Working Memory
Working Memory
Working Memory
Working memory is a limited capacity part of the human memory system that combines the
temporary storage and manipulation of information in the service of cognition. Short-term
memory refers to information-storage without manipulation and is therefore a component of
working memory. Working memory differs from long-term memory, a separate part of the
memory system with a vast storage capacity that holds information in a relatively more stable
form. According to the multi-component model, working memory includes an executive
controller that interacts with separate short-term stores for auditory-verbal and visuo-spatial
information. The concept of working memory has proved useful in many areas of application
including individual differences in cognition, neuropsychology, normal and abnormal child
development and neuroimaging.
The term working memory is used most frequently to refer to a limited capacity system that is
capable of briefly storing and manipulating information involved in the performance of complex
cognitive tasks such as reasoning, comprehension and certain types of learning. Working
memory differs from short-term memory (STM) in that it assumes both the storage and
manipulation of information, and in the emphasis on its functional role in complex cognition. A
range of different approaches to the study of working memory have developed with differences
reflecting the interests of the researcher, whether neuropsychological (Vallar, 2006),
neurobiological (O'Reilly et al., 1999), psychometric (Engle et al., 1999) or oriented towards
providing practical guidance on human factors (Kieras et al., 1999). Despite very different
theoretical methods and styles, there is general agreement on a need to assume a role for some
form of executive controller, probably of limited attentional capacity, aided by temporary
storage systems, with visual and verbal storage probably operating separately (Miyake & Shah,
1999). Such a structure had in fact been proposed by Baddeley and Hitch (1974). While
accepting that this is now one of range of models, the Baddeley and Hitch multicomponent
model provides a convenient structure for summarising research on working memory over the
30 years since it was first proposed.
Before moving on it is important to note that the term working memory was developed
independently in the study of animal learning where it refers to the type of learning or memory
thought to underpin tasks such as the radial arm maze, in which an animal has to remember
which of several arms have already been visited on that day, a task which we would regard as
depending on long-term memory (Olton, Becker & Handelmann, 1979).
The phonological store is indicated by the presence of the phonological similarity effect,
whereby people are much less accurate in repeating back sequences of similar-sounding words
such as MAN CAP CAT MAT CAN, than dissimilar words such as PIT DAY COW PEN TOP.
Similarity of meaning (HUGE LARGE BIG WIDE TALL) has little effect on immediate recall. On
the other hand if several trials are given to learn a longer list of say 10 words, meaning becomes
all-important and sound loses it power, consistent with different systems for short-term and
long-term storage (Baddeley, 1966a; 1966b).
Evidence for the importance of rehearsal comes from the word length effect, whereby immediate
HIPPOPOTAMUS) is much more error-prone than for short words (Baddeley, Thomson &
Buchanan, 1975).
Baddeley and Hitch suggested that the memory trace of items in the short-term store would
rapidly fade, but could be maintained by saying them to oneself. Long words take longer to say,
allowing more fading and hence more forgetting to occur. Consistent with this interpretation,
preventing subjects from saying words to themselves by requiring the continuous utterance of
an item such as the word 'the', removes the word length effect. Since the initial demonstration of
the word length effect (Baddeley, Thomson and Buchanan, 1975) other interpretations have
been proposed, differing principally in the implications of the effect for whether items in the
short-term store are forgotten as a result of spontaneous decay of the memory trace, or by
disruption from later material (See Baddeley, 2007 Chapter 3 for a discussion).
The concept of the phonological loop has influenced a number of attempts to simulate human
performance in verbal STM tasks using more detailed computational models. The first tranche
of such models focused on specifying mechanisms for handling information about the serial
order of items, an aspect that was left unspecified in the original account of the loop. These
models tend to agree that serial ordering involves 'competitive queueing' (Grossberg, 1987), a
process whereby items are simultaneously active and compete for serial selection. The models
differ principally with respect to the nature of the ordering cues that determine these activation
levels (Burgess & Hitch, 1992; Page & Norris, 1998; Brown, Preece & Hulme, 2000). Recent
attempts at computational modelling have gone further by specifying how the short-term
phonological storage system interacts with long-term memory (Burgess & Hitch, 2006; see also
Botvinick & Plaut, 2006), an essential step to understanding the role of the loop in long-term
seeing a sequence of pictures or colour patches may interfere with capacity to remember objects
or shapes (Logie, 1986, Klauer & Zhao, 2004). Such results, together with the occurrence of
brain-damaged patients who show one deficit and not the other (Della Sala & Logie, 2002),
suggests that information about space, and about objects and their visual characteristics, may be
stored separately (See Luck's entry for further detail). It seems likely that the sketchpad may
also be involved in the storage of movement sequences, suggesting a capacity to store
kinaesthetic information as well as visuo-spatial (Smyth & Pendleton, 1990, Smyth & Scholey,
1992). The presence of similarities between storage of serial order in visual and verbal memory
suggests an analogous process, though not necessarily within a single system (Smyth et al.
interaction with LTM plays an important role, with the multicomponent model assuming that
such links operate at a number of different levels in ways that the simple concept of "activation"
fails to capture (Baddeley, 2009).
Cowan's work has however, raised some important, and as yet unresolved issues, including:
1. Modularity: could the apparent separation of visuospatial and verbal working memory
be accounted for on the basis of a more general principle of similarity-based interference
in activated long-term memory?
2. Capacity: Do storage and processing draw on a single limited capacity, as proposed in
the initial Baddeley and Hitch model, or are they separate, as in the episodic buffer
3. Decay or Interference: Is information lost through temporal decay of the memory trace,
or is it displaced or over-written by other material?
These are not new questions, but have become issues of greatly renewed activity, largely as a
result of Cowan's ideas and his extensive experimental program.
general, multi-faceted attentional control system. Furthermore the concept of inhibition itself is
open to a range of interpretations at both a psychological and physiological level.
The fact that we still do not fully understand how these complex working memory span tasks
work does not, of course, mean that we can not use them profitably. Susan Gathercole and
colleagues used the multicomponent working memory model to develop a working memory
battery suitable for children of school age, using complex working memory span tasks as a
measure of central executive capacity and other tasks to assess phonological and visuo-spatial
subsystems. Factor analysis supported the multi-component model and showed that the
structure of the working memory system remains remarkably stable as children develop
(Gathercole, Pickering, Ambridge & Wearing, 2004). Although its capacity increases with age
(Case, Kurland & Goldberg, 1982), there are nevertheless marked developmental changes in the
way working memory is utilised. For example the developmental progression whereby the child
masters increasingly complex intellectual operations has been linked to the growth of central
executive capacity (Halford, 1993). There are also significant developmental changes in the
subsystems of working memory, the best known being the expansion in the range of operation of
the phonological loop, ranging from the development of the capacity for inner speech and
rehearsal strategies in children (Hitch, 2006) to the involvement of a wider range of aspects of
executive control in adults (Saeki & Saito, 2004).
Gathercole's test battery is able to identify children who are at risk of encountering academic
difficulties, with different patterns of working memory deficit associated with problems in
different subject areas. Careful observation of children at school has showed that children with
poor working memory skills tend to struggle because of a difficulty in following the sometimes
surprisingly complex instructions provided by teachers. They also have trouble in coping with
many of the techniques and strategies that are designed to help children cope, since these often
require additional working memory capacity. Such children resemble those characterised as
suffering from the attention deficit component of the ADHD syndrome. A programme that helps
teachers identify such children and optimise teaching methods has been developed (Gathercole
& Alloway, 2008).
be associated with speech production (Paulesu, Frith & Frackowiak, 1993). The visuo-spatial
sketchpad appears to involve a number of predominantly right hemisphere areas, one visual,
presumably reflecting the processing and retention of objects and their visual features, a second
area is more parietal, presumably involving spatial aspects, while two frontal areas of activation
have been associated with control functions (Henson, 2001). There is general acceptance that
the frontal lobes play an important role in executive control, although opinions differ as to the
extent to which different executive functions may be separately localisable (Duncan & Owen,
2000; Shallice, 2002). There is as yet little evidence as to the localisation of the episodic buffer,
which seems likely to reflect a broadly distributed system which may possibly not give rise to
activation in any one specific area.
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Internal references
Keith Rayner and Monica Castelhano (2007) Eye movements. Scholarpedia, 2(10):3649.
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