial curve fits of RZL/T and EZL/T for W/T < 7 are given in the Appendix.
Considering first the EZL/T curve, the thermal gradient created by the mold for large W/T (i.e.,
W/T > 7) extends a distance EZL/T = 4.2 into the casting. As W/T decreases below 7, however,
EZL/T begins to decrease. This can be explained by considering that there are actually three end
zones acting on the casting section shown schematically above the EZL/T curve in Figure 6. The
end zone labeled in this figure extends from the right edge of the casting, but there are also end
zones extending from both sides (i.e., the top and bottom edges in this figure) in the width
direction. The directional solidification created by these side end zones causes solidification
fronts to move from the sides into the casting, just as the right end zone causes a solidification
front to move from the right edge into the casting. As W/T decreases below 7, the solidification
fronts extending from the sides begin to meet at the centerline before the solidification front
extending from the right edge can travel the entire end zone length. When the solidification
fronts extending from the sides meet, they cut off feeding flow to the right end zone, and
effectively reduce the size of that end zone. This causes the decrease seen in EZL/T as W/T
approaches 1. The decrease in RZL/T can be similarly explained: for small W/T, the end zones
extending from the sides in the width direction of the casting section meet at the centerline and
effectively reduce the size of the riser zone. For W/T > 7, the riser zone length is simply given by
RZL/T = 3.05, which is independent of the riser diameter.
By utilizing the riser zone and end zone concepts, it is possible to determine whether or not
a casting section fed by a riser will be sound, as well as where porosity will form if the casting
section is not sound. This is shown in the following subsections for (1) a top riser feeding a


casting section that ends in the mold, (2) lateral feeding between top risers, and (3) a casting
section fed by a side riser.
3.1 Top-Risered Casting Section Ending in the Mold

Figures 7 and 8 illustrate two different situations involving a top riser feeding a casting
section that ends in the mold. Figure 7 depicts the case when the casting section width W is less
than or equal to twice the size of the end zones extending from the sides in the width direction of
the casting section (i.e., W 2EZL2). It should be noted that the end zone lengths EZL1 and EZL2
can be different, because they are functions of the length of the casting-mold interface from
which they originate. Thus, EZL1 is a function of W, and EZL2 is a function of the length of the
side edges of the section shown (not labeled). Figure 7a shows a sound casting section. The
only regions of this casting section that do not lie within either the riser zone or the end zone
extending from the right edge of this casting section (i.e., EZL1) are the regions between the
dashed lines (one above the centerline and one below). But these regions lie within the end
zones extending from the side edges in the width direction of the casting section. Hence, the
entire casting section not beneath the riser is covered by a riser zone or an end zone, and the
casting section is sound. Figure 7b shows that, if the distance between the riser and the right
edge of the casting section is increased, shrinkage porosity will result along the centerline
between the riser zone and the end zone extending from the right edge of the casting. It may
seem that this casting section should be sound, because the entire section lies within either the
riser zone, the end zone extending from the right edge, or the end zones extending from the side
edges. However, due to the directional solidification caused by the end zones extending from the
side edges of the casting section, solidification fronts will advance from the side edges toward
the centerline. These fronts will meet at the centerline, and feed metal from the riser zone to the
end zone extending from the right edge of the casting section will be cut off. This will result in
the centerline shrinkage porosity shown in Figure 7b.
Figure 8 illustrates the case when the width W of a casting section is greater than twice the
size of the end zones extending from the side edges of the casting section shown (i.e., W >
2EZL2). Figure 8a depicts a sound casting. Again, the entire casting section not directly beneath
the riser lies within a riser zone or an end zone. Figure 8b shows the onset of shrinkage porosity
as the distance from the riser to the right edge of the casting section increases beyond the
maximum distance for a sound casting shown in Figure 8a. Note that, when W > 2EZL2, the
shrinkage porosity begins to form in the two small regions not covered by an end zone or riser
zone, rather than along the centerline as in the case depicted in Figure 7 when W 2EZL2.
Figures 8c and 8d show how the shrinkage porosity regions grow and eventually merge into one
region as the distance between the riser and the right edge of the casting section continues to
increase. An important difference between the cases depicted in Figures 7 and 8 can be seen by
comparing Figures 7a and 8c. Note that these two figures are similar, since the end zone
extending from the right edge of the casting is tangent to the riser zone in both figures.
However, due to the difference in casting section width W in these two figures, Figure 7a results
in a sound casting, while Figure 8c results in shrinkage porosity.
Two numerical examples that illustrate some of the phenomena just described for casting
sections that end in the mold are provided in Figures 9 and 10. These figures contain mid-plane
cross-sectional Niyama plots from simulations of two top-risered plates with the same width and


thickness, but two different lengths. Figure 9 shows Niyama values for a 7.62 cm by 15.2 cm by
52.6 cm (3 in. T by 6 in. W by 20.7 in. L) plate. Notice that there are no Niyama values in the
plate with a value below 0.1 (the darkest cells in the middle of the plate have values of Ny =
0.104). By the criterion developed in Part I of this paper, this plate is radiographically sound,
since Nymin > 0.1. However, if the plate is made any longer, this minimum Niyama value will
decrease, and will drop below 0.1. Thus, the plate shown in Figure 9 corresponds to the longest
sound plate that can be cast with the casting conditions used. The end zone and riser zone
lengths for this plate can be determined from Figure 6, using the values for W/T = 2. This results
in RZL/T = 2.07 and EZL/T = 2.83; these lengths are shown in Figure 9. Excluding the portion
that is directly under the riser, the plate has a length of 4.9T, which is exactly the sum of EZL and
RZL. In other words, the situation shown in Figure 9 corresponds to Figure 7a, where the riser
zone and the end zone meet at a point of tangency. If the plate is made longer, the point where
Ny would first drop below 0.1 (and hence where one would expect shrinkage to begin to
develop) is where Nymin (= 0.104) occurs in Figure 9; i.e., when the plate length exceeds the sum
of the riser zone and end zone lengths, shrinkage will occur in the region between these zones.
This is clearly seen in Figure 10, which contains Niyama plots for a 7.62 cm by 15.2 cm by 68.6
cm (3 in. T by 6 in. W by 27 in. L) plate. Note that the scale for the Niyama criterion is different
than in the preceding figure. In Figure 10, only cells with a Niyama value below the 0.1
threshold are shaded. Therefore, the shaded cells represent the region in the plate where
shrinkage is expected to occur. This figure corresponds very well to Figure 7b, with the
shrinkage region confined to the centerline of the plate, between the riser zone and end zone.
Notice that there is a little overlap between the shrinkage region in Figure 10 and the riser zone.
This was also noted by Pellini et al., who state that the riser zone length is only equal to the rule
value (2T, in their work) for sound plates; if shrinkage occurs, the shrinkage region will extend
closer to the riser, and the riser zone length will be reduced.[1,4]
3.2 Lateral Feeding in a Top-Risered Casting Section

Different examples of top-risered lateral feeding are presented in Figures 11 13. Figure 11
illustrates the case when the casting section width W is less than or equal to twice the size of the
end zones extending from the side edges in the width direction of the casting section (i.e., W
2EZL). Figure 11a shows a sound casting. The riser zones are tangent to each other,
encompassing all of the casting section except for the areas between the dashed lines. These
areas fall within the end zones that extend from the side edges of the casting section shown in
Figure 11a. When the distance between risers increases, as in Figure 11b, the riser zones do not
intersect. Similar to the situation shown in Figure 7b, the solidification fronts advancing from
the side edges of the casting section in Figure 11b meet at the centerline, and cut off feeding
from the riser zones. This results in the centerline shrinkage shown in Figure 11b. Figure 12
depicts the case when the width W of a casting section is greater than twice the size of the end
zones extending from the side edges of the casting section shown (i.e., W > 2EZL). Figure 12a
shows a sound casting. Again, the entire section lies beneath a riser, or in a riser zone or an end
zone. When the distance between the risers is increased, shrinkage porosity begins to form in the
casting in the regions not covered by riser zones or end zones. This is illustrated in Figure 12b.
Analogous to Figure 8, the regions of shrinkage porosity grow and merge as the distance
between risers continues to increase, as seen in Figures 12b 12d. Note that Figures 11a and
12c are similar, since in both figures the riser zones are tangent to each other. However, due to
the difference in widths, the casting in Figure 11a is sound, while the casting in Figure 12c has


shrinkage porosity. Figure 13 shows the case when there are no end effects in the region of
interest. In order for the casting to be sound, the casting section between all of the risers must lie
within one or more riser zones. This is shown in Figure 13a. Figures 13b and 13c show where
shrinkage porosity first occurs, and how this region grows as the risers are placed further apart.
A numerical example of the riser zone and end zone concepts, as they apply to lateral
feeding, is given in Figure 14. This figure contains mid-plane cross-sectional Niyama plots for a
7.62 cm by 99.1 cm by 183 cm (3 in. T by 39 in. W by 72 in. L) plate with lateral feeding
between two top risers. As in Figure 10, only cells with Niyama values below the 0.1 threshold
are shaded, so the shaded region corresponds to where shrinkage is expected. Figure 14a shows
that the shrinkage region is still confined to the mid-thickness plane of the plate. However,
Figure 14b shows that, because W > 2EZL, the shrinkage is not centerline shrinkage, such as in
Figure 10. Rather, this shrinkage region looks quite similar to the one shown in Figure 12d.
Because of the thermal symmetry that occurs at the midpoint between risers, simulations will
always result in a Niyama value of about zero between two risers in lateral feeding, regardless of
how close the risers are to each other (recall that the numerator of the Niyama criterion is the
temperature gradient G, which has a value of zero in areas of thermal symmetry). However, this
only affects the middle column of cells between the risers.
It is worth noting that, due to this limitation in the use of the Niyama criterion to determine
soundness between two risers, the lateral feeding distance rules presented in the next section
were not simply determined by simulating plates with two top risers, as in Figure 14. Instead,
lateral feeding distances were determined by simulating single top-risered plates. To understand
the methodology used, consider Figures 9 and 11a. In Figure 11a, note that for a given W and
DR, if W 2EZL, then RZL is the only other length necessary to determine the lateral feeding
distance, LFD (defined in Figure 3). Thus, when the maximum plate length that yields a sound
plate is determined (as in Figure 9), RZL for this situation is known, and LFD can be computed.
In other words, if one were to cut off the end zone in Figure 9 and mirror the remaining casting
about the cutting plane, the result would be the situation shown in Figure 11a. This procedure
also works if W > 2EZL.
Based on the cases presented in Figures 7, 8, 11, 12 and 13, it can be stated that a casting
section will be sound provided that ALL THREE of the following conditions are met:
(1) The entire casting section not directly beneath a riser must lie within either a riser zone or an
end zone.
(2) If two or more end zones intersect, their point(s) of intersection must lie on or within the
boundary of a riser zone.
(3) If two or more riser zones intersect and end effects are present in the region, the point(s) of
intersection of the riser zones must lie on or within the boundary of an end zone.
For example, consider Figure 7. The end zones extending from the side edges of this casting
section meet at the centerline (not shown). Hence, these end zones share a common boundary,
which is the centerline of the casting section. The intersection between this boundary and the
boundary of the end zone extending from the right edge of the casting section is the midpoint of
the vertical dashed end zone boundary line shown in Figure 7. In Figure 7a, this intersection is
the point where the riser zone and the end zone extending from the right edge meet. Hence,

conditions (1) (3) listed above are satisfied, and the casting section is sound. In Figure 7b, the
intersection of the end zones is outside the riser zone. Condition (2) is violated, and shrinkage
porosity develops.
3.3 Side-Risered Casting Sections

Although the discussion of riser zones and end zones to this point has been limited to toprisered sections, these concepts can also be considered in terms of side risers. The concept of
end zones is the same as for top risers, because end zones are only a function of the casting/mold
interface, and not of risers. However, the concept of a riser zone is slightly different, because
side risers do not feed radially in all directions like top risers, and there are competing effects
between the riser zone and the end zones adjacent to the riser. Figure 15 shows an example of a
casting that is fed with a side riser. This casting has at least part of all four of its sides in contact
with the mold, so there are four end zones present. The end zones extending from the right and
left sides in Figures 15a and 15b are functions of the length L, and the end zones extending from
the upper and lower sides are functions of the width W. The riser zone drawn in Figures 15a and
15b is approximate. As mentioned above, side risers do not feed the casting in the same manner
as top risers. With side risers, some of the feed metal entering the casting moves radially (as
with top risers). However, feed metal also has to turn corners to feed the casting on the right and
left sides of the riser contact. In addition, the thermal gradient created by the hotter metal in the
riser is competing with the cooling effects of the mold on the edges of the casting near the riser
contact. Due to these differences between side riser feeding and top riser feeding, the riser zone
can only be approximated as a circular arc, as depicted in Figure 15. However, the basic
concepts are still useful and valid.
The casting section shown in Figure 15a is sound. The intersections of the end zones fall on
the riser zone, and the entire casting is covered by a riser zone or an end zone. Thus, the three
conditions listed in Section 3.2 are satisfied. Figure 15b shows that as the width W is increased,
the intersections of the end zones move outside of the riser zone. As in Figures 7 and 11,
shrinkage porosity forms along the horizontal centerline between the riser zone and the
intersections of the end zones.
Analogous to Sections 3.1 and 3.2, a wide range of geometries can also be considered for
side risers, using the same procedures demonstrated thus far in this section. When considering
the soundness of side-risered casting sections in terms of RZL and EZL, the curves given in
Figure 6 can be utilized, but the values of RZL should be considered approximate.


The feeding distance, measured from the edge of a riser to the furthest point in the casting
section, indicates the length of a casting section that can be fed by that riser without developing
visible shrinkage defects in radiographic testing (i.e., better than ASTM shrinkage x-ray level
1). As shown in Figures 1 3, the concept of a feeding distance is most easily applied by
drawing a circle centered about a riser, with a radius equal to the feeding distance plus the riser
radius. Then, the casting section inside this circle is fed by that riser.
The feeding distance rules presented in this section were developed for casting sections with
thickness, T, ranging from 2.54 cm to 30.5 cm (1 in. to 12 in.). For thin casting sections [i.e.,

less than 2.54 cm (1 in.) thick], the feeding distance becomes highly dependent on the filling
process.[13] If a thin section is gated through the riser, feeding distances nearly twice as long as
those predicted with rules for thicker sections have been reported.[1] Bearing the effects of filling
in mind, the feeding rules provided here can be used for thin sections, but they will give an
overly conservative estimate of the feeding distance in many instances.
Sections 4.1 to 4.5 provide equations and charts that can be used to calculate the feeding
distance for a casting section with given dimensions. Top risers, side risers and different end
cooling conditions (regular end effect, lateral feeding, and chills) are considered. The feeding
distances discussed here are valid for the following base casting conditions:
AISI 1025 steel,
PUNB (furan) sand mold,
140F (60C) pouring superheat.
Application of these feeding distances to sections cast with different alloy compositions, molding
materials, and pouring superheats is explained in Section 4.5. As with the RZL/T and EZL/T
curves in the previous section, fourth-order polynomial curve fits are provided in the Appendix
for the curves given in this section.
4.1 Top Riser With End Effect

Feeding distances for top-risered sections with end effect are given graphically by the curve
in Figure 16, where FD/T is plotted against W/T. By dividing FD and W by the thickness T (the
dimension into the page for the casting sketch shown in Figure 16), a single curve can be used to
represent the feeding distances for all section thicknesses in the range being considered. This is
more clearly seen in Figure 17, which shows the simulation results on which the curves in
Figures 6 and 16 are based. The curves given in Figures 6 and 16 were generated using the
average values at each W/T for casting sections with thicknesses ranging from 2.54 cm to 30.5
cm (1 in. to 12 in.). The feeding distance curve for end effect given in Figures 16 and 17
terminates at a W/T value of about 15. For larger W/T, the width of the section becomes larger
than its length (for a standard riser diameter), and the two can be switched around.
The general relationship between the riser zone and end zone lengths and the feeding
distance can be seen by comparing Figures 6 and 16. Consider, for example, W/T = 1. For small
W/T, the largest sound casting section corresponds to Figure 7a, where the riser zone is tangent to
the end zone. Because W is small, FD is approximately equal to the distance along the centerline
from the riser edge to the right edge of this casting, which is simply RZL + EZL. From Figure 6,
the values of RZL/T and EZL/T for W/T = 1 are 1.65 and 2.05, respectively. Their sum is 3.7,
which is about the value of FD/T for W/T = 1 in Figure 16. As W/T increases, RZL/T and EZL/T
increase until about W/T = 7, where they reach their maximum values and then remain constant.
FD/T increases slightly faster than the sum of RZL/T and EZL/T from W/T = 1 to W/T = 7.
Beyond W/T = 7, FD/T continues to increase with W/T, even though RZL/T and EZL/T remain
constant. This is because FD/T is the diagonal distance from the riser to the furthest corner of
the casting section, and since W/T continues to increase, so does FD/T. Once W/T is larger than
2(EZLmax/T) = 8.4, the largest sound casting section corresponds to Figure 8a. Again, as W/T
continues to increase, so does FD/T. This occurs until about W/T = 15, where FD/T reaches its
maximum value of about 9.0.


A comparison between the present rule for feeding distance and previously published
feeding distance rules is provided in Figure 18. Note that all of the previously published feeding
distance rules shown in Figure 18 used FD* (see Figure 1) as the feeding distance, rather than
FD as in the current work. To compare these values, the feeding distances were converted from
FD* to FD, which requires knowledge of the riser diameter DR. Since the riser dimensioning
guidelines provided by the SFSA[13] were used to size the risers for the casting trials and the
simulations used to develop the current rules, these guidelines were also used to convert the
feeding distances for these comparisons. The filled circles shown for W/T = 1 are simply values
determined from Pellinis feeding distance rule for bars,[4] FD* = 9.56 T cm (= 6 T in.).
Pellinis rule for bars was also given in [6] and [8]. The new rule (solid curve) has a value at
W/T = 1 close to Pellinis value for T = 7.62 cm (3 in.). The dashed curve labeled T = 1 in. is
Pellinis feeding distance rule for plates,[4] FD* = 4.5T, also frequently repeated by other
researchers. According to Risering Steel Castings,[13] this curve is valid for T = 2.54 cm (1 in.)
plates (W/T 2); it is valid for plates (W/T 3) of any thickness according to Pellini[4] and
Briggs,[6] and for plates (W/T 5) of any thickness according to Cech[7] and Wladower[8] (below
W/T = 5, this curve branches into different curves for different thicknesses,[7,8] connecting to W/T
= 1 values that are a bit more conservative than those shown in this figure). The dashed curves
for T = 5.08 cm, 7.62 cm, 15.2 cm and 30.5 cm (= 2 in., 3 in., 6 in. and 12 in.) are originally from
Risering Steel Castings,[13] later reproduced by Ruddle[14] and Wukovich.[15] The reason the
curve labeled T = 1 in. lies between the curves T = 3 in. and T = 6 in., rather than above
the curve labeled T = 2 in., is that the T = 1 in. curve was developed to produce
radiographically sound castings, while the other dashed curves were developed to produce
ASTM Class 1 or better castings. Notice that, under almost all conditions, the new rule (which
was developed to produce radiographically sound castings) gives longer feeding distances than
previously published rules, including the SFSA rules that were developed for ASTM Class 1
castings. The new rule feeding distances for plates are on the order of 1T 2T longer than those
of Pellini.[4] The new rule produces nearly the same value as the SFSA curve[13] for T = 7.62 cm
(3 in.) at W/T = 2, and a similar value to the SFSA curve for T = 5.08 cm (2 in.) at W/T = 1. For
W/T 3, the new rule produces longer values than all the SFSA rules shown. Because of the
thickness dependence of the SFSA rules, the improvement in feeding distance with the new rule
becomes more pronounced as the thickness increases.
4.2 Lateral Feeding (Feeding Between Top Risers)

The normalized lateral feeding distance for top risers, LFD/T, is plotted as a function of the
width-to-thickness ratio W/T in Figure 19. For relatively small values of W/T, the lateral feeding
distance is equal to about 48% of the end effect feeding distance, i.e.

T lateral
T end effect

, for W/T 7


This equation is approximately valid to up to about W/T = 7. Note that division by the thickness
T in the above equation is not necessary, since T cancels out. It is simply included to make the
multiplier above (0.48) easier to use with the various equations and figures where FD/T is
correlated or plotted. It should be noted that there is a slight riser diameter dependence in the


LFD/T curve shown in Figure 19. The effect is small up to about W/T = 7. But for larger values
of W/T, this curve can be in error by a few percent, depending on the riser diameter used. Again,
the riser diameters used to develop this curve were chosen based on SFSA risering guidelines.[13]
When there are no end effects in the lateral feeding region under consideration (for example, see
Figure 13, with four risers), the width W is not relevant. For this special case, the lateral feeding
distance is simply equal to the maximum riser zone length value of 3.05T. This information is
given in the sketch inset in the lower right portion of Figure 19.
Figure 20 provides a comparison between the new lateral feeding distance rule and
previously published rules. Analogous to the feeding distance comparison shown in Figure 18, it
was necessary to convert the previously published rules for lateral feeding distance from LFD*
to LFD, where LFD and LFD* are defined in Figure 3. The filled triangles at W/T = 1 are from
Pellini.[4] Similar to the new rule for FD, the new rule for LFD (solid curve) at W/T = 1 agrees
well with Pellinis value for T = 7.62 cm (3 in.). The SFSA lateral feeding distance rule is
shown for T = 5.08 cm, 7.62 cm, 15.2 cm and 30.5 cm (= 2 in., 3 in., 6 in. and 12 in.).[13-15] This
rule indicates a slight decrease in LFD/T as T increases, much less pronounced than the decrease
in the SFSA rule for FD/T as T increases, shown in Figure 18. Pellinis lateral feeding distance
rule, LFD* = 2T,[4] is also shown; it lies between the SFSA curves labeled T = 2 in. and T = 3
in. Again, this rule is repeated by Cech[7] and Wlodawer,[8] who state that it is valid for W/T
5, below which it branches out into curves for different thicknesses that decrease to slightly more
conservative values at W/T = 1 than those shown in Figure 20. Quite similar to the trend seen for
the new FD rule, the new LFD rule provides longer lateral feeding distances than previously
published rules in almost every situation, regardless of whether the previous rules were designed
to produce completely sound castings,[4,7,8] or ASTM Class 1 or better castings.[13-15] The
improvement is on the order of 0.5T 1T over Pellinis rule and the SFSA rule for T = 5.08 cm
(2 in.), with larger improvements over the SFSA rule as T increases.
4.3 Side Riser With End Effect

The normalized feeding distance, FD/T, for side-risered casting sections (see Figure 2) is
plotted in Figure 21 as a function of the width-to-thickness ratio, W/T. Note that, unlike FD/T
for top risers shown in Figure 16, the feeding distance for side risers cannot be given by a single
curve. Instead, FD/T in Figure 21 is also a function of the normalized riser diameter, DR/T. This
is due in part to the more complicated nature of feeding with a side riser, because the feed metal
must turn corners at the riser/casting junction instead of simply moving along straight, radial
paths. Another contributing factor is simply the geometric dependence of FD on the riser size.
The curve in Figure 21 labeled Feeding Distance for W = DR is an important limiting case.
When W = DR, the side-risered casting reduces to a top-risered casting with the riser placed at
one end, as shown in the sketch at the top of Figure 21. In this limiting case, FD/T for side risers
is the same as FD/T for top-risers. In other words, the W = DR curve is simply the FD/T curve
from Figure 16. The dash-dot-dotted lines shown in Figure 21 represent lines of constant
normalized length, L/T. If the feeding distance, riser diameter, and casting section width are
known, the casting section length can be calculated from
L = ( 0.5DR + FD)2 0.25W 2 0.5D R



These L/T lines are included to give some feeling of how the casting length changes with the
other parameters involved in this plot.
The curves in Figure 21 for DR/T = 1, 2 and 4 look complicated, but can be readily
understood by following one of these curves, beginning from the limiting case just described.
Consider, for example, the curve for DR/T = 2. When W/T = DR/T = 2, the value of FD/T is 5.0,
just as it is for top risers when W/T = 2 (see Figure 16). As W/T increases from this point, notice
that the DR /T curve is nearly parallel to the line representing L/T = 4.9. Thus, as W/T increases
along the DR/T = 2 curve, L/T remains nearly constant, and the casting section is simply
becoming wider. FD/T increases with W/T until W/T reaches its maximum of about 14.5, at
which point the FD/T curve makes a sharp turn and W/T begins to decrease. W/T = 14.5
represents the maximum section width that can be soundly fed by a riser with diameter DR/T = 2.
As the FD/T curve for DR/T = 2 turns at W/T = 14.5 and begins heading down and to the left,
notice that both L/T and W/T begin to decrease. This can be understood by considering that, as
the section length L is decreased, the width W that can be soundly fed by a given riser will
decrease as well. As L decreases, the end zone extending from the edge of the casting section
opposite from the side riser causes a solidification front to begin advancing from that edge
toward the riser zone extending from the riser. In addition, there are end effects on the sides of
the casting next to the riser/casting junction that promote solidification of the casting in those
regions. As the solidification fronts caused by these end effects move toward the middle of the
casting, they begin to solidify the feeding path and force the feed metal to make sharper turns to
feed tangentially. In essence, as L becomes smaller, it becomes harder for the feed metal to turn
corners and feed tangentially into the casting section, and the feeding path solidifies sooner.
Therefore, as L decreases, W must also decrease for the casting section to remain sound.
Notice the sound label in Figure 21. This indicates that any casting geometry that lies
inside the U of the FD/T curves will be sound, while any geometry that falls outside this area
is likely to contain shrinkage porosity. Consider, for example, a side-risered casting section with
DR/T = 2 and W/T = 12. The lower portion of the DR/T = 2 curve crosses W/T = 12 at a value of
FD/T = 5.8. L/T at this location is about 2.2. The upper portion of this curve crosses the W/T =
12 line again at FD/T = 7.4, where L/T is about 4.8. This can be interpreted as follows: if DR/T =
2 and W/T = 12, a side riser can soundly feed casting sections with L/T ranging from about 2.2 to
4.8. If L/T is larger than 4.8, the section is simply too large for the riser to feed. If L/T is smaller
than 2.2, end effects will cause the difficulties in tangential feeding, and the feeding path will
solidify prematurely.
4.4 Chills

Chill blocks are inserted into the mold to enhance the feeding distance by creating a steeper
temperature gradient. Chills are used at the end of casting sections (end chills) and as drag
chills between two risers. Their use and effectiveness are described separately in the following.
End chill: End chills increase the feeding distance by increasing the end zone length. As
shown in Figure 22, end chills have a chill thickness, CT, defined perpendicular to the
casting/chill contact surface. The chill thickness should be between 1/2 T and 2/3 T; larger chill
thicknesses do not further increase the feeding distance. The end chill multipliers given in
Equations (3) and (4) below were developed using a chill thickness of CT = 2/3 T. The chill


width, CW, and the chill length, CL, should be chosen to match the section geometry, i.e., CW =
T and CL = W. The feeding distance, FD, in this case is defined the same as in the end effect
case, as the distance from the edge of the riser to the furthest point in the casting section (not
including the chill). Although Figure 22 shows an example of an end chill used with a top riser,
end chills can also be used in the same manner with side risers. In each case, end chills increase
the end effect feeding distance by about 19%, i.e.
= 1.19

T end chill
T end effect


An approximate feeding distance multiplier, such as the one given in Equation (3), can be
computed for previously published rules by computing FD from those rules, with and without an
end chill, and computing FDend chill/FDend effect. For Pellinis rules,[4] this results in multipliers for
bars (W/T = 1) varying with casting thickness from 1.23 for T = 5.08 cm (2 in.) to 1.46 for T =
20.3 cm (8 in.). Taking an average of the multipliers computed from Pellinis plate rules from
W/T = 3 to W/T = 15 yields average multipliers ranging from 1.29 for T = 2.54 cm (1 in.) to 1.03
for T = 20.3 cm (8 in.). The reason the multipliers for Pellinis plate rules decrease with
increasing thickness while they increase with thickness for Pellinis bar rules is that the end chill
distance is not a function of thickness [add 5.08 cm (2 in.) to FD*], while the bar chill distance is
a function of T (add T to LFD*). Wlodawer[8] includes a figure for plates that lists Pellinis rule
for end effect feeding distance, and gives the end chill feeding distance as ~5T. Computing an
average multiplier from W/T = 5 to W/T = 15 yields 1.06, which is the same for all values of T.
There is an error in Wlodawers figure for bars, because it lists the same feeding distance for end
effect and end chill. The average (from W/T = 1 to W/T = 15) multipliers that result from the
SFSA rules[13] vary from 1.14 for T = 5.08 cm (2 in.) to 1.30 for T = 30.5 cm (12 in.), while the
average multipliers from Ruddle[14] over the same range of W/T vary from 1.16 for T = 5.08 cm
(2 in.) to 1.22 for T = 30.5 cm (12 in.). The reason for the variance between the multipliers from
the SFSAs rules and Ruddles rules is the deviation between the SFSA values and Ruddles
values for end chill feeding distances for plates, as mentioned in Section 1. Based on the
numbers from these previous rules, the multiplier 1.19 given in Equation (3) seems very
Since end chills only affect the end zone length contribution to the feeding distance, the
effect of an end chill can also be expressed in terms of how much it alters the end zone length.
Simulation results indicate that adding a chill increases the end zone length by about 38%, i.e.
= 1.38

T end effect
T end chill


where the subscript end effect refers to the curve for EZL/T in Figure 6.
Drag chill: Figure 23 illustrates the placement of a chill in the drag between two top risers.
This procedure increases the lateral feeding distance by essentially creating an end effect
between the risers. As with end chills, the chill thickness, CT, is defined perpendicular to the
chill contact surface, and should be between 1/2 T and 2/3 T. The chill width, CW, is defined
parallel to the contact surface in the length direction, and should also be between 1/2 T and 2/3 T.

Larger CT and CW do not increase the feeding distance further. The drag chill multiplier given
in Equation (5) below was developed using CT = CW = 1/2 T, but there is little difference in this
multiplier whether 1/2 T or 2/3 T is used for CT and CW. The chill length, CL, is chosen to match
the section geometry, i.e., CL = W. As shown in Figure 23, the feeding distance with a drag chill
is measured from the riser edge to the furthest point in the casting section that is not above the
drag chill. Note that this feeding distance does not extend all the way to the symmetry line
between risers (i.e., the centerline of the drag chill), but rather only to the edge of the chill. Drag
chills create a pseudo-end effect between risers equal to about 95% of the end effect created
when a casting section ends in the mold, i.e.
= 0.95

T drag chill
T end effect


In terms of lateral feeding, if one compares Equations (1) and (5), it is seen that a drag chill
nearly doubles the lateral feeding distance.
To compare with the multiplier given in Equation (5), drag chill multipliers for previously
published rules can be computed in the same manner described for end chills, computing FDdrag
rules, the multiplier for bars varies with thickness
chill/FDend effect for these rules. Using Pellinis
from 1.12 for T = 5.08 cm (2 in.) to 1.23 for T = 20.3 cm (8 in.), and the multiplier for plates
(averaged from W/T = 3 to W/T = 15) varies with thickness from 1.07 for T = 5.08 cm (2 in.) to
0.96 for T = 20.3 cm (8 in.). Both Cech[7] and Wlodawer[8] indicate that adding a drag chill
produces the full end effect feeding distance between the riser edge and the chill, and thus the
drag chill multiplier from these researchers has a value of 1.0 in all cases. Calculating the
multiplier for the SFSA rules[13], there is again some confusion about the definition of the
feeding distance with a drag chill. If it is assumed that the distance used in [13] is defined the
same as in Ruddle,[14] the multipliers from the SFSA rules (averaged from W/T = 1 to W/T = 15)
vary from 0.95 for T = 5.08 cm (2 in.) to 0.87 for T = 30.5 cm (12 in.). The values from
Ruddle[14] are very similar, varying from 0.95 for T = 5.08 cm (2 in.) to 0.88 for T = 30.5 cm (12
in.). Again, in comparison with multipliers calculated for previously published rules, the value
of 0.95 given in Equation (5) seems quite reasonable.
4.5 Other Casting Conditions

The feeding distances presented in the previous subsections can be applied to casting
conditions other than the stated base conditions through the use of multipliers. Table 1 contains
a list of multipliers for alternate sand mold materials, cast alloy compositions, and pouring
superheats. The feeding distance for casting conditions other than the base conditions is then
computed with the equation:
C sup erheat C cast alloy C sand mold

T different conditions T base case


where (FD/T)base case is the normalized feeding distance for the appropriate casting situation from
the previous subsections. Again, the division by the thickness T in the above equation is not
necessary, since T cancels out. Note that the multipliers for lateral feeding and chills introduced


in the previous subsections could be multiplied into Equation (6) if the base case corresponds to
end effect. For any conditions that are the same as the base casting conditions, a value of C = 1
is used. The multipliers supplied in Table 1 were originally developed for the end effect feeding
distance given in Figure 16, and they are valid for the entire range of this curve (i.e., up to about
W/T = 15). Through the use of Equation (1), these multipliers can also be used for lateral
feeding. However, they are only accurate up to about W/T = 7. Beyond this point, they are only
approximate. In a similar manner, the multipliers can also be used for the riser and end zone
lengths, which reach constant values at about W/T = 7. Finally, the multipliers are also
approximately valid for side riser feeding distances.

A new set of feeding distance rules for risering of low alloy steel castings is presented. The
rules, which were designed to produce radiographically sound castings, were developed using a
correlation between the Niyama criterion and radiographic casting soundness that was presented
in Part I of this paper. The correlation was developed by comparing extensive plate casting trial
results with corresponding simulation results, and the rules were then developed by performing
further simulations covering a wide range of casting conditions and plate geometries. The
current rules for both end effect feeding distance and lateral feeding distance of top risers are
shown to yield longer feeding distances in most instances than previously published rules. A
feeding distance rule for side risers is provided as well. In addition, rules for end zone and riser
zone lengths are provided, with a detailed discussion of how they relate to the various feeding
distances. The simulations performed to develop the current rules utilized AISI 1025 steel with
section thicknesses ranging from 2.54 cm to 30.5 cm (1 in. to 12 in.), furan sand molds, and a
superheat of 60C (140F). Multipliers are provided to tailor the feeding distance rules to other
steel alloys, sand mold materials and superheats. In addition, multipliers are provided for the
application of these rules with end chills and drag chills. The feeding distance rules provided in
this paper are included in the SFSA special report, Feeding & Risering Guidelines for Steel

This work was prepared with the support of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Award
No. DE-FC07-98ID13691. However, any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations
expressed herein are those of the authors, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the DOE.
We are indebted to Malcolm Blair and Raymond Monroe of the SFSA for their work in helping
organize the trials and recruiting members to participate. Most importantly, we thank the
participants in the plate casting trials for their substantial time and resource investment in all
aspects of the Yield Improvement Program. This work could not have been accomplished
without their shared efforts.

1. H.F. Bishop and W.S. Pellini: Am. Foundrymens Soc. Trans., 1950, vol. 58, pp. 185-197.
2. H.F. Bishop, E.T. Myskowski, and W.S. Pellini: Am. Foundrymens Soc. Trans., 1951, vol.
59, pp. 171-180.


3. E.T. Myskowski, H.F. Bishop, and W.S. Pellini: Am. Foundrymens Soc. Trans., 1952, vol.
60, pp. 389-400.
4. W.S. Pellini: Am. Foundrymens Soc. Trans., 1953, vol. 61, pp. 61-80.
5. E.T. Myskowski, H.F. Bishop, and W.S. Pellini: Am. Foundrymens Soc. Trans., 1953, vol.
61, pp. 302-308.
6. C.W. Briggs: Determination of the Factors Influencing Riser Efficiency Part II, The
Distance Risers Will Feed Uniformly Thick Sections, Steel Founders' Society of America
Research Report No. 30, Technical Research Committee Report, 1953.
7. R.A. Cech: Foundry, 1953, vol. 81 (10), pp. 128-131.
8. R. Wlodawer: Directional Solidification of Steel Castings, Pergamon Press Inc., Long
Island City, New York, 1966, pp. 19-20.
9. W.D. Spiegelberg: M.S. Thesis, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, 1968.
10. W.D. Spiegelberg: Ph.D. Thesis, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, 1970.
11. R. Maier: M.S. Thesis, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, 1972.
12. W.P. Ghun: M.S. Thesis, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, 1974.
13. Risering Steel Castings, Steel Founders' Society of America, Barrington, Illinois, 1973.
14. R.W. Ruddle: Risering of Steel Castings, Foseco, Inc., Cleveland, Ohio, 1979, pp. 5-1 55.
15. N. Wukovich: Am. Foundrymens Soc. Trans., 1990, vol. 108, pp. 261-265.
16. E. Niyama, T. Uchida, M. Morikawa, and S. Saito: Am. Foundrymens Soc. Int. Cast Met.
J., 1982, vol. 7 (3), pp. 52-63.
17. Feeding & Risering Guidelines for Steel Castings, Steel Founders' Society of America,
Barrington, Illinois, 2001.

This appendix contains fourth-order polynomial curve fits for various curves supplied in
these guidelines. These curves are valid for casting sections with thickness, T, ranging from 2.54
cm to 30.5 cm (1 in. to 12 in.).

The riser zone length and end zone length curves shown in Figure 6:

= 2.803 10 4 2.874 10 3 0.0355 + 0.5726 + 1.094

= 1.269 10 3 + 0.02856 0.276 + 1.446 + 0.852




Equations (A1) and (A2) are accurate up to W/T = 7, beyond which EZL/T and RZL/T take on
constant values of 4.2 and 3.05, respectively.

The end effect feeding distance curve shown in Figure 16:


= -4.29 10 4 + 0.0174 0.266 + 1.99 + 1.97

T end effect


Equation (A3) is accurate up to W/T = 15, beyond which FD/T has a constant value of 9.0.

The lateral feeding distance curve shown in Figure 19:


= -8.587 10 5 + 3.408 10 3 0.0533 + 0.6967 + 1.019
Equation (A4) is accurate up to W/T = 15.



Table 1

Multipliers used to apply base case feeding rules to other conditions. Base case
conditions are listed with the multiplier C = 1.
Condition Description
green sand
AISI 1025
AISI 1522
AISI 4125
AISI 4135
AISI 8620
AISI 8630
AISI 4330
AISI 4340
86F (30C)
140F (60C)
194F (90C)
248F (120C)

(Csand mold)

(Ccast alloy)


Factor C





Figure 1

Alternate definitions of feeding distance: both begin at the edge of the riser, but FD*
extends to the edge of the casting, while FD extends to the furthest point in the
casting section.





H = DR

Figure 2

Definition of plate dimensions for a side-risered section with end effect.




Figure 3

Illustration of lateral feeding between two risers; the lateral feeding distance LFD is
measured from the edge of the riser to the furthest point in the casting section to be
fed by that riser.


riser zone length, RZL


riser zone

Figure 4

Illustration of the riser zone length RZL of a casting section without end effects; note
that RZL is independent of the riser diameter DR.

end zone
length, EZL



Figure 5

Illustration of the end zone length EZL of a casting section; note that EZL is a
function of W for W/T < 7.


end zone
length (EZL/T)


Riser and End Zone Length to Thickness Ratios, RZL/T and EZL/T


riser zone





AISI 1025 steel

furan sand mold
140F (60C) superheat
1 T 12
(2.54 cm 30.5 cm)
no visible shrinkage
porosity on x-ray









Width to Thickness Ratio, W/T

Figure 6

Riser zone length and end zone length as a function of width and thickness.



(a) sound





(b) centerline shrinkage





shrinkage porosity



EZL = end zone length

RZL = riser zone length

Figure 7

Top-risered plate with end effect for plates with width W 2EZL2. (a) The plate is
sound if the riser zone and the end zone extending from the right edge of the casting
section are tangent (as shown) or overlap. (b) The plate has centerline shrinkage
between these zones if they do not meet.




























EZL = end zone length

RZL = riser zone length
Figure 8

Top-risered plate with end effect for plates with width W > 2EZL2. (a) The plate is
sound if the intersections of the end zones lie within or intersect the riser zone. (b)
(d) show where porosity forms as the plate length increases.



EZL/T = 2.83

RZL/T = 2.07


Figure 9

Cross-section side view (a) and top view (b) Niyama plots from a simulation of a 7.62 cm by 15.2 cm by 52.6 cm (3 in. T
by 6 in. W by 20.7 in. L) top-risered plate.



EZL/T = 2.83

RZL/T = 2.07


Figure 10 Cross-section side view (a) and top view (b) Niyama plots from a simulation of a 7.62 cm by 15.2 cm by 68.6 cm (3 in. T
by 6 in. W by 27 in. L) top-risered plate.


(a) sound







(b) centerline shrinkage






shrinkage porosity



EZL = end zone length

RZL = riser zone length

Figure 11 Top-risered plate with lateral feeding for plates with width W 2EZL. (a) The plate
is sound if the riser zones are tangent (as shown) or overlap. (b) The plate has
centerline shrinkage between the riser zones if they do not meet.































EZL = end zone length

RZL = riser zone length
Figure 12 Top-risered plate with lateral feeding for plates with width W > 2EZL. (a) The plate
is sound if the end zone lines lie within or intersect the riser zones. (b) (d) show
where porosity forms as the distance between risers increases.








top view

top view




top view

RZL = riser zone length

Figure 13 Top-risered plate with lateral feeding for a plate section without end effects. (a) The
region of the plate between the risers is sound if it is completely contained within
one or more riser zones. (b) and (c) show where porosity forms as the distance
between risers increases.



= 4.2

RZL/T = 3.05

RZL/T = 3.05


= 4.2

Figure 14 Cross-section side view (a) and top view (b) Niyama plots from a simulation of a 7.62 cm by 99.1 cm by 183 cm (3 in. T
by 39 in. W by 72 in. L) plate with lateral feeding between two top risers.



(a) sound



(b) centerline shrinkage

shrinkage porosity



RZL = riser zone length (approximate)

EZLL = end zone length based on L
EZLW = end zone length based on W

Figure 15 An example of the application of riser zone and end zone concepts to a side-risered
plate. (a) The plate is sound if the intersections of the end zones fall in or on the
boundary of the riser zone. (b) Shrinkage porosity develops between these
intersections and the riser zone if they do not meet.



AISI 1025 steel

furan sand mold
140F (60C) superheat
1 T 12
(2.54 cm 30.5 cm)
no visible shrinkage
porosity on x-ray

Top Riser Feeding Distance to Thickness Ratio, FD/T













Width to Thickness Ratio, W/T

Figure 16 Feeding distance (FD) as a function of width and thickness for top-risered sections.








T = 1 in.
T = 2 in.
T = 3 in.

T = 6 in.

T = 8 in.


T = 12 in.












Width to Thickness Ratio, W/T

Figure 17 Riser zone length, end zone length and feeding distance curves, all normalized by the
thickness T, shown with simulation results for various thicknesses.





new FD rule for base casting


Top Riser Feeding Distance to Thickness Ratio, FD/T

[4, 6, 8],
T = 2 in.

[13-15], T = 2 in.

[13-15], T = 3 in.
[4, 6, 7, 8, 13], T = 1 in.

[13-15], T = 6 in.

[4, 6, 8], T = 3 in.


[13-15], T = 12 in.

[4, 6, 8], T = 6 in.








Width to Thickness Ratio, W/T

Figure 18 Comparison between present feeding distance rule and previously published rules.





Top Riser Lateral Feeding Distance to Thickness Ratio, LFD/T

top riser lateral feeding distance (LFD/T)

AISI 1025 steel

furan sand mold
140F (60C) superheat
1 T 12
(2.54 cm 30.5 cm)
no visible shrinkage
porosity on x-ray

no end effects present

(i.e., no relevant W):
LFD = RZL = 3.05T













Width to Thickness Ratio, W/T

Figure 19 Lateral feeding distance (LFD) as a function of width and thickness for top-risered


new LFD rule for base

casting conditions



Top Riser Lateral Feeding Distance to Thickness Ratio, LFD/T


[13-15], T = 2 in.

[4], T = 2 in.

[13-15], T = 3 in.

[13-15], T = 6 in.
[13-15], T = 12 in.

[4, 7, 8], all T values

[4], T = 3 in.

[4], T = 6 in.
[4], T = 8 in.







Width to Thickness Ratio, W/T

Figure 20 Comparison between present lateral feeding distance rule and previously published



AISI 1025 steel

furan sand mold
140F (60C)
1 T 12
(2.54 cm
30.5 cm)
no visible
porosity on

Side Riser Feeding Distance to Thickness Ratio, FD/T


for W = DR

L/T = 4.9

L/T =
L/T =

L/T = 6.4

L/T = 3

L/T = 2.5

DR/T = 4

L/T = 2

DR/T = 2

L/T = 1.5



DR/T = 1


L/T = 1







Width to Thickness Ratio, W/T

Figure 21 Side riser feeding distance, FD, as a function of DR, L, W and T.














Figure 22 End chill dimensions for a top-risered casting section.


CL = W



drag chill







drag chill


Figure 23 Use of a drag chill for top-risered lateral feeding.


Attachment E

Feeding & Risering

Guidelines for
Steel Castings

Steel Founders Society of America

Feeding and Risering Guidelines

for Steel Castings
Table of Contents
1 Preface
2 Risering Basics and Terminology
3 Risering Procedure
4 Casting Soundness in Terms of Riser and End Zones
5 Calculation of Feeding Distance
6 Calculation of Riser Size
7 References


In 1973, the Steel Founders Society of America (SFSA) published Risering Steel Castings
[1], a foundry handbook intended to provide risering guidelines for use in steel foundries. The
guidelines contained in Risering Steel Castings were developed based on experimental casting
work and supported by computer simulations. The steel casting industry has been well served by
this handbook since its publication; following the guidelines generally results in sound castings.
However, examples have surfaced in the last quarter of a century that indicate that the riser
feeding distance rules contained in Risering Steel Castings are overly conservative in certain
instances, especially where results have been extrapolated. Conservative feeding distance rules
lead to the use of more risers than necessary on a casting, which in turn leads to a reduction in
casting yield.
Beginning in the mid-1990s, a research effort was undertaken to develop a new set of
risering guidelines [2, 3]. This research was based on an extensive set of low-alloy steel plate
casting trials performed at various foundries throughout North America. A wide variety of plate
dimensions were utilized in the trials, which produced castings ranging from radiographically
sound to ASTM shrinkage x-ray level 5. Casting conditions (alloy composition, mold material,
superheat, pouring time, etc.) were recorded by each foundry for each plate cast, and this
information was then utilized to numerically simulate the casting of each plate, using modern
casting simulation software. Once it was determined that there was good agreement between the
casting trial results and their corresponding simulations, a large number of simulations were
performed for geometries and/or casting conditions that were not used in the casting trials, thus
producing a more complete data set. By analyzing all of this data, a new set of feeding distance
rules for sound castings was developed. These new rules are presented in this publication.
Differences between this work and Risering Steel Castings:
Usually less conservative feeding distances: The feeding distances calculated using the
guidelines presented here are similar to those calculated using Risering Steel Castings in some
instances, and less conservative in other cases. In general, the current distances become less
conservative than those from Risering Steel Castings as the width-to-thickness ratio W/T of a
casting section increases.
Consistent definitions of feeding distance: The definitions of feeding distance for top risers
with end effect, top risers with lateral feeding, and side risers are the same in this work,
whereas different definitions were used in Risering Steel Castings.
Multipliers for different conditions: Multipliers are provided to tailor feeding distances to
different cast alloy compositions, mold materials, pouring superheats, and desired levels of
casting soundness.
Soundness in terms of riser zones and end zones: The information presented in Section 4 is
intended to give the foundry engineer a physical understanding of the mechanisms involved in
feeding solidification shrinkage with risers.
Things that have not changed from Risering Steel Castings:
Riser sizing procedures: The procedures given in this work to determine riser size were
written based on the information in Risering Steel Castings.


Applicable text: The text from Risering Steel Castings that is still applicable to the current
work has been transferred to this manual.
High alloy risering guidelines: The work presented here is only valid for low alloy steels.
Similar feeding distance rules will be developed for high alloy steels, but this is currently
work in progress.
It is hoped the guidelines and rules presented in this publication will not only help to
effectively riser steel castings and increase the casting yield, but will also provide increased
insight into the basic physical phenomena of feeding. Although modern casting simulation
software can be used, in place of actual casting trials, to detect feeding and risering problems in a
steel casting, the present rules still serve several important purposes:
Casting simulation does not provide the initial riser design for a casting; the present rules can
be used to develop the first trial riser design.
Casting simulation does not automatically optimize the risering; the present rules can be used
to shorten the simulation iteration cycle by providing accurate information on the capabilities
and limitations of a certain risering procedure (e.g., the maximum distance between risers),
and how they change with the casting conditions and the desired soundness.
Casting simulation is not used on the vast majority of steel castings for various reasons; then,
the present rules represent the only means to rationally design the riser system for a casting.
The research leading to the new rules presented in this handbook was performed by R.A.
Hardin, S. Ou and K.D. Carlson, under the guidance of Professor C. Beckermann at the
University of Iowa. The SFSA would like to thank Professor Beckermann and his group for
their research efforts. In addition, great appreciation is expressed to the foundries that
participated in the casting trials, for their substantial time and resource investment.
This handbook was prepared with the support of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)
Award No. DE-FC07-98ID13691.
However, any opinions, findings, conclusions, or
recommendations expressed herein are those of the authors, and do not necessarily reflect the
views of the DOE.
Malcolm Blair
Vice President Technology
Carbon and Low Alloy Research Committee:
S. Kulkarni, Chairman
P. Bruno
J. Carpenter
G. Hartay
K. Murphy
A. See
B. Shah



Carbon steel experiences shrinkage of about 3% during solidification. Additional volume

reduction occurs during the cooling of the liquid metal after pouring. These contractions will
create internal unsoundness (i.e., porosity) unless a riser, or liquid metal reservoir, provides
liquid feed metal until the end of the solidification process. The riser also serves as a heat
reservoir, creating a temperature gradient that induces directional solidification. Without
directional solidification, liquid metal in the casting may be cut off from the riser, resulting in the
development of internal porosity. Two criteria determine whether or not a riser is adequate: 1)
the solidification time of the riser relative to that of the casting, and 2) the feeding distance of the
To be effective, a riser should continue to feed liquid metal to the casting until the casting
has completely solidified. Thus, the riser must have a longer solidification time than the casting.
Since the critical factor affecting solidification time is heat loss, minimizing heat loss from the
riser is an important consideration. For a riser of fixed volume, a minimum amount of heat loss
will occur when the riser geometry has the smallest possible surface area. A sphere represents
the maximum volume-to-surface-area ratio (V/A, the solidification modulus), and therefore
freezes at the slowest rate according to Chorinovs rule. However, spherical risers present
molding problems. A cylinder with a height, H, equal to its diameter, DR, is the typically
recommended riser geometry, since it is a simple, easily moldable shape having a high volumeto-surface-area ratio. Various insulating or exothermic riser sleeves are available to reduce the
heat loss from a riser. Regardless of its shape, the riser must be large enough to provide
sufficient feed metal without the shrinkage pipe in the riser extending into the casting. As shown
in Figure 1, there are two common riser configurations: the top riser, which is typically more
efficient, and the side riser. The hemispherical bottom on the side riser prevents premature
freezing of the riser/casting junction [1]. It is also recommended to gate the casting through the
side riser for maximum effectiveness [1].
The feeding distance (FD) is the maximum distance over which a riser can supply feed
metal such that the casting section remains relatively free of internal porosity. Hence, the
feeding distance determines the number of risers needed. The feeding distance is always
measured from the edge of the riser to the furthest point in the casting section to be fed by that
riser. This is illustrated for a plate with a top riser in Figure 2, and for a plate with a side riser in
Figure 3. When multiple risers are present, the feeding between the risers is called lateral
feeding. The lateral feeding distance (LFD) is again the maximum distance over which a single
riser can supply feed metal. If one would draw a line separating the casting section to be fed by
a riser and the section to be fed by an adjacent riser, LFD is then the distance from the edge of
the riser to the furthest point in the casting along this line. This is illustrated in Figure 4.
Another way to explain how feeding distances are measured is to draw a circle centered
about the riser with a radius equal to the feeding distance plus the riser radius (see Figures 2 4).
Then the casting section inside the circle is fed by that riser. For multi-risered castings (such as
in lateral feeding), the circles must overlap such that all sections of a casting are inside these


The feeding distance depends in part on the temperature gradient, which is the change in the
temperature per unit length during solidification. Figure 5b illustrates how a steep temperature
gradient facilitates the feeding of a casting [4]. The shape of the solid skin surrounding the
liquid metal varies with the steepness of the temperature gradient during freezing. Steep
gradients provide open, more accessible feeding passages. There exists a critical tapering angle
for the liquid pool feeding the solidification shrinkage. For liquid pool angles smaller than this
critical angle, centerline shrinkage will form in the isolated pools of liquid that are cut off from
the feeding path. This is shown in Figure 5a. The feeding distance also depends on the cooling
rate of the steel during solidification, and hence the section thickness.
For large
cooling/solidification rates (small section thicknesses), the feeding distance is smaller because
the velocity at which the feed metal must flow to compensate for shrinkage is larger.
Accompanying this larger feed metal velocity is an increased pressure drop along the feed path,
which in turn promotes the formation of porosity. Since both the temperature gradient and the
cooling rate are influenced by factors such as the section geometry, pouring conditions, steel type
and molding material, the feeding distance will vary with all of these parameters. The feeding
distances presented in the sections that follow were developed using the Niyama Criterion [5],
which incorporates the effects of both the temperature gradient and cooling rate on porosity
There are two terms that are important to understand when considering feeding distances:
riser zone and end zone. Since the riser remains hotter than the casting section to be fed, it
provides a temperature gradient that facilitates feeding. The length over which this riser effect
acts to prevent shrinkage porosity is called the riser zone length (RZL). This is illustrated for a
top riser in Figure 6. The cooling effect of the mold at the end of a casting section also provides
a temperature gradient along the length of the casting section to be fed. This is called the end
effect, and it produces a sound casting over the so-called end zone length (EZL). This is depicted
in Figure 7. The feeding distances are functions of RZL and EZL; this is discussed in Section 4.
Sometimes methods are used to increase feeding distances. End chills create an additional
temperature gradient and enhance the end zone length (and thus the feeding distance), but have
no effect on the riser zone length. The lateral feeding distance can be enhanced by the use of
drag chills. A drag chill does not increase the riser zone length, but rather it causes a
temperature gradient that essentially creates an end effect between the risers. An open feed path
is also promoted by a taper, where the section thickness continually increases toward the riser.
In fact, a sufficiently large taper can result in an infinitely long feeding distance.


(a) top riser

(b) side riser



Figure 1

Dimensions for casting sections fed by (a) a top riser, and (b) a side riser (adapted
from [1]).




Figure 2

Illustration of the concept of a feeding distance FD; the feeding distance is always
measured from the edge of the riser to the furthest point in the casting section to be
fed by that riser.





H = DR

Figure 3

Definition of plate dimensions for a side-risered section with end effect.





Figure 4

Illustration of lateral feeding between two risers; the lateral feeding distance LFD is
measured from the edge of the riser to the furthest point in the casting section to be
fed by that riser.


(a) Thermal gradient is too shallow,

isolated pools of liquid are left
that will form shrinkage

(b) Thermal gradient is steep enough

to provide a tapered liquid pool to
feed the casting, no shrinkage

Angle of liquid pool

Figure 5

Illustration of a plate-like casting with (b) and without (a) an adequate thermal
gradient to prevent formation of shrinkage porosity (adapted from [4]).

riser zone length, RZL


riser zone

Figure 6

Illustration of the riser zone length RZL of a casting section without end effects; note
that RZL is independent of the riser diameter DR.


end zone
length, EZL



Figure 7

Illustration of the end zone length EZL of a casting section; note that EZL is a
function of W for W/T<7.



The risering of steel castings should proceed in a systematic manner. The first step is to
represent the casting as a collection of simple, plate-like sections. Representing the casting with
simply shaped sections allows for the calculation of the solidification modulus (volume-tosurface-area ratio) for each casting section. As mentioned in Section 2, the larger the
solidification modulus, the longer the solidification time. If a casting section has a larger
modulus than all of the surrounding casting sections, it will still be solidifying after the
surrounding sections are completely solidified. The last region to solidify in such a casting
section is termed a hot spot. Once the hot spots in a casting are identified, a riser must be placed
adjacent to each hot spot. This ensures that feed metal will be available to feed each hot spot
until solidification is complete.
The reason that the collection of simple sections used to represent the casting should be
plate-like is that the risering rules presented in this manual were developed for simple, plate-like
shapes. Thus, it is necessary to use such shapes in order to apply these rules. Once this has been
accomplished, edges of each casting section with and without the benefit of end effect must be
identified. The feeding distance between a riser and an edge without end effect should be
calculated as a lateral feeding distance (LFD), instead of as a regular feeding distance (FD).
Examples of this process of representing a casting with simple plate-like shapes and identifying
edges with and without end effect are shown in Figures 8 10.
Once the casting has been represented with a collection of plate-like shapes, the feeding
zones of the casting must be identified. A feeding zone is a solidifying region of the casting that
solidifies in such a manner that it must be risered separately from the rest of the casting (a region
containing a hot spot is an example of a feeding zone). A feeding zone may require more than
one riser to feed it, depending on the feeding distances involved. Feeding zones can be identified
by their solidification moduli (V/A ratio). Sections with the smallest solidification moduli will
solidify first, and might therefore divide the casting into distinct feeding zones. Sections having
larger moduli will require feed metal until the end of solidification. Risers must be added to such
sections to prevent shrinkage during the final stages of solidification. Feeding zones for simple
castings might be the simple, plate-like parts that make up a casting. As shown in Figures 8
10, the plate-like parts make up distinct feeding zones that are easily identified. This is not
always trivial for complex castings.
Once the feeding zones have been identified, a feeding path must be determined for each
feeding zone. Regions of the casting where sufficient taper and directional solidification exist
must be identified. Such regions need not be considered in determining the feeding distance.
Also, for such cases, there is no end effect in determining the feeding distance. The principle of
directional solidification should be considered in placing the riser. The feeding path should be
identified so that it proceeds from the first region in the feeding zone to solidify to the last region
to solidify. The riser should be placed at the last position along the feeding path to solidify.
Ingates should be placed so that the metal enters below top risers, and always through side risers.
The final step prior to calculating feeding distances and riser sizes for each feeding zone is
to define the feeding dimensions. The feeding dimensions of the section to be fed are the length


L, width W, and section thickness T. Two examples of a section with L, W, and T indicated are
shown in Figure 1. As shown in this figure, a feeding zone and a feeding path must be identified
in order to assign risering dimensions.
To summarize, the recommended procedure for risering steel castings is:
(a) Representation of the casting as a collection of simple, plate-like shapes
locate hot spots, and place a riser on each one
for each plate-like shape, determine edges with and without end effect
(b) Determination of feeding zones, feeding paths and feeding dimensions
(c) Determination of feeding distances (Section 5)
(d) Determination of riser sizes (Section 6)


Figure 8

Tube casting represented as a plate having two edges with and two edges without
end effect (from [1]).

Figure 9

Gear casting represented as three different plate-like geometries (from [1]).

Figure 10 Load equalizer casting becomes three types of plate-like castings (from [1]).



Riser zones and end zones are regions that are free of porosity because a thermal gradient
exists in these regions that promotes directional solidification and facilitates feeding flow. The
concepts of a riser zone and an end zone are illustrated in Figures 6 and 7, respectively. The size
of a riser zone can be characterized by the riser zone length RZL, which extends radially outward
from a top riser. The size of an end zone can be characterized by the end zone length EZL,
which is measured normal to the end of a casting section.
Figure 11 shows the normalized riser zone length RZL/T and end zone length EZL/T as
functions of the normalized section width W/T, where T is the section thickness. The curves in
Figure 11 are valid for the casting conditions listed in the inset (see also Section 5). Notice that,
as W/T increases from 1, both of these curves initially increase and then plateau at their
respective maximum values at around W/T = 7. Fourth order polynomial curve fits of RZL/T
and EZL/T for W/T < 7 are given in the Appendix. Considering first the EZL/T curve, the
thermal gradient created by the mold for large W/T (i.e., W/T > 7) extends a distance EZL/T =
4.2 into the casting. As W/T decreases below 7, however, EZL/T begins to decrease. This can
be explained by considering that there are actually three end zones acting on the casting section
shown schematically above the EZL/T curve in Figure 11. The end zone shown extends from
the right edge of the casting, but there are also end zones extending from both sides in the width
direction. The directional solidification created by these side end zones causes solidification
fronts to move from the sides into the casting, just as the right end zone causes a solidification
front to move from the right edge into the casting. As W/T decreases below 7, the solidification
fronts extending from the sides begin to meet at the centerline before the solidification front
extending from the right edge can travel the entire end zone length. When the side fronts meet,
they cut off feeding flow to the right end zone, and effectively reduce the size of that end zone.
This causes the decrease seen in EZL/T as W/T approaches 1. The decrease in RZL/T can be
similarly explained: for small W/T, the end zones extending from the sides in the width direction
of the casting section meet at the centerline and effectively reduce the size of the riser zone. For
W/T > 7, the riser zone length is simply given by RZL/T = 3.05, which is independent of the
riser diameter.
By utilizing the riser zone and end zone concepts, it is possible to determine whether or not
a casting section fed by a riser will be sound, as well as where porosity will form if the casting
section is not sound. This is shown in the following subsections for (1) a top riser feeding a
casting section that ends in the mold, (2) lateral feeding between top risers, and (3) a casting
section fed by a side riser.


end zone
length (EZL/T)


Riser and End Zone Length to Thickness Ratios, RZL/T and EZL/T


riser zone





AISI 1025 steel

furan sand mold
140F (60C) superheat
1 T 12
(2.54 cm 30.5 cm)
no visible shrinkage
porosity on x-ray









Width to Thickness Ratio, W/T

Figure 11 Riser zone length and end zone length as a function of width and thickness.



4.1 Top-Risered Casting Section Ending in the Mold

Figures 12 and 13 illustrate two different situations involving a top riser feeding a casting
section that ends in the mold. Figure 12 depicts the case when the casting section width W is
less than or equal to twice the size of the end zones extending from the sides in the width
direction of the casting section (i.e., W 2EZL2). It should be noted that the end zone lengths
EZL1 and EZL2 can be different, because they are functions of the length of the casting-mold
interface from which they originate. Thus, EZL1 is a function of W, and EZL2 is a function of
the length of the side edges of the section shown (not labeled). Figure 12a shows a sound casting
section. The only regions of this casting section that do not lie within either the riser zone or the
end zone extending from the right edge of this casting section (i.e., EZL1) are the regions
between the dashed lines (one above the centerline and one below). But these regions lie within
the end zones extending from the side edges in the width direction of the casting section. Hence,
the entire casting section not beneath the riser is covered by a riser zone or an end zone, and the
casting section is sound. Figure 12b shows that, if the distance between the riser and the right
edge of the casting section is increased, shrinkage porosity will result along the centerline
between the riser zone and the end zone extending from the right edge of the casting. It may
seem that this casting section should be sound, because the entire section lies within either the
riser zone, the end zone extending from the right edge, or the end zones extending from the side
edges. However, due to the directional solidification caused by the end zones extending from the
side edges of the casting section, solidification fronts will advance from the side edges toward
the centerline. These fronts will meet at the centerline, and feed metal from the riser zone to the
end zone extending from the right edge of the casting section will be cut off. This will result in
the centerline shrinkage porosity shown in Figure 12b.
Figure 13 illustrates the case when the width W of a casting section is greater than twice the
size of the end zones extending from the side edges of the casting section shown (i.e., W >
2EZL2). Figure 13a depicts a sound casting. Again, the entire casting section not directly
beneath the riser lies within a riser zone or an end zone. Figure 13b shows the onset of shrinkage
porosity as the distance from the riser to the right edge of the casting section increases beyond
the maximum distance for a sound casting shown in Figure 13a. Note that, when W > 2EZL2,
the shrinkage porosity begins to form in the two small regions not covered by an end zone or
riser zone, rather than along the centerline as in the case where W 2EZL2. Figures 13c and 13d
show how the shrinkage porosity regions grow and eventually merge into one region as the
distance between the riser and the right edge of the casting section continues to increase. An
important difference between the cases depicted in Figures 12 and 13 can be seen by comparing
Figures 12a and 13c. Note that these two figures are similar, since the end zone extending from
the right edge of the casting is tangent to the riser zone in both figures. However, due to the
difference in casting section width W in these two figures, Figure 12a results in a sound casting,
while Figure 13c results in shrinkage porosity.


(a) sound





(b) centerline shrinkage





shrinkage porosity



EZL = end zone length

RZL = riser zone length

Figure 12 Top-risered plate with end effect for plates with width W 2EZL2. (a) The plate is
sound if the riser zone and the end zone extending from the right edge of the casting
section are tangent (as shown) or overlap. (b) The plate has centerline shrinkage
between these zones if they do not meet.




























EZL = end zone length

RZL = riser zone length

Figure 13 Top-risered plate with end effect for plates with width W > 2EZL2. (a) The plate is
sound if the intersections of the end zones lie within or intersect the riser zone. (b)
(d) show where porosity forms as the plate length increases.


4.2 Lateral Feeding in a Top-Risered Casting Section

Different examples of top-risered lateral feeding are presented in Figures 14 16. Figure 14
illustrates the case when the casting section width W is less than or equal to twice the size of the
end zones extending from the side edges in the width direction of the casting section (i.e., W
2EZL). Figure 14a shows a sound casting. The riser zones are tangent to each other,
encompassing all of the casting section except for the areas between the dashed lines. These
areas fall within the end zones that extend from the side edges of the casting section shown in
Figure 14a. When the distance between risers increases, as in Figure 14b, the riser zones do not
intersect. Similar to the situation shown in Figure 12b, the solidification fronts advancing from
the side edges of the casting section in Figure 14b meet at the centerline, and cut off feeding
from the riser zones. This results in the centerline shrinkage shown in Figure 14b. Figure 15
depicts the case when the width W of a casting section is greater than twice the size of the end
zones extending from the side edges of the casting section shown (i.e., W > 2EZL). Figure 15a
shows a sound casting. Again, the entire section lies beneath a riser, or in a riser zone or an end
zone. When the distance between the risers is increased, shrinkage porosity begins to form in the
casting in the regions not covered by riser zones or end zones. This is illustrated in Figure 15b.
Analogous to Figure 13, the regions of shrinkage porosity grow and merge as the distance
between risers continues to increase, as seen in Figures 15b 15d. Note that Figures 14a and
15c are similar, since in both figures the riser zones are tangent to each other. However, due to
the difference in widths, the casting in Figure 14a is sound, while the casting in Figure 15c has
shrinkage porosity. Figure 16 shows the case when there are no end effects in the region of
interest. In order for the casting to be sound, the casting section between all of the risers must lie
within one or more riser zones. This is shown in Figure 16a. Figures 16b and 16c show where
shrinkage porosity first occurs, and how this region grows as the risers are placed further apart.
Based on the cases presented in Figures 12 16, it can be stated that a casting section will
be sound provided that ALL THREE of the following conditions are met:
(1) The entire casting section not directly beneath a riser must lie within either a riser zone or an
end zone.
(2) If two or more end zones intersect, their point(s) of intersection must lie on or within the
boundary of a riser zone.
(3) If two or more riser zones intersect and end effects are present in the region, the point(s) of
intersection of the riser zones must lie on or within the boundary of an end zone.
For example, consider Figure 12. The end zones extending from the side edges of this casting
section meet at the centerline (not shown). Hence, these end zones share a common boundary,
which is the centerline of the casting section. The intersection between this boundary and the
boundary of the end zone extending from the right edge of the casting section is the midpoint of
the vertical dashed end zone boundary line shown in Figure 12. In Figure 12a, this intersection
is the point where the riser zone and the end zone extending from the right edge meet. Hence,
conditions (1) (3) listed above are satisfied, and the casting section is sound. In Figure 12b, the
intersection of the end zones is outside the riser zone. Condition (2) is violated, and shrinkage
porosity develops.


(a) sound





(b) centerline shrinkage





shrinkage porosity



EZL = end zone length

RZL = riser zone length

Figure 14 Top-risered plate with lateral feeding for plates with width W 2EZL. (a) The plate
is sound if the riser zones are tangent (as shown) or overlap. (b) The plate has
centerline shrinkage between the riser zones if they do not meet.































EZL = end zone length

RZL = riser zone length

Figure 15 Top-risered plate with lateral feeding for plates with width W > 2EZL. (a) The plate
is sound if the end zone lines lie within or intersect the riser zones. (b) (d) show
where porosity forms as the distance between risers increases.







top view

top view




top view

RZL = riser zone length

Figure 16 Top-risered plate with lateral feeding for a plate section without end effects. (a) The
region of the plate between the risers is sound if it is completely contained within
one or more riser zones. (b) and (c) show where porosity forms as the distance
between risers increases.


4.3 Side-Risered Casting Sections

Although the discussion of riser zones and end zones to this point has been limited to toprisered sections, these concepts can also be considered in terms of side risers. The concept of
end zones is the same as for top risers, because end zones are only a function of the casting/mold
interface, and not of risers. The concept of a riser zone is slightly different, because side risers
do not feed radially in all directions as do top risers, and there are competing effects of the riser
zone and the end zones adjacent to the riser. Figure 17 shows an example of a casting that is fed
with a side riser. This casting has at least part of all four of its sides in contact with the mold, so
there are four end zones present. The end zones extending from the right and left sides in
Figures 17a and 17b are functions of the length L, and the end zones extending from the upper
and lower sides are functions of the width W. The riser zone drawn in Figures 17a and 17b is
approximate. As mentioned above, side risers do not feed the casting in the same manner as top
risers. With side risers, some of the feed metal entering the casting moves radially (as with top
risers). However, feed metal also has to turn the corners to feed the casting on the right and left
sides of the riser contact. In addition, the thermal gradient created by the hotter metal in the riser
is competing with the cooling effects of the mold on the edges of the casting near the riser
contact. Due to these differences between side riser feeding and top riser feeding, the riser zone
can only be approximated as a circular arc, as shown in Figure 17. However, the basic concepts
are still useful and valid.
The casting section shown in Figure 17a is sound. The intersections of the end zones fall on
the riser zone, and the entire casting is covered by a riser zone or an end zone. Thus, the three
conditions listed in Section 4.2 are satisfied. Figure 17b shows that as the width W is increased,
the intersections of the end zones move outside of the riser zone. As in Figures 12 and 14,
shrinkage porosity forms along the horizontal centerline between the riser zone and the
intersections of the end zones.
Analogous to Section 4.1, a wide range of geometries can be considered for side risers as
well, using the same procedures demonstrated thus far in this section. When considering the
soundness of side-risered casting sections in terms of RZL and EZL, the curves given in Figure
11 can be utilized, but the values of RZL should be considered approximate.



(a) sound




(b) centerline shrinkage

shrinkage porosity




RZL = riser zone length (approximate)

EZLL = end zone length based on L
EZLW = end zone length based on W

Figure 17 An example of the application of riser zone and end zone concepts to a side-risered
plate. (a) The plate is sound if the intersections of the end zones fall in or on the
boundary of the riser zone. (b) Shrinkage porosity develops between these
intersections and the riser zone if they do not meet.



The feeding distance, measured from the edge of a riser to the furthest point in the casting
section, indicates the length of a casting section that can be fed by that riser without developing
visible shrinkage defects in radiographic testing (i.e., better than ASTM shrinkage x-ray level
1). As shown in Figures 2 4, the concept of a feeding distance is most easily applied by
drawing a circle centered about a riser, with a radius equal to the feeding distance plus the riser
radius. Then, the casting section inside this circle is fed by that riser.
The feeding distance rules presented in this section were developed for casting sections with
thickness, T, ranging from 1 to 12 (2.54 cm to 30.5 cm). For thin casting sections [i.e., less
than 1 (2.54 cm) thick], the feeding distance becomes highly dependent on the filling process.
If a thin section is gated through the riser, feeding distances up to twice as long as those
predicted with the present rules have been reported [1]. Bearing the effects of filling in mind, the
feeding rules provided here can be used for thin sections, but they will give an overly
conservative estimate of the feeding distance in many instances.
Sections 5.1 to 5.6 provide equations and charts that can be used to calculate the feeding
distance for a casting section with given dimensions. Top risers, side risers, sections with a taper
and different end cooling conditions (regular end effect, lateral feeding, and chills) are
considered. The feeding distances discussed here are valid for the following base casting
AISI 1025 steel,
PUNB (furan) sand mold,
140F (60C) pouring superheat.

Application of these feeding distances to sections cast with different alloy compositions, molding
materials, and pouring superheats, as well as to other soundness levels (e.g., higher ASTM
shrinkage x-ray levels), is explained in Section 5.6. As with the RZL/T and EZL/T curves in the
previous section, fourth-order polynomial curve fits are provided in the Appendix for the curves
shown in this section.
5.1 Top Riser With End Effect

Feeding distances for top-risered sections (Figure 2) are given graphically by the curve in
Figure 18, where FD/T is plotted against W/T. By dividing FD and W by the thickness T (the
dimension into the page for the casting sketch shown in Figure 18), a single curve can be used to
represent the feeding distances for all section thicknesses. The feeding distance curve for end
effect terminates at a W/T value of about 15. For larger W/T, the width of the section becomes
larger than its length (for a standard riser diameter), and the two can be switched around.
It was mentioned in Section 2 that the feeding distance is related to riser and end zone
lengths. This can be seen by comparing Figures 11 and 18. Consider, for example, W/T = 1.
For small W/T, the largest sound casting section corresponds to Figure 12a, where the riser zone
is tangent to the end zone. Because W is small, FD is approximately equal to the distance along
the centerline from the riser edge to the right edge of this casting, which is simply RZL + EZL.
The values for RZL/T and EZL/T at W/T = 1 from Figure 11 are 1.65 and 2.05, respectively.


Their sum is 3.7, which is about the value of FD/T for W/T = 1 in Figure 18. As W/T increases,
RZL/T and EZL/T increase until about W/T = 7, when they reach their maximum values and
then remain constant. FD/T increases slightly faster than the sum of RZL/T and EZL/T from
W/T = 1 to W/T = 7. Beyond W/T = 7, FD/T continues to increase with W/T, even though
RZL/T and EZL/T remain constant. This is because FD/T is the diagonal distance from the riser
to the furthest corner of the casting section, and since W/T continues to increase, so does FD/T.
Once W/T is larger than 2(EZLmax/T) = 8.4, the largest sound casting section corresponds to
Figure 13a. Again, as W/T continues to increase, so does FD/T. This occurs until about W/T =
15, where FD/T reaches its maximum value of about 9.0.



AISI 1025 steel

furan sand mold
140F (60C) superheat
1 T 12
(2.54 cm 30.5 cm)
no visible shrinkage
porosity on x-ray

Top Riser Feeding Distance to Thickness Ratio, FD/T













Width to Thickness Ratio, W/T

Figure 18 Feeding distance (FD) as a function of width and thickness for top-risered sections.


5.2 Lateral Feeding (Feeding Between Top Risers)

The normalized lateral feeding distance LFD/T for top risers (Figure 4) is plotted as a
function of the width-to-thickness ratio W/T in Figure 19. For relatively small values of W/T,
the lateral feeding distance is equal to about 48% of the end effect feeding distance, i.e.

T end effect
T lateral

, for W/T 7


This equation is approximately valid to up to about W/T = 7. Note that division by the thickness
T in the above equation is not necessary, since T cancels out. It is simply included to make the
multiplier easier to use with the various equations and figures where FD/T is correlated or
plotted. It should be noted that there is a slight riser diameter dependence in the LFD/T curve
shown in Figure 19. The effect is small up to about W/T = 7. But for larger values of W/T, this
curve can be in error by a few percent, depending on the riser diameter. When there are no end
effects in the lateral feeding region under consideration (for example, see Figure 16, with four
risers), the width W is not relevant. For this special case, the lateral feeding distance is simply
equal to the maximum riser zone length value of 3.05T. This information is given in the sketch
inset in the lower right portion of Figure 19.





Top Riser Lateral Feeding Distance to Thickness Ratio, LFD/T

top riser lateral feeding distance (LFD/T)

AISI 1025 steel

furan sand mold
140F (60C) superheat
1 T 12
(2.54 cm 30.5 cm)
no visible shrinkage
porosity on x-ray

no end effects present

(i.e., no relevant W):
LFD = RZL = 3.05T













Width to Thickness Ratio, W/T

Figure 19 Lateral feeding distance (LFD) as a function of width and thickness for top-risered


5.3 Side Riser With End Effect

The normalized feeding distance, FD/T, for side-risered casting sections (Figure 3) is plotted
in Figure 20 as a function of the width-to-thickness ratio, W/T. Note that, unlike FD/T for top
risers shown in Figure 18, the feeding distance for side risers cannot be given by a single curve.
Instead, FD/T in Figure 20 is also a function of the normalized riser diameter, DR/T. This is due
in part to the more complicated nature of feeding with a side riser, because the feed metal must
turn corners at the riser/casting junction instead of simply moving along straight, radial paths.
Another contributing factor is simply the geometric dependence of FD on the riser size. The
curve in Figure 20 labeled Feeding Distance for W = DR is an important limiting case. When
W = DR, the side-risered casting reduces to a top-risered casting with the riser placed at one end,
as shown in the sketch at the top of Figure 20. In this limiting case, FD/T for side risers is the
same as FD/T for top-risers. In other words, the W = DR curve is simply the FD/T curve from
Figure 18. The dash-dot-dotted lines shown in Figure 20 represent lines of constant normalized
length, L/T. If the feeding distance, riser diameter, and casting section width are known, the
casting section length can be calculated from

L = (0.5D R + FD) 2 0.25W 2 0.5D R


These L/T lines are included to give some feeling of how the length changes with the other
parameters involved in this plot.
The curves in Figure 20 for DR/T = 1, 2 and 4 look complicated, but can be readily
understood by tracing one of these curves, beginning from the limiting case just described.
Consider, for example, the curve for DR/T = 2. When W/T = DR/T = 2, the value of FD/T is 5.0,
just as it is for top risers when W/T = 2 (see Figure 18). As W/T increases from this point, notice
that the DR /T curve is nearly parallel to the line representing L/T = 4.9. Thus, as W/T increases
along the DR/T = 2 curve, L/T remains nearly constant, and the casting section is simply
becoming wider. FD/T increases with W/T until W/T reaches its maximum of about 14.5, at
which point the FD/T curve makes a sharp turn and W/T begins to decrease. W/T = 14.5
represents the maximum section width that can be soundly fed by a riser with diameter DR/T = 2.
As the FD/T curve for DR/T = 2 turns at W/T = 14.5 and begins heading down and to the left,
notice that both L/T and W/T begin to decrease. This can be understood by considering that, as
the section length L is decreased, the width W that can be soundly fed by a given riser will
decrease as well. As L decreases, the end zone extending from the edge of the casting section
opposite from the side riser causes a solidification front to begin advancing from that edge
toward the riser zone extending from the riser. In addition, there are end effects on the sides of
the casting next to the riser/casting junction that promote solidification of the casting in those
regions. As the solidification fronts caused by these end effects move toward the middle of the
casting, they begin to solidify the feeding path and force the feed metal to make sharper turns to
feed tangentially. In essence, as L becomes smaller, it becomes harder for the feed metal to turn
corners and feed tangentially into the casting section, and the feeding path solidifies sooner.
Therefore, as L decreases, W must also decrease for the casting section to remain sound.
Notice the sound label in Figure 20. This indicates that any casting geometry that lies
inside the U of the FD/T curves will be sound, while any geometry that falls outside this area


is likely to contain shrinkage porosity. Consider, for example, a side-risered casting section with
DR/T = 2 and W/T = 12. The lower portion of the DR/T = 2 curve crosses W/T = 12 at a value of
FD/T = 5.8. L/T at this location is 2.2. The upper portion of this curve crosses the W/T = 12
line again at about FD/T = 7.4, where L/T is about 4.8. This can be interpreted as follows: if
DR/T = 2 and W/T = 12, a side riser can soundly feed casting sections with L/T ranging from 2.2
to 4.8. If L/T is larger than 4.8, the section is simply too large for the riser to feed. If L/T is
smaller than 2.2, end effects will cause the difficulties in tangential feeding, and the feeding path
will solidify prematurely.



AISI 1025 steel

furan sand mold
140F (60C)
1 T 12
(2.54 cm
30.5 cm)
no visible
porosity on

Side Riser Feeding Distance to Thickness Ratio, FD/T


for W = DR

L/T = 4.9

L/T =
L/T =

L/T = 6.4

L/T = 3

L/T = 2.5

DR/T = 4

L/T = 2

DR/T = 2

L/T = 1.5



DR/T = 1


L/T = 1







Width to Thickness Ratio, W/T

Figure 20 Side riser feeding distance, FD, as a function of DR, L, W and T.






5.4 Chills

Chill blocks are inserted into the mold to enhance the feeding distance by creating a steeper
temperature gradient. The chill surface in contact with the casting must be clean and dry.
Surface roughness has little effect on heat transfer characteristics. Chills can be used with a thin
refractory coating or carbon black. Cast iron or steel chills, for all practical purposes, are equally
effective. Water-cooled copper chills are more effective than uncooled cast iron or graphite.
However, the effectiveness of these external chills is greatly reduced by the formation of a gap at
the casting/chill interface as the casting shrinks away from the chill. Graphite chills may
deteriorate with use. Chills are used at the end of casting sections (end chills) and as drag
chills between two risers. Their use and effectiveness are described separately in the following.
End chill: End chills increase the feeding distance by increasing the end zone length. As
shown in Figure 21, end chills have a chill thickness, CT, defined perpendicular to the
casting/chill contact surface. The chill thickness should be chosen to be between 1/2 T and 2/3 T;
larger chill thicknesses do not further increase the feeding distance. The end chill multipliers
given in Equations (3) and (4) below were developed using a chill thickness of CT = 2/3 T. The
chill width, CW, and the chill length, CL, should be chosen to match the section geometry, i.e.,
CW = T and CL = W. The feeding distance FD in this case is defined the same as in the end
effect case, as the distance from the edge of the riser to the furthest point in the casting section
(not including the chill). Although Figure 21 shows an example of an end chill used with a top
riser, end chills can also be used in the same manner with side risers. In each case, end chills
increase the end effect feeding distance by about 19%, i.e.
= 1.19

T end chill
T end effect


Since end chills only affect the end zone length contribution to the feeding distance, the
effect of an end chill can also be expressed in terms of how much it alters the end zone length.
Simulation results indicate that adding a chill increases the end zone length by about 38%, i.e.
= 1.38

T end chill
T end effect


where the subscript end effect refers to the curve for EZL/T in Figure 11.
Drag chill: Figure 22 illustrates the placement of a chill in the drag between two top risers.
This procedure increases the lateral feeding distance by essentially creating an end effect
between the risers. As with end chills, the chill thickness, CT, is defined perpendicular to the
chill contact surface and should be chosen to be between 1/2 T and 2/3 T. The chill width, CW, is
defined parallel to the contact surface in the length direction and should also be chosen to be
between 1/2 T and 2/3 T. Larger CT and CW do not increase the feeding distance further. In
fact, for CW greater than about 2T, porosity can form above the chill [1]. The drag chill
multiplier given in Equation (5) below was developed using CT = CW = 1/2 T, but there is little
difference in this multiplier whether 1/2 T or 2/3 T is used for CT and CW. The chill length, CL,
is chosen to match the section geometry, i.e., CL = W. As shown in Figure 22, the feeding

distance with a drag chill is measured from the riser edge to the furthest point in the casting
section that is not above the drag chill. Note that this feeding distance does not extend all the
way to the symmetry line between risers (i.e., the centerline of the drag chill), but rather only to
the edge of the chill. Drag chills create a pseudo-end effect between risers equal to about 95% of
the end effect created when a casting section ends in the mold, i.e.
= 0.95

T drag chill
T end effect


In terms of lateral feeding, if one compares Equations (1) and (5), it is seen that a drag chill
nearly doubles the lateral feeding distance.










Figure 21 End chill dimensions for a top-risered casting section.


CL = W



drag chill







drag chill


Figure 22 Use of a drag chill for top-risered lateral feeding.


5.5 Taper

A taper (or metal padding) on a surface normal to the thickness direction of a casting
section may be employed to produce the longitudinal thermal gradients required to feed any
length to soundness. There exists a certain critical taper above which the section can be made
infinitely long. Employing a taper below this critical value has no beneficial effect, i.e., the
length of the casting section cannot be increased.
An example of a tapered section with a top riser is shown in Figure 23. It can be seen from
this figure that a taper increases the wall thickness. The increase in thickness can be minimized
by taking advantage of the fact that the casting end does not require taper over the end zone
length EZL, and the region adjacent to the riser does not require taper over the riser zone length
RZL. EZL and RZL are given in Figure 11.
The critical taper at which a section can be made infinitely long is given as a function of the
width-to-thickness ratio W/T in Figure 24. In this chart, the taper is expressed as Htaper/Ltaper,
where Htaper and Ltaper are the height and length of the tapered section, respectively. Note that the
taper is relatively large for small W/T. The taper drops sharply as W/T increases, until it reaches
a nearly constant value of about 0.011 around W/T = 6.
The taper curve shown in Figure 24 was developed based on numerical simulations, in the
same manner as the feeding distance curves already presented in this handbook. However, it
should be stated that, unlike the feeding distance curves, there is currently no direct experimental
data available to support this curve. The taper values presented here should therefore be used
with some caution.




taper (in./in.)


Figure 23 Taper in a plate with a top riser.



AISI 1025 steel

furan sand mold
140F (60C) superheat
1 T 12
(2.54 cm 30.5 cm)
no visible shrinkage
porosity on x-ray



Taper, = Htaper/Ltaper









taper (in./in.)



Width to Thickness Ratio, W/T

Figure 24 Taper, expressed as Htaper/Ltaper, given as a function of W/T.



5.6 Other Casting Conditions

The feeding distances presented in the previous subsections can be applied to casting
conditions other than the stated base conditions through the use of multipliers. Table 1 contains
a list of multipliers for alternate sand mold materials, cast alloy compositions, pouring superheats
and desired casting soundness. The feeding distance for casting conditions other than the base
conditions is then computed with the equation:

Csuperheat Ccast Csand Csoundness

T different T base



where (FD/T)base case is the normalized feeding distance for the appropriate casting situation from
the previous subsections. Again, the division by the thickness T in the above equation is not
necessary, since T cancels out. Note that the multipliers for lateral feeding and chills introduced
in the previous subsections could be multiplied into Equation (6) if the base case corresponds to
end effect. For any conditions that are the same as the base casting conditions, a value of C = 1
is used. The multipliers supplied in Table 1 were originally developed for the end effect feeding
distance given in Figure 18, and they are valid for the entire range of this curve (i.e., up to about
W/T = 15). Through the use of Equation (1), these multipliers can also be used for lateral
feeding. However, they are only accurate up to about W/T = 7. Beyond this point, they are only
approximate. In a similar manner, the multipliers can also be used for the riser and end zone
lengths, which reach constant values at about W/T = 7. Finally, the multipliers are also
approximately valid for side riser feeding distances.
The soundness multiplier, Csoundness, for ASTM shrinkage x-ray levels 1 5 can be obtained
from Figure 25. The hollow symbols on this plot represent plates from the casting trials that
served as the basis for development of the present feeding rules [2, 3]. The numbers below these
symbols indicate multiple plates. The solid squares represent the mean value of Csoundness for xray levels 1 4, and are shown with bars indicating plus/minus one standard deviation from the
mean. The mean values are shown over the solid squares, in bold numbers. Recall that the base
case was defined to produce castings that are radiographically completely sound. These
radiographically sound plates are a subset of ASTM shrinkage x-ray level 1 (which implies
level 1 or better), and they are grouped separately in Figure 25, below level 1. This is done to
emphasize that, if a level 1 rating is desired, an x-ray level multiplier greater than unity may be
used (note that the mean value of Csoundness for level 1 is 1.14). No mean value is indicated for
level 5, since this level includes all castings that are worse than level 4. In other words, any
sufficiently large value of Csoundness will result in a level 5 casting.
It is clear from Figure 25 that Csoundness increases with x-ray level. However, there is a large
amount of scatter in Csoundness for each level, which is primarily due to the uncertainty in
assigning x-ray levels according to ASTM standards [6, 7]. Still, if used with care, Figure 25 can
be utilized to choose a soundness multiplier when the required ASTM shrinkage x-ray level for a
casting is any value from 1 to 5 (i.e., not radiographically completely sound). For example, if xray level 1 is acceptable, the mean value of Csoundness for level 1 (1.14) could be used; i.e., the
feeding distance would be 14% longer than those plotted in Figures 18 20. Such increases are
significant, considering that an end chill only increases the feeding distance by 19%. For higher


x-ray levels, the allowable increase in the feeding distances is even more significant (up to 61%
in the mean for level 4), and should not be overlooked when risering steel castings.
A more conservative approach to the example just given would be to choose a soundness
multiplier somewhere to the left of the mean value for the desired x-ray level; the further left one
goes, the more conservative the choice. In the end, the choice of soundness multiplier is left to
the foundry engineer. Figure 25 provides a general idea of how this multiplier relates to x-ray
level, but effective use of this multiplier will require experience with it in a foundry setting.
Included in Table 1 is a multiplier labeled no leaks due to microporosity. The use of this
multiplier gives about 25% shorter feeding distances than those given earlier in this section for
radiographically sound castings. These shorter feeding distances are intended to prevent
microporosity sufficient to potentially cause leaks in fluid-containing castings. This multiplier
was derived from simulations based on the results of a recent SFSA Research Report on
predicting and preventing leaks in steel castings [8]. The stated value of 0.75 is approximate; the
true value is likely in the range 0.7 0.8. Experience with this multiplier in the foundry will be
necessary to provide a more accurate multiplier.
Table 1

Multipliers used to apply base case feeding rules to other conditions. Base case
conditions are listed with the multiplier C = 1.
Condition Description
(Csand mold)

(Ccast alloy)

Casting Soundness

green sand
AISI 1025
AISI 1522
AISI 4125
AISI 4135
AISI 8620
AISI 8630
AISI 4330
AISI 4340
140F (60C)
86F (30C)
194F (90C)
248F (120C)
no shrinkage visible on x-ray
no leaks due to microporosity
ASTM shrinkage x-ray levels 1-5


Factor C
see Figure 25

ASTM Shrinkage X-ray Level













3" thick x 6" wide plates (56 plates)

1" T x 5.5" W plates (75 plates)
1" T x 10" W plates (72 plates)
mean soundness multiplier +/- 1 standard deviation

















Soundness Multiplier, Csoundness

Figure 25 Multipliers for desired ASTM shrinkage x-ray level of casting section, with plus/minus one standard deviation intervals.



The procedures for placing risers on steel castings are discussed in Section 3. They involve
the identification of feeding zones and feeding paths. The rules presented here for calculating
the size of a riser are applicable for the plate-like sections that make up distinct feeding zones in
a complex casting. Each section may require more than one riser. The guidelines presented here
were originally developed for full contact, centrally-located top risers [1]. However, they apply
equally well to side risers if a hemispherical bottom on the side riser is used to prevent premature
freezing of the riser/casting junction.
Since risers are typically of a cylindrical shape, their important dimensions are the riser
diameter, DR, and the riser height, H. For top risers, the riser height should be at least equal to
the riser diameter, H = DR. For side risers, H = 1.5DR is often used. A riser height exceeding 1.5
times the riser diameter is uneconomical and does not improve the feeding ability of the riser; in
fact, it can lead to secondary shrinkage cavities inside the riser.
A plate-like casting section requires one or more risers, depending on the feeding distances
and the riser diameters. To calculate the riser size, one must know the shape factor, SF = (L +
W)/T, and the volume, VC = L W T, of that part of the section that is fed by the riser. Figure
1 defines the dimensions L, W and T for both a top riser and a side riser. If a single riser can
feed the entire plate-like section, the actual dimensions of the section can simply be used. If the
length of the section is too long, such that multiple risers are necessary, the dimension L is not
the length of the entire section, but only of that part that is fed by the riser under consideration.
In order to determine the number of risers required and the dimension L for each riser, the
feeding distances and riser diameters must be known. Since the riser diameter is not yet known,
an iterative procedure is required where a preliminary estimate of the riser diameter is made first.
Using this estimate, the feeding distance and the length L can be obtained. Then the actual riser
diameter can be calculated. If the calculated diameter differs significantly from the estimate, the
calculated diameter should be taken as a new estimate, and the process should be repeated.
When using drag chills with multiple risers, note that the length L extends to the middle of the
chill, even though the feeding distance is defined to the edge of a drag chill.
The correct procedure for calculating the size of a riser can be summarized in the following
(1) With the knowledge of W and T, calculate the feeding distance for the configuration under
consideration (note that for side risers, an estimate of the riser diameter may be needed as
well; see the next step). Decide whether or not chills will be used.
(2) Using the feeding distance as a basis, estimate the number of risers required, as well as the
length L of the casting section to be fed by each riser. If more than one riser is needed to
feed the section, estimate the riser diameter, DR. A starting guess of DR = 3T (or 2T for
W/T 1.0) should be relatively close.
(3) Compute the shape factor, SF = (L + W)/T, of the section fed by the riser.
(4) Compute the casting volume, VC = L W T, fed by the riser.
(5) Calculate the riser volume, VR, using Figure 26 or the following expression [9]:


VR = 2.51 VC (SF)



Calculate the riser diameter DR from the knowledge of the volume VR and the riser shape. If
the riser is a cylinder with height H = DR, the diameter can be calculated directly from:
D R = 3 3.20 VC (SF)



(6) Check if the calculated riser diameter is reasonably close to the initial estimate. If not, go
back to step 2, using the riser diameter just calculated as the next guess for DR.
(7) Compute the distance from the edge of the riser to the furthest point in the casting section to
be fed by that riser.
(8) Check that the feeding distance is greater than or equal to the distance found in step 7 for
that casting section. If so, the riser sizing procedure is complete. If not, the risers need to
be redistributed, and steps 1 7 should be repeated.



Riser Volume to Casting Volume Ratio, VR/VC


VR/VC = 2.51 SF-0.74














Shape Factor, SF = (L + W)/T

Figure 26 Riser volume to casting volume ratio as a function of shape factor. Plotted equation
originally from [9], based on data from [10].




Steel Founders' Society of America, Risering Steel Castings, Steel Founders' Society of
America, 1973.


R.A. Hardin, S. Ou, K. Carlson, and C. Beckermann, Relationship between Casting

Simulation and Radiographic Testing: Results from the SFSA Plate Casting Trials, 1999
SFSA Technical and Operating Conference, 1999.


R.A. Hardin, S. Ou, K. Carlson, and C. Beckermann, Relationship between the Niyama
Criterion and Radiographic Testing in Steel Casting, AFS Transactions, Vol. 108, pp. 5362, 2000.


G.K. Sigworth and C. Wang, Mechanisms of Porosity Formation during Solidification: A

Theoretical Analysis, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, Vol. 24B, pp. 349-364,


E. Niyama, T. Uchida, M. Morikawa and S. Saito, "A Method of Shrinkage Prediction and
Its Application to Steel Casting Practice," AFS International Cast Metals Journal, Vol. 7,
No. 3, pp. 52-63, September 1982.


K. Carlson, S. Ou, R. Hardin and C. Beckermann, "Analysis of ASTM X-Ray Shrinkage

Rating for Steel Castings," 2000 SFSA Technical and Operating Conference, 2000.


K. Carlson, S. Ou, R. Hardin and C. Beckermann, "Analysis of ASTM X-Ray Shrinkage

Rating for Steel Castings," International Journal of Cast Metals Research, Vol. 14, No. 3,


K. Carlson, S. Ou, R. Hardin and C. Beckermann, "Development of a Methodology to

Predict and Prevent Leaks Caused by Microporosity in Steel Castings," Steel Founders'
Society of America Research Report No. 110, September 2001.


W.D. Spiegelberg, Computation of Solidification Gradients in Cast Steel Sections, Ph.D.

Thesis, Department of Metallurgy and Materials Science, Case Western Reserve
University, 1970.

[10] H.F. Bishop, E.T. Myskowski and W.S. Pellini, "A Simplified Method for Determining
Riser Dimensions," AFS Transactions, Vol. 63, pp. 271-281, 1955.


This appendix contains fourth-order polynomial curve fits for various curves supplied in
these guidelines. These curves are valid for casting sections with thickness, T, ranging from 1
to 12 (2.54 cm to 30.5 cm).

The riser zone length and end zone length curves shown in Figure 11:

= 2.803 10 4 2.874 10 3 0.0355 + 0.5726 + 1.094 (A1)

= 1.269 10 3 + 0.02856 0.276 + 1.446 + 0.852


Equations (A1) and (A2) are accurate up to W/T = 7, beyond which EZL/T and RZL/T take
on constant values of 4.2 and 3.05, respectively.

The end effect feeding distance curve shown in Figure 18:


= -4.29 10 4 + 0.0174 0.266 + 1.99 + 1.97

T end effect


Equation (A3) is accurate up to W/T = 15, beyond which FD/T has a constant value of 9.0.

The lateral feeding distance curve shown in Figure 19:


= -8.587 10 5 + 3.408 10 3 0.0533 + 0.6967 + 1.019 (A4)
Equation (A4) is accurate up to W/T = 15.

The taper curve shown in Figure 24:


Taper = 9.111 10 6 3.261 10 4 +
+ 4.207 10

3 W

0.02316 + 0.057


Equation (A5) is accurate up to W/T = 10, but the taper reaches a nearly constant value of
about 0.011 around W/T = 6.



Shouzhu Ou1, Kent Carlson1, Malcolm Blair2, Graham Jones3,

Richard Hardin1 and Christoph Beckermann4

Research Engineers, Department of Mechanical Engineering, UNIVERSITY OF IOWA, Iowa City, IA

Vice President - Technology, STEEL FOUNDERS SOCIETY OF AMERICA, Chicago, IL
Quality/Technical Manager, MACA SUPPLY COMPANY, Springville, UT
Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, UNIVERSITY OF IOWA, Iowa City, IA

This paper summarizes the findings of a yield improvement study performed for a 3 spring cap cast from
WCB steel. The original mold assembly used horizontal stacking with vertical parting lines, and had a
yield of 46.3%. About 25% of the caps cast from this design required welding for shrinkage defects, and
all caps had some reoxidation inclusions. The casting simulation software package MAGMAsoft was
utilized to simulate alternate mold assemblies, and promising designs were then sent to the foundry that
produces this part for casting trials. Several different vertical stacking arrangements with horizontal
parting lines were utilized in the casting trials. A maximum yield of 73.0% was achieved for a 3-layer
stacking arrangement that was poured through the riser. Caps produced from this design were similar to
the original caps in terms of welding required, but had significantly more inclusions. The quantity of
inclusions was somewhat reduced through the use of a thin, rectangular bottom gating system. 3-layer
and 4-layer vertical stacking arrangements were designed and cast with this bottom gating system,
resulting in yields of 67.5% and 69%, respectively. These caps also required a similar amount of welding
as the original caps. They had fewer inclusions than the vertical stacking assemblies that were poured
through the riser, but still more inclusions than in the original horizontal design. The results of the casting
trials indicate that the ability to improve the yield for this casting through vertical stacking will be impeded
by the failure to develop a gating system that produces clean castings. There is still a possibility for yield
improvement, however, using an optimized horizontal assembly. Simulation results indicate this
optimized arrangement should produce caps of similar soundness to the original caps, with a 62.9% yield.
Although casting trials have yet to be performed for this design, the similarity between this design and the
original assembly leads to optimism that the caps will contain a similar amount of inclusions to the original


1. Description of Case Study

The case study described in this report investigates the potential yield improvement offered by different
mold box stacking arrangements. In this paper, yield is defined as the total weight of the castings
produced by a mold assembly divided by the total weight of the melt poured to produce the castings. The
casting analyzed in this stacking case study is a 3 spring cap for gas valves (see Figure 1), which
operates at pressures up to 300 psi. The diameter of the cap is 9.5 (8.5 between the flat edges), and
the total height is 1.7. The cap is cast from WCB steel in a no-bake sand mold, with a final casting
weight of about 6.5 kg. A brief summary of the quality requirements for this production casting is as
No visible defects after machining
Must pass a hydrostatic test (after machining) at twice the anticipated working pressure
Limited surface inclusions
No x-ray requirements
This spring cap is a good candidate for stacking, since it is a flat, small casting that is produced in large
quantities. The foundry that casts this part was initially using the horizontal stacking assembly with
vertical parting lines shown in Figure 2 (1/4 of the assembly is shown). Five mold boxes were stacked on
either side of a mold section containing the downsprue. Each mold box contained the pattern for a riser
and two spring caps (one on each side of the riser), and a section of runner. When the mold boxes were
stacked together, the continuous bottom runner seen in Figure 2 was formed. The quarter-symmetry
views shown in Figures 2 4 only show half of each mold box (i.e. one spring cap and half of the riser),
and only show the five mold boxes on one side of the downsprue. Thus, the complete mold assembly is
obtained by mirroring the quarter-symmetry view across the risers, and then mirroring the resulting halfsymmetry view across the downsprue. So while only 5 spring caps are shown in the results, there are
actually 20 spring caps cast in this arrangement.
Unfortunately, the yield for this assembly was relatively low (46.3%), and the resulting castings frequently
had shrinkage defects on the inside rim of the cap (see Figure 1). Because of this shrinkage, about 25%
of the caps that were produced required welding along the inside rim. The castings also had some
reoxidation inclusions. The primary objective of this case study was to improve the yield without
increasing the shrinkage problem or the amount of inclusions.
Alternate stacking arrangements were developed and analyzed with the aid of the commercial casting
simulation software package MAGMAsoft. First, a base case was established by simulating the mold
filling and solidification processes for the original stacking assembly, using actual casting conditions.
Then, each alternate assembly was simulated with the base case casting conditions, the yield was
computed and the casting soundness was examined . If the yield was an improvement over the base
case and the casting soundness was at least as good as in the original design, the alternate stacking
design was sent to the foundry as a prospect for casting trials. If the design was cast, the actual casting
conditions were used to re-simulate the process, so the simulation results would be consistent with the

The casting soundness was evaluated in terms of feeding percentage and the Niyama criterion.
Feeding percentage is a local quantity that indicates if sufficient feed metal is available to feed
solidification shrinkage in that location throughout solidification. Feeding percentage indications
considerably less than 100% (for example, less than 85%) indicate the presence of significant
macroshrinkage, such as a cavity. The smaller the percentage, the more macroshrinkage is present.
The Niyama criterion (Ny) is a local thermal criterion for porosity formation, defined as

Ny = G/ T&
where G is the temperature gradient (K/mm) and T& is the cooling rate (K/s). Small values of Ny indicate
the possible presence of porosity (micro- or macro-) in that region. It has been found that if the minimum
Niyama value in a casting is greater than about 0.1 (K s) mm , the casting will be sound (ASTM
shrinkage x-ray level 1 or better) [1].

casting trial results. All simulations were performed using MAGMAs WCB steel and furan sand property

2. Simulation and Casting Trial Results Horizontal Stacking

The original horizontal stacking arrangement with vertical parting lines was simulated using the casting
conditions listed in Table 1. The simulation results for this original assembly are shown in Figures 2 - 4.
The feeding percentage plot given in Figure 2 shows that the risers contain mostly sound metal, indicating
that the risers used in the original rigging were too large. The feeding percentage plots in Figure 3
illustrate that there are minimal feeding percentage indications inside the spring caps (about 95% or
higher), occurring on the inner rim of the caps where shrinkage defects were found. Figure 4 contains
Niyama value plots, which clearly show that each cap has a region of low Niyama values (the blue area)
that runs through the center of the cap. This indicates the possibility that shrinkage defects may form in
this area. However, since there are no x-ray requirements for these caps, it is acceptable to have
shrinkage defects in the center of the caps. Also, notice that this blue region comes very close to the
inner rim of the caps, where shrinkage defects were found. Thus, the simulation results agree with the
results of the casting trials for the original mold assembly.
In an attempt to improve the yield of the original stacking arrangement, the sizes of the risers, the
downsprue and the pouring cup were reduced. The height of the downsprue and pouring cup in the
original rigging were 16 and 8, respectively. These heights were reduced to 12 and 2, respectively.
The original risers were 14 high (10 plus a 4 taper into the runner), 2.5 wide (1.6 wide at the bottom of
the taper) and 3 thick (only half of the thickness is shown in the quarter-symmetry view). The modified
risers, which were resized using the modulus method [2], have dimensions 9.6 (no taper) x 1.5 x 3. As
seen in Table 1, the simulation results indicate that these changes increase the yield from 46.3% in the
original design to 62.9% in the optimized horizontal assembly (a 16.6% improvement).
The geometry of the optimized horizontal stacking assembly is given in Figure 5, along with the riser
feeding percentage plot for this configuration. This feeding plot shows that there is less sound metal in
the resized risers, downsprue and pouring cup, and hence increased yield. Figure 6 shows that the
feeding percentage indications inside the spring caps are about the same as in the original assembly
(Figure 3), again having slight indications near the inner rim of some of the caps. The Niyama value plots
in Figure 7 look similar to those of the original assembly (Figure 4), only with slightly higher values
(indicating slightly more sound castings). However, there are still low-Niyama (blue) regions near the
surface of the inner rim. In any case, the simulation of the optimized horizontal assembly indicates that
this arrangement should produce spring caps at least as sound as the original castings, and with a higher
yield. Casting trials have yet to be performed for this arrangement, but will be done in the near future.
Finally, it should be noted that the vertical downsprue used in the horizontal stacking simulations (see
Figures 2 - 4) is slightly different than what was actually used in the foundry. The actual arrangement has
the downsprue angled 24 from vertical and curving at the bottom to an almost horizontal alignment
where it meets the runners. This allows the incoming metal to flow smoothly down the side of the
downsprue and into the runners, instead of falling the entire length of a vertical downsprue and impinging
near the runners. The foundry used this angled downsprue to reduce turbulence and thus minimize
inclusions. Since the simulations did not include the prediction of inclusions, the vertical downsprue was
added to allow the use of quarter-symmetry rather than half-symmetry. This considerably reduced the
required simulation time, and did not significantly affect the casting yield or soundness predictions.

3. Simulation and Casting Trial Results Vertical Stacking

Next, the effects of changing to a vertical stacking arrangement with horizontal parting lines were
investigated. The advantage vertical stacking has over horizontal stacking is that the vertical mold
assembly can be designed with one common central riser that feeds castings in all stacking layers. The
use of a single common riser instead of several individual risers indicates definite potential for yield
improvement. An example of this idea is illustrated in Figure 8, which depicts a central riser that feeds
two castings in each layer. This is termed an I-pattern. Another possible arrangement is a cross-


pattern, shown in Figure 9, where the riser feeds four castings in each layer. Figure 9 shows that the
cross-pattern is not an ideal arrangement for the spring caps. Because of their geometry, the caps
cannot be placed very close to the riser with a cross-pattern, and rather large riser necks are required to
connect them to the riser. This additional rigging reduces the potential yield. Furthermore, for simplicity
and ease of modification, the foundry wanted to continue to use the existing casting mold boxes that
formed the individual layers of the original horizontal stacking assembly. This led to the use of the Ipattern assembly shown in Figure 8.
Ideally, the riser size and distance between castings (inter-casting distance) should be chosen in such a
way that upon solidification, the castings are sound and there is a minimal amount of sound metal left in
the riser. The use of the existing casting mold boxes, however, fixed the inter-casting distance. Because
of this, a constant-diameter riser would lead to a reduced yield; if the riser had a diameter large enough to
feed the castings, a significant amount of metal would solidify in the riser between castings. For this
reason, the riser design shown in Figure 8 was employed. A cylindrical riser with a relatively small
diameter runs through all the casting layers, and larger riser blocks branch off from the cylindrical riser in
each layer and connect to the castings. Figure 8 also illustrates the modular design of the I-pattern. The
desired number of casting mold boxes are stacked on top of a layer that closes the bottom of the riser,
and an additional mold box containing the pouring cup is placed on top to complete the assembly.
The four variations of the I-pattern that were used for casting trials are shown in Figure 10 (half-symmetry
views). As in the optimized horizontal assembly, the riser blocks were sized using the modulus method
[2]. The riser block dimensions and casting conditions are listed in Table 1. For the upper two designs
shown in Figure 10, the melt simply enters the mold assembly through a pouring cup that channels the
metal into the riser, sequentially filling the castings and riser blocks from the bottom up. Both of these
designs have three casting layers, each containing two castings, and thus produce six spring caps at a
time. The only difference between these two arrangements is that one has the spring caps oriented with
the flanges facing upward (3 up, poured through riser), and the other has the flanges facing downward
(3 down, poured through riser). The lower two designs in Figure 10 are similar to the 3 down, poured
through riser assembly, but they employ a bottom gating system. The melt flows from the pouring cup
into the downsprue, and then through a thin, flat section of gating at the bottom of the assembly. Finally,
the metal flows up the riser, again sequentially filling the castings and riser blocks from the bottom up.
One of these designs has 3 casting layers (3 down, bottom gating), and the other has 4 layers (4 down,
bottom gating). The casting mold boxes used in the bottom gating assemblies are the same as those
used in the poured through riser assemblies, except they also contain a section of the downsprue. The
bottom gating is added by modifying the extra bottom mold layer shown in Figure 8, and the largerdiameter riser head on top of the riser is added to the pouring cup mold box.
The simulation results for the two poured through riser designs are given in Figures 11 and 12. By
comparing these simulation results with the results for the horizontal assemblies discussed in the
previous section, it is seen that the predicted casting soundness in all of these cases is similar. There are
only slight differences in the feeding percentage plots, and the Niyama plots are similar as well. The
Niyama plots in Figures 11 and 12 again have low values (i.e. potential for shrinkage defects) in the
center of the caps, and again these low Niyama regions pass very near the inner rim of the spring caps.
Thus, the potential for inner-rim surface shrinkage defects remains. The low Niyama (blue) regions in
Figure 12 (3 down, poured through riser) appear to be a little smaller than in the 3 up, poured through
riser assembly and the horizontal assemblies, which indicates that the 3 down, poured through riser
caps may be slightly more sound.
The results of the casting trials for the poured through riser I-patterns are in good agreement with the
simulations. Figure 13 provides a comparison between x-ray results and Niyama values for one of the
spring caps cast in the 3 down, poured through riser configuration. The x-ray image (top left) was
digitized and treated with the image analysis software package Transform, resulting in the bottom left
image in Figure 13. Simulation results are shown for three cross-sections of the spring cap, displaying
only Niyama values less than 0.1 (where shrinkage defects that are visible on x-ray can be expected).
Comparing the two bottom images, the location of the shrinkage defects that appear on the x-ray
corresponds quite well with the Niyama prediction. Figure 14 shows a comparison between the predicted


and actual shrinkage cavities in the risers of both poured through riser I-patterns. In the feeding
percentage plots, the light purple regions represent areas where there is no metal. Comparing these
regions with the holes seen in the photos, the riser shrinkage cavities are predicted quite well.
In terms of inclusions, both poured through riser arrangements produced caps with a significantly larger
number of inclusions than the original horizontal assembly. In addition, the 3 up, poured through riser
design produced caps that had an excessive number of inclusions on the flange surface. This was
unacceptable to the foundry, because the flange surface must be as smooth and flat as possible. It is not
surprising that this design resulted in excessive inclusions on the flange surface, since inclusions tend to
rise in the melt and deposit on the cope surfaces of castings.
According to the foundry, about the same amount of welding repair work was required along the inner rim
for caps produced with the two poured through riser I-pattern assemblies as in the original assembly.
As shown in Table 1, the yield for these two I-patterns was 73.0%. However, even though the yield was
improved by 26.7% and the caps had comparable soundness to those produced by the original assembly,
these I-pattern assemblies were rejected due to the significant increase in the number of inclusions.
The bottom gating designs shown in Figure 10 were developed in an effort to reduce the quantity of
inclusions in the spring caps produced by the poured through riser configurations. Both of these bottom
gating designs have the caps oriented with the flange side facing down. The foundry opted to add a
sleeve to the riser head atop the cylindrical riser in the 3 down, bottom gating design, but not in the 4
down, bottom gating design. The simulation results for the bottom gating arrangements are given in
Figures 15 and 16. Both the feeding percentage indications and Niyama values are similar to those of the
other assemblies presented in this paper. Thus, the simulation results for these bottom-gated I-patterns
indicate that the castings produced should be of about the same quality (in terms of soundness) as in the
original configuration. Note that these results also indicate that the use of a sleeve on the riser head does
not affect the soundness of the resulting castings.
Figure 17 shows a comparison between simulated Niyama values and dye penetration results for a spring
cap cast in the 4 down, bottom gating configuration. Notice that the locations of the shrinkage defects in
the casting fall along the ring of low Niyama values predicted in the simulation. Figure 18 compares the
simulated and actual riser shrinkage cavities for the 4 down, bottom gating I-pattern. The predicted
cavities are very similar to those seen in the pictures. The simulation did not predict that the cavity in the
top layer would be connected to the cavity in the riser head, but the region between the two does have a
low feeding percentage. These two figures provide further confidence in the predictive capabilities of the
As with every other design cast, the caps produced by the bottom-gated assemblies required about the
same amount of weld repairs along the inner rim as for the original arrangement. The foundry reported
that the use of bottom gating did reduce the amount of inclusions on the surface of the caps somewhat,
but the improvement was not as drastic as expected. There were still more inclusions on the caps than in
the original assembly. It is interesting to note that the cope surfaces of the castings in the top stacking
layer had fewer inclusions than the castings in the bottom layer.
As seen in Table 1, the yield for the 3 down, bottom gating case was 67.5%, and the yield for the 4
down, bottom gating case was 69.0%. The change from three stacking layers to four, then, only
increases the yield by 1.5%. The addition of layers beyond four would have a small impact on the casting
yield. Similar conclusions can be made for the poured through riser designs. Comparing the 3 down,
bottom gating and 3 down, poured through riser results, bottom gating reduces the yield by 5.5% and
slightly reduces the amount of inclusions. However, the inclusion reduction is not significant enough to
warrant the extra rigging required or the reduction in yield. The foundry may do just as well to use the
poured through riser design, and possibly add one or more filters to reduce the amount of inclusions.
Unfortunately, the 21.2% yield improvement from the 3 down, bottom gating assembly and the 22.7%
yield improvement from the 4 down, bottom gating assembly are offset by the increase in the number of
surface inclusions on the caps. Unless a gating system can be designed for these vertical stacking


arrangements that produces castings at least as clean as the caps from the original assembly, these yield
improvements will not be realized. However, there is still the possibility of a 16.6% yield improvement
through the optimized horizontal assembly. Because the rigging in this optimized design is similar to the
original rigging, the resulting castings may have a comparable number of inclusions to the original caps.
This issue will be clarified when the casting trials for the optimized horizontal assembly are performed in
the near future.
As a final note, although none of the alternate stacking designs used in the casting trials removed the
shrinkage defects along the inner rim of the spring caps, some additional simulation work was done to
investigate this problem. One simulated vertical 3-layer design did solve the problem. However, it
required the use of a riser that passed through the center of the spring caps, riser blocks on top of the
caps, and strategically placed chills on the caps. The additional cost in rigging and in the cleaning room
rendered this design infeasible in practice.

4. Summary
A vertical stacking arrangement called the I-pattern was utilized in this study to increase the yield of 3
spring caps cast with WCB steel from 46.3% to a maximum of 73.0%. The original assembly used
horizontal stacking, and the resulting castings contained some reoxidation inclusions. In addition, 25% of
the original caps required welding for shrinkage defects on the inside rim of the caps. Alternate stacking
designs were investigated using simulation software, and promising candidates were cast by the foundry
that produces this part. A 3-layer poured through riser I-pattern design produced caps of comparable
soundness to the original caps, with a 73.0% yield. However, caps produced from this design had
significantly more surface inclusions. In an attempt to reduce the amount of inclusions, a thin, rectangular
bottom gating system was used instead of pouring through the riser. A 3-layer I-pattern that used this
bottom gating system produced caps of similar soundness compared to the original caps and a 67.5%
yield. There were fewer inclusions than in the poured through riser design, but still more inclusions than
in the original caps. Adding a fourth layer to this design increased the yield to 69.0%. However, unless a
gating system can be designed for the I-pattern that can produce clean castings, the yield improvement
possible with vertical stacking will not be realized. An optimized horizontal stacking design with a yield of
62.9% will be used in casting trials in the near future, and quite possibly may produce caps of comparable
overall quality to caps from the original design.

This work was supported by the United States Department of Energy through the Cast Metals Coalition
(CMC) and the Steel Founders' Society of America.

[1] Hardin, R. A., Ou, S., Carlson, K., and Beckermann, C., Relationship between Casting Simulation
and Radiographic Testing: Results from the SFSA Plate Casting Trials, 1999 SFSA Technical and
Operating Conference, 1999.
[2] Wlodawer, R. Directional Solidification of Steel Castings, Pergamon Press, 1966.


Table 1 Summary of different stacking arrangements for 3 spring cap stacking study.
No. Layers/
No. Castings
Per Assembly


Mold Size
Per Layer
15.5 H x
24.8 W x
5.8 T
15.5 H x
24.8 W x
5.8 T
5.2 H x
24.8 W x
15.5 T

14 H x
2.5 W x
9.6 H x
1.5 W x
1.7 H x
2.7 T

Pouring time/

10 / 20
54 / 1620
10 / 20
54 / 1620
3 up, poured
9.9 / 1566
through riser
5.2 H x
1.7 H x
3 down,
11 / 1613
24.8 W x
15.5 T
2.7 T
through riser
5.2 H x
1.7 H x
3 down,
18 / 1588
24.8 W x
15.5 T
2.7 T
5.2 H x
1.7 H x
4 down,
20 / 1588
24.8 W x
15.5 T
2.7 T
* This design was simulated, but the casting trials have yet to be performed.


Low yield,
weld repairs,
some inclusions




Weld repairs,
many inclusions
on flange surface


Weld repairs,
many inclusions


Weld repairs,
more inclusions
than original


Weld repairs,
more inclusions
than original

bottom view

top view

Figure 1


surface shrinkage
defects occur
around inner rim

3 spring cap investigated in this stacking case study; the red circles show the location of surface
shrinkage defects.



Figure 2

Original horizontal stacking assembly for 3 spring caps, with simulation results showing feeding
percentage indications in risers (quarter-symmetry views shown).



Figure 3

Simulation results for original assembly feeding percentage in spring caps.



Figure 4

Simulation results for original assembly Niyama indications.


Improved original rigging


Figure 5

Optimized horizontal stacking assembly for 3 spring caps, with simulation results showing feeding
percentage indications in risers (quarter-symmetry views shown).



Figure 6

Simulation results for optimized horizontal assembly feeding percentage in spring caps.



Figure 7

Simulation results for optimized horizontal assembly Niyama indications.


Pouring cup that also serves as riser

Pouring cup that also serves as riser


3.2 (cope)

1.2 x 5.2 in each layer

2 (drag)

1 (Extra layer to close bottom of riser)

Figure 8

Sketch showing vertical stacking of casting mold boxes for I-pattern assembly.

Figure 9

Top view of cross-pattern vertical stacking arrangement.


3 up, poured
through riser

3 down, poured
through riser

3 down,

Figure 10

4 down,

Four variations of I-pattern assembly used in casting trials (half-symmetry views shown).


I-pattern, 3 up, poured through riser

Figure 11

Simulation results for I-pattern with 3 stacking layers, flange-side up, poured through the riser.


I-pattern, 3 down, poured through riser

Figure 12

Simulation results for I-pattern with 3 stacking layers, flange-side down, poured through the riser.


I-pattern, 3 down, poured through riser

Casting Trial Results

Simulation Results

Layer #5

X-ray film after scanning

Note: In the color image below, the

red and yellow areas in the interior
of the spring cap correspond to
shrinkage on the x-ray. The
red/yellow/blue/purple areas near
the inner and outer edges of the
cap are merely edge effects, not
shrinkage. Treatment of the
scanned x-ray image with image
analysis software (Transform) was
necessary to bring out the defects,
because the scanned x-ray image
above is too dark to see the

Layer #6
Layer #

Layer #7
After handling with Transform
Figure 13

Comparison of casting trial results and simulation results for I-pattern with 3 stacking layers, flangeside down, poured through the riser.


3 down,




3 up,

Figure 14

Comparison between simulation results and casting trial results of riser shrinkage cavities for both Ipattern assemblies poured through the riser.


I-pattern, 3 down, bottom gating

Figure 15

Simulation results for I-pattern with 3 stacking layers, flange-side down, and bottom gating.


I-pattern, 4 down, bottom gating

Figure 16

Simulation results for I-pattern with 4 stacking layers, flange-side down, and bottom gating.


I-pattern, 4 down, bottom gating

Dye penetration results for a circular-cut section

Layer #7

Figure 17

Comparison of casting trial results and simulation results for I-pattern with 4 stacking layers, flangeside down, and bottom gating.


I-pattern, 4 down,
bottom gating



Figure 18

Comparison between simulation results and casting trial results of riser shrinkage cavities for I-pattern
with 4 stacking layers, flange-side down, and bottom gating.


Attachment G:

Pressurized Riser Casting Trials

Richard Hardin1, Tim Hays2, and Christoph Beckermann1


Department of Mechanical Engineering,

University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA

Harrison Steel Castings Company, Attica, IN

The application of higher than atmospheric pressure to the risers of steel castings has
been reported in the foundry literature going back at least to the 1940's. In these reports, the
application of pressure to risers resulted in increased feeding distances, increased casting
yield, and improved casting soundness. Despite these encouraging reports, the technique
never became a practical tool in steel foundries. A series of three casting trials were performed
comparing 3" thick by 6" wide plate castings produced with and without riser pressurization. In
each trial a slightly different technique or schedule was used to apply the pressure. Computer
simulations were performed to assist in both the design of the trials and the analysis of the trial
results. The results of the trials showed that a system capable of applying pressure to the riser
could be developed from materials which many foundries already have at hand. Two systems,
one with and one without a pressure cap, were developed for applying the pressure. Both were
able to sustain a good degree of pressure tightness. When a pressure cap is not used, it is
critical that the pressure delivery tube protrudes deep enough into the riser so that a pressure
tight seal is formed between the tube and steel shell of the riser, and so that pressure is applied
to the liquid in the riser. The application of pressure was found to give a noticeable
improvement in casting soundness. The most dramatic improvement in casting soundness was
found in the results of the third casting trial where the longest plates were cast. Since riser
pressurization should result in longer riser feeding zone lengths, it is not surprising that one of
the pressurized plates was produced having a riser feeding zone length over 4 times longer
than that found for the non-pressurized risers.


It is well known that the application of increased force on liquid feed metal during
solidification assists feeding and reduces porosity in castings. The force on the liquid feed
metal can be increased using centrifugal acceleration or by pressure, as in the case of squeeze
casting, for example. There is substantial evidence in the literature that relatively low pressures
can provide great improvements in feeding distances. Yet, it is an open question as to how
much additional pressure is necessary to improve feeding and casting soundness, and to what
degree and under what circumstances can feeding and soundness be improved.
This paper reports on recent efforts by the authors and Harrison Steel Castings
Company to apply pressure to the liquid steel in a riser to demonstrate that a pressurized riser
is able to feed a greater distance than a riser operating under normal atmospheric pressure.
The primary goals of these trials were to begin to answer these questions, and to determine a
simple, safe and reliable method which could be used to apply pressure to risers to enhance
their feeding. In the case of applying pressure to blind risers, it may allow them to operate
much more effectively and predictably throughout the solidification process. In addition to
improved casting soundness, increased feeding distances will results in casting yield
improvement by decreasing the number of risers. Additional benefits will include reduced
cleaning room costs from a reduced number of risers and sounder castings requiring less
Several configurations were tested to apply the pressure in these casting trials. All of
the trials were cast at the Harrison Steel Casting Company. The trials tested the methods
capabilities to maintain pressure tightness and to deliver the desired force on the surface of the
liquid steel in the riser. It was hoped that the following questions could be addressed: when
has sufficiently strong metal skin formed at the casting surface so that pressure may be applied
without rupturing the casting or mold penetration, and what is the maximum solid fraction
through which the liquid can be forced along the centerline of a casting section. Substantial
guidance in planning the trials was taken from reports in the casting literature addressing riser
pressurization dating back to the 1940's.
Literature has been found describing techniques for riser pressurization in steel casting
going back as far as 1945 [1]. Jazwinski and Finch [1] reported using gas producing cartridges
in blind risers to improve their feeding capability. Their pressure releasing cartridge was placed
in the riser before filling, and it was designed to release the pressure quickly after a time delay
that was sufficient for a shell to form around the riser. They also reported that an increase in
casting yield would result because of the shorter, flat-bottomed, shrinkage cavity observed in
the pressurized risers. Their finding was that pressurized risers would not have to be as tall as
conventional atmospheric risers, and the riser size could be reduced. However, their method
suffered from its lack of control, and the method never gained acceptance. These results [1]
were so encouraging that Taylor [2] performed an extensive series of blind riser pressurization
Taylor [2] used a tank of nitrogen as a pressure source and an L-shaped tube that
protruded into the riser mold cavity to deliver the pressure as shown in Figure 1. He packed dry
sand into the end of the tube to avoid metal flowing into the tube. By using this pressurization


method he was able to control the critical variables of riser pressurization: the amount, time of
application, and sequences of the varying amounts of pressure with time [2]. We term this
last variable the pressure schedule. The range of pressures applied was 3 to 135 psig, the
starting times of application were 30 s to 2.5 minutes after pouring. Taylor attempted seven
blind riser trial configuration, which he cast without and with varying degrees of pressure and
pressure application schedules. The castings studied were fairly small, 1" plates, 3.5" bars, 4"
cubes and bars, and 6" by 10" castings. His findings were disappointing and discouraged the
use of the technique. His main conclusions were:

! he found no dependable improvement in casting quality or casting yield

! application of pressures 3 to 50 psig were more beneficial than higher pressures in
the isolated cases where there was success
! the rate and schedule of pressure application was critical to prevent the casting from
being enlarged, mold penetration, and forcing metal out of the gating system
! pressure capsules will not work due to the critical nature of the pressure schedule
! he believed the flat-bottomed shrinkage pipes resulting from the pressure would not
offer any yield improvement
! the effect of temperature gradients are of the utmost importance in making sound
castings with or without the application of high pressures (i.e. you can feed a hot spot
with the pressurized riser technique)
! he found mold penetration to be especially troublesome when using green sand molds
with pressure.
Despite reporting the shortcomings of using pressurized riser in [2], Taylor participated
in another study several years later attempting commercial application of the technique [3].
Taylor and Briggs [3] applied controlled pressure and the gas cartridge method again with
disappointing results. Again, one problem might have been that they were attempting the
technique on relatively small castings. Taylors effort to study the technique again is an
indication that there was considerable interest and were also reports of success with riser
pressurization at the time.
Reports of success with the technique were coming primarily from the former Soviet
Union, but there were also Western European foundries that reported using the technique
successfully. Russian work on pressurized risers is presented by Kononow [4] and Desnizki [5].
They describe application of the riser pressurization technique to large castings using
compressed air. Table I, taken from Kononow (1955, [4]), presents a comparison of casting
yields obtained with and without using pressurized risers. Yields as high as 89% are reported
with riser pressurization. A schematic diagram of the method used to apply pressure to the
riser is shown in Figure 2. Compressed air was applied to the riser through a steel tube into
which another tube made of molding sand, or chamotte refractory material, containing small 3
mm diameter channels was inserted. The ends of the channels were covered with a thin layer
of slurry to prevent the channels from filling with steel and freezing closed during mold filling.
The riser was molded in a sand with a low gas permeability. Kononow says the riser could be


pressurized by up to 5 atmospheres after a sufficient time elapses to form a solid skin. At first a
low pressure was applied, and the pressure was increased with the progress of solidification as
the solidified skin could support higher pressures. The pressurization schedule was varied
depending on riser size and section thickness. Casting yield is said to be increased from the
decrease in the height of the risers and number of risers required. It is mentioned that castings
with a 9 inch section might be fed up to 11 feet by this technique. Using the old rule of thumb,
4.5 times thickness, the feeding distance is about 3.5 feet. Castings were said to be
appreciably more sound with riser pressurization. It was also stated that the method is only
successful if the solidification progresses towards the risers, and that it cannot be used to feed
hot-spots soundly (a thick section fed through a thin one).
An experiment using pressurized riser feeding for a 3 m long plated is described by
Desnizki [5] as shown in Figure 3. The plate cast was approximately 2.5" thick x 15" wide and
about 10 ft long. Note that the plate was tilted with the riser feeding uphill, and a thick section
was added 0.3 m from the end of the plate. A chill was placed on the thick section. Cr-Mo
steel was used, and the pouring time for the plate shown in Figure 3 was 30 seconds. Desnizki
gives the pressurization schedule as 0.2 atm (2.94 psig) after 4 minutes, and then increased by
0.2 atm every two minutes until a maximum pressure of 5 atm (73.5 psig) is reached. This
would mean the maximum pressure was reached at 52 minutes after the pour; this is shown in
Figure 4. The pressure was maintained for 1.5 hours. Shrinkage was found in the thick section
showing again that pressurized risers cannot feed hot spots. Sections A-6 and B-6 were found
to be sound, which might be due to the end effect rather than the pressurized feeding. The
author claims this to be evidence of the method working, but the stronger evidence of this is
that the plate appeared sound up to the thick section. No abnormal increase in oxidation or
inclusions was found in test specimens cut from the plate.
After considering the Russian literature [4,5], one is justified in viewing the claims of
higher casting yield with skepticism. It is not known how much the riser height can be reduced
through riser pressurization, and neither is it known by how much the feeding distance can be
increased. Yet, both must play a role if the increase in yield is so great. Criticism of these
claims of higher yield begins with the fact that the thermal requirements of the riser will remain
the same, regardless of the pressure assistance. Therefore if the yield is increased, one is left
supposing that it must be from reducing the number of risers required by substantially
increasing the feeding distance. From description of the technique and these considerations, it
may be that the technique will find application in castings requiring numerous risers and in
lateral feeding applications where the feeding distances are shorter.
Another method for riser pressurization was used at a foundry in Europe (Cie Carels,
Ghent, Belgium) as outlined in [6] and as shown in Figure 5. Note the use of a vent, and
observe that the compressed air pressure is applied both to the top of the liquid steel through
the cover and also down into the riser itself through a tube. The sealing of the riser is said to be
improved by using a grey iron cover on the riser top, and an exothermic sleeve is used to
increase the risers thermal modulus and further improve yield. The pressurization tube was
made from a moldable exothermic material with metal rods used to reinforce its strength.
Casting yield as high as 85% on iron and steel castings up to 10 tons were achieved, and 2 atm
of pressure could be applied within 30 seconds of filling the mold. This process was said to be
under European and British patent rights at the time, and it is not known whether a patent was
ever applied for in the United States. This method improves the riser performance in both the
thermal and the feeding requirements, and is a concept in optimized riser efficiency since it


minimizes both the size and number of risers a casting would require.
Berry et al. [7-9] have applied the technique to aluminum casting risers with
demonstrated success in reducing and eliminating interdendritic shrinkage porosity. Berry and
Watmough [7] demonstrate how pressurization may be applied using a plaster-of-paris cap as
shown in Figure 6. Other applications that they cite for aluminum castings use steel caps to
retain the pressure. They chose two castings for their experiments, 2 inch square bars 14
inches long and 4 inch square bars 26 inches long. Both castings will have shrinkage porosity if
produced without the pressure technique. They found that a delay in the application of
pressure was necessary to prevent metal penetration into the mold; a 30 second and 2 minute
delay should be used for the 2 inch and 4 inch bar, respectively. Also, a colloidal silica mold
wash was applied to assist with preventing metal penetration. By using pressures of 10 or 20
psig, they found that significantly less porosity developed, and there were substantial
differences in riser pipes between the castings produced with and without pressure. In a more
recent study, Shenefelt et al. [8], present some preliminary evidence that a pressure of 52 psig
could reduce the porosity content from 1.5% (in non-pressurized castings) to 0.5% in
pressurized castings. It was noted in [8] that the porosity shape of the porosity in the nonpressurized castings was irregular and appeared to be shrinkage driven. Whereas the
pressurized castings contained primarily spherical gas porosity, having smaller sized pores than
the non-pressurized castings. In [9], Berry and Taylor present a theoretical background to the
principles behind riser pressurization including a derivation of the beneficial effect of pressure
on the liquid feed metal based on the Niyama Criterion. This derivation shows that the Niyama
Criterion value associated with a porosity level formed under atmospheric pressure feeding
might be shifted lower by a factor of 1.5 if the local pressure applied were increased to 15 psig.
If there is skepticism that riser pressurization is not a practical technique for increasing
riser effectiveness, the reader should consider the development and application of the
technique for ductile iron castings in an industrial setting [10]. Aagaard et al. [10] describe a
process developed over a period of about 5 years at Georg Fischer Disa A/S in Denmark as
shown in Figure 7. Through industrial trials and MAGMAsoft simulations a process was
developed for applying pressure using compressed air to blind risers in vertically parted green
sand molds. The system is able to operate on up to 1/2 meter of metal head. Here the goal is
not only to increase feeding distances, but to allow the placement of risers anywhere on the
casting. The additional pressure can allow them to feed over a larger vertical distance than
atmospheric risers. One example application of this technique is shown in Figure 8, for a disc
casting produced using a pressurized riser. For this casting Aagaard et al. (2000) applied
pressure of 0.15 bar (about 2.2 psig) after 30 seconds from filling which was maintained for 5
Based on the literature surveyed, the advantages and disadvantages of using riser
pressurization are summarized below.
Advantages and Reasons to Develop and Study Pressure Assisted Feeding:
Improved yield from increased feeding distance and reduced number of risers,
yield increase of 30% often reported
Reduced cleaning room time and cost can result
Castings can be appreciably more sound, increased performance
Required equipment is relatively inexpensive, in some cases already in-house
Offers a solution for difficult "tall" castings with large vertical dimensions that


gravity driven risers cannot adequately feed

Trials will also provide data on physical mechanisms of feeding and the effect of
pressure on feeding.

Disadvantages and Problem Areas of Pressure to Assisted Feeding:

Cannot assist in feeding a thick section through a thin one
If a leak forms in the riser pressurization system, the gas/air might act as a
cooling agent in the riser, the riser must be properly sealed
Successful application of pressurization depends upon: rate of pressure
increase and pressurization schedule, size and shape of casting, position of
risers, gating system, rate of mold filling
Taylor's 1961 SFSA report [2] says centerline shrink cannot be eliminated, and
that the method is not dependable
Technique is probably not 100% reliable when used without experience and/or
simulation to design the correct pressurization schedule, but its use in production
[10] indicates difficulties in application can be overcome.
The metallostatic pressure resulting from riser head height is given in Figure 9. A
pressure of 1 atmosphere is about 14.7 psi, which is equivalent to about 53 inches of liquid
steel head, assuming a density of 7010 kg/m3 in Figure 9. Each additional 1 psig of pressure
applied to a riser would be equivalent to an additional 4 inches of riser head height. With the
additional pressure applied to the riser and casting, it should be kept in mind that if the gating
system is still open and liquid enough, each additional 1 psig on the riser will push the metal
about 4 inches higher, resulting in an over flow if it is not contained. Therefore, one of the first
considerations in designing the pressurized riser trials would be to determine if additional gating
system height would be used to accommodate a small amount of pressure applied early in the
process (as used in [7] and [10]), or if a time delay would allowed to elapse for the gating
system to solidify sufficiently. The trials performed here in this use a time delay approach, and
the gating is allowed to solidify sufficiently before sustained pressure is applied. The plate
geometry chosen for these trials was a 3" T x 6" W section. According to the current SFSA
feeding distance rules the feeding distance for this section is 14.4". This section was chosen
since previously performed casting trials for feeding rule development had produced numerous
plate lengths for comparison. The alloy poured was equivalent to a AISI 1030 steel.
The method for riser pressure delivery and containment for the trials needed to be
determined. Given the variety of methods used previously, there is apparently more than one
way to accomplish this. Unfortunately the literature does not provide all the details and
possible pitfalls of the various methods. For the first trials, rather than rely on the solidified skin
of the riser to contain the pressure (as was used in [2], [4] and [10]), in the interest of safety it
was decided that a riser cap would first be used. This approach was used in [7]. One
advantage of this pressure containment system is that it could be pressured tested before the
casting trial was poured to confirm its integrity. Based on the results of the first trials, it was
decided that a pressure cap was not necessary, either for safety reasons or for the success of
the technique, and subsequent trials did not use a cap. When a cap is not used, it is critical
that a good pressure-tight seal is formed at the interface between the pressurization tube and
the riser metal, since the metal shell of the riser is relied upon for pressure containment.


The method of pressure delivery to the riser was studied. It was decided that the tube
would protrude into the riser about 2" to deliver the pressure to the liquid metal. There was a
fear that a steel tube might melt, burn off or allow the gas line to get too hot. There are reports
in the literature of steel tubes being used, but here we took guidance from those that used
pressure delivery tubes made from fireclay refractories and mold material. It was decided to
use a fused silica tube, based on the experience that Harrison Steel Castings Company has
using this material. The fused silica tube used was a Fusil tube obtained from Industrial
Ceramic Products Inc. (ICP), 3/4" ID and 1 3/8 OD.
The pressurization schedule was determined based on MAGMAsoft simulations
depicted in Figure 10. These were used to indicate when a sufficient shell thickness had
formed and when the gating system was adequately solidified, and also how much time could
elapse before the pressure tube might freeze off. It was determined that a small initial pressure
should be applied to clear the tube, and activate the pressure system. Guidance as to the
critical maximum solid fraction for pressure assisted feeding was taken from MAGMAsoft
simulations of the experiments presented in the literature [5], as was shown in Figure 11. If the
trials were successful as reported in [5], the simulation Niyama Criterions results that are shown
in Figure 11 A) indicate that one would expect centerline shrink beyond the riser feeding zone
up to the point of the chill when no pressure in applied. At the chill, the Feeding Percentage
indications in Figure 11 B) indicate the hot spot of the thickened section at the chill would form
a large region of macroshrinkage. This would form regardless of the pressure applied to the
riser. If the plate was fed soundly up to the chill as reported, then the simulations indicate that
the fraction solid for the cut-off of pressure feeding could be as high as 0.7 solid fraction. In
reality, one would expect this value to vary with the casting conditions (pressure and alloy
composition for example).
Taking 0.7 solid fraction as the maximum solid fraction through which the casting might
be fed under pressure, MAGMAsoft simulations shown in Figure 12 indicate the casting should
be sufficiently solid to prevent penetration through the shell at thirteen minutes from the pour.
For mold penetration, this is conservative since it would be expected that the mold itself offers
resistance to the metal flow. Based on these simulations in Figure 13, the centerline is still at
least a solid fraction of 0.7 at 21 minutes from pouring. The results indicate a window of
pressurization from 13 to 21 minutes for the casting trial geometry. The actual pressurization
schedule used for each trial will be discussed in the next section of this paper.
MAGMAsoft could not be used as a tool to design the amount of pressure to be applied
and the pressure schedule. The current modeling in MAGMAsoft does not model pressure
assisted feeding and the physics related to it, such as: pressure driven liquid flow, nucleation
and growth of gas porosity, shrinkage porosity formation and shrinkage driven flow in the mush.
At the time of this writing, algorithms are being implemented in MAGMAsoft under the direction
of one of the authors (CB) to give it this capability. To facilitate this implementation and to
experiment with various algorithms and the fundamental physics involved, a 2-D model with
these improved feeding calculations has been developed. Even though this model has yet to
be validated, it still can provide useful data and guidance in the design of these casting trials.
This 2-D model indicates that not much difference is seen in feeding enhancement between 1
atm and 5 atm of riser pressurization It is interesting that this was also a conclusion from the
studies in the literature. Therefore, the range of riser pressurization should probably be limited
to 30 psig max, and that pressures 60 psig or higher are probably not necessary.



Following the trial design studies, the first of three casting trials was executed. The
alloy poured for all trials was equivalent to a AISI 1030 steel. In Table III, all casting trial plates
are summarized, and are presented in the order they were cast by a plate identifier (ID). The
plate ID uses a T followed by a number to indicate the trial number the plate is from, then
number of the plate in order it was cast in the trials followed by an X, and then, if the plate was
cast using a pressurized riser, a -P is appended to the plate identifier for clarity in presenting
the pressurized results. So "T1-1X" is the first plate poured in trial 1, and "T1-3X-P" is the third
plate cast in trial 1, and pressure was used. A description of the three trials is given below:
Trial #1: Five plates were cast. The plate geometry chosen for the first pressurized riser
trials was a 3" T x 6" W section of length 31.5. A 6" diameter riser by 8" high riser was
used, and the distance from the edge of the riser to the end of the plate was then about
26. The in-gate was made at the riser. A vent was used at the end of the plate
opposite the riser so that the mold gases during pouring are not allowed to build up in
the system. The rigging used in the first trial is shown in Figure 14. According to the
current SFSA feeding distance rules, the feeding distance is 14.4". Fifteen plates like
this were cast in earlier feeding distance rule development casting trials, and the typical
result from radiographic testing was ASTM Level 3. Therefore it was expected that we
would see unsoundness in a non-pressurized plate. Two of these five plates were cast
without pressure applied, and three were cast with pressure applied. A flow-off riser
was used to sight the fill level of the riser. This was an effort to try and prevent too
much metal filling the tube and the shutting off of the pressure tube that might result. A
riser cap was used to contain the pressure. The material chosen for the cap was a
Harbison-Walker castable ceramic (Kruzite), which contains about 75% alumina and
20% silica. Gas line from the argon tank was then press-fitted into the Fusil tube, and
was sealed and fixed to the gas line using an Aremco high temperature ceramic
adhesive. The Fusil tube was then integrally cast with the Kruzite cap. This assembly is
shown in Figure 15. The patterns used for these first trials are shown in Figure 16.
Trial #2: A second series of plate trials followed with the plate length extended to 39" as
indicated by the rigging shown in Figure 17. No pressure cap was used. It was
decided to test that the steel shell in the riser is pressure tight and safe for
pressure containment by itself. Two castings were made without pressure, and one
with pressure. The in-gate was made at the riser.
Trial #3: In the third series of casting trials, four 50" long plates were cast. No pressure
cap was used. Pressure was contained using the riser steel shell, and the seal formed
between the pressurization tube and the riser metal. This trial used a gating system
placed at the end of the plate opposite the riser. This was done to eliminate interference
between the pressurization and pouring equipment. A drawing of the rigging is given in
Figure 18 and the cope pattern is shown in Figure 19. Two non-pressurized and two
pressurized castings were produced in this trial configuration at the time of writing this
A discussion of the trials and results for each of the three trial configurations is
presented below. All trials were conducted at Harrison Steel Castings Company, Attica,
Indiana. The pressurization equipment assembled by Harrison for the trials consisted of an


argon tank, pressure regulator and pressure line.

4.1 Pressurized Riser Trial Configuration #1 Results and Discussion
A brief description of each casting poured in the first trial configuration is given below.
For the first heat, temperature at mid-pour is 2875 /F (1579 /C):
Casting T1-1X - poured first in series from the first heat, Kruzite sleeve used, no
pressure applied, pouring time about 16 s. A violent reaction occurred when the casting
was poured. Kruzite sleeve reacted violently; this Kruzite was not baked and probably
contained too much water content still even though it was air-cured according to
Casting T1-2X - poured second in series from the first heat , no sleeve used, no
pressure, pouring time about 16 s.
Casting T1-3X-P - poured third in series from the first heat, Kruzite sleeve used and
pressure applied, pouring time greater than 16 s. Pressurization pipe position resulted
in a higher than desired metal release height and funnel cup had to be added.
Pressure schedule used - 2 psig applied after 6 minutes, 15 psig at 13 minutes,
pressure off at 20 minutes. Observations - Argon tank flow very noticeable, cold at
regulator, some bubbling noticeable at the vent, also crack observed at top of fusil tube
at press-fit to steel tube that could be cause of leak.
For the second heat, temperature at mid-pour is 2847 /F (1564 /C):
Casting T1-4X-P - poured fourth in series from the second heat, Kruzite sleeve used
and pressure applied, pouring time about 15 s. Again, pressurization pipe position
resulted in a higher than desired metal release height, funnel cup was added. Pressure
schedule used - 15 psig at 13 minutes, pressure off at 30 minutes. Observations Argon tank flow not noticeable, pressure appears to hold, small crack observed at top of
fusil tube at press-fit to steel tube
For the third heat:
Casting T1-5X-P - poured fifth in series from the third heat, Kruzite sleeve and pressure
used, pouring time about 10 s, a chill used at ingate so initial pressure might me applied
sooner. Pressure schedule used - 15 psig at 10 minutes, increased pressure to 30
psig at 13 minutes pressure off at 30 minutes. Observations - Pouring height is less
than other castings, appears to be 3 from top of overflow reservoir casting, ingate
appeared to freeze off due to the chill that was added there and also the pouring was
being done more slowly and carefully for this casting, argon pressure appears to hold at
the start, then a gas leak forms, possibly escaping near the downsprue.
Plate T1-1X had quite a poor soundness due to a problem with Kruzite sleeve and
could be considered as valid data. The results of the radiographic testing were interesting.
From the standpoint of feeding distance, the non-pressurized plate T1-2X was fairly sound, and
shrinkage was rated at ASTM-Radiographic testing Level 2 even though the feeding distance of


about 14.5 inches was exceeded by 12 inches. It was hoped that this plate would have been
quite unsound for comparison, but is an indication that plates of this soundness can be cast at
fairly long feeding lengths. In the pressurized casting T1-3X-P, an interesting indication on the
x-ray near the vent and a hole near the contact between the casting and vent was found that
was evidence of an argon leak. A section of the cavity caused by the leak is shown in Figure
20. The solid fraction was determined to be about 0.3 at the surface of the casting at the
location of the leak when the 2 psig was applied at 6 minutes. This indicated the riser was
pressurized, and the pressurization tube was not blocked, which was a concern. This results
also serves to establish that a surface solid fraction of 0.3 or less should be avoided when
applying even 2 psig pressure. Pressure appeared to be well maintained for plates T1-4X-P
and T1-5X-P, and plate T1-5X-P was the most sound of the pressurized plates and had an
excellent surface appearance as well. Radiographs of the most sound non-pressurized plate
T1-2X and the most sound pressurized plate T1-5X-P are compared in Figure 21.There is
virtually no difference in the soundness of the plates in Figure 21. Observing the x-rays closely,
the soundness of the pressurized plate T1-5X-P was judged to be only slightly better than the
non-pressurized T1-2X.
4.2 Pressurized Riser Trial Configuration #2 Results and Discussion
Based on the results of the first trials, it was decided that the second trial would use a
plate with a longer feeding length. A 39 inch long plate was used, which exceeds the feeding
distance by about 19 inches. Refer to Figure 17 for this trial plate length and rigging. One goal
was to not cast any non-pressurized plates as sound as plate T1-2X. It was also decided that
the next trial would not used a sleeve/cap to contain the pressure. A simpler riser
pressurization system would be tested that would be easier and less costly to apply in practice.
This simpler system also presents fewer opportunities for leaks to develop and possibilities for
failure. Like in the first trial, a Fusil tube would be used to pressurize the riser. However, in
these trials the argon line to Fusil tube connection was simplified to prevent the thermal
expansion related cracks and leaks that developed in the first trials. High temperature rubber
hosing clamped on the outside of the Fusil tube would be used to deliver the pressure to the
riser as shown in Figure 22.
Three plates were cast in these second trials. Two plates were not pressurized (T2-1X
and T2-2X) and one was pressurized (T2-3X-P). Casting T2-1X was poured at a temperature
of 2873 F. The mold took 12 seconds to fill. Castings T2-2X and T2-3X-P were poured at a
temperature of 2870 F. Casting T2-2X took 13.2 seconds to pour, while casting T2-3X-P took
16 seconds. A pressure of 1 to 2 psig was applied to casting T2-3X-P approximately 90
seconds after pouring. At the start of pressurization the argon regulator indicated 1,130 psi on
the high side in the tank. It appeared that system held pressure fairly well. The pressure was
increased after 10 minutes to 15 psig. At which point, the pressure apparatus was blown off the
Fusil tube. The clamps were immediately re-installed and tightened, and the apparatus was
held at 15 psig for 10 minutes. At the 20 minutes after pouring mark, pressure was increased to
20 psig, and the apparatus again blew off the Fusil tube again. After re-attaching the coupling
hose, the pressure was set and maintained at 18 psig until 30 minutes after pouring. After this
30 minutes, a drop of about 130 psi in the tank high side pressure was noted when the tank
was shut off. It is believed that most of this loss came from the two times the gas line coupling
slipped off the Fusil tube.
Castings T2-1X and T2-2X (non-pressurized castings) definitely had observable


shrinkage in the Radiographic testing x-rays, with casting T2-2X being more severe. The
pressurized casting T2-3X-P was by far the best of the three castings in the trial, and the
radiographer rated it as ASTM Class 1. The x-rays from plates T2-2X and T2-3X-P are shown
in Figure 23, and the pressurized plate T2-3X-P is more sound, although this is difficult to see in
the x-rays reproduced here. In Figure 23, the brightness and contrast of areas with indications
were adjusted to try and get them to better show the x-ray indications. The result of this trial
was very encouraging since a remarkably sound plate was produced at a feeding length of
nearly three times the normal feeding distance. If the pressurized riser feeding is working, it
should result in longer riser feeding zone lengths than for the same plates with non-pressurized
risers. Here the riser zone length is defined as the distance between the outside edge of the
riser and the first region of centerline shrinkage. In this trial it was found that the riser zone
lengths were virtually 0" for T2-1X since a region about 4.5" long starts from the riser, and
about 9.2" inches from the riser to the first indication for T2-3X-P. A somewhat larger region
starts also at 15".
4.3 Pressurized Riser Trial Configuration #3 Results and Discussion
The third trial configuration was a 50" long plate gated at its far end (away from riser) as
shown in Figure 18. It should be noted that this plate does not have the proper end effect due
to the gating. A hot spot is located in the end region of the plate similar to Desnizkis trial ([5],
shown in Figure 3). It would not be expected that this hot spot could be fed. The lack of a good
end-effect, combined with the very long feeding length (about 44"), makes this trial
configuration a good test of the technique, and provides a good basis for comparison of
pressurized versus non-pressurized risers. Here the feeding distance is exceeded by about
29.5 inches, or the feeding distance is 3 times the SFSA rule feeding distance of 14.5".
As in the second trials, a pressure cap was not used. Four plates were cast, and two of
these were pressurized (plates T3-2X-P and T3-4X-P). On the riser of one of the nonpressurized plates (T3-3X) an exothermic sleeve was used to increase the riser thermal
modulus and demonstrate that shrinkage in the non-pressurized plates was not due to
secondary riser shrinkage. In the pressurized plates, the end of the fusil tube was positioned to
protrude about 1/8" distance into the top of the riser. Also, a graphite wash was used on the
end of the tube to help prevent metal freezing and blocking the end of the tube. Plates T3-1X
and T3-2X-P were cast in one heat, and T3-3X and T3-4X-P in another heat some days later.
4.3.1 Plates T3-1X and T3-2X-P:
The pressurization schedule used on plate T3-2X is shown in Figure 24, and a table of
events and observations made during casting of this plate is given in Table III. The casting
process of this plate is presented in more detail because it was the most successful
demonstration of the technique presented here. The pour temperature taken following the first
two test plates was 2863 degrees F. Casting T3-1X was poured in 9 s, and casting T3-2X was
poured in 11 s. For the pressurized casting T3-2X, the starting argon tank pressure was 1000
psi. As outlined in Table III, an initial pressure of 2 psig was briefly applied to the system 41 s
after pouring. The rise of metal from the gating system at the far end of the casting confirmed
that the Fusil tube was clear of metal and confirmed that the pressurization system was
operating. At 1 min 43 s the 2 psig was again applied, and since no observable flow was
observed it was maintained. The riser cross sections of castings T3-1X and T3-2X are shown
in Figure 25. Here note the unique features of the pressurized riser section. In particular note


the region at the top of the casting formed after the initial pressure application, and then
observe longer vertical sides of the riser indicating a relatively fast metal loss from the riser.
Based on the thickness on the riser shell observed here (in Figure 25) and simulations, this long
vertical drop in the riser metal height must have occurred at the 2 psig pressure application at
1:43. Since good pressure tightness was observed this quick metal loss must have pushed the
liquid metal into the gating system, since not ruptures of the casting were found. The rest of
the pressure schedule and observations can be found in Figure 24 and Table III.
The riser cross sections in Figure 25 show risers from the pressurized casting T3-2X-P,
and the non-pressurized riser for plate T3-1X. The pressurized riser appears to have three
distinct zones: the small top region about 0.5" in height, which appears to be about 1.5" long
below it (where the quick loss of metal discussed above occurred), and the lower region which
is most of the riser. This lowest region of the shrinkage pipe has a much wider throat (or bore,
or diameter) than the non-pressurized riser and is good evidence of the pressure applied.
Four Radiographic testing x-rays were made for each casting for trial 3, covering the
entire casting length. These are shown in Figure 26 for T3-1X and T3-2X-P. Note the end
region in both castings which shows shrinkage and is unaffected by the pressurization as
expected. The non-pressurized T3-1X casting has severe centerline shrinkage starting from
the riser (with what appears to be secondary shrinkage) and extending to a distance of about
25.3" from the riser. Over the same region the pressurized casting has only a few slight
indications that were determined to be Class 1. Riser pressurization has resulted in a riser
feeding zone length (sound length from riser edge) of 29" long, at Class 1 soundness.
Considering the approximate rule for riser feeding zone length (2 times plate thickness, or 6"),
riser pressurization extends the riser feeding zone by nearly a factor of 5. Figure 27 is provided
to show a more detailed comparison of the pressurized and non-pressurized Radiographic
testing results near the end of the plate, and Figure 28 shows the more detailed comparison
near the riser.
4.3.2 Plates T3-3X and T3-4X-P:
The second set of plates cast for trial configuration #3 were cast using an exothermic
sleeve on the non-pressurized riser (plate T3-3X) and a different riser pressurization schedule
for the pressurized plate (plate T3-4X-P) . A very small initial pressure was applied briefly at
the start to confirm the pressurization was active on the casting, as was done with plate T3-2X.
Pressurization was applied at 10 minutes using 15 psig. However, because the pressurized
casting was poured approximately one half inch below the top of the riser in an effort to prevent
the tube from filling with metal, a good pressure tight seal between the Fusil tube and the riser
steel shell did not form. This seal between the steel and the pressure tube is critical to the
success of the technique. Pressurization on T3-4X started with a full tank of argon (2,400 psi)
and by the end of the process 1,750 psi of argon was used. It is believed that this substantial
flow of argon served to chill the riser, and reduced both the effectiveness of the pressure and
the thermal modulus of the riser. This experience demonstrates the importance of containing
the argon with a good metal seal around the tube, and that the riser should be either filled
completely or the tube should be submerged into the riser cavity in order to pressurize the top
of the liquid metal. The tops of risers from these two castings are shown in Figure 28. The
effect of pressurization can be seen where the pressure deforms and tears the top of the riser
in casting T3-4X.


The non-pressurized plate with the exothermic sleeve (T3-3X) was slightly more sound
that the non-pressurized plate without a sleeve (T3-1X). The soundness of plates T3-3X and
T3-4X-P from the riser to the plate mid-length can be compared in Figure 30, and in Figure 31
the whole plate lengths can be compared. The pressurized plate T3-4X-P is more more than
T3-3X from the riser to about 16.3" from the riser. Plate T3-4X-P is not as sound as the
pressurized plate produced in T3-2X-P. This probably is due to the undesired flow of argon
chilling the riser top. Also, once a sufficient skin formed on the riser top, it is believed the
pressure was no longer effectively applied to the liquid metal in the riser. Nevertheless, it is still
interesting to see the effects of a short pour, and the pressure did have a noticeable effect on
casting soundness over first 16.3" from the riser In plate T3-3X, there is a slight indication
close to the riser edge, and a long region of shrink extending from 4" to about 33" from the riser
edge, as can be seen in Figure 31 where x-rays for the entire plate lengths are compared.
It has been shown that the numerous reports of this casting techniques success in the
literature have some basis to them. Based on the results of the pressurized riser casting trials,
there is clear evidence that the technique can increase casting soundness by forcing liquid feed
metal over remarkable lengths to feed centerline shrinkage in the 3" x 6" plates cast. In the
case of T3-1X and T3-2X, it is found that the riser feeding zone length can be extended by a
factor of at least 4 with a casting soundness rated at ASTM radiographic testing Class 1. This
has important implications, particulary for applying the method in lateral feeding situations.
Also, given the centerline porosity eliminated in T3-2X, our findings refute the statement that
centerline shrink cannot be eliminated [2] by the method. It can be, up to a point that has yet to
be determined.
It was determined that sustained riser pressures in the 15 to 28 psig range were found
to improve casting soundness. The trials showed that a special pressure cap is not necessary
to achieve good pressure tightness. Proper sealing of the pressurization tube can be achieved
using the solid steel shell of the riser alone, but this sealing between the pressurization tube
and the riser metal is all important. An adequate time delay must be used before pressure is
applied; here it was found that when the minimum surface solid fraction is about 0.7
(determined by simulation) pressure can be applied without mold penetration. A more foolproof
method of filling the mold to the required height, and method to avoid tube clogging during
filling (given the time delay required) should be devised. Compressed air rather than argon
might also be used in future casting trials to demonstrate that this common resource may be
used as a pressure source.
Numerous questions remain following the trials that could be answered by additional
trials. The primary questions are: how much sounder can a casting be made by the technique,
and at what solid fractions and pressures is the technique effective? A perfectly sound plate
has not been produced using the method. ASTM Class 1 is the best section soundness
produced. Albeit, all the plate lengths cast exceed the rule feeding distance by considerable
amounts. Presently, the first of these questions can only be answered by more casting trials
and experimentation. Clues to the answer of the second question are found by comparing
simulations and the trial results, and by more casting trials. These comparisons show that
pressures in the range tested here (2 to 28 psig) can force liquid metal through centerline solid
fractions in the 0.5 to 0.7 range. The development of new computer models that include
consideration of the pressure forced liquid flow in the mush is necessary to study this issue


more thoroughly. Additional casting trials to explore these issues should and can be performed.
These might include a casting set up with lateral feeding between two risers (one pressurized
and one not) using a drag chill or reduced section asymmetrically placed between them to
compare the longer feeding length that is possible using riser pressurization in the absence of
end effect. Pressure would be applied at various levels when the centerline solid fraction at the
chill (or reduced section area) attains certain threshold values determined using simulation. It
can be observed directly whether and if there is liquid flow from the pressurized to the nonpressurized riser, and it such a trial the soundness of the pressurized and non-pressurized plate
sections can be directly compared as parts of the same casting.
This work simply could not have been done without the efforts and willingness of the
management, foundrymen and engineers at Harrison Steel Casting Company. We commend
them for the timely execution of these trials, continued desire to attempt further trials, and keen
interest in applying this technique should it be a demonstrated success and improvement. We
also thank all the SFSA member foundries who have contributed substantially to this research
project in casting yield improvement, and Malcolm Blair and Raymond Monroe of the SFSA for
their support of the Yield Improvement Program. This report was prepared with the support of
the United States Department of Energy through the Cast Metals Coalition (CMC) and the Steel
Founders' Society of America as part of the Yield Improvement in Steel Casting Project (Yield
II) Research Program, Program/Project Identification No. DE-FC07-98ID13691. Any opinions,
findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed herein are those of the authors and do
not necessarily reflect the views of DOE.
[1] S. T. Jazwinski and S. L. Finch, "A New Method of Feeding Applied to Castings Made in
Static Moulds", Foundry Trade Journal, Nov. 29-Dec. 6, p. 269, 1945.
[2] Taylor, H.F., "The Pressure Feeding of Steel Castings at Pressures Higher than
Atmospheric Pressure", Final Report on SFSA Research Project No. 20, SFSA, 1948.
[3] C. W. Briggs and H. F. Taylor, "Feeding of Castings at Greater-than-Atmospheric
Pressures", Proc. Inst. Brit. Foundrymen, 1953, 46, A. 207.
[4] D. R. Kononow, "Compressed Air Risers", Hochwertiger Stahlguss, V.E.B. Verlag Technik,
Berlin, p. 63, 1955.
[5] W. P. Desnizki, "The Application of Risers with High Atmospheric Pressure", Iron & Steel,
Feb., p.51, 1958.
[6] Advertisement, Foundry Trade Journal, Mar., p. 15, 1957.
[7] Berry, J.T., and Watmough, T., "Factors Affecting Soundness in Alloys with Long and Short
Freezing Range", AFS Transactions, vol. 69, p. 11-22, 1961.
[8] J. R. Shenefelt, R. Luck, and J. T. Berry, "The Case for Riser Pressurization", 1st
International Conference on Gating, Filling and Feeding of Aluminum Castings, Oct 11-13,


Nashville, TN, pp. 227-237, 1999.

[9] Berry, J.T., and Taylor, R.P., "Improving Casting Performance by extending Feeding Action
in Long-Freezing Range Cast Aluminum Alloys", AFS Transactions, vol. 107, p. 203-206, 1999.
[10] Aagaard, R., Schaefer, W., Hansen, P.N., and Rasmussen, N.W., "Active Feeding of
Ductile Iron Castings", Modeling of Casting, Welding, and Advanced Solidification Processes IX, Edited by Sahm, Hansen, and Conley, Shaker Verlag, 2000, pp. 861-867.
[11] Hardin, R. A., Ou, S., Carlson, K., and Beckermann, C., "Relationship between Casting
Simulation and Radiographic Testing: Results from the SFSA Plate Casting Trials", 1999 SFSA
Technical and Operating Conference Proceedings, 1999.


Table I

Comparison of casting yields obtained with and without using pressurized

risers, from [4]

Table II

Casting yields obtained using pressurized risers, from Desnizki (1958, [5])


Table III

Summary of plates cast in the pressurized riser trials, all are cast using AISI
1030 steel, section is 3" T by 6" W

Plate ID

Table IV



Distance from Riser

Edge to End of
Pressure Used? Cap Used?
Plate (in)
(Yes or No)
(Yes or No)

Events, observations, and pressurization schedule used in plate T3-2X-P

Event Description

Start pour
End Pour
Start touch up
Conclude touch up
Closed vent valve
Applied argon at 2 psi (Observation: Metal was pushed out of the
Argon valve closed
Applied argon at 2 psi
Applied argon at 6 psi
Increased argon to 13 psi (Observation: No noticeable loss in
argon- tank pressure approx.1000psi)
Increased argon to 20 psi (Observation: noticed a quick 150 psi
drop in tank pressure, but then it held)
Increased argon to 22 psi (Observation: noticed a quick 100 psi
drop in tank pressure)
Increased argon to 24 psi (Observation: Tank pressure reads 600
Increased argon to 26 psi (Observation: Tank pressure 575 psi)
Increased argon to 28 psi (Observation: Tank pressure 400 psi --- observed see gases being forced from the mold around the


Time from Start



Figure 1

Apparatus used by Taylor [2] to pressurize risers (above left) and one of the
numerous blind riser configurations tested, note the L-shaped pressure pipe
inserted into the riser (above right), from [2]

Figure 2

Russian method (Kononow, 1955 [4]) used to apply pressure to a riser


Figure 3

Experimental plate reported by Desnizki [5] to demonstrate pressurized riser

feeding distance, plate is 3 m x 0.4 m x 65 mm
















Time (min)

Figure 4

Pressurization schedule used by Desnizki [5] in the pressurized riser

experiment shown in Figure 3


Pressure Applied to Riser (Pgage, psi)

Pressure Applied to Riser (Pgage , atm)

Figure 5

Diagram of riser pressurization technique used at a Belgian foundry ([6], 1957)

Figure 6

Pressure cap used by Berry and Watmough ([7], 1961)


Figure 7

Diagram of pressurization technique used for active feeding of ductile iron

castings (Aagaard et al., 2000 [10])

Figure 8

Photo from [10] showing disc casting produced using pressurized riser with
location of shrink formed when pressure not used (right), detail of riser cavity
with pressure tube (left)


Static Pressure (psi)






Height of Liquid Steel (in)

Figure 9

Relationship between pressure applied to a riser and metallostatic head height

for liquid steel

Simulations were performed to:

1. Determine when shell is solid
enough to pressurize

2. Determine if tube
might clog

Figure 12

MAGMAsoft simulations were performed to establish the pressure schedule,

and determine when the casting is solid enough to withstand the pressure and
when the Fusil tube might solidify


Figure 11

A) Niyama Criterion and B) Feeding percentage results from simulations of

casting trial reported by Desnizki [5]

At 13 minutes, shell we
believe shell is
sufficiently solid and
center sufficiently liquid
to use pressurization

Figure 12

At 13 minutes the solid shell should be sufficient to prevent any mold



Figure 13

At 21 minutes from pour the centerline solid fraction is still 0.7, and
pressurization might still be effective

Figure 14

Rigging and plate geometry for first pressurized riser trials (above left) and
CAD model with gas line (above right)


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