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1.3 Principles and Practice of Management:: Definition of Management, Evolution, Nature, Purpose & Functions of

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3 Principles and practice of management

Module I: Definition of management, evolution, nature, purpose & functions of
Management: Science or art, contributions of management GURUS- Henry fayol, Peter
Drucker, Fredick Taylor, Michael porter, jack trout, Michael Hammer, Scientific
management levels and skills, managerial roles & functions, general principal of
management the emergence of behavioural science- the Hawthorne studies recent
contribution to management thought.

Module II: Planning

Meaning, definition, nature of planning, steps in planning. The planning process,
objectives of planning, M.B.O process strategies, policies planning premises
decision making search for alternatives evaluation of alternatives selection of
alternatives programmed & non programmed decisions.

Module III: Organizing

Nature of organizing, organizational structure and Departmentation, formal & informal
organization, span of management, delegation of authority.

Module IV: Directing

Definition principles of direction issuing orders or instructions, characteristics of a
good order techniques & importance of direction

Module V: Controlling
Definition, steps in controlling process, techniques of control, areas of control,
advantages and limitations of control, types of managerial control, need for control
control as a feedback system

Module VI: Emerging trends in management (MIS, TQM, ETHICS, AND VALUES). A
board outline of management techniques in MNC companies, skills required for
managers, Vision mission statements of leading companies

1) MANAGEMENT A global perspective by Weihrich, Heinz and koontz, Harold
McGraw Hill publication
2) Principles and practice of management by L.M. Prasad Sultanchand and sons
3) Principles of management by Tripati and reddy TMH publications
4) Management principles by T Ramasamy Himalaya publishing house
5) Principles and practice of Management by Gupta, Sharma, Bhalla kalyani Publishers

Quantitative Technique 1
Module I: Introduction to statistics:
Scope of statistics in Business and industry, Primary & Secondary sources of data,
Tabulation, frequency distribution, diagrammatic & graphical representation of the
Module II: Measures of Central Tendency:
Mean Median, Quartiles, Mode, Geometric mean. Measure of dispersion: Range,
Quartile deviation, mean deviation, standard Deviation & Respective relative
measures Karl Pearson Bowleys co efficient of skewness
Module III: Correlation:
Methods of studying correlations co efficient of correlation, correlation in
Bivariate Frequency table, Rank correlation
Module IV: Regression:
Introduction, lines of regression of Y on X, line of regression of X on Y
Note: The students are expected to answer theory questions and solve practical
1. Statics for Management by Levin R. L and Rubin . D. S (PHI Publication)
2. Quantitative Techniques for Managerial Decisions by K. Srivastava, G. V. Shenoy
(Wiley Eastern Publication)
3. Statistical Methods by S. P. Gupta ( Sultan Chand & Sons Publications).
4. Business Statistics by S.C Gupta and Indra Gupta (Himalaya Publications).

Fundamentals of Accounting
Module I: Accounting and its functions:
Scope of Accounting as information system Role and Activities of an Accountant and
Accounting Personnel
Module II: Accounting Principles:
a. Accounting concepts and conventions.
b. Accounting standards. Nature and purpose of accounting standards. Accounting
standards in India international accounting standards.
Module III: Accounting Mechanism I (Basic Records):
System of book keeping, system of accounting journalizing, transactions, ledger
pasting and trail balance, sub division of journal bank reconciliation statement
Module IV: Accounting Mechanism II (Preparation of Financial Statement):
a. Conceptual basis of a Balance sheet form and classification of items
b. Construction of trading and profit and loss account, balance sheet.
c. Adjustment entries, rectification of Errors.
Module V: Computerized Accounting:
Meaning, working and features of computer, role of computers in accounting. The
flow chart, computer process software packages for accounting out sourcing
accounting process
Note: Quantitative treatment of the subject matter with the help of accounting
software is required. The students are expected to answer theory questions as well as
solve practical problems.
1. Financial Accounting for Managers by S.N Maheshwari (Vikas Publishing House Pvt.
Ltd New Delhi)
2. Accounting for Management Text and Cases by Bhattachary S K and John Deardon
(Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd. New Delhi)
3. Accounting theory An Introduction by L S Pawan (Tata McGraw Hill New Delhi)
4. Financial Accounting by Shukla and Grewal
5. Financial Accounting by B S Raman
6. Advanced Accounting by Radhaswamy and R L Gupta
7. Advanced Accounting by Jain and Narang
8. Advanced Accounting by S P Jain and K L Narang
9. Financial Accounting Vol. I & II by M B Kadkol
10. Accounting system Proceeding and Methods by Gillspic
11. Introduction to computer by Peter Norton (Tata McGraw Hill. New Delhi)
12. Fundamental of Computer by Rajaram (PHI Publications 2001.3rd edition)

13. Financial Accounting by T S Grewal

14. Advanced Accountancy by M C Shukla and T S Grewal
15. Advanced Accounting Vol. I II & III by B S Raman
16. Basic accounts by B S Raman
17. Modern Accountancy by Padey G D
18. Three Dimensional Accountancy Samuel
19. Advanced Accountancy Koralahalli & Patil (S Chand Co., New Delhi)
20. Higher Accounts by Patil and Koralahalli (S Chand Co., New Delhi)
21. Fundamentals of Accounting by T P Ghosh.


Communication skills
Letter writing
Keeping the customer Humour
Oral communication (speaking)
Listening , Reading, speaking skills.
Written communication

Marketing Management
Module I:
Marketing : introduction, Definitions, Marketing management Meaning, importance
and various concepts.
Module II: Market Segmentation meaning and bases, Targeting Positioning,
Marketing Mix.
Module III:
Consumer Buying Behaviour; Factors affecting consumer behavior, consumer Decision
Making Process Features of industrial buying and factors affecting industrial buying
Module IV:
Product concept, Classification of product, Product life Cycle, Product mix, New
Product Development process;
Module V:
Channels of distribution; Types, Advertising meaning, Sales promotion, personal
selling and tools of sales promotion.
1. Marketing Management by Philip Kotler Millennium EEdition (PHI Publication)
2. Marketing management The Indian Context by Ramaswamy & Namakeni
(Mc Milan India Ltd)
3. Case Studies in Marketing by S Rameshkurar (Vikas Publisher l/e)
4. Fundamentals of marketing by William J Stanton (McGraw Hill Publication)

Organizational Behaviour
Module I: Organization Behaviour:
Organization Meaning and significance, organization and their need
Organization Behaviour meaning, nature, scope and application in management
Module II: Values and Attitudes
Meaning characteristics of attitude components of attitude formation of attitude
types of attitude
Values: Definition and importance of values sources of our value system loyalty and
ethical behavior
Module III: Perception
Definition need factors influencing perception process of perception
interpersonal perception and perception in organizational settings.
Module IV: Motivation
Meaning, nature of motivation motivation process theories of motivation Maslows
theory. Herzbergs two factor theory, Mc Gregory theory X and theory Y other
motivating theories, Incentives Financial and non financial incentives
Module V: Learning:
Meaning and definition, principles of learning observational learning cognitive
learning learning curve
Module VI: Group Dynamics
Meaning and definition concepts of group behavior types of groups group
behavior Norms Conflict resolution Johari Window factors determining groups
success groups decision making and group thinking
Module VII: Leadership and Organizational Change:
Leadership: Definition nature and skills of leadership importance of leadership
theories of leadership leadership styles.
Organizational change: meaning, definition, nature of work change types of change
Pressure for change factors affecting change reasons of change and resistance to
change strategies to overcome to resistance to change
1. Organizational behavior by Appannaiah, Reddy, Kavita Himalaya publishing house
2. Organizational behavior by Ram Chandra, Shiva Kumar Himalaya publishing house
3. Organizational behavior by Stephen Robbins PHI publications
4. Organizational behavior by Fred Luthans PHI McGraw Hill publications.

Quantitative Technique II
Module - I: Index Number:
Simple aggregate methods, simple average of price relatives method, laspeyres
method paasches method, fishers ideal index numbers, weighted average of
price relative method.
Module - II: Probability:
Concept of probability, classical frequency and subjective Approaches, concept
of mutually exclusive events, independent, conditional Probability
Module - III: Probability Distribution:
Concept of probability distribution, Binomial distribution, Poisson distribution,
Geometric Distribution, Normal distribution, and its standardization (only
definitions, properties and applications, no derivations).
Module - IV: Introduction to sampling and sampling distribution:
Determination of sample size, Testing of hypothesis; Different types of
hypothesis decision table. Type I & II Errors, level of significance, power of test,
testing of means
Module - V: Proportion and Variance:
Usage T and F tests (for small and large samples), One sample and two
sample setup Chi-square goodness of fit and independence of attributes
Module - VI: Business Decision based on above concepts (Module I, II, III,
IV, and V)
NOTE: The students are expected to answer theory and solve practical
1. Statistics for Management by R L and Rubin D S (PHI Publications)
2. Quantitative Techniques for Managerial Decisions by K Srivastava G V
Shenoy (Wiley Easter Publication)
3. Statistical Methods by S P Gupta (Sultan Chand & Sons Publications)
4. Business Statics by S C Gupta and Indra Gupta (Himalaya Publications)

Financial Accounting
Module - I:
Accounts of Non Trading Concern: Preparation of Receipts & Payments Account
Income & Expenditure Account and Balance Sheet.
Module - II:
Meaning Merits and Demerits of Single Entity System Ascertainment of profit / Loss
under Single Entry system. Conversion of Single into Double Entry preparation of
final Accounts
Module - III:
Dissolution of Firm: Meaning and Causes for Dissolution. Insolvency of a Partner
Applicability of Gamer Vs Murray Rule. Amalgamation of Meaning and Objectives,
Journal & Ledger Accounts in old Firms Preparation of Amalgamation Balance Sheets.
Module - IV:
Consignment: Meaning Consignment Versus Performa Invoice Account sales
Consignment Losses Types of Commission Valuation of Closing stock cost Price &
Invoice Price Method.
Branch Accounts: Branches dealing with Cash Sales , Credit Sales, Goods received at
Cost Price and Invoice Price Stock & Debtors system ( Excluding independence
branch and foreign branches).
Module - V:
Hire Purchase & Installment System; Calculation of Interest and Cash Price Journal &
Ledger (Simple numerical problems).
References :
1) Financial Accounting for Managers S N Maheshwari
2) Financial Accounting Shukla and Grewal
3) Financial Accounting B S Raman
4) Advanced Accounting Radhaswamy & R L Gupta
5) Advanced Accounting S P Jain & K L Narang
6) Financial Accounting Vol. I & II M B Kadkol
7) Advanced Accountancy M C Shukla & TS Grewal
8) Advanced Accounting Vol. I II & III- B S Raman
9) Modern Accountancy Pandey G D
10) Three Dimensional Accountancy Samuel

Managerial Economics
Module I :
Definition, nature and scope of managerial economics, micro and macro economics,
strategic / role and responsibilities of managerial economics
Module II :
Demand and supply analysis; demand, meaning factors determining demand, law of
demand elasticity of demand meaning types price elasticity, income elasticity and
cross elasticity of demand, methods of demand forecasting supply definition law of
Module III:
Production analysis: production function, laws of production; long term laws of
production (production with two variable inputs), isoquant curve and its properties,
isoquant map and economic region of production including forms of isoquants; laws of
returns to scale through production function. An outline of Cobb Douglas production
function optimal input combination (least cost combination of inputs)
Module IV :
Cost Concepts, classification, cost curves during short and long periods cost control
and cost reduction
Module V : Pricing theory and practices; pricing policies, skimming and penetration
pricing, pricing under different market conditions; price discrimination. Profit
management, meaning and nature of profit, economic and accounting profit, and
profit planning, break even analysis.
Note : Simple case to illustrate the application of economic tools to business situations
should form the basis for class room discussions.
1) Managerial Economics by Peterson and Levis (PHI Publications)
2) Managerial Economics by D N Dwivedi (Vikas Publications)
3) Managerial Economics by P.N Mishra (Pragat Prakashan Publication)
4) Managerial Economics by D. M Mithani (Himalaya Publications)

3.1 Business Environment
3.2 Corporate Accounting
3.3 Human Resource Management
3.4 Fundamentals of Computers
3.5 Entrepreneurship Development
3.6 Advertising and Media Planning

3.2 Corporate Accounting

Module I:
Share Capital of a Company: Company Shares Stock Kinds of shares Features
Issues of Shares SEBI Guidelines New Share Issue Procedures Shares Payable by
Installments at pan at Premium, at Discount Calls in Arrears, Calls in
Advances, Forfeiture and Re-issue of Forfeited Shares.
Module II:
Bonus and Rights Shares: Bonus Shares; Meaning Objects Merits and demerits of
the Issue of Bonus Shares- SEBI Guidelines for the Issue of Bonus Shares. Right Issue;
Meaning Difference Rights Issue and Public Issue. Stock Split Comparison of Bonus
Shares and stock Split (Simple numerical problems only)
Module III:
Buyback of Shares
Introduction Objectives, Benefits, Size and Sources of Buyback Conditions and
Limits of Buyback Modes of Buyback Through Tender Offer from the Open
market, from Odd Lot holders (journal entries and B/s only).
Module IV: Issue and Redemption Debentures
Issue and Redemption of debentures: Meaning and Features of a Debenture Factors
to be considered for the issue of Debentures- SEBI Guidelines for Issue of Debt
Instruments Issue and Redemption of Debentures at Pan Premium and a discount
(only accounting entries) (excluding ex- interest and cum interest).
Module V : Company Accounts
Preparation of Final Accounts of joint Stock Company Profit Prior to Incorporation
Holding Company Accounts.
1. Corporate Accounting A. Mukherjee and M. Hanif.
2. Corporate Accounting for Managers S. N. Maheshwari

3.1 Business Environment

Module I:
Nature and scope of business environment; components of business environmental
social, economic, political and legal; business, society and government linkages and
inter dependence.
Module II:
Indian Economy; Characteristics, objectives of Indian planning, economic development
during plan period. National income, meaning GNP, NNP, Per Capital Income, Sect oral
composition, growth trend and distribution of national income.
Module III:
New Economic and its after effects. Small scale industries: definition, significance
problems, remedial measures taken up by the government. Ancillarization in the small
scale sector.
Module IV:
Industrial sickness : meaning, magnitude of problem causes and remedies.
Module V:
Pollution Control, Environment Protection, Energy management

Business Environment by Francis Cherunilam (Himalaya Publications)

Essentials of Business Environment by K Ashwathappa (Himalaya Publications)
Indian Economy by S K Mishra and V K Puri (Himalaya Publications)
Indian Economy by K P M Sundarama and Ruddan Dutt (S Chand Publication)

3.3 Human Resource Management

Module I:
Nature & Scope of HRM- definition HRM personnel V/s HR role of HRM
managerial functions and operative functions objectives of HRM policies role of HR
manager qualities of HR/ personal manager
Module II:
Recruitment Significance sources and methods of recruitment selection process
barriers to effective selection
Module III:
Employee Training need training inputs overview of training methods
performance. Appraisal definition importance methods of performance appraisal
problems of performance appraisal 3600 appraisal
Module IV:
Promotion meaning purpose Types of promotion, problems transfer meaning
purpose types reasons benefits demotion meaning need for demotion
policy. Employee lay off retrenchment VRS / CRS.
Module V:
Wage and Salary meaning of different terms wage agreements, factors affecting on
wage and salary methods of wage and salary, wage incentives, different methods of
incentives payments.
1. Personnel and Human Resource Management P Subba Rao Himalaya
Publication 2002
2. Human Resource Management Biswajeet Patnayak PHI 3/E. 2005
3. Managing Human Resources Bohlander, Snell, Sherman Thomson learning 13/E
4. Human Resources and Personnel Management Text & Cases K Ashwatappa
5. Human Resource Management Gary Desler Pearson Education 9E / PHI, 10/E
Pearson, 2005
6. Human Resource Management C V Subramanium (S Chand Publications)
7. Personal Management Text & Cases by C B Mamoria & S V Gankar (Himalaya
Publishing House)
8. Human Resource and Personnel Management Text & Cases by K Ashwatappa 3rd
Edition( Tata McGraw Hill)

3.4 Fundamentals of Computers

Module I: Computer Fundamentals:
Evolution of computers, History and generation of computers, types of computers,
Classification of computers, Characteristics and uses of computer, Basic structure of
computer input devices, output devices, processing unit and memory, Data
representation integers, character, binary, octal, hexadecimal and conversions.
Module II: Computer Memory:
Primary & secondary memory, Diagram of Floppy disk, CDROM, Introduction to
operating system, Function of operating system, types of operating system.
Module III: Programming Language:
Introduction to Programming Types of language HLL, MLL, ALL etc, Translators,
Compilers, Interpreters, Assemblers, Definition of system programming and
application programming with examples, algorithm and flowcharting, meaning and
their definition, characteristics of algorithm, different symbols used in drawing the
flow chart (examples for algorithm and flowchart)
Introduction to C Structure of C program, Logical elements of C Language, C
character sets, Constants & Literals, reserve words, variables Data types, Variable
declaration, expressions, Operators and hierarchy of operators, use of parenthesis.
Module IV: Input and output statements of C
Input function scanf, Output function printf, Formatted input & output, Conversion
specifics in format, Control string, Control structure in C, Unconditional control GoTo
statement, Bi- directional condition statements, if else statements, multidirectional
control statement, ex: switch statement, Loop control for Statement, while and do
while statement, break and continue statement programming exercise, Arrays and
strings one dimensional arrays, array declaration & initialization, multi- dimensional
Arrays operation on arrays, string and string operations, programming exercises,
functions Lib Functions. UDFs arguments and parameters. Function declaration,
return statement, advantages of functions.
1. Programming and Computer organizations Manjunath Gundurao & Madan HPH.
2. Principles of Computer Science by Sunil Kumar Pragathi Prakashan. Meerut

3.5 Entrepreneurship Development

Module I: Significance of Entrepreneurship Entrepreneur and Intrapreneur
Concept and role characteristics of successful entrepreneurs, Development of
entrepreneurial competencies
Module II: Entrepreneurship for the Career Growth:
Choosing a career path charms of becoming an entrepreneur, being own boss, taking
initiatives and personal responsibilities, Becoming independent and rewards.
Module III: Creativity and Innovation:
Definition of creativity and innovation stages of creativity thought strategies to
develop creativity Techniques of creative problem solving stages, lateral thinking
and multi track thinking, exercises on creativity. Types of innovation, Example of
innovative organization.
Module IV: Schemes and Assistance of Support Agencies:
Banks, DIC, SFC and SIDC, LIC representatives in improving the quality of
Module V: Visits to Small Enterprises:
Process of becoming an entrepreneur and problems encountered by the
entrepreneurs interaction with entrepreneurs, presentation of the problems faced
by the entrepreneurs while starting an enterprise.
1) Entrepreneurship New Venture Creation by Hatt (PHI Publications )
2) Handbook on New Entrepreneurs Ed. By P C Jain (Oxford University Publications)
3) You can Win by Shiva Khera (McMillan Publications)
4) Small scale Industries Hand Book by Jay Narayandas (Granthvi Tran Publications)
5) Corporate creativity Pradeep Khandawala

Advertising and Media Management

Module I:
Nature, scope and types of advertising, the role of advertising in modem business
units; economics, social and ethical aspects of advertising; advertisement goals.
Module II:
Technical aspects of advertising advertisement message / theme/ appeal structure,
copywriting and layout. Dagmar approach, determination of target audience; building
of advertising programme message; headlines, copy, logo, illustration, appeal,
Module III:
Advertising media and their selection; media planning; electronic media buying,
advertising aids; trademarks, slogans, packaging, pop display, premiums, free samples
Module IV:
Advertising budget; advertising agencies; Selection compensation and appraisal of an
agency; methods of measuring advertising effectiveness; developing corporate image
techniques, concepts and practices.
Module V:
1. Advertising Management; Aaker D A & Myers (Prentice Hall of India)
2. Principles of Advertising & IMC; Tom Ducan 2nd Edition (Tata McGraw Hill)
3. Advertising Management; Rajiv Batra, John Myres, David Aaker (Pearson Education
Singapore Pvt Ltd)
4. Sales Promotion & Advertising Management by M.N. Mishra (Himalaya Publication)

4.1 Fundamentals of costing
4.2 Indian constitution
4.3 Environmental Studies
4.4 Computer Application for Business
4.5 Financial Management
4.6 Business Research Methods
4.7 Management of Training & Development

Fundamental of Costing
Module I:
Introduction to Cost Accounting Nature of Cost accounting Cost Principles, Cost
Concepts, Cost Analysis, Cost Drives and Cost Management
Module II:
Elements of Costing Material Management Meaning of Material and Classification
Functions of purchase department stock levels material pricing (FIFO, LIFO, SAP
AND WAP only)
Module III:
Labour meaning 0 direct and indirect labour labour cost control methods of wage
Module IV:
Overhead meaning and classification pre parathion of departmental distribution
summary (primary and secondary)
Module V:
Methods of costing output costing, job costing, contract costing, process costing and
operating costing, and activity based costing, target costing.
1) Cost accounting Principles and Practice by M N Arora (Vikas Publications Pvt Ltd.)
2) Cost Accounting by I.M Pandey (Vikas Publications Pvt. Ltd)
3) Cost Analysis and control A management approach by Hall mag and Sharvan
(Himalaya Publication House)
4) Cost Accounting by P T Pattashetty and D R Pallekar
5) Cost Accounting Vol. I &II by B S Raman
6) Cost Accounts by S P Jain and K L Narang
7) Cost Accounting Theory by L Swaminaran

Indian Constitution
Module I:
a) Meaning of the term constitution
b) Making or Framing of the Indian Constitution 1946 1949 and Role played by Dr.
B R Ambedkar
Module II:
a) Salient features of the constitution
b) Preamble of the constitution
Module III:
a) Fundamental Rights meaning, importance and content
(scope) and Fundamental Duties.
b) Directive Principles of state policy meaning and content
Module IV:
a) Union Government
Legislature (Parliament) composition, powers and functions of the two
Executive president election powers and functions Prime MinisterAppointment, powers and functions
Judiciary supreme court- composition, organization and jurisdiction
b) State Government
Legislature composition powers and functions.
Executive governor and Chief Minister appointment powers and
Judiciary High Courts Composition, organization and jurisdiction
Module V:
a) Democratic Decentralization 73rd and 74th constitutional Amendments.
b) Special Rights or Provisions created in the constitution for Details
Backward Classes, women, children and minorities
1) J. C. Johari The constitution of India, A Politico Legal study sterling publishers
PVT. Ltd . New Delhi.
2) M.V. Pylee Indias constitution S Chand & Company New Delhi
3) P.M Bakshi Constitution of India universal law publishing co.Pvt Ltd New Delhi.
(selective comments)
4) Subhash C Kashyap Our Constitution National Book Trust New Delhi
5) Brij Khishore Sharma Introduction to the Constitution of India Prentice Hall of
India private Ltd New Delhi

Computer Applications for Business

Module I: Management Information Systems:
Information system for decision making, Evaluation of an information System, MIS as a
technique for making programmed Decisions, defining the problem, setting system
objectives, establishment of system Conceptual system.
Module II: Popular Software in Business Application: MS word meaning of world
processing Various types of word processing software opening, saving a document and
non document / files protection of files, functions of screens, mail merging, table
Module III: Basic features of Spread Sheet:
MS Excel Spread sheet software, ROWS, Columns, Formulas, graphic
representations, simple calculation in applied areas like marketing, finance production
Module IV: Internet:
Necessity of internet in Todays world, creating, addressing on internet, sending
e mails etc.
Module V: Introduction to TALLY:
Foundation, startup, accounts information, voucher, Balance sheet, display.
NOTE: The students are required to answer theory questions and solve practical
1) Management Information System by A. K Gupta (Sultan Chand Publications)
2) Management Information System by P Mohan (Himalaya Publications)
3) MS Office 2000
4) Accounting with TALLY by K. K. Nandini (BPB Publication 1st edition 2000)

Financial Management
Module I:
Introduction, Meaning of Business Finance, definitions of corporate finance/ financial
management, objectives of financial management, profit maximization, wealth
Module II:
Financing decisions; Financial and operating leverage, capital structure theories,
capital structure planning and policy.
Module III:
Analysis of capital budgeting decisions- significance capital budgeting process
investment evaluation criteria payback period Rate of return method net present
value method IRR method Profitability Index Risk analysis in capital budgeting.
Module IV:
Management of working capital concept, Need for working capital, Determinants of
working capital, estimating working capital needs, Financing current assets, cash
Management, Receivables management and inventory management .
Module V:
Dividend decisions: Dividend theories, Dividend policy, Factors influencing dividend
Note: Quantitative treatment of the subject matter is required. The students are
expected answer theory questions and solve practical problems.
1) Financial Management Text and Problems by M Y Khan and P K Jain
2) Essentials of Financial Management by I M Pandy (Vikas Publicating House Pvt Ltd)
3) Financial Management by Prasanna Chandra ( Tata McGraw Hill)

Business Research Methods

Module I:
Introduction to business research research methodology scientific methods
research process Scientific method in physical science and marketing distinction
between scientific and non scientific methods difficulties in applying scientific
methods in marketing
Module II:
Business Research Process research problems designing the study steps in
research design process types of research design
Module III:
Sources and collection of Data secondary data sources advantages limitations
methods of collection of primary data sources- advantages methods of collection
of data questionnaire design scale of measurement used in research
Module IV:
Report writing methods of report writing oral, written advantages & disadvantages
of oral & written reports components of written research reports presentation of
report audio video presentation
Module V:
Data Analysis use of SPSS and other statistical software packages
1) Research Methodology : C R Kothari Vishwa Publications, 2002
2) Business Research Methods; Cooper and Schinder TMH, 8/e, 2004
3) Marketing Research: David Luck, Ronald Rubin Phi, 2000
4) Research methods: Paneerselvam R PHI . 2004
5) Survey Methods : Fowler, Floyd J Sage publications

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