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Asia Pacific Petrochemical Industry v1

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Asia Pacifics
A Tale of Contrasting

Executive Summary

Asia Pacifics Petrochemical Industry:
Exposed to Shifting Dynamics

Interview: Paul Harnick

Intra-regional Focus: China

Intra-regional Focus: North Asia

Intra-regional Focus: ASEAN


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2014 KPMG International Cooperative (KPMG International), a Swiss entity. Member firms of the KPMG network of independent firms are affiliated with KPMG International. KPMG International provides no client services. No
member firm has any authority to obligate or bind KPMG International or any other member firm vis--vis third parties, nor does KPMG International have any such authority to obligate or bind any member firm. All rights reserved.

With its robust economic growth and
domestic consumption, Asia Pacific
(ASPAC) has spearheaded the revival
of the global petrochemical sector,
which found itself subdued as a
result of the 2008 financial downturn.
Over the next decade, Asia Pacific is
expected to drive two-thirds of global
petrochemical demand.1
To mitigate an expanding energy
security dilema and capitalise on
rising forecasted demand, Chinas
government has pursued a policy
of petrochemical self-sufficiency.
Today, China is the worlds largest
chemicals producer.2
Chinas ascendance as a
petrochemicals producing and
consuming powerhouse has amplified
intra-regional competition. To compete
in this overpopulated industry, North

Asian and Association of Southeast

Asian Nations (ASEAN) petrochemical
producers will have to execute
strategies that are both innovative
and sustainable.
With China and ASEANs rapid
modernisation, large demographic
size and escalating domestic
consumption, it appears the energy
demand has gravitated to the east.
Scrutinise the supply of feedstock
trends however, and the shift of the
petrochemical industry towards Asia
is not wholly accurate.
In recent years, the industry
has experienced a technological
renaissance, shaking up global
supply dynamics. Fast evolving
trends in the petrochemical sector
are promoting the industrys
adoption of cost effective, non-

Interview, ExxonMobil, Singapore, March 2013, accessed via www.energyboardroom.com

China identifies 58 chemicals to act on, International Chemicals Secretariat, accessed via

oil feedstocks such as natural gas

liquids (NGLs) and associated gases.
The Middle East and US are now
established petrochemical powers,
with comparatively favourable cost
positions because of this feedstock
diversification. It could be argued that
the competitive advantage is shifting
to producers outside of Asia Pacific.
This report reviews the prevalent
megatrends in the petrochemical
industry, with specific emphasis on
the main intra-regional components
of ASPAC: China, North Asia and
ASEAN. It provides insight into the
nuanced challenges these regions
face over the next decade. This
report aims to provide strategic
solutions to ASPAC companies on
how they can adapt their portfolio
strategy to respond to rising regional
and global competition.

2014 KPMG International Cooperative (KPMG International), a Swiss entity. Member firms of the KPMG network of independent firms are affiliated with KPMG International. KPMG International provides no client services. No
member firm has any authority to obligate or bind KPMG International or any other member firm vis--vis third parties, nor does KPMG International have any such authority to obligate or bind any member firm. All rights reserved.

4 | Asia Pacific's Petrochemical Industry: A Tale of Contrasting Regions

Asia Pacifics Petrochemical Industry: Exposed to

Shifting Dynamics

ASPACs petrochemical industry faces fierce competition

from regional counterparts that have embraced feedstock diversification as a
means to compete in an increasingly cost sensitive industry

Although macro-economic indicators

such as GDP growth (Figure 1) and
demand fundamentals such as
GDP Per Capita (Figure 8) remain
relatively attractive for a significant
part of ASPAC, the availability of
traditional feedstock and adoption
of non-traditional feedstock has

Figure 1: GDP Growth



Percent (%)


North Asia














ASPAC: The Global Demand

Since the 2008 financial crisis, Asia
Pacific (ASPAC) has been the posterchild of the global petrochemical
industry. A combination of
favourable economic and
demographic trends has stimulated
a growing appetite for petrochemical
products. Over the next decade,
it is anticipated that two thirds of
global petrochemical demand will
originate from Asia Pacific.3 Such
underlying demand and growth
fundamentals have catalysed
substantial investment into ASPACs
petrochemical industry.



Source: World Economic Outlook Database October 2013, IMF; Statistics Department of Singapore

shaken up global petrochemical supply

dynamics. In order to participate in the
industry, petrochemical companies

in ASPAC, will need to assess what

options are available for them to
become more competitive.

Interview, ExxonMobil, Singapore, March 2013, accessed via www.energyboardroom.com

2014 KPMG Services Pte. Ltd. (Registration No: 200003956G), a Singapore incorporated company and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative
("KPMG International"), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.

Asia Pacific's Petrochemical Industry: A Tale of Contrasting Regions | 5

Lighter is Brighter
The petrochemical industrys growing
preference towards lighter feedstocks
as an alternative to naphtha has
triggered a competitive edge for
North American and Middle Eastern
producers. The North American
shale gale has revolutionised the
sector and its impact on production
growth is likely to fundamentally
transform trade flows. Indeed, the
shale boom has dramatically lowered
prices of natural gas liquids (NGLs)
such as ethane, the dominant
petrochemical feedstock in the US.
In 2013, ethane price hovered around
(USD185.50/mt),4 while the price of
the overriding Asian petrochemical
feedstock - Japanese naphtha averaged approximately USD850/mt
(Figure 2).

Ultimately, the promotion of non-oil

feedstocks such as natural gas liquids
(NGLs) has sharpened inter-regional
rivalries. With naphtha trading over
three times the price of NGLs, the
petrochemical industry is characterised
by regional cost differentials and
diversifying petrochemical flows.
Presently, these traits are not
balanced in the favour of ASPAC
producers. US-produced ethanebased product will likely be channelled
towards Asia over the next few years,
undercutting the competitive standing
of local Asian producers.
Diverse Regional Cost Curves
ASPACs petrochemical industry is
operating in a competitive and global
environment in which the volumes
of output generated by counterparts

in distant shores significantly impact

local competition in North Asia and
ASEAN. North Asian and ASEAN
producers are grappling with volatile
and high naphtha prices and uncertain
feedstock supplies that are vulnerable
to globally changing geopolitical
forces, such as conflict in the Middle
East. This results in higher input
costs, leading to narrowing margins.
To compound the difficulties
experienced by ASPAC producers,
the three intra-regional environments
are competing against one another.
The ascendance of China as a
petrochemical producing juggernaut,
embracing nascent coal-to-olefins and
coal-to-methanol production, presents
further challenges for North Asian and
ASEAN producers.

Figure 2: Petrochemical Feedstock Prices


$ Million Metric Tons (mt)







Source: KPMG Analysis, UN Data, EIA

European chemical companies adapt to changing times, Reaction Magazine, July 2014, accessed via

2014 KPMG Services Pte. Ltd. (Registration No: 200003956G), a Singapore incorporated company and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative ("KPMG
International"), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.

6 | Asia Pacific's Petrochemical Industry: A Tale of Contrasting Regions

Considerable base petrochemical

capacity is due to come-online in
ASPAC over the next three years.
Investors are likely to face different
investment risk-return scenarios
than when their investments were
originally sanctioned. The industry
environment is constantly changing,
rendering the projection of future

cash flows, profit margins and yields

more complex and difficult to forcast,
model, or participate. This has
resulted in a number of companies
reviewing future investment from
their capital programme.
These market fundamentals are
causing many oil and gas companies

to re-assess the relative value

and contribution of their ASPAC
petrochemical assets. In particular,
integrated oil and gas companies who
assess the relative contribution of
their portfolio of business will note
the comparatively lower return of the
petrochemicals division.

ASPAC petrochemical producers must be cognizant of the market

conditions and broader global context that they operate in.

2014 KPMG Services Pte. Ltd. (Registration No: 200003956G), a Singapore incorporated company and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative
("KPMG International"), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.

Asia Pacific's Petrochemical Industry: A Tale of Contrasting Regions | 7

Figure 3: Regional Petrochemical Competitive Status

Figure 3: Regional Petrochemical Competition and Life Cycle
Align to growth

Shareholders in control


Innovation to
drive pricing


Market tipping point

Growth: Increase
asset acquisition



New customers

Revenue static /declining,

Order book flattens
Non-core disposals

Attracting & retaining talent

becomes harder

Cash generative
Attracting talent

Refocused Growth

Customer churn

Contraction: Selling
of Assets

Need to align cost base

to declining revenues

Capital raising

Covenant breach

Strong revenue
growth /
Growing order book

Increasing creditors pressure


Debt holders in control

Rapid cost reduction

Staff consultation


Rapid cash generation

Recovery &

Financing options

growth strategy
Differentiation in the market

Accelerated disposals


Preparation for insolvency





North Asia

Middle East


Source: KPMG Analysis

Source: KPMG Analysis

2012 KPMG LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership and the U.S. member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (KPMG International), a Swiss entity. All rights
reserved. Printed in the U.S.A. The KPMG name, logo and cutting through complexity are registered trademarks or trademarks of KPMG International.55242CHI

Regional Competitive Status

Figure 3 illustrates different
market conditions within which
petrochemical companies operate.
Each region faces contrasting
challenges in their economies and
their respective markets that they
must contend with. Currently, the
global situation can be loosely
characterised by three conditions:

the other regions, ASEAN is not

immune to the fast changing trade,
supply and capital flows shaping the
industry. With these changing flows,
petrochemical producers in ASEAN
have to decide if they are to "build
internally or buy externally." That is, to
build their own petrochemical plants
and serve the intra-ASEAN region, or
import finished products from abroad.

1. Growing demand accompanied

by growing investment and
2. Stagnant demand accompanied by
portfolio rationalisation and market
3. Technological innovation has
provided access to low cost
feedstock, contributing to the
growth of the industry.

As Figure 3 conveys, there are

many parallels between the state
of the European and North Asian
petrochemical industries. Both
regions have reached a market tipping
point and therefore represent the
outlined second condition. In both
regions aging assets are ill-equipped
to compete in a changing global
environment. Despite steps towards
portfolio rationalisation, there remains
an imbalance in supply and demand,
caused by flattening economic growth
and overcapacity.

Based on projected economic growth

and rising domestic consumption in
ASEAN, investors and companies
may find strong growth opportunities,
and therefore the region is a
representation of the first condition
outlined above. However, as with

The success of both of their

petrochemical industries will depend
on a carefully calibrated set of

strategies that involve innovation,

geographical expansion into emerging
markets and a rigorous focus on cost,
efficiency and ongoing innovation.
By contrast, the US petrochemical
industry is experiencing the third
condition outlined: growth. Domestic
producers have capitalised on an
increase in feedstock made available
through hydraulic fracturing. Access
to cheaper feedstock has in turn
attracted larger volumes of investors,
keen to exploit the increasing margins.
Due to a considerable capacity growth
surge in commodity petrochemicals,
China was on route to reach the
market tipping point. Nonetheless,
targeted policies to cool overcapacity
concerns, and the gradual redirection
of the industry towards high-value
products, are long term corrective
measures. The big question for
Chinas petrochemical industry will be
the role of coal as a core feedstock.
The ramifications of large scale coal
adoption will markedly change Chinas
competitive stature.

2014 KPMG Services Pte. Ltd. (Registration No: 200003956G), a Singapore incorporated company and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative ("KPMG
International"), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.

8 | Asia Pacific's Petrochemical Industry: A Tale of Contrasting Regions

Interview with Paul Harnick, KPMG, Global COO,

Chemicals and Performance Technologies
Paul Harnick is the Chief Operating Officer of KPMGs Global
Chemicals and Performance Technologies practice. He specialises
in emerging market strategy development and complex, crossborder mergers and acquisitions in the chemical industry.

With their vast supplies of non-oil

based feedstocks and technological
ingenuity, the US and Middle East
are well-established and powerful
petrochemical regions. How would
Asian producers compete?
The Middle East has been a global
powerhouse of petrochemical
production for many years and the vast
majority of Middle Eastern products
already find their way to Asian
markets. The game changer for global
petrochemical production has been the
shale gas revolution in the US which,
over the course of the next five years,
will fundamentally transform global
petrochemical trade flows. The scale of
capacity expansion is vast and despite
the recent return to growth, the US
economy is mature and will not be able
to absorb all of the new capacity. As a
result, much of the product will enter
global markets and the majority of this
is likely to find its way to Asia, where
it will compete with local production
and existing imports from the Middle
East. For local Asian producers, this
influx of cheap, ethane-based product
is likely to have a negative impact on
their ability to successfully compete.
For downstream consumers of basic
chemical product in Asia, however,
there may be a margin benefit
from the ability to access lower priced
raw materials.
Global competitors, operating
on different cost structures, are
worrying Asian petrochemical
producers. To sustainably compete

in a fast evolving sector, how can

Asian producers enhance their
operational excellence and improve
their cost-efficiency?
Operational excellence is a core
competency within the global chemical
company and it is no surprise that
the companies at the forefront of
the industry are those who truly
excel in this area. The challenge for
Asian producers is to embed a more
rigorous cost culture throughout their
organisations and to focus on driving
excellence through all areas of the
organisation from supply chain to
operations, to channel management to
sales and marketing, R&D and finance.
Over the next five years, what will
be the key supply and demand
trends shaping Asias petrochemical
In addition to the impact from US
shale dynamics, other key supply
side dynamics will include the
rationalisation of the petrochemical
industry in China (as the government
drives further focus on innovation and
quality of growth) as well as ongoing
rationalisation and restructuring in
Japan. On the demand side, China
will continue to be a huge consumer
of chemical product there is much
talk in the world about the slowdown
of China, but 6-7 percent is still greater
than almost anywhere else and the
growth is on a much larger base than
ever before, so the absolute scale
of demand growth remains huge.
Elsewhere, the next growth engine,

not just for Asia, but for the global

chemical industry, is likely to be the
ASEAN region. While challenges
remain in some countries around
logistics, infrastructure and the ease
of doing business, many of the key
criteria for chemical industry growth
are in place including population
growth, urbanisation and growth of the
middle classes driving consumerism.
Over the next five years, what
investment opportunities and M&A
trends do you see arising in Asias
petrochemical industry?
Overall, there is likely to be an increase
of M&A activity in Asias chemical
industry over the next five years.
Ongoing petrochemical rationalisation
in China and Japan may drive merger
activity. Chinese chemical companies
are also increasingly looking to
externalise so I expect to see them
purchasing assets outside of China
both in Asia and elsewhere around the
world. Over the last twelve months,
Japanese chemical companies have
been hugely active in M&A processes
in the US a trend I expect to continue
while they have also achieved a
head start on the competition with
some of the investments they have
already made in the ASEAN region and
they are likely to continue investing
here. FDI flows from outside Asia
will continue to be focused on China
but with a gradually changing mix as
non-Asian investors increasingly look to
capitalise on the growth opportunities

2014 KPMG Services Pte. Ltd. (Registration No: 200003956G), a Singapore incorporated company and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative
("KPMG International"), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.

Asia Pacific's Petrochemical Industry: A Tale of Contrasting Regions | 9

Intra-Regional Focus China

Chinas petrochemical expansion is entering a phase of slower but targeted

growth. Domestic policy will seek to strike a balance between innovation, selfsufficiency and environmental sustainability.
China continues to be the prime
architect shaping global petrochemical
demand. Despite well-documented
economic and regulatory pressures
amplifying investor anxiety - in
particular stresses in the housing
market - Chinas GDP is anticipated
to grow by 7.3 percent in 2014.
High domestic consumption, export
expansion and an agile monetary
policy are forming the backbone of
the Chinese economy. Our basket
of forecasts anticipates Chinas
economic growth to moderate to
an average GDP growth rate of 6
percent through 2020. To OECD
countries such healthy growth from
an increasingly expanding base
rate would be considered a robust
economic achievement not a cause
for investor flight. It is important to
make the distinction that Chinas
economic growth will be slower,
not lower.
Drivers of Demand
As a consequence of unprecedented
modernisation, demand forecasts
show that China is and will remain
the overwhelming engine of ethylene
demand growth. Symbolically, this


demand trend is important. In volume,

scope and global impact, ethylene
is the largest and most important
petrochemical commodity, providing a
remarkable range of derivatives with
critical feedstock.5
Chinas demand translates into two
million tonnes per annum (mtpa)
of ethylene equivalent growth,
contributing to 50 percent of the
90mmt world growth in ethylene
equivalent demand from 2014-2030.6
In addition, as standard s of livin g
improve and urbanisation expands,
high-end engineered plastics, such as
those used in domestic appliances, or
sophisticated products such as liquid
crystal alignment film resin, used in
LCD televisions, are experiencing
rising demand in China.
A Balancing Act
Chinas petrochemical industry is in
the midst of transition. Building on
Chinas 12th Five Year Plan (5YP - 20112015), which sought to improve energy
security and environmental standards,
the Xi Jinping administration has
been quick to build on and tweak
Chinas petrochemical strategy. Indeed

in the face of overcapacity, stateowned enterprise (SOE) dominance

and environmental degradation,
reforms focusing on sustainability,
modernisation and competition were
the focal point of the 2013 third
plenary session.
Chinas quest for petrochemical selfsufficiency has reshaped ASPACs
olefin trade and undercut North Asian
producers. Due to Chinas capacity
expansion, domestic ethylene and
propylene supply has lengthened,
while imports requirements for the
two petrochemical products have
declined. North Asian olefin exporters
traditionally supplying the country
have had to seek alternative markets.
A similar story is gathering pace a
step up the value-chain. Chinas
paraxylene (PX) expansion drive is
expected to increase by 41 percent
from 2013-2017,7 contributing to
narrowing PTA-PX spreads and
is indicative of the over-capacity
issues plaguing the wider ASPAC
petrochemical industry. As a result
of capacity growth, the regional
outlook for olefins, aromatics
and a number of petrochemical

A New World Order Evolving in Long Term Ethylene Markets, Wood Mackenzie, February 2013
China's ethylene self-sufficiency to peak at 2018, Wood Mackenzie, May 2014, accessed via
Asian Paraxylene, End of Golden Years, Platts, May 2013 accessed via http://www.platts.com/

2014 KPMG Services Pte. Ltd. (Registration No: 200003956G), a Singapore incorporated company and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative ("KPMG
International"), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.

10 | Asia Pacific's Petrochemical Industry: A Tale of Contrasting Regions

intermediate feedstocks such as

purified terephthalic acid (PTA),
monoetheylene glycol (MEG), PE/PP
resin, has been bearish for some time.

feedstocks or to proprietary
technology will likely struggle to
penetrate the Chinese petrochemicals

Responding to overcapacity issues,

the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
is implementing supply cooling
measures, particularly for low-grade
specialty products. The government
is actively reducing its support
for international petrochemical
investments. International companies
that cannot offer access to specialist

Chinas petrochemical expansion

is entering a phase of slower but
targeted growth. Domestic policy
will seek to strike a balance between
innovation, self-sufficiency and
environmental sustainability.
Battle of the Feedstocks
An apt example of the innovation

and expansion occurring in Chinas

petrochemical industry is in ethylene
production. Over the next three years,
Chinas ethylene capacity will
increase by 36 percent and its
contribution to Asias total ethylene
capacity will rise from 45 to 51
percent (Figure 4). Responding
to escalating global competition
and operational costs, Chinas
petrochemical industry is gradually
migrating from naphtha as the core
feedstock, towards coal - a resource it
has in abundance.

Figure 4: ASPAC's Ethylene Capacity Growth







Projected ASPAC
Capacity Growth (%)

Ethylene Capacity
(Million Metric Tonnes - mmt)





North Asia

Southeast Asia




Total Growth

Source: ICIS 2014

2014 KPMG Services Pte. Ltd. (Registration No: 200003956G), a Singapore incorporated company and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative
("KPMG International"), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.

Asia Pacific's Petrochemical Industry: A Tale of Contrasting Regions | 11

According to the U.S. Energy

Information Administration, China
has claimed the largest shale gas
reserves in the world (1,115 trillion
cubic feet).9 Despite considerable
reserves and investment plans,
China has not started commercial
production. To drive gas production
on a commercial scale, China
must overcome environmental specifically water shortages - and
technical challenges. Unless China
can commercialise its shale reserves,
shale gas is not expected to impact
Chinas energy mix before 2020.
Environmental Reform
Despite investment enthusiasm
surrounding coal-based ethylene
projects in China, limitations on
water resources and environmental
pollution concerns could limit the
potential of CTO. Facing critical
environmental and pollution troubles,
the CCP has recently introduced a
couple of stringent energy policies,
in an effort to curb the consumption
and importation of low quality
internationally sourced thermal coal.
In September 2014, the National

Figure 5: China's Ethylene Capacity Growth & Coal Contribution



Million Metric Tonnes (mmt)





Percent (%)

China has in-house technology with

the capability to turn coal to liquids
in a cost-effective manner. By 2020,
three dozen coal-to-olefins (CTO)
and methanol-to-olefins (MTO)
projects in China are anticipated
to come on-stream.8 As figure 5
depicts, if coal based crackers come
on-stream as planned, coal based
capacity will contribute 39 percent to
ethylene capacity, up from a present
day 16 percent.






Conventional Cracker



Coal Based






Coal Based Contribution (%)

Source: ICIS 2014

Development and Reform Commission

stated it plans to ban the use of low
quality coal from 2015 in populous
and prosperous eastern cities that are
the focus of national efforts to fight
air pollution.10 Moreover, in October
the Chinese finance ministry stated it
was reintroducing tariffs of 3 percent
on anthracite and coking coal, 5
percent on briquettes and 6 per cent
on other coals, imposing duties that
were scrapped in 2007 when coal
consumption was soaring. The tariffs
are also aimed at supporting Chinas
domestic coal industry, which has
suffered from tumbling prices, heavy
debts and new domestic capacity. The
ramifications of these policy measures
will likely be an increase in domestic
coal prices. Whether the price hike will
hinder CTO investment remains to be
seen, but it is unlikely.

China is trying to craft a delicate

balance between meeting
environment targets and energy
sustainability. If successful, the
contribution derived as an advantaged
feedstock, could be revolutionary
and would help reassert Chinas
competitive stature vis-a-vis the US
and Middle East.
Nonetheless, for many commodity
petrochemical products, Chinas
demand picture is expected to outstrip
supply by 2020. Capitalising on this
potential supply gap, advantaged
suppliers in the US and Middle East
will seek to export excess capacity
and target opportunities within China
and ASPAC holistically. This arrival
of cheap, ethane-based product
will continue to translate into stiffer
competition for local Asian producers.

Coal chemicals may yet prove revolutionary and help reassert Chinas
competitive stature vis-a-vis the US and Middle East.

Coal-to-Olefins Technology in China Could Soon Flood Global Polyethylene Markets, Platts, March 2014, accessed via
Water Shortages Will Limit Global Shale Gas Development, Especially in China, Business Week, accessed via
China ban on low-grade coal set to hit global miners, Financial Times, September 2014, accessed via

2014 KPMG Services Pte. Ltd. (Registration No: 200003956G), a Singapore incorporated company and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative ("KPMG
International"), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.

12 | Asia Pacific's Petrochemical Industry: A Tale of Contrasting Regions

Targeting the Top of the

While base petrochemicals such as
olefins and aromatics contribute to
the bulk of Chinas petrochemical
market, the supply and demand
of speciality products has risen
exponentially. The 12th 5YP placed
special attention on enhancing
Chinas petrochemical capacities and
developing organic materials, resins,
synthetic fibres and monomers.11
Moreover, the maturity of
manufacturing in China, for example,
from textiles to electronics and
automotive has increased the

demand and widened spread

margins for advanced chemicals.
The CCP has reduced their support
for international investment into the
bloated petrochemicals sector.
However; the maturity of Chinas
petrochemical industry does provide
opportunities for international
entities already established in China.
They may look to the development of
Chinas specialties products sector,
which in part, hinges on their
ability to deploy technology to deal
with the additional complexities
involved. There are a significant
number of successful Chinese

players operating in specialties

products but international companies
still remain the benchmark with
respect to product quality, technical
excellence and customer service.
As such, there is further room for
collaboration between domestic and
international entities.
Ultimately, for the value-add sector
to flourish, securing steady and
capable talent remains one of
Chinas greatest challenges. As
business competition in sectors such
as specialty chemicals intensifies,
the war for talent is likely to step up
as too.


China's Petrochemical Challenges

Three Step Success Strategy

Regional Competition: There are major shifts occurring in

the balance of petrochemical supply. The North American
shale gale and vast quantities of cheap indigenous
crude in the Middle East, has amplified petrochemical
supply competition. The long term threat is an erosion of
competitiveness for producers, and that petrochemical
consumers may capitalise on the lower costs curves abroad
and seize potential arbitrage opportunities.

Innovation: Chinese petrochemical producers should

continue to innovate and invest in R&D to enhance their
production processes and quality of products. Additionally,
turning towards coal chemicals as an advantaged feedstock
will widen the product-feedstock spread and improve the
competitiveness of petrochemical plants. To enhance
operational flexibility, future petrochemical complexes
should be capable of absorbing a diversity of feedstocks.
As growth in the commodity plastics market slows,
companies should shift their activities to the specialties side
of the market.

Environmental Regulations: China is now producing a

greater share of CO2 emissions than both the EU and US.12
Under the 12th 5YP, the country is tightening its regulatory
regime to clamp down on fossil fuel industries and is
promoting clean energy sectors. As such, further regulation
on China's petrochemical industry can be expected.

Energy Efficiency: For Chinas petrochemicals industry

to become self-sufficient and competitive, coal will play a
central role as a feedstock and power source.
To reduce coal consumption, Chinese petrochemical plants
should aim maximise their operational excellence and
energy-efficiency. Here there are lessons to be learned from
IOCs who are tightening their value chain and investing in

Space Compression: Vast infrastructure developments

in China are enhancing the integration of the mainland
market. With train routes and port facilities improving, the
mainland market is becoming more liquid, increasing the
commoditisation of products.13 Consequently, China is
witnessing narrowing bid-ask spreads and greater domestic
competition, pushing margins down.

Cost Optimisation: Successful companies will need to

enhance their understanding of the true cost involved in
serving individual customers versus competitors. To achieve
this and build competitive edge, benchmarking analysis
would be valuable. Extending the use of pricing models and
decision processes will optimise customer portfolios and
drive pricing decisions that support their margin and
volume levels.

Chinas chemical industry enters new era with sustainability, KPMG China, 2012, accessed via
Global Carbon Project, 2014, accessed via http://www.globalcarbonproject.org/
Optimizing value in todays changing global petrochemical market, 2012, accessed via

2014 KPMG Services Pte. Ltd. (Registration No: 200003956G), a Singapore incorporated company and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative
("KPMG International"), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.

Asia Pacific's Petrochemical Industry: A Tale of Contrasting Regions | 13

Intra-Regional Focus North Asia

North Asia's petrochemical is beset by overcapacity, high priced input

and low growth. The developing global industry trends demand
innovation and adaptability.
North Asian Producers: Feeling
the Pinch
Out of the three intra-regions of
ASPAC, North Asias petrochemical
industry is facing the sharpest uphill
climb. Sedate economic growth in the
three major markets: Japan, South

Korea and Taiwan has contributed to

flattening internal product demand.
With market developments in North
America and Middle East, North
Asian producers have fallen behind
on the cost curve, impacting their
competiveness (Table 2). Combined

with high priced feedstock values,

uncertain demand profiles and
deteriorating supply/demand
balances, Asian petrochemical
companies are being forced to
develop strategies to cope with the
challenging commercial environment.

Table 2: North Asian Petrochemical Country Snapshot




With its nuclear power programme on pause and lacking natural energy resources, Japan is facing a sharpening
energy-security dilema.
Increasing reliance on LNG and naptha imports have contributed to an escalation of feedstock, transport and
utility costs. As a result, the competitiveness of Japan's petrochemical industry is eroding.
No net capacity growth is planned for olefins and aromatics through 2020.
Japanese petrochemical companies are actively adapting their strategy through either portfolio rationalisation,
technological enhancement or both.
High feedstock and utility costs, in addition to regional & domestic commodity petrochemical expansion, are all
forces suppressing South Korean petrochemical profit margins.
Polyester feedstock supply chains, such as PTA and Monoethylene Glycol (MEG) are facing oversupply concerns.
China's drive towards petrochemical and plastics self-sufficiency (China may become a PTA exporter by 2015),
has caused import demand from China to plummet.
From 2013 - 2017, South Korea's PX capacity is expected to grow by 94 percent. The scale of such growth is
unsettling market equilibrium, lowering utilization rates and driving down margins.
Considering the changing competitive landscape, South Korean producers need to adapt to the evolving
petrochemical supply and demand trends and consciously tap into emerging markets.
Previously Taiwan was a petrochemical powerhouse, exporting to China approximately 10 million mmt annually.
In the last few years, domestic producers have seen exports to China plunge by over 90 percent. With the
signing of the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement in 2013, bi-lateral economic arrangements with
China are improving.
With tariff barriers expected to fall, Taiwan's export competitve advantage over North Asia rivals will improve; yet
questions will likely remain over their competitiveness vis--vis Chinese domestic players.
Experiencing declining Chinese demand, expansion plans have stalled and sales focus has shifted towards the
domestic market; however, the domestic petrochemicals market was subdued in 2013 and economic trends for
2014 have remained unsupportive.
Expect industry-wide capacity utilisation rate cuts for a number of petrochemical products.

2014 KPMG Services Pte. Ltd. (Registration No: 200003956G), a Singapore incorporated company and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative ("KPMG
International"), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.

14 | Asia Pacific's Petrochemical Industry: A Tale of Contrasting Regions

Figure 6: Asia PTA-PX spreads (quarterly average)


(USD / mt)


Industry Breakeven
Point, $150/mt









Source: Standard Chartered, KPMG Analysis

Over-Capacity Concerns
The diminishing margins in Asia
Pacifics PX industry, illustrates the
narrative of decline for North Asian
commodity petrochemical producers.
Total ASPAC PX capacity-based
projects coming on-stream from
2013-2017 is expected to grow by 40
percent, reaching over 40 million mt/
year. In that time, South Korea's PX
capacity growth is anticipated to rise
by 94 percent from its current 5.4
million mt/year. Chinas PX capacity
is expected to rise by 41 percent
in the same period. In the Middle
East, PX capacity during the same
period is expected to surge by 200
percent, reaching 10.85 million mt/
year by 2017, from the current 3.4
million mt/year.14 While upward
demand trajectory spurred such
capacity investment, PX producers
are operating in a market that
has changed significantly during
the long lead time between the
commissioning of these projects and
them coming on-stream. Ultimately,
the flood of new PX facilities has led
to a regional over-capacity crisis.
With China also increasing its PTA
capacity growth for self-sufficiency
purposes, the North Asian PX market
is quickly losing a core demand

market. The net-result for North Asian

suppliers has been an imbalance
between supply and demand,
contributing to three years of
narrowing PTA-PX spreads. The PTAPX spread narrowed 83 percent from
a quarterly average peak of USD 354/
mt in 1Q11 to USD 70/mt in 3Q13,
considerably below the industrys
breakeven point of USD 150/mt
(Figure 6).
North Asian producers are responding
to tepid market conditions by
optimising asset utilisation or in
some cases, halting PX production
altogether. In February 2014, South
Koreas Hyundai Cosmo (HC)
Petrochemical cut operating rates at
its 800,000 tonne/year PX unit to 75
percent from 80 - 85 percent. Lotte
Chemicals 250,000 tonne/year No 1
PX unit shut on squeezed margins.
Japan: Adapting to a New
World Order
In Japan, the fiscal policies of Prime
Minister Shinzo Abe, who took office
in December 2012, have arrested
deflation and helped produce
moderate GDP growth.
A central feature of Abenomics has
been aggressive fiscal stimulus,
which has depreciated the value of

the yen and helped bolster chemical

exports. However, despite a small
rise in exports, imported raw material
costs which contribute the bulk
of a base petrochemical producers
bottom line have increased.
In 2018-2020, significant new
ethylene production capacity will
occur in North America, the Middle
East and China, putting further
downward pressure on operating
rates.15 The mature economies of
Europe and North Asia have an
aging asset base with a feedstock
choice limited mostly to naphtha
and as such face adjustment. North
Asian producers have two options:
implement portfolio rationalisation or
product specialisation.
Japans ethylene consumption has
trended down to around 5 million
mt/year, while annual capacity
remains around 7.6 million mt/
year.16 Domestic overcapacity and
reduced Chinese imports have led to
companies Asahi Kasei, Mitsubishi
Chemical, and Sumitomo Chemical
announcing plans to shut or adjust
ethylene units. Although it is a step
in the right direction for Japans
olefins industry, capacity will still be
6.4 million mt/year and therefore an
overcapacity gap will remain.

Asian Paraxylene, End of Golden Years, Platts, May 2013, accessed via
A New World Order Evolving in Long-Term Ethylene Markets, Wood Mackenzie, February 2014
Japan: Heading for Higher Ground, IHS Chemical Week, April 2014, accessed via http://www.chemweek.com/


2014 KPMG Services Pte. Ltd. (Registration No: 200003956G), a Singapore incorporated company and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative
("KPMG International"), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.

Asia Pacific's Petrochemical Industry: A Tale of Contrasting Regions | 15

Depicted below are some examples of the activities that North Asian petrochemical companies have adopted in order
to ensure their survival in the petrochemical industry.

Case Studies

Case Study 1: Oil and Gas major

seeks Cost Optimisation and
Operational Excellence support:
An assessment was made of a
Joint Venture (JV) between a global
oil and gas major and a Taiwanese
oil company. The client was a PTA
manufacturer, facing the challenge of
having excessive production capacity
in a highly competitive domestic and
regional market. Their challenges
were compounded as export
sales dramatically fell due to both
increasing PTA production in China
and a subsequent loss of intra-regional
market share to those players.
The client was looking for support
to reduce cost, improve operational
excellence and cut losses in order to

re-stabilise and establish a platform

for renewed growth. Opportunities
with a Replacement Cost Operating
Profit (RCOP) benefit range between
USD 8.3, and 18.3m and working
capital benefits between USD 2.8m
and USD 5.8m were identified and
strongly supported by the client.

comparator insights, analysis of

the JV's performance data, and
client interviews and workshops.
Hypotheses covered the full
range of activity in the business:
direct production, maintenance,
procurement, support functions,
logistics and sales.

Efficiencies were identified and

delivered by:
The application of an External
Investor Lens methodology to
bring an independent perspective
to the JV. The estimated baseline
costs were calculated, and used
a hypothesis-driven approach
to identify potential areas of
improvement. Hypotheses
were tested through the use of

Strategy Realignment: Potential

opportunities to increase export
sales and to reduce the number of
active production lines to resize the
business for the declining export
market were reviewed.
Developed a supplier assessment
tool raise efficiency in the
feedstock procurement process in
an effort to reduce costs.

2014 KPMG Services Pte. Ltd. (Registration No: 200003956G), a Singapore incorporated company and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative ("KPMG
International"), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.

16 | Asia Pacific's Petrochemical Industry: A Tale of Contrasting Regions

Case Studies

Regional Case Study

Case-Study 2: Mitsubishi Chemical
Road to Recovery
High energy and feedstock costs
remain the most intractable problem
for petrochemical producers. As
a result, chemical manufacturers
are switching their portfolios from
petrochemicals to high-value-added,
specialty products such as the
life sciences, where technology
determines the competitiveness,
not raw material costs. Mitsubishi
Chemicals is one Japanese company
that has adapted its operations and
strategic approach to ground realities.
Portfolio Rationalization: In
May 2014, Mitsubishi Chemical

announced the shutdown of

the companys number-one
naphtha cracker and benzene unit at
Kashima, Japan. Mitsubishis 2014
ethylene output for the first quarter
decreased by about 20.8 percent
compared with the AprilJune
2013 quarter.17
Operational Restructuring:
Developing solutions to establish
more efficient production
configurations, as evidenced
by efforts by Asahi Kasei and
Mitsubishi Chemical to unify their
naphtha crackers, aiming to achieve
more efficient configuration.
Operations will be consolidated at

the Mitsubishi facility at Mizushima,

and Asahi Kaseis facility will be
closed. The shared operation of a
naphtha cracker will be managed
under a 50-50 joint venture.
Value-add Products: The company
is divesting from general purpose
petrochemical products and
focusing on two growth areas
where it holds an advantage, such
as in high-performance industrial
polymers (Figure 8). In refocusing
its product strategy, Mitsubishi's
polymers business, which is part of
the company's industrial materials
segment, reported a 12.6 percent
rise in 1Q14 sales. 18

Source: IHS Chemical Week

North Asias petrochemical producers
are at a crossroads. Faced with the rise
of low cost competition and access to
finished products from the US, Middle
East and China and operating in a
cyclical sector, North Asian producers
need to drive a renewed focus on core


competencies. The industry is beset

by overcapacity and low growth and
the developing industry trends demand
innovation and adaptability.
To regain competitiveness, North
Asian producers will need to reassess
their business strategies to optimize

operational structures and asset

portfolios and redefine their product
and customer strategies. In the
absence of market consolidation,
i.e. the overall trend of market
configuration, companies can only look
internally at what they do to ensure
their survival.

Japan: Heading for Higher Ground, IHS Chemical Week, April 2014, accessed via http://www.chemweek.com/
Japan: Heading for Higher Ground, IHS Chemical Week, April 2014, accessed via http://www.chemweek.com/

2014 KPMG Services Pte. Ltd. (Registration No: 200003956G), a Singapore incorporated company and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative
("KPMG International"), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.

Asia Pacific's Petrochemical Industry: A Tale of Contrasting Regions | 17

Intra-Regional Focus ASEAN

With a population of 626 million twice as large as the United States - and forming
a combined GDP of US$2.4 trillion, larger than Brazil, India or Russia, ASEAN
stands out as a potentially huge market of untapped resources and opportunities.

Figure 7: GDP (USD bn), Real GDP Growth CAGR (2013 - 2018, %)










5.4% $195









Notes: GDP values are real GDP adjusted with 2005 prices and exchange rates (base); 2. FDI range determined on 2011 data with a 15% adjustment
Source(s): BMI; KPMG analysis
Source(s): BMI; BP Data, KPMG analysis

2014 KPMG Services Pte. Ltd. (Registration No: 200003956G), a Singapore incorporated company and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative ("KPMG
International"), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.

18 | Asia Pacific's Petrochemical Industry: A Tale of Contrasting Regions

With a population of 626 million

twice as large as the United
States and forming a combined
GDP of US$2.4 trillion, larger than
Brazil, India or Russia, ASEAN
stands out as a potentially huge
market of untapped resources
and opportunities. While global
GDP growth is anticipated to be
3.8 percent for 2015, ASEAN-5 is
forecast to be 5.3 percent.20 The
intention of the ASEAN Economic
Community is to not only be an
integrated market but a single
investment destination, facilitating
intra-regional trade, foreign direct
investment and energy connectivity.
Indeed, large economic powers such
as China, Japan, India, South Korea,
and Australia-New Zealand have
already reached out to ASEAN to
establish Free Trade Agreements
with (FTAs).21
With ASEANs modernisation,
the regions GDP per capita grew
approximately 150 percent from
2005-2013 (Figure 8). Admittedly

Figure 8: Asia: GDP Per Capita Growth









% Change

ASEAN: Moving as One

Global energy demand is heavily
focused on Asia. Asias imports
will account for nearly 80 percent
of inter-regional net imports by
2035, up from 57 percent today.19 In
particular, ASEAN is poised to play
a central role in this growth story. In
December 2015, ASEAN will
achieve its long held ambition to
establish the ASEAN Economic
Community, consolidating the ten
member states into a single market
and production base.






North Asia


2005 - 2013 % Change

Source: IMF World Outlook Database 2013, 2014

from a low base, the rate of GDP

per capita growth in ASEAN is eight
times that of North Asia. With such
a development in consumer income,
domestic consumption levels of
commodity petrochemicals and
plastics increase markedly. This
transition has taken place in ASEAN
and presents petrochemical investors
with significant opportunities,
particularly as capacity output,
although growing, remains behind the
intra-regional demand.
As Figure 9 and 10 depict, the
ASEAN region faces an alarming
oil and gas security dilemma. The
declining productivity and increasing
consumption of the regions traditional
oil and gas export leaders, Indonesia
and Malaysia, has resulted in these

countries becoming net-energy

importers. Consequently, ASEAN
petrochemical companies are highly
vulnerable to supply disruption,
geopolitical volatility and regionally high
oil and gas feedstock prices. These
exposures drive up delivered feedstock
and utility costs and push down
petrochemical margins (Figure 11).
Table 4 illustrates a country snapshot
of the diverse petrochemical activity
in ASEAN. If ASEAN producers
are to serve the nascent demand
potential, they must drive down
feedstock costs and adapt to the
surrounding competitive environment,
or downstream petrochemical
consumers will look to China, US and
Middle East to access lower priced
raw materials.

BP Energy Outlook, 2035, BP, accessed via http://www.bp.com/content/dam/bp/pdf/Energy-economics/Energy-Outlook/Energy_Outlook_2035_booklet.pdf

World Economic Outlook, 2014, IMF, accessed via, http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/weo/2014/02/pdf/c2.pdf
Kishore Mahbubani, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, Singapore, accessed via: http://www.energyboardroom.com/interviews/interview-kishoremahbubani-lee-kuan-yew-school-of-public-policy-singapore


2014 KPMG Services Pte. Ltd. (Registration No: 200003956G), a Singapore incorporated company and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative
("KPMG International"), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.

Asia Pacific's Petrochemical Industry: A Tale of Contrasting Regions | 19

Figure 9: ASEAN Crude: Supply & Demand Dynamics

de Dema
se in Cru





9% De
in Sup






Daily Production (Thousands)

Proven Reserves (Billion BOE)







Proven Reserves









Source: BP Statistical Review, 2014

Figure 10: ASEAN Gas: Supply & Demand Dynamics



Proven Reserves (Billion BOE)







Daily Production (Thousands)






Proven Reserves









Source: BP Statistical Review, 2014

Figure 11: Petrochemical Margin Calculation

Final Petrochemical Price

Net Margin
Variable/Utility Costs

Fixed Cost
In ASPAC, there is great potential to reduce operating cost exposure. To
maximize profit, petrochemical companies should target reducing these two

Feedstock Cost

costs: Feedstock and Utility Costs.

2014 KPMG Services Pte. Ltd. (Registration No: 200003956G), a Singapore incorporated company and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative ("KPMG
International"), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.

20 | Asia Pacific's Petrochemical Industry: A Tale of Contrasting Regions

Table 3: ASEAN Petrochemical Country Snapshot






Approximately 90 percent of Indonesia's cracker feedstock is naphtha.

One of the petrochemical business is the lack of production integration. Due to regulatory policy, petrochemical players in
Indonesia lack value chain integration. Foreign companies can only operate in either the upstream or downstream sector,
not both.
Crude oil production declined to 826,000 b/d in 2013. This is approximately 50 percent of oil produced in 1995. As such,
security of feedstock is a concern. Indonesia is now a net-oil importer, contributing to a rising fiscal deficit.
Vast and economically growing demand market of over 300 million people, presents a huge opportunity to investors.
Demand for petrochemical products far outweighs domestic supply.
There is particular need for commodity petrochemical investment such as in PE, which has import portions ranging from 20
- 100 percent and PP, which has an import share of 30 percent.
To penetrate the Indonesian market, a joint venture with local partners is one solution that will facilitate market entry and
Fiscal reform has catalysed deepwater & EOR investment. In 2012, Malaysia discovered the fourth largest amount of hydro
carbons in the world - the first time in many years a Southeast Asian state has been in the top ten.
Petronas's refinery and petrochemical integrated development (RAPID) project has been postponed to 2018, putting back 3
mtpa of new petrochemical capacity and a refinery with a processing capacity of 300,000 b/d.
The facility will feature SRT VII cracking heaters, which are designed for cracking gas and liquid feedstock to produce 1.1
million tonnes of ethylene each year.
RAPID has potential to be a world-class and competitive project, rivalling the petrochemical plants of Singapore. Malalysia's
Johor belt has the potential to meet its ambition to become a leading integrated refinery, petrochemical & stoage hub in
ASPAC; but to sustainably compete, domestic petrochemical plants must tap into gas sources.
Growth in the domestic resins market is prompting petrochemical producers in the Philippines to consider investment in
downstream industries. Despite attracting international players, the domestic petrochemical industry is still in its infancy
compared to that in North Asia and Singapore.
With lackluster upstream activity, the Philippines is highly reliant on import oil and gas.
A factor affecting the viability of the industry is the subject of incentives, fiscal and non-fiscal, which will be made available
to future plants. The ultimate objective is for naphtha to have a zero tariff, being the primary raw material of the cracker.
Capital incentives and tax holidays are also expected to boost the otherwise marginal returns of the cracker plant.
The Philippines economy is forcasted to grow at a real GDP growth rate of 6.3 percent in 2014. With GDP per capita
increasing markedly, there is a growing domestic demand for petrochemical products and plastics.
The Singapore government has proactively fostered a competitive and modern refining and petrochemical industry. Jurong
Island remains a magnet for petrochemical investment.
Gradually turnining away from commodity petrochemicals and towards high-value specialties. ExxonMobil, Shell and
Lanxess have all channeled huge investment into expanding the technological prowess and energy efficiency capabilities of
their petrochemical complexes.
Despite no natural energy resources, Singapore has sought to reduce feedstock exposure by supporting technological
advancement and energy efficiency through establishing various R&D science parks.
First LNG terminal opened in 2013, there are plans for a second one. The diversification of Singapore's gas supplies will
reduce gas feedstock supply concerns.
Supported by offshore gas fields in the Gulf of Thailand, the Map Ta Phut industrial complex, has grown into one of the
world's biggest petrochemicals hubs.
Thailand's petrochemicals outlook however has been overshadowed by domestic political unrest. Thailand has cut natural
gas imports after demand growth in Asia's fourth-largest user of the fuel plummeted to two-decade lows.
The economy has experienced a slowdown. Hopes for export-oriented growth to offset domestic sales have not come to
fruition. This is partly because China has become increasingly self-sufficient in petrochemicals.
Due to internal country risk, Thailand's petrochemical players PTTGC and SGC have looked to other markets in ASEAN, in
particular Indonesia. In late 2013, PTTGC signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Pertamina to form a JV to establish
a fully integrated petrochemical plant. The plant will produce products such as ethylene and propylene and commence
operations during 2018, and it is hoped that it will eventually enjoy a 30 percent market share.
Self-sufficiency in oil production gives a feedstock advantage, which has supported the development of the petrochemicals
industry. Margins however, are dictated by crude oil prices and as such are subject to cost volatility.
Has attrated some foreign investment for polyvinyl chloride (PVC) production.
A lack of refining capacity has hamstrung the domestic petrochemical industry for years. With a desire for value-chain
integration, refining expansion plans - tripling capacity by 2017 - will improve margins.

Source: KPMG Analysis, SCBEIC, Oil & Gas Journal, BP Statistics

2014 KPMG Services Pte. Ltd. (Registration No: 200003956G), a Singapore incorporated company and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative
("KPMG International"), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.

Asia Pacific's Petrochemical Industry: A Tale of Contrasting Regions | 21

If ASEAN producers are to serve the nascent demand potential, they must drive
down feedstock costs and adapt to the surrounding competitive environment, or
downstream petrochemical consumers will look to China, US and Middle East to
access lower priced raw materials.
Singapore Innovation &
Singapore through its well-integrated
and modern refining, petrochemical,
storage and trading infrastructure
can act as a role model for the wider
region. Jurong Island illustrates
the proactive role of the Singapore
government in developing a
competitive and modern refining and
petrochemical industry.
For decades petrochemical companies
have been drawn to Singapore
because of its efficient infrastructure,
protection of intellectual property and
attractive fiscal regime.
The emerging economies with fast
growing populations (in particular:
Vietnam and Indonesia) have the
potential to become major demand

Keeping Ahead of the Curve

In Singapore, major IOCs have
recently pursued innovation initiatives
to enhance their petrochemical
capabilities in ASPAC. ExxonMobils
petrochemical expansion in 2013
was the single largest investment in
its chemicals business, contributing
a quarter of the companys global
chemicals capacity. The plant
develops a number of high
performance polymers and specialty
products, including proprietary


centers for finished products in Asia.

Petronas Refinery and Petrochemical
Integrated Development (RAPID)
project is an example of rising
competition in ASEAN. The complex
includes a naphtha cracker which will
produce 3mmt of ethylene, propylene,
C4 and C5 olefins annually. It also
includes a petrochemical and polymer
complex which will produce C4 and
C5 derivates. With such development,
Malaysias Johor belt has the potential
to become a leading integrated
refinery, petrochemical & storage
hub in ASPAC, following Singapores
journey. Such competition indicates
the intensifying competition within
ASEAN, particularly at the lower end
of the value chain.
In response to rising global and
regional competition, Singapore has

specialty elastomers.22
An example of the high performance
polymers can be seen in the
polypropylene chemical plant. The
plant is among the worlds highest
in capacity, using the ExxonMobil
Polypropylene Technology for producing
homo-polymer and impact co-polymer
resins. ExxonMobil also licenses this
proprietary innovation, which is a
pioneering integration of polypropylene
slurry and gas phase technologies.

adapted by shifting its petrochemical

focus towards value-add chemicals.
The governments long-standing
promotion of energy efficiency and
specialty products has generated
further international investment.
Various R&D science parks are
used to support technological
developments. Mitsui Chemical
established its first overseas R&D
Centre in Singapore R&D Centre
in 2006. Mitsui Chemical teamed
up with the governments A*Star
research agency to conduct research
on catalysis science and technology.
In 2006 BASF SE established its
R&D Lab. With ASEAN and Asian
basic chemical overcapacity issues,
Singapore has been proactive in
staying ahead of the technological
curve to remain competitive.

Illustrating the sectors continued

push towards innovation, the new
cracker gives ExxonMobil the capability
to bypass the refining processing
steps and process crude directly
into petrochemical products.23 Such
technological advancement is indicative
of the competitive forces in the
industry, helping ExxonMobil enhance
its operational and technological
excellence, while simultaneously
improving its energy efficiency and
lowering emissions.

ExxonMobil, Singapore Country Website, http://www.exxonmobil.com.sg/AP-English/about_who_profile_chemical.aspx

Interview, ExxonMobil, Singapore, March 2013, accessed via www.energyboardroom.com

2014 KPMG Services Pte. Ltd. (Registration No: 200003956G), a Singapore incorporated company and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative ("KPMG
International"), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.

22 | Asia Pacific's Petrochemical Industry: A Tale of Contrasting Regions

Singapore through its well-integrated and modern refining, petrochemical, storage

and trading infrastructure can act as a role model for the wider region.



Three Step Success Strategy

Dwindling Feedstock Supplies: Similar to North Asian

producers, ASEAN producers are exposed to high
operational (feedstock and utility) costs. It is not so much
the absolute feedstock cost, but the relative difference
compared to other regions such as the US, Middle East
and increasingly China. For now, the cost structure they are
operating on is significantly higher than these rival regions.

Diversify Feedstock: On the back of voracious domestic

demand, a number of ASEAN countries have bold plans for
their petrochemicals industry. New capacity builds need to
achieve feedstock flexibility, particularly NGLs.

Talent Crisis: NOCs in particular face a tremendous

challenge is procuring the talent with the right skill-set. In
ASEAN, finding talent with technical expertise, particularly in
engineering, is a difficult task.

Change Management: NOCs should seek third party change

management services. People and change management
is designed to facilitate the effective transition of an
organization and its people from current to future state and in
doing so support the realization of business benefits.

Going for Specialty: Singaporean producers with no

feedstock cost advantage should aim to reduce raw material
vulnerability by shifting away from commodity petrochemical
products and towards speciality products. Producers that
focus on specialty chemicals such as life sciences are more
exposed to technological prowess, than raw material costs.
Competitiveness: ASEAN countries, in particular
Vietnam, Indonesia and Malaysia, have embarked on basic
petrochemical product expansion. As a result of capacity
excesses in ASPAC, overcapacity in the olefins and aromatics
markets are suppressing market potential.

The petrochemical industry in
ASPAC must be regarded as a multifaceted, cross-regional system
with many moving parts. There are
also intra-regional dependencies which
impact competitive positioning and
relative success in the short and
longer term.
There are certain parameters that

Operational Restructuring: In light of the changing market

dynamics, ASEAN producers need to scrutinise their
operational structures. A successful strategy will focus on
quality business units, successfully divest non-performing
assets and ruthlessly restructure the operational cost base in
an effort to prepare for the next stage in the business cycle.

define how regions interact. Global

and regional supply and demand
forces are reshaping ASPACs
petrochemical industry, with influence
from as far as the US and China. No
region or country is immune to the
fast changing trade, supply and capital
flows shaping the industry. Chinas selfsufficiency drive and its subsequent
erosion of North Asias petrochemical
standing, demonstrates how one

region can impact another.

To compete sustainably in this
evolving ecosystem, investors and
producers must adapt to their regional
environments. Through introspection,
ASPAC based petrochemical producers
must rationalise their portfolios,
enhance their operational excellence
and ensure that they strategically adapt
to macro trends and market realities.

2014 KPMG Services Pte. Ltd. (Registration No: 200003956G), a Singapore incorporated company and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative
("KPMG International"), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.

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Pek Hak Bin
Partner, Head of Energy & Natural
T: +65 6411 8138
E: pekhb@kpmg.com.sg
Mark Elia
Director, Energy & Natural Resources
T: +65 6507 1900
E: melia@kpmg.com.sg
Tim Rockell
Director, KPMG Global Energy Institute
Asia Pacific
KPMG in Singapore
T: +65 6507 1998
E: trockell1@kpmg.com.sg
Paul Harnick
Global COO, Chemicals and
Performance Technologies
T: +44 2076 948 532
E: paulharnick@kpmg.com



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2014 KPMG Services Pte. Ltd. (Registration No: 200003956G), a Singapore incorporated company and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms
affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative ("KPMG International"), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.
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Publication name: Asia Pacific's Petrochemical Industry: A Tale of Contrasting Regions

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